Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Confronting Anger The Key to Saving Your Marriage

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the problem of marriage and how it can spoil relationships. They mention that anger is one of the reasons that marriage can happen and that reading the Quranic verses about it can help alleviate problems. The speaker also talks about Allah's " handy taala" and how it creates everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of the first things that are a big problem to marriage is anger.

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Okay, that is a problem. If you've got a problem with anger, you need

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to sort out otherwise it's going to mess your marriage up. If you

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are already married, it probably is spoiling your marriage. Okay,

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how would you sort out anger? Personally, what helped me and I

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think I had a bit of an anger issue. But I think one thing that

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helps a lot in anger, is to read the Quranic verses regarding it.

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And you owe it to yourself if you've got a problem in anger to

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go and take a course. You don't have to tell anybody about it, but

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really, it will spoil your relationships. Because anger is

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just one of those indiscriminate, fiery shaytani ideas that when it

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goes in excess, it just causes a lot of problems.

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You have to remember that Allah subhanaw taala creates everybody

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