Abdullah Hakim Quick – Our Golden Past Our Bright Future Qa

Abdullah Hakim Quick
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The speakers discuss the importance of pursuing Islam and not turning against culture. They stress the need for pursuing a man's image of beauty and finding a representative in one's political party to gain value. The importance of education and finding a strong culture is emphasized, as well as the need for finding active solutions and protecting oneself from evil behavior. The conversation ends with a discussion of compensation and the need for protecting oneself from evil behavior.

AI: Summary ©

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			smilla Rahmanir Rahim. Our brothers and sisters we want to spend a few moments are reflecting on
some of the comments and questions that you brought forward. For those who have local questions, and
issues like that I would advise you to go to the local Imams, and a local football Hall in the area.
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			One of our brothers here, our friends, is saying, If I turn to Islam, will it be able to keep me
away from the modern, modern day temptations?
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			What what Islam does, this is the way of life prescribed by Allah subhanaw taala, Creator of the
heavens and the earth, the same message given to Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, all the righteous
ones from the beginning of time. And what this message is giving us, it gives us a direct link with
the Creator, that we can talk to God, we can talk to a lot of hotel throughout LA, and gives us a
lifestyle that we can live that would protect us in the life of this world. However, it does not
take the temptations away from us. And the prophets are seldom actually set in one, one Hadith. And
one of the things he said, the road all the way to Paradise is surrounded by mchattie by hateful
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			things. And the way to Hellfire is surrounded by desires. So the desires of this world,
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			which are being exploited and pushed out of,
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			out of out of proportion, these will not go away, this will still be there. But as a Muslim, we now
have a system that can protect us, which you know shows us how to be modest. How to how to purity to
lower our gaze, it shows us how to move. It shows you how to relate to the opposite *.
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			It shows you how to structure your life. And this is a great protection against these calamities and
temptations that you'll find in this life. Still, the struggle will be on you will have to face the
struggle. And but at least now, you will have a way I was so thankful to allow when I accepted
Islam, I was originally not a Muslim myself. And when I embraced Islam, although many of the moral
morality of Islam, I already knew that I had already stopped drinking and eating pork and I believed
in one God. But this was this gave me a systematic clear belief. So I could really know the belief
of Isa lay slab of Jesus and all the prophets. And the Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom was the best
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			example. And I wanted to say, one question came, that is saying that what is meant by seeking refuge
in the Prophet moments on solemn, what I mean by that in English is not to pray to the Prophet, but
we are seeking refuge or we are following the example of the prophet SAW something. Because when he
passed away, and his companions were really upset and Omar, atop one of the great companions said,
anybody who said, the prophet is dead, I will kill him. See, he lost control of himself. And when I
say that, I will back over the law and then solve the problems element is death and kissed him and
then came out and he said, those who worship Muhammad, he is that those who worship Allah, Allah is
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			hi Yun layer moot, Allah is alive, he will never die.
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			So as a human being, the prophet peace be upon him has passed out of this world, into the buttock
zone into the zone of existence, after this world where there is a form of life, but in this world,
we follow his example. And so we are blessed to have his example recorded, that we can follow it in
just about everything we do in this life. But when we seek refuge in the sense of our prayers, our
sacrifice, that should be only for the Creator of the heavens in the earth. Now the question says,
Can you tell me ways to fight the shaytaan? When it comes? Well, one of the things that is great
scholars tell us is that the hot the cold, it is like this like a fortress. And this is your
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			conscience. This is your
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			ear that which is connected to your soul. And it's like a fortress and there are certain gates to
get into the fortress. And these gates are protected. And we need to know what are these are
modafinil, these entrances into the heart. And this is a study done by the great orlimar of Islam,
but actually beliefs, the way the shaitaan actually comes into your heart. This is an actual study
which was done and through pride, and through Shahada through desires and through extreme actions
and there are many ways you know, over satisfied with food. There's many ways that that evil can
actually come out.
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			into our hearts. And so we should really seek refuge and protect ourselves from the diseases of the
heart, arrogance and pride and conceit. And all of these different bad qualities we should make is
the other if you feel evil coming on you, and you should make a stay out administrate on that you
should seek refuge directly from a loss of mattala Ooh, Billahi min ash shaytaan regime, if you
really feel it, come spit over your left shoulder if you really feel negative, and I can remember
one time, this brother and sister came to me. And the shake time was coming in between them. And
they used to fight and the brother was tall, he was about six foot one. And the sister was about
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			like five foot two or something very, but she was a tough system. And she used to she knew how to
make him angry. So whenever he would come in, and she would just say the, you know the wrong things
to him, she had some kind of a masochistic, ah, you know, mentality. So she'd say these things like
you little men, and you nothing and whatever. And so he would then get angry, and then he'd striker.
So then they came to me. And they said that, you know, she was bruised and everything and they want
to come out of this cycle. How can we do this, and I told him, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist
or social worker, but I can give you something from the great scholars coming from the province all
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			summer. And that is that if you get into this situation, first the sister, you have to now change
your thinking.
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			But if this does happen, because the brother has kept it up to the top, can't control his emotions.
And so you know, we should seek refuge from the evil one, immediately. If you're standing up, sit
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			If you're sitting down, and you're still trembling, and shake, and then lay down,
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			if that doesn't work, put water on yourself, like make wuzhou flames. And I added another one. And I
said that, you know, if that doesn't work, then leave the room. The brothers just just leave and
don't you know, be involved in that thing. And allow them to allow the PSR they never came back to
me it seemed like they never had any more problems. But we need to have active solutions like this,
when we are facing evil which is around them. Another question says, amen is to believe in the books
of Allah does it mean the Bible
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			when it says that we should believe in the Torah and as a boy and ngl uncut and it is telling us it
is the original text. So the original revelation that came to Moosa to Moses to download David, and
to Isa, Jesus and Muhammad, sal, salaam, all of these prophets, we believe in the original text. So
that means the original Bible, or the original gospels, which would have been in in Hebrew or
Aramaic, the Dead Sea Scrolls are written in Greek. So what you have based on the Council of Nicea,
they put together some religious texts, because Bible is like bibliotech. It's a library of
religious, you know, documents. So it has Old Testament Psalms, New Testament, and these writings
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			for the most part, were not done in the time of Jesus peace be upon them. They were by later writers
that wrote it, and put together in a Council of Nicea in 325 80. So that book that they have is not
the original teachings. There are there is some truth in it. But we need to confirm it. With the
last revelation of the Quran. We have to constantly confirm to make sure that we're not being led
astray by what people wrote. The next question is what happened to quarterback.
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			Now this is a city
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			that is was was the largest city in the world in the year 1000 over a million people and governed by
the Muslims. But when Muslims got weak, and left their faith, and disunited and would go to secular
forces, turning against each other in deception. When this happened, then there was a conquest that
came from the north and the king and queen of Castilian Aragon, the Catholic forces bringing in
secular secularism. They went south, and eventually they conquered Cordoba, when they conquered
Cordoba, and they looked at the masjid, this was the largest house of worship in Western Europe. It
was one of the wonders of the world and the king was about to destroy the master. And the architect
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			said, You can't destroy this place is too beautiful. So they so he agreed and they built the
cathedral are using the masjid frame.
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			So you will see it now when you go there, I went there to visit this place. Then you'll see the
framework of Islam and crosses around the top a little ugly gargoyle creatures that they put all
around to protect against evil spirits. So these things are all around the building. And
unfortunately inside there's there's graveyards, graves
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			Inside the master,
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			and we went to the front of the masjid. And the merab is still there, where the Imam would pray. And
it says, you know, suppiler ly ama usually cool. And you say, you know, glory to be beat to Allah,
you know, on what they associate with him. And, you know, sapana law, you see the polytheism that is
there, it is really sickening. And so we were there and so one Pakistani, but he couldn't control
himself. He went to the Maharaja, and he wanted to make to her guts, right? So the soldier came with
a gun and says, stand, stand up with a gun to him, because he wanted to make two records. That is a
fear they have in their hearts of Islam returning, then, the the tour guide, was taking the people
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			around in Spanish, I asked one of the Spanish Muslim Brothers stand in with the crowd, tell me what
he says. So he came back red faced and he said to me, that they said, this is the mirror up. And the
ghost of Muhammad lives inside of this. And if you say something against Islam, the Ghost will come
out and get you. That's what they were saying about the mirror up. So this is this is a really sad
thing. It's really hard for people to to see in the city of Hodder, which is in Ethiopia. Also, I
found a Masjid that was turned into a cathedral. Church, so you see it and hada also and in some
places, so Cordoba is gone, you know, as a city, but the memory is still, you know, lies and we pray
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			that Allah inshallah would return, you know, that land to a state of Islam.
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			It says, Can you please clarify what you meant by Okay, that was the question. The next one is
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			the acquisition application of Islamic knowledge is the key to being good Muslim, who follows the
correct path in this day and age, not all Muslims have access to this education largely due to socio
economic circumstances, with this being the case on some Muslims more privileged than others? And
how is it possible to curtail this void? Well, you know, this depends upon what we consider
education. If we go back to the original time of the prophet SAW Selim his companions, they did not
have, you know, major universities and, you know, laptops and all these things like that they, you
know, a very simple way of studying, and, but they were serious, they would study, they would, they
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			would study a verse, or two, and they would implement, they would put it into practice. So
education, then was more based upon not gathering a lot of knowledge. But it was Elmo natvia, it was
beneficial knowledge. So they would practice, you know, what they would learn, and then they would
go on to something else. So we can do this, even by holocausts inside of our massage, you know, in
our centers, we can begin to bridge this gap, you know, that if people have access to knowledge,
they should spend part of their time in the community, and give free education to the community to
people who cannot afford. And we can do this in a humble way in the beginning, and it can spread
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			around as it did in the early times. So education is relative to how you really look at what it is.
It says a political study was carried out by one of the well known political journals, where it
measured religious adherence against economic prosperity. The study concluded that the more
prosperous the nation was, the less religious they were. The only exception were the United States
and some of the Gulf states. The question is, why are the other most secular nations in the world,
the most prosperous, without believing in God?
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			The thing again, it all depends upon what you consider to be religious, because this is saying that
the United States is a religious place. And when you actually grow up there and see the hypocrisy in
the society, and the attitude of people, you see that it is not really religion, it is a phony type
of veneer of religion, but something else is going on inside of the church, they actually go to the
church, you know, looking for a husband looking for a wife, the preacher has got like about Six
Wives right inside the audience, you know, his congregation itself, you know, all types of things go
on, in the in the disguise of religion. So it's not really religion, that is like that. And, and
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			really, you know, the secular nations, you cannot judge time, by the last few decades or even few
100 years, you have to look at time, you have to go back and really see, you know, how civilizations
have changed. We are at the end of, you know, some major civilizations, and these secular powers
that have ruled the world now. They are crumbling, now the capitalistic system is falling apart, and
these recessions that they're going through with interest, and usually it's, it's shaking, the very
foundations and people are looking for change all around the world. And so the cycle
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			secular societies really, you know, are not as powerful as they appear, it is more of an illusion
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			that comes to us, but on the ground, people are looking for change and there are some major changes
inshallah, which we will see in the near future. It says, often Muslim leader of a certain political
party promotes secular values and openly declared separation of religion and state, is it haram to
vote for that person, okay, if a person is promoting secular values, values and, you know, totally
going against Islam, then you know, we shouldn't really be involved, you know, in that person, you
know, in terms of voting for that person and accepting that person. In terms of being involved in
politics, you know, it was decided by the scholars in South Africa, that in a local level, it's
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			important, you know, for Muslims, to have somebody involved, you cannot isolate yourself from the
society. And the example game that one of the brothers told the example, that in Chicago, there was
a group that was totally against politics, they said, I want nothing to do with these Kufa and down
the street, they were deciding whether that Masjid was going to be demolished or not.
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			And you don't want to be involved with them, but they're making the decision if they're going to
destroy your mosque or not.
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			Okay, so you need to have a representative in there. And on a lower level, you know, where we can
gain value the Muslim have the benefit of the community, you know, where we have a Muslim heart,
then, you know, we should be involved in order to know strategically, you know, to be able to
control you know, our areas, and to and to clean our areas up, you know, from, you know, these other
Islamic practices and drug dealers and other things like that within our community. So, it is
important on that level, sometimes on a higher level, it just becomes slogans, and we should avoid
empty slogans, in political parties. Is it right to translate a verse of the Quran or Hadith, just
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			to back up a point you are making, it is the Islamic way, when we approach issues, we should try to
find something from the court and or from the sun, you know, which actually, you know, supports you
the the issues, you know, that we are dealing with, if we find that, you know, our opinion is
against the Quran and the Sunnah, that we should change our opinion. So though the sources are your
base, and then then you have your opinion, it's not the other way around. So it is the Islamic way,
you know, to find de Lille, Adela, you know, to back up what you are saying, you know, as long as it
is Islamic,
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			can we ask dead righteous people to make to offer us it is very clear in the Fatiha and it doesn't
take a you know, a great scholar or rocket scientist to understand when Allah azza wa jal tells us
that we should say constantly iaca Naboo we are going to stay is very clear, you alone a lot that we
worship and from you alone, we seek assistance and the story
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			you alone and so, our worship should be for a loss of autonomy alone and not for other individuals.
When we go to the to the graveyards, we should make to our for the person and face Qibla not the
graves not standing on them, not praying towards them, you know, and we should pray, you know, you
know, for the benefit of people, but not to the person themselves. That is what we call in South
Africa that is ancestor worship. And you also have ancestor worship in China, where the people sweep
the graves and burn money for the dead, you know, in the in the next life. In southern Africa, they
also have ancestor worship, where they pray to their ancestors, asking their ancestors to pray to
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			God. Okay. So, this is shirk, this is a major form of polytheism that we should avoid.
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			What is advice or message do you have for young men who don't pray at the mosque and young men feel
it is harder to get married because of their background and lack of wealth? Well,
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			we should start to look at the masjid you know, as the house of Allah that that when we go there we
are going to the house of Allah subhanaw taala you know, and those things we need in this life, you
know, we need to depend upon a loss of order. So we need to go to his house. And then the you know,
the unity of the people who are there. Also if the mastered is is being handled properly, there
would be education in the masjid and there are other things you can get. So we should try to go to
the masjid, you know, to worship Allah subhanaw taala as much as we possibly can. And you know,
through that tawakkol you know, we need to try to get ourselves together. Too many times brothers,
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			they sit around they say I want a beautiful wife and my wife must be this and she must be that. But
that's okay brother. What are you doing for yourself? You want your wife to be our pa
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			The and half of the call and, you know, and you know, a model and all these things and you don't
even have a job.
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			You don't even have a job. You say like, wake up and smell the coffee, man, wake up.
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			Okay, so get yourself together, get yourself together, get your trade together, get your skills
together, right? You know, exercise, whatever you got to do, get yourself together, make dua to
Allah subhanaw taala. And inshallah, you know, your queen will come to you, you know, and she will
grace you inshallah, and everything will work out. But if you don't do anything, you can expect a
lot to send through the window. This, you know, Princess view to rescue your life.
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			Now, the question says, as a youth, if you have stolen or taken something from individuals, and you
can't remember who to pay back, how do you pay it back? Well, that's a good question. I mean, we are
not responsible, the process seldom said that we're not responsible for the things that we are what
our mission, if we forget something, or if we make mistakes, or we're forced, then we're not
responsible for those things. So if you don't know who it actually is, then you should actually you
can still give, you know, some subtle call, and then you know, ask a lot of ones Allah to forgive
you. If you have an idea who it is then part of Toba or repentance is read the medallion. And that
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			is compensation. So you should compensate the individual for what has happened.
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			If you stole
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			you know, $500, from the local 711, you know, shot, I wouldn't advise you to go into the store and
say, Excuse me, so I stole $500 because you'll probably call the police. Right? But you can put it
in an envelope or whatever, and you could give it back to you know, to the store. The question comes
up what if you backbite and scandalized somebody? Then what do you do? You can't pay money to a
person whose reputation you have sport what the scholars tell us that you should say good things
about that person, your compensation is to say good things about that person until his reputation is
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			So you can do read the mythology you can compensate in in many different ways. But we definitely
need to not only ask a lot of Forgive us, but we need to recognize the faults that we have done. And
make the intention not to return to the faults to compensate the people and then try to look at our
whole life, all the areas of our life and to protect ourselves from evil wherever it comes. So I
pray that Allah subhanaw taala would have mercy on us our questions have come to an end and
inshallah you've been very patient may Allah bless you and protect you Have a safe journey home
inshallah we'll see you tomorrow was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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			should really seek refuge and protect ourselves from the diseases of the heart, arrogance and pride
and conceit. And all of these different bad qualities we should make is the other if you feel evil
coming on you, then you should make a stay out administrate on that you should seek refuge directly
from Allah mattala Ooh, Billahi min ash shaytaan regime, if you really feel it, come spit over your
left shoulder if you really feel negative, and I can remember one time, this brother and sister came
to me. And the shake time was coming in between them. And they used to fight and the brother was
tall, he's about six foot one. And the sister was about like five foot two or something very, but
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			she was a tough sister. And she used she knew how to make him angry. So whenever he would come in,
and she would just say the you know the wrong things to him. She had some kind of a masochistic you
know, mentality. So she'd say these things like you little men, and you nothing and whatever. And so
he would then get angry and then he'd striker. So then they came to me and they said that, you know,
she was bruised and everything and they want to come out of this cycle. How can we do this? And I
told him I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker, but I can give you something from
the great scholars coming from the prophet SAW salah and that is that if you get into this
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			situation, first the system, you have to now change your thinking.
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			But if this does happen, because the brother has kept it up to the huddle up, can't control his
emotions. And so you know, we should seek refuge from the evil one immediately. If you're standing
up, sit down.
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			If you're sitting down and you're still trembling and shake and then lay down.
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			If that doesn't work, put water on yourself. Like make wuzhou your flames
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			I added another one. And I said that, you know, if that doesn't work, then leave the room. The
brothers just just leave. And don't, you know, be involved in that thing. And 100 light appears,
they never came back to me or they seem like they never had any more problems. But we need to have
active solutions like this, when we are facing evil, which is around them. Now the question says,
amen is to believe in the books of Allah doesn't mean the Bible.
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			When it says that we should believe in the Torah, and zabol and ngl and CT, and it is telling us it
is the original text. So the original revelation that came to Musa to Moses to download David, and
to Isa, Jesus and Muhammad SAW Salaam, all of these prophets, we believe in the original text. So
that means the original Bible, or the original gospels, which would have been in in Hebrew and
Aramaic. The Dead Sea Scrolls are written in Greek. So what you have based on the Council of Nicea,
they put together some religious texts, because Bible is like bibliotech. It's a library of
religious, you know, documents. So it has Old Testament Psalms, New Testament, and these writings,
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			for the most part, were not done in the time of Jesus peace be upon them. They were by later writers
that wrote it, and put together in a Council of Nicea and 325 80. So that book that they have is not
the original teachings. There are there is some truth in it. But we need to confirm it with the last
revelation of the quarter. And we have to constantly confirm to make sure that we're not being led
astray by what people wrote. The next question is what happened to quarterback.
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			Now this is a city
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			that is was was the largest city in the world in the year 1000, over a million people and governed
by the Muslims. But when Muslims got weak, and left their faith, and disunited, and would go to
secular forces, turning against each other in deception. When this happened, then there was a
conquest that came from the north and the king and queen of Castilian Aragon, the Catholic forces
bringing in secular secularism, they went south, and eventually they conquered Cordoba, when they
conquered Cordoba, and they looked at the masjid, this was the largest house of worship in Western
Europe. It was one of the wonders of the world. And the king was about to destroy the master. And
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			the architect said, You can't destroy this place is too beautiful. So they so he agreed, and they
built the cathedral are using the masjid frame.
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			So you will see it now when you go there, I went there to visit this place, then you'll see the
framework of Islam and crosses around the top a little ugly gargoyle creatures that they put all
around to protect against evil spirits. So these things are all around the building. Now
unfortunately, inside there's there's graveyard graves inside the machine.
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			And we went to the front of the masjid. And the merabh is still there, where the Imam would pray.
And it says, you know, suppiler ly ama usually call and you say, you know, glory to be beat to
Allah, you know, on what they associate with him. And you know, Subhanallah you see the polytheism
that is there. It is really sickening. And so we were there. And so when a Pakistani, but he
couldn't control himself. He went to the Maharaja and he wanted to make two haircuts, right? So the
soldier came with a gun and says, stand, stand up with a gun to him, because he wanted to make two
rockets. That is a fear they have in their hearts of Islam returning then, the tour guide was taking
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			the people around in Spanish, I asked one of the Spanish Muslim Brothers standing in with the crowd,
tell me what he says. So he came back red faced and he said to me that they said this is the mirror
up and the ghost of Muhammad lives inside of this. And if you say something against Islam, the Ghost
will come out and get you. That's what they were saying about the mayor up. So this is this is a
really sad thing. It's really hard for people to to see in the city of Hodder which is in Ethiopia.
Also I found a Masjid that was turned into a Cathedral Church. So you see it and hada also it in
some places. So Cordoba is gone, you know as a city, but the memory is still you know, lies and we
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			pray that Allah inshallah would return, you know, that land to a state of Islam.
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			It says, Can you please clarify what you meant by Okay, that was the question. The next one is
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			The acquisition application of Islamic knowledge is a key to being good Muslim, who follows the
correct path in this day and age not all Muslims have
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			access to this education largely due to socio economic circumstances? with this being the case,
aren't some Muslims more privileged than others? And how is it possible to curtail this void? Well,
you know, this depends upon what we consider education. If we go back to the original time of the
prophet SAW Selim his companions, they did not have, you know, major universities and, you know,
laptops and all these things like that they, you know, a very simple way of studying, and, but they
were serious, they would study, they, they would, they would study a verse, or two, and they would
implement, they would put it into practice. So, education then was more based upon not gathering a
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			lot of knowledge, but it was ilma natvia, it was beneficial knowledge. So they would practice, you
know, what they would learn, and then they would go on to something else. So, we can do this even by
holocausts inside of our massage, you know, in our centers, we can begin to bridge this gap, you
know, that if people have access to knowledge, they should spend part of their time in the
community, and give free education to the community to people who cannot afford it. And we can do
this in a humble way in the beginning. And it can spread around as it did in the early times. So
education is relative to how you really look at what it is, it says a political study was carried
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			out by one of the well known political journals, where it measured religious adherence against
economic prosperity. The study concluded that the more prosperous the nation was, the less religious
they were. The only exception were the United States and some of the Gulf states. The question is,
why are the other most secular nations in the world, the most prosperous, without believing in God?
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			The same again, it all depends upon what you consider to be religious, because this is saying that
the United States is a religious place. And when you actually grow up there and see the hypocrisy in
the society, and the attitude of people, you see that it is not really religion, it is a phony type
of veneer of religion, but something else is going on, inside of the church, they actually go to the
church, you know, looking for a husband looking for a wife, the preacher has got like about Six
Wives right inside the audience, you know, his congregation itself, you know, all types of things go
on, in the in the disguise of religion. So it's not really religion, that is like that. And, and
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			really, you know, the secular nations, you cannot judge time, by the last few decades or even few
100 years, you have to look at time, you have to go back and really see, you know, how civilizations
have changed, we are at the end of, you know, some major civilizations, and these secular powers
that have ruled the world now. They are crumbling, now, the capitalistic system is falling apart,
and these recessions that they're going through with interest, and usually, it's, it's shaking the
very foundations and people are looking for change all around the world. And so, the so called
secular societies, really, you know, are not as powerful as they appear, it is more of an illusion
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			that comes to us, but on the ground, people are looking for change, and there are some major changes
inshallah, which we will see in the near future. It says off a Muslim leader of a certain political
party promotes secular values and openly declared separation of religion and state, is it haram to
vote for that person? Okay, if a person is promoting secular value values, and, you know, totally
going against Islam, then you know, we shouldn't really be involved, you know, in that person, you
know, in terms of voting for that person and accepting that person. In terms of being involved in
politics, you know, it was decided by the scholars in South Africa, that in a local level, it's
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			important, you know, for Muslims, to have somebody involved, you cannot isolate yourself from the
society. And the example gave that one of the brothers told the example, that in Chicago, there was
a group that was totally against politics. They said, I want nothing to do with these Kufa and down
the street, they were deciding whether that mustard was going to be demolished or not.
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			And you don't want to be involved with them, but they're making the decision if they're going to
destroy your mosque or not.
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			Okay, so you need to have a representative in there. And on a lower level, you know, where we can
gain value the Muslim, the benefit to the community, you know, where we have a Muslim heart, then,
you know, we should be involved in order to you know, strategically, you know, to be able to control
you know, our areas and to and to clean our areas up, you know, from, you know, these other Islamic
practices and drug dealers and other things like that within our community. So it is important on
that level. Sometimes on a higher level, it just becomes slogans, and we should avoid empty
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			slogans, in political parties, is it right to translate a verse of the Quran or Hadith, just to back
up a point you are making, it is the Islamic way when we approach issues, we should try to find
something from the court and or from the Sunnah, you know, which actually, you know, supports, you
know, the, the issues, you know, that we are dealing with, if we find that, you know, our opinion is
against the Quran and the Sunnah, that we should change our opinion. So though the sources are your
base, and then then you have your opinion, it's not the other way around. So it is the Islamic way,
you know, to find de Lille Adela, you know, to back up what you are saying, you know, as long as it
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			is Islamic,
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			can we ask dead righteous people to make to offer us
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			it is very clear in the Fatiha and it doesn't take a you know, a great scholar or rocket scientist
to understand when Allah azza wa jal tells us that we should say constantly iaca Naboo what
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			is very clear, you alone a lot that we worship, and from you alone, we seek assistance and the story
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			you alone. And so, our worship should be for a loss of $1 alone, and not for other individuals. When
we go to the to the graveyards we should make to our for the person and face Qibla not the graves,
not standing on them, not praying towards them, you know, and we should pray, you know, you know,
for the benefit of people, but not to the person themselves. That is what we call in South Africa,
that is ancestor worship. And you also have ancestor worship in China, where the people sweep the
graves and burn money for the dead, you know, in the in the next life. In southern Africa, they also
have ancestor worship, where they pray to their ancestors, asking their ancestors to pray to God.
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			Okay, so this is shirke This is a major form of polytheism that we should avoid.
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			What advice or message do you have for young men who don't pray at the mosque, and young men feel it
is harder to get married because of their background and lack of wealth? Well,
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			we should start to look at the masjid you know, as the house of Allah, that when we go there, we are
going to the house of Allah subhanaw taala you know, and those things we need in this life, you
know, we need to depend upon a loss of others. So we need to go to his house. And then the, you
know, the unity of the people who are there. Also, if the masjid is being handled properly, there
would be education in the masjid and there are other things you can get. So we should try to go to
the masjid, you know, to worship Allah subhanaw taala as much as we possibly can. And you know,
through that tawakkol you know, we need to try to get ourselves together. Too many times brothers,
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			they sit around, they say I want a beautiful wife and my wife must be this and she must be that. But
that's okay, Brother, what are you doing for yourself? You want your wife to be a PhD and half. And
you know, and you know, a model and all these things, and you don't even have a job.
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			You don't even have a job. You say like Wake up and smell the coffee, man. Wake up.
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			Okay, so get yourself together. Get yourself together, get your trade together, get your skills
together, right, you know, exercise, whatever you got to do, get yourself together, make dua to
Allah subhanaw taala. And inshallah, you know, your queen will come to you know, and she will grace
you inshallah, and everything will work out. But if you don't do anything, you can expect a lot to
send through the window. This, you know, Princess view to rescue your life.
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			Now, the question says, as a youth, if you have stolen or taken something from individuals, and you
can't remember who to pay back, how do you pay it back? Well, that's a good question. I mean, we are
not responsible. The process seldom said that we're not responsible for the things that we are what
our mission, if we forget something, or if we make mistakes, or we're forced, then we're not
responsible for those things. So if you don't know who actually is, then you should actually you can
still give, you know, some sort of call and then you know, ask lots of buttons Allah to forgive you.
If you have an idea who it is then part of Toba or repentance is read the medallion. And that is
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			compensation. So you should compensate the individual for what has happened.
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			If you stole
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			you know, $500 from the local 711, you know, shot, I wouldn't advise you to go into the store and
say, Excuse me, so I stole $500 because you'll probably call the police. Right? But you can put it
in an envelope or whatever, and you could give it back to you know, to the store. The question comes
up what if you backbite and scandalized somebody
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			Then what do you do? You can't pay money to a person whose reputation you have sport what the
scholars tell us that you should say good things about that person, your compensation is to say good
things about that person until his reputation is restored.
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			So you can do read the mythology you can compensate in in many different ways. But we definitely
need to not only ask a lot to forgive us, but we need to recognize the faults that we have done. And
make the intention not to return to the faults to compensate the people and then try to look at our
whole life, all the areas of our life and to protect ourselves from evil wherever it comes. So I
pray that Allah subhanaw taala would have mercy on us. Our questions have come to an end and
inshallah you've been very patient may Allah bless you and protect you Have a safe journey home
inshallah we'll see you tomorrow was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh