Abdul Wahab Saleem – Tafsir of Surah Maryam – Episode 10
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The speakers discuss the use of "Ok," in the context of the story of the day, as it is a series of sentences that cover a range of topics and can lead to confusion. They also discuss the importance of truthfulness in religion and how it can protect against false accusations and false false accusations. The speakers emphasize the need for bravery in society, showing respect and compassion for one's father, and humility in public speaking. They also mention the use of "traduthfulness" in religion to protect against false accusations and false false accusations.
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Dabba that mean? Lee
speaker Shangri La salatu salam ala rasulillah hamdu lillahi wa
salam ala Sayidina Muhammad in rather early he was actually his main alarm alumna And Pharaoh now when trying to be Muslim Tara was in a edmonia karimova surgery. We say the Emory melissani. Coco Lee are visiting element or obesity element, visit nigma
Allahumma salli ala Dr. Sarah.
Sarah, welcome to another episode of embracing Calderon as we continue to discuss that f0 students Miriam, Allah Subhana Allah says
in relation to the story of Ibrahim Ali Salam was beautiful kitabi Ibrahim, remember in the book, The story of Ibrahim it cetera. Now notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala started off other stories in this particular suta as well.
With the same sort of mentioned Allah subhana wa tada started off right in the beginning, the chromatherapy, Kavita, who's the carrier, the mention of your Lord of his slave when it comes to Zachary Ali Salam. So similarly, throughout the story, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the same methodology in mentioning each story where every time a new story starts Allah subhana wa tada says, well, Guru Phil Kitab Ibrahim, just hit the bottom of the page. Allah will say what's good for kitabi Moosa, right. So Allah subhana wa tada is reminding us now of the story of Ibrahim. And every time we look at any of these stories, remember that Allah subhanho wa Taala is not necessarily
speaking about the story in terms of the chronology of the story, in terms of the sequence of events that occurred within the story. Rather, Allah subhana wa tada is mentioning their story simply to take benefit and derive rulings from this particular story. And none of the sutras in the Quran accommodate a complete story, perhaps with the exception of sort of use of which accomplish a which pretty much accommodates a number of the Grand events that occurred in the life of use of Elissa, right. But other than that, we will notice that none of the stories are brought within the Koran, chronologically rather, they're separated as well. So we have the story of Moosa dispersed all over
the world on even though he might he set up his stories in more than one place, even sort of muddy and despite the fact that it happens to be an entire suit are named after her. There is the story of medium in here there's the story portions of the story of medium and salted MBR there's portions of the story of a medium so far forth and other suitors as well. Similarly,
the story of Ibrahim Ibrahim Ali Salaam also has a surah named after him but nonetheless, Allah subhana wa tada says was fulfilled Kitab Ibrahim, remember in the book, Ibrahim ericeira book meaning the Quran or just sort of medium. These are the two ways to understand it. But I think that the Quran is what this is referring to. Why? Because the Quran accommodates in within it is also sort of medium as well. So this is more general and it's more accommodating of both opinions in reality, when it comes to faith kitabi Ibrahim, remember in the book Ibrahim Elisa in the who can also defend nebia Ibrahim Abu ambia, right. And he's also the the person who the opponent
As well, he's the father of all the Arabs as well, because the Arabs were basically from the progeny of Ibrahim alayhis salam. And hence Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam is a person that the Arabs used to recognize they used to recognize the station to a degree that they had pictures of Ibrahim Ali set up within the cabinet, as well. And so they used to recognize the status of Ibrahim Artesia, and for that reason, the mention of the story of it but I have it set up is very, very powerful in terms of addressing the Arabs the early Arabs That is why the COVID kitabi Ibrahim, remember the story of Ibrahim Elisa? But one may say hey, what is the reason for the mention of the story of Ibrahim after
the story of medium Sarah?
Well, we said the first story that Allah subhana wa tada mentioned is the story of the Korea thereafter as a as an offshoot of the stories yada yada Salaam, similarly Allah subhana wa tada mentioned the story of medium it has set up and then right after that, Lisa, Lisa, now that story Maria Maria Salaam, also recently set up even before that, Zachary and yeah, because they're all around the same time. Right? That story was dealing with the phenomenon of people worshipping other than Allah urbanicity was around and people associating partners with Allah subhana wa tada in certain ways, and this story has a an other way of associating partners with Allah subhanho wa
Taala. And that is people taking up idols. Okay, that was a corrupt understanding of God, that was also associating partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But this is also a form of association of partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. All of it is should ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from polytheism I mean,
but nonetheless, that is the, the the thread that sort of connects these two stories, Allah subhana wa tada says, What goldfill kitabi Ibrahim, remember in the book, Ibrahim Addison now who can also defend obeah indeed, Ibrahim alayhis salam happened to be a Cydia you happen to be a prophet is a deca truthful individual. Okay. And so this is basically see what see what Movado from the word said, it's an exaggerated form of the word truth. Okay, truthful person so adept, and then so deep, a person who's very, very, very, very truthful, not just a little bit truthful, every single thing he does, is truthful. And right after the quality of truthfulness, Allah Subhana Allah brings the
quality of prophethood now one of the things that's unique about this is Allah subhana wa tada brings the quality of SIDS first, and then he brings the quality of prophethood. Right.
And that is very, very powerful. And that is to say that
it is the truthfulness that allowed Ibrahim alayhis salam to be the prophet or to be a prophet. And similarly the Prophet was a Sadiq Khan, I mean, he was a truthful person, that trustworthy person person, and that is what led Allah subhanho wa Taala. Of course, his wisdom is beyond that. But that is one of the reasons why the prophets have a long way it was setting them had been chosen to be a prophet because he was a truthful individual. And so anyone that wishes to deliver the call of Allah subhana wa Taala, anyone who wishes to deliver the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala, one of the primary qualities that they have to inhibit the after exhibit, and they have to take within
themselves and and make it part of themselves is this truthfulness? Why? Because Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in the cerca de la
jolla De La Jolla, that indeed leads us to all sorts of goodness and goodness leads of leads us to gender. So it was the sixth in the truthfulness of Ibrahim alayhis salam which made him a prophet. Similarly, it was the truthfulness of the prophets all along where it was Salaam which allowed for Allah subhanho wa Taala to choose him which, which basically nominated him to be a choice for the Prophet hood for the rest of time. So it is truthfulness that leads us to be leaders, it is truthfulness that leads us to be people who can be torchbearers of the call and the legacy of the prophets. Allah subhana wa tada says, In the who can also defend nebbia Indeed, he also did. Indeed
he was ever truthful. And he was also in Abuja, he was also also a prophet of Allah.
If Allah le Avi here at the Mecca, Abu melasma, you know, if it wasn't for truthfulness, then a person wouldn't actually be
allowed to take up the call of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Why is that? Because if a person is being a liar in matters other than the deen, how can we then trust the person in the religion and this, by the way, is a very, very important matter. And that is that if you see a person lying bluntly, literally bluntly, lying through their teeth, teeth, you can never trust them any longer when it comes to religion, and that's why a loss of passion
Ira made all of his profits. So deep clean all of his profits were people who are truthful people, every single one of them, because if you're lying outside of the religion, how would I then know that you're not lying within the religion as well? So truthfulness is a necessary component in quality. Why is that? Because you're basically signing off on behalf of Allah subhanaw taala data and lying is actually a quality of a coward. That's a reality, right?
Think with me for a second you see, a person who's brave, he doesn't have any reason to lie, meaning because he's brave, he's always ready to face the consequences of whatever is happening within his life. However, someone who isn't brave,
someone who's weak, every single time is faced by something within his life, immediately tries to take himself out of that situation, by lying and to deliver the religion of Allah subhana wa Tada. There is components of bravery that are required because there are things within the Quran within the sooner that society will just not like no matter what we do, unless it's a society, which abides by the laws of a lot of data. So if a person does not understand that, and it is not truthful, and he is has that quality of weakness within him, then naturally every single time he or she is placed within a corner in which if he says something or this, she says something, there will be
consequences. The bravery will not be there in order for him to tell the truth, and hence a lie might come out. And that's why Allah subhana wa tada spoke, speaking of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said in Ghana, so different obeah indeed, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was so deep. He was a very truthful person. And thereafter he was also a prophet as well. is on an IV aveti.
Lima tabuteau melasma when I observed, as he said to his father, yeah, I bet to my father, never taboo, man is marijuana. Why are you worshiping someone who neither hears you? Neither does he see you as well? When are you hooni and kashaya? Nor can he suffice you in any which way?
Oh, my father. So look at how beautifully Ibrahim alayhis salam speaks to his father. You know, in some of these, these ayat in which Ibrahim Ali Salaam is discussing and addressing his father,
there's so much wisdom to be found within this ayah Allah subhana wa tada has given us the stories of, of Lisa Ali Salam being kind to her mother and mentioning of that as well well above on Diwali, that he will me Johnny Jabbar and Shaka that Allah subhanho wa Taala made me but Allah made me do the photo my mother and he did not make me tyrannical nor did he make me miserable as well. Right. So Allah is giving us a story of a of a pious child. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving us now another story of a pious child why, so one of them to his mother and the other one to the Father. Why, so we may take lessons and heat on how to treat our parents as well as we continue to discuss
the story of soilless Media. Please join us again in the second segment of this episode are sidama alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato
Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi mine alumna alumna, manfredonia Bhima lm Tara
Melissa Nia Coco Lee, obesity, obesity and obesity Allahumma salli ala Niger Delta who Sarah has negotiated Salah Welcome back everyone to the second segment of this episode. As we continue to discuss the story of Ibrahim it said I'm from soilless medium, Allah subhana wa tada says in iron number 43 Yeah, but the ini Khadija and emunah. Allah is quoting Ibrahim alayhi salam.
He says that if Carla the Avi
is number 42 he says if Coralie Avi here at limita, Buddha melasma when I observe wallonian kashaya Why are you worshiping someone who neither can hear? nor can they see, neither can suffice? You have anything in any way? Okay.
So Ibrahim Ali salam, if you notice, he's doing a couple of things with his father. A, he's calling his father out in a very beautiful way is is basically expressing love and compassion and the type of love that our son has towards his father. The type of respect that a father is deserving of. Even though this father is a father who doesn't worship Allah subhana wa Tada. He doesn't worship except
The idols that he has chosen to worship now, right? So Allah subhana wa tada shows us that even though his father is worshiping other than Allah subhana wa Tada, even though his father is worshipping idols and so forth, Ibrahim already said I'm still uses a very respectful, polite and generous tone. When he speaks to him. He says, Yeah, I bet he, oh, my father. You see, normally when you want to say, Oh, my father, you would say, Yeah.
Or you would say it by itself, right? But when you say me, you're saying opha? Oh, my father, you're saying my father. That's it. And then when you add to that, yeah, Avi, oh, my father, then it becomes a more generous tone and respectful tone when it comes to your father. But now, when you add to that another thing, when you say yeah, Betty, not just the Avi, that becomes Oh, my dear father. So literally, Ibrahim alayhis. Salam is trying to be as polite and respectful and is as basically as much as a son can do in terms of conversation. When you're calling out and addressing your father. That's how Ibrahim is speaking to his father, despite the fact that his father is not worshipping
Allah Buddha as a teacher. So he says Yaga to my father, not just Oh, my father. Oh, my dear father. Yeah, but the Lima taboo, man is man, what are you?
Why are you worshiping someone you don't? Someone who doesn't see and doesn't hear? And he can suffice you in any which way? Right? Even this question that he's asking, do you see the wisdom of Ibrahim Ali Salaam in this question that he's asking? Right? He's basically trying to refute his father, and refute the act of worship that his father does, he's trying to stop and put a halt to the worship that his father does to other than a lot of diversity agenda. That's what he's trying to do. But instead of telling him to stop instead of basically, you know, mocking and ridiculing his, his idols and so forth, and his act of worship, rather, he puts it in a question, right? Why are you
worshiping someone who cannot hear someone who cannot see and someone who cannot suffice you in any way? But along with the question he does another thing.
Along with the question, he gives us, his father, all the possible reasons that a person may have to consider someone, a lord or a god, okay? Now, what I mean by that is, if you here, you see, and you are capable of something, meaning you're capable of sufficing, some, someone in some way, giving money to someone, and so on and so forth, then at least you have some form of supremacy over them, right? Even though everyone knows in this world, that no matter how supreme you become, so long as you're a human being, you're still in need, because you're going to die, you need to use the bathroom, you need to, you know, dedicate Allah subhana wa, tada, honor you and grace you, right,
you need to do all of those things, right? But even then,
even then,
the person is still in need, okay. So even if a person has all of these qualities of seeing, hearing all of these qualities of sufficing, and so on, and so forth, you still are in need of a lot of intensity. But at least in that circumstance, where someone has those qualities, at least, it doesn't make sense, but at least you can explain it away in some way. Right? The person can say, he hears me, he sees me, perhaps he has a camera camera on top of my head, and so on and so forth. He says, this particular idol that you worship, he doesn't even have those qualities for which we can, which we can use as lousy excuses for the worship of someone, right?
Because even if those excuses were to be there, they would still be lousy excuses. So he says, He doesn't even have those qualities. How about having the quality of lordship to be, you know, he doesn't have those to begin with? How about the qualities of leadership? He definitely doesn't have those. But he puts it in a question for him. Why? Because we're here to tell him stop, then, of course, you will have to explain himself. And that will be too direct, especially coming from a son to a father, when he asks him a questions. And in the question, he places all the reasons why his father shouldn't be worshipping this particular idol of his he ends up giving him one, the hint that
he's not happy with that worship and that worship shouldn't be occurring to all of the reasons why that worship shouldn't be occurring. So he could
he continues, and he says that Yeah, but the Oh my father in need for the job any minute. Oh, my father, a certain knowledge has come to me.
Now, let me take a second affectability advocacy Robinson so we are a knowledge has come to me Oh, my father, I type of knowledge that you yourself haven't gotten right. But even when he's speaking to his father with this particular word, which is perhaps very heavy for a sentence ages, Father, I have some information that you don't have. Notice that people that are older, they always think that the younger people don't know, right, that's the reality. And the people that are younger also as they're young and blind, blinded by all the strengths that are less apparent
Without us giving them they also feel the elderly, they don't know as well. Right? So he doesn't go in a direction which is going to irritate that feeling within his father. Instead he said, Yeah, but the Oh my dear father, he repeated that statement again another very polite way to address his father, Ibrahim it Sarah, in the Khadija any mineral.
I have been granted from knowledge. It's not like I've been granted all of knowledge. I've only been granted from knowledge, knowledge, meiotic, you have a lot more knowledge than me and other things. That's basically what he's trying to say suddenly, right? So he's making a statement in a way where it's politically correct when you're speaking to a father or someone who's older older than you. I have been granted knowledge from knowledge, not all knowledge, not loads of knowledge. From knowledge, you know, something I learned that perhaps you don't know, man, I mean, the cafeteria near the castle often, so yeah. Then since you don't know that piece of information, specifically,
why don't you follow me so that I can guide you to the correct and the straight path and the path that leads to generally in the lighter now one of the things that I want to stop at over here
in this ayah is the fact that notice the humility of Ibrahim Elisa, right. He is a prophet who has been given Prophethood he's a person who are lost depend on what the other has chosen. He's a person for whom Allah subhana wa tada made an dishonest, dishonest he made a very, very great mentioned for him. throughout the centuries till today, when we say Ibrahim, it said, I'm all three major religions in the world, they end up and hold her arms and not particularly regard Abrahamic faiths, right. So Ibrahim Ali Salam has a great status within the world. And this great man, he recognizes that he is not a person who is encompassed all knowledge. So he's very humble. He speaks when he's
talking about the knowledge that has been granted saying in Nicaragua, and immediately, I've been granted from knowledge. And this is a lesson for all of us to take, especially in a time where many times people read perhaps, you know, a book or two or three, or perhaps just memorize a few sutras from the Quran, a few ideas here, a few, you know, lines of poetry here or something like that. And then they feel that Allah subhana wa, tada has given them all the knowledge in the world. And then they start to look down upon some of the great luminaries that Allah subhana wa tada had brought within this oma. And sometimes this also leads to what this also leads to,
you know, being very, very mean and nasty to your parents, being evil to your parents, and not being beautiful to the parents. Ibrahim is around he has gotten knowledge and that knowledge is definite knowledge. It's no joke. That is a knowledge that Ibrahim alayhis salam is sure of because it's coming from where it's coming from a lot of binaries that he will generate, even though that knowledge is coming from Allah subhana wa tada Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam is still speaking in a very polite tone. I have gotten knowledge, journeymen and melanotic some knowledge meaning from knowledge. So we this is a call for humility. Right? It's a serious matter when you speak on behalf
of a lot without knowledge to a degree that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had said to one of the companions, who ended up bringing the sad story of another companion whose head was injured, okay. is Edward has had was injured as they were traveling. And he had to make lucid he had to take a ritual doc from Geneva, which is major state of ritual impurity. As he was in that major state of ritual impurity, he had to take a shower. And, and he couldn't do that because he thought if the water touches my head, I might die.
And so he went to the other companions and said, Do you have an excuse for me? Is there something else I can do? So they said, We don't find any excuses for you have to take a shower. He took a shower. And then because of that shower, he literally ended up dying. He literally ended up dying. So when they came back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, he was angry, very, very angry. And he said, Cthulhu they have killed him. cartella whom Allah May Allah go to work with them?
In Masha, Allah is indeed the cure of ignorance is that you ask a question, right? So Ibrahim Ali Salaam is showing us that humanity that we need in order for us to proceed. So just because we read a book or two or read a few IR or learn that they've seen all this UI art or perhaps just memorize a few either, it doesn't mean that it gives us an authority or a power or perhaps we even have a degree in Islamic studies or this or that we suddenly have an authority to go and challenge the luminaries of the oma who had served the dean day and night. And that's why some of the setups they used to say that Avi to sarana deja vu who nomen whatever he can be happy that am I
stay up all night in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala looking through the knowledge in the books in the Hadith in the Quran, and up all night and who end up sleeping all night and then you want to be similar to me, that is definitely not going to be the case when we have to respect our pious predecessors does not come along for credit for listening. As we continue to go through the story of Ibrahim
please join us in the next episode was that
that mean? Lee
He lay
in our