Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Elevate Your Purpose

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker encourages individuals to make a change and benefit people by engaging in a doctorate program. However, the goal is not just to become a doctor, but to serve people and achieve a better life. The program has led to an increase in the individual's mindset.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want you to be somebody who will make a change in this world who

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will benefit people. Yes, you can go ahead and benefit people by

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becoming a doctor. But becoming a doctor is not the end all. That is

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not your goal. Your goal is not just to be a doctor. Your goal is

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to serve people and Allah by being a doctor.

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What we've just done is we've just elevated their mindsets.

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