Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – How to Conduct a Marriage on Zoom

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the idea of having multiple people in one place during a lockdown. They explain that the idea is to make it physically possible to have a marriage, and that the physical presence of the participants is crucial. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having a strong marriage, and encourages the attendees to contact them for further questions.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim.

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There's a question that is quite often asked, and especially during

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the lockdown is how does one

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conduct a marriage, how is a marriage and Nika conducted in the

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Islamically sound way, during a lockdown when people cannot gather

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and all be in one place, because generally what you have is you

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have the bride, you have the groom, and you have generally a

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representative of the bride. And you have two witnesses, and you

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generally have a shake, or somebody who's going to conduct

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the Nica. And you have generally other people as well. Now that's

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happening, you know, that's very difficult sometimes do in a

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masjid, or otherwise. So I've done a few knickers during this time

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when I did in America, and another one in Sharla, I'm going to do

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today. So the way to do it is actually not that difficult, it's

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actually quite easy. The assumption is that if the, if the

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if the bride and groom are in different places, let's just say

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like, let's just say that Mohammed is in the UK, in London, and his

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wife to be is, is in Morocco, or is in India, or Pakistan, or

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Egypt, or wherever it is, then generally, what happens is that,

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you know, you can get together on Zoom. But physically, this is the

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condition that physically there needs to be the the main people

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need to be together physically. Now, it's difficult if the wife

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cannot be in the UK because of visa issues, or whatever. So

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generally, what happens as in when we do I mean, normal days as well,

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that the wife makes somebody her representative. So what she would

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do from Morocco, or Egypt or wherever, is that she would make

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somebody here, who knows Mohammed, maybe his brother, maybe his

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father, maybe somebody else, the representative to represent her.

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And she can send him an email, or a letter or something of that

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nature to make him the represent I make it the representative for my

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marriage to Mohammed for this dowry amount, mahatva, Timmy 1000

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pounds, whatever it is, right? Once she's done that, that person

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becomes a representative. Now, physically speaking, the four

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people that need to be together in one place is the groom, and the

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bride or the bride's representative. So in this case,

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is the brighter of those two people need to be in the same

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place, along with the two witnesses who witness them, the

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shake, conducting the Nikka doesn't have to be physically

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present, he can be present on a phone on Zoom, right? Through some

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wireless contact or some sort, then they can be whoever else

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wants to be, there can also be present over zoom. But the four

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people need to be there, they could be in one place, they could

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be, you know, distancing themselves, as long as they can

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see and hear one another. That's enough. So now what will happen is

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that the Sheikh will, you know, point out who the groom is

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Mohammed, and the representative of the bride, the bride can be on

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zoom as well. But generally speaking, we have the

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representative of the bride physically present, because she's

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in another country. So let's just say Brother use of right who's a

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cousin of Muhammad, he is representing the bride. Right? Oh,

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it's his uncle, for example. So she is representing bride. So now

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the Sheikh will ask the brides representative that you as the

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bride's representative, take her name, right? Whatever, Selma,

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personnel, whatever her name is that, do you give consent to her

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marriage to Mohammed? And you'll say, Yes, you know, for this dowry

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amount in front of the Two Witnesses, and the groom will,

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will be asked that, do you accept her in your marriage for the set

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amount in front of witnesses? And you'll say, yes. Right. So the

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witness the two witnesses who are present there, you know, they're

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physically witnessing this, that's all you need, right? The two

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males, right, could be one male and two females as well, but

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generally two males, and that's it, the Nikka is done, and

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everybody else is watching online, right, there's just not going to

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be probably any food or whatever. Now, obviously, the you can give a

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one email, one walima doesn't have to be, it's the husband's

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responsibility to give a one email, he can give good feet to

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three people, he can send some food somewhere, right, you know,

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get an Uber Delivery or something to several people, and, or

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whatever the case is. And that's it. That's it. So just to

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reiterate, the main thing is to actually just have

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the four main people in one place, the groom, the bride's

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representative, and the two witnesses, the shake can be

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somebody else somewhere else. And anybody you know, there can be

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other people watching as well. This is according to the agreed

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upon. There are other views that make it a bit more lenient about

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certain other differences, but I think just to keep it safe, why,

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especially since it's possible just to make this proxy of someone

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to Representative represent, then this is the way it should be done.

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May Allah bless your nickels and, you know, don't delay don't delay

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marriages because of this, you know, because of the pandemic. Get

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married if you have to. And if you have any other questions, just

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contact us. Allah bless us.

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