Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Etiquette of the Qur’an Reciter Part 2

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of reciting the Quran in driving understanding is emphasized, along with the need to avoid confusion during prayer. The speaker recommends reciting the Quran in order to avoid reciting it in a row and emphasizes the importance of maintaining the order of the Quran in reciting a row. The benefits of reciting from memory and practicing the art of reciting from memory are also discussed, along with tips for reciting from different verses of the Quran. The importance of taking a sustained study and local law is emphasized, along with the need for thorough understanding of deeds to become more aware of one's desired deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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cinema Nico rahmatullah wa barakato Hamdulillah we are

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covering a chapter some of the sections of this with the Noble

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Quran which is Shefali illusory is GitHub and book that

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is published in sha Allah. So when he speaking about the etiquette of

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reading the Quran number nine was he says that while reciting one

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should abstain from anything that violates or diminishes the

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sanctity of the Quran, so while we're sitting, we don't want to do

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anything that violates that, that just is inappropriate for that.

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Whether that be laughing around, a fooling around joking around with

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somebody while we're reading Quran, it just doesn't look good,

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because the Quran is something to be serious and solemn about,

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probably a state of melancholy, right? So you don't want to fool

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around and you don't want to start speaking to others without without

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necessity and likewise checking your phone every once in a while

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or something like that. He says doing so constitutes a lack of

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respect for the Quran for if one were to interrupt his conversation

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with someone to speak to someone else of Allah, like let's just say

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that I'm speaking to you and then in the middle, I just kind of turn

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to somebody else and start talking to them, you're going to be

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feeling left out. Now Allah is never going to feel left out but

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it's still bad what we're doing is the impression is very, very, very

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Also contiguity while reciting the Quran is part of the beauty and

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splendor of the Quran to do it can you know to do it in a continuum,

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right, which is lost when such contiguity is interrupted? Such an

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interim interruption takes away from the beauty of the Quran,

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which is why it is considered reprehensible if there is a need

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to speak okay, you know, such as if the recital gets confused and

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forgets the ending of the verse that he's reciting if Israel

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reciting by heart, for example, then there's no harm in asking

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someone near to them write about that. Similar similarly, if the

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reciter intends to stop at a specific word, but does not know

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if it's permissible stop at that word, or they want to ask a

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meaning of that word, do not understand what it means or

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something, then of course, that's all related and that's fine. Okay,

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that's all related. That's fine. So, that was number nine, number

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10. He says, If one yarns are sometimes you know, shaytaan

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brings on a yarn okay. It is recommended. And you know, you

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help the shaytaan to bring on a yarn by being tired and not

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sleeping enough sometimes. Right? He says it is recommended to stop

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reciting because one is speaking to the Lord and yearning us from

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the shaytaan. So you don't want to be reading Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil

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Alameen. And then you know, you start yawning in the with your

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reading, you want us to stop because and try to cover yourself,

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Which I had the great

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commentator of the Quran early on, he said, If you yawn while reading

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the Quran, you should stop reciting out of reverence for the

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Quran until the yawn ceases. Likewise, if one sneezes while

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reciting it is recommended to say Alhamdulillah because that's

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remembering Allah. So you can even when you yawn, you can say hola,

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hola, hola, quote, the level of stuff and say that Hola, hola,

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illa Billah, which is the dua for you know, after Yan. And likewise,

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if you cease use Alhamdulillah, and then, you know, your hammock,

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Allah to somebody else, and so on. So all of that you can do while

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you're reading if somebody if that happened in front of you.

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Number 11, it is preferred to recite the Quran in order this is

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a very, very important point. For example, if one completes certain

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Nahal, then it is recommended to to recite Surah Israa after it

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right, usually try to maintain the order of the Quran in your

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recitation unless you've got a very specific reason to do

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otherwise. Okay.

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One should definitely do this, whether or not they're offering

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prayer, this is because there is wisdom in the arrangement of the

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text of the Quran. So one should maintain that order when reciting

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Now, where is there an exception? There isn't it there are some

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exceptions to this is where the sacred law stipulates otherwise,

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for example, in the morning prayer on Friday, right? When should

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recite sort of the such

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as you know, the Prophet saw some used to recite Surah to such that

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in the first record, and then many, many, many Jews down he used

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to read in the second record, so little in son, and there's no

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continuum between them because he missed out all of those sorrows in

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between. But there's a specific reason for that. And that's why he

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did that. So that's fine. If the Sharia tells you to do something

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like that, well, we put our hands up. And that's it. In the Eid

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prayer, one should recite Surah Surah to cough in the First

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Circuit and further comma in the second record. Now nowadays, that

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would be a bit too much. I think I've never seen anybody do that.

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Because relatively long that would be right. Well salted Isla in the

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first and sort of the Russia in the second. A lot of people do

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that. That's the shorter version. Right. So behind the first one,

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had a Durga had eternal Russia in the second one

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If one goes against of the Quran and recites a chapter that does

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not follow the one before it,

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right? So you you recite a chapter and you recite one before it

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or recites a chapter and follows it up with a chapter that precedes

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it. It is permissible. I mean, that's not haram right? It is

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permissible, but it just goes against the best practice. It's

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not a sub optimal. It's not best practice. That's all

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it's reported from Amara, the Allahu anhu, that he recited Surah

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Al gaff in the First Circuit in the fajr prayer mashallah sorbitol

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gaff, imagine how long that was? Listen to at least 15 minutes in

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the first record at least, and Surah use of in the second that's

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another 15 minutes, at least. The promise of the loathsome recited

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Surah Nisa

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in the first record of a prayer while recite Surah Ali Imran, in

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the second, he's going backwards, certainly comes after Saudi Arabia

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Imran, but he did this to show that it's permissible to do so. So

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it is fine. But it's not the usual habit, and it's not the usual

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recommendation. Now, this, of course, applies to whole chapters,

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like whole Soros only, that would be fine because they're self

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contained. It's okay, if he did one from here, and then you did

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one before it. That could be tolerable. It is not permissible,

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though, to recite verses within a chapter out of their proper order

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decimal. So you're jumping. Right? Or you're reading from here and

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then you're reading from some verses before that have the same

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chapter? That would not be right. Okay. He says that you can refer

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back to chapter seven. We've already mentioned this point in

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more detail, right? We've not covered that, but it's there. It's

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in more detail there. Okay, number 12. Right, reciting the Quran from

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a moose half.

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This is interesting, a physical copy of the Quran should you do it

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by heart? Or should you do it from a must have he saying that recite

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the Quran reciting the Quran from a must have is superior than

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reciting from memory. Why is that? Well, because looking at the text

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of the Quran in itself is an act of worship as well you get reward

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for looking at the Quran. In this way, one attains the virtue of

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both reciting and looking. It's reported that the prophets of

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Allah some said, give your eyes their share of the worship,

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indulge everything in your worship. The companion is asked

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what is their share of worship? He replied, looking at the most half

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reflecting on his contents, and taking heat from its wonders, Imam

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Bay, hotkey, and others have related this.

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And it's been confirmed that many of the companions preferred

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reciting the Quran from almost half and would dislike letting a

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day pass by without having looked at one SubhanAllah. So you know,

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you may read some Quran every day in Sadat. But if you don't

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actually look at it, most haven't read something from it. Of course,

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if you're trying to memorize the NUS different Imam quote, we said

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the benefits of reciting from memory is that it strengthens

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one's memorization, which is more in inducing to reflecting on it.

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The benefits of resave robust have though is that it helps to confirm

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that one has not made a mistake by adding or omitting a letter, or by

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putting a verse in the wrong place. A Busara the alone used to

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say I am ashamed if I do not look at the covenant of my Lord at

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least once a day.

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So there's benefits in reciting in by memory as well because it helps

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you to memorize and of course, standard is that you look at the

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Okay, number 13. If one recites from the middle of a chapter, it

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is best to start at the beginning of a story. So you know, when you

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start in the middle of a surah, somewhere, don't just start at any

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verse, especially for those people of us who don't understand it, try

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to start from the beginning of the story. And for the Indo Pak Quran

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that we have, which we have the ruku those are very useful for

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people who don't understand because then they can start from

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there, because that's the start of a new theme. Otherwise, if you see

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that there's a new discussion of a profit coming up or something like

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that, start from there. Try not to just start from any verse

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whatsoever, or stop at any verse for that matter.

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Start somewhere

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and stop somewhere where it's the end of a theme and of a cluster of

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verses and have some kind of context or chapter. Okay?

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Now, in this book, he actually gives you common places where

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people make mistake where they keep stopping, and one of them he

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says is don't stop at the end of the fourth juice and not carry on

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at one MOS anatomia nisab because those two verses are very, very

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deeply connected. Right and don't start reading the fixtures at one

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more Senate start from hurry metallicum In the previous chapter

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for or start from where lemmya started at minimum Dolan, right,

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for example, so he gives you a lot of these suggestions there.

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And finally,

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he gives you suggestions of what to set particular places in point

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14 He said

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is the final verse of Surah 218 Elisa Allahu be Ackerman, Heike

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mean, we it's recommended to say Bella while another 30 Coming

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Ushahidi of course, because Allah says here is Allah not the fairest

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of judges. So then we say of course he is. And I am a witness

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to that. At the end of selection Kiana is strictly recommended to

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say but who are al Qadir, who are called her? Of course he is

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definitely able. He is definitely able, at the end of sorter monk

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it's recommended to say Allah Who Rockwood I mean, Allah is the Lord

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of the worlds and when reciting Surah Rahman every time you every

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time somebody recites for B A ye your B coma to get Viva which then

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of your Lord's blessings do you both deny one should say what are

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be che manera Mika Rabina no Catholic for like Al Hamd. I've

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mentioned that in listening right as well. We do not deny any of

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your blessings our Lord All praise belongs to Allah. And then after

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reciting for the Hadith in Bury the who you may know and sortal

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more Salat verse 50 is recommended to say amen to Biller, I believe

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in Allah and when you recite sub behest Mara because either

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once you say three times Subhan Allah beer Allah Subhana Allah

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Subhan Allah Bill Allah Glory be to my Lord, the Most High. And

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then when reciting for El Hamra half or jewel Raha double

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sword of shrimps verse eight, one should say Allahumma Atty. Nofal

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Sena Taqwa was a key her and the hieromonk Zika and Dohany you have

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one Mola, which means Allah give our souls their piety. Because you

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know that verses about Allah subhanho wa Taala saying that

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Allah has inspired every soul with its good and bad, right with the

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piety and righteousness and with the evil so we are then making dua

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Oh Allah give our souls their piety, purify them, you are the

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best one to purify them. You are their guardian and their master.

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Okay. And then he says when reciting what called Rob busy then

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he or Elma Musa alayhis salam stories mentioned that he made

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this statement he made this dua verse 114 of surah Taha say Rob

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bisate, near Alma, Lord increased me in in my knowledge, and at the

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end of Surah Baqarah, where we have the DUA funds, sadhana I will

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call mill caffine and CME

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por la accept. So, these are some of the interactions that he

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suggests that you can have with the Quran you can check the book

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out page 99 And page 100. He discusses all of these there. May

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Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to observe these etiquette of

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reading the Quran. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept it from

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us and take us high and illuminate us and elevate us through the

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Quran. Allah says that 100 Nairobi, la Alameen Assalamu

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alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu. The point of a lecture is to

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encourage people to act to get further an inspiration and

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encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start

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learning seriously to read books to take on that subject of Islam

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and to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic

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level, so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from

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us. And that's why we started our Rayyan courses. So that you can

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actually take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free

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time, especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we

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have on that is some essential certificate which you take 20

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Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will have

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gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and

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you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures

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behind you can continue to live, you know to listen to lectures,

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but you need to have this more sustained study as well as local

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law here in Santa Monica when I had to live record

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