Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Practical Steps for a Healthy Marriage Compassion and Mercy

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of focusing on positive and negative aspects of life, rather than just focusing on what is good or bad. They suggest that it is important to focus on positive aspects, rather than just focusing on negative
the brain is constantly undergoing changes every 10 years. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of trusting oneself and not just focusing on negative
the brain is constantly undergoing changes every 10 years.
AI: Transcript ©
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Unfortunately, our climate that we're living in right now, of

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consumerism and selfishness, that doesn't give us much room for

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mercy, and for selflessness, because we learn to indulge, it's

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so easy nowadays to take what you want and just throw what you don't

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want away, and just get something new. So that's why it's very

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difficult to do that in a marriage. See what I'm saying?

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You can't do that in a, in a human relationship, we have to really

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deeply invest our emotions for our spouse.

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It's a give and take situation, right? With Husband wife is a give

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and take situation. And the other thing that you have to realize is

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that marriage is not just about ticking boxes, or fulfilling the

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50 requirements, what is my right towards my wife, and what is my

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right towards my husband. And that's it, just these two and

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these, I'm not going to do anything else never works that

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way. Never works that way. Those are just fundamental things, the

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fuqaha. The juris just left everything else to culture and to

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social norm, social demands. So anything that is not haram, and

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that's demanded, it should be fulfilled by husband and wife.

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That's very important.

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Let's say that you had an ideal spouse in mind, or when you got

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married in with your spouse, he or she has certain flaws, telling you

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this from personal experience, right? You have an ideal, this is

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what you wanted. But now you've got a wife, right? Or husband, and

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they have certain flaws. What are you going to do now? You think if

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you get another one, they're going to be perfect. grass is greener on

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the other side, they're probably going to have this they may not

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have certain problems, but then have other problems. Every human

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being is like that. What are you supposed to do? This is what the

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scholars tell us to do. And I guarantee you that this works.

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Firstly, the hadith of Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu. He says that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that layup for men

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and Minuten that a believer should not despise his wife. For if there

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is any quality he dislikes, because there's certain qualities

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that you dislike, there will be certainly others that he would be

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pleased with. So what is he telling us to do? Focus on the

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positives, focus on the good.

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They will be disliked. But there will be other things. If she talks

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too much. Maybe she's a very good cook, though.

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If she doesn't cook so well, but maybe in every other way. She just

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makes you so happy.

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Intimately intimacy, whatever else. All right. Look at the

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positives. Is he looking at positives, there's some people

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that are just very negative, they always focus on the negative. A

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lot of people are like that. They always look out for the negatives.

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Even there's 100 positives and 20 negatives, they'll focus on the

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negatives. One negative and 10 positive, they'll focus on the

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negative No, they just pick it up. They're like business investors,

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they just see an opportunity so they see negativity. Don't be like

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a pig.

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A pig when it goes into an orchard, it goes and looks for the

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rubbish because they used to that be like a nightingale. When a

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nightingale goes into an orchard it looks for the most beautiful

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flower goes there and sings. Just positivity

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helps a lot. It's not harmful at all.

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Because if you're going to be constantly negative, you may

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eventually end up with nobody around you because you're going to

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be considered negative. Then the second thing that you do is you

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read the following dua Robina habla Naaman as Vergina with RIA

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Tina Kurata Aryan, what's your analysis tacchini Mama, oh, our

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Lord, grant us this is a Quranic dua by the way, grant us from our

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spouses, and our progeny, our children, grandchildren, etc,

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those that will gladden our eyes

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and make us the leaders of the righteous people. So you know what

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the benefit day is, the other man mentioned that if you keep reading

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this Quranic dua, which is very powerful, slowly, slowly, Allah

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and you keep focusing on the positive and not the negative. And

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I tell you this from experience that this works, Allah will either

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change your spouse

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to be all positive, or the negative things, you will be happy

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to ignore them, they won't matter to you anymore.

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They will matter to you anymore. And the positives will satisfy you

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to such a degree that you will be very, you will be very happy with

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them that you won't the negatives won't bother you anymore.

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And I guarantee you that this works if you if you approach this

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in this way with a trust in Allah.

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Because if I'm bothered by somebody who does certain things.

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For example, there were there were two vegetables that I could never

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I could never see myself ever eating them. I would

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Just never eat those vegetables. But I've started eating them

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reason and I'm actually started enjoying them now.

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Human beings have an ability to change. In fact, what the

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psychologists will tell you about the brain is that

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every 10 years couples every 10 years undergo a change. It's every

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10 years they undergo change. You would be different when you're 40

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From when you're 30.

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Many you know based on your experiences and everything like

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