Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Mauritania 2 Return from Murabit alHajj

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes their trip to Giroux, a small town in Cambodia, where they visit tent culture and a road and mountain. They also find supplies and discuss the struggles of finding work and living in a foreign country. The speaker describes their experiences studying in India and finding work challenges, including finding affordable work and finding a postcard with a score of satisfaction. They eventually leave their current location and return to their home in Knoxville.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala so you didn't want saline water already he was

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talking to he H Martin a member. So we've been in Mauritania for

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just over two days. After arriving Wednesday morning, today, it's

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before Joomla. On the Friday, were about to leave for Joomla insha

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Allah in the city with a big shake here, inshallah we'll be visiting

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the shape.

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From the last time that we spoke, we had just reached Giroux, which

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is about 568 kilometres away from New York shot on a two lane on a

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two lane highway, which is basically one lane going one way

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and the other lane going the other way. There wasn't much traffic on

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the road. And pretty much what you see is just some villages with

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some huts, mostly huts and tents. So it seems like the tent culture

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here is still very much, very much still still intact. On the way you

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don't see too many big cities because most of the population of

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Mauritania, which is about 3 million in all, most a lot of that

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population, less than just less than a million is based in

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Yorkshire because that's where the work is. When we visited one of

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the other shoe shaped Bas, what his son told us there that there

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is no work there to be found. So either person will stay there to

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study. If they want work, they'll have to come to a workshop or go

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go somewhere else outside the country. So that's how it's made

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up. You don't see I mean, so far we haven't seen some really abject

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poverty. And you know, we haven't seen that yet. I'm sure it exists,

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because we're staying at a friend's house in the workshop

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right now. Who

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brother matar, this is where we were doing it from May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala reward him. So we took a walk around, there's a

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lot of good houses and things around this area and the city is

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just sprawling, it seems. So when we when we got to Giroux, which is

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a place where another famous scholar lives whose name is Sheikh

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Hattori. That's from there, we took about a three to three and a

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half hour drive literally over sand first for about 60 to 70% of

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it, which is literally you're just driving through the sand on tracks

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that some other car before you has made. And sometimes you get stuck,

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but it was it was a nice 444 by four pickup. So it was it was it

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was good. We managed to get there then there's a road that they've

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just made recently through the mountain over the mountain to be

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able to go and after that it's about one and a half hours of just

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stone and that you're going over and that is where you're probably

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going about what five to 10 five to 10 miles an hour if that much.

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And it's just a bumpy ride all the way through

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that whole journey from Giroux to this place called to a mirage

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where Sheikh Morabito Hodge and his family and his tribe live have

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about 20 houses there's about 20 houses there and again, a lot of

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tents. In fact, the chef Morabito, when you met him he was in a tent,

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that's where he's lying down.

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So it's a 66 kilometre track that is which took us about nearly four

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hours three over three hours for sure what three and a half to four

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hours. That's what it took. And half when we did the sandy part

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before we got on to the story part into the mountains they the driver

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had to get off and inflate his tire so that it could go over the

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stone more easily. And likewise on the way back he had to deflate his

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tires when he got onto the sand otherwise you'd keep getting stuck

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in the sand. So she said what are we to hedge and assembly they

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literally live away from civilization and I think that from

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what they've telling me is that that was intended that he just

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wants to be out of civilization just fooled just wants to be away

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from everybody and just wants to do his a bother there. And there's

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there wasn't even any cell phone coverage mobile coverage in the

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area, the closest place from to a mirage which is the village that

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they're in is this mountain that you have to get to which probably

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takes about half an hour or something you know to get your

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cell phone coverage It seems your mobile coverage, electricity there

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is through solar panels so there's no direct electricity grid, he

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literally seems to have picked the spot just to be away. So for them

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to get supplies and everything they have to take a pickup truck

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with takes about three and a half hours to get to the closest city

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and that is the closest city get who is the closest city. So after

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spending a good half a day there, we managed to see Sheikh Morabito

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he met his sons, his grandsons, and some other members of the

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family then we met one of the other great scholars there as

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well. Sheikh had Amin who's about 80 years old, very pleasant

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individual. So they were sitting there very pleasant individual

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smiley face, had a good chat inshallah with him with him as

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well. Sheikh Morabito Hajj he is generally not speaking these days.

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It's been a long time. Maybe once a day or something he says he kind

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of gets up and speaks speaks

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to the family, etc. But otherwise, he's generally laying down and

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sleeping. And while we're there sitting by Him, He's sleeping.

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He's, you know, he's in, he's not conscious as such, suddenly you

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just start listening to him. And he's saying that you're in La, la,

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la, la, la, la La, and then you stopped. And that was, you know,

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that that is basically tells you that whatever you're used to

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saying, when you're conscious abundantly, then you would

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probably do that when you're

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when you're when you're not in your conscience. So they teach

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there, they weren't, they weren't any foreign students. When we went

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there from England or from the EU, from the US. There were some other

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students who have been who'd gone out from other countries, they'd

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gone out. But seriously, it's a struggle. I mean, I've studied in

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India, where it was a major struggle to study studies,

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studying in the west of South Africa is easy, it's easy,

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everything is organized, you've got everything at your office, you

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know, even in India, it's difficult in the sense that living

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conditions sometimes are not that great. But India is a very

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industrial country, and it produces huge amounts of goods,

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you know, you can find everything in India and India is cheap as

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well. Mauritania pretty much imports all of their goods, every

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product that you see whether it's juice, or yogurt, or anything like

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that, it's all from Morocco, even the fruit is from Morocco, there's

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hardly anything that happens here, it seems. So it's kind of very

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interesting the way the way the country is. And without

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electricity, even the other places where we are where they had solar

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energy. The other thing we notice is that whenever you go to any of

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these places, except especially especially in the body, with these

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Bedouin tribes, they insist on you eating there, and it may take a

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few hours for them to get the meal ready, which is very different

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from in other places, but they will insist so in many of these

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cases, they will insist that you eat first before you meet the chef

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And subhanAllah that's their hospitality, which you can still

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see this hospitality that you find find around the Muslim world. So

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what they fed us some Was it some lamb and you know, lamb with, with

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kidney, and there was some fried potatoes, etc, in there and fried

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onions. And then there was a rice dish with a bit of meat inside.

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And subhanAllah you know, they

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it's kind of amazing

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how you see other people live, as I was mentioning, in India, and

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Pakistan, probably as well, you. And you know, other other

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countries like that in Syria, to that you have a lot of products

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that are available here. There's not much that's available either

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in terms of what you can get, especially for people who are used

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to living you know, Western life as such, with everything available

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to your, you know, to at your disposal, it's very difficult

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here. And then to have to live in a place like that to study where

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you don't have any mobile phone coverage. And you have to

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literally travel three to four hours to the closest place to go

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and buy stuff that's very, very difficult. Anyway, we finally left

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left there in the evening around seven o'clock or something. And we

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did that three and a half, four hour drive again.

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Back to Giroux. And then from from Giroux, we were on our way back to

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New York short but on the way, we took a turning into this place

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called Angel Crusher, which is another small kind of locality and

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small village where there's another another great Sheikh was

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named Sheikh Mohammed fall, who is the son in law of the son in law,

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check Morabito Hodge, and he's a great teacher there. So when we

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went in his room to visit him, it was it was night it was nighttime.

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after Isha, so we performed Aisha pray there. And we met him and he

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is literally sitting in this room, there's no light there, you know,

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they're just using a torch or something. There's lots of guitars

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a lot, a lot of books on the side. And there's a number of students

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who are sitting there and it's just all sand outside. Yeah,

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they've got structures, they've got a few buildings here and

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there. But otherwise just this nice sand and that's where you

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sit. You do your will do there. You know there's some basic toilet

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facilities there and you sit you sit down there in the sand, you

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just do your will do with a with a with a jug of water that they give

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you. So it's a whole different lifestyle but quite amazing. We

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met him for a short while and then after that, I just felt a lot of

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peace standing and for sure we didn't have time because we had to

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get back to Knoxville to make it for Friday morning. But there was

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a lot of peace and serenity. I wish I could have stayed there for

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a bit longer just sat down and just enjoyed enjoying enjoyed the

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Hello, the solitude there because there was actually no sound so

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there's no sound pollution. There is no light pollution there. It's

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quite amazing. You can hear everything that's going on. It's

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quite amazing.

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Unfortunately, we couldn't stay. We got back in the car and then

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basically we drove for another six hours. Those hundreds of

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kilometers and we reached no actual back early, just before

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Fajr time about an hour before feature time which is about I

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think about 530 or something like that.

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so they probably just moved whatever rocks they couldn't write

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them and I thought y'all did it today

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only four months ago

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four months oh to do this

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No it's definitely

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no shock

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what comes out of the dodo

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very well written article

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it is

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he asked me

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