Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Golden Age Of Islam The Implications For Today

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is highlighted, including the rise of Islam in various countries and the spread of Islam throughout the world. The importance of practicing Islam is emphasized, and the use of language and culture in writing Islam is discussed. The negative impact of Islam on society, including the rise of extremist groups, is also discussed. The West on the Atlantic Coast is discussed, with its success in generating revenue and profitability.
AI: Transcript ©
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under lock or below the mean? Why should one La ilaha illallah wa Leah Sala him why shadow Anam Mohammed and up to over a solo heart similan di were more saline. Wa salli wa salam ala optika what a silica Mohamed rather Allah He was happy woman da da da with the he was standing up asuna t Illa. Yo Mateen was seldom test Sleeman kathira A my bat all praise the due to Allah Lord of the worlds and surely Allah is the friend and protect of the righteous. And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners. And then Mohammed dishonor son of Abdullah is a servant and his last message. May Allah always constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family to his companions,

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all those who call to his way and establishes sooner to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters, I begin with the greeting words of the righteous salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah, like what's allowed, and these are the words of peace. And we pray that this would be a source of peace and understanding, especially for people of other faiths who may be here tonight. We pray that this evening can be a source of peace, and a source of understanding.

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today's world is going through tremendous changes Alhamdulillah our praises to allow we are able to travel across huge distances I in 2009, I was with you here in Bahrain, and then in South Africa, now we have moved to Canada. And so society has gotten very small, they say it's like a global village that we are living in today. And Muslims throughout the world are in a very critical point.

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Because right now, our countries make up about 26% of the earth's population.

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We have some of the richest people on the face of the planet Earth. We have educational institutions, we have great armies, we have the potential to take a leading role in the world.

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But at the same time, as a reaction to the growth of the Islamic world. And this is something which has developed after what they say is the Cold War, when the Cold War ended between Russia and the United States.

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The Western powers looked to the different developing countries, and they realize there were certain parts of the world that were rising rapidly.

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And so one of their intellectuals named Samuel Samuel Huntington, he put together he did a work. He called the clash of civilizations. And this set the pace of many thinkers today in the Western world, we don't necessarily agree with this. But he divided the world in the 21st century into three major power sources. One, he said was the Confucian paths. And these are the powers of China, Southeast Asia, the rising economies are coming out of Asia itself. The second world, he said, was the Western world. And he included in the Western world, Russia, the United States and Europe. For the first time, they would see Russia together with America.

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But the third power force, he said, was the worlds of Islam.

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And so he saw that these three power sources would be struggling against each other for world * in the 21st century. And with this type of thinking, and with the growth of Muslims living in western countries, a type of paranoia started to develop.

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And this paranoia or this feeling of fear of the Muslims today is being called Islamophobia. You know, you have the phobias, fears of different types of things, arachnophobia many people have seen in the movies, if you're afraid of spiders, as many people are afraid of the spider, the spider is doing a lot of good things, but because of the shape of the spider, how it moves, or maybe a bad experience in your life, you develop a phobia. So if you see a spider, you get afraid, even though the spider may be clearing your house of insects.

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So I reckon a phobia. So Islamophobia, then is the fear of Islam, or anything the symbols of Islam that shape anything to do with Islam is a type of paranoia and fear, which that has been developed in the Western world. Unfortunately, not because of that.

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What Muslims are doing in the Western world, Muslims have lived in the Western world for centuries, and especially in Europe and America, they played a very important part in the building of America,

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in the building of the Western countries, a very important part. And, you know, we were looking through the history of the United States. And when the United States was just beginning, they had 13 colonies, the first country to recognize the United States was Morocco. It was the Sultan of Oman, it was the first international leader to recognize the 13 colonies. And he made a treaty with the President of the United States from back in those days.

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So in the early times, on the ground level, Muslims actually contributed so much to the west. And today, if you go into what they call Silicon Valley, in California, you will see that many of the IoT experts are Muslims. If you go to Cape Canaveral, if you look at some of the great departments of engineering and medicine, you will see that Muslims are playing a great role today in the society, but Islamophobia is changing that. And so with the rise of Muslims, now, a fear is developing. It is said that right now, in France, that in Paris and Marseille

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that people under 25 years old, the majority 50% are Muslims, in Poland, or in in Holland, and in Belgium, over 50% of the babies born in the hospitals right now, most

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Muslims are starting to

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people are accepting Islam in places like Greece and Poland, Italy, and Sweden, and Norway and Denmark and many different countries. And this we see not as a negative thing, but somehow a paranoia is develop.

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And so in this fear, Muslims are reacting in many different ways. Some of them are going into themselves. Some of them are trying to hide their identity, all types of things, reactions are coming from the community.

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And it is important in these times, that we seek refuge in our beloved Prophet Mohammed Salah.

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This is what the companions used to do in the most difficult circumstances, they would seek refuge in the Messenger of Allah. And when we go back to the early period, we find that the Prophet peace be upon him in Mecca, was being tortured. And he was bringing the message of one guy. He was against the Arab tribalism and nationalism. He was against the the Polish controlling everything and the rest of society and slave. And so he was being attacked, and his followers were being persecuted.

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And it is reported that he would meet the different tribes that would come for pilgrimage,

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he would give them the message of one Doc, to tell them we should not be worshipping idols and material things, but we should worship that which is the creator of the universe. And when this was done, there were there was opposition to him. And they tried to destroy his message. And the books of Sierra the prophetic biography, tell us that on one occasion, they gathered together in one of the parliament's in Mecca nadie, which was down by the Kaaba, and they gathered together with one of their leaders whose name was llmd, Evelyn mafia.

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And they said, How can we stop this message?

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And the suggestion came, maybe we can call him a name, if we call him a name, which is so negative and evil, that people will run away from the message.

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And so they said to otherworldly, maybe we can call him call him.

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Let's call them a cat. But the Arabs at that time even though they were not worshiping one God, they love truth. They love sets

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and they love when a person is open and speaks the truth straightforward. son will lead said No, he's not a cat. Because a canyon is a wizard. And these are the ones who took care of the copper and they were doing with the idols and whatnot. He does not dress like the kehilla and he does not have this actions of them. So No, this can't work. They said okay, maybe we should say he is Majnoon.

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Let's say he's crazy.

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But we'll lead said No, he's not crazy. Because the crazy person has certain spasms and motions. This is not Majnoon. His car is very powerful.

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So they said, okay, maybe we should say he is shy. Let's say he's a poet, because his words are sweet. But our lead said, No, this is not share. This is not a poetry. We know our poetry. There's certain rhythms and rhymes. I'm feeling I'm translating for you. There's certain rhythms to the poetry. This is not a poet.

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It's sweet. And it's rhythmic, but it's not poetry.

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So they said, okay, maybe we should call him socket. Let's call him a magician.

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But then I will lead said No, he's not a magician, because they have not thought that if a robot they blow and not knots, and they do different potions, this is not safe.

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So then they were frustrated. And they said, We need to agree on something. So finally, they agreed to call him socket.

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Because he breaks up families. And one of the main jobs of the magician in those days was to break up the feminists. And so they put the message out against the Prophet peace be upon him. And they continued the propaganda just like today, you see the message going out against us. They were calling us, fundamentalists. And then they call us. Now they say, Islamists,

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they're making up words all the time. We're going to be another one soon.

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words that have nothing to do with us fundamentalist as what will surely you follow the EU? Have you followed the fundamentals? Of course, anybody who's serious is going to follow the fundamentals of Islam. This has nothing to do with us. We are not Christians in 20th century America, we refuse to accept evolution, or refuse to accept science that doesn't apply to us. So these names in the same way they were used against the profits on

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the propaganda, its propaganda is today.

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What did he do, he continued the message.

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He didn't stop. He continued his message with patients with good character, even though he was being attacked personally. And one of the worst attacks he fell under was the attack of a man named Aloha, skipping the wire.

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And allow us to use the travel after the province or sell them and when the Prophet spoke, he would say leave this man, he is uptight. He has a peptide. And an avatar is a person who is cut off. He has no male descendants, no boys. And in a society such as Arabia at that time, if you do not have male descendants, then you cut off, your genealogy is cut off. You have nobody to protect you. You have nobody to sing the poetry of your name, and whatnot. So this is a this was a way you want to hurt somebody's feelings. This is what you do.

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So they said this man is up top, he is useless. As we would say today is a waste of time.

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And this must have hurt us a little less also. This must have hurt him personally, as an Arab man growing up in that in those days, and it is reported that one night in his sleep He smiled. Angel gibreel alayhis salaam came to him. And he woke up the next day and informed his wife and the companions that a beautiful chapter had been revealed.

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And he read to them the 100 and eighth chapter of the court and the smilla rahmanir rahim in Altai nachliel. Casa was suddenly Lera Baker one half in Shani, aka epitaph,

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he read in na na casa

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Verily, We have given you our Casa and abundance

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for some Lila Rebecca one Ha. And so pray to your Lord

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and sacrifice in the shaliach Award after that the one who insults you, and attacks you he will be cut off.

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And so when we look at Tulsa, one of the descriptions of this coming from the province of solid is a river in paradise. And this river which flows down into it feeds into a house and this is the watering place the lake on the Day of Judgment. And its liquid is the widest like the widest milk. It is sweeter than honey. It is cold as ice. If you drink from a house or one time, you will never be thirsty again.

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But this is a really beautiful thing in our tiny house.

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But also when the companions of the process on the look into this word. When the mufa city look into this word is something else inside of this word.

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Because occulta is from a catalog and it is that the setup of this word

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In Arabic, it is not luck. The meaning is not luck. vedo motto, it's an open word.

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So we would translate that in English to say, verily we have given you an abundance. We have given you an abundance, something which will expand and expand and continue to expand until the Day of Resurrection. How is this happening?

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When you see the understanding of the great scholars of Islam, what is the cosa

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alkota is Islam itself that the process of them was given history was given kelim Allah, Allah hi Lola. And by given by being given this Shahada, he was connected to prophets and messengers, who came from every nation at every time. He was connected to Allah subhanaw taala, Creator of the heavens in the earth.

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He was also supported first by a small number, and then it got larger and larger and larger. until his death over 100,000 people were with him in the arafat sermon that you made Castle Doctrine atop

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so many companions. And the message continued to spread up until the day Islam is spreading and far off regions. I recently went to Australia, and in Melbourne, Australia, I visited the chief of an Aboriginal tribe.

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And shows the aborigines are also coming into Islam.

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In the far north, now in Canada, we set up a Masjid in the North Pole. You know that Santa Claus is talking about him now, right.

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Santa Claus is a mythical figure in the north. Right But now Santa Claus if he wants to stop to make his slot so

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he can make slots in the North Pole. There's a match it up.

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That's in the far north region everywhere in the world.

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Muslims people are accepting Islam in na na casa for suddenly lit up. pika one.

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Verily, We have given you an abundance. People coming in all nationalities, people who have never seen him before, who do not speak Arabic, who have nothing to do with the Arabian Peninsula. They are all saying a lot of us on the other side of them. They are making Salawat to this man and trying to follow his Sunnah. And to put it into their lives in the outside Nakata are suddenly lit up become.

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Verily, We have given you an abundance. So praise your Lord and sacrifice even his name. Look at the name Muhammad. In those days, nobody was using this name.

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Recently, they did a survey of names and they found out that this name repeats itself more than any name in the world. How is that possible? Look at the famous people in the world how many people call themselves Moses or call themselves Jesus? Some of the Spanish is that okay suits but very few people use it. Who's Julius Caesar?

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How many Alexander the Great. But the Muslims they will say not solidly. They will say Mohammed Salim

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abdool Karim Mohammed Abdul Karim I had a friend his name was Mohammed dang that's to Mohammed's

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another one I looked at his passport which normally in the Arab world has your your name your father and your grandfather on his passport it was Mohammed Mohammed on three

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on his passport. So if you go into the phone books, if you look at the world list of names, you'll see that this name is repeated more than any other name on Earth. How many people today know Alas, anyway

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even amongst the Arab population if you were to say to a normal person in Arabia, or the Arab world you know us even a wireless suddenly

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nobody you may know his son Amma even Alas, brotherly love her or his grandson, Abdullah he even among us read the law. But you don't know the grandfather you don't know us. So what did Allah say in na na casa for suddenly that have become one hat in the surely aka who will act.

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The one who insults you. He will be cut. So alas is cut off. But this man when he was calling

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now his name is all over the world. The people are following his traditions. They are trying to look like him. They are trying to practice this lifestyle. They are remembered

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During him translate his biography into all different languages in na na casa

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for suddenly lit up become one, I want to take it a step further.

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When we look at the world's just at the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, you will see that this time was generally called. And you'll see in the curriculums books that history books we get, they call this the Dark Ages, they say the lights went off in Europe.

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And the when the Romans fell, definitely education went down, it was being controlled by monks, in monasteries, this was somewhere between,

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you know, the time period of 400 to about 1500 80. They call this the dark age.

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Okay. And, but for most people, they think that nothing happens in Europe. Nothing happens in the world during this time. But the reality is, is that this was the golden age of Islam. It is during this time period, especially between 622 and 1492. This was the golden age of Islam, Muslim travel around the world. Muslims from the time of the salami said the ones who are present take it to the one absence. And they reached all the way to China, the maternal uncle of the province, the southern class, for the law varied in China, Muslims far in the north, far in the south, all the way to the Western countries.

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the known world, the Muslims traveled to the known world, within 100 years, there is no other religion, no other conqueror, no other society that has moved that fast that rapidly in the history of humanity.

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Nobody has ever reached, you know, to this extent.

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And what was happening is the process of them was saying seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. In one tradition, the process was reported to have said Allah hikma,

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Panama was at the heart for whom

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knowledge is the last property of the believer.

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anywhere he finds it, he is the most deserving of it wherever he encounters not. And so with this concept, the Muslims then they traveled around the world. And what they had that was different in the seventh century, they had open minds. So everywhere they traveled, they didn't destroy the books. If you look at the Mongol invasion, when they came, they kill you and they burn your books. If you look at the Spanish Conquistadores went to the Americas, and went to Asia everywhere, the Spanish conquistador where he just take burn the books, the Muslims didn't do that.

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They benefited from these traditions of the people who came before them. And so they assemble the knowledge of the Greeks, of the Egyptians of India, of Persia, of all the different ancient societies. They assemble this knowledge and they put it together, they encountered storehouses of knowledge in Alexandria and Constantinople. And so this time was a was a burst of knowledge. And especially between the ninth to the 11th century,

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they, the leaders of Islam would actually give a person who translates a book, they give you your weight in gold, for your translation. Imagine if you could get that today.

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Imagine the encouragement that scholars had at that time, they were encouraged to translate. And one of the calipers in the past at times the moon, he set up a place called Bayt al hikma and they used to come together with scholars from different societies, scientists, Jewish scientists, Hindu, Buddhist, all types of religion and they sit down and they say, let's discuss this issue.

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You don't have to be a Muslim. Bring your knowledge, how to put it, put them up.

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Bring your knowledge if you are true. And so they came from different parts of the world. And what the Muslims Did you know, because sometimes people say, Well, yes, but all the Muslims did was translate the Greek works, and the Roman works into Arabic. This is not the case.

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They assemble the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians who predated the Greeks. Egyptians taught the Greeks

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the Phoenicians,

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Indian scholars,

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Babylonian scholars,

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Chinese, everywhere in the world, they took their knowledge, they develop scientific methods. And what they did was they took the theories of the ancient people and their own theories, and they perform precise experiments. You see, the Greeks had a lot of theories, but they had not implemented most of what they were postulating and theorize what could be achieved, of the Muslim was to take this knowledge. And to put it in a precise form, and then to actually are to come out with workable systems. So you have theoretical math and applied math, you have theoretical physics and Applied Physics. So the Muslims were able to do is to take this knowledge, and to put it in a usable form,

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which then was the impetus for the modern era.

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The unfortunate thing is that most of the history books that we have, as we saw, they leave this out.

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They say it's the Dark Ages, and nothing happened during this time period. The lights went out in Europe. And it wasn't until the 15th century that scholars came along and they took the Greek books and then they started knowledge again,

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this is a distortion of the truth of what actually had because it was the Muslims who preserve the knowledge of the ancient ones. And they took the concept of tawheed Hadar, you are here to unite things bring it together, bring the sacred with the secular

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that you needed the knowledge and brought it together to put it in a modern form. So some of the sciences which were originated by Muslims, algebra, from Jabba anesthesia, biology, botany, cardiology, chemistry is funded leukemia, dermatology, embryology, emergency medicine, geology, metallurgy, modern surgery, modern medicine, modern arithmetic, optics, parasitology, pharmacology, pulmonary medicine, toxicology, urology, these sciences were actually originated by Muslims during this time period in the golden age of the other sciences that were advanced by most acoustics, agronomy, anatomy, calculus, electro chemistry, engineering, genetics, geometry, geophysics,

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meteorology, physics, taxonomy, thermodynamics, zoology, it's amazing when you see what Muslim did the very scientific method that we are using today is developed in its modern form by Muslim scientist during this time to

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look at some of the substances that Muslims brought into Europe. He's these are things that we consider to be you know, modern things if you want to get a modern apartment today, if you want to consider yourself a civilized modern person, look at some of these things pendulums, your clocks cotton, they introduced this into your paper, glass mirrors, Crystal street lamps, colored glass, satin, pepper, paper, paper money,

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postage stamps, bookbinding clocks, so that was a serious introduction. As to Astro lathes, composites, slide roots class, surgical instruments, windmills, artificial teeth, when you go to the dentist, this is coming out of Muslims see what the process of them gave to you remember, in the outside Nakata are suddenly Rebecca one.

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Verily we have given you an abundance. So it is the followers of the Prophet Muhammad's on Southern who are assembling this knowledge and they are spreading it around the world.

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Globes, citrus fruits, eyeglasses, porcelain, gunpowder cables, velvet, almanacs, Encyclopedia, saddles, and leather shoes. These are just some of the substances and devices.

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And there were famous names famous scientists. But what they did was they wanted to hide the names of the scientists. They couldn't erase it. So they said instead of saying gibberish, they say a bettles

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instead of ebenso avenza instead of center Event Center.

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And you see the names of the different people that they have

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held Petraeus instead of

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Al Hasan instead of LA

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and you see the names and how these are just some of the names and how they change them around

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and try to give you a different understanding. This is a form of deception.

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In 1930, Walt Taylor, he did a study found approximately 100 words of Arabic origin origin in English.

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In English, he found approximately 1000 words Admiral amuro baja

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alcohol alpha

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alpha alpha algebra is from Java. Alpha is me a logarithms Almanac. Almanac that was an important one if you were born before computers we call bc

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you were born before Facebook bf right but before Googles and Yahoo right then you had to go to your Almanac. This is the Arabic words. Okay.

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Amber Amber. Arsenal This is an important one data center especially for the arsenal fans to the soccer fence. This in the UK the students went crazy man darsena this Arsenal is an Arabic words.

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Okay, also

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hashey assassins. caliber is Felipe cam for you when you write a check in the bank is SEC is the Arabic word chemistry is some of the kimia put some cotton, Lehmann Mahajan is magazine, your magazines. This Arabic word.

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Much Raja mattress, most of them your season most of the season of brains is your muscles. soaker is your sugar Sharapova syrup, to find Thai food and silver is zero. I went to Detroit one time. And we had a big program about Islam. This is before September 11. And we had a program there and the mayor of Detroit came out. And the sheriff, the police chief. And so I started off the program and I said we are so honored to have the mayor of Detroit and the sheriff. They were looking at these things. And I showed him that the word Mayor comes from a mayor

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and the Sharif, the word Sheriff like the Sheriff of Nottingham, or the sheriff of Dallas, Texas come from Shetty. So we said to the mayor, he said the sheriff is here today the sheriff and the mayor.

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And so there are many words like this, it's a shocking when you start to go to the roots of

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English language, you will see many words that are there. So what we can say is that this golden age of Islam, it actually set the pace for the future of the educational world. And how can this possibly be in the 12th century. Around this time, you will see that by that time, there was no libraries in Europe.

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No public libraries. But the dad had 36 Cairo had 20 and quarterback Cordoba had 17 libraries.

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Millions of books were in the Muslim world during this time. And so we can make the bold statement that the rebirth of knowledge the renaissance of Europe, was actually

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in the Muslim world. There was no renaissance in Europe.

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There was no rebirth of knowledge in Europe, because according to that theory, they took the knowledge of the Greeks, and then they revived the knowledge in the 15th 16th century. This is alive.

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Because during the period in between the Greeks and the Romans was the golden age of Islam.

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And when you go on the ground and you study the history in Spain, you will see in the 13th to 15th century that the scholars, they were actually going down into Spain, Gerard of Cremona. He spent many years in Toledo, he translated over 90 Arabic works into that

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ptolemies Alma guess ebenstein up on

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the canon of medicine.

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So what was happening that time and especially the Spanish, the Jewish people of Spain, they were excellent in translation.

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And the beauty of envelopes was that Muslim, Christian and Jew were living side by side.

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They were living side by side it was considered to be the golden age of Jewish literature. One of the greatest scholars in Jewish history, Maimonides called even more

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He lived under the calipers in Andalus. And he travelled across even over to Cairo itself.

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This was the Golden Age, not only for Muslims but for Jewish for Christians, the Christians then took the knowledge and they translate it. So, the Renaissance was not a time when they rediscovered knowledge, they translated from the books that were written in Arabic.

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And so, what we can say is that the modern age is the gift of accounts.

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As we said, originally, I was a southern when he was being tortured, when he was being called a useless person. Allah azza wa jal revealed to him in the outside Nakata for suddenly Lera pika one half in the Shani aka one.

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And so all cows are part of alfalfa is this modern period of Renaissance all of this comes from this man. We see revelation from about seven habits. And through him the final testament came through him the knowledge of the Ancient Ones was putting was taken to a higher stage. What does that mean for us today?

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What that means is that for Muslims, we have the solution to many of the problems in the world. There is a spiritual vacuum in this world. People of secularism are reaching a point of frustration. atheism is spreading, but atheism is causing people to have mental problems to have frustration, where do we go after we die?

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Where do we come from? Who created the heavens in the earth? atheism cannot answer this question. So people are turning to alcohol. They are turning to drugs. And you know what they have found out now in Canada, a recent study was done. And it said that alcohol is more dangerous to a person than heroin and cocaine.

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The effects of alcohol, it is more dangerous on the person's mind, his liver, his body, his family, he has accidents on the highway. abuse in the family, crimes are being done. And so Muslims have a way to live without drinking alcohol.

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If we practice our religion, that's the condition. If we practice our religion,

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the spiritual void in the world, we have the Declaration of Independence, which makes us free of all the false gods, free of all the magicians. There's a rise of magicians in the world today, the Sahaba they are on the rise in every country. Secret organizations will tell you a future we'll put spells on people, underground type of society. It is on the rise. Muslims have the Declaration of Independence. What is this declaration of independence? It's an EN Fatiha and it is just one sentence. Yakubu What are

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you alone a lot we worship and from you alone, we seek assistance. We have the answer to racism, which is on the rise. And that is the promise of Solomon said there's no preference for the Arabs over the non Arabs or vice versa. No preference for white over black or vice versa. In love with taqwa It is only piety and right action, which separates the believers.

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We have a mission in our hands, we have a mission, the societies are going corrupt. The environment is now turning against us. But to practice Islam makes you seem really strange. You seem really strange. People are taking off their clothes and you put it on

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people like drinking alcohol and taking drugs and you stay away from this. People are living in interest then usually, and you try to stay away from interest than usual.

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So you feel strange. You travel around the world and you feel strange, but the process of them said in Islam or even Australia, or even

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Islam began strange, and it will return to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers. They asked him who are this burada the process on them said alladhina your slave owner and the sadness. They are the ones who repair. They repair themselves. They repair society, they rectify when people have become corrupted. And so dakara Salalah alayhi salatu salam, this time has come to pass. And so we need to take this advantage to take advantage of it.

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counsel, we have something to give the world if we practice our religion, and we let other people to benefit from the court and benefit from the sooner then we can benefit from this beautiful verse Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Altai Nakata for Salida Rebecca one half in the Shani aka after I leave you with these thoughts, and I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you are salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah I

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will run away from the message.

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And so they said to actually, maybe we can call him catch him.

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Let's call them a cat. But the Arabs at that time, even though they were not worshiping one God, they love truth. They love sit.

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And they love when a person is open and speaks the truth straightforward. son will lead said No, he's not a cat. Because a canyon is a wizard. And these are the ones who took care of the cover and they were doing with the idols and whatnot.

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He does not dress like the kehilla and he does not have this actions of them. So No, this can't work. They said, okay, maybe we should say he is Majnoon.

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Let's say he's crazy.

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And will lead said No, he's not crazy. Because the crazy person has certain spasms and motions. This is not much known. He's calm, is very calm.

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So they said, okay, maybe we should say he is shy of, let's say he's a poet, because his words are sweet. But our lead said, No, this is not share. This is not a poetry. We know our poetry. There's certain rhythms and rhymes. I'm filling, I'm translating for you. The certain rhythms to the poetry, this is not a poet.

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It's sweet. And it's rhythmic, but it's not poets. So they said, okay, maybe we should call him socket. Let's call him a magician.

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But then I will lead said No, he's not a magician, because they have not thought that if a robot they blow in knots, and they do different potions, this is not safe.

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So then they were frustrated. And they said, We need to agree on something. So finally, they agreed to call him socket.

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Because he breaks up families. And one of the main jobs of the magician in those days was the break up the feminists. And so they put the message out against the Prophet peace be upon him. And they continued the propaganda just like today, you see the message going out against us. They were calling us, fundamentalists. And then they call us. Now they say, Islamists,

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they're making up words all the time. We're going to be another one soon.

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words that have nothing to do with us fundamentalist as what will surely you follow the EU? Have you followed the fundamentals? Of course, anybody who's serious is going to follow the fundamentals of Islam. This has nothing to do with us. We are not Christians in 20th century America, we refuse to accept evolution, or refuse to accept science that doesn't apply to us. So these names in the same way they were used against the prophets or

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the propaganda is propaganda. Today,

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what did he do? He continued the message.

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He didn't stop. He continued his message with patience with good character, even though he was being attacked personally. And one of the worst attacks he fell under was the attack of a man named Aloha, skipping the wire.

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And allows us to travel after the province of Solomon when the Prophet spoke, he would say leave this man, he is uptime.

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uptime, uptime is a person who is cut off, he has no male descendants, no boys, and in a society such as Arabia at that time, if you do not have male descendants, then you're cut off, your genealogy is cut off. You have nobody to protect you. You have nobody to sing the poetry of your name, and whatnot. So this is a this was a wait, you want to hurt somebody's feelings. This is what you do.

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So they said this man is up top, he is useless. As we would say today is a waste of time.

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And this must have hurt us we'll have lots of songs. This must have hurt him personally, as an Arab man growing up in that in those days, and it is reported that one night in his sleep He smiled. Angel gibreel of a Salaam came to him. And he woke up the next day and informed his wife and the companions that a beautiful chapter had been revealed.

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And he read to them the 100 and eighth chapter of the Quran. The smilla rahmanir rahim in outline nakazato

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solidly layer of beaker one half in Shani aka epitaph.

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II read in China called casa.

00:45:10 --> 00:45:16

Verily, We have given you l kallista. And abundance.

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For some Lila Rebecca one Hmm. And so pray to your Lord

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and sacrifice in the shaliach of one after that the one who insults you, and attacks you, he will be cut off.

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And so when we look at our Tulsa, one of the descriptions of this coming from the province of solid is a river in paradise. And this River, which flows down into it feeds into a house. And this is the watering place the lake on the Day of Judgment. And its liquid is the widest, like the widest milk, it is sweeter than honey, it is cold as ice. If you drink from a cow one time, you will never be thirsty again.

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But this is a really beautiful thing in our pineapple cows.

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But also when the companions of the process on the look into this word. When the new facility look into this word, there's something else inside of this word.

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Because occulta is from a catalog, and it is that the setup of this word. In Arabic It is mukluk the meaning is mukluk vedo motto, it's an open word.

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So we will translate that in English to say verily we have given you an abundance. We have given you an abundance, something which will expand and expand and continue to expand until the Day of Resurrection. How is this happening?

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When you see the understanding of the great scholars of Islam, what is our culture?

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Our Casa is is Islam itself, that the process of them was given yesterday was given Kelly mala ilaha illAllah. And by given by being given this Shahada, he was connected to prophets and messengers, who came from every nation at every time. He was connected to Allah subhanaw taala, Creator of the heavens and the earth.

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He was also supported first by a small number, and then it got larger and larger and larger. until his death over 100,000 people were with him in the arafat sermon that you made kesulitan atop

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so many companions. And the message continued to spread up until the day Islam is spreading and far off regions. I recently went to Australia. And in Melbourne, Australia, I visited the chief of an Aboriginal tribe.

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And shows the aborigines are also coming into Islam.

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In the far north, now in Canada, we set up a Masjid in the North Pole. You know that Santa Claus is talking about him now, right?

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Santa Claus is a mythical figure in the north. Right But now Santa Claus if he wants to stop to make his slot so

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he can make slots in the North Pole. There's a Masjid up there.

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That's in the far north region, everywhere in the world.

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Muslims people are accepting Islam in na na casa are suddenly lit up become one.

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Verily, We have given you an abundance. People coming in all nationalities, people who have never seen him before, who do not speak Arabic, who have nothing to do with the Arabian Peninsula. They are all saying a loveless all the others say that

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they are making solo up to this man and trying to follow his Sunnah. And to put it into their lives in the outside Nakata are suddenly lit up because

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Verily, We have given you an abundance. So praise your Lord and sacrifice even his name. Look at the name Muhammad. In those days, nobody was using this name.

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Recently, they did a survey of names and they found out that this name repeats itself more than any name in the world. How is that possible? Look at the famous people in the world. How many people call themselves Moses or call themselves Jesus? Some of the Spanish is that okay suits but very few people use that who is Julius Caesar?

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How many Alexander the Great, but the Muslims they will say not solidly. They will say Mohammed Salim

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

abdool Karim Mohammed Abdullah

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I had a friend his name was Mohammed Dane. That's two months.

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Another one I looked at his passport which normally in the Arab world has your, your name your father and your grandfather on his passport. It was Mohammed Mohammed, three

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on his passport. So if you go into the phone books, if you look at the world list of names, you will see that this name is repeated more than any other name on Earth. How many people today know Alas, anyway.

00:50:32 --> 00:50:41

Even amongst the Arab population, if you were to say to a normal person in Arabia, or the Arab world, do you know us even a wireless economy?

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Nobody. You may know his son, Amma, even Alas, brotherly love her or his grandson, Abdullah he given our pivotal us for the long run, but you don't know the grandfather, you don't know us. So what did the law say in NA NA cosa for suddenly that have become one half in the Shirley aka who will act

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the one who insults you, he will be cut. So, alas is cut off. But this man when he was calling

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now his name is all over the world. The people are following his traditions, they are trying to look like him. They are trying to practice this lifestyle. They are remembering him translate his biography into all different languages in na na casa

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for suddenly lit up become one. I want to take it a step further.

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When we look at the world, just at the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him,

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you will see that this time was generally called and you'll see in the curriculums books that history books we get, they call this the Dark Ages, they say the lights went off in Europe.

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And the when the Romans fell, definitely education went down, it was being controlled by monks, in monasteries, this was somewhere between

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you know the time period of 400 to about 1500 80. They call this the dockage.

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Okay, and but for most people, they think that nothing happened in Europe.

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Nothing happens in the world during this time. But the reality is, is that this was the golden age of Islam. It is during this time period, especially between 622 and 1492. This was the golden age of Islam, Muslim travel around the world. Muslims from the time of the salami said the ones who are present take it to the one absence. And they reached all the way to China, the maternal uncle of the province of Southern Saudi class for the law, I'm buried in China, Muslims far in the north, far in the south, all the way to the Western countries.

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the known world, the Muslims traveled to the known world within 100 years, there is no other religion, no other conqueror, no other society that is moved that fast that rapidly in the history of humanity.

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Nobody has ever reached, you know, to this extent.

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And what was happening is the process of them was saying seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. In one tradition, the process has been reported to upset al hikma.

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Panama was at the heart for whom

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knowledge is the last property of the believer.

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anywhere he finds it, he is the most deserving of it wherever he encounters knowledge. And so with this concept, the Muslims then they traveled around the world. And what they had that was different in the seventh century, they had open minds. So everywhere they traveled, they didn't destroy the books. If you look at the Mongol invasion, when they came they kill you and they burn your books. If you look at the Spanish Conquistadores went to the Americas, and went to Asia everywhere the Spanish conquistador what he displayed during the books, the Muslims didn't do that.

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They benefited from the speech traditions of the people who came before. And so they assemble the knowledge of the Greeks, of the Egyptians of India, of Persia, of all the different ancient societies. They assemble this knowledge and they put it together. they encountered storehouses of knowledge in Alexandria and Constantinople. And so this time was a was a burst of knowledge and especially between

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Between the ninth to the 11th century,

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they the leaders of Islam would actually give a person who translates a book, they give you your weight in gold for your translation. Imagine if you could get that today.

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Imagine the encouragement that scholars had at that time. They were encouraged to translate. And one of the calipers in their basket times the moon, he set up a place called Bayt al hikma. And they used to come together with scholars from different societies, scientists, Jewish scientists, Hindu, Buddhist, all types of religion, and they sit down, and they say, let's discuss this issue.

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You don't have to be a Muslim. Bring your knowledge, how to put it, put them up.

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Bring your knowledge if you are true. And so they came from different parts of the world. And what the Muslims Did you know, because sometimes people say, Well, yes, but all the Muslims did was translate the Greek works. And the Roman works into Arabic. This is not the case.

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They assemble the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians who predated the Greeks, Egyptians taught the Greeks,

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the Phoenicians,

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Indian scholars,

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Babylonian scholars, Chinese, everywhere in the world, they took their knowledge, they develop scientific methods. And what they did was they took the theories of the ancient people and their own theories, and they perform precise experiments. You see, the Greeks had a lot of theories, but they had not implemented most of what they were postulating and theorize what the deputy achievements of the Muslim was to take this knowledge. And to put it in a precise form, and then to actually are to come out with workable systems. So you have theoretical math and applied math, you have theoretical physics, and Applied Physics. So the Muslims were able to do is to take this knowledge, and to put

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it in a usable form,

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which then was the impetus for the modern era.

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The unfortunate thing is that most of the history books that we have, as we saw, they leave this out.

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They say it's the Dark Ages, and nothing happened during this time period. The lights went out in Europe. And it wasn't until the 15th century that scholars came along and they took the Greek books, and then they started knowledge again,

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this is a distortion of the truth of what actually had because it was the Muslims who preserve the knowledge of the ancient ones. And they took the concept of tawheed what had Are you a Hindu, unite things bring it together, bring the sacred with the secular,

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the united the knowledge and brought it together to put it in a modern form. So some of the sciences which were originated by Muslims, algebra from Jabba anesthesia, biology, botany, cardiology, chemistry is funded leukemia, dermatology, embryology, emergency medicine, geology, metallurgy, modern surgery, modern medicine, modern arithmetic, optics, parasite ology, pharmacology, pulmonary medicine, toxicology, urology. These sciences were actually originated by Muslims during this time period in the golden age of Islam, other sciences that were advanced by most acoustics, agronomy, anatomy, calculus, electro chemistry, engineering, genetics, geometry, geophysics, meteorology,

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physics, taxonomy, thermodynamics, zoology, it's amazing when you see what Muslim did, the very scientific method that we are using today is developed in its modern form by Muslim scientist during this time to

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look at some of the substances that Muslims brought into Europe. He's these are things that we consider to be you know, modern things if you want to get a modern apartment today. If you want to consider yourself a civilized modern person, look at some of these things, pendulums, your clocks cotton. They introduced this into your paper, glass mirror, it's crystal street lamps, colored glass, satin, pepper, paper, paper money,

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postage stamps,

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bookbinding clots so that was a serious introduction as to Dave's composites, slide roots class surgical instruments, windmills, artificial teeth. When you go to the dentist, this is coming out of Muslims see what the process of them gave to you. Remember in the OSI Nakata are suddenly lit up become one.

01:00:25 --> 01:00:36

Verily we have given you an abundance. So does the followers of the Prophet Muhammad SAW some who are assembling this knowledge and they are spreading it around the world.

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Globes, citrus fruits, eyeglasses, porcelain, gunpowder cables, velvet, almanacs, Encyclopedia, saddles, and leather shoes. These are just some of the substances and devices.

01:01:00 --> 01:01:12

And there were famous names famous scientists. But what they did was they wanted to hide the names of the scientists. They couldn't erase it. So they said instead of saying gibberish, they say a petals

01:01:13 --> 01:01:18

instead of ebenso avenza instead of different center Event Center.

01:01:19 --> 01:01:23

And you see the names of the different people that they have

01:01:25 --> 01:01:26

held Petraeus instead of

01:01:28 --> 01:01:29

Al Hasan instead of LA

01:01:30 --> 01:01:35

and you see the names and how he's just some of the names and how they change them around

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and try to give you a different understanding. This is a form of deception.

01:01:43 --> 01:01:52

In 1930, while Taylor he did a study he found approximately 100 words of Arabic origin origin in English.

01:01:53 --> 01:01:59

In English, if are approximately 1000 words, Admiral Amira baja

01:02:00 --> 01:02:02

alcohol alpha

01:02:03 --> 01:02:17

alpha is alko algebra is from Java. Alpha izmi algorithms Almanac Almanac that was an important one if you were born before computers we call bc

01:02:18 --> 01:02:24

you were born before Facebook bf right or before Google's

01:02:25 --> 01:02:32

and Yahoo. Right then you have to go to your Almanac. This is the Arabic words. Okay.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:46

Amber Amber. Arsenal. This is an important one darsena especially for the arsenal fans you know the soccer fans. This in the UK the students went crazy man. Doris inna this Arsenal is an Arabic words.

01:02:48 --> 01:02:49

Okay, also

01:02:50 --> 01:03:10

hashey assassins. caliber is Felipe can for you when you write a check in the bank is SEC is the Arabic word chemistry is some of the kimia put some cotton, Lehmann Mahajan is magazine, your magazines. This Arabic word.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:50

Much Raja mattress, most of them your season most of the season of brains is your muscles soaker is your sugar Shara the syrup to find Thai food and cifa is zero. I went to Detroit one time. And we had a big program about Islam. This is before September 11. And we had a program there and the mayor of Detroit came out and the sheriff, the police chief. And so I started off the program and I said we are so honored to have the mayor of Detroit and the sheriff. They were looking at these things. And I showed him that the word Mayor comes from Amir

01:03:52 --> 01:04:04

and the Sharif, the word Sheriff like the Sheriff of Nottingham, or the sheriff of Dallas, Texas come from Shetty. So we said to the mayor, he said the sheriff is here today the sheriff and the mayor.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:12

And so there are many words like this. It's a shocking when you start to go to the roots of

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the English language, you will see many words that are there. So what we can say is that this golden age of Islam, it actually set the pace for the future of the of the educational world. And how can this possibly be in the 12th century. Around this time, you will see that by that time, there was no libraries in Europe.

01:04:39 --> 01:04:48

No public libraries, but the dad had 36 Cairo had 20 and quarterback Cordoba had 17 libraries.

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Millions of books were in the Muslim world during this time, and so we can make the bold statement that the rebirth of knowledge

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The Renaissance of Europe was actually

01:05:05 --> 01:05:08

in the Muslim world. There was no renaissance in Europe.

01:05:09 --> 01:05:22

There was no rebirth of knowledge in Europe, because according to that theory, they took the knowledge of the Greeks, and then they revived the knowledge in the 15th 16th century. This is alive.

01:05:23 --> 01:05:30

Because during the period in between the Greeks and the Romans was the golden age of Islam.

01:05:32 --> 01:05:52

And when you go on the ground and you study the history in Spain, you will see in the 13th to 15th century that the scholars are they will they were actually going down into Spain, Gerard of Cremona. He spent many years in Toledo, he translated over 90 Arabic works into that

01:05:54 --> 01:05:56

ptolemies Alma guess Eben Sina, aka

01:05:59 --> 01:06:00

the canon of medicine.

01:06:01 --> 01:06:08

So what was happening that time and especially the Spanish, the Jewish people of Spain, they were excellent in translation.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:15

And the beauty of Andalus was that Muslim, Christian and Jew were living side by side.

01:06:16 --> 01:06:34

They were living side by side, it was considered to be the golden age of Jewish literature. One of the greatest scholars in Jewish history, Maimonides called Eben moon, he lived under the caliphate in Andalus. And he travelled across even over to Cairo itself.

01:06:35 --> 01:06:55

This was the Golden Age, not only for Muslims, but for Jewish for Christians. The Christians then took the knowledge and they translate it. So the Renaissance was not a time when they rediscovered knowledge, they translated from the books that were written in Arabic.

01:06:56 --> 01:07:03

And so what we can say is that the modern age is the gift of accounts.

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As we said, originally 1000s of them when he was being tortured, when he was being called a useless person, Allah azza wa jal revealed to him in the outside Nakata for suddenly Lera pika one half in the Shani aka one.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:47

And so will calsoft part of La Casa is this modern period of Renaissance all of this comes from this man. We see revelation from about seven habits. And through him the final testament came through him the knowledge of the Ancient Ones was putting was taken to a higher stage. What does that mean for us today?

01:07:48 --> 01:08:12

What that means is that for Muslims, we have the solution to many of the problems in the world. There is a spiritual vacuum in this world. People of secularism are reaching a point of frustration. atheism is spreading, but atheism is causing people to have mental problems to have frustration, where do we go after we die?

01:08:13 --> 01:08:34

Where do we come from? Who created the heavens in the earth? atheism cannot answer this question. So people are turning to alcohol. They are turning to drugs. And you know what they have found out now in Canada, a recent study was done. And it said that alcohol is more dangerous to a person than heroin and cocaine.

01:08:36 --> 01:08:56

The effects of alcohol, it is more dangerous on the person's mind, his liver, his body, his family, he has accidents from the highway abuse in the family, crimes are being done. And so Muslims have a way to live without drinking alcohol.

01:08:57 --> 01:09:01

If we practice our religion, that's the condition. If we practice our religion,

01:09:03 --> 01:09:40

the spiritual void in the world, we have the Declaration of Independence, which makes us free of all the false thoughts, free of all the magicians. There's a rise of magicians in the world today, the Sahaba they are on the rise in every country. Secret organizations will tell you a future will put spells on people, underground type of society. It is on the rights Muslims have the Declaration of Independence. What is this declaration of independence? It's another fancy hat and it is just one sentence he Yakubu

01:09:43 --> 01:10:00

you alone allowed to be worshipped and from you alone, do we seek assistance? We have the answer to racism, which is on the rise. And that is the province of Solomon said there's no preference for the Arabs or the non Arabs or vice versa. No

01:10:00 --> 01:10:09

preference for white over black or vice versa. In lovely taqwa It is only piety and right action, which separates the believers.

01:10:10 --> 01:10:28

We have a mission in our hands, we have a mission, the societies are going corrupt. The environment is now turning against us. But to practice Islam makes you seem really strange. You seem really strange. People are taking off their clothes and you put it on.

01:10:29 --> 01:10:39

People are drinking alcohol and taking drugs and you stay away from this. People are living in interest then usually, and you try to stay away from interest than usual.

01:10:40 --> 01:10:51

So you feel strange. You travel around the world and you feel strange, but the process of them said in Islam, not even a saga, or even for Tuvalu Raja

01:10:53 --> 01:11:43

Islam began strange, and it will return to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers. They asked him who are this horrible, the promises on them said alladhina, just the owner and the sadness. They are the ones who repair, they repair themselves. They repair society, they rectify when people have become corrupted. And so dakara Salalah alayhi salatu was salam, this time has come to pass. And so we need to take this advantage to take advantage of our council. We have something to give the world if we practice our religion, and we let other people to benefit from the court and benefit from the sooner then we can benefit from this beautiful verse Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in

01:11:43 --> 01:11:48

Altai Nakata for Salida Rebecca one half in the Shani aka

01:11:50 --> 01:11:55

I leave you with these thoughts, and I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you are salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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