Mustafa Khattab – Jumah Mistakes 3 3

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The Christian community made mistakes during the 3rd pandemic, including wasting gallons and protesting, causing some brothers and sisters to avoid and not wear masks. The importance of avoiding mistakes and not protesting is emphasized, and advice is given on praying with the ADU and reciting the holy scripture. Despite some reciting mistakes, the community emphasizes the need to be economical with water and to speak to the pastor after eating.
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I bear witness that there's none worthy of
our worship except Allah
And I bear witness that Muhammad
is the seal of the prophets and the
final messenger
to all humanity.
Whomever Allah guides, there's none to misguide.
And whomever Allah needs to go astray,
there is none to guide aright.
So today, inshallah,
this is the 3rd episode or the 3rd
on the mistakes of some brothers and sisters
on the day of Jum'ah. So today, we'll
give 6 mistakes. And before, we mentioned 14,
so the total number is 20.
So last time after the football, one of
the brothers
said, would you please give a little bit,
of details on the tour at Asunah Tabliah
before Jum'ah? Because
I just mentioned the, strongest opinion in this
case, and there are 2 opinions.
Those who consider Jum'ah to be like, they
pray too soon as too soon as before,
But those who say no, and this is
the strongest opinion I mentioned last time, they
said, no. There's no 2 rakha sunnah before
because at the time of the prophet,
there was one adhan, not 2.
And therefore, the prophet, sasam, would come. He
would go to the river right away,
and Bilal, a de la'an, will give the
adhan, and the prophet, sasam, would start giving
the football right away. They didn't pray 2
rak'ahs between adhan and between the food.
But, again, if someone prays the 2 rak'ahs,
sunnah kabliyah,
before Jummah, we shouldn't protest and we shouldn't
condemn them. This is acceptable, and this is
So the first mistake for today, some people,
when they make wudu,
they waste gallons and gallons of gold.
So someone is making wudu, and they have
mirror in front of them. So the brother
or the sister, they look themselves in the
eye, and they say, masha Allah, I have
beautiful eyes. Then they reflect on how beautiful
they are, and they waste gallons and gallons
of water.
So if you do this, remember
that hundreds of thousands of people throughout the
world, especially in Africa,
will starve to death every year because they
have no fuel for it.
And some of the humanitarian
aid brothers, Muslim brothers who traveled to Africa,
they were telling me, Wallahi, some people, they
have to drive all 14 miles every day
to just get a few liters of fuel
water to drink. And now we are wasting
gallons and gallons of water just for wudu.
It's even worse when you take a shower
multiply by 10.
Used to make wudu with wood. This amount
of water was enough for him to make
And 4 times this,
4 bottles of these, he used for taking
a shower.
So a man came to Abu Lad N
Abbas and said, how did the prophet
make wudu? He said he used this
to make wudu
and 4 of these to make to take
a shower. So he said, this is not
enough for me. So Naba
said that amount was enough for someone who
is a 1,000 times better than you. But
if you have a big body, if you
are taller than me, if you are bigger,
and you need more water, there's no problem.
But be economical with water and remember this.
And the prophet
told, Sa'ad al Abi Waqqas, as reported in
Mus'ad al Imam Ahmad, don't waste water when
you make wudu
even if you live by a river. And
this is an authentic
So the second mistake, some people, they talk
to the imam, and they protest,
and they question the imam as he speaks.
They say, for example, this point is wrong.
You are teaching us wrong.
Or if the man speaks a little bit
longer than usual, some people
protest, and they will tell him they show
him their watches, and they say, what's wrong
with you? You are taking forever. What's what
are you doing here? We got no you
know, we don't have all day. And some
people do like this thing. Cut it short,
or we'll get you outside.
This is not permissible. If you want to
correct the imam or give him advice, talk
to him after foodba and talk to them
they say there are some exceptions, however. Number
1, the imam can talk to someone of
the people in the masjid,
or he can talk to the congregation. They
to say, for example, move up a little
bit. People are waiting outside in the snow,
and so on and so forth. And in
the authentic hadith al Sahih Bukha in Muslim,
someone came while the prophet given the foodba
and sat down. The prophet
told him, have you prayed 2 rakas, the
hayat and masjid? He said, no. Then the
Also, someone from the crowd can talk to
the imam if there is an emergency, like
there's a fire outside, there is a terrible
The in Sahih al Bukhari al Muslim, a
man came while the prophet is giving Fuqbah
and said, oh, prophet of Allah, there's a
the animals are dying, and our kids are
starving to death. There's no more. So make
dua so Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, will send
rain on us. So the prophet, shalom, raised
his hands on the member and said, oh,
Allah, bless us with rain. Three times.
Then the sahaba said, Wallahi, we didn't leave
the masjid until the water was coming down.
The rain. It was raining cats and dogs.
And they said, Wallahi, we haven't seen the
sun for a whole week because of the
So you can talk to the imam if
there is an emergency. But other than this,
don't protest and don't question the imam.
So the 3rd mistakes
the 3rd mistake some imams and imams, believe
it or not, they make mistakes too. Some
of them, they make the Khutba very long,
and there are sick people, old people. People
have to go to their work, to their
and Jum'ah here is not a day off,
so you have to cut it short. And
the prophet
says in an authentic hadith,
making the salah of Jum'ah and making the
hunda short is a sign of the imam's
understanding of the sharia and understanding of people's
And this is reported in several hadith.
Number 4.
Some brothers, when the imam al sala is
a surah that they know they know badhaq,
so they recite with the imam loud.
And people next to them, they are complaining.
They can't focus in the salaam.
The ayah Surat Al A'rafar, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says, when the Quran is recited, listen
attentively to the recitation.
All the scholars agree that this means the
recitation in salaam. When the imam recites, you
have to listen. Do recite with the imam.
And the prophet
also says in an authentic hadith, the Sahih
al Masayi,
imam is made so people will follow him.
So when the imam says Allahu Akbar, say
Allahu Akbar like him, and when the imam
recites in salay, you have to listen attentively.
So this is number
Number 5.
Some people, when they finish their salah, they
talk very loud. And the people are making
adkar or they're reciting sunnah, and they they
can't focus.
So number 6, and this is the last
one, some people, especially back home, after they
pray Jum'ah with the imam,
they stand to the side and they pray
Abu because they say, this is how they
think, if Allah doesn't accept our Jum'ah, He
will accept our dhu.
You don't give multiple choices to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. If you pray Duh
or pray Jumah, just go home.
Just relax. Go home. You don't have to
The last point, we'll let you go.
Some people, they said, we go,
we work for oil companies. We're going to
Fort McMurray and other places, and we don't
have a single nation close to us. What
should we do? So the scholars say you
can pray both together on the day of
Jummah, or if you are 2 or more,
you can pray Jummah. One of you will
give Khulbat.
Very short one, you praise Allah, Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala, you make salah from the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, you'll recite an ayah and
a hadith,
a few minutes, then you pray 2 writers.
Because there is not a single hadith from
the prophet sallahu alaihi wa sallam that says
or specifies the certain number of people required
for jum'ah, thus Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
Allah to forgive our sins and to accept
our good deeds. Oh, Allah,
give us a reward for our good deeds
according to the best of our intentions,
forgive us anything we have done by mistake
or ignorance.