Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Can I buy Non Halal food for my Pet

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the issue of pets and pet owners not being allowed to feed their pets, as well as the beneficial effects of pets. They suggest avoiding bringing pets to their homes and avoiding bringing them to their own homes. The difficulty of feedting pets with certain foods, including cat food, is also discussed, along with a new pet food and HMC-approved Halal products. The speakers encourage viewers to visit their websites and subscribe to their platforms for help feeding their pets.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. Welcome to brothers sisters I hope

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you guys are doing very well. Masha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala

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bless all of us. So I want to speak about something today very

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quickly, which many people would be surprised about and Hamdulillah

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I mean, in my trials, I found there's a lot of people with pets

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especially cats, Mashallah. And a lot of people don't know that if

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you just by the normal, readily available pet food and cat food

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that you find out there a lot of is haram. In fact,

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one of the studies showed that even those that have just fished

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fish and so on, that also includes other aspects and it can't be

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guaranteed because they're not that particular budget when it

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comes to pets and so on. Now, what's really interesting is that

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you're not allowed actually. And I remember the first time I found

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out about this many, many years ago it was it came as quite a bit

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of a surprise to me that you can't feed your pet haram you can't feed

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a cat I mean, the cat you know you can't feed haram neither can you

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feed dogs Haram as such. So where does this come from? Well,

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firstly, there's a hadith in Sahih al Bukhari from Jabba ignore

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Abdullah the Allahu anhu, where he said that he heard the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of the his entry, and victory

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in Macomb, Karima. Right. That was the day where the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah and His Prophet, Allah

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and His Messenger has made unlawful the trade of alcohol and

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dead animals carry on write pigs and idols. So essentially, when

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you buy cat food, you are trading in Haram. And number two, the

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other bigger problem is that you actually bring haram into your

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house to feed your cat, I mean, that that should go against you

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know, any aspect of sensitivity, I mean, that we have towards these

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things. So then also, I mean, if I just take a few one or two quotes

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from the Hanafi scholars, you've got fatawa copy Han, which is a

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very, very famous book, Imam colicky in there mentions that

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likewise, the dead animals, so most of the stuff that is not I

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mean, nearly everything that is not slaughtered properly,

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according to the Islamic rituals as such, right? Where they cut it

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properly and, and so on, then that is considered a major or a

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carrying right in our faith. And he says what can radicalize Mita

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likewise carrying meaning anything that is not sorted properly or

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that has died on its own label to a mohawk killer, but you should

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not even feed that to his dog Liana vedika indifferent, because

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that is a method of benefiting from carrion and is not allowed to

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benefit from carrying in that way. Likewise, in the fatawa, India, it

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says wakad was one of our scholars, our jurists, they say

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the ledgers are indifferent, or bill may, Tatiana Aug him? What

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are you to enable her elke lab,

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they say that it is not permitted to benefit through carrying dead

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meat, essentially, non ritually slaughtered meat in any way

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whatsoever, and you cannot feed even his cats, right? So his dogs

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mentioned there. So that might come as a big surprise to a lot of

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you. And so what do we do now? Right? So there's some people who

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know about this already, because we get asked the questions and

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they prepare their own meals, they give them you know, scraps or

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leftovers from their own food that they could cook at home. But of

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course, that's not always easy to do. And that's complicated

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sometimes right? Now, look, if your pet does go out, your cat

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goes out eats from the neighbor's house, for example. They feed it

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something that's not that's not an issue because you're not doing

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that right. Likewise, if it goes and eat something haram about so

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whatever it is, that's its problem. That's not something that

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but we can't actively feed it something right. We can't actively

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feed it something haram that's the thing. So you can either cook for

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yourself, right? Or, you know, that's but now at hamdulillah Al

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Hamdulillah. You know, I've been some this company mashallah

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brother, Tisha, I'm from Herrera, pet foods, right? Herrera, pet

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foods. Hooray. Oh, by the way, in between, right coming from the

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name of Abu Huraira really, Allah wants even Abu Huraira the Allahu

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Anhu he was given that name, though. His name was Abdul Rahman

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who suffer Right? Or the Allahu Anhu because he had a little kit

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so it was an appropriate name Haryana means a small kids and you

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know, a kitten basically. So it's very appropriately named cat food,

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essentially pet food rather. And so hamdulillah what really

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interesting they, they they've gone to Malaysia they've gone to

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you know, get get something from the best source available, very

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nutritious and so on. Let them explain that to you. Right. I'm

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here to tell you that mashallah they also HMC approved. That's an

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amazing it's one of the first pet foods that are HMC approved Halal

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monitoring committee that's been approved by them, Ma sha Allah so

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go to Herrera pet foods right if you want to check this out and

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subscribe, right especially if you're a if you're a cat owner,

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and you want to feed it once they launched then they'll let you know

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and why am I doing this? You know, what do I get number one to let

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people know Right? Primarily that even pets need to be fed halal

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food, right? Anything which is halal, right. But number two

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The what sweeten the deal for for me and made this you know

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something more beneficial for us is that white thread which is our

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organization has a huge debt and mashallah Herrera pet foods is

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willing to donate a certain amount in Sharla for every subscription

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they receive, so go to her ala Halal pet foods so the website is

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Hurairah pet foods should be on the screenshot Allah or underneath

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and you you register basically and from this from the

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where it says Where did you hear about us choose white thread insha

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Allah and that way once you start starts subscribing, inshallah we

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get insha Allah eventually we will get a donation for white thread

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Alhamdulillah spread this as far as possible if you're a cat owner

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or you know a cat owner send it to them, send it to others, you know

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who you know have pets mashallah and May May this be a good venture

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and may we find Halal in many other things. May Allah suffices

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with the halal away from the haram. Right and this is all part

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of were encouraged by Allah Subhana Allah and His messenger to

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look after our pets. Right. And part of that is also that we can't

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give it haram and we want to feed her we definitely don't want to

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bring haram into our homes. That's what we definitely want. I want to

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do Insha Allah, so does that go ahead and we hope for many other

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ventures like this that are providing Halal in our community.

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Allah bless you all. And please pray for wait through as well. And

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As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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