Abdullah Hakim Quick – Rising Up in Ramadan – Saturday Iftar Program
![Abdullah Hakim Quick](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/abdullah-hakim-quick-150x150.jpg)
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The COVID-19 pandemic has faced challenges such as the lack of face masks, social distancing, and lack of face-to-face interactions. The importance of fasting, face-to-face interactions, consciousness, and taqwa is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making sure one is mindful of one's actions and not letting anything enter one's heart, and the need to be mindful of one's actions and not let anything enter one's heart. The importance of operational unity and self-help is emphasized, and upcoming events and programs at the Islamic Institute of Toronto are being held. The importance of seeking unity and bringing together individuals to become stronger is emphasized, and attendees are encouraged to donate to the program.
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shall Quran Thank you very much carry at him and as many of you know, he is one of the researchers during taraweeh. So those of you haven't had the opportunity to visit us. Since the robbery has begun in the last month of Ramadan. I'd encourage you to please come and listen to the beautiful re citation. As I mentioned today, we are privileged once again, to have Dr. Sheikh Abdullah Hakim quick with us and I don't think Dr. Avila needs any introduction to this community. So without further ado, I'll just invite him to the microphone to deliver his lecture.
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa wa Salatu was Salam ala Sade at Oberlin. We'll have here in Nabi ana Muhammadan ala Alihi, wa sahbihi wa barik wa sallam. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds
and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master of the first and the last, and upon his family, his companions and all those who call to his way and establish his sunnah to the Day of Judgment, my beloved brothers and sisters, to our children to our friends, I begin with the greeting words of the righteous are salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah. It is another great opportunity here at the Islamic Institute, to come together with our community, especially with so many young people here today, so many families, because Islam is a Yamaha. It is a family. It includes all aspects of our community.
And Alhamdulillah that also includes our Deaf brothers and sisters, those who are physically challenged, we welcome them also here tonight as part of our family, and we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would accept and bless everybody, from all nationalities from all languages or groups to be blessed with this fast of Ramadan.
This year is a very different year for Muslims, because we have a lot of challenges in front of us. And the challenges that we are facing as a nation throughout the world are probably greater than what we've seen in decades.
And that is not because of famine or destruction. But it is because what is happening is now being beamed around the world in real time.
So what is happening in Philistine and Palestine and Gaza?
We are watching it.
We are seeing it. We are experiencing it. And it is having an effect upon us. And we feel to a certain extent like a mountain is on our back.
We feel like there's a lot of pressure on us.
And so we need to seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala seek refuge in the example of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
When we feel this mountain is becoming bigger and bigger,
because Muslims have faced great challenges throughout the ages,
right from the beginning, and the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon his companions. They were facing tremendous challenges. But they continue to rise up
and they realized as they made their prayers, as they fasted as they were under attack. Allah was revealing the book
and he revealed in the second chapter of the Quran describing
the fast itself describing this time and he told us Yeah, are you Hala Dena Armano coup de bois de como ciem Kumar kuti, bahala Latina men publikum La La COMSAT, taco. O you who believe fasting has been prescribed on you,
as it was prescribed on those who came before you, in order that you would have Taqwa that you would have the consciousness of Allah.
And that word Taqwa is very important we need to understand this as we are going through the changes that we are going to
because Allah revealed in his mighty book,
the solution to our problems. When you feel the enemy is there when you feel difficulty, when you feel that your circumstances have reached a very critical point, never forget that Allah has told us in Allah Allah you value Roma be Coleman Hata, you value might be unforeseen. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themself. So the first and the greatest change is within us.
Our revolution starts from inside of ourself.
Our answer
to evil starts within our own hearts and our own lives.
This is where Taqwa comes in.
And remember, that is the essence of what Ramadan is. Ramadan is not just a time to lose weight.
It's not a time to
have a beauty contest, you feel you're more beautiful. It's not a political hunger strike.
It's not torture to the body.
If you're traveling or if you're sick,
then you can make up the day. This is not torture.
But this is to gain the consciousness of Allah.
This is to make our connection with the Creator. stronger and stronger.
And somebody might say, well give me an example of this Taqwa. Give me an example how important it is.
Abu Huraira one of the great companions of the Prophet SAW Salem.
On one occasion he reported and the Arabic goes su Isla Rasulillah salsa salam ala Ark Saaremaa Unicredit NAS, l Jana, for Karla Tukwila who's known Hoolock was Su 11 XIV my huge killer NAS a Gnar for Karla and fam one pheriche.
The Prophet peace be upon him was asked on one occasion,
what is the main reason
why people will enter paradise?
That is a very good question. Because we all want to know this. What is the main reason why you can get eternal life in peace and bliss?
How did he answer?
Did he say you should have a long beard?
That he says to have Allah a tall hat?
That he say you should wear certain types of clothes?
Did he say you have to speak Arabic? No.
He said the main reason why people will enter Paradise is taqwa Allah, wa horsnell The whole look. It is the consciousness of Allah and Good character. Remember this. It's the most important thing in our life, the consciousness of Allah
and Good character.
So it's not enough to say I'm a Muslim, and I believe in a good character. When you show your character, then you express your belief.
But the Prophet SAW Selim was also asked, What is the main reason why people will enter hellfire.
And he said alhfam While Farraj he said, the mouth
and your private paths. That's the main reason why people will enter Hellfire
So the Shah had here the witness is
that Taqwa Allah is the pinnacle.
And if you can strengthen your taqwa
Ramadan is a blessing if if we strengthen that, then we can have success in this world. Because Allah can change our conditions and also success in the hereafter.
What is taqwa
in English? Let's look at some of the definitions of this. So we can try to understand what it means. It means to fear Allah.
It means right conduct, virtue, piety,
cautiousness and mindfulness, mindfulness.
And one scholar said Taqwa is even a hyper vigilance against falling into sin, it means you are really sensitive about falling into sin.
So that is a very strong type of quality that a person can have. And the scholars showed us that Taqwa is made up of a half what Raja?
It is made up of fear and hope.
So it's not just that you fear Allah, but you also hope in the Mercy of Allah.
And that creates a type of where Paya were pyre come from the same route as Taqwa
where chi is a shield.
It's a shield, so it's not a military shield. To protect you from arrows are bullets. It's a spiritual shield.
So Taqwa is important and when you look at the word, fear and hope, these are action words. If you fear something, then you jump back.
If you hope for something, then you move towards it. In other words, taqwa should give you action. It should motivate you. It should not put you to sleep.
The Marxist Leninist people, communistic people would say, Religion is the opium of the people.
They say the more religious you are, it's like you're smoking drugs.
And you get high
and you go to sleep. You're useless. That's what religion is. But that's the opposite of our understanding because Taqwa is going to wake you up.
It's not going to put you to sleep. It's going to make you hypersensitive.
It's going to make you especially cautious and one of the great Imams check even Jews al Maliki.
He said that Taqwa is being cautious, of falling into disbelief.
So you're really cautious about this. You're also cautious about falling into evil. You want to stay away from evil, wicked things.
It's also being cautious about doubtful things.
That's a higher level of Taqwa. If something has doubt in it, then you get cautious.
You see,
and so you read the package and it is telling you that something you know looks like it is, you know, halal beer or if it says Halal pork. Can you have Halal pork?
young brothers can you have it?
No, because the pig you can take a pig and say Bismillah Allahu Akbar and sacrifice it is still haram
because the biggest Niger's iron, the pig itself is haram. You see?
So if there's something which is doubtful says Halal pork. Wait a minute. There's something wrong with this Taqwa helps you
Taqwa also helps you it makes you cautious even of permissible things. That's a high level of Taqwa. In other words, something may be permissible for you to do but if you do it too much, you can fall into sin.
That's a very high level it's called water. It's a high level of Taqwa.
And Taqwa
makes you cautious about letting anything enter your heart. Except Allah subhanaw taala
That is the highest level of Taqwa that your heart is filled with this consciousness of Allah.
But somebody would say, okay, how can I increase my Taqwa?
One way of hamdulillah is to fast in Ramadan. But do it properly with your Soho with all your rules during the day with your Iftar. Do the fast properly.
But also, taqwa to increase your taqwa. Try to be as sincere as possible. In your intentions intend to do what is right. Try to be sincere.
Taqwa also increases with the increase of a Badar of worship, increase the types of worship that you do. And there are so many types of worship, not just prayer and fasting.
Worship can be giving if you do it in the name of Allah.
Worship can be going to Mecca and making Tawaf around the Kaaba.
There are so many ways that we can increase our Taqwa.
The Scholars say also that to increase your taqwa. Observe the Sunnah.
Be as close to the way and the method of Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem, as you possibly can be.
To increase your taqwa. recite the Quran with meaning.
When you recite it, try to understand what you read.
You can have you can read the Quran and you can have a translation right next to it.
You won't read as fast, but you can read a section. And if you're not an Arabic speaking person, then take a little time and read the translation. What did I just read.
By doing that it will increase the taqwa.
we increase Taqwa by busying ourselves with good deeds, to as many good deeds as you possibly can do.
And a good deed could be many things. Even if you're walking down the road, and you see a broken bottle on the sidewalk.
That's going to harm the person in the back. Stop and move the broken bottle.
That's a good deed.
We can also increase our Taqwa by being humble people, not arrogant people,
not putting other people down or insulting.
We can also increase our Taqwa by increasing our knowledge of Islam.
The more knowledge you have, it will increase your consciousness because you know more things about your faith.
Another interesting point that we can also do to increase our Taqwa. Try to be around people who remind you of Allah.
You know, there are some people, when you see ally coming, then you say, Oh, is it time for Salaat?
Like whenever you see that person, it starts to remind you of Allah tried to be around that person.
Or try to be around occasions, with believers like this one
that can increase our Taqwa.
Do everything
to please Allah subhanho wa taala.
Try that all your actions, even if it's in school, even if it's at the job, that you're doing it to please Allah subhanho wa Taala
focus on the purpose of life. What is the purpose of life?
Is it to eat food? Is it to get rich
The purpose is to worship Allah to be in connection with the Creator. So then when we leave this life
then we are going in a beautiful place.
And remember, death. Remember death? Because it is close to all of us. It's we don't need to be afraid. Remember that we will all make a transition out of this world. Remember that transition is very close. And finally, keep your eyes on the price.
What is the price for us? Anybody know here what's your price?
What's the price? What somebody say? Biryani?
What's your price?
As our brother said, Jana,
that is the price. Imagine being in a place where you do not feel pain, you don't get hungry. You're not getting sick.
Everybody's smiling with each other.
You don't have to worry about your bones aching. If you're like me and you're up in age.
You don't have to wear your agenda. And that is forever. That's not for 30 years or 60 years or 80 years. That is Callie Dena fee ha Abba done. It is for ever.
That is the price.
That is what we're looking for.
And so, it is a great pleasure. It is a great privilege to be a follower of Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And we have to remember
that the Prophet himself had nine Ramadan's because in the early part of Islam, the first 13 years in Mecca, and then the first year in Medina, Ramadan had not been instituted. It did not come about. So you had nine Ramadan's.
And during that time, it was an increase in activities.
It wasn't a decrease.
In some countries, some people might think it's fasting time.
And so we need to go to sleep.
So when some countries
after fajr prayer,
they go to sleep,
that maybe you had a difficult night, okay? They go to sleep, but they stay asleep all the way until the house a lot. That happens in some countries, even some Muslim countries. And then if Allah has mercy on them, they wake up and they make a lot of dogs. But then they go back to sleep.
And they sleep all the way to Lhasa prayer.
It's like an animal in hibernation, right? Your other animals in hibernation, they're ready to come out now.
They sleep all the way to Lhasa prayer. And if Allah has mercy on them, they wake up and they pray ASA.
And then because I lived in Muslim countries for a year, then after so they get busy. They make their juice they make their samosas they get prepared now.
And when Maghrib comes
after it, they eat and they drink, hot tomato and fudge. They eat and they drink until the dawn comes. They're eating and they're drinking. That is not the faster Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem. That is the opposite of his fast
because his fast was an action time. The fact that you're not chasing food you're not chasing drink, you're in control of yourself, gives you a chance to stand up for what is right. What is called amaro Bill Maher roof, one now he anil munkar,
calling to the good and forbidding evil things.
This is what they did.
And right in from the beginning,
from the second year after the Hijrah Ramadan has come in on the believers.
They're fasting now in an organized way. And they turned around. And they found out that Abu Sufian in Mecca had stolen the goods of the believers who traveled from Mecca to Medina. And he was taking these goods, all of their wealth to Syria to make money.
So the Prophet SAW Salem gathered the believers 313 organize yourself
because we will take back our wealth
above Soufiane on his way back.
He was a really cunning person
and he found out about the Muslims and he escaped along the sea coast in Jeddah.
And he told the people of Mecca that Mohammed is there. So a large army 1000 men
with 300 horses.
Think about this. There's only 313 Muslims.
Just a few horses. There is a large army with 300 horsemen
1000 armed fighters
and they met the believers when in Ramadan.
It was in Ramadan in
Imagine this.
What did they do?
Did they say no, I'm fasting. I can't do this.
They stood against evil things. And Allah subhanaw taala gave them victory is what is known as the Battle of better.
The Battle of better yomo for con that took place in the month of Ramadan.
And so, so many things were happening in this month.
In the fifth year after the Hijrah a large army was coming
10,000 More sugar cane were coming to destroy everyone in Medina.
It was happening. Just as Ramadan is coming in, they're hearing about this. What did they do?
They took action.
And they looked at Medina and found out on one side, two sides is hard rock, which is love. Horses can't go through this. The South is protected by forts the North is open. So they had to dig a trench.
How did they know to dig a trench Arabs at that time did not do that.
What the Prophet SAW Salem took counsel with his companions and Sal Manuel Pharisee radula Juan, a Persian speaking man, not Arab, not Kodesh a Persian man, he told the prophet that we in Persia, if a large enemy comes we build a trench around us a moat conduct
and the Muslims took this
and so they had to dig into the ground
and they're fasting.
They did not have equipment like us today. They had to break into the ground
and the weather was getting cold.
And they did it and they're fasting. They didn't stop and they were able to dig and cover the northern side of the city. Imagine this
and when they hit
a rock when they had a hit a big rock
they were trying to dig this rock and they couldn't dig it. So they said call Rasul Allah Salah Salem call him
call somebody who's strong
and they said no sell manual fantasy let's call so manual fantasy.
Sell manual Fantasy was described as a very powerful man. body was strong.
Imagine he had come all the way from Persia spent years trying to find toe heat oneness of God.
So they said called sell man they saw sell man and the people of Medina they said sell man men nah.
Sell man is one of us because he is on Saudi he he's one of us. Because he was in Medina. He was a slave in Medina when the Prophet came.
But then the Kurdish people they said no Sal man Minh not because Salman is a Maha Jaya. He had to travel for his religion like us.
And then the Prophet SAW Selim came and he said, very famous words that many people are not aware of. He said, la sal man Mina, a little bait.
He said, Sal man is one of us. He is from my family.
A little bait is a big word, right. You know the Soviets and the Sharifs and the leaders of many of our Muslim countries. They say we're a little bait.
He said Sal man, who was not an Arab, not Quraysh. He said Salman Mina al bait.
That's very important to remember that your nobility is not based upon your color, or based upon your nationality.
It's your taqwa.
So they dug the trench and when the Quraysh came 10,000 warriors came in, they came in they found a trench in front of them. And Abu Soufiane said, this is not the way of the Arabs.
This is not the way of the Arabs like we're facing somebody else inside of there. That's what Islam is. It's an international force. It's not one tribe and one race. And Allah subhanaw taala sent wins
and it blew down the tents of the Kodesh and they left and they returned to Mecca and the Muslims were saved.
All of this is coming about
Ramadan fasting
on the eighth year of the after the Hijrah.
The Prophet SAW Selim said now it's time for us to take back Mecca.
Too many times they're attacking us. So we gathered the believers together. And they went forward. And they opened up Mecca, on the 21st day of Ramadan.
21st remember your odd nights and odd days. That's when fepto Mecca occurred.
And there are so many cases of what happened
in the life of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And so we need to rise up in this month. We need to rise up. How can we rise up as a nation? What can we do?
And especially for all people, number one, we need to ask Allah to forgive us. We need to ask serious forgiveness. Because what things that we did, and also things we did not do.
This nation did not come to the assistance of the Palestinian people.
We have to make it stick far.
We also have to make Toba
repentance, to repent to Allah subhanaw taala
that's how we rise up. And Towba
is the secret weapon of the Muslims.
That's our secret weapon. Is it not the atomic bomb? No.
Is it not is a germ warfare.
know our secret weapon is taqwa is Toba.
Our secret weapon is Toba. How is it a secret weapon?
Because Toba means you recognize your sins. You ask Allah to forgive you.
You make an intention not to return to the sin. Understand what Toba is.
You also compensate the people
who you did wrong to.
That's part of your talk. Towba every one of us has to do this. compensate the people who are wrong was done.
And finally,
we need to understand ourselves. We need to know where we are weak.
How we make mistakes with our eyes, our ears, our tongues. How are we making mistakes? We need to understand this. And so what Toba is, you could say is self analysis and reconstruction.
So we have millions of Muslims, many of them are asleep. Many are not practicing Islam. When they wake up, and they make Toba and Allah is Most Merciful. Suddenly the numbers get big.
And that is the reason why over the ages, Muslims have come back. Even though they were attacked by the Mongols. They were attacked by the Crusaders. They were attacked by the colonial forces. We came back again. Because Allah helps us to reconstruct ourself. And that is the beauty of Toba.
Also, during this month,
we need to give strategic sadaqa
strategic charity, what does that mean? It's not just giving to give.
But we need to give strategically, to strengthen number one our institutions
to strengthen the people in our families, our neighbors, the poor,
give strategically to the different relief agencies who are feeding the people who are suffering in the Muslim world. It has to be selfless, giving, selfless, sadaqa
the Prophet Sal Salim said,
oh, people spread salams feed the poor, maintain family ties and pray while people are sleeping. And because of that,
At you will enter paradise in peace.
Also during this time,
we need to take advantage of the special prayers that we are having. We are blessed to have cardies to read with us, but remember, you can make the prayers outside you could make Tato here
you can do it anywhere you can make dua the essence of prayer is to ah. So we take advantage of the press and the special times Leila toccata.
It is coming, Hayden min Elfi Shaha. It is better than 1000 months at 3.3 years, it's coming. We have to take advantage of this while it is here, but also to rise up to maximize in Ramadan. We need to unite with other Muslims. We need to start looking at each other not for what is different. But what is the same.
Look at different masters. Look at different Islamic movements. Look at different nationalities. Find the strength of your brother and your sister. And you come together. This is what the companions of the Prophet SAW Salem used to do.
They had operational unity. What is operational unity? I'll give you an example of that. One of the great readers of the Quran was Abdullah he even must read read the Allah one.
He was a Yemeni man from Yemen. May Allah subhanaw taala, strengthen the people of Yemen, make dua for them.
He was one of the best readers of the Quran.
And when the believers came together, they look to say who should lead us in salaat, who should lead us and they look around.
Khalid Ibn Walid was there. He's a strong believer.
They didn't look at Khalid.
They saw Abdullah and Massoud a thin Yemeni man, master of the Quran, let Him lead.
So this small tin Yemeni man leads Khalid in prayer.
Operational unity
when the enemies of Allah came,
if they will, on the horizons, everybody turned around and said, Where is Khalid
they put Khalid in the front.
Because call it was the Majapahit. He was the leader of resistance to evil. That's operational unity, you see what they did.
strength and weakness, they strengthen each other
in the best way they could. So we need to unite with each other. We need to seek this unity, and come as close as you possibly can. As we mentioned on Joomla, look for people who are different than you give us an Amsterdam.
There might be somebody here from a nation
that you've never seen before.
Like we mentioned on Friday, that you might see a Chinese Muslim.
And you never saw a Chinese Muslim. You may see a Muslim from Central Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, who is here.
And you've never seen them before. You may see a Muslim from Bosnia,
from Europe.
Reach out to them. Reach out to all of your brothers and sisters then and that way, we become strong. We become bunion on Marceau's.
And so we ask that Allah subhanaw taala would accept our fasting except our prayers.
And forgive us for the mistakes that we have made. May Allah subhanaw taala bring us together constantly, not just in Ramadan, outside of Ramadan as well. May Allah bring us together in unity.
May Allah subhanaw taala
have mercy upon the people of Palestine of Gaza.
May Allah give victory to the Mujahideen to those who are standing up for the faith? And may Allah strengthen this ummah, to make this Ramadan, a source of strength rising up in Ramadan, not falling down, but rising up. But remember what Allah said,
in Allah Allah
Are you ready Roma becoming hot? Are you ready? You ready? Yo Ma vn foresee him, Allah will not change the condition of a people
until they change that which is in themself. I leave you with these thoughts and I asked Allah to have mercy on me and you. I ask Allah to bless our children and to bless our Masjid members, IIT, who worked so tirelessly to bring you this If TA to organize, may Allah bless them, may Allah strengthen them, and give them and us the best in this life and the hereafter. I leave you with these thoughts. And I ask Allah to have mercy on me and you. Well, after the DA Juana And Alhamdulillah he robbed Bill Alameen wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much. Dr. Sheikh Abdullah Hakim quick brothers and sisters. As you can see, we're expecting a very large crowd. So if I can ask the budget sisters, please stand, make sure the lines are straight, and that the gaps are filled. But his insistence if you can kindly stand we need to accommodate as many people as we can. So if I can get your cooperation to just stand, make the lines and once the lines are full, there are no gaps, you can sit again
okay, you can take your seats. I also brothers and sisters, as you know, at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, we have a variety of programs during his best month of Ramadan. But even outside of Ramadan, there's lots going on in the IoT. Of course, many of you know that we have the Islamic Institute of Toronto Academy, and the Academy runs from JK to grade eight. And a few years ago, this academy was voted the best private school in Canada, not only the best Islamic private school, but the best private school in Canada, right here at the Islamic Institute of Toronto's if you're interested in registering your child or children, I encourage you we still have some opening in the
upper grades, the lower grades are a bit more saturated, but you're encouraged to register, seek registration or put your child or children on the waiting list. Brothers and sisters, I'm going to ask our volunteers to kindly go through the line. We're doing a collection tonight Inshallah, if you're able, I would kindly ask that you donate as much as you can. Of course, the money that we derived from this program from these events help to manage the programs that we have at the Islamic Institute of Toronto. And once the brothers and sisters are going through the line if you don't have a date, and you need some water, just put your hands up. If you don't have a date, or you don't and
you need it or you need a glass of water, the volunteers will come and take care of you keep your hands up if you don't have a date or if you need water and the volunteers will come and take care of it. I also want to remind you that we have resilient hour at the Islamic Institute of Toronto twice weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays about 45 minutes before slaughter Maghrib we have resilient our Of course I mentioned at the onset that we have our weekly Iftar lecture program beginning today inshallah it will continue next week and for the following two weeks the four Saturdays in Ramadan will be populated with these these programs are bake sale is in session you may not see the bake
sale out in the lobby. But the bake sale is behind me is one room for butters. One room for sisters, the sisters after the Salah and after Iftar if you're interested in going to the bake sale, you can use those doors on my right. Assessors can use those doors to my right and their brothers if you would like to attend the bake sale, you can use those doors to my left. Okay, inshallah. The bake sale will not be open until after after salah. We also have Chai, and tea. Chai and tea is the same thing, right? We have chai tea and coffee and it's outside in the lobby for $2. So if you're interested in a chai, or tea depending on your preference, or coffee, you're encouraged to visit the
lobby afterwards as well. We also have our one in 1000 campaign. We're looking for 1000 individuals to donate $300 Each inshallah so if you're able, we're asking 1000 people to donate $300 to the Islamic Institute of Toronto to help us manage the ongoing programs that we have in in the IIT. As the sheikh mentioned, we also have an obligation to help the Muslim brothers and sisters across the world. And we know that the Palestinian issue is top
Mind, we need to do whatever we can to help our Palestinian brothers and sisters. There are also a number of crisis crisis across the world, in Yemen, in Burkina Faso, in Sudan, in South Sudan, in Somalia, in Yemen, in Syria, in India, in Kashmir in
my anymore, all of those countries are still suffering, the challenges that they have been suffering for a number of years now. So I'd encourage you if you're able to provide support to these brothers and sisters, we are hoping inshallah to be able to accommodate everyone inside of the gym for the dinner. But if there's any overflow, we're going to ask the brothers there's a tent outside and attendees heated. So if you can find accommodation indoors, you can go outside in the tent and the tent is heated, and we will try to make it as comfortable as you can, we will also drape the carpets with plastics, so to avoid any spillage, but I'm gonna ask my brothers and sisters kindly if there
is any spillage, please make sure that you clean it up before before you leave that spot. Also, brothers and sisters, try and make sure that you don't waste food. I know we had the prepackaged food, obviously for the speed of distribution. But if you have any food leftover, we can give you a plastic bar, you can take it home, because please don't throw it out. For those of you who have any food that needs to be thrown out. Whatever the remnants of the food is, we have some recycling stations at the back. But please, if you have a substantial amount of food in your container, please don't throw it out, put it in a plastic bag and take it home. Trust me tomorrow at this time, you
will probably would like to have it in sha Allah. So please don't throw the food out and especially what's happening across the world, we have an obligation to ensure that we do everything we can to help
empathize with that cause. I sat down a few nights ago before slaughter Atari turabi that every time you take a sip of water, every time you take a morsel of food, let's think about our brothers and sisters across the world who don't have sufficient because of the issues that they are suffering with, but also as a result of global food insecurity. So brothers and sisters, I just need you if everybody has the date, that it will be in about
three minutes, and by the date and water.
I also want to thank and recognize our volunteers, we have a new and numerous volunteers. And we're also looking for contribution for individuals who are healthy who are interested in helping to defray the costs for the Iftar program. The program costs obviously, a fair bit of expenses. So I'm gonna ask if you're interested in donating for the Iftar you can also do so outside and I want to thank the brothers and sisters who have made contribution today. Amongst them are a number of relatives who have disease. To them I want to mention is BB Ashima, Hussain Khan and Maria Rockman. And we'll ask the sheikh to make a dua for all those who have passed away and asked Allah subhanaw
taala to bless them from this community, including the relatives of those individuals who have helped us to defray the costs of today's Iftar. So brothers and sisters again, I'm going to ask you if you don't have a date or you need some water, put your hand up. Okay, we need some
we need some dates
Najib, we need some dates in this area here.
Anybody else need dates right here.
Sisters if you need a date or need some water just put your hand up I don't want any volunteers will will come to you.
As I said after the Salah, please remain seated after the Sunnah. And we will throw the food in here and then you can decide if you want to stay in here or you want to go in the tent the brothers and sisters can stay in the gymnasium
okay with that, once again, I would like to thank you for coming out this evening and encourage you Inshallah, to be part of the IIT you have our daily tarawih prayers here of course and our weekly Iftar lecture plus our resilient hour on Wednesdays and Friday. Xochimilco was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Hytera la Barakatuh. Then for McGraw will be in about a minute so maybe you can just get ready
For the break to break the fast and for Maghreb salatu salam aleikum?
I have a cell phone and if someone dropped their cell phone
it's in front
anyone needs water
you need water put your hand up Ilias over here
when you finish with the water you can just pass the glass and just stack it stack one in each other and just pass it down to the end of the line either way once you're finished with it
law work
I had Mohammed
hi yawn Oh sauna