Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Hadith Series A Brief Overview of the Islamic Judicial Process

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The legal process for proving a claim is crucial and requires proper legal procedures, including witness testimony and legal protection. The importance of proving a claim and burden of evidence is discussed, as well as the need for strict rules and thorough testing and analysis. The rule of burden of evidence only applies to women and is difficult and fast, with women having to follow a certain process and bring evidence to prove their claim. The rule is also a rule of a "people's routine" and is difficult to legislate in court, making it a fast rule. The process is a combination of disputes and legal protection, and women have to follow a certain process and bring evidence to prove their claim.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hadith number 33 of Imam Imam no is Arbaeen is a very interesting

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Hadith and I really enjoyed this hadith looking looking it up today

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from YBNL Ibis are the Allahu Anhu Ummah and the rasool Allah He

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam McCall lo Yatta Nast will be that were

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home let the region Anwar Coleman with the motorhome

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lurking al beginner to Al Muda. You will hear me know Adam and

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anchor. However, Hadith, Hadith and Hassan roba whole basically

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you will hear to her cover about the hoof is sahih Haney, if not

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Abba, the Allahu Anhu relates and listen to this carefully that

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, if everybody was to just be given

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based on their claim, you make a claim and your your claim is

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accepted, and you get whatever you claim, then, so many men would

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have claimed or laid claim to the wealth of people, or even to their

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blood, which basically means that oh, he killed my son or my cat or

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whatever. So he needs to be killed for that. So you can imagine that

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if there was no due process, and if you just lay the claim, and

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your claim was to be heard and accepted,

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there'd be huge problems. So essentially, what the verse was me

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saying there's a process you must go through

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and what is the process he says luck him. However, the process is

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the onus of proof is upon the claimant. If I claim something, I

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must provide the proof. Well, you amino Adam an anchor, and the

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taking of an oath or swearing of an oath is upon the one who denies

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is upon the is upon the the the accused as such, okay. Now, what

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does that mean?

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This is actually for the judicial process of Islam. Again, it's a

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very short narration, because the first part is just a prelude to

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say, had it been so easy, then it would of course chaos. So then the

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Prophet Aslam is giving a 50, again, a juridical procedure on

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how to deal with cases. And it's actually a beautiful procedure.

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Right? Does anybody into law here? Does anybody have a law background

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No. Otherwise, you would have been helpful actually, if you did.

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This is the process, I have a claim, right? Or you've got a

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claim against me that I scratched your car.

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Right, I don't do that kind of stuff. But let's just say you got

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a claim against me. So we go to the judge,

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the arbitrator, the procedure here that Rosenstein is mentioning, and

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there's several other iterations that mentioned some other features

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here. Right, because this is quite general. What has to happen now is

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the, the judge will ask the claimant, so you're the claimant,

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and you're saying he scratched my car or make it easy. i Your claim

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is that I owe you 1000 pounds. So he's gonna say, Okay, what's your

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Right. So what is your proof? Oh, look at these emails, or look at,

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I've got these two witnesses, they witness the fact that I lent him

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1000 pounds, right, and there's no proof or evidence of it coming

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back. So if you have the proof,

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right, then it's your case, I owe you 1000 pounds. In fact, the way

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the judicial system actually works is that you lay the claim, the

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judge should ask me first, is he right in what he's saying? And if

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I say yes, he's right, I do owe him 1000. That is done and dusted.

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You don't have to bring any proof. Because that's what you call a

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karar Confession. Confession is the strongest proof, right?

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Because if you do bring two witnesses, or even four witnesses,

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they could all be false. But if I do occur, then I'm assuming even

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that could be false. I could just be saying, Let him have it. I'm

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gonna say it. I want to be incriminated. But generally, that

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doesn't happen. So confession, that would be if I don't continue

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to say no, that's why he's bringing me to court. Because if I

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had confessed, then we don't have to come to court. Right. So

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generally, there'll be no confession, right? Unless I have a

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change of mind or heart when I get to the court. So now he's gonna

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ask you Albena to add on with dairy, which basically means the

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burden of proof is on the claimant. Okay, you bring the

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So you bring proof, you bring witness evidence, whatever it is,

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if it's acceptable. Now, we will look into that as to what exactly

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is the proof? What is the quantum of that? What is the amount of

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that how many people or what kind of proof works or not? Right? I'll

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explain that later.

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If you have the proof, Hamdulillah, right. Whether it's

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true or not, or whatever the case your proof is sufficient. If it

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fits the bill, then I owe you 1000 pounds. However, if you're not

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able to provide sufficient proof,

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then is the case thrown out?

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No. There's another procedure.

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That's what the various alarm said here is well, you mean no alarm,

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an anchor that only applies when the claimant cannot provide

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evidence. So then the judge will turn to me and say, okay, he can't

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provide evidence. But for you to basically exonerate yourself, you

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need to swear an oath now that I do not owe him 1000 pounds.

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Right. So if I now swear an oath, because for Muslim swearing an

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oath is very much because you swear by Allah, that Allah is my

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witness that is supposed to be effective, or you swear in the

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Quran that's supposed to be effective, there are people who

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can even swear falsely, but the majority of people will not.

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That's why actually what it says in terms of the procedure is that

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before you get the person to swear the oath, you must actually remind

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them of the seriousness of this, the burden is taking on, you must

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sit and look if you swear, a false of this is what you do for

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yourself in the hellfire. What's the point of this? It's only 1000

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pounds, you give them all that you give them the entrepreneur, right?

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So you make it serious. And then okay, if I swear enough, then the

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case is thrown out, according to the majority. Right? The case is

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thrown out, according to the majority. There's no case left, he

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couldn't provide proof. And I swore an oath to say I don't know

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the purpose in any money. And the default status actually supports

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me, because the default status is that I haven't given the default

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status is that I don't owe him any money.

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Right? He can prove it. Is the default status like you owe

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someone money? Or is the default status that you don't owe somebody

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money? Does everybody owes somebody something? Or is the

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normal status is that you don't owe somebody money? Right. So that

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that's why now

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the case is thrown out of court. That's it, it's as simple as that.

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Can you see how the safety nets work in place? Now, let's look at

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some of the peculiar particularities here.

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Any system needs a conflict resolving process for any system

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to be complete, and Islam is gamble and moto Carmen? Right,

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Islam is complete. And there are aspects in there, which complete

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one another. So part of that is a judicial process. And this hadith,

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believe it or not, is actually one of the fundamental principles of

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the Islamic judicial process. Right. So that's why this is so

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Now, if there's a claim, what kind of witnesses accepted? What kind

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of witness what kind of testimony what kind of proof is acceptable?

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So now that depends on this level of the claim? So for example, in

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cases where you're saying that somebody committed Zina, that's a

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very difficult one, when you say somebody is fornicated, and you

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will know about that specific versus to do with that in there,

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you actually need for men to bear witness, that is probably the most

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difficult proof to provide. When you claim that somebody has

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fornicated you'd have to prove it through for men, no women, right?

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Women are not accepted here. It's that four men saw the act, not

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that they thought so. Or they have huge suspicion, or they have

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dominant opinion. No, they actually saw the graphic Act, the

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penetration essentially, right, that's what they'll have to do.

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And then it gets even more particular that they have to

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keep on this opinion, until this until the penalty is taken is

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taking place. Right? So they can't even retract if they retract

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everybody, you know, I this one is the most difficult. If one of them

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retracts, the other three get punished for slander. So it's a

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very difficult one. So people are going to think twice, even before

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becoming a witness even one of the four witnesses. It's almost like

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it's never going to happen type of thing. Unless you unless it was so

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public, right? Something that's number one. That's the most

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difficult burden of proof. And there's verses in surah. To know

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that talk about that in detail. Right? Number two,

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believe it or not, killing is of a lower degree murder than Zina

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it's amazing. The reason for Zina is that the Sharia does not want

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you to even discuss fornication, because it's psychologically if

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you that that person is going out with her, or She's flirting with

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him or they're doing it. It creates in your mind that if they

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can do it, I can do it. It's just really unhealthy. The most Zina

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that you discuss, the more shaytaan will actually make me

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it's just the way lust works psychologically. So that has the

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most difficult burden of proof. The next level is essentially

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murders and all other everything else in where the Sharia has

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provided a specific penalty, which are called the WHO dude. Alright,

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which are called the hood. For example, stealing drink

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You kink. Right. And the other one is slandering. These have specific

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designated penalties mentioned the Sharia. So what is if somebody

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says he slandered me, or she slandered me, or he drank wine, or

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he stole? What is the burden of proof there?

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In that one, you need two men. Again, here women, women are not

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accepted. You need two men in this case, not four. You need two men.

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All right? Women are not accepted in this. That's why Allah subhanaw

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taala says in Surah Talaaq will actually do the way idly men come,

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right? You bring us proof to upright men. Okay. And there's

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other verses as well. Number three, the third level are other

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smaller monetary issues, claim a claim like your 1000 pound issue,

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right? The claim 1000 pounds that's less than Zina fornication,

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it's less than killing. It's less than what you call it, stealing

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and so on, right? It's just you lend me money and haven't given it

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back to you, for example. So in any claims that's do with wealth,

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or transactions, such as purchases, rentals,

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lending money and so on, then that's where you that's what the

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famous verse in the Quran you have for this was the Shih Tzu, Shaheed

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Nene Marija Alikum. Right, seek out to men as witnesses for Illa

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Mucuna Raju Lainey. And if there aren't two men available, then

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Faraj will warm rotten, then one man and two women. Alright,

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memento, Davina Mina shahada among those that you will be satisfied

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with them as witnesses. So in this one, you can either have two men

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or one man and two women, right? And the reason for one man and two

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women is generally women did not. One of the reasons given is that

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generally women did not deal with these kinds of matters, right?

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This was was not their forte to deal with business matters and

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things like that. Or number two, the there are other reasons given

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as well, emotional issues and things of that nature. We won't go

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into that right now. And number four, then there's a fourth level

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of burden of proof, which is that those matters in which only women

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would know, right? There are personal issues to women, right

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women issues, for example, related to when somebody is born, right, I

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know you have a lot of male gynecologist nowadays, but I mean,

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generally, this is supposed to be a woman's forte, I still don't

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understand why have male gynecologist, I still don't get

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that. Right. I know. It's probably one of the highest paid things in

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America, at least gynecologist very high paid special

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specialization. Number two, whether somebody is still a virgin

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or not, if there's a reason to look for that, or whether

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breastfeeding took place or not, you're not going to go and ask men

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about that you ask women about that, because there'll be more

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privy to these matters. So in that case, you bring women, this is

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where women would act as witnesses.

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Now, what's very interesting is that this is a very hard and fast

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rule. Let's say that the judge that you go to knows

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Ahmed does owe the person money. He knows it because he's a family

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friend, or he knows it from other ways. He knows it. 100% No doubt.

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Is he allowed to legislate in court based on his knowledge?

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What do you think he's not? He has to follow the same procedure. He

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will tell the claimant, okay, you bring your evidence, right,

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because he can't be the evidence, you know, somebody will have to

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be, if he can't say okay, you swear the oath. Can you imagine

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If he if he if he knows even otherwise, and he knows that the

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the witnesses are lying, he still has to legislate. And the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam said that very clearly, he says that look,

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sometimes some of you and you come to me with cases, you're more

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eloquent than your than, than the other party. And sometimes I will

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actually legislate and decree for you because you've been more

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eloquent in conveying your, you know, in fighting your case.

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Right? That doesn't mean that I'm making halal for you what I'm

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legislating for you. You're basically what you're doing by

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that is that you're basically securing for yourself, just a

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piece of the Hellfire, but due process has to be followed.

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Otherwise, can you imagine the corruption in that? If you corrupt

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judges, they'll just say no, no, I know this. I have got personal

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knowledge about this and then legislate, there's no checks and

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balances in that. That's why this is very hard and fast rule. So

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this is the default situation. Now some mud hubs do have certain

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differences. Some Imams do have certain differences, but this is

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not the time to go into it. Right. For example, Imam Muhammad will

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have another process Imam Malik will have slightly a different

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process can for example, if I'm the accused, right and he got he

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doesn't swear no

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You know, he can't bring proof the claimant cannot bring any

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evidence. I'm told to swear an oath. But I say, look, rather than

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me swearing off, let him swear an oath that he does that I do owe

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him the money. And I'm willing to do that. Have you seen all that is

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not agree on because the Hadith makes it very clear that you

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either bring evidence, the prophets also told somebody,

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either you bring evidence, or he's going to swear an oath, there's

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nothing left. There's nothing beyond that. Meaning, if you want

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to swear evidence, if you're sorry, if you want to swear by

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Allah, that he does owe you, that's not good enough, but

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according to some Muslims, that's good enough. So there are some

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differences like that in the slight difference in process. But

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otherwise, the main framework is the same.

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Right? And I find that such a foolproof, I've used it sometimes,

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you know, when you've got your children or somebody else I'll

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come about and you've got an issue, just use this process.

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Now, Imam, Abu Hanifa, once he was forced to become a judge, because

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swearing by Allah is not a light idea. So he took the position

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begrudgingly, and now he's dealing with a case of some guy comes

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along, and he says he owes me I don't know, 50 pounds, right 50,

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Durham's, or whatever. So he says, Have you got proof? Does he owe

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you? He has no, he doesn't owe me Have you got witnesses? I don't

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have any witness. So his witness was insufficient. So the process

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okay, can you swear an oath, and the guy is about to swear an oath,

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the man is a Stopstopstop, he pulled out 50 pounds is that just

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take it, I'd rather you as a petty amount you'd rather take that than

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you swear by Allah. Right? Because swearing, you know, some people

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have this idea of just swearing all the time with Allah. It's it's

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not good. It's discouraged. So hopefully that gives us an

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explanation here. Right. If I'm to finish off by saying that the

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wisdom behind this this distribution of burden is that the

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claimant, what he's claiming is something which is hidden, right?

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Nobody knows. Otherwise, he was clear, then there wouldn't be no

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reason for him to have to prove it, because it would be apparent,

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right? So he's essentially claiming something that is not so

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well known. So he needs evidence to be able to solidify it, right.

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That's why he has to bring the evidence. The claim the accused,

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he is in a lighter position, he the default ism on his side. So

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swearing an oath is a lighter burden is a lighter responsibility

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than bringing proof. So that's why he has to his his job is to just

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do just to swear the oath, and that should suffice his situation

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just to repel and deflect from him this accusation that's basically

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the reason why the background reason for this to happen. So

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let's stop here.

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