Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Best Way to Explain Islam The five Dimensions of Faith
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The speaker discusses the five pillars of Islam, including belief, social interaction, and transactional deals. They emphasize the importance of purifying one's feelings and understanding the importance of contentment, love, and understanding with others. The heart is crucial for achieving perfection and fulfilling God's promises, and everyone should be well balanced and focused on their individual needs. The speaker emphasizes the need for everyone to be well balanced and focused on their individual needs, citing examples from the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon his followers.
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When you look at Islam, for example, firstly, there's this
aspect of belief, which is very important. Why are we here? What's
the purpose of this life? We hear about creations called Jinn
angels, you know, these words are on what what, what is our belief
about this? Where did we come before this? Where are we going to
go? Is there a paradise? And *? Is there a reckoning? Is there
something beyond this world, all of that is discussed in the
theological aspects of Islam. The way I like to explain Islam is as
being in five dimensions.
Most of us if you're approached by somebody of another faith,
and they'll, if they ask you what Islam is all about, your first
response will probably be Islam is based on five pillars.
And what are these five pillars, you're fasting, your prayer five
times a day, your pilgrimage, to Mecca, which is your post you and
your testimony of faith. And if the person is a discerning person,
and I think well, that all of those five things that you speak
only refer to one aspect of my life, which is the belief, which
is the worship aspect, all of those things are worship. It
doesn't tell me anything about social interaction, right? It
doesn't tell me anything about my transactions in my dealings, which
I have to do as a human being in this world.
Right. So the five pillars of Islam actually are only part of
the second dimension of Islam, they come under the second
dimension of Islam, which is worship. So once you've got your
theology, right, then there's worship. Now, once you've got
worship and theology, that's two, we don't have a whiteboard. But
the third one is, oh, there is.
But then we don't have a mic. Okay, you guys, I'm sure. It's
only five categories, but it's don't worry about it. five
categories, I'm sure there's not too much for you. Right.
So the third one is, the third one is as social beings, we interact
with people on two different levels. Firstly, we interact with
them, whether we like it or not, on a social level. So you've got
neighbors, you've got elders that you have to deal with, you've got
young people that you're going to deal with, you're going to deal
with animals, you're going to deal with the environment. Now Islam
has a very comprehensive, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa salam peace be upon him, brought a very comprehensive
system to deal with all of these facets. So I will call this the
more I shot, right the Arabic term is mashallah, which is social
interaction, which includes everything from you're dealing
with animals, to the environment, to other human beings, you know,
to parents, to children to the poor, the widows, the old, the
needy, the disabled, and everything. And believe me, there
are comprehensive guidance for all of this interface, if you just go
to look for it. Then the fourth dimension is where you deal with
people on a transactional level. For example, you're speaking about
buying and selling, you need to buy a car from somebody, just sell
your car, you need to come and you know, sign a contract for
something, sign an agreement, marriage, divorce, custody issues,
judicial issues, all of that comes in more armor a lot. More armor a
lot means dealings, right on more of a transaction level on a
contractual level. And then there's a fifth dimension. Does
anybody know what that fifth dimension is? What I'm leaving
Okay, great. Hamdulillah. That's good, coming back to oneself,
after all of that is coming back to oneself, and purifying our
insight, which holds such a high position in the faith. Right? So
for example, we're talking about how am I going to eradicate my
jealousy? Right? For instance, somebody else has got this nice
BMW SIX series now. Right?
And I'm jealous of them. So you go around with your keys. Right? And
you walk past the car admiring it, and somehow your keys scrape along
Right? Or you're sitting with your friend at a table and she's got
this nice new Louis Vuitton bag. Right? And you're having you take
him out for coffee. I'm talking about a girl doing that to another
And you kind of spill the coffee over the bag, because you're
jealous. Your jealousy is, you know, expressing itself now.
I'm sure none of us do that. Right.
It's just that's one of the feelings of the heart. The other
one is excessive hatred.
it right absence of contentment, greed, avarice, just desire,
anger, excessive anger, all of these things have to be culled.
They have to be controlled. They have to be replaced with
compassion, with love, with understanding with with
contentment, prana in Arabic, to suffice with what we have, and do
the best that we have to be good to others. Now see her for others,
as we call it, wishing well for others a care. These are all of
the things that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him taught.
Now think about it.
Each one of us are people that we know. And best is the best example
is ourselves. In which of these five faculties are we deficient?
And which one do we focus on more, and the Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him, he focused on every single one, he was the most well
balanced person that you could have in all of these aspects. So
for instance, there was a woman who used to starve her cat, but
used to pray all day. It's a very famous narration that we know
about. The Prophet Muhammad says she's going to be in the hellfire,
though she is very good at one faculty, which is worship, which
most people think is the most important. And it may be to a
certain level, but this her, her her MA chakra, which is her
interaction, even with a cat that, you know, many people would just
think is redundant, right was so important. The Prophet Muhammad
said that that will take her to hellfire.
And yet, you see other people who say it's all about the heart. So
as long as I'm good to everybody else, and I don't feel bad about
anybody else, I don't need to pray, I don't need to look the
part I don't need to express my faith. You know, it's really about
the heart. As we can see, Islam is a very comprehensive system. And
that's what the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him brought that it
needs to be comprehensive in every aspect of this otherwise, there's
going to be deficiency and when you have deficiency, that's when
you're going to have problems, right? We strive for hopefully,
for accomplishment in all of these aspects perfection is difficult,
but at least accomplishment to a certain degree, at least to a
level of acceptance that that will make us good beings in this world
good human beings good servants of God. Good people. For others a
believer a Muhammad is somebody who follows Muhammad peace be upon
him is supposed to be like a cool breeze that comes into a room and
people feel oh, there's going to be some things are going to be
nice. Now things are going to be good now. Not that Oh no. Right.
That's what a true believer in God is supposed to be like. Right?
That's what Islam teaches.