Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – A Visit to the Cave of Ayyub (Job)

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is not a dialogue and does not contain a single sentence or topic. It appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and phrases that do not form a coherent
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AI: Transcript ©
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Yo, Ramona Rahim.

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So this is the cave apparently in which they say a Eubalaena Salam

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had to stay for several years when he was afflicted by the sickness

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that's mentioned in the Quran. In his story that Allah subhanho wa

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Taala put him through a very great test, and everybody has shunned

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him except his wife. So they say that this is the place where he

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stayed for several years in this particular cave, Allah subhanaw

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taala knows best but this entire area is developed according to

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that and there's a big big Masjid outside.

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We are currently underground. And you can see that that particular

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area is actually closed off

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