Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – It’s All Success

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of finding a companion for one's needs and how it can be difficult when working with someone who is a good companion. They also mention the importance of finding a partner for one's needs and how it can be difficult in the future if they have a partner.
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Doing something alone is more difficult when you've got a

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companion to do something with and if you can find a companion for

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good and virtue, then there is no better companion than that. That's

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why the pious wife, the pious husband, that companionship is a

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wonderful companionship because it's going to be a companionship

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that has to be there. So if it can be a pious one, then it's also for

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the sake of Allah. So then you get this reward as well 24 hours a

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day, seven days a week, throughout the years that you're with your

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spouse, because one of your reasons we're having the pious

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spouse in the first place. And her reason for having a payor spouse

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in the first place is for the sake of Allah. So it's marriages a

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sunnah, having a pious company, that's that company is more

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intention intimate than any other company, you're more likely to

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have pious children from a pious union, a truly pious union. You'll

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have pious children. It's all it's all success. It's all success

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success after that.

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