Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – I #Checkthelabel Message from

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of dates in Saudi Arabia and the importance of being careful with certain products. They suggest staying with the dates from Saudi Arabia and other countries, as it is safer to avoid disrespectful behavior. The speaker also mentions the use of "ham recondition" and "ham oppression" in Saudi Arabia.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim as Ramadan is right around the

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corner. One of the things that we have as a staple for Ramadan are

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the dates. Now there's lots of suppliers for dates that come from

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California. They come from Israel, they come from the Middle East,

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they come from Saudi Arabia. The best dates that I've always found

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are the ones that come from Madina Munawwara. In Saudi Arabia, they

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have the most variable taste and so on. Of course, then a lot of

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people like them a jewel dates, unfortunately, you have to be very

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careful because some of these dates are coming from the occupied

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West Bank. And that's where we have to be very careful that we're

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not supporting this kind of illegal settlements that are found

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in that area, and one must be a bit more discriminating that

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they're not breaking their fast with with such a product. So that

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if you go to the Friends of AXA website, they should tell you

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exactly the details of what kind of brands are coming from there,

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how they're packaged, and so on and so forth. But again, it's

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probably safest to just to stay with the dates that come from

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Saudi Arabia and or or other places. And may Allah subhana wa

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Tada accept our fasting may Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to

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avoid assisting Volman oppression wherever in the world in whatever

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form that it may be. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us

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working with that one and hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen

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