Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Finding Refuge and Seeking Forgiveness The Ritualistic Repetition Explained

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of seeking forgiveness as a means of apologizing for mistakes made, rather than just getting extra rewards. They reference a previous incident where someone named Hajj helped them obtain forgiveness. The speaker wonders if seeking forgiveness is a sign of satisfiedment or just a means of apologizing.
AI: Transcript ©
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stuff is just repetition. And it's just ritualistic it's become very

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forgotten the reason for saying

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it's the far off the prayer

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like why do you say stuff in a laughter prayer

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is not to just get extra reward, it's actually to seek forgiveness.

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And that is something one of our shakes I finished Hajj, and I went

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to see him he said, look first.

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Thank Allah that He allowed you to do the Hajj, then straight after

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seek forgiveness for any shortcomings in it. You want to

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thank Allah Hajj is a big deal all of these good deeds or big deeds,

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right? So thank you, Allah hamdulillah all praises to Allah

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