Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – How to perform Salatul Janazah [Funeral prayer]

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The transcript is a collection of disconnected sentences and phrases that do not form a coherent summary.
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So you recite your son Subhana Allah whom if you want to read

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that for us

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Allah Allah

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Allahu Akbar again.

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So you say it silently and then it's the Salawat on a Sula,

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Allahumma Salli ala Sina the same way you do in New salatu salam

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ala Muhammad in commercial later Allah Rahim Allah liberal human

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Nicomedia Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala ala Muhammad

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come about Allah Rahim Allah liberal human Nicomedia Majid

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Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar again, this is the third Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Allah Philea you know and want you to know or show him you

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know, it'd be nice to really know what can be done that was

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occurring of Alterna Allahumma Munna here the home enough are

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here listener momento feta Amina

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Iman. Now you can add other doors to that if you know Allahu

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Mocksville who Wilma SLG well borrowed Warnock to him in an

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hataoka Yanaka so we'll be doing a minute Dennis is number of dollars

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that you can add, the longer the Imam takes, right I mean, the Imam

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shouldn't take that long that everybody starts wondering what's

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happening. But if the Imam is taking longer than you can add

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other dollars to it like for example what I just said right now

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which is Allah Who Maxell who? Oh Allah wash them, wash him. Bill

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Murray with algae well Bharat with water with snow and with ice just

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to show absolute purity Oh Allah grant him absolute purity, washing

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with everything mighty with LG will Bharat one aka him Anil hatha

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yoga and purify him and cleanse him of sin and wrongdoing. Just as

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a white cloth is washed away from all of its filth and dirt. So

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that's the DUA that we make. So it is additional to us as well that

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are related.

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Now, that's the final technique. Now after that we're generally not

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used to you know, reading something, we don't read anything

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and then after that you just do

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that's it so you do the two salaams and you're out

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