Abdullah Hakim Quick – Waking The Lazy Muslim Qa
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The speakers discuss the misunderstandings and negative impacts of Islam, including extreme events and the need for people to support alternative documentaries and programs to avoid harming their faith. They emphasize the importance of learning about the natural rhythm of living life and sharing experiences to build faith. The speakers also emphasize the need to support alternative options for young people to express themselves and address peer pressure. They stress the importance of learning about survival techniques and natural alternatives to combat crime and crimes, and offer advice on handling interactions with Muslims.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Did the questions you have, you know, may Allah reward you will protect you very serious questions. And you need to open up a hotline, the hotline
to have somebody to constantly answer the questions of fic. And so because of the limited time we cannot answer some questions, you have to give this to the local law firm
and have them answer, you know, what is on your mind? One question is saying, I have read about the Nation of Islam and America how they are misguiding the Muslims, and how their false propaganda is being dealt with in America. Yes, there was a group that started in the 1930s. And they came from the descendants of the slaves, but they did not have the proper understanding of Islam. So they mixed up Islam with Christianity and black nationalism. And they came up with this organization. And they said that their their leader was was a lot in person. And their, their, their teacher, Elijah, Muhammad was the last prophet, and so on. But this was identified as being false teachings, and one
of their followers, Malcolm X. he rebelled against them, and came into real Islam, and then realize that is the religion of of all nations, all colors, and a loss of all dollars above seven heavens. And so the leader has passed away, and the numbers are now getting very small. Even their recent leader, Minister louis farrakhan is, you know, not well, and the group is going down, and they are basically coming into the mainstream of Islam. So this is something of the past, and it is no longer having a big impact in America. It says there, is there any information about the Algerian assistance to the Muslim slaves of West Africa along the coast of Algeria, there was resistance. We
know that from andalusi other people did go into North Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, all the way around Egypt. And even in Turkey, itself. There were quarters where the and Lucien czar lift. And there were also
people they call pirates. Haider, Dean Barbarossa. And people who resist it, you know, along the coastlines. And so these were the pirates who were resisting the major ships. This is before the Somali pirates today, you know, who are on the coast, it may not be the same intention as the Somali pirates, but it's something that comes out of oppression. And they're resisting in the best way that they know how do the great powers. And so this was a manifestation. And there was some interaction with Muslims in North Africa and West Africa in resistance of Islam. It said yesterday, you said that few years, the world constitution will radically change, please elaborate on this, what what I
was speaking about is that we can see from the ultimate Assad on the signs of the last days, that we are in a period of great natural catastrophes, and the province of seldom spoke about earthquakes, and different natural catastrophes that would start with come before the Day of Resurrection. And this has come to pass the environment, we see what's happening in the environment. Most of the hurricanes and floods and temperature changes that are happening in the world. When they describe them, they say it is the worst in living memory.
And living memory. They're even talking here now, about the rain coming down in floods, they talking about 100 years ago. So everything is now getting extreme as we go toward
the Day of Resurrection. And so when this happens, when the flood comes when the hurricane and tornado comes, then people are forced to go back to the basics. And so the so called great powers of the world, with, you know, great changes in the environment can be brought to their knees. And so Muslims need to now before it is too late, you know, to organize ourselves, and to go back to our faith, you know, and to prepare ourselves for the coming times. What do you suggest for someone who is weak in faith
and used to do many, you know, negative acts, and they struggle now to deal with their Deen? There's a lot of questions like this. And it is important for us that we
try to understand, and this is important when we're teaching it better. Not just to teach somebody how to make a lot but why do we make a lot? Not just how do we fast in Ramadan? But why are we fasting in Ramadan? We need to know more now about the rituals that we are doing. Because if we get if we just do rituals, without understanding why we are doing it if we don't
Talk to Allah in a sense, when we are making us a lot, we have a chance to communicate with the Creator of the heavens and the earth. If we just look at Salaam as a duty that we're doing going up and down and do it because everybody else is and don't make it personal, then it becomes difficult. But when we realize that that salaat is a chance for us to communicate with the Creator, and changes can happen in our life draw is real. Then the salaat becomes a source of strength when you are in trouble. That's why the process of them would say to Bilbao, or Rihanna is solid, you know, make us
relaxed with salaat it wasn't a burden to make solid it was relaxation.
And in Ramadan we make Salatu tada we're in is supposed to be relaxation. You don't Tara we raha
but sometimes we do. And tada, we and it's like aerobics or something up and down and go into you know, reading and reading and like we're missing out on the beauty of the core. And it is better to read a few verses with Tajweed and Tatiana and we understand it than to read so fast that you don't even know what's going on.
You go up and down and then you just tie it and dizzy. This is not the purpose of salon. So it needs we need to go back you know to that real connection with Allah subhanaw taala when we are doing our actions and I would say I would recommend to people that this study have ceded to Namibia. Study Sierra study, the lives of the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, when we see living Islam, because when you read these stories, it helps to build your heart. It strengthens you because you see how human beings took this knowledge and the things that they did. So sometimes we just,
you know, learn the rituals, but we don't study our history. We don't have perspective. So we need to have, you know, to know the story of the prophets, the story of the companions of the prophets, the great scholars, you know what they have done, and also traveled to different places traveled to Mecca Medina, try if you possibly can you have an Australian passport, makes a lot in Marshall Aqsa Hamdulillah, we took 45 people from the cape and we made the start to Juma and Master luxan. And the brothers and sisters were glad to see us and they said, Tell the Muslims come to the masjid. Don't abandon Master luxan. And so if you have the capability and with an Australian passport, you may be
able to get in. If you have the ability, then go to master luxan. Travel to these different places, you know, to to understand the deen, you know this race, you know your consciousness, and then get involved in Islamic activities, feed the poor relief work. There's a lot of crises going on, get involved with relief. Get involved with building the masjids building centers. Get involved in these activities when you're involved in this when you give from that which is you love. When you are involved in this, it creates a type of marhaba inside of your heart. There's a love that develops inside of your heart. So it's important to be involved in these activities. And not just that the
five pillars and the few actions just stick with these things and they become dry.
But we need to have that that love along with what we do.
It is saying
I recently realized that I really need a loss of Potala. I'm trying so hard to stay focused and I want to wear hijab, but I feel anxious about work and social surroundings. What advice do you give? Well, it's important for you to be around sisters who are wearing hijab.
And also I would advise to the sisters what happened in Canada is that the sisters got together and they had
circles where they would share their experiences. So they share what they're going through. And when you share it with other people who are going through it, then you learn strategies. And you also have somebody who can relate to you in terms of what you're going through, trying to wear the hijab, you know, you know and trying to appear like a Muslim, it's very difficult for the sisters because they will stand out more in public, the brother can come to the masjid with a stove and then he puts on a superman shirt, it goes downtown, and he hides
and so, but this really is a shot of it's a nobility, there are lots of parts Allah has given to you and it's something you know, taken from the profits they suffered also. And so what you're going through inshallah will be a light for you on the Day of Resurrection. inshallah, it will be forgiveness anytime somebody is looking at you in a mean way of saying something
Then in Sharla, that this is this is a source of blessings for you, and inshallah our source of the forgiveness of your sins, but you need to talk with each other, need to discuss it, and learn strategies. Because the strategies and doing this at the sister has good intentions, try slowly but surely, try your best as you can, you may not be 100%, but you try the best that you can, until you can raise your standard, you know, to the best standard, according to the sooner
Please say something to the parents who make it hard for us to get married.
well, this is a very important issue now. And
for a long time, we have taken Islam from our cultures. And our cultures tell us that you must marry a man who looks a certain way. And some people say you can't marry him till marry the man until he becomes doctor, he's a doctor.
Or he has a certain amount of money. Or he's got a car and he's got all these different things. And so what happens in some Muslim countries is the men do not get married until they're 3035 years old. And something like women don't get married till two later. And in the past, maybe that that was okay, because the societies were controlled. You weren't seeing nakedness in front of you. You weren't under temptation, it has changed today.
adultery and fornication has become the order of the day. And some people will look to you like you're strange if you're not committing adultery and fornication. And so therefore, we have to go back to our sources, we have to not be ashamed of our religion. And you'll see in the time of the prophets of Salaam, they will get married when they're young. And there's nothing wrong with that. Because we in our lifestyle, we don't have teenagers. Here you have children, and then teenagers, and then adults. And a teenager is somebody who's lost in between childhood and adulthood. He's not an adult yet. But he's not a child, he wants to food like an adult. He wants to privileges, but he
doesn't want to take responsibility. Okay, but in our culture, you know, even a young person is taught responsibility from when he's young. And when she reaches puberty, you know, she's taught how to be a woman, and not have to wait eight years before she's taught how to be a woman. And so there's nothing wrong with with with our young people getting married, we need to support them. Maybe it means that we have to help them for you know, two or three years. But it's better that they did that. Then they fall into boyfriend, girlfriend, and fall into fornication and adultery, and HIV AIDS and drugs and all the other things that come when you're living this world. And so in order to
bring them out of this, we have to think out of the cultural box,
that only a person who looks a certain way, only a certain tribe, only a certain group, this tribalism is killing us.
We have to come out of tribalism and nationalism, and judge people not on their color or their tribe. But on their taqwa. There's nothing wrong with marrying somebody in your family. Nothing wrong with that. That's permissible.
But our family, our greater family, which is supposed to be deeper than blood is the family of Islam.
And so it's not till we reach that point that we will really, really get the taste of what our you know, the love of Islam really is. So what is the best way of stopping watching TV or minimizing this, this is something that we need to provide alternatives. And the projects that you have here now with the youth center coming up, these are alternatives, you cannot just say no, to the young people, we have to we have to have alternatives. And so therefore, we need to support alternative documentaries, television programs, DVDs, you know, so they don't have to watch these other things. Because they, this generation is in the habit of sitting and watching boxes, watching tubes, right?
If they don't get it here, they'll get it in their cell phone. So this is a whole new generation. So we have to provide alternatives for them. Get them busy. This is where sports and hiking athletics, fishing and swimming. You know, we come to Muslim countries, I don't know about here. But in Jamaica, we lived in Jamaica, we had some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
And we would get all the Muslims together and say, how many of you know how to swim?
And it's only about one in 10
I don't want to embarrass you but you know, how many of you actually know how to swim?
Right? You want to raise your hands? Okay, how many can swim here? Okay, Mashallah, that's that's not bad.
That's not bad, but it's only about 50% maybe so 50
percent of us living here, you know, in the beautiful Australia with the, you know, coastlines and beaches and everything you know, and we can't swim. How many of you have ever caught a fish?
How do we catch it in the supermarket?
Right? But how many of you put on your bait and threw it out and caught a fish? Raise your hand? Mashallah, that's not that. That's not bad. And so these are the things that we have to learn. We have to go fishing, we have to go swimming, we have to go hiking, right? We have to learn martial arts, we have to learn survival. Right? If the brothers want to do the eagle, they have rites of passage to teenagers, and they want to express themselves instead of gang banging and fighting each other. Take him on put a raft on his back and go into bush. Right go and Dingo country.
Right and then see if he's a man when the dingoes are there.
Okay, it is better, you face the dingoes and he fights the other gangs downtown in the streets. And so this is what we need challenge ourselves in the natural world.
Right and not what these false things because it ends up with drugs, ends up with fornication and crime, terrible crimes we fall in and the shaytaan is waiting for us. So natural alternatives are you know, an important issue. Another question is saying it speaking about this research that is there in Arabic inshallah I will
listen to this tonight, they gave it to me recently, in a disk, maybe I'll give it to the media to I'll put it on a flash drive, I'll give it to the EMEA. So inshallah you can have this available and see this study, I just caught the first half of it. It's unbelievable, what he has found. But I will try to see it then mention his name tomorrow in Sharla. But you know, you know, I'll leave this with you. So you can view this together and see what this researcher you know, has come to has come with. And it isn't the Arabic language, you know, but you can, you know, we can get it translated. For those you know, who don't speak Arabic. It says, My friends make fun of me when I don't want to talk
to boys and join their parties and music and dancing. And you know, they know what's wrong, but they don't believe you can behave. Well. You know, it's important. And one of the issues coming up in our 40 hadith of Islamic revival, which we're doing a course at is the headquarters. And in Sharla I'll be leaving this text with you as I met in the process of them setting in one of the you know traditions he said he said that a person and motto Allah Dini clearly fell, fell young though, I had to come menu, Honolulu, or coma call us up to Swami said the person will be on the religion of his friend. And so make sure who are your friends, this is an important thing. This deals with what we
call today, peer pressure.
It's peer pressure. So the province of Solomon was saying, you're going to be on the religion of your friends. So if your friends don't like to make a lot, if your friends swear, then you're going to be following their lifestyle. Because you're with them, and you want to make a lot none of them make a lot. So you feel strange amongst them. So try to be with people who makes a lot.
You know, who are modest, who don't swear and, you know, carry on with different activities. And so then life will be easy. It may be difficult, you know, at first, but but but you know, make sure that you watch who you make your friends. This is the advice from the prophets on Southern.
It says the companions of the Prophet Islam had direct access to the Prophet, and hence became the best generation. Is it possible that we can reach their level? If not, is it fair that the previous generations are able to reach a state of piety that is unattainable, unattainable? Well, you know that this is the best generation that ever existed. But there are many traditions saying that near the end of time, there would be other people who would come along, and they would they would love the products and sell them they would be greatly blessed as well. And so you know, we are in this time, and the fact we have never seen the promise of Salah many of us never originally spoke Arabic.
And so there is a great blessing from Allah subhanaw taala for us, but you cannot expect to reach the level of the Sahaba de la one home because they were in a special time period. And that is, you know, chosen by Allah subhanaw taala, to set the example, for other people until the Day of Resurrection. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot of mercy on me and you. And I emphasize again, now that these words that I'm saying to you, I'm not saying to you just for entertainment, but I'm saying that to you. Because this is a reality that Muslims are facing, our families are suffering, our children are suffering. And so we are called upon now to do something to
give from where it hurts, and to commit ourselves now. And if you've got anything out of the words
I have said tonight, then you need to commit yourself to do something to assist this community. And we have to drop these names. I don't like this group. I don't like that leader. I don't like the school of thought we have to drop this now and to support an Islamic activity, you know, if it's being done within, you know, the levels of Alexandre Gemma, even if it's not our group, we support other Muslims as as well Qibla and inshallah this our Jamaat here has promised to open up the doors, you know, for all Muslims to come inside, you know, this facility and for children to benefit in this so I leave you in the capable hands of the Jamaat, you know, and I pray that Allah azza wa jal
would forgive me for any mistakes that I have made, and would give you the best blessings in this life and the hereafter was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Past marry a man who looks a certain way. And some people say you can't marry him till marry the man until he becomes doctor, he's a doctor.
Or he has a certain amount of money. Or he's got a car, and he's got all these different things. And so what happens in some Muslim countries is the men do not get married until they're 3035 years old. And some, like women don't get married till two later. And in the past, maybe that that was okay, because the societies were controlled. You weren't seeing nakedness in front of you. You weren't under temptation, it has changed today.
adultery and fornication has become the order of the day. And some people will look to you like you're strange, if you're not committing adultery and fornication. And so therefore, we have to go back to our sources, we have to not be ashamed of our religion. And you'll see in the time of the prophets of Salaam, they will get married when they're young. And there's nothing wrong with that. Because we in our lifestyle, we don't have teenagers. Here you have children, and then teenagers, and then adults. And a teenager is somebody who's lost in between childhood and adulthood. He's not an adult yet. But he's not a child, he wants to food like an adult. He wants to privileges, but he
doesn't want to take responsibility. Okay, but in our culture, you know, even a young person is taught responsibility from when he's young. And when she reaches puberty, you know, she's taught how to be a woman, and not have to wait eight years before she's taught how to be a woman. And so there's nothing wrong with with with our young people getting married, we need to support them. Maybe it means that we have to help them for for, you know, two or three years. But it's better that they did that. Then they fall into boyfriend, girlfriend, and fall into fornication and adultery, and HIV AIDS and drugs and all the other things that come when you're living this world. And so in
order to bring them out of this, we have to think out of the cultural box,
that only a person who looks a certain way, only a certain tribe, only a certain group, this tribalism is killing us.
We have to come out of tribalism and nationalism, and judge people not on their color or their tribe. But on their taqwa. There's nothing wrong with marrying somebody in your family. Nothing wrong with that. That's permissible.
But our family, our greater family, which is supposed to be deeper than blood is the family of Islam.
And so it's not till we reach that point, that we will really, really get the taste of what you know, the love of Islam really is. So what is the best way of stopping watching TV or minimizing this, this is something that we need to provide alternatives. And the projects that you have here now with the youth center coming up, these are alternatives, you cannot just say no, to the young people, you have to you have to have alternatives. And so therefore, we need to support alternative documentaries, television programs, DVDs, you know, so they don't have to watch these other things. Because they, this generation is in the habit of sitting and watching boxes, watching tubes, right?
If they don't get it here, they'll get it in the cell phone. So this is a whole new generation. So we have to provide alternatives for them. Get them busy. This is where sports and hiking athletics, fishing and swimming. You know, we come to Muslim countries, I don't know about here. But in Jamaica, we lived in Jamaica, we had some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
And we would get all the Muslims together and say how many of you know how to swim
and it's only about one in 10.
I don't want to embarrass you but
You know, how many of you actually know how to swim?
Right? You want to raise your hands? Okay, how many can swim here? Okay, Mashallah, that's that's not bad.
That's not bad, but it's only about 50% maybe. So 50% of us living here, you know, in the beautiful Australia with the, you know, coastlines and beaches and everything, you know, and we can't swim. How many of you have ever caught a fish?
I don't mean catch it in the supermarket.
Right? But how many of you put on your bait and threw it out and caught a fish? Raise your hand? Mashallah, that's not bad. That's not bad. And so these are the things that we have to learn. We have to go fishing, we have to go swimming, we have to go hiking, right? We have to learn martial arts, we have to learn survival. Right? If the brothers want to get you the ego, they have rites of passage to teenagers, and they want to express themselves instead of gang banging and fighting each other. Take him on put a raft on his back and go on the bush. Right go and then go country. Right and then see if he's a man when the dingoes are there.
Okay, it is better to face the dingos any face the other gangs downtown in the streets. And so this is what we need challenge ourselves in the natural world.
Right and not what these false things because it ends up with drugs, ends up with fornication and crime, terrible crimes we fall in and the shaytaan is waiting for us. So natural alternatives are an important issue. Another question is saying it speaking about this research that is there in Arabic inshallah, I will
listen to this tonight, they gave it to me recently, in a disk, maybe I'll give it to the media to put it on a flash drive, I'll give it to the EMEA. So inshallah you can have this available and see this study, I just caught the first half of it. It's unbelievable, what he has found. But I will try to see it then mentioned his name tomorrow in Sharla. But, you know, I'll leave this with you. So you can view this together and see what this researcher you know, has come to has come with. And it isn't the Arabic language, you know, but you can you know, we can get it translated. For those you know, who don't speak Arabic. It says, My friends make fun of me when I don't want to talk to boys
and join their parties and music and dancing and you know, they know what's wrong, but they don't believe you can behave. Well you know, it's important and one of the issues coming up in our 40 hadith of Islamic revival, which we're doing a course at is the headquarters and inshallah I'll be leaving this text with you as a meta in the process alum said in one of the you know, traditions he said he said that a person l model Allah Dini clearly fell fell young, though, I had to call menu hollow, or come up to Swami said, the person will be on the religion of his friend. And so make sure who are your friends, this is an important thing. This deals that will be called today peer
It's peer pressure. So the province of Salaam is saying, you're going to be on the religion of your friends. So if your friends don't like to make salaat if your friends swear, then you're going to be following their lifestyle, because you're with them, and you want to make a lot none of them making a lot. So you feel strange amongst them. So try to be with people who makes a lot,
you know, who are modest, who don't swear and, you know, carry on with different activities. And so then life will be easy. It may be difficult, you know, at first, but but but you know, make sure that you watch who you make your friends. This is the advice from the prophets on Sunday.
It says the companions of the Prophet Salaam had direct access to the Prophet, and hence became the best generation. Is it possible that we can reach their level? If not, is it fair that the previous generations are able to reach a state of piety that is unattainable, unattainable? Well, you know that this is the best generation that ever existed. But there are many traditions saying that near the end of time, there will be other people who would come along here and they would they would love the products and sell them they would be greatly blessed as well. And so you know, we are in this time, and the fact we have never seen the promise of solar, many of us never originally spoke
Arabic. And so there is a great blessing from Allah subhanaw taala for us, but you cannot expect to reach the level of the Sahaba radilla one home because they were in a special time period. And that is, you know, chosen by Allah subhanaw taala to set the example, for other people until the Day of Resurrection. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot of mercy on me and you and I emphasize again, now that these words that I'm saying to you, I'm not saying to you just for entertainment, but I'm saying that to you because this is a reality that most
are facing, our families are suffering our children are suffering. And so we are called upon now to do something to give from where it hurts, and to commit ourselves now, and if you've got anything out of the words that I have said tonight, then you need to commit yourself to do something to assist this community. And we have to drop these names. I don't like this group. I don't like that leader. I don't like the school of thought we have to drop this now into support and Islamic activity. You know, it is being done within you know, the levels of Alessandra Gemma. Even if it's not our group, we support other Muslims as Alan Qibla and inshallah this our Jamaat here has
promised to open up the doors, you know, for all Muslims to come inside, you know, this facility and for children to benefit in this so I leave you in the capable hands of the Gema you know, and I pray that Allah azza wa jal would forgive me for any mistakes that I have made, and would give you the best blessings in this life and the hereafter was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah