Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Jumu’ah vs Zuhr at Home During the Coronavirus

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of praying for water in Muslim countries, as it is necessary for religious reasons. They also mention the need for people to practice praying with family members and avoid social distancing. The speaker hopes that this will lead to clarity and a better future for everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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If a masjid you know, if you're if there's, there's going to be no

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joy in your Masjid most likely, right? So, whether you know where

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Ana Juma are what you do is you pray for water. So there was a

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whole discussion we had there as well, that while Juma is allowed,

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technically, but if you look at the spirit of July, July is not

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done in villages, for example, you know, for forever, it's not really

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too small. There's a certain certain conditions are needed for

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Joomla. That's why in Muslim countries whether the leader has

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said no Joomla, there is no Joomla you can't even generally do it in

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private because the Emir is on religiously it's the July it's,

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it's the reason now in a non Muslim country where you don't

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have a Muslim leader as such. They've allowed Gemma's in the

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Shafi school they only allow one Jew in the entire city. Right?

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Other Germans are not even valid according to one of their views.

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And the Hanafi is allow it, but this to just I know, some of them

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are, there's a difference of opinion of recommendation here. So

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essentially, everybody pretty much will agree that either the audio

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is okay. But the opinion of a huge amount of scholars that we had

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yesterday was that you just do wrong. And the reason for that is

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more simple.

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And really, the conditions for allowing jewel have been distilled

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down in non Muslim countries to even allow it in the masjid in

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multiple places, and so on without there being a Muslim leader, and

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so on. Right. Now, to put that into just houses willy nilly,

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that's not really the thing that's not really appropriate. It's not

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according to the status of a Joomla. Because even the word

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Joomla is a congregation. The word GEMA means to gather together. So

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that's why they say just pray God, and what's important, is that just

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do with your family members, not just the horror on Joomla, are

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they but I'm saying all the prayers do you have your family

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members. And the way to get the reward in sha Allah is because you

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can't go to the machine. So the way to get the reward is to

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do it with your family. That means it's just husband, wife, let them

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do the the wife just stands at the back husband at the front and they

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do their for prayer together. And then as soon as separately,

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there's children they join in. So that's that would be a

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recommendation at this time because we're going to have to

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enliven the masjid in our homes and make the masjid our homes or

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sorry, our homes, the Masjid. That's beautiful. You know, this

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under you know, subhanAllah been thinking that this whole problem

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that's taking place, there are so many more people I'm assuming

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insha Allah with good hope that they make a dua for themselves

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that they would never have thought about making the art before the

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everybody has their life at their heart. So they want to make the

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offer rejection. So do that use some

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prophetic medicine, black seeds, the honey and agile and zum zum if

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you have access to it, use whatever means every means that

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you can and of course be careful with the doctors guidelines, abide

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by them, social distancing, washing hands, and so on and so

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forth. May Allah give us the strength to go through this

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inshallah with great strength and bring us out better than before.

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And I have hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala that that's going to

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happen in sha Allah, that's going to happen in sha Allah and in sha

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Allah, we hope that this will be averted very soon and will come

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out stronger. Okay with that run on Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen

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