Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Muhasibi’s Risalah Part 10 Submit to the Decree

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of faith in achieving the ultimate goal is discussed, with a brief recap of a situation where a woman named Probably was in prison for a serious crime and wrote a letter to the police. The woman eventually gets angry and becomes upset, leading her to write a letter to the police. The transcript suggests that the woman is not a pious person, but she is a woman who wants others to do the same.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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salatu salam, O Allah Azza, you didn't mursaleen while he was

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happy he or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral, you know,

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your meeting of merit. We had been speaking about believing in Qatar.

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And what that means is not just as an article of faith that if

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somebody asks us what are the fundamental beliefs that you have

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as a Muslim, and we say, we believe in Allah and His angels,

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and His scriptures, and the Last Day, and Qadr This is a belief

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that people have on paper, as an article of faith, but it needs to

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become a reality. And that's why he had said that you will never

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feel the pleasure of a man you will never taste the man, what it

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truly is what faith truly is, until you believe in your heart,

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you believe it, you interact with it, and it becomes a reality in

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your life. And thus, it is not something that we just bring up

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when asked to reaffirm our faith, but rather,

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on a personal level, each time something happens to us, we bring

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in mind, Allah subhanaw taala.

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And coder doesn't, what's expected of us is not that you have to

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believe I believe in the coder of Allah. But rather, when something

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happens that is maybe a bit unfavorable. Then we think of

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Allah and we say, Allah subhanaw taala knows, Allah has when a

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loved one you're lucky. So it's that interaction that this is

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actually speaking about. Because when you the whole point of it is

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that it's supposed to make life easier, and take out the concern

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and the worry, knowing that Allah subhanaw taala is with us.

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The more a person thinks about Allah subhanho wa Taala and how

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he's in control of everything. How he's behind everything. Then it

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alleviates his feeling of helplessness, aloneness,

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estrangement, loneliness, of course, and depression. Because

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you think Allah subhanaw taala he knows anyway. So what he wants,

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I've tried my best.

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Likewise, when something good happens, then we don't attribute

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it to ourselves. We say, Allah Subhana Allah Shaka, Allah sugar.

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He gave us this, you have food on your table, and mashallah you have

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good food. When you think Allah subhanho wa Taala you're given a

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gift, something good happens in your life, something favorable

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happens in your life. And you think about Allah, that's the way

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I look at Qatar. Because really, that's the maxim and the objective

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of it. As Allah says in the Quran, de la Sol Adama Fatah, while at

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the frog will be Mata so that you don't

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feel depressed and

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despondent when something misses you.

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And something misses you and you couldn't get it, then you don't

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keep crying. And likewise, if you do have something and you do

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attain something later fro you don't exalt about it, you don't

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get arrogant about it, just to moderate us. Until then you're not

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gonna we're not going to feel the pleasure of Eman. Eman is supposed

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to create the balance within us. And you can only have that balance

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with Allah subhanho wa Taala like this. So it's just about trying to

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remember a lot each time.

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So there's a very easy because what, it's only what Allah wills

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that will happen. In many cases, in most cases, in fact, everything

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happens from behind the veil.

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You ask for something, it's not going to pop in front of you.

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It's generally going to come if it comes through somebody through

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something, somebody's going to be made a means of what you asked

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So although extra ordinary events to take place as well, sometimes

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those are where it's just clear cut. But generally Allah subhanaw

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taala works from behind the veil.

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Sometimes however, it's a very obvious situation.

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It just seems very extraordinary. So for example,

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the great Hadith master Khomeini, who was a student and companion of

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ignore hasm of Lahiri

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or his student,

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he he relates this

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in he's got a book as it's called Java 12 October spedically, wala

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till on the Andalus

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as you know, ignore hasm

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was from andalas, which means Spain. So this is just some

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stories about the different Wiley's and governance in

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understand some interesting stories over the years. Over the

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centuries. Rather, he says that there was a was Eve, a minister

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whose name was Abu Omar Ahmed Abu Saeed ignore hasm that the Father

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of Evil has mov right. So he's this is

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who maybe was relating from his teacher, about his father. If no

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hasm about him, no husband's father.

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He was once sitting in front of his,

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his Governor Massoud ignore Ahmed, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed, Abu

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Abu Mohammed, Mohammed Abu Dhabi army, that's the governor's name.

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And this, the father of Abraham is a minister for that governor.

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So what happens is,

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this was a open gathering for the public.

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And this is where people could come and give their petitions,

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bring up their issues and see what the governor could how they could

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help him and how the governor could help them. So there was a

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note that came up to him from a mother who had a son in prison.

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And she was asking for some mercy clemency, like, help out to get

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him out.

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So this monsoon, the governor had

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put him into prison

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for a really

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big crime, or at least a crime that he thought was big and

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serious. So he put him into prison. So he gets this from the

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mother that have some mercy on him. He read it, he got even more

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angry, because it was a serious crime for him. So he got even more

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And he said,

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the current anyway, Allah Hebei, you've just reminded me of him.

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Basically just got me more angry. But he had forgotten about him.

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But now when she mentioned when this note was given to him, he

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felt that it reminded me of the seriousness of that crime. So he

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got even more angry, what are the column he took, he took his pen

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and he wrote, he wanted to write on the paper on that note, your

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SLUB he shouldn't be crucified, he should be killed.

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Like finishing.

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instead of writing use lob, ja, sod, lamb beam, ba, he wrote up

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Right, it's similar, but it's not the same. But he wrote us luck.

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That's what he wrote. I didn't realize whatever he threw the note

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at there was enough that we mentioned abou hammer.

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So there was he took it, so that he could write it out properly,

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because the government he just gives small, small indications.

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And then somebody has to write an official letter that look, this is

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what needs to happen to this person. So he wrote according to

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what he had seen on their use lab, it said you Slava, you're sorry,

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you're good luck. Good luck means let him go.

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Good luck means let him go. Useless means crucify him, kill

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him. And good luck means let him go. So he decided to write that

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someone said to him, What are you writing?

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He said, to release him

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to I'm writing this letter to the police that they should release

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him. So he got very angry said, Man, America who told you to do

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this? Why are you writing?

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So then he gave him the previous look, this is what your old your

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old you'd look not useless.

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So he sent me his way him too, I made a mistake. The

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the word, he says he made a mistake.

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Monsoon. So then again, he went to write

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your slum?

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Again, he wrote you to look

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so he gives it back to the was he was he starts writing the letter,

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man who looks at it gets very angry gets even more angry than

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the first time telling you what's wrong with you.

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Who taught who's telling you to write this? So again, he showed it

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to him. He sees his own writing. And it was written you'd look what

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does your block mean? You should be freed.

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Your understanding sunny

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La Ilaha illa Allah so this is not the third time he goes to write

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your slob. Again, he writes your clock for some reason.

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You know, I mean, it's just like

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maybe he wasn't looking at it. At that time. He just gave it

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was he takes it again and starts writing and this time mental

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monsoon looks at this monsoon looks at it again. And

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he gets even more angry than Nyquil. What's going on with you

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guys? You know, you can imagine what kind of anger he must have

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had by them and

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so again, he shows him the letter and he says, Look, this is what

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you wrote. You'd look.

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So finally, he is defeated. He says, Now, you'd look at me, let

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him go, despite myself, despite myself and then Suhana he says,

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Furman see this bring other from an era The Allahu Allahu Allah

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Akbar, Anna, Allah, many, anybody who Allah subhanaw taala wants to

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set free, I'm not going to be able to

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prevent that.

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Now, this seems a bit of a quite a interesting story.

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Quite an extraordinary story. So sometimes things like this happen

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as well. But not all the time. I mean, sounds a bit far fetched

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that three times he wrote this, but it's a possibility that when a

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person is in a distraction, and he's got so many things to think

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And if you see the way these guys, I remember, in Syria, or in Egypt,

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you have to go to these offices, and you have to get 10 People

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signature, it's ridiculous, right? So you go to the one person, you

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fill in the form, he looks at it, he puts a stamp on it says, Okay,

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take it to the Medina, you go there and he signs and like,

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there's so many people coming in. So he's just signing him, you go

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somewhere else, and he has to sign it. She has all this bureaucracy.

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So maybe it was something to do with that I'm trying to give some

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understanding of this.

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There's another story, which sounds obviously a lot more

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plausible, not denying this sort of thing. Even that could happen

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to Allah subhanaw taala could make it happen even that way. And it's

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not impossible. Things strange things do happen.

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Sheikh Abdul Fatah Buddha, he says that a friend of his who was in

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the oath, money army, the Ottoman army.

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And this was earlier on, he must have been an older person who had

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been in the Ottoman army during the First World War. He mentioned

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to him that they had been preparing for a particular battle,

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they were preparing for a particular battle.

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And every one of the soldiers had found what they thought was the

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best place to

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to build a

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defense, maybe a hole in the ground, a trench, and then to

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fortify it. So each one each group, each person had done this,

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and it all set themselves up.

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The commander came around to check everybody's positions. And this

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particular individual, this particular soldier he had,

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the commander really liked how he had

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strengthened his place. And how he had,

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he had a very good position.

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So what he did was, he's a commander, right? He took one of

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his friends in the Army. And he moved this guy away, it was his

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trench, he moved him away, and put that his friend inside that place,

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thinking that this would be more safe for him. And he moved this

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man who had made this trench somewhere else.

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And then, obviously, he turned away it was very unhappy. It was

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by force and coercion that he had to move. He was very unhappy and

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angry. However, when the war started, when the battle started,

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immediately, they fired a rocket from that side, and it landed in

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this particular trench, despite the fact that it seemed to be the

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most protected. And that guy was killed in there, the friend of the

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commander was killed in there and this person was saved.

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So that's again, Allah subhanaw taala does these things sometimes

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like this, but it's up to him, there's no guarantee. You can

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never say that this is what's going to happen. You just have to

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ask Allah subhanaw taala and then deal with it like that.

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So this gives us some kind of unique experiences in the fact

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that Allah subhanaw taala is behind everything. And in this

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case, we can actually clearly see that there is a certain wisdom, we

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can see the wisdom. In many cases, it's obscure, but it's belief in

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Allah that will help us to manage that situation when you can't

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understand something. You can't understand why something is

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happening. But if you have trust in Allah, it'll just make it easy.

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Otherwise you will be getting angry with everybody around you.

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Okay, then, Allah Momo has to be he continues from that point

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seeing what couldn't be hockey. Milan is it Gala? Who knew run

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wobble, see your rotten? Always practice the truth. Always

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practice the truth. The benefit of this will be that Allah will

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increase you in your light and your insight.

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Your light and your insight the light will be beneficial for us on

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the Day of Judgment. And in this world, because on the Day of

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Judgment, there'll be no light and everybody will need light. That's

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why the Manasa tea and they will say to the believers

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Nocta best

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We know they come, let us take some light from you, killer Giro

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whare, a consultant mizunara. Now you guys leave you guys leave

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group behind you, you go and look for your own light source of

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light. So all actions in this world will become a source of

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light in the Hereafter. And of course, Insight person will become

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wiser. That's as long as the person is always on the truth.

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This is the benefit. Walter called me my yet more Obi Wan Han who do

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not ever be of those people who

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command that the truth be followed, but stays away

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themselves from it. They tell us to do it, but they abstain

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themselves, they refrain themselves, they can't do it

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themselves. For who will be if me, then the person is going to return

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with the sin of that were downwardly Mukti Rafi and he's

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setting himself up for the anger of his Lord. Allah subhanho wa

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Taala says Gabor mochten. In the law, he and da Kulu malata Fardon.

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It's a massive lie and falsehood in the sight of Allah that you say

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that which you do not do?

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This has to be clarified that in the West, when they find the

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who is

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maybe to do with immigrants and so on, and then they find out

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somebody who's

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when you when you have a minister or something who

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is supposed to be the Minister for Immigration and so on. And then

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you find that he's actually using an immigrant as a servant in his

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house. Right? cheap labor.

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That's clear hypocrisy. He is supposed to be in charge. But on

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the other hand, he's using an immigrant for cheap labor. So it's

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a clear hypocrisy.

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However, you get some who

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it's to do with, for example, morality, and then they get caught

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doing something wrong.

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Somebody could make a mistake, they genuinely don't want to do

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something. Hiring an immigrant is not a temporary weakness. It's a

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proper decision, day after day, but somebody who fell to a

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and then they call them hypocritical, when he may be

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hypocrisy, but you have to understand people have weaknesses.

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So likewise here as well, if somebody is telling others don't

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do this, don't do that. But then they may commit this some time

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with dislike, then that's not hypocrisy. They're trying. But

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somebody who doesn't try at all and he's just going around telling

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everybody wasn't do this, you mustn't do that you mustn't do

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this. doesn't pray himself doesn't abstain from the haram. So this is

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what this is talking about.

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Especially if the person is saying all of these things just to get a

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position to get influence to seem like a pious person, but he has no

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intention of being a pious first.

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One is that you can't do something yourself, but you want others to

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do it because you hope that will affect you as well.

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That's why it's bigger Omar they've mentioned in one has

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Hakimullah Malamala, Tania Abdullah, he says that he had a

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bit of an issue with anger, and thus he gave a speech about anger.

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Firstly, telling himself so that is justified that if you want

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change, you find this are too weak to do it when you want to create

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an environment. That is fine. It's not clear hypocrisy is it? One

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needs to distinguish between these things. Hypocrisy is really tell

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people to make yourself look like you're pious, but you don't do it

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at all. You have no intention to do it. That's what I think

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hypocrisy is here. Not that you want to change and you want people

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to change and you think this will help you change because when your

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surrounding changes, then it's easier for you to change as well.

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So that's what I think this verse means.

00:18:52 --> 00:18:55

What God Allah Sula, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Manoir, alpha

00:18:55 --> 00:19:00

welcome your 30th Was your over immunization. When a while me and

00:19:00 --> 00:19:04

daddy for who are in the law he middle ha EB Allah who are LM if

00:19:04 --> 00:19:07

this is a Hadith or not, because the editor mentions that he

00:19:07 --> 00:19:09

couldn't find this hadith couldn't find the narration. But either

00:19:09 --> 00:19:15

way, the wisdom in it is true. Whoever gives Nasi who gives

00:19:15 --> 00:19:18

advice to others but doesn't take the advice himself has no

00:19:18 --> 00:19:24

intention to do it. Right. Who senses others stops others but

00:19:24 --> 00:19:28

doesn't stop himself who prohibits others but doesn't stop himself,

00:19:29 --> 00:19:32

then he is of the losers according to Allah subhanaw taala. Now

00:19:32 --> 00:19:32

that's clear.

00:19:33 --> 00:19:36

He's not going to get any benefit out of that. Whereas the other

00:19:36 --> 00:19:39

person who was trying and who's telling others as well and he

00:19:39 --> 00:19:41

sincerely believes it should change, then he will be rewarded

00:19:41 --> 00:19:45

for that, even though he's weak himself. That's why in America

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many others they have said that if nobody was to sin, now, if you had

00:19:50 --> 00:19:54

to be sinless to do a marble marble for nothing, and then after

00:19:54 --> 00:19:57

Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam nobody would be able to

00:19:57 --> 00:19:57

do so.

00:19:59 --> 00:20:00

Because nobody's pure

00:20:00 --> 00:20:00


00:20:01 --> 00:20:05

that's why once IGNOU Omar Abdulaziz he wrote to one of his

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governors about something that look, don't do this, don't do

00:20:07 --> 00:20:15

that. And he says, I know that I am probably the one who has the

00:20:15 --> 00:20:18

greatest shortcomings. But I'm telling you this.

00:20:20 --> 00:20:23

So this is this is justified in that sense.

00:20:25 --> 00:20:30

In fact, one poet says that they want people not to tell anybody

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off unless they can stay,

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do not prohibit anything unless they can fully be clean

00:20:37 --> 00:20:40

themselves. They don't want anybody to do Ameren, Madhavan he

00:20:40 --> 00:20:44

and Moncure. So that everybody can be the same, and nobody has any

00:20:44 --> 00:20:45

guilty feeling.

00:20:46 --> 00:20:50

So that's the intention of some people. Like why are you telling

00:20:50 --> 00:20:52

them? That's why a lot of people they say, look, especially in the

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West, where you're not supposed to tell anybody anything, this is

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kind of the environment that we have. But it's very, very harmful,

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because it then becomes prevalent, then we get caught up in it as

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well if we don't. And that's why the Hadith mentions very clearly

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that there was a punishment GBR Islam was told to bring punishment

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to a certain area. And it was mentioned that, oh, there's that

00:21:16 --> 00:21:20

particular pious person there. So Allah said, go and strike him

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first way, because he is never we read that before. He said, Because

00:21:27 --> 00:21:30

His face has never changed for my sake, meaning he's never seen

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wrong and prohibited. This is becoming tolerant of wrong around

00:21:35 --> 00:21:37

you. So now see how it is for everybody. It's not just for the

00:21:37 --> 00:21:40

automa because our deen is not see a dino Naseeha.

00:21:41 --> 00:21:44

And it's very, very useful when people can tell each other in a

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nice way. Unfortunately, you can't do that anymore. It's just very

00:21:48 --> 00:21:50

difficult to go and tell anybody anything. We don't even know how

00:21:50 --> 00:21:55

to do it. But we should start and we should do it with the full know

00:21:55 --> 00:21:58

and with the right kind of manners, and that's how the

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improvement in our community will be. We start with our family and

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we discuss and this is how Inshallah, we can help. It's just

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there are certain rules to be followed. wisdoms. Wise ways of

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doing this

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