Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Bonds are Haram!

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how bonds are generally considered secure and not only for investing in something, but also for maintaining a relationship with someone. They explain that bonds are based on interest and people may not realize that they are secure. The speaker also mentions that many people are not aware that bonds are based on USury and interest.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah in your Walkman you're walking

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many people think that taking bonds buying bonds, right from the

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post office or for some other government bonds, for example,

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they're very secure form of investment in the sense that you

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know, you're buying for 1000 pounds or whatever. And your money

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can't be, you know, you can't really lose money in that it's

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generally always going to go up. It's because it's government, it

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generally seems to be more secure. The thing about is that any secure

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investment like that way you're going to get your money back and

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possibly something on top right is generally going to be based on

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interest. Because if it's a halal one, a halal ones mean that you're

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becoming a partner in something, you're putting some money in

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something that could go down or up, right, and you hope that it's

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going to go up, that's why you're putting money there. But you have

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to have the chance of losing. But in generally in bonds, it's all

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based on interest, they take your money now they're going to pay you

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you know, with interest this much in two years, or three years or

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five years, or whatever the case is. They seem very secure. But you

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have to remember bonds are haram, right? Because they're all based

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on usury and interest. And I know that there's many people who even

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are religious and so on, they've gone into this and they don't know

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that it's haram. Some bombs are generally always going to be

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haram. So just just just remember that

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