Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Death is a Gift for a Believer

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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That's why then even artha Illa he says in there for him but mayhem

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to like, please tell me boom and Abdullah the real lover is the one

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who spent everything on you not the one that you have to spend for

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for that he says he will spend his life for you. He will spend

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everything for you. That's why Darfur to menial modes. Death is

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not something that we hope to get right. We want to live in this

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world to do the best that we can. But for a believer when he does

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have death, that's supposed to be a gift because finally now ya

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allah you've given me permission to get out of this to come and

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finally be in your in your court. A mini visit is to Hutch. That's a

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mini visit. The ultimate visit is when we die if we've done well and

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then we'll go to Allah subhanaw taala so for a believer death is a

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gift. That's what the prophets have a license in Darfur to

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LogMeIn means Darfur and gift his death because that's the only way

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you can get to see Allah subhanaw taala

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