Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Gift or Bribe

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises the caller to avoid making a gift to someone if they want to make a respect request. They suggest not giving a gift until the person who made the gift is willing to give it to them. The speaker also warns against giving a gift to someone without making a request and advises against giving a gift to someone without making a request.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you wish to make a request to a person for something, then do not

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make any gift to them.

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If you want to make a respect a request to someone for something

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that they want to do for you, can you please get me into this place?

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Get me membership here, speak to so and so. But before that you

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give them a gift. Don't give them a gift before you're going to make

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that request.

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Why? The one to whom the gift is made under such circumstances is

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either put to disgrace or is indirectly compelled to comply

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with the request of the person who presented the gift. Such a gift

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will be in fact a bribe in a sense, so avoid that

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