Abdullah Oduro – Manners of the Mindful – Selflessness
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The speaker discusses the characteristics of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, including his love for people and his tendencies to give things to those who need help. They also mention the success of those who give things to others without harming their well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of selflessness in the beginning and in the end of life.
AI: Summary ©
You know, one of the characteristics that we see within the manners of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him is something that was noticed by one of the companions and related on the status of his home when he died. So a lot, it was something being that there was only a couple of utensils in his home. The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was selfless. He was selfless, he was all about everyone other than himself, meaning that one of his characteristics was that he loved people. And he always wanted good for people and always wanted them to win. We see this with medical Shibez, Malcolm X for him a whole lot, that his life was on the line for the sake
of people. We see this with Martin Luther King, we see this with Muhammad Ali. These individuals are heroes and their names are still mentioned years after their death, because of their selfless attitude. And this is an Arabic is called ethos that you are thinking of other people's well being before even your own. And if we think about it, let's look at it with each and every one of us in our children in our family, especially those that we raised. We are willing to die for them. We want their well being and we concentrate more on their well being than our own. Whenever you see that in a family member you sit back you say Wow, that is an amazing quality. One of the scholars have been
am speaks about this in his book Madonna, just sadly King, when he talks about the three levels of selflessness, the first level is to where your generosity does not cause a hardship hardship upon you. And it does not tangibly take away anything from you. This is what is called the saw. And this is something that is a good characteristic because you are selfless to a certain degree. The second though, is where your generosity will cause you to give, take from your own and give to a needy person or someone that needs help. And half of what you have or more than that is taken away the tangibility of that is taken away, it's gone. This is what is called Joad. The third level, which is
the highest level. And the most praiseworthy is to where you give all that you have for that needy person. You give everything that you have. And this was a characteristic of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And in many of the companions as a matter of fact, it is mentioned in the Quran, where Allah speaks about the unser, the helpers, the ones that were in Medina and received the migrators that came from Mecca with the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him when they migrated from Mecca to Medina,
because of religious persecution, and they knew that the the people were trying to eliminate Islam and Muslims, so they migrated to Medina, but when they received them, they received them with open arms. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran about them. When he says those that were firmly established in their homes.
They were firmly established in their homes and they were solid in their he man. They love the ones that migrated to them. You hit bounnam and hajra, Elian, they love them, because they're their brothers, because the ones that migrated didn't have anything, they left all of their belongings in Mecca. Then Allah says they love the ones that migrated to them. And they don't harbor anything in their hearts towards what they were given. Because of the migrators came they had nothing so they were being given things from the Tsar, the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, group them together. And they were being given items that people that were from the unsolved that were the
inhabitants of Medina did not find any habits and men that oh to Allah says they didn't find any harbor anything in their hearts from what they were given. And then Allah says, will you feel ruined either unforeseen wallow, can it be him kasasa and they give to them, even though it caused them to be in a state of being poor, or they were already poor, and they gave from what they had. And that is exactly selflessness. But to arrive at this macom in this position, it's not easy. It takes a level of men. And that's why I love niches in the beginning that
that's why he says at the very end of this beautiful, beautiful verse
when mejor Castro hanafy for older ecoman MFI home, who ever is protected from the greed of themselves. Those are the successful ones. This is a battle
Within the self, when you are at home with your family, in your neighborhood, and you have something that someone else may need, but when you give it to them, you will clearly be at a loss. If your intention is to please Allah by helping another creation of Allah, this is either this is selflessness because at that moment, your passion to help someone, you're sympathy to help someone that is in a situation, you put yourself in their shoes. And you gave because of that, and you know, Allah loves that. That is the selflessness that is from the whole open shelving that is from the great manners. And that is the characteristic and the manner of a mindful person. A cinematic we're
not meant to live but a cat. Thank you.