Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – GlobalPrayer4Oppressed Stand Together in Prayer Explanation of Qunut Nazila

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the actions of the shots fired during the upcoming month ofusually busy months in the Muslim world. They encourage individuals to take responsibility for their actions and encourage others to do the same. They also mention the importance of the Sun Julianity and encourage others to use it as a means of peace.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam

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ala see them or saline water early he was Safi marine and

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I'm sure nobody is unaware of what's going on in Palestine and

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the the time that the Israelis have chosen to start bombarding

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these really helpless people in our Muslim brothers and sisters in

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Palestine, especially during this month of Ramadan and all these

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children etc, being killed for absolutely no reason just to

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basically set them back. Now we have a number of responsibilities

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and one of the things that we can definitely all do, which I want to

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encourage today is that we request our Imams of our masajid to start

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doing the routine asila the Knutson asila is the special dua

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Knut means dua means to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Nazca

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means an occurrence a problem a calamity and a negative situation.

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So basically this dua that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam did against the burden rental and the Raekwon and the

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balloon Leon. During his time he prayed against him for a number of

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days for 40 days. So that is Sunnah, which then was followed by

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Abu Bakr Siddiq are the Allahu Anhu to make this special dua

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against the enemy and for Allah subhanho wa Taala to remove this

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calamity from us, so this is a very important dua inshallah very

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very because it's soon it's going to be inshallah very effective as

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well. And Abu Bakr Siddiq are the Allahu Anhu also did it when they

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were fighting against Muslim or the imposter of southern Arabia.

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And Amara, the Allahu Anhu did Abdullah Ahmed are the Allahu Anhu

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did earlier the Allahu Anhu did it and so on. It should be done. It

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should be requested from our Imams that they do this for 40 days

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because that's the Sunnah. That's what sort of Lhasa Lawson did, and

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then he stopped doing it. After that, it was only done at a time

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of calamity, but although the Shafi is have considered it to be

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permissible or maybe recommended throughout the year, and they even

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allow it in different solids as well, the Hanif is they've

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restricted it to Fajr solid after the second ruku so in the second

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record, after the second record, the Imam will stand up and then he

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will make this dua allowed he will make this dua allow you keep your

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hands on the side as in the Hanafi way and the people you know the

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the followers behind they will say I mean behind you know the Imam

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they will say I mean to his doors. So, this should not be this

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opportunity should not be missed, this is the minimum that we can

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do. And if we inshallah we do something that was sort of Lhasa

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Lawson told us to do, then that is that much more effective

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Inshallah, our response will be and our assistance will be. So, in

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ending I just like to recommend that we all have this done in as

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many massages as possible. And of course we remember our brothers

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and sisters as much as possible outside of that as well. But we

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really want to encourage that the whole world the whole Muslim world

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takes up this cornuta Nazia, at least as the minimum that we can

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do in sha Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala alleviate their

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problems may Allah subhanaw taala remove the aggression from them.

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May Allah subhanaw taala deal with the aggressors, and may Allah

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subhanho wa Taala bring justice and make us worthy of that

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justice. May Allah subhanaw taala improve our situation so that we

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become true believers and we become a true representatives of

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our faith. And our iman is strong enough so that you know we can we

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can be we're worthy of Allah subhanaw taala as mercy Allah

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subhanaw taala accept JazakAllah Hayden was Salam aleykum

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rahmatullahi wa barakato

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