Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Cannot Marry Who You Want

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses how people are often in a depression and sadness, and how it can lead to feelings of sadness and loss. They suggest that people should trust in Allah and not feel like they have lost their best friend. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of praying for the best thing in the future, as it is the only way to achieve happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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I am a divorce girl I wanted, I waited to marry, I wanted to

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marry, he wanted to marry me too. But family didn't expect me. He's

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getting married to somebody else, how do I get myself out of this

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depression? This is something that we've actually covered several

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times in the past, you just have to understand that at the end of

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the day, not everything works the way you want it to. And there

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could be so many wisdoms in that, that you just don't know right

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now. Right. So since you've lost the person right now just have to

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look at the positive side of it. Because if this was supposed to be

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good for you, you would have had it, but it's not. So thank Allah,

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that maybe there's something and then move on. The longer you cry

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over this and fuss over it. The longer you the more you are

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spoiling your chances of finding somebody better, better, yes,

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better. I say that, because

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through various different experiences, sometimes you think

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something is the best. And you think I need to get this and then

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you lose it and you feel

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at loss that you know, there's going to be nothing better, then

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Allah subhanaw taala gives you something but Nina in the world is

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always better things is always better things. When it comes to

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people, there's an emotional attachment that ensues, which

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makes you feel that this is the best person.

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Right. And when you don't get them, you feel like you've lost

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the best person, nobody can fit their shoes, fill their shoes,

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that's completely wrong. Allah can make you satisfied. So stop

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feeling like that. And understand that maybe there was something in

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here that I can't understand, I have to trust in Allah.

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And let me look for some because the longer you're going to cry

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over this, the longer it is going to take you to get over and to

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find something better. And you're going to miss a lot of

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opportunities. There are many fish in the sea, as they say, right? I

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had one person called me once and basically their proposal had

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broken down, and they hadn't even got married, their proposal had

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broken down. And she was fretting over why it had happened. So she's

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basically saying that okay, maybe it was because I said this on this

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day, maybe because I didn't do this on this day. Maybe it's

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because of this email or this word that I used. Or maybe it's because

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of this dress I wore and I'm like why are you wasting your time for

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this person is gone. Forget it now. Right? It's you can't you

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know, you don't have a time machine that you can go back and

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Okay, change your address, or change your statement, or do

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things differently. It's finished. Why cry over spilt milk.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is telling us rissalah Mayan Farooq,

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you need to go and avidly seek out that which is to your benefit,

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what attaches and do not sit back enfeebled. Do not sit back and

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just be weakened. That's not what life is about. Anybody will tell

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you that.

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I would suggest that you listen to this talk that I have called Don't

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be depressed you don't know your future. Because that really helps

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to understand the whole decree aspect of it. Right, that there is

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another force out there there is Allah's understanding of

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everything that we're going to do, which he had from before. And he

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does things to the for the best. And there's numerous examples,

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right? of where things went wrong. The people felt really, really let

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down. But later on, they found that that was the best thing that

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had happened to them. Right, that was the best thing that had

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happened to them. And really, you got no other way to think because

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you can sit back and cry forever, and he's not going to come back.

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So think of it that way. And just ask Allah subhanaw taala to give

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you something better, keep doing the Istikhara prayer for the next

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best thing in sha Allah. And may Allah give you that

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