Ayahs 31-33
Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 12
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The transcript discusses various theories about Jesus, including his return and claims to have had a relationship with Jesus. It also touches on the importance of praying for Allah and respecting parentage. In a later segment, a speaker discusses the meaning of "naught" in the context of the conversation and describes a sexual encounter between a woman and a drug addict. The addict explains that the woman had a secret and must fight a drug addict to get attention, but refuses to give up her status as a queen and becomes a sex worker. The transcript also describes the relationship between the woman and her ex-husband, who had a secret and must fight a drug addict to get attention.
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shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem team
for add that to be here. Oh my heart neelu callooh Yama, Yama, la de da
de ja ja de Haruna Makana Abu kimbro so in America not only Kiba Vidya fireshot la palu Cavan who can Li mama can fit in la de sobia color in me agua de la Danielle kita Baba john Allah Nina via rajala NEMA rockin aina qu Oh Swanee vislon
what oh Swanee besought It was zakka tema Doom to hide
what Bodrum Vy Liga de while I'm here Gianni Jabara shopee Yeah, what's Salam O Allah Yama would lead to a oma I'm on to Yama Uber through Hagia
Sophia salatu salam ala ZD, mursaleen while Allah He wasabi, amen Serbia, I'm gonna be signing Isla Yomi Dean.
Yesterday starting from number 27, we read about Muslims returned back to our people with the newborn child, their Ace of new millennium is Ali Salaam, and she's carrying him. And right away, she's confronted by her people, they say like a GTA and ferrea. How, how could you do this, you've done something so horribly wrong. And we talked about how it was very easy. It was actually very, but he was very comfortable in returning back to the people and very confident in returning back to the people. And this was a blessing of Allah subhanaw taala upon her, and when she saw all the miraculous signs of a law around her, and she was holding this miracle of Allah in her hands at that
point in time and made it very simple and very easy for her to be able to come back.
The people, however, started accusing her and start don't literally beat around the bush, I mentioned how Fuddy young could even refer to an illegitimate child. So they don't beat around the bush and they get straight to the point they start slandering her immediately. They say, Yeah,
oh, sister of heroin. And I talked about two implications of this. I talked about two implications of this, how this could be used in the figurative sense that they're referencing the forefather Harun because they're trying to make her feel ashamed of what she's done. So when you reference back to somebody that is very great in your history, somebody's a remarkable, remarkable human being that you trace back to, and I specifically mentioned why how when and not why even Musa alayhis salam because the even the Quran in Surah Taha when it talks about Harun Ali salam, it describes him You can tell from the tone that he was a very soft and gentle human being. He was a very dignified human
being. So they're criticizing her, and they're trying to make her feel ashamed that you are from the progeny of heroin. How dare you do something like this? How could you do something like this? And the second thing was that there's also the possibility, we read the Hadith from Sahih Muslim, were the prophets, a lot of them says there's nothing precluding the fact that there was a man, a brother or a cousin in the family of medium who was of the name Harun. And we even find certain narrations in the books of prophecy that mentioned a very, very pious, righteous man from the family of medium who was so pious and righteous that I mentioned, there's a narration that says 40,000 people
attended his funeral prayer. There was something else afterwards, after the class brother Dodik, he actually, he asked me a question and he said that when he heard that old sister of huddling, he said, his mind went immediately right away to the, the Jewish narrative, the vert, the dodo version of the story about when musala saddam had left the people, when he had gone from the Israelites, and he had gone to, you know, seclude himself and worship and communicate with Allah, that when he returned back, and he finds them worshipping the golden calf, and he's infuriated and he's angry that the Jewish version of the story is that they blame they slander, they accused Harun
alehissalaam they say Aaron was the one who made the golden calf. And so but he had asked me that if I could look into it, when I just did a very, very surface level. search on this. I just very did very basic research on this, found out that the Jewish narrative, the version of the story that the Jews have of that entire incident and veneration is when musante salam had left them, they came and they
You know, Haruna Ali Salam was in charge Aaron was in charge.
And they demanded from Aaron that we also want we want an idol. We want some a deity, an idol, a God that we can see and that we can physically look at and we can worship. When they demanded that their demands reached such a point that Harun Ali Salaam Aaron actually tells them to go and collect all their gold jewelry. And they all bring it to him. And he himself is the one their story version is that he's the one that makes a golden calf for them and they worship it Subhana Allah And so you see something very profound here, that the Jews these very lights, they slandered Harun alehissalaam they slandered Harun Ali salam, and he said he was the one that made the golden calf. Well, I do
believe we know it is nowhere near the it goes completely against the dignity the honor the man the discipline of a messenger, a prophet of Allah, that he would ever do such a thing. And now that they're slandering money, um, who do they What do they call her, they call her the sister of Harun.
They call it the sister of God when they're just like they had slandered previously how to ruin her forefather. Now they're slandering her as well. And the Quran points that out the Quran has that subtlety Incorporated. And I mentioned that fact to let us know that don't trust what these people have to say, don't believe a word coming out of the mouth of these people in regards to the honor and the dignity of money. And because again, I mentioned that the, the the Jews of that time, based on money, um, as a sinful woman, they saw Jesus Isa, as an illegitimate child, have an illicit relationship. So don't believe a word that comes out of their mouth, though, in regards to these
people. Why? Because they slandered amazing people before and they're just repeating that same behavior. This is a pattern of behavior with them in regards to money of the mother of Isa alayhis salam. Yeah, yeah. So they they're saying Oh, sister of Harun, Makana Kabuki that your father was not in LA. So in a bad man are my kind of two monkey buddy. Yeah. And your mother was not a promiscuous woman. And again, they're basically bringing her parents into this or bringing the family into this. So they don't mean to dignify our parents, like, Hey, your parents were really, really great people. Now they're bringing our parents into this. Alright, that really your parents
are supposed to be good people? How could you go and do something meaning they must have not been good people? Otherwise, you wouldn't have done something like this. All right.
Got the IRS continue for a shout out la based on the command that she had from Allah, she points to the child callooh they respond given who killed him, woman cannot film it, Sophia? Do you really expect this to talk to a child, an infant that you're holding in your arms? Are you mocking us? Are you making fun of us? Do you really expect us to do this?
At that time, there is Ali Salam as one of his miracles in a number 30 he responds by Allah in the abdollah. Most definitely I am the slave of Allah. And this is emphatically stated, that this is what defines me. I am the slave of Allah, that that is what defines me. And I mentioned how this is very, very important, because whether we talk about the Christian perspective, where they took him, they deified, they DFID esala Hassan, that no, he's This is a message, a very powerful message, no, I continue, I remain, I will always be a slave of Allah and nothing more. Yes, I am a prophet of whatnot, but I will not leave the bounds and the limits of being a slave of Allah. And it's also a
stern warning. And it's a reprimand to the Jews, who would like to call him a very wretched person, and they would like to call him the consequence of a sin. And somebody who went against the comments of a lot because like, like we do, when we say slave of a law, a by the law about the man, that that naturally implies that this person is obedient to Allah, this person lives the life of being a slave of Allah. He doesn't just say I'm gonna save a law, but he lives up to that standard. It's, it's not just a word. It's not just a name, but it's a standard. It's a standard. Similarly, so these people would like to say that this man, the ISA, first of all, he's the son of a woman who was promiscuous
will either be law, so he's the consequence of a sin. Secondly, he contradicted and called himself a prophet when he was not a prophet. And he contradicted and went against the teachings that were already established. All right, so they would like to say all these things, and it's also reprimanding them it's refuting them saying no, no, no, in me, Abdullah, I am a true slave of Allah, I am obedient to Allah. I have devoted and dedicated myself to Allah. I live in servitude to Allah, in the Abdullah Tawny Al Kitab. He has given me the book, and I spoke in detail about what that means in regards to the book then not just the continuation or the input, the continued
implementation of the total, but also the in gene, which was the newer message of eSATA his salam, wa Jalla Nina began and he has made me a prophet. Now, one
Here linguistically are
grammatically speaking in this ayah in the abdollah. That is an emphatic nominal statement. That is an emphatic nominal same statement, a noun based statement, which basically means that it's not restricted to any particular timeframe. in me, Abdullah, most definitely I am the Save of Allah, meaning was and will continue to be. But when he says that en el Kitab, that's past tense.
That's past tense, he gave me the book, he made me a prophet. So how do we reflect on the past tense here? All right, because this is as an infantry speaking, and the teachings are yet to come.
What this is that this is not just like a prophecy, this is not just a foretelling of what I will do, which is something we saw throughout the life of the messengers of Allah Allah. So in for like a photon Medina enough time Rubina that most definitely we have given you victory we have opened for you a very clear opening meaning for two years in the meaning of victory. We have granted you victory, a very, very open and clear victory. And it's been it's been said in the past tense, but this is being said before for Tamika.
All right, so let's saying it in the past tense that we've given you a victory. But it's, he's saying it before fetch America. So what that is, is it's it's a prophecy, it's good news, it's foretelling of what is to come. All right, but it's done in the past tends to have emphasis
that this will happen, this will happen, and it's so confirmed that it will happen, that you can consider it already a done deal.
It's such a sure thing that this is, this is going to happen that you can consider it a done deal.
All right, almost like guaranteeing something. So that's what it does. So it's set in the past tense, even though it's in regards to something that is yet to transpire. Why is it still set in the past tense? Like it's a done deal? Consider it done? You when somebody says, Can you deliver something on like they tell you can you deliver it by Friday, Consider it done. It's not Friday, and he hasn't delivered but he's saying Consider it done. It's a guarantee. It's emphatic its emphasis so that we see that same thing here. Now I am number 31. To this where we're starting today's dose from what Dr. Lenny mo Baraka and he has made me move out I can explain the meaning of MOBOTIX that
One who experiences one who enjoys blessings, he has made me bless it.
And not just bless it, but the conduit or the means to seek more blessing, the conduit or the means to seek blessing. And I talked about this how messengers and prophets alayhi wa sallam and I have a little narration that I'll mention later on, there'll be more a little more pertinent irrelevant in a couple of buyouts.
Nevertheless, messengers and prophets are not just dared to be revered, or just to be looked up to, or just to name our children after even though those are definitely things we should do. But their primary function aside from bringing the guidance is to be followed is to be emulated is to be you know, to be looked up to and to, to to live your life based on the model and the standard that they have set that is lack of the Candela Confederacy, certain Hashanah. And when you do implement that, that particular aspect of following the obedience, the implementation of the life of the messenger, what does that result in? That that is basically the primary means of seeking the true blessing of
will encounter a boon alive for to be only your biblical mala? Surely, I'm Ron, that's exactly what it says. That if you truly claim to love Allah, then follow me. Implement my guidance, emulate my behavior. You should be overcome Allah, Allah will love you. Allah will love you, you will become beloved to Allah. And that's actually one of the very eloquent explanations of the ayah that tells us that that commands us to invoke Peace and blessings upon the prophets a lot of use of the Salawat the durood on the messengers a lot. He said I'm in Surah Tula. HAZOP surah. Number 33. Yeah, you are Latina. amanu sallu Allah, he was suddenly motus Lima. Yeah, you are Latina. amanu sallu alayhi wa
sallam with us NEMA. All right, but when we look into tala Hazara before that when Allah talks about him sending the Peace and blessings upon the Prophet in that same ayah Allah says in the law warm Allah Akita who you saw Luna in the la mala Akita who you saw Luna from Salah. Alright so they send piece of blood, Allah sends his special mercy upon the Prophet, the angels, they asked a lot to send this special mercy upon the Prophet, but when it commands us to do so it says yeah, you're letting amanu sallu from Allah, but then it increases some
was suddenly moved as Lehman
was suddenly moved us Lehman, and in the Tafseer of that many of them have us alone have mentioned that that is basically referring to that one of the ways to send those Peace and blessings upon the Prophet to revere to respect the Prophet is by following him. And so we have that emphasis here with Johnny mubaraka, that not only am I blessing, but I am a, I am a means to seek the blessing of Allah, am I going to wherever I may be, wherever I may be, I will be a source of blessing, he has made me a source of blessing. And again, it's in the past tense here he has made me but this is again, a prophecy This is foretelling. This is giving that good news, but it's using the past tense
for that same emphasis.
But so what he's essentially saying, if we understand all the grammatical nuances is he has made me bless it and a source of seeking blessing a means of seeking blessings, wherever I may be, wherever I may exist, and the way that it's kind of open into what's the purpose of saying wherever I may be,
that's very interesting. And we don't have anything from a Quranic perspective, or from an authentic perspective, from the Hadith of the prophets a lot. So we don't really have anything that clearly tells us about a great journey that our HR Lisa ROM undertook, and he migrated from one land to another, we don't have anything like that being clearly designated, clearly explained to us, in the story of at least from from the parameter from the center of the process of like we do in the story of use of like, we have industry of Ibrahim, like we even have in the story of Musa de Sena we don't find in the story of Rasulullah sallallahu. And there's a migration. There's that great migration,
degrading digital, but we don't see anything like that here. So what's the purpose of saying wherever I may be, I understand that we can we understand that, but there's got to be a function, there's got to be a specific reason and a blessing and a reason why Allah specifically mentioned a namaqua, to wherever I may be. And so this is being used in the figurative sense that wherever when somebody says wherever I may be, can also be understood in the meaning of whenever, however, I may be, I may exist. And so some of them of us who don't actually point out here, that this is within the Quran of foretelling another prophecy, of the fact that as Ali Salaam will also live in another
time in another place that was very different than his and we know that it is from the
beliefs of the general Muslims, the mainstream mainstream Muslims, mainstream Islam, I'm, I'm on purpose, not mentoring very, very specific terminology that is typically mentioned in this regard. Only because I have no interest, I have no desire to get into that type of a discussion. But mainstream Islam, mainstream Muslims, I've always held on to this, this, this this particular issue in regards to race, and he said, um, this is from their email, this is from the articles of faith, something that they the vast majority, there is unanimous, there's unanimous consensus amongst the scholars that easily Saddam was lifted up and he will return back later on. in the womb of the
Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, he returned back to lead the home of the prophets a lot he said them. And so this is something that mainstream Muslims, mainstream Islam has always held on to. And this is a very subtle, a very implicit foretelling of that fact. Without any Mubarak and am I going to wherever I may be, what oh Sani Bissell It was a karate modem to heighten what oh, Sonny, and he has firmly commended me. He has firmly commanded me. Now the reason why I translate this as firmly commanded the word ohsaa, Esau comes from rasiya. Now the word was in the Arabic language literally means, like a, a last will, that a person makes
right a lot a last request that a person makes a dying request a will that a person leaves behind that is what
this term is then used more figuratively, when you give somebody some very, very emphatic, some very strong instructions, when you not only tell someone to do something, but you emphasize it. And you tell them this is very, very important. This is very necessary that you implement this the word Esau, or dosia, which are both
you could say evolved form, evolved forms of the word we'll see that that's what both of these terms mean, though sia or Esau. Alright, so it means to very emphatically to very strongly to very powerfully, tell someone to do something.
So very emphatically instruct someone to do something command someone to do. You must do this. You have to do this.
All right. And there's even a little subtlety here. Some places in the Quran when it's used in this meaning of very strongly giving someone some advice, it sometimes comes from a particular verb pattern that is the verb pattern dosia like we see in Surah, two,
my either I believe in sort of tomorrow either we see that the term was saw, the term was saw is used.
The term was saw wasabi, he knew him. All right, but then sometimes we see it in this particular meeting, oh saw.
All right. So one is from if all one is from the brain, to simplify the discussion for those of you who are listening, who might not be familiar with morphology or verb patterns, and sort of, basically what it is, is that there are two different verb patterns for the same base word. And sometimes that base word comes from one verb pattern. Sometimes it comes from another verb pattern, the basic meaning of both verb patterns is the same, to strongly command someone to do something. But nevertheless, they are coming from two different verb patterns. And when you hear me pronounce it, you can hear that they kind of sound the same, but there's a little bit of a difference. Oh saw,
versus what saw, oh saw, versus was saw a little bit of a difference, very subtle difference, but there is a difference. So there's got to be some time some type of a difference in meaning.
And from a Quranic perspective, the difference in meaning is that whenever some very strong advice is given, and it has anything at all to do with
money, it relates to material things in any way, shape, or form, even if it's religious instruction, but it's religious instruction of what you should do with your money.
Then the word old saw he saw from Bob if that particular verb pattern is used, like in sort of tennis, or you'll see qumola who also used to use equal mulago Alright, here we see what oh Sonny, and he has firmly commanded me beside it. What's the next word was zakat. Zakat is charity refers back to material things, but whenever that's strong advice, that emphatic advice is being given. only and only in the realm of spiritual affairs, spiritual matters, guidance, what to believe what not to believe. Then the term dosia was sighs you use and that's where we find certainiy that wasabi, no one will love the ohana lake. So when it's talking about divine revelation and divine
guidance and dough hade, then it uses the word wasa. So this is a very subtle difference. And help on uses a very, very specific term. So we're all sunny and he has firmly commanded me to do what's best salvati. He has firmly commanded me and they're here now we see the preposition by the preposition by has many, many different usages has many different functions. The one that's being used here is insock,
insock, or even busaba, which basically means to latch on to something, it means to further to get connected to something to stay connected to something that he has firmly commanded me to stick to, to stay connected to a solid prayer, a Salah, the prayer, and your prayer means exactly what we understand it to be meaning a form of worship.
Now wasn't in the exact same format as we pray today. Allah knows best. Allah knows best. And we're not even worried about that.
That wasn't exactly the way we pray. It wasn't the exact same sequence did they pray to a cause and fudger in Florida, we're not we don't worry about that. But it does refer to a very prescribed systematic form of worship.
And this is something that is a misnomer. This is something that is a misunderstanding. When we when we hear about like the hadith of Mirage and salah and being prescribed upon this mind things when we hear all of these injunctions of prayer in Salah.
We often think that Salah is something that is very unique to do Mohammed salatu salam, if anything is unique, the five times daily prayer and its structure and its layout that is what is unique to do Mohamed Salah de Sena, but Salah itself is not unique to us to our oma and that's not something that we should be done about like I thought we were special, right? No, no, that's not that's not the point. The point is, this is something that's even more remarkable and amazing
that every single prophet
implemented salah and taught salah and prescribed the prayer as we do, we should find strength and we should find confidence in that fact that we do something that has been consistently done by all the messengers of Allah. And we have the Quran mentioning this later on and over here you see a Saudi said I'm saying my lord has firmly commanded me to pray. Later on in sort of museum it's Marina de Sala.
Coming up with a movie Sala used to tell his family to pray. We see Mousavi sananda when you receive divine revelation he's given Prophethood in the Sacred Valley, a lamentable alchemy salata established a prayer.
So we see prayer being implemented by all the messengers, and something that is consistently, that was a consistent part of the teachings of all the prophets and messengers, and this should inspire confidence within us, well, oh Sani bisola. And my lord has firmly commanded me to stick to prayer to stick to Salah. And one little linguistic nuance about the word Salah, there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars amongst the scholars of the language even as to what is the roots? What is it? What are the origins of the word Salah itself? Yes, to us, it means prayer, as we know it today, a structured form of prayer with specific sayings and actions at specific times of the date.
But what is the linguistic root of the word? What are the origins linguistically of the word? And so there's a difference of opinion and one of the opinions and it's a minority opinion, I'll clarify this. It's a minority opinion, but I find it to be the most fascinating, and that is, there are some linguists and scholars of the Arabic language that already have the opinion that Salah is actually a foreign word that transcended that was inherited into the Arabic language, that this word predates and precedes even the Arabic language. And the reason why I find that so remarkable and fascinating. We're seeing in the Quran that this was a consistent teaching throughout all the message of the
prophets. And not only that, but there's exists a slight possibility that not only was it a part of the teaching of all the prophets, but even in their teachings that are the same name of Salah.
It had the same name of allah Subhana Allah, what consistency, all right, and again, we see that same theme of consistency reoccurring here. And I told you that one of the themes of social media is the consistency throughout all the teachings of all the prophets. Anakin was salatu salam. So my lord has firmly commanded me to stick to the prayer was Zakat was zeca. And my lord has firmly commanded me to stick to zeca now's the car could be translated in two ways here, we could either take the very literal, linguistic, lexical definition of the word Zakat, which means purification.
Alright, so first, let's roll with that. So he has firmly commanded me to stick to prayer and purification. And I told you that God's I've clarified this before. when describing Zeki Yeah, all right, who diamonds a key I clarified this before, that it doesn't mean purification, like taking a shower purification, making will do purification. It refers to internal purity, purity of the heart. All right. Now, what that means, and this is something that all of a sudden becomes a very, very pertinent, relevant lesson and observation for us. And that is not only has my lord firmly commanded me to stick to prayer, meaning the outwardly observance of the prayer. So in our case, that would be
make sure you do your car, make sure you do your record, make sure you do to sujood make sure you're praying to God, make sure you're reciting Fatiha and you read another souta. And you make your will do and you face that they bla et cetera, et cetera, all the outwardly observance of prayer, the physical structure, the skeleton of the prayer, but Zakat and Baeza Gatti will be Salatu was the karate here would imply that also make sure that the internal purity of the prayer is also there? And what so what do we call the internal purity of the prayer we have a term for what's that term called? It's called for sure. Call Sure. So make sure you have sure in your Salah that don't have
this empty hollow shell of a prayer. Make sure you have the spirit of the prayer that exists there in and that's for sure. Or it could also be making references sincerity. Make sure you pray with the purest of intentions, you pray purely for Allah and this words that God's
a derivative of this word is found in one of the variations of the Tisha hood that the prophets a lot he said I'm talking to her honorable Katara the Allahu anhu. Here to zacky to adhere to lelaki zakiyah to Lena that showed that the prophet SAW some torture ormolu Katara de la mano authentically narrated, that the promises have taught him to say here to lelaki zakiyah to Lena and the meaning of Zacchaeus prayers that are offered with the sincerity of intention, prayers that are not offered to show off but they are offered with sincerity only and only for the sake of Allah. You don't pray for any other reason than to please Allah. All right, and that's what it could be referring to here that
a Saudi Saddam Hussein My Lord has firmly commanded me to not just pray, but make sure that I'm sincere and make sure that I am committed and concentrated and dedicated within my prayer. I have that overwhelming
feeling of couture in my prayer.
The second possible meaning of the word zeca. Here is charity Southern call how we understand it, charity, Southern call, to give that which you own in charity to help those less fortunate. And again, that is done and that is driven and that is most motivated solely based on the love that someone has for Allah. Sure, sympathy with humanity can be a contributing factor. But the primary motivating factor is the love that one has for Allah, the sense of obedience that one feels for Allah, and that drives a person to do this.
So my lord has firmly commanded me to stick to prayer and to stick to being charitable.
And I mentioned this earlier.
I explained this earlier, in the ayah, about eSATA his Salam.
or excuse me, it was actually about Jada Hassan where he was described as well. Hi, Nana Mila, Donna was a cotton was a cotton. So this was another quality that was mentioned for Yeah, hey, Ali Salaam. And we see here that Italia Salam is also mentioning the fact that my Lord has commanded me to continue to remain charitable to be charitable. Was that Gotti All right. And now, again, I've explained this before, but I'll just reiterate. So if it could mean pure, internal purity? Or it could mean being charitable.
All right, which one is it? Which one is it? It's actually both of them at the same time, that is the beauty that is a marvel of the Quran, that it can say multiple things at the same time, you can say so much and so little. All right. All right. Well, also Anubis Salatu was a karate model to hire as long as I am alive, as long as I remain living for a very, very literal translation by Doom two, as long as I remain high yen living, as long as I remain living, meaning in more common English roots, as long as I'm alive, until I have a breath left in me. I am I've been commanded to stick to prayer and to stick to either internal purity or charity. stick to it.
All right, as long as I'm alive. Now, this is something that is also we find this the consistency. We find this in the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not only did he emphasize that same command to us, but Subhana Allah, to emphasize that perspective of being committed to these things, as long as you are breathing as long as you are alive. The prophets a lot a Salaam gave us the same advice with his last breath. He gave us this advice with his last breath. We know the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that when he was dying, when he was breathing, his last leader, the loved one who says that he put his head down close to the mouth of the Prophet
sallallahu sallam, and he heard him whisper some advice. And when Allah the last one who says that the profits a lot of somebody was saying was a Salah, a Salah, Mama Melaka, a man who come as Allah, Allah Mama, Makati, Monica because if we take the Zakat in the meaning of charity means take care of Salah take care of your relationship with the law and take care of your relationship with humanity. And the prophets a lot he sent me saying a Sala Sala the prayer, the prayer mean, hold on to the prayer, hold on to the prayer. Well, Mount Melaka take Manuka man, be careful, be very conscious, be God fearing about the people that you have authority over the people that you are responsible for
take care of them. So we find that same emphasis being given by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And this issue of sticking to prayer as long as I remain alive. That's also something I'd like to highlight here as a lesson from this.
That this is something that we really need a perspective on. We need a perspective on because prayer is something that we are supposed to practice till there's a single breath left in us. And that's why something beautiful about the sutra is that solid doesn't the obligation of Salah does not leave a person as long as a person person is conscious and alive in at any level. So if I can physically stand up and pray anymore, I hurt I hurt my leg or my back. Do I stop praying? No. How do I pray? Sitting down. And if somebody can't even sit up anymore, they're bedridden. Do they start praying? No, they pray laying down. Salah remains with us as long as we are alive. And again the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam lived this, he exemplified this. We again have the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam which describes his condition in the last few days before he passed away. He was sick for about a week before he died. He was very very ill for about a week before he died.
during that week, he still went for the prayer
Since he was physically wasn't capable of walking to the prayer himself to Sahaba would come to the prophets a lot. He said them and the Hadees described they would lift him and they would carry him to the prayer. And he described you how the VEDA is named. You had the vein his name, which basically means you don't when you can't walk yourself and you put your arms around the shoulders of two people and they kind of carry you they walk you along. They took the the profit zone for prayer, he went for prayer in this condition. And the profits are settlement. The hadith of Shama in is described as being just a little bit taller than the average person. He was in freakishly tall. He
wasn't like seven feet tall. But he was just a little bit taller than your average person. When a group of men would be standing, you'd be a little bit taller than everybody in the group. And because of that, when they're carrying him to prayer like this, his feet were dragging behind him on the ground. His feet were dragging behind him on the ground. But he still went for prayer like this. He still went for prayer in this condition. Honorable cadabra the Allahu anhu. How did he die? He was, he was stabbed, stabbed in the stomach while he led prayer. He was bleeding profusely had a huge gash a huge wound in his stomach bleeding out. So he's fading in and out of consciousness. And
while he's in this condition, and there's nothing they can do for him, it's just basically waiting it out at this point.
He hears the event being called the time for solo comes he hears the other than being called. When he hears the other than being caught, he physically tries to lift himself get up right away to people around until the whoa, wait, wait a second. Where do you think you're going? You have a hole in your stomach. You're dying, you're bleeding.
Where are you going? And he says at that time, he says I remember so lots a lot he said I'm saying that there is no Dean for the one who has no Salah there is no Dean without Salah. So this was the perspective of these people. And so we see a Saudi said I'm making the statement here. And there's something we can learn from this as well. Sticking to prayer well, oh Sani beside it was I got the modem to hire, as long as I remain living. As long as I remain a life number I am number 32.
I am number 32.
He continues on describing how Allah has made him
how Allah has made him because remember in 31, he started by saying, well, Johnny,
alright, so he's made me. So he says what butter on BYD the T. And we've covered these terms already previously, when describing yahia alayhis. Salam in the previous ayat in the previous passage, says well, but Ron, and I described in detail the meaning of this word bid,
bid on Valley then being very, very good to one's parents and all the implications here. This is the same term that is used for the highest level of piety. So that same emphasis being made like that is the highest level of piety, the highest level of connection with Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala borrows that same word to give that to give that much more importance to respecting and being good to the parents that just like you are obligated to be good with a lot and maintain a relationship with the law, you are divinely obligated and commanded to be good to your parents. And then there is a there's a linguistic nuance here as well, that it describes dry land. And that's what I one thing
I wanted to emphasize here, that the reason why this term is used for being good with the parents bitterroot Valley, Dane, because that is the emotional effect that it has on a person. You know, when I described the term bid and piety and white comes dry land comes from the same term, that you feel more comfortable, you feel more confident, you feel more sure of yourself and you're on dry land. So when you're good in your relationship with the light, you will naturally feel comfortable and confident and at peace and tranquility. Similarly, when you have a good relationship with your parents, when things are okay, between you and your folks, there's a natural level of comfort.
There's a peace and tranquility and serenity that a person experiences. You ever been going through a little bit of a tough time with your parents.
And it doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter who you think is at fault.
You might think that it's their fault. They're the ones who actually created the situation. It doesn't matter what you think. The fact that you are going through a tough time with your parents, and it doesn't that kind of loom over your head. It bothers you, it troubles you. You just constantly think about calling them you're frustrated by it. You're angry with yourself, you're angry with the situation. You're just uncomfortable. As long as you're going through that difficult time with your folks with your parents. You continue to be uncomfortable. It's like that feeling. Imagine being out at sea on a boat and the waves are just tossing you around and the rain is falling
on top of you. You feel apprehensive you feel nervous you feel anxious anxiety.
When you are when you are lacking in your relationship with your parents, when you're struggling in your relationship with their parents, that same emotional condition overtakes a person. But when you have a good solid relationship with your parents, it's like being on dry land solid footing. You feel confident and comfortable, safe and secure. Same thing with babalon BYD that he so he says that my Lord has made me someone who is very, very good in his relationship, in my relationship, be wildly that he was my mother, with my mother. Now, again, we obviously understand why. But I'd still like you to take a look at this so you can appreciate this.
I'd like you to look at it number 14.
For those of you that are on and off,
go look at it number 14
when it describes yada yada, he said,
when Allah says when he's giving the good news to Zakaria or rather excuse me when he's addressing yahia and Allah tells us about Yeah, how he's made him says, well, butter on bhiwani day he and he's made him someone he made him someone who was very, very good to his parents to while he they he, his two parents. Alright, but now coming back to the i o we're setting here is number 32. What about rhombi Wiley that T?
He's made me somebody that is good to my mother. So again, we understand obviously, why it's not parents, and it's why it's mother because of a salary so I'm not having a father. All right, that's the whole point. All right. Well, let me get your ninja Baron shocky young, and he has not made me Jabarin
Shaka yet, to turn to things. Jabara now, we've already talked about the word Jabbar, I mean, somebody who's pushy or somebody who's bossy, somebody who thinks somebody who behaves or thinks or acts in a certain way, in such a way, where as if nobody has any right, nobody has any authority upon him. Nobody else has any rights or any freedom to do what they would like. He enforces HIS WILL upon other people. Jabbar so he's not made me someone like that. So that is emphasizing the perspective of
a Saudi Salaam and his conduct in his character with the people that in this dunya in my dealing with the people, he's made me a very dignified a very courteous, very respectful, human being. He's now made me somebody who's Jabbar. I'm not going to be rude. I'm going to in this journey, I will have a very dignified
existence and presence.
And the second term is Shaka yen, from Chicago. This is the antonym the opposite the lid of the word, sir, either.
Sir Ed, and Shockley. So either somebody who is very fortunate, somebody who enjoys a lot of the blessings of Allah, somebody that has been granted a lot of hate and a lot of good from Allah shocky is the opposite. Somebody that is devoid of any good, somebody that is devoid of anything, somebody that is deprived of good, deprived of good.
So Allah has not made me someone who is completely deprived of good Not at all, rather, so by not being shocky I'm sorry. He's not made me somebody who is deprived of good. And then the the implication of this is this is referring to his status, or his position, or his
eventual outcome in the orchestra in the life of the hereafter. That in this dunya I am very courteous, very respectful, very good in my dealings with the people and in Africa and in my relationship with the law. I am very blessed. I'm very blessed. I am not somebody who is wretched. I am not somebody that is deprived of good. Rather, I'm somebody who is very fortunate and very blessed. Not wretched, but rather bless it when I'm yet Gianni Jabbar and Chuck Ian.
He then goes on to say I am number 33. What selam
what Sam?
Now of course, we talked about the word Salaam, it means peace and safety, peace and safety. And it's so it can be used in two different meanings here. And I explained this when it when it occurred previously, and I number 15 I believe
in is number 15. Yes. So here in 33 like I explained nine number 15. It can either mean like literally giving greetings or right. Giving greetings.
All right and giving greetings is representative of showing honor. Showing honor to someone like you described about the people of gender when they entered their paradise in their agenda, Salaam Alaikum Salam aleikum. So when you
Go out. And so like when somebody walks through the door, alright, so when somebody that I'm very like casual with or somebody that is a peer of mine, somebody that is at the same level of me, same level as me, if they walk through the door, I'll let them kind of get to me. And then I'll say Salaam Rogers kind of yell at you, a lot of them were just kind of wave at them for Sonico How's it going? Right. But if somebody I want to show them honor and respect,
somebody I haven't seen for a long time or somebody older than me or somebody that is in a position of respect with me. When I want to show honor and respect to that person, I will rush up to them and greet them.
All right, and that's a sign of honor and respect for a person. So what sentiment, so it can be used in the meaning of greeting in the sense of honor and respect to being shown. But it can also be used in a very literal sense, like in a supplication format, that may peace and safety. May peace and blessings. So when we say I said Mr. Aleykum. What how do we translate that may peace and safety be upon?
upon y'all. All right. May peace and safety be upon you? salaam aleikum. Right. So similarly, here, it can be literal, made peace and safety like in this as this application, or it can be used in that figurative sense that showing honor and distinction, honor and dignity. All right. So what's
that and peace and safety aleja. So either honor and dignity is upon me, meaning Allah has dignified me Allah has honored me. Or he's saying making a supplication that may peace and safety be upon me. Yama will lead to the day on which I was born.
So I was dignified and honorable on the day I was born. I was dignified and honorable on the day I was born. And that is again a reprimand. That is a refutation of what certain people at that time said about him. The people that refuse to believe in the miraculous birth, and the miraculous conception, and the people that were slandering his mother and him,
then this his reputation to them, that I was honorable, and I was dignified.
I was honorable and noble, the day that I was born, because I was not born out of sin.
I was born out of a miracle of a law.
I was born out of a miracle of a law. I was born as a sign of the greatness of a law. All right, or he's making its supplication that may peace and safety be upon me on the day that I was born. All right, may I be a may be a source of Peace and blessings will Yamamoto and may and I will be honorable and dignified on the day that I will die.
I will continue to be honorable and dignified and noble on the day that I will die.
And again, this is kind of that foretelling. But a refutation of those people who believe that he was killed, he was crucified.
And, and again, that those are two perspectives. Somebody might see him as someone who has been crucified, as because he was an evil do where he was a wrongdoer. He was a product of sin. He defied and went against the beliefs of the people,
the teachings of the prophets. So that's why he was crucified. He was made an example out of so people who said that about him, this is refuting them. No, no, no, I will be honorable, I will be dignified and noble on the day I will die.
And even those people who might see his crucifixion,
as some type of, you know, grand or holy act.
All right, once again, it's refuting that no, no, no, I will not leave the world in such a fashion.
But I will be honorable and dignified and noble on the day that I will die.
We oma ooba to hayan.
Will Yama overthrow him, and the day that I will be resurrected,
the day that I will be brought back to life. The day that I will be resurrected the day that I will be brought back to life meaning I will be honorable and dignified and noble on that day. And again, it continues to refute those people that refuse to believe in their Isa Ali Salam as a messenger of Allah. They said he was born out of sin. They said he was killed because he was an evildoer. And he was spreading problems in society. And even on the Day of Judgment, he'll be raised amongst disbelievers and bad people. It's refuting all three of those things. That I was honorable and dignified the day I was born. I will be honorable and dignified on the day that I will die and I
will continue to be honorable and dignified. The day that I will be resurrected, the day that I will be brought back
to life. All right, so this is a refutation of all of those things.
The The last thing that I'd like to point out here
are actually I have a couple of last notes to share with you. But the last thing I'd like to point out about the actual words or the text of the ayah
when you look back at it number 15. It says, What Salah moon? What Salah moon,
Arabic students common or proper.
Alright, what is it? All right, common. And over here I am number 33 was salam o assalamu. commoner proper. Why because of the Alright, because of the, like Arabic classes over what's going on here. All right, so proper. Alright, so common and proper. So there's a difference, right? very obvious difference. From a literary perspective. Both are equally as beautiful. Both have their own has its beauty to it. All right, we saw we find this again in examples of the different the show of the show the ribbon Massoud assalamu, alayka, Johan Wu, to show the webinar basara alayka uniview. Here we see it Solomon and Solomon, both have their own features. When you leave something common from a
literary from a rhetorical perspective, it creates diversity, peace and safety of all types, from all angles, in all situations, may it be upon
him, salam, O Allah, he's number 15. When it's talking about yahaya, salam, O Allah, Allah, may peace and safety of all types from all angles and all situations or all places at all times may be all upon him crazy diversity at a tunnel war, a tunnel war, it creates diversity in the meaning when you make something nekkid or when you make something common, when you make something proper modify, it adds the meaning of
Allah had all right, which means or duck sees.
It specializes the meaning, which means the ultimate peace and safety. The ultimate form of peace and safety may may be upon me
the ultimate peace and safety so both have their own features and both are equally as beautiful and equally as elegant and eloquent. Alright, so that's one thing. The next thing is though that still hasn't answered the question why there's a difference. Why was the common form used for yahia? Why is the proper form being used for Isa and his setup? So a very, very beautiful observation, the Quran that the Mufasa will make the scholars they make, that whenever last kind of Watada throughout the Quran.
And especially in the case of yahia is number 15. Was Allah Allah He peace and safety be upon him?
So who's sending the peace and safety here? Allah himself
and throughout the Quran, whenever peace and safety is being sent upon people,
what Solomon Allah arriba de la Vina Stouffer,
salam, O Allah arriba de La Nina Safa, Salam aleykum right whenever this these peace and safety is being sent upon people, it is a lot doing it. And when Allah subhanaw taala whenever alized to do or have it, it sends it with the common form set out when the reason why a Saudi salaams supplication for peace and safety is in the proper form is to defer is to make it distinct to make a difference that he's making to offer himself. He's speaking in the first person he says i Salaam aleja
made peace and safety be upon me. The reason why it's different than the first one that is a law sending it here it is a Sati Salaam making law for it. And that's why you find the distinction. That's why there is a difference. Alright.
Last in the final thing, I wanted to point out here, something very beautiful, something very beautiful. It's one of the narrations that I found in the books of tafazzin.
In the books of explanation of Quran, there's a narration from patata Rama hula. He says leuke rolana. And there is an E Salam ra to atone, that it's been mentioned to us that as Ali salam, a woman saw him. You hear Mota where you blew up mahabharatha FISA at it. She saw him performing the many, many miracles that a Sally salon was given, such as reviving the dead or curing people who were born blind or curing people who were lepers. She saw him performing these miracles for Carlat, she said, toolbar little button. Lady hamanaka were 30 with 30 a lady or darker. She said that you know how bless it
how good
lesson is the womb that carried you.
And how blessing is the chest that fed you?
So she says how blessing is the woman that carried you and that nursed you?
For Carla Harris Ali salam, very beautiful perspective here. As Ali Salam said to her, to Bali, mantella Kitab Allahu taala. Whatever Amalfi he will be he.
He says, Don't get caught up in, glorifying. You see me performing miracles don't get caught up in glorifying me and my mother and the people involved here. He says, how the how fortunate How blessed are the people is the one who recites the book of Allah.
And then he follows the guidance that is in it. And he acts upon it. She's saying, How fortunate how amazing how blessed are you? And the woman that gave birth to you and the woman that nursed you? She's glorifying the people.
He saw the salon, adjust the her perspective. He says, No, no, no, what you need to think about is how blessed is the one who recites the book of Allah, the message that I've come with,
don't obsess over me obsess over the message that I've come with.
And then follows the advice that is it when they're in and acts on the guidance that is provided within the book. That's the perspective you need to have.
And the last and the final, last one mentioned that I wanted to make, and I did not want to make a discussion out of this. But when the death of a Sally said, um, it says, Well, yoma moved to the day that I will die. The death of a Sally said, um, this is obviously an issue that very, very, unfortunately, and very contrary to the
vast majority of the history of Islam, for centuries upon centuries upon centuries, the death of Sati Salaam, and will there is Ali Salam return or will he not returned and newzoo, liver Isa and all of these issues. This was not a point of contention or confusion amongst mainstream Muslims, for the, for the for the for the majority of Muslim history,
for the majority of the history of the soma.
This only this is a recent phenomenon, that this became a point of contention and confusion amongst mainstream Muslims, mainstream Muslims, that the common average person is making a discussion out of this, the common average person is confused about this. And there's a whole discussion about the word being used and does that word mean die? And does that word mean passing away and all of this, and we're nitpicking every little word within the Koran trying to figure it out.
And at the end of the day, we need to understand one thing, that the premise of our Deen the structure of our Deen the foundation of our Deen and our understanding of the deen is laid on two things, the Quran and the Sunnah, the guidance, the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that confusion or that contention exists, because some people are very adamant about trying to come to a conclusion on this matter, without any consideration for what the profits a lot of them has told us in this regard.
And there is no convincing such a person you can't convince there's no nothing I can tell you to convince you with what what we need to come to terms with the simple fact is the son of the prophets, Allah is one of the foundations that this Deen rests upon, that it is laid upon. And that's just the way things are. And if somebody was not willing to take that into consideration, not just this issue, but many other issues, there will remain lots of lots of issues and contentions there in May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the proper understanding of his Deen Subhana Allah He will be humble he subhanak Allah Mohammed ik Nish hadoo La ilaha illa Anta Sofitel governor