Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Hadith Series What to do on Friday

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a narration about Islam being forgiven for past violations, but also being given flexibility to make prayer adjustments. The narration suggests that people should be prepared to pray with baths on Friday, even if it is too early in the day, as it is a special day for many Islamists.
AI: Transcript ©
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Imam Bukhari narrates that Salman al Farsi Radi Allahu Anhu said the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah will forgive the

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sins of the past week for he who on Friday on Juba, takes the whole

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Salah bath, cleanses himself puts on his perfume

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or any perfume available in the house.

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Then he goes out to jewel, our prayer does not try to separate

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between two friends, two people, two friends, he doesn't come and

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sit in between two people I want to sit here that he's has some

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courtesy in that regard.

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Then he prays wherever he can find the place and then listens to the

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This is Allah will forgive the sins of the past week according to

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this narration. Now, how many of us are missing the Sunnah on

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Fridays? Why? Because we don't have we don't wear at work.

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So Friday becomes like any other day for most of us.

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SubhanAllah. So how do we achieve this?

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The way to do it is probably to get up a bit earlier on Friday

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morning and to wear a different type of clothing on that day.

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Something that would be appropriate at work as well. But

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just for the sake of Friday, it's Friday. So even the people at work

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know that it's your Friday, to have that listed in the morning

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before you go specifically for Friday. When these people have

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also been in the morning, this is specifically for Friday. And if

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that's too early in the morning, then Thursday night, because

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according to some scholars the virtues of all of this start from

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mechanic time on Thursday night. So if you have a bath after, even

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at nighttime, it's okay for the next day, though, the best thing

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is to actually be able to pray with the bath that you had, with

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that purity. To be able to make a Juma prayer, that's the best but

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it's may be difficult for people who are working.

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The other option is I've had a number of friends who what they

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used to do is that they used to just add additional hours in the

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weekday sometimes and then take off Friday afternoon or take off

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two hours extra on Friday or something like that and make them

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up other time. So if you've got that flexibility, then this is a

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very honorable thing to do. Because Friday is a special day in

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that sense. Joomla Mobarak is not enough.

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That's just the new, you know, that's just a new innovation.

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Not saying It's haram to say whatever but at the end of the

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day, if that's the only thing you're talking about re sending

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everybody text messages on Friday, Juma Mubarak brothers sister you

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know, whatever, then that's not really this is the Sunnah. So this

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is what should be happening. In fact, in the beginning of Islam,

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it was necessary on Friday. Why urge him to have a bath,

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but later on, it became abrogated.

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