Abdur Raheem McCarthy – Good Manners

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary ©
The importance of good manners in Islam is emphasized, including following Prophet's advice and being patient. The success of practicing Islam is also highlighted, including avoiding offense at home and dealing with people. The speaker emphasizes the importance of good manners in society and warns against offense at home. The speaker also discusses the importance of control and mirroring one's actions in achieving success in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today, I have a proposition for you.

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If you're interested,

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how would you like to be from the best of the believers in faith?

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How would you like to be from the nearest and dearest to our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Yeoman Fiamma?

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How would you like to be? Or is the status of those who are fasting during the day and praying during the night without having to fast during the day and praying during the night?

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How would you like to have the key to the heaviest deed and the scale of good deeds on your piano and the deed that will be the most deed that will enter the people into the agenda and have a promise or guarantee from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you will have a house in the agenda.

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Are you interested in this proposal?

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All of this can be attained. All of this can be obtained through one action,

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which is hosted on good manners.

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If you have proper conduct, good islamic manners. You can get all of the things I just said also your good manners, you good behavior. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a chameleon meaning a man an accent,

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the best of the believers in faith or the best of them and their manners. And he said La Silla was Salam in I mean, a hug become ill a year will outgrow become la amin Neiman zealot, an homage Listen, Yeoman tiama A has an Akuma call that the most beloved of you to me, and the closest of you, to me, on the day of judgment

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will be the best of you and manners, the best of you and manners. When you have good manners, you're the most beloved to the Prophet sallallahu Allah He was sending and you're going to be the closest to Malaga, salatu salam Yama, Yama

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in la mina, la you drejka B fuson co op de la Jetta. Our saw me Will toy Allahu Akbar. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the believer can reach with his good manners, the rank of the one who is fasting throughout the day and praying throughout the night.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I've got to shave filmyzilla and Yeoman piano husana Hello, that the heaviest thing and the scale on the day of judgment and your scale of good deeds meaning is your good behavior.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at thermophila Nestle Jenna chakwal law was no guru that the most actions that will enter people into the agenda will be their taqwa of Allah, their fear of the law and their good manners. A low IQ book, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and as I am, that I am a guarantor, pay attention, the one who is guaranteeing you his will soon Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said I'm a guarantor. With a house in an L Jana, and the highest levels of the agenda. Lehman has an otaku who have the one who perfected his good manners, a house and agenda. And that's why you find Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When you look into his serum, and you look into his manners, you look into his actions. You see what I lost upon what Allah said about him praising him, when Nick Allah, Allah who lupino the theme, that you have a high moral status, and his wife is shuttled the Allahu anhu when she was asked, tell us about the whole of the manners of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she said kind of Hulu and that is manners of that of the Quran. So any good deeds, any action, good morals good manners that a law commands us to do no Quran. You see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the first to do it. Well kulula Nassif Rosner and say to the people good, you find the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam was the best in speech when he talked to people and to be added to be just you find the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam was the most just and he's dealing with the people.

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When you look into the seer of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they described him. They said we never had to have rhodiola and homestead we never saw Rasulullah sallallahu either he was selling them, except for the he was smiling and he said it was sin.

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And the impact when you act upon this good conduct this The sooner the process lm of smiling. One of the scholars was telling a story when he traveled to South America, a 14 hour plane trip log book. And he said, I don't have a lot of English. So I couldn't really talk to the the, the cabin crew, the man who kept passing me. I couldn't really talk to him in English that much. Yes, no, thank you give me some water. That's about it. That's all he had. So Pinilla, but he said, Every time he passed me, he said, I would smile at him.

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I would smile at the men to revive the sooner Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to show them the beauty of Islam. Because sometimes in the media, all they see when they see a practicing Muslim, or they see something that's not from Islam.

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So he said, Now I'm going to give a positive message about the ones who practice Islam by implementing the sooner Rasulullah sallallahu ala by smiling. So panela when he got off of the plane,

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the non Muslim cabin crew says to him, thank you very much.

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And he told me he said, for what and because he's saying, it's usually we should be thinking you're not you're thinking us. So we say what are you saying thank you very much for he said, Thank you for your smile, a lot. The sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And when these Sooners are implemented in the society, look at the impact it's going to have on the society. When we come and we act like Rasulullah sallallahu Allah he was saying we implement the manners and the panda code of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. When you come to your brother, and everybody says to them as salaam on ECAM

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not additon out of custom but a baton out of out of worship. What does it mean peace beyond to you, my brother, smiling at your brother, loving your brother, because you have the who were the Brotherhood in Islam, and how you deal with your brother, how you deal with the people, that you're honest with them, that you don't lie, that you don't cheat, because this goes against what we're ordered as Muslims to have good conduct, that you're somebody who controls your anger at the time of anger. you're somebody who controls his tongue, you're somebody who's forgiveness, forgiving. All of this is from the manners of Islam, the manners of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, even though he was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He was patient when dealing with people, they are probably the buddy when it comes in, pulls on his on his clothes, la salatu salam ala leaves a mark on his body la salatu salam pulling on him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is just and we're dealing with him, he's patient and deal with him, controlling himself having good manners, never, never having bad conduct it Salatu was Salam. This is the level of personal Hullo good manners. And this is if we implement it, what we can reach as individuals, as societies as individuals, we're relaxed inside you feel good. When you have good

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manners and dealing with people and people like you people love you Love to deal with you. It's beneficial for the individual and for the society.

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But there's something

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because now we feel good.

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We got revived in the school bus

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we can reach Mashallah from hosting Oh, hello, look out, look at the status we can reach. But I have to tell you something, I have to be honest with you.

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I have to share a very scary Heidi's with you.

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Because we have to know

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the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu they came to sue the loss of the law while he was in them. And they told him a story of a woman.

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They said this woman

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she prays all through the night. She fast through the day.

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And she does this and this and she gives sadaqa.

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Immediately when you hear these characteristics, you automatically think what gender she's going to gender Allahu Akbar, because of her deeds, how she strived for Allah subhanaw taala these good deeds. But there's one problem.

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They said but

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she harms her neighbors with her tongue.

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She harms her neighbors with her tongue. And I want you to reflect how many times have you harmed somebody else with your tongue? That crazy person driving down the road near la guide him when he cuts you off? And you said to mppp

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that person at work who's under you, and you raise you have what you treated him ill because you think he's less than you. You didn't control your tongue with one of your neighbors, one of your colleagues at work.

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Now remember, this lady, she prays through the night.

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She's fasting today she's giving stuff that she's doing this in this role these good deeds. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Love Pharaoh, he ha he

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there's no goodwill in her. She's from the people of the hellfire.

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Think about that next time when it comes to controlling your tongue.

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And then

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they told him about another woman. They said she praised them up to but she praised the five daily prayers and that's it. She gives a little sadaqa from some, some, some sour milk that she has. And that's it. But she doesn't harm anybody. She doesn't harm anybody else. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he I mean a hidden agenda. She's from the people of the agenda. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. We need to remind ourselves constantly about the status of good manners in Islam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in brief Dooley or Tim Saleh Allah Allah, that barely I was sent, sent by who sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala to all of mankind, rock maternal al amin, a mercy to mankind la Salatu was Salam sent as the last quarter men have been the seal of the prophets. He said in with barely I was sent to perfect good manners. This is the status. So Allah subhana wa sallam said Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to perfect good manners. And that's why you get such a great rewards when you implement and act upon good manners and Islam. And I want you to reflect on this story.

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And imagine that you know, you're about to die. You know, your time is coming closer. And you have somebody that you love. And you want to give him some advice before you go. Imagine the advice you're going to give him.

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And now pay attention to this story. Between Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and why the bin general the Allahu Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love my wife. He came to him one day and grabbed him by his two hands. La Salatu was Salam. And he said, yeah. In Nila

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Omar barely I love you imagine Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is telling you that he loves you.

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He sent me live. Before he died la salatu salam to Yemen.

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He sent him to Yemen to call the people of Yemen to Islam. And he told them you're going to come to the people to book and get down with this focus on this focus on that. More as I said in the last thing, the last piece of advice that I heard from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. before he left, he said as I'm putting my foot as I'm getting onto the saddle, is to the last thing I heard from Rasulullah sallallahu while he was selling them was huseyn kulu Lena Samadhi bingeable perfects your manners, in dealing with the people Oh my god.

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This is the last piece of advice you heard from Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, because we're sort of La sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knows the effect the impact that's going to have on that day when he goes in, he calls those people he knows the impact is going to have when he is meeting with the people of Yemen and inviting him to Islam

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has in holiness perfects your manners when you deal with people.

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When we go home today, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we to remind ourselves of the importance of personal qualities of good manners in Islam. We need to remind ourselves and reflect on our own manners. Do we have good manners? Are we following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in our manners. When we deal with others and controlling our angles, while also pilots Allah talks about the matcha theme, Allah subhana wa tada gave him the description will care the main lie when I have been on the nurse, those who control their anger and those who forgive the others and alasa will love who you have been listening. And a law loves the doors of good. Allah loves you when

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you can show your angles and you forgive others. When you have good conduct Good morning alone, love you. Remind yourself that through your good manners, that you're going to be from the best of the believers in faith. Remind yourself when you go home today that when you have good manners, that Yeoman piano, you're going to be the most beloved and the closest tourists to the law. So the law while he was selling,

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remind yourself about how heavy is going to be and the scale of good deeds as you've received the deed that the most deed that went to the people into the agenda and you have the deed when you come up that you reach the level of that one it was praying during the night and fasting during the day to your good manners, and you have a guarantee from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that you will get a house in the agenda.

Inspiring speech how to be with Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

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