Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Introduction to ‘With the Noble Qur’an’ Shaykh Mahmoud Khalil alHussary

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The title " Subhanho wa Tada," which is the light of the future, is a title given to the creator of the spiritual world, and it is meant for personal and spiritual well-being. The title is a summary of the spiritual teachings of Islam, and it is a book that is meant to be used for personal and spiritual well-being. The recitation of the Quran is also discussed, and the recitation is soothing and makes people feel peace. The recitation is designed to encourage people to take longer to read and practice the Bible, and it is designed to encourage people to read and practice the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala

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Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early or Safi edge Marina Amma Baron called

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Allahu taala. For your Quran in Nigeria word for Colonial Hamid

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Geeta Bonanza now who ileka Mobile Rocco Lea the baru at what he

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attacked Cara, Al Bab.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says a blessed book that we sent down

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upon you

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that they may contemplate his signs and those possessed of

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intellect may reflect.

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So we start this session today with the praise of ALLAH SubhanA

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wa Tada revealed the pure unblemished book upon his most

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blessed servant, and he made the Quran a code for this life and the

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next life. Praise and blessings be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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salam, the living manifestation of the Quranic teachings, and also

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peace and blessings upon his family, his companions and his

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followers until the last day, may Allah subhanho wa Taala include

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us, among them as well.

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What we understand from this life is because the Quran is given to

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us by our Creator, and the creator of this entire universe and the

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Nourisher that's why the most beneficial way that we've learned

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is that a Muslim can spend his time his or her time in this

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world, by living the Quran, by living the Quran, the Quran is to

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be lived. So the best time that a person can spend in this world,

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that will count in the Hereafter, that will be recognized in the

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Hereafter, and that will be of value in the hereafter will be the

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time that they have lived with the Quran. And

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that the way you live the Quran is you you live the Quran through

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reading it through reflecting over it. And then you apply the meaning

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you apply the message you apply wherever Allah subhanaw taala is

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said to us in every aspect of our life, including in our daily

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interaction with others. So our life becomes Quran if we live

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properly as the Sharia, as Islam wants us to live, that's living by

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the Quran. And that's one of the most amazing achievements that

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anybody can do in this world because that's what the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, and that is what the Sahaba aspire

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to do. And that's what they were successful in doing. So may Allah

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subhanaw taala make us successful in doing that as well.

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Now, in this regard, what I want to mention is that the Quran is a

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light from the illuminator of the heavens and earth Allah who notice

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similarity with Allah is the is the Light of the heavens and

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earth, He is the illuminator of the heavens and the earth, any

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light that we have, whether it's physical, late or late as

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guidance, and what to do, and what not to do, all of that is from

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Allah subhanaw taala because he is the provider of all types of

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light, all of that comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala the Quran

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is one of the main lights from Allah subhanaw taala. And if we

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don't have that in our life, then there's that darkness that's what

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it would mean. So the Quran is a light from the illuminator of the

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heavens and earth. And through this, He guides us in this regard.

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And the other thing is that you can you can say that the Quran is

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actually a comprehensive manual for humanity, a comprehensive

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Divine Manual for, for all of humanity. Now, to underscore this,

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this is not something I'm claiming this is something from Allah

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subhanho wa Taala is messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And

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I've always been struck by this hadith. This hadith is absolutely

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amazing, right? This is what the robber sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam

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said in one very, very comprehensive Hadith. Now listen

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to it carefully. He says, The Quran is the detail of what came

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before you say, sir, gives you a history of what the relevant

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points of the past. It is the news of what is to come after you. So

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it has the future. And it is a judgment for what happens between

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you. It's the criterion. It is the judge of what's going on today how

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we live by what's right and what's wrong and who is correct and who

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is not correct. It is decisive without jest. It is serious. In

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the sense it is decisive. It is decisive, and it doesn't waffle

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here and there. It is, without just any tyrant who abandons it,

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Allah will crush this what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,

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and anyone seeking guidance from other than it, Allah will leave to

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stray. If you want to go and look for guidance elsewhere Go ahead,

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but then you will be left to stray. So we ask Allah subhanaw

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taala protection from that. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said it is the firm rope of Allah. In Arabic the concept of

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rope of Allah means that when you hold on to the rope of Allah,

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Allah will take you into Allah will take you into his happiness

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and his satisfaction. So that's the way of success that you have a

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rope you're a drowning individual. And if we have a rope, then you

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can you can survive. So it is the rope of Allah. It is

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Why, why is admonition full of wisdom and that's the way it

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teaches. That is the way that it advises. And it is the straight

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path. That's what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, then the

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Rosen said it cannot be distorted by desires people might want to

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distort the Quran to conform to what they claim and what falsehood

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they want to propagate, but it can't be distorted by desires the

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Quran has never been changed in over 1400 years, it's maintained.

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Its exact same authenticity and its credibility. Nor can tongues

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be in a bind over it. It is easy to read, it is easy to read and

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you can't be in a bind over it. The scholars, the true scholars

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never have enough of it. You can never get tired of the Quran.

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There's so many there's multiple facets of the Quran.

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The Quran has so many ways of studying it so many different

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things for which you can look into it. There's so many things that

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you can explore in the Quran, whether it's the the jurisprudence

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in the Quran, whether it's the wisdoms in the Quran, whether it's

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the future, the past, success, failure, the various different

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themes, whether it's the style of the Quran, whether it's to

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understand who Allah subhanaw taala is what he wants from us.

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There's just multiple things, and literally for every year of your

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life, every year of your life, every Ramadan of your life, is

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what scholars used to do. They used to look at the Quran, from a

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different perspective, for a different for different secrets,

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for different things to be revealed to them. One scholar

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literally spent the whole Ramadan in just focusing on the rhetoric

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of the Quran on how beautifully it had been composed. And what was

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the amazing features of that rhetoric, just an entire month of

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the was spent just doing that, he must have done a lot of other

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things before he decided to do that. That was one juice a day

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SubhanAllah. And as you know, that we went through just trying to

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explain the juice in an hour, a few years ago, which you can find

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online. So that's why saying that scholars would never have enough

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of it. And it does not become dull from rep repeated rested

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recitation. As other things that if you read them, you get tired of

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them. But the Quran because of the way it's composed by Allah

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subhanaw taala in the various different stories scattered

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through it, carefully placed in each of those instances that it

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has been placed. And the way it keeps changing the title here and

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that he the persuasion and the dissuasion when He speaks to you

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directly when he tries to when he engages you, and He prohibits when

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he chides, when he encourages, and so on and so forth. You can never

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have enough of it and it can never become dull from repeated

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recitation, and it's Marvels never end. That's what the professor

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Lawson said.

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Then after that, he said, It is what the jinn heard. It is what

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the jinn heard, and will move to proclaim, I'll mention the exact

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hadith of this Jinn of these Jin later on, but it is exactly what

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the jinn heard, and they were moved to proclaim indeed, we have

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heard a wonderful recitation, they just had to confess that and

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declare that which guides us to the straight path, whoever speaks

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according to it has spoken the truth because the Quran is just

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fully truth and whoever acts on it is rewarded. So speaking is the

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truth speaking from the Quran is the truth and then acting upon it

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is rewarding, and whoever just judges by it will be just so

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anybody who churches by what the Quran judges judges, then they

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will be just because the Quran is just and whoever invites to it has

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guided to the straight path. This is a Hadith that Imam telemovie

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Imam during the the Great Mountain maybe has transmitted. So now what

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we're gonna what we're what we've just discussed today is the

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beginning of a series

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of a number of short lectures on the Quran. And what we're what

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we're really absolutely honored to be doing today is to be speaking,

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and reading from a very, very interesting book, right? And this

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is a book called Al Quran Al Karim in Arabic. It's called Al Quran,

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Kareem in Arabic. You know, here you can see a you can see a

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picture of it. This is a book that white thread is absolutely honored

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to be publishing. It's, it is I think, our first book exclusively

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on the Quran, right out of we've been we've been around for, you

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know, nearly two decades, nearly two decades, or probably over two

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decades actually. And this is our first book that's exclusively to

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the Quran. We're very excited to be publishing this. And this is a

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book called Mile Quran in Korean by this really great, one of the

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greatest of the Egyptian Quran, one of the greatest of the

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Egyptian theories of the last

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The you can say 100 years and his name was clearly Muhammad Khalid

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al Husseini, Muhammad HollyWell history, contemporary, maybe

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slightly older than chef, Clary Abdul Basit, which many of you

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must have heard of. And you probably have heard of it Muhammad

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Khalil who said he's got this really, really powerful but very

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simple way of reading with full text read. Right and a lot of

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people use him to, to learn from to get the pronounciation right.

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So we've published multiple books on theology, Hadith,

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jurisprudence, spirituality invocations, so we're feeling

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very, very fortunate that

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we get to publish this book, mashallah, there's a really fine

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scholar. He's still mashallah studying. He's originally from

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America, but he lives in different parts of the world. And his name

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is Gustavo, the new Saunders Allah bless him, Allah protect him. They

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offered us this book because they had he and his daughter Cora team

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had decided to translate this book mashallah, because it's a very,

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very succinct book on on many of the most important aspects of the

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Quran, and he offered it to us for publishing and we got really

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excited and hamdulillah we've, we've published this book now, let

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me tell you a bit about the author. Right. Let me tell you a

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bit about the author of this book of mine Quran Kenny, which

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essentially means with the Noble Quran, so the translation is with

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the Noble Quran, like what do you do with the Noble Quran? Let's

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spend a few moments with the Noble Quran. So in that regard, this is

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who Sheikh Muhammad Khalil Hassan Sheikh Mohammed Khalil who said he

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was born in 1335 Hijiri. And he died in 1401. Hijiri. Right. 1401

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Hijiri. So that's about about 40. Just over 40 years ago, he died.

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Right. And he was born in 1335 Hijiri. That is essentially he was

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born in 1917. Right 1917 And he died in 1980. Right, so 1980 and

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he is literally one of the most well known and influential

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Egyptian cardies I would say that you've got a few Egyptian

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candidates that are well known right by everybody. Sheikh Abdul

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Basit probably is at the head of the list. Then you've got a che

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Coleman showy, right, very, very famous Allah bless them all. And

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then you've got Sheikh Khalid, Al Ha, sorry, among many others, and

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then there's a number of more recent ones, right, who have

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become very widely known by everybody, especially with to

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YouTube and everything. So he is considered to be surely lucid. He

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is considered to be widely acclaimed for his very accurate

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and beautiful recitation of the Quran. Right? From the tender age

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of four mashallah, from the tender age of four, he entered the Quran

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school. And as as many people do, they go into the mclubbe Around

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the age, and by eight years of age, he'd already memorized the

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Quran. Now, that's an achievement. You know, not many people get to

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do that. Hamdulillah he managed to do that. And at 12 He entered the

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Religious Institute, a special Religious Institute and learn the

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10th garat, so the 10 variant recitations that was as her

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university so he studied that there. And then after that, he

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went to this famous comedy masjid, right, the comedy mosque. And

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that's a mosque where which was well known at that time for its

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Cara and many of the chief Cora, the chief Cora is a plural of car

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essentially recite as they would go they're very privileged

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destination for students who sought knowledge of the recitation

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of the Quran. It was under the supervision of some really eminent

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scholars of the Quran at that time, such as the sheikh Mustafa

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Mustafa Al Mora, which, so the sheikh who said he spent many

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years there studying and then after that, ultimately acquiring

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his, in those days it was called a bachelor's degree in Quranic

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Right? And then

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he, you see, there's a lot of different types of Egyptian Quran,

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and they have different styles. Now, I'm just going to quote to

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you what one of the sheiks of Azhar, one of the Imams of Azhar

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of the time, Sheikh Muhammad, shell tooth, many of you may have

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heard of him, he was very famous scholar of the time. This is what

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he says about Shere Khan, who said his recitation he says that she

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hopefully isn't, is an excellent researcher who fears Allah in his

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recitation. Now, when I when I saw that part, that's you could say is

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the distinctive point about this. We're not saying that others don't

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fear him, but with Shere Khan who said it, you can actually feel it

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you can usually sense it that this man is reading with a certain

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reverence and fear of Allah subhanaw taala. So this is what

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Chef shelterwood says, he says that she hosts it is an excellent

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recite of who fears Allah in his recitation, recitation and adheres

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to the methodology of our pious predecessors in reciting the book

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of Allah most time never deviating from it. He's not there to create

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new styles and to do strange stuff or cringy stuff or you know,

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Just to kind of wow the people or just to make them, you know, jump

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up and down, but he really sticks to the rules but makes it

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beautiful Nevertheless, you know, while using just the proper

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Tajweed so he adheres to the methodology of our pious

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predecessors in reciting the book of Allah never deviating from it.

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His recitation fills the hearts with tranquility, peace and

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calmness and opens the gates of guidance and the true faith for

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his audience will leave a link to one of his recitations. I

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personally love that recitation is just amazing, the way he does it

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so, so wonderfully, and it just makes you feel so wonderful. So

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inshallah we'll leave the link below for this right now. It says

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that there's no surprise that when he came on to the radio in Egypt,

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on the radio in Egypt, there was a Quran competition. So that's where

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he when he first came on in 1944. And his unique recitation, It

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compelled the judges to admit that his skill set surpassed the giants

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of recitation at the time. Right, the likes of the famous quarter of

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the time, where Sheikh Mohammed refer Sheikh Ali Muhammad Sharif

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Abdul Fattah as Sherry, right. And when his voice was broadcasted for

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the first time, on Egypt radio, he immediately received respect for

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his unique style and application of the rules of recitation. It

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says that people would come from all over Egypt to listen to him.

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So we're gonna leave you a sample a very soothing recitation, I find

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it very, very soothing. Right? And you can you can feel the peace

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permeating every part of your body in sha Allah right.

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Not only was Sheikh Rosetti, though, just the master of Quranic

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recitation, but he devoted his entire life to learning and

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teaching all sciences

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pertaining to the Noble Quran. And thus he wrote many, many books on

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the subject of the Quran as well. And they were published and the

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Supreme Council of Islamic affairs actually published some of his

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works and distribute them as far as I understand. He wrote more

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than a particularly about the Quran he wrote more than about 11

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books on the Quran, including mild Quran Quran, which is this book

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that we're telling you about right now with the Noble Quran. Another

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one is called a Sabinal. Yes sir V para RTL Imam, Abu Jafar. And

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these are then he's got one rewire to wash our camel Karatedo Quran

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Karim, Allah Cara to Lasher. So he's got multiple grams, not going

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to go into all of his books. They're mainly related to the

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various different recitations. And I think that suffices for us. So

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alhamdulillah were able to publish this book, right? This very

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refined it's a very, very good translation done by Western New

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Highness Team, the dark Quran. And the beauty of this particular of

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this, there's a lot of books out there about the Quran, right? I

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mean, we're not the first people to publish books on the Quran,

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mashallah, we're actually quite behind. But we feel very honored

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to actually publish this book, right? Because La ilaha illa.

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Allah the beauty of this book, right is in the office

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comprehensive compilation of Quranic verses, prophetic Hadith,

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and opinions of the traditional scholars on some of the main

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issues, right, surrounding the Quran, like it will probably deal

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with many of the main issues relating to the Quran. I mean, it

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doesn't go into the intricate discussions of solo Tafseer. And

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also Quran that we did about two years ago, you can find those

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lectures online, right? But this is more about the Quran in

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general, right, just how any normal person would be able to

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just much better value the Quran, understand its significance and

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learn its etiquette. So he get he brings together all the verses the

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Hadith and opinions of the traditional scholars on this,

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which is very, very illuminating. In 10 chapters. The book has 10

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chapters, he effectively covers the superiority of the Quran, the

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etiquette, the rewards, the virtues of listening, virtues of

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reciting virtues of memorizing the correct math method of recitation,

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right, the reader, then he goes into some specifics like the the

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rulings of using melody, right,

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a specific melody or MACOM, or something like that. And a lot of

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people are quite curious about that. What's his opinion about

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that? And he talks about, are you allowed to cry out of the fear of

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Allah and reading the Quran? I mean, I'm assuming you can write,

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of course you can. And the warning against he talks about the warning

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against forgetting the Quran along with a satisfying discussion on

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its seven variant readings. So that that's essentially what this

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what this book is about. And I'll leave a link for you if you want

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to order this.

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If you want to order this book, I leave I will leave a link below

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for you to do that. sha Allah. So there you go. This is what we're

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speaking about in sha Allah

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We are going to be covering we're going to be covering this book

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insha Allah and Jazak Allahu wa salam. The point of the lecture is

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to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration and

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encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start

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learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and

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to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,

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so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.

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And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually

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take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,

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especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we

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have on the Islamic essentials certificate which you take 20

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Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will have

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gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and

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you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures

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behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to lectures,

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but you need to have this more sustained study as well as local

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law here and salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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