Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Needing Allah’s Mercy More When Doing Good Deeds [Hikam 132]
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The importance of obeying Allah's guidance and showing off behavior is emphasized. The importance of shaping one's life to elevate one's self-esteem and avoid punishment, and the need for forgiveness and graduation of bad deeds is also emphasized. The importance of having a strong mindset to avoid mistakes and avoid confusion, and the need for divine kindness and mercy is also emphasized. Online lectures and local law are also discussed, along with a course on Islamic essentials.
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So that's what he's saying. He says that you need Allah's
clemency a lot more when you obey Him than when you disobey him.
Okay? Why don't you need when you disobey Him, you've done a sin.
Well, after that you do need forgiveness. That's another
attribute, you need His forgiveness. You need his patients
there as well. You need his help as well. But usually what happens
is this is again, not speaking about somebody who's constantly
doing bad deeds that he's become.
So used to them, they become second, second nature, they become
his personality. They become him. He doesn't care. It's second
nature. He just does it.
They just keep doing it. It's become them. That's their
personality. Now, that's their behavior. That's the way they
is become ingrained. He's not talking to that person.
That person definitely needs a lot of help.
But we're talking about people on the path who are concerned when
they do end up committing a sin. A person who's concerned if they do
end up committing a sin, they're going to be broken.
That's the person is comparing it with
this we love you Rahmani Raheem Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala
Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barakato are seldom at
the Sleeman girthier on Eli Yomi Dean amerit hamdulillah we've
reached the page 105 It's wisdom number 132. Today, which is on
page 105 of the book, this is what he says
even Otto Illa Eskandari Rahim Allah is saying and the Illa Hilmi
he either a TATA who were Zhu Min kala Hilmi he either as a hitter
Very interesting, and the Illa helped me he is a doctor who who
Minka. Illa Hilmi he is an outsider who
you are more in need.
In his forbearance, which means you need his forbearance and his
patience with you.
Meaning Allah subhanaw taala does you need much more when you obey
When you obey Allah, you need his forbearance and his patience a lot
more than when you disobey Him.
How does that even make any sense?
You're obeying Him, you're disobeying Him. When you obey Him,
you actually need his supper, his health, his clemency, his
forbearance, and his restraint a lot more than you need it when you
obey Him. When you disobey him actually.
Does that mean that you're better off disobeying him?
Remember, when these statements are made? They are, this is not
for the common folk will misunderstand this and then say,
okay, if I need his patience more when I obey Him, then I'd rather
just disobey Him because that seems to be better. This is for
people on the path. These are for people who are serious, who've
understood Allah subhanaw taala, to ascertain, you know,
to a certain level, and they want to refine their worship, they just
making refinements now they're already on the path to worship. So
what exactly does this mean, it's rather confusing for a lot of
people. What he's saying is that when you when you're obeying Him,
then you need to be much more careful and you need ALLAH SubhanA
wa Tada, you need to focus on his, on his health. And his
forbearance. Hill essentially means somebody who's got a lot of
restraint, and who's got who kind of
who has restraint, clemency forbearance, that somebody who
doesn't have that, they will just judge you straightaway, and then
they'll punish you or they'll respond to you straightaway. A
person with clemency or forbearance is somebody who
understands that people make mistakes, that are more tolerant,
they take it more easy with you, they give you a chance. That's
what the Haleem is the one who is Haleem that's why a Hadith of the
Prophet says, la Halima Illa zoo authority.
The one who slipped before is usually going to be the one who
has some clemency. If you've never slept before, and you're
perfectionist in everything, then if anybody makes a mistake, you're
going to be really, really frustrated. Whereas if you've made
mistakes before, and you've had experience with the way things
work, then
you're probably going to understand much better what other
people are going through, you're gonna have a bit more empathy, a
bit more restraint, a bit more forbearance, that's what you call
Haleem. And Allah is the ultimate Haleem. He's got people who
disobey Him
reject Him, deny him, blaspheme him violate, and he still gives
them, he's got a lot of restraint. He's got a lot of restraints. So
that's what you call Haleem. And he's saying that you need that
characteristic of Allah of him, and a forbearance when you're
obeying Him more than when you're disobeying Him. That doesn't make
disobeying better than obeying, it's just that when you obey, then
you need Allah subhanho wa Taala attributes of him to come in, you
know, to, to be there, to receive that obedience. Why?
So that the simple thing is this. In other words, when you obey
Allah subhanaw taala, when you do any act of obedience,
this kind of ties in slightly with what we've been speaking about for
the last few sessions, but it's different. In those it was that
when you do an obedience, you're looking for reward. And he set us
right by saying that
you're doing a good deed.
You should already recognize that Allah consider you worthy of doing
the good deeds. So what what kind of reward are you looking for?
It's already a reward that he chose you to do the good deed,
Now, if we get across all of that, there's another problem that comes
up. shaytaan doesn't want us to do good deeds, he doesn't want us to,
he wants us to do bad deeds. If we overcome that, overcome shaitan we
actually do the good deed,
or abstain from the bad deed, then he comes in and attacks in another
He'll try to corrupt the good deeds that we've done, how do you
corrupt a good deed we made solid Well, there's a special shaytaan
designated for solid, there's one for will do as well, that causes
doubts and confusions in that.
So what shaytan wants to do essentially, is to spoil the good
deed that we have, for a we have mashallah overcome the shaytaan.
To do. So one of the big things that happens and you know, telling
me if that's an experience that when you start doing good deeds,
especially at the beginning, and we're from a circle of people who
don't do good deeds,
then you feel very proud of it
shouldn't be any problem with that really? Hamdulillah I did the good
deed these guys, they don't do the good deed. I'm better than him.
What's his issue?
I'm superior to him.
Right? Look how bad this guy's at least I pray.
So there's a level of showing off and boasting that takes place with
good deeds.
Unless you know that that's going to be an issue. So when you say
no, I'm not going to show off in this.
When you read a pinata, Allah, when you read all of these
guidances, that at the end of the day, he's the one who chose me.
Well, it just thank you Allah. Why should I show off about that
there's nothing to show up. I couldn't have done it without him,
considering me worthy anyway. So this is another clarification,
that stop looking for rewards, because you've already got your
reward. And number two, Stop showing off. You can't show up you
have no right to show off. At the end of the day, it's Allah who is
allowing you to do this anyway. So now can you see that if we do a
good deed,
if you do a good deed, and you then start showing off and you
start feeling conceited, and you start feeling self elevated,
then that's when the punishment of Allah comes because Allah doesn't.
Allah has equated showing off to shake. It's a category of shake.
And shake is one of the worst things that you could do. Shift
means ascribing partners to Allah. So I'm showing off like I did
this. That means I'm not attributing to anybody, I'm
ashamed to myself that I was able to do this. No, you are not able
to do this. You are only able to do this because Allah allowed you
to do it. So you've forgotten Allah. The only time you can feel
like this is if you've forgotten Allah. That's why we need to think
of Allah when we before we do the deed, while we're doing the deed.
And also after doing the deed that oh Allah accept it. I've done it
for you.
So that's what he's saying. He says that you need Allah's
clemency a lot more when you obey Him. Then when you disobey him,
Okay, why don't you need when you disobey Him, you've done a sin.
Well, after that you do need forgiveness. That's another
attribute. You need His forgiveness. You need his patience
there as well. You need his help as well. But usually what happens
is this is again, not speaking about somebody who's constantly
doing bad deeds that he's become.
So used to them, they become self second nature. They become his
personality. They become him. He doesn't care. It's second nature.
He just does it.
They just keep doing it. It's become them. That's their purse.
analogy now that's their behavior. That's the way they function
is become ingrained. He's not talking to that person.
That person definitely needs a lot of help.
But we're talking about people on the path who are concerned, when
they do end up committing a sin. A person who's concerned if they do
end up committing a sin, they're going to be broken.
That's the person is comparing it with, they're going to be guilty.
They're going to be remorseful, they're going to be in a very,
very sorry state. And they already brokenhearted that, oh, Allah, you
need to help me. I've done this sin again, I've committed this
wrong again, I've fallen again, I've stumbled.
That's the person he's comparing the person who does a good deed,
and then he starts showing off compared to the person who does a
bad deed and feels really, really, really, really bad about it.
Now, when you feeling bad about it, then you can see that you're
already connected to Allah. Because when you feel bad, why you
feeling bad, as long as you're not feeling bad, because somebody else
is going to find out as long as Allah who's going to find out
that's another problem that can creep in here that we're worried
about what other people will say, but not what Allah says. It's
okay, Allah doesn't do anything. But people can't, you know, people
don't take prisoners, you know, they, they really murder you for
these kinds of things.
So you understand what he's saying that these are for this is for
people on the path who are concerned about this thing that
when they do a good deed, they still shaytaan can make you feel
like you want to show off with it. You want to ascribe it to
yourself, you want to boast and allow pride to sit in, compared to
the person who commits a bad deed, and then he's just broken about
it. So that's the comparison he's making. So for the person who does
the good deed and starts to show off, that person needs Allah's
forbearance, Otherwise Allah will punish him.
So let us look at this in a bit more detail now that we've
understood it, ignore it, but he says that Uttara bissa Tuileries
will refer
when you do a good deed that lays the foundation for you to elevate
yourself and think of yourself as mighty way. Because when you do a
good deeds, good deeds or high good deeds,
elevating because the deeds for Allah. So then you see knowledge,
when you're studying when you study some good knowledge of the
Quran, sunnah, and so on. Or when you do a good deed, both of these
are lofty factors. They're lofty worships. So what happens is
shaytaan uses them to make you feel lofty, because you've done a
good deed or because you learn something new. You've just had
this wonderful class. And he taught you something really,
really important. And really significant and profound. The none
of your family knows this hadith, or this special subtle
understanding of this hadith, none of your friends know, only I know
it, you just come out of that class, walking on air. And reefer
felt like that sometimes. So because of the loftiness of what
you've learned, or what you've just done, it makes you feel
lofty, and elevated.
That's shaytans way of making of spoiling it now. So he says, Then,
what happens is you start loving that for yourself, there's a
shower, and there's a desire and a pleasure that's attained for the
knifes in doing that.
The other thing is that from a third person, another person's
perspective, when they see a person doing a lot of worship,
don't they normally honor that person? Most people who are sound
hearted, right? Not the mischievous, not those who hate
good deeds and they feel guilty when they see somebody else. Why
are you doing that for? We're talking about a lot of people who
respect good deeds. I will Marcia this guy always come so solid.
He's always in the first stuff. He's always helping out. He's
always donating, they're gonna look at you with honor. There's a
kromm, there's respect that you're going to receive. So we suddenly
start focusing on that.
And then we've messed it up.
Meaning the person doing the good deed because they're receiving all
of this honor, they start focusing on that. Let me do more, I'll get
more on. I'll become a way of Allah in the sight of people. I'll
become the willie of people rather than the willie of Allah. Right.
So people you'll have Luna Sahib authority of the HERA whale whales
or Runa. Who behind it that LVM they look at this person with
respect. When you buy the Runa era he will hit Matthew with the cream
they come and serve this person and they want to honor this person
and they want to be friend this person feels good, doesn't it?
The problem is that there's a rule what could Luma alguma fee I email
hulky Sakata Gemini in il hawk. Every time you if you enjoy
becoming greater in the sight of people, you will drop in the sight
of Allah because your focus is wrong.
Every time that you want to feel big, you know, big and big up as
they say and greater in the sight of people, you your focus is wrong
in Canada for a hobby that equates to be doing ill medical health
biller Filmhouse. Here, this is the gonna be the problem with good
deeds that he could make you feel like that if you don't careful
about one of these side effects of a good deed, these are one of the
side effects of a good deed, a negative side effect. And once you
know, then you can do something about it. It just we need to know
that's what it is. shaytaan has various ways of doing it.
As opposed to a bad deed, as opposed to a bad deed. For innama
here beside to the dually. Well, in bizarre when you do a bad deed,
it makes you feel gutted, makes you feel lonely, makes you feel
It makes you feel broken, remorseful.
And you don't want to show your face to people you think like
Subhanallah, I'm so thankful that they don't know what I'm what I've
just done, that they don't understand what's going through my
mind. They don't see what I've done in privacy. Good job, they
don't know what I do when nobody's around.
what would they think?
Then you've got a possibility of raising Why are you thinking like
this, you've got a possibility of being raised in the sight of Allah
subhanaw taala.
So that's why he's saying that any servant while he's in a state of
obedience, he's going to need his Lord's clemency and patience a lot
more, and his forgiveness and pardon a lot more than when he's
doing a disobedience.
Because when he's doing a good deed, then it can create this
arrogance within him. And that that particular arrogance,
creating good deeds, so it's not all good deeds. It's the arrogance
creating good deeds is more despicable than that disobedience,
not every disobedience but that disobedience which creates this
lonely loneliness, and servitude and desire to be forgiven by Allah
subhanaw taala. So he's talking about a particular good deed and a
particular type of bad deed.
In fact, he says, burn Phil happy got elated, because this
particular good deed that made you show off is not even an obedience.
It's actually a disobedience. And then he says that this
disobedience that you just did the sin that you ended up committing.
That actually made you closer to Allah, that you feel I need
Allah's pardon I made you closer to Allah is actually another
Don't get deceived by them. Let me do more of those. And I'll just
feel close to Allah and I'll enjoy myself and also feel close to
Allah. No, that's not going to work. This is after the fact.
You happen to do it. And then you just felt so mean and so bad about
it that I want to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala. So look, why
is that better? Ultimately, in hindsight, why that becomes
better, and there has to be some kind of preparation of the heart
for a person to feel like that after a bad deed.
Which means if I do fail, and I it's one of those weak moments,
and I fail, then I felt so bad about this. And I stayed away from
this for so many days, so many months, or whatever the case is,
and then I've committed this. There's a hadith in which it's a
hadith and kotse the prophets, Allah Some said that Allah says,
and are in the lumen kasi roti, Kaluga, whom mean actually, I am
with those whose hearts are broken for my sake, not for the sake of
the dunya I am with those whose hearts are broken for my sake,
meaning they're worried about me of what I'm gonna think about
them. They're concerned about what perspective I'm going to have
about them. They're concerned about the way I look at them now
that I did this bad deed what a shameful thing, how embarrassing
that is, What is Allah gonna think about me, I am with those people.
You make a dua at that time and you don't get accepted.
Women can Allah who are in the HuFa who are alpha women, LP
motori into G Bula. Who are two who thought of the who were born.
Subhanallah anybody who Allah subhanaw taala is with because of
this state that they've they've that they've fallen into, that
person is superior to 1000 obedient people whose obedience
makes them far from Allah because they attribute it to themselves
and they dig themselves up because of it.
Allah subhanaw taala he
inspired one of his Ambia it he was salam to say to the people
Cooley arriba, the acidity in LA El Toro tel gon announced to me
I really truthful ones, those who are really truthful in their
worship and everything to me that they should not be deceived.
They should not be deceived, they should not be in some kind of
delusion, because of the good deeds that they're doing. They
have to be very careful that it doesn't lead them into these
pitfalls. For in the in Akima, lay him I believe Augusti or Azubu
home, higher volume in the home, because if I was to
treat them, and take them into account with my perfect justice
and fairness, then I could completely punish them, without
oppressing them in the least because they must have some, they
must have some weakness in what they did and some short coming in
what they did was their worship 100% kind of worship are you
giving me so if I wanted to deal with them with absolute fairness,
that I'm going to punish you for any non perfect action? Then I
could punish them and I'd be totally just in doing so without
oppressing them. Because they can't give me something fully.
And then he says, that tell what could lay rebar the ol hottie in
La Jolla is Sue me and rahmati tell tell my servants who make
mistakes, who keep falling, that they should not be despondent of
My Mercy find a hula, Yak boudoir, lay them burn a pharaoh. Because
ultimately, there is no sin that is so big that I can't even
forgive it.
Meaning it's open for you to be forgiven. So one has to be very
careful the way they look at the deeds that they do good and bad.
There's a way to turn good deeds into proper good deeds, and not to
allow them to become bad deeds, in a sense, is not that complicated,
just needs a bit of effort. Because Allah wants pure Allah is
by him. Allah subhanaw taala is Jamil and he only likes the
beautiful and he only likes the pure that does not give him the
impure. And likewise, when one commits a sin after the fact then
it's like okay, I've committed this. Let me let me feel the right
way about this.
A Sheikh Abu Zaid are the Allah one who said Toba to Marcia Diwa
Very simple when you've done a sin. There's one Toba that you do
I've done this sin I've done this wrong. I've done this disobedience
is a single single type of there's a single type of Toba, you have to
do that. But over 230 l photo button he says that if you've done
a good deed, then you have to do 100,000 different types of doba to
make sure that you're not doing anything wrong in that because she
attacks you afterwards. He didn't want you to do the good deed, you
want to do a bad deed. Now that you've done a good deed is going
to cause a lot of confusion in your mind
is going to cause a lot of confusion in your mind about why
you did it and what you're going to get out of it and how you are
La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah now look at the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam, the prophet Alison doesn't commit
sins, the province allows him is perfect worship that anybody could
do would be the province of lawlessness, perfect worship. Why?
Because he knows Allah better than anyone else. And he is the most
perfect servant. So there's somebody who can do the most
perfect worship it is it's the Prophet sallallahu Sallam however,
he does the one of the most superior forms of worship with is
solid and straight after a solid he says Estelle federal law stuff,
federal law stuff that Allah many times I seek forgiveness Allah, I
seek forgiveness in Allah three times. Why does he do that after
one of the loftiest forms of worship?
That is the other piece teaching us.
He is teaching us. This is teaching us that you could have
shortcoming so do stick for straightaway. So that it doesn't
make you feel bloated afterwards. That's if we know why we say stick
for a lot of people that stuff will last for a while afterwards.
They say Allahu Akbar as well. And I don't know why they're doing
this. There's a special reason for all of these things. I could have
made a mistake in this I probably did make a mistake. It was short
of perfection. That's why I'm making a mistake for three times.
I'm not doing a stick for three times to get more reward. So a lot
of people think that it's sooner to do all of these Earth car after
solid three times a stick fire is to get more reward. Well, you
probably do get more reward not saying you're not the real purpose
and be this way people lose out. They don't know why they think you
think Well, the reason you're saying is you should be thinking
I've just done these two or four cards or three rockets of prayer.
I probably made some mistake a stuffer Allah, I seek refuge I
seek forgiveness Allah in the mistakes I made. How many of us
think of that it's more like I have to read a StuffIt Allah
Allahu manda Solomon These are the words I get reward extra reward is
bonus rewards on salah. No, there's more to do more to it than
that. It's literally to feel that. In fact, have you heard in the
beginning of the hotbar and a ban?
We started as Allahu when a start, you know who when Estelle Pharaoh
who made Obi Wan at our casually, essentially what we do
That's not just some kind of rhetoric at the beginning, it's
literally we're saying to Allah, that we're praising you, and so on
and we don't do disobedience and we don't do the Kufa and, and so
on. We're asking you for your help. And then we say, one or two
bIllahi min surely and fusina. Have you heard that? Narrow the
bIllahi min surely and fusina women say, Yeah, Dr. Medina, and
we are seeking refuge from the evils of the self. Because I'm in
this place, I'm going to give you a hotspot, I'm going to give you a
br and I'm going to give you a lecture. And I'm going to feel
really good about it that I'm standing here giving you a Bian,
Allah has chosen me and not you, I'm better than you guys know how
to work with three LaVilla. So the speaker reminds himself at the
beginning that I am seeking refuge from the evils of myself to make
me feel this way. But it should not make me feel this way. And
from my bad actions, if these people find out my bad actions,
they won't even be sitting here to be honest.
So our system is so perfect. It's got everything built in. But I
think we've just forgotten focusing on it. And most of it is
just repetition. And it's just ritualistic. It's become very
forgotten the reason for saying
it's the far off the prayer.
Like why do you say a stuffy laughter prayer
is not to just get extra reward, it's actually to seek forgiveness.
And that is something one of our shakes that I finished touch. And
I went to see him he said, Look first
thank Allah that He allowed you to do the Hajj, then straight after
seek forgiveness for any shortcomings in it. You want to
thank Allah Hajj is a big deal. All of these good deeds are big
deeds, right? So thank you, Allah hamdulillah all praises to Allah,
that you allowed me to do this. Forgive any
any mistakes and shortcomings in this regard.
Robina Taco Bell Mina in Mecca and SMU and it Autobahn Aina in the
country, the web Rahim
Ibrahim Ali, some bills the house of Allah. And since Robin
attackable mean I've done the job, now accept it from me.
And relent to us, relent to us. So that's what that's essentially
what's going on here. So in that sense, when a person who's
religious and who's focused and they end up making a mistake, and
then after that, they really feel bad about it. And they feel really
really far from Allah subhanaw taala so then they try to get
closer to Allah subhanaw taala than that is proper servitude.
That is exactly what Allah subhanaw taala wants. That is the
approach he wants from us when we commit wrong doings. But the thing
is that if we
you can only feel like that if you prepare yourself. Because if you
keep doing this every day, you're going to lose that if you keep
doing sins every day, you're going to lose that ability to feel
remorse. Because eventually when you do something enough times the
taboo of it is lost.
So then,
you know, if it's the first time I've done a sin, I feel really bad
about it. So I can actually feel emotionally broken. Now if I do it
the next day again, I feel emotionally broke. I do the third
day and then what shaytaan does, he comes again says we're doing it
every day, man. He's not gonna forgive you anyway.
You're messed up, forget it.
There's a lot of psychology. There's a there's a there's a lot
of stress here. Right? There's a lot of challenges here. That's why
we, we know we're going to fall. Right? But may Allah subhanaw
taala not allow us to fall too often, in fact, not at all.
Right? May Allah allow us not to fall at all. And whenever we do
fall, then may Allah allow us to feel broken. So that even that
fall can make us closer to Allah subhanaw taala.
So that was what he said. I'm going to read to you what Sheikh
Abdullah gringo he now
is how he explains this got rather lengthy a commentary on this to
explain this. It says, The Excellence and loftiness of the
servant are in his awareness that the actual goal of all worship is
only Allah Most High. If you want to be lofty, the only way to get
lofty is when you know that everything only has to be
that the goal must be Allah subhanaw taala must sign
everything nothing else should be in our mind thus at all times, and
in all acts his gaze must remain focused on Allah Most High as a
beggar might solicit food from his benefactor. Like he's just the
good beggars. They know how to really make their eyes and
everything, right like they make it seem like you're the only one
who can do something for them.
They know how to play that. Whether they do it sincerely or
otherwise they know how to make you feel as if you're the only one
who can help them because they're tugging at the heartstrings.
His we need to do that sincerely with Allah.
Otherwise, you fake it until you make it, you make it. So you say
you cry and you show that until you actually do feel that way. His
actions, deeds and even his existence are completely out of
his sight being a human with his own actions, his deeds and his
existence are completely out of his sight. When he's got this
special, excellent state that he doesn't think about his own self.
His reliance is only on Allah Most i that he made me do this, he
allowed me to do this. The heart derive solace from only Allah and
the direction of his heart is only focused on him. There remains
absolutely no trust in one's own efforts and plans.
The contempt civility and the destruction of the servant are
brought about when his attention turns to his own ego, and he
becomes pleased with his deeds as though he is in reality
responsible for their creation, and where he begins to value
When the servant develops this disposition, he becomes expelled
and thrown out from the Divine Court. And then he could even
become a cursed
Allah save us. Now understand that when the seven sins, he is in need
of Allah's kindness. For if he is denied divine kindness, then
Allah's punishment will overtake him. He therefore requests the
divine kindness to avoid being apprehended, and to secure pardon
for his sins. Whereas the person who did the good deed is not
worried about love kindness, he just did the deed I did little
hamdulillah great man, I did it. He's not focused on anything.
Since obedience and worship are in fact divine pleasure. The issue of
kindness does not arise in the servants mind when you do
obedience. You're not thinking about Allah's kindness. You're
like I did the deed, man. That's what I'm supposed to do. I did it.
Kindness is perceived as necessary when an act is rendered in
conflict with divine pleasure. However, very often the opposite
should occur to the servant ie the need for divine kindness at the
time of obedience is greater than at the time of sin.
Oh Allah accepted our low just done this Ramadan accepted,
accepted. The explanation of this paradoxical claim is as follows.
It is natural disposition of the believer the movement to be
wrecked by remorse after commissioning of sin. He becomes
overwhelmed by regret, grief and self contempt. He despises and
detest himself his own self. He doesn't think of himself as
anything he thinks I'm very bad. He gains greater humility, and he
hastens to supplicate for forgiveness in the Divine Court.
In this pitiful state, his gaze is not on his effort and deed of
repentance. That attitude of complete dependence on Allah's
kindness becomes ingrained in his heart. He is fully aware that
apart from Allah's mercy, grace and kindness, there is no other
refuge for him. This attribute that has he has subsequently
developed is the objective that is supposed to be cultivated at the
state of excellence of a believer
should get that through good deeds.
On the other hand, sometimes after obedience and worship, the
servants gaze falls on his own deeds. I do so much work, I help
so many people, I donate so much. He then becomes vain, considering
himself an obedient servant and a pious worship Abbot. He feels that
he has discharged Allah's rights I've done I've done my part.
Hence, he believes that he must be rewarded as though his worship was
characterized by excellence. In this state, his gaze is on his own
efforts, and he ceases to rely on Allah's grace and mercy.
Therefore, it will not be surprising if Allah's wrath
settles on him on account of his vanity and pride. And he thus
becomes the object of divine displeasure on the occasion of
this type of obedience, the servant is in greater need of
divine kindness than his need at the time of selling. So that's
what if not, I thought you lemon meant in that we ask Allah
subhanaw taala to not have any bad deeds that that you know, however
they are, but we ask Allah for good deeds that we actually
understand and recognize are coming from ALLAH that get
accepted from him and where our hearts are not part of it. May
Allah give us that tofi allotment Sinha, woman Casella generally
with the Quran.
Allah with me or hey you Yatta you rock medical history Thea knew him
and then you know he learned Subhanak a NACA nominal it mean
you don't have
a few years.
Yeah, the generic with the Quran. Yeah. Latif. Yeah.
Latif Latif Allahu molto fina la molto bene Allahumma Finnland our
Hamner wife in our had been our Allah we ask you for your special
mercies on this gathering of Allah we ask you for your special
generosity for your kindness of Allah for Your Mercy of Allah for
your forgiveness of Allah wipe our sins clean. Oh Allah Oh ALLAH
remove all of our bad habits and our bad deeds of Allah
protect us from
everything which is bad, our Allah protect us from all which is
wrong, protect us from everything which is blameworthy, protect us
from humiliation especially of this world and the hereafter. Oh
Allah forgive us our wrongdoings, our laziness, our distractions,
our delay our procrastinations of Allah and our transgressions and
sins of Allah, our violations of Allah we ask You for protection.
And we ask you for forgiveness. We ask You for purity of Allah. We
ask You for taqwa, we ask You for Your fear of Allah we ask You for
Your Reverend fear. We ask you for your love of Allah, we ask You for
consciousness. And for your clemency of Allah we ask You for
Your clemency and your forbearance of Allah allow us to do the good
deeds which are purely for you of Allah protect us from all bad
deeds of Allah turn all of our bad deeds into good ones of Allah turn
all of our bad deeds into good deeds for us, or Allah.
Reward these authors reward these people who have taught us so much
all the way up to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam send
Your abundant blessings and the messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and Allah allow us to be in his company on the day
of judgment of Allah make the best moment only stand in front of you
of Allah and make the best days of our life, the final days of our
life. Oh Allah, grant us good health, Allah, with everything
that you have given us, we thank you because you have given us some
more than so many others in this world of Allah We ask that you do
not make it a burden for us you do not make it a trial for us you do
not make it a temptation for us towards the wrong. Oh Allah
protect us and our families, our children, our progeny, until the
day of judgment, from all the evils which are out there and all
the evils which will come about and oh Allah we ask that you keep
us firm and steadfast on your faith. And Allah make our entire
progeny the coolness and gladness of our eyes. And our Allah allow
us to be a coolness and gladness for your Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa salam eyes and our Allah allow us, allow him, allow him to be
happy with us on the day of judgment of Allah you'll be happy
with us both in this world and the hereafter make us the way you want
us to be our Allah make us the way you want us to be. Our situation
is dire Allah we wake up in the morning with good intention but by
the evening we have lost ourselves, Oh Allah, we start off
good in the evening sometimes by the morning we have corrupted
ourselves of Allah we start off close and we go far and sometimes
we go so far we don't come back of Allah grant us restraint grant us
the ability to withhold ourselves from that which is wrong and which
is blameworthy which is problematic which is disobedience
of Allah, Oh Allah we ask you for
the right understanding our Allah bless all of those who prepare
these materials and who allow them to happen who who organized them
and who assisted them and who attend them. And oh Allah make it
beneficial for all of us. I know Allah allow us to all be accepted
for some kind of service and hidden for your deen along with
all of our families of Allah keep us on the straight path. Oh Allah,
what a wonderful path that you have given us. Keep us on the
straight path. There are so many distractions today. There are so
many other things that we can be doing and that seek our attention
and that tried to capture us in that trade to take us and oh Allah
we ask that you keep us on the straight path, the path that you
love and make your obedience beloved in our heart and our law.
We asked you for janitor for those so that we can see you. Oh Allah
we can be in the company of your messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. Subhana Rob Baker Abdullah is it here on my LC
phone I sit down when I almost said you know Al hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil aalameen.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials set
tificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of that
inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the most
important topics in Islam and you will feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here in Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.