Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Be Productive Your Time

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the concept of time management and how it can be beneficial to manage time. They suggest that people should focus on their goals and not rush at it, as it can waste their time and time management is not something that is just a habit. The speaker also suggests taking out procrastination and proactive behavior from people who have a long term legacy.
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Time management is another topic Time management is obviously quite

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a complex topic. But just to give a very brief idea about time

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management, time management can only come about if you've got a

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value for your time. And your understanding that time will

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continue to move on. Even if we don't, even if we stand passively,

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for two days, time will move, we will get older, maybe that

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additional white or gray hair will will appear, right, even if you

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don't do anything, even if you sleep for three days straight,

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right time will move you will get older, and that is how much less

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time that is how much less time you have until our death. So time

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takes no prisoners, right time is basically vicious, it will

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basically cut us unless we use time. If we don't use time

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productively, it will basically just waste us. So that's why

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person has to really understand that as Allah subhanaw taala

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mentions in the Quran about about time that this is well acid in the

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in Santa Fe hustle, right that by by us or by the time human beings

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are in loss, because time is just going to take your it's going to

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whether you away, it's going to basically waste you away if you

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don't do anything useful. So while we can enjoy ourselves, and while

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we can have a good time, but that is just as a relief. That is just

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as a relief from the purposeful acts that we want to do. The acts

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of objective that we want to do that we want to achieve something

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and hopefully leave even a legacy behind. Focus on our next

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generation is a big issue. It's a big thing to focus on our

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children, and our families, our society, all of these things are a

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legacy, any good that we're going to do. And this is tying into some

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of the other questions here. Anything good that we're going to

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do, there's going to be a benefit of it any help that we give to

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somebody, and they've just increased because of that they've

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just enhanced themselves because of that we're going to be rewarded

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that for that forever. Right. And also a number another thing is

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that if they learn from something that we've just done for somebody

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else, and they are inspired to do something, and they continue that

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tradition, and then somebody else continues that tradition, that

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sadaqa jariya, we're going to be benefiting from that. So yes, we

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can enjoy ourselves, we can, you know, have a party, we can have

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different types of recreation, but those must be what we do, to

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basically take away the mundaneness or the UK, you can say

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the just the incessant consecutive drill of everyday work. Otherwise,

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our real work needs to be something that we are fulfilling

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our responsibilities that will you know, it should be the fulfillment

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of our responsibilities. Right. So that's really what it is, then if

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you understand that you will manage your time. Some people are

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naturally procrastinators. They've done some studies recently about

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part of the brain being like that, that that's what makes certain

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people procrastinate, they want to do the work, but they just can't.

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They want to do it, but they just delay until the last minute. For

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that you just need to get a you need to maybe get some self help

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help books about these kinds of things. And understand that at the

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end of the day time is not going to stand still, you'd rather be

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more comfortable in getting something done earlier than to

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rush at it in last week and last last minute and do a half baked

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job. Right? So a person needs to think about all of these things,

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and can constantly ask Allah subhanaw taala to give blessing in

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time, what I found to be the most useful as was suggested and advice

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to me by some of my teachers when I had this problem, I mean, I

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still have the problem that you don't have enough time. When you

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want to do so much. You're just not going to have enough time.

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Right? But we're here we're talking about time management is

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that in sha Allah if you do some vicar a day, right and you give

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your time to Allah, then Allah subhana wa Taala will facilitate

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for you a lot. He'll give you baraka and blessing in everything

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else that you do because you're giving time to him. When you give

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time to Allah, Allah will give you your time. Otherwise your time

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will just go in on YouTube or anywhere else and be wasting it.

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So sit down and do some mistake far do some judiciary, do some

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third Kadima as we call it

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and spend some time doing that every day for you know regularly

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and inshallah Allah subhanaw taala will will make ease

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