Ayah 12
Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 05
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AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the birth of a Saudi husana by Zachary and the importance of fulfilling intentions in education. The speakers emphasize the importance of giving and building a machine to achieve success, practicing the holy eye, and not giving small gains. The importance of guidance and giving everything in the world is emphasized, as it is not relevant to the main point. The conversation also touches on the importance of practicing hesitation, reacting to negative situations, and avoiding negative emotions. The importance of understanding the Torah and its significance for one's life is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
R Rahman Rahim YAH YAH YAH hoo dill kitabi Pooja Ji now who took my sabia while Hannah
about wrong on bhiwani day he will let me
jump back on now See ya. What's more now la he yo mo Lido yo Mahmoud to do my yoga through aiyia
de la hora blah alameen wa COVID in which Okinawa salatu wa salam O Allah sila mousseline, Allah Allah He wasabi are meant to be our humble son, Elijah Medina.
So in yesterday's passage what we studied yesterday from I believe it was I a number seven through is number 11.
got to
we got we were informed of the response or the answering the fulfillment of Zachary's requests in his two eyes, supplication, Allah answered his supplication, Allah subhana wa Taala fulfilled what zakia was asking for, in a very, very beautiful fashion Allah subhanaw taala said in an Uber shooto cobalamin is mu yahaya lemenager, alumina kaaboo. Samia, we're giving you the good news of a son, a boy named zaccaria. His excuse me, his name is yah, yah, and we have not made anyone before him that will be of his caliber or like him. He's going to be very, very unique. And he's going to be somebody of very high stature and high position. Last and then Zachary at that time, asks, basically
and we talked about this, how this is for the contentment of the heart, and to indulge into this gift in this blessing. And I akula How is it possible for me to have a son, a boy and my wife even though she hasn't been able to bear children up till now, and I have reached an extremely old age, in fact, I've crossed all limits of even being old. Allah subhanaw taala says Paula Quranic Gallic just like that, that that's how things work. bottlerock buka your Lord in your master said who are Lega Hagen This is not a big deal for me. Well Kata calaca, to come in probably lm takushi and I created you from before, when m takushi. And when you were absolutely nothing. You were not anything
at all, you didn't even exist. And at that time, zecharia says to expect to be able to again, savor the moment to have his little countdown. He says I'll be jolly. I uh, oh my lord. Oh, my Rob, make some type of a sign for me, Carla either to galactically Manasa thalassa a alinta via your sign is that you will not be able to speak to people for three nights, even though there'll be nothing wrong with you, you'll be perfectly fine and okay. physically, psychologically, emotionally, you'll be just fine. You just will have lost the ability for three days and three nights as we talked about the comparison with the Amazon for three nights you won't be able to talk to people for Corolla,
call me email me Robbie for Oh Ha Ha him and said Behold, book rotten. washi. So he came out upon his people from the me, Rob, we talked about me, Rob, like, this is an example of me, Rob, that's also brother, Rob. Alright, so we talked about the mean Rob, but it all can also refer to a secluded place of worship, a private space for worship, individual reflection and worship, he comes out from there for OHA in a him and Alice and then at that time, he signals to them meaning his people and sub B who What does he signal to them suddenly start doing this be sort of glorifying search speaking of the perfection of a law book rotten Russia, both in the morning and also in the evening
by morning and by evening. A couple of clarifications I wanted to make about previous yesterday's passage, I kind of rushed there at the end and I was trying to illustrate that one point, I was trying to clearly explain one particular point, one of the wisdoms in the hiccup that the scholars of classical tafasitamab assume that they have written about this is this even sign is very indicative of the miracle. All right, one thing that I'm not going to get into a whole lot right now, but the story of Zachary and the story of the birth of Yahuwah to an elderly father in a barren mother's that could he and his wife is that serves in the Quran as an introduction as a prologue to
the story of the birth of a Saudi husana.
All right, the two places where the story of the birth of Ali Salaam is mentioned in detail. So Ali Imran and sudents. Miriam in both of those places, it is first preceded by the story of the birth of yet
and I'll talk more about that inshallah, when we actually begin the passage about Miriam
and her son, Isa on he said, um, then at that point in time, I'll talk more about that. But nevertheless, there's a connection here. And it's a connection in terms of that that was a miracle. And this is also a miracle. And it's also a type of a,
it's a refutation of the people who either might not believe in the validity of the miracle or might have taken the miracle too far. So we'll talk about that in shall at its appropriate time. Nevertheless, Zachary. Okay, so this is a miracle that's occurring, a very, very old father, a barren mother are going to be having a child. at this particular time, when he asks for a sign, that's an equal miracle as well. And there's actually in a bra in a lesson in this, that Zachary is having a son when there should do and there's no explanation for him having a son, by no means should he be having a son. It we, it's what we in our typical language, even though, you know,
theologically, there's implications but just in common speech, how we say it's impossible for him to have a son, it is impossible for him to have a son Mahal, right? Nevertheless, look at the sign for the arrival of yahia it is that all the means are there, he's a completely Alesis that weekend, you'll be healthy. But in spite of having all the means you won't be able to speak. So sometimes you have all the means. But that doesn't necessarily lead to results. And Allah subhanaw taala is completely capable of bringing about results without the means. You see the to the comparison there the contrast, unlucky and bring the means luck and bring the result without the means. And sometimes
you can have all the means in the world. But if Allah hasn't written to the the result, the consequence for you, it will not materialize. And we see that manifesting here and the story of Zack idiota his salon.
And the last point that I mentioned here is the the motive of zirconia. The motive of zaccaria shines through the purity of his intention is so it's it Allah subhanaw taala gives us tells us this, so that we can understand this that lesson in supplication that we've been talking about that you have to be truly sincere in your motives and in your intentions and your sincerity when you make supplication that look, he said I want a wider Yeti through anyway, anything minute. I want an inheritor somebody that will take this Deen somebody that will take this knowledge, somebody that will take this wisdom and this character and this o'clock this this beautiful lifestyle and will
pass it on to other people will do the work that I have been doing. He said that's why I'm asking for a child. That's why I want an inheritor Oh, Allah, and Luke right here in the eye of Allah and Ron, like I demonstrated yesterday, Allah subhana wa tada says, Allah commands him you what, kurata kathira you make abundance, abundant Vicar of your Lord was some big big Willie, because and you do the spear. But Zakaria, when it comes out to his people, what does he do for Oh, how he's making this via invigorate himself. But he also starts instructing the other people to do it. So you see that immediate implementation of that intention? My intention was to pass the dean on, and I'm doing
it in whatever capacity possible. The lesson I wanted to highlight here is this. Too often we get caught in the trap. And this is a trap of shebang. We too often get caught in the trap that and I'll give you an example. If I had a million dollars, I build a machine.
All right. And we've all said that at one time. And that's I mean, that's a beautiful sentiment. All right. If I had a million dollars, I build a machine.
All right. Absolutely. I don't doubt your intention. But the way it works in our dealing with Allah subhanaw taala is that you don't have the million dollars right now. And so maybe you're saying, oh, Allah give me a million dollars, I'll build a machine.
But the sincerity of your intention is judged by not what would you do, but what are you doing?
So I don't have a million dollars right now. But what I do have is $10.
What I do have is $10.
So when I walk out the door of the masjid, and I walk back walk by the donation box in the lobby, and I have that $10 in my pocket, and I walk right by the donation box, without even thinking twice about giving.
Then at that time, I'm not really living up to my intention. The thing that I'm obligated to do is first give the $10 that I'm capable of giving, and then make the intention and make the two hour like give me a million dollars. And I'll build a machine with that. I'll donate that as well. But I got to prove the sincerity of my intention by first doing what I'm capable of at the moment.
Doing what I'm capable of at the moment. Oh, if I could take a year off. If I could take 10 months off and I'd go study at the beginner program. I've learned Arabic If I could take 10 months off. Yes, I don't doubt the fact that you
But what I got to do right now is I don't have 10 months right now, I don't have a year off. I can't go study Arabic. But what I can do is I have a weekend.
And there's a class coming to my city for a weekend. Let me at least go take the weekend class, do what I can. All right. I, I'm pretty sure many of the folks that are visiting us in Quran intensive, the students, they probably a lot of them had the intention. I know a couple of them specifically mentioned to me they wanted to attend the longer program. But they didn't have a year to take off. But what they did have was they had a month. So they came for the month. You have to do whatever you have to be be willing to implement. If I if I could take six months off, I'd memorize the Quran. Okay, but you don't have six months off from work right now. But you can make six minutes in the
evening, when you get home and memorize one line.
You can make six months fine, understandably and you have that intention, Allah will give you a loss hunter will facilitate that one day inshallah. But until then, unless that moment comes, till then what you can do is you can at least do whatever you're capable of. And that shows the sincerity of your intention. And it is one of the laws of Allah subhanaw taala in dealing with people, that when they are implementing what they can at that moment. And then when they make a greater intention than they ask a lot to facilitate that the fulfillment of that intention, Allah does give them that opportunity. A lot does give them that opportunity. A lot makes it possible for them to live up to
their intentions. But we got to first do what we're capable of. Zachary Ali Salam said, Allah, you give me a son, he will be my widest, meaning I will pass on all of this good, all of this knowledge, everything amazing that you've given me, I will pass it all on to him.
But we seize that Korea for is doing what he's capable of, and what is he capable of? Okay, the sun isn't here yet. But all my followers are all the people that pray in my machine are all the people that come to worship with me, they're sitting here right now, let me at least start imparting some level of knowledge to them. Okay, they don't have the qualities that I'm asking for in a son in a student. They don't, they don't have the fool, they can dedicate all their time to learn from me. But they are sitting here for five minutes, I can impart something to them. So he wants to use it as a teacher is asking for the perfect student.
But what he's doing is what he's saying is okay, but I will start working with whatever type of student I got sitting in front of me, and then make do out to a lot to give me the perfect student and what happened a lot did give him the perfect student.
Allah gave him an unbelievable, remarkable student, we're going to be learning about him today. So I really wanted to drive this point home. That Yes, we have grand intentions, and May Allah accept from all of us. See, I mean, everybody, there we go. All right. But at the same time, realize this, we are all capable of fulfilling that intention partially
to a fraction. Even if it be to a very small fraction, we can start fulfilling that intention at some level. memorizing Quran is your intention, at least start with one line, whatever you can do right now, implement what you can then make your intention and make dua to Allah to facilitate the fulfillment of your intention, and then see if Allah subhanaw taala is helping mercy comes to your aid or not, as it did in the case of zirconia on a hustler. Okay, so
we move on to and the last little point I wanted to make here from
is number 11. The last ayah we covered for and this is a general point, but especially for the Arabic students in the class. Sub bihu book rotten ycn book rotten ycn All right, this is in the common or the proper form.
Alright, summer students fail. All right, first, you guys lose a basketball game. And then you guys don't even tell me boo kurata NYC young commoner proper. Common thank you very much as Akuma located all right, embarrassing me in front of the other students. All right. So book it out, then wash again. All right into the alley. I'm Ron, it says bill ashy Bill arshi when he Bugatti is that common or proper? Because of what the URL the URL on it? It's proper very good. Mashallah. Okay, so one place, Allah says, night and day, morning and evening, excuse me morning and evening over there actually says evening and morning with the proper form here. He's saying it with the common form.
Here you're saying it we discussed the switching of the order. We talked about that yesterday. But what we're looking at right now is that one place is proper one place it's common. Why the difference? Why is proper one place why common the other place? The thing about it is the proper form is more grander than the common form. It's in the sense that they both have their own effects. Common can often create the effect of diversity, right a diversity of things, but the proper form brings the effect of
It makes a huge statement, the ultimate form of something, it has a lot of weight to it. All right, it's a lot more grander in its tone, it's a lot more stronger in its tone, when something is proper versus when it's common. And the reason why the stronger tone is used over there, and sort of earlier on, because number one is we talked about yesterday earlier, and Ron is highlighting the hope, the hope fulness that Korea had, and the good news that is arriving at the same time, when you look what we're gonna Oh, yesterday, we even read, when in sort of media when the good news of yahia coming is given. We talked about this yesterday, it just simply says, We're giving you the good news
of a boy of a son, his name is yahia. And there's never been anyone like him ever before. Like he's gonna be really remarkable. That's it and move on. But into that name, Ron, it's like it and it goes on praising him. It goes on talking about how amazing is he going to be? And how is he going to be amazing, and so sudo on him at all, when the good news comes a lot doesn't just say that we're giving you the good news of a son of a boy whose name is yahia. But it goes on to say that he will attest to the truth of the Word from Allah, He will be a leader, you will be extremely cast and dignified and modest. And you will be a prophet and you will be from the righteous people. So it
describes him in a lot greater detail. So it's more appropriate that the bigger form, the more powerful tone of the proper would be used there versus the common lighter tone being used here. All right. And so that's the distinction here. And I just wanted to point that out. The next thing I wanted to also point out is a lot of people had the question after yesterday's lesson, that when I showed the difference in tone between the passage in earlier Emraan in the passage and medium, the personality I'm drawn is very like hopeful and very inspiring. And the tone over years very somber. It's very, I don't want to quite say dark because in English, dark doesn't mean good. It has a
negative content. But it's a very somber mood, it's a very quiet mood. It's a very quiet tone. All right. That's not two different incidents. That's the same incident. That's the beauty of it. All right. And this is something that's it gets far overlooked far too often far too commonly gets overlooked about the Quran. And that is that the Quran shows us the human side of the people that are talks about these are still real people. These are still human beings. All right. So on one side as that very quiet, somber tone, because we aren't talking we are reading about an old man who was literally staring death in the face, I mean, what he is already talking about being gone Yeti,
Tony's only talking about inheritors 100, my bones are falling apart. So we are talking about a man who's staring death in the face and his life has passed him by and he's in the twilight of his of his of his life of his years. But on the other hand, you do have angels coming, and the good news being given, and this amazing, miraculous event of a sudden happening. So it's two sides of the same coin, where you do have that old man who's very near death. But at the same time, this amazing miraculous news is on its way. So he's just showing you two sides of the same situation the same coin. Alright, now we move on to number 12. The new lesson for today.
Allah subhanaw taala says yeah,
and the idea is to call out to someone had for NIDA. So it means Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. All right. So now, if you look at it, Allah is directly speaking to directly addressing. Yeah, and yeah, yo, was the was the son that the good news was given about, that the congratulations was delivered about. Okay. Now, the question begs here that what kind of happened there in the middle, we kind of missed some, you know, you say, Did I miss something? Did we miss something? So, it's naturally implied, it's not mentioned, it's omitted, because it's naturally implied. That of course, the wife of Zakaria did give birth to a son. And he was born and he was healthy, and he was being raised. And now Ally's addressing him and speaking to him. All right, all that stuff is
implied. It's understood, it doesn't have to be said. And this tells us about something else. That's understandable that certain things are just naturally implied, and you understand them. But this is a very powerful reminder in a lesson about the fact that the Koran doesn't it's not a novel. It's not a novel. Then he turned and then he looked up, and then you walk through the door, and then you shut the door behind him. And then he said, Hey, and the guy said, Hey, what's up with you? Right? It doesn't, it's not a novel. It's not talking out this entire situation. All right. It's, it's, it's a discourse, it's guidance from Allah. And it talks about that which is pertinent and that
which is relevant and important. That's what the Quran talks about. And the
The benefit of that the lesson that we can extract from that is the simple fact that whenever the Quran talks about something,
it's something important. It's an observation, it we should be making an observation of it, it's a point that we should be taking note of, it's something that we should be paying attention to. The Quran never talks about something unnecessary, never, ever, ever. Otherwise, it would have filled in the field into details here, but it didn't, because that's irrelevant. You found out that this was a miraculous event that good news was given, it's gonna happen. Now find out who was Yeah, yeah. And what Allah was saying to you if
you understand what happened in the middle, but because it doesn't have any direct, pertinent or relevant to what's going on here doesn't need to be mentioned. And there's some very, very prime examples of that in the Quran.
I'm severely debating whether it's actually explained that point or not, because it's going to become quite a tangent. But I guess if the purpose here is to properly understand everything, let me just try to explain it as quickly as possible. give you two examples, two examples from the story of Musa alayhis salam, where a detail that was naturally a part of the course of events of flow of the events was left out was omitted was not mentioned. Because it did not have any pertinence or relevance to the, to the to the guidance to the message. It's not relevant to the message. So it was just left out. And you can just understood that it was whatever happened happen. It's irrelevant.
But sometimes something is mentioned where you might think, well, that could be that's a very, very fine little detail. A really fine little detail, but it's mentioned, because there's some great relevance to it. It's a very important part of the message. We'll take the example of Musa alayhis salam industry of Musashi Salaam, in Surah, Baja, and also in sort of two castles and other places. All right, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about Musa alayhis salam and his entire journey, you know, he goes to Medina and and then he, you know, gets he works there. He gets married there. And then he's leaving. He's traveling with his family.
All right, so it'll be early. He's traveling with his family at night. All right. And while he's traveling with the assembly at night, he says in the end is too narrow.
I see a fire. So he says it caminhar because in o RG do uninor houda. I'll come back to you from there with either some fire lit of my own, I'll go there, I'll stick a branch or bring some fire back or light a torch and bring it back. So we have our own fire. Or I'll at least go and get directions. Maybe there's a village nearby. Maybe there's some people who live nearby that we would be able to get some hospitality from either way. Let me go. Let me find out that fire that I see what's exactly going on there. And I'll be right back. He tells his family y'all wait here I'll be right back. Okay, he goes to that fire. And we all know and sort of thought very clearly explained
what ends up happening there. He receives the message Prophethood is bestowed upon him. All right, he received a message and Prophethood is bestowed upon him. And not only is Prophethood bestowed upon him, but a light introduces himself to Allah gives moose Ali salam, a direct lesson. Imagine getting a lesson from Allah into heat. Allah gives him a lesson any man.
So musante salaams teacher in eemaan was Allah Himself in many anila
in many anila, and for the Arabic students here are for somebody listening who might be able to follow along. There's something very interesting here there's a progression, see how eemaan develops in Annie and Allah. The first thing is, he the knee is mentioned that's a pronoun, but that's a that's an attached pronoun. That's an attached pronoun. The next pronoun is Anna which is an independent pronoun which is which is stronger than an attached pronoun. And the next word is Allah, the name of Allah Himself. You see the progression in many an Allah He literally grew in his Iman right then and there on the spot. Is he modeling from zero to 60?
Because he's getting easy man directly from Allah. He's getting a lesson the new man from Allah in nanny anila La Ilaha Illa and afar Buddha de la creme insalata Lee decree and the complete instructions given a Baba servitude slavery to Allah established sola for the sake of my remembrance whole lesson is given right there okay, not only that, but then the manifestation of Allah's greatness on this earth is also taught to him that practical lesson he gets what's in your right hander? musella tilaka be a meanie k yamasa he says it's my staff and the whole, the whole story continues on from there. Okay, so he gets his unbelievable powerful lesson in demand directly from
Allah. And the next thing that we know Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him is he loves his own inner
goddess around
He's lost his head.
He's lost his head literally. That's how we would translate it in common English today. The VA he has transgressed all limited boundaries. He's lost his head he's lost his mind. Right so go to fit around he's lost his mind in the heat of all.
Okay, then musala salam Of course so a lot of bizarrely Saturday we are silly and we make any ask I need some help. I need some help. I need a posse to roll with. So I need you to attach Harun with me my brother. He's a good dude. I need her room with me. He'll help me out. So okay, how long's with you? And then Allah says, Now go and took it on and preach to him. Now the next thing we know Moosa and Harun are walking into Allah humans, Saddam Hussein Haruna alayhi wa sallam are walking into the court of fit own and preaching the message.
Was it something that wasn't completed? something less than complete?
The family? Oh my god, what happened to his family?
Did he leave him there? Of course he didn't leave them there people. Of course, he didn't leave him there. But the Quran doesn't tell you Okay, he tells his family your way right here. I'll be right back. I see some fire. He goes over there. Gets Prophethood gets a lesson in The Man from Allah is given his miracles, the staff in the hand, all of that. And then he's told go to the island and preach to him. Okay, I need one with you. Okay, and find out who's with you do not go to the court. Next thing you know, they're walking into court if you need to believe in a lot you need to let Vanessa in go. What happened to the family? Did he go back? Did he dropped him off at home? Did you
take them with him? Were they okay? Is everything all right? Did they get some dinner? doesn't talk about any of that? Because it's not relevant. It's not important. It wouldn't contribute to the message. So let's find out what Alan said. Obviously, you know, it says a messenger of Allah, this amount of the caliber of moose Ali Salah, of course, he took care of his family. It's understood, it's implied doesn't need to be explicitly mentioned. Now, I want you to in the timeline of the story of Musa we're actually going to go backwards into the timeline because I want to point out another incident. This is mentioned very clearly in Sudoku puzzles.
Musashi Salam is a child of Conway's Law. He, he's from the from the Israelites. All right, so he is from Blue Israel. But however, he's raised in the house of Freetown. Alright, so he's raised in the house of Iran amongst people who fit out. Now we know the story that he goes in the marketplace. There's a man from the people that fit around the country who's having an art who is in an argument with a man from bluethroat he loses people. Now Mussolini, saddam is constantly struggling with this whole dilemma of Amanda but who is la he living amongst the king and his people. So when he sees this in the men from when we start MCs moves and he knows moose has got a soft spot for his people,
but who's right moves that moves I look at this guy's doing to me. So musallam, intercedes, he steps in, says, What's going on here? Hey, what's going on here? The man says a move along Mind your own business. Move along Mind your own business, gets very rude and abrupt and starts getting aggressive starts getting in musante, Sam's face. I would say somebody gets up in your grill. Somebody gets up in your face. So you have no choice but to kind of defend yourself. Put somebody off. So Mousavi Sam does is his backup buddy from Arkansas who Mustafa cavani. But what ends up happening is the dude dies musante Samson's backup
and the man dies, massage him doesn't realize his own strain for calling the man's dead.
Okay, now that's a very small that's that's an incident from his life. That's a detail. That's a detail and this is before he became a prophet. This is long before that. But it's mentioned in the Quran. Why is it mentioned in the Quran? Well, one thing we obviously know it contributes to the story. All right, obviously, because that's the reason why Moosa ends up having to leave missiles to begin with, because then he's wanted for the murder of that man. And that's how he ends up in Medina. And that's how things go on. Aside from that, though, that mufa Iran, they tell us that there's a lesson in this, a London just mention it because it contributes to the timeline, the
sequence of events, well, the family, what did he do with his family that would have contributed to the timeline in the sequence of events as well. But that wasn't mentioned, but this is mentioned is because there's actually a lesson here. This is relevant, this is pertinent. And the relevance of this incident to the message here is that most Ali Salaam committed are unintentional accidental, but nevertheless, what was judged amongst the people where he lived in at that time to be a a crime, a crime. He was a convicted criminal amongst amongst the people, unintentional accidental, but nevertheless, the people saw it as a crime. Okay. In his earlier age, he committed that crime
Later on in life, he's made a messenger of Allah.
And then he sent back to those same people to go and bring them the message from a law go and delivered the divine message to them.
Now, as soon as he's told that what's the very first thing that you know, what's what in the dialogue between a lion musasa, one of the first things he says is, What?
What To whom? Or
what or whom? Allah jambu. He even says, Allah, you're gonna send me back to fit on in the people.
I'm a criminal there.
I owe them some form of retribution. I'm a criminal there. I'm wanted over there. You're sending me to them. Okay, so he's already hesitant because of that previous past crime. Allah says, No, you still gotta go. And when musalla walks into the court of fit around, and says, I'm here with a message of a law, you need to believe in when the law you need to let go.
What's the very first thing that says?
Hey, aren't you that guy?
Well, if I found that Akala t falta. Mineral caffeine. Very sarcastically, aren't you the guy that did what you did back when you did it? And you were really bad person.
Right? What are we that's what he points out, right? So that worst fears realized.
So that it contributes to the message in a deeper fashion and matter where there's a powerful lesson to be extracted. And that is, that's going to happen a lot, that's going to be a very common occurrence, that somebody previously some point in time in their previous life, they will have done something bad, they will have done something not so admirable. They committed a crime, they did something bad. And not only did they do something bad, but the people will know that this person was the dude who did that.
He's the guy who did that, they'll know that he was the one. And so you'll have that bad rep amongst his people. But somewhere down the line, there will be a major turning point in his life, like in the life of musasa, you would never a bad person. But he had that one little incident in his past. And the major turning point, what I mean is he went from being a normal, ordinary individuals to being a messenger of Allah. So same way in our society, in our communities, there will be people sometime in the past, in the past in their life, they will have done something bad, then they'll have a turning point in their life where they'll turn things around. And then they will come back
wanting to do something good, wanting to contribute something, wanting to be a part of something good.
And at that point in time, that's where this incident becomes very relevant. What are we going to do?
Are we going to be like, sit down.
So when that young man comes up to call the event, and he was convicted of something, he did something bad, and he comes up to call the event? Hey, you, did
you move back, move back.
I don't want you calling you that. You're a bad person. Right? Are we going to do that?
Are we because if we do that, if that is our behavior, if we're judging people, the second they walk through the door,
we're no better than film.
We have just exhibited and equality of fit out.
We're acting like for the own because that's what he did. He didn't care what musallam had to say. He didn't care why he was coming. He didn't care who he had become and who he had matured into. All he was still stuck on bus. Yeah, but you're the guy who did that.
He was still stuck on that. So what are we going to do? How are we going to react to people? It's a very versus that compared to that to the example of Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Did he ever ever, ever hold anyone's past against them? Never did never did too many examples to list on here.
Why she why she is the man who assassinated the uncle of the prophets a lot. He said
the death of the uncle the murder of the uncle the mutilation of the body of the uncle of the prophet Elijah is one of the moments in his life where the Sahaba say when it was one of the few times where we saw the process of in such profound pain.
Like he was crying.
He was so deeply hurt. That when they walked back in when they came back into Medina who heard many Muslims had died on that day, and he could hear different family members crying when they were receiving the news of the death of their family member. The process of them started to cry as they were walking into Medina and he started to say today there is somebody crying for everyone who's died. But there's nobody crying for my uncle.
Because my uncle his own family was the one who did this then
that's how much pain he felt. But the man who carried out the assassination the hit on him out of the laquanda washi. Not only does the process of not hold the grudge against him, but the profits a lot of time is the one who is having letter after letter after letter sent to Archie, tell washi to become Muslim, tell washi to change his life, tell washi that he should accept Islam, tell washi that Allah will forgive him.
That's how merciful The process was. That's how willing he was to overlook people's past him. The woman who hired washi to assassinate hands up for the loved one.
And after he goes to her and he tells her the job is done, she a woman, she goes down into the battlefield, she walks up to the dead body of Hamza lying there, she pulls out a dagger, she cuts his ears, his nose and his tongue out, strings them up and keeps them as a souvenir. This is a woman.
She then takes a dagger puts it in his body rips his body open, pulls out his internal organs and mutilates his body. This is a woman, she takes his clothes and rips his clothes off and completely exposes his body. A woman who did this that's how much he hated the prophecy. And that's how horrible What a horrible acts he had done to the process of them and his uncle. But on the day of Fatima aka, the prophets a lot is him doesn't do anything to her. And when she comes to the prophets a lot, he said him to accept Islam. And then was Allah Marhaba. He welcomes her, gives her the Shahada allows her to become Hindi rhodiola juanda,
a companion, a female companion of the Prophet ceylonese.
And the stories go on and on a Chroma the son of a Buddha. Same thing, Holly Dooley, the architect of the killing of dozens of Muslims, on the day of boyhood, all of these people, they were embraced with open arms. And they were made to be close to the prophecies. I mean, he accepted them as they were. And that's not all those are people that did something against them, even people who are just bad people in society, all along the process and have embraced him with open arms.
So this is that behavior versus the behavior of the home. And that's one thing I wanted to point out here, God kind of drawn out, I apologize. But the point I was trying to make is sometimes there's a part of the story that's left out. It's not mentioned because it's not pertinent. It's not relevant. But the flip side of that, that the point that I really want to make is every single thing that is mentioned in the Quran is relevant is important, and has dozens and dozens and dozens, if not more of lessons that can be extracted and that can be derived from it. All right.
But you can show
one, one little personal incident about what I mentioned about people's past, a personal experience that I had.
I was at a at a Masjid where I was leading the prayer. And so it was during the daytime I think it was salata, Lhasa, and the machines that that busy.
A young gentleman walked in to the machine to pray. Now, the gentleman was literally covered in tattoos
from his fingers up to his neck, completely covered in tattoos. And so now obviously somebody like that walks into the machine, what do we immediately do?
Reach for your phone? Right? something bad's about to happen, right? So obviously people get nervous. So I was we were actually walking in for the prayer the karma was being caught us it's now on a camisa rollicking Salah we went in and we prayed after Salah I turned around I said a first time I'd ever seen him there at the machine I saw your brother never seen you before. See I just moved to the area just last week. And so I just found the masjid I just got a job. I just found the masjid and so I thought I'd come pray after work. And he was still in his work uniform. So I said okay, Mashallah, welcome. And so then I started talking to him. Where are you from? Where'd you grow
up? What's your name started getting to know that brother. And he starts talking and talking. He starts telling me his story kind of his story. And he says that he's actually have an he's of Thai background, Eastern Asian Thailand. His folks are from Thailand. He's a Thai background. And he said tells me that his uncle was really caught up in the crime ring.
In a lot of drugs and a lot of crime where he grew up in California. His uncle was caught up. He was like a gang leader who's really really bad, involved in a lot of horrible stuff. A lot of crime, a lot of bad stuff. He said growing up, his mother tried to shield him and protect him from that whole the whole family history there in the family situation, but he said that eventually he joined the family business. He said like around 14 dropped out of school started you know, slinging drugs, selling drugs on corners started committing crimes.
robbing people drive bys a whole bit, got involved in the whole scene.
And he said, By the time I was 23 years old, I had already been to prison twice, already been to prison twice horrible life, just crime, crime crime all the time. And he said, when I was 23 years old, I was arrested for the third time. Now in California, they have three strikes, and you're in jail for life. That's it, you're done. So he said, I was arrested for the third time and he said, I was sitting in jail at night. The next morning, I was going to be presented, I was going to be arraigned presented before the judge. He said, sitting there at night, I realize this is my third strike. He said at that moment to finally hit me, my life is over.
My life is over. I'm 23. And my life is over.
And he said at that moment, it just sunk in. Because when you're caught up in the whole lifestyle, you don't think he said, it's sunk in, and it hit me my life's over. So he said, At that moment, I just couldn't help myself. He said in myself, I fell into sujood.
I did such that I put my face on the ground. He said, He said it was the first time in nearly 10 years that I had done such that the last time I had done such that when I was 10 years ago, and I went to the masjid with my mom. Since then, I hadn't even done such I hadn't prayed for 10 years. He said, I did Saturday, and at that moment, life changed. He said, I cried all night long. And I made two out to a lion. He said, I said a lot. I realized what I've done with my life.
Give me another chance, another opportunity. I'll change my ways. And I will totally change my ways. He said at that moment, I felt like I needed to make an intention. What am I going to do a life? You saved me from this moment? What will I do with my life? And he said, I remember when I was a child, my mom always had one wish. And that was I would become a hospital. She said, Oh your grandfather was a Hafez, but your uncle went bad and everybody in your family didn't follow in your grandfather's footsteps. You should I want you to be a half faith and revive that tradition that your grandfather had behalf of God. And he said, I remembered that at that moment, because I'm
thinking about a lot. I'm thinking about my mother and how much I heard her. So I decided I say a lot. If I'm able to get out of here I am going to go and become a hospital. I'm going to memorize Quran.
He said when he's presented before the judges in the next day, he said the judge looks at the file looks at me, my mom sitting in the back of the courtroom crying her eyes out. I'm a young man.
He says just looked at the file closest to file stand up. He says if I was to let you go right now, what would you do? And he said, it's funny you asked me that because last night I had a change of heart. I repented
and I'm going to change my life. And I'm going to go and I'm going to study my religion and study the Quran, the Book of Allah, and I'm gonna commit myself to being a good person. So that said, All right. Charges case dismissed. Get out of here. Be on your way.
He said I walked out of the courtroom. My mom is crying can't believe that this happened.
He said I asked her mom how much money you got in your pocket. How much money you got in your purse? She pulled out 4050 bucks my uncle's were there. Give me Give me whatever cash you got. He said I got about a couple of 100 bucks. I said somebody drive me to the bus stop right now.
drive me to the bus stop right now. City jumped on a bus rode a bus to the nearest major Islamic Center found out Where's their broad memorization program? 23 year old man just literally no clothes. He said I had nothing. I went to an Islamic Center and said Where can I go to memorize Quran he said oh there's a place there's a school for Quran memorization that's 200 miles from here it's in this in this city this the address so jumped on another bus on a greyhound and I went to there and I literally walked in door said hi my name is this I want to memorize the Quran. Like Okay, come on in.
The man tells me he was 23 years old at the time. He memorized the entire paper and this this got this mat young man didn't even know how to read a leaf. Botha started from scratch. He memorized the entire Quran cover to cover in eight months.
Eight months he memorized the entire Quran.
He's I I've had him lead prayer. I've heard him read beautiful recitation knows his Koran. And today years later, a husband and a father
and his children when you see his children the other the character that they have. He himself personally is making his children memorize Quran amazing people's past and what they can become. So
getting back to what we were supposed to be doing. All right, we'll do at least an IR two inshallah. All right, I N number 12. Yeah, so Allah subhanaw taala calls out to Yahoo. He says yeah, oh, yeah, yeah. Who, who then kitabi Overton Who? Then kita hood in the Arabic line.
Which is the command form of the word of means grab something, it means to grab something. So what means Grab it,
grab something, it's the command form the imperative form grab, okay? And it can also be used in the meaning of to hold on to something grabbing something, and obviously grab onto something hold on to something. They can also be translated or understood as grab on. So grab onto what Al Kitab hudl kita grab on to the book, and what is meant by the book here. So the scholars of tafsir, they tell us, in fact, they're unanimous on the fact that this is referring to the Toyota, this is referring to the Toyota Alright, so grab on hold on to the Toyota Bhiku within Bhikkhu within Pooja in the Arabic language means strength, with strength, grab on to the dodo grip, excuse me grab onto the
book of Allah tota with strength, with firmness, with conviction. And then the scholars tell us what's meant by Buddha that don't just learn this, but memorize it, act on it, implement its commands stay away from its prohibitions like the, the value of the Allahu anhu tells us that the Sahaba Quran that the man of the Quran the person who is committed to the Quran isn't just somebody who reads it or memorizes it but he says what you Hindu halala what you have removed Rama what you mean will be Mota shabby Well yeah, I'm a newbie maka, me we had to do hospitality, that the man the person committed to the Quran is the one who makes the * out of the Quran, Allah.
He he practices that he takes from that wish to put on makes permissible but he abstained from that which sopran makes impermissible he believes in that which the Quran tells him to believe in whether he understands it or not. He acts on the Quran the commands within the Quran and he recites it as it was meant to be recited Alright, so that type of a firmly holding on to the book of Allah, that is the command that is given to zek to yah yah, yah, yah, yah hoo do kita before I hold on to the Quran, whoa, excuse me, the total hold on to the book of God with firmness and conviction and with all these qualities that we talked about, and this is in contrast to what Allah subhanaw taala tells
us about other people from Vanessa in masala Dena Minato Ratan sorrow to Juma. There's also the example of those people who are given the total, the total was entrusted to them was thrust upon them. But what did they do that let me know how they did not carry it. They did not care about it, they left it. They were neglectful with the total command and she married me to it just like a donkey carrying books. All right, but versus that what a less commanding yahia to do is no No, no, you just don't observe the Torah and say yeah, the Torah is very nice, but you hold on to it firmly. You live by the Torah, who still kitabi who was in it now when hokhmah Serbian. And Allah says and
we gave to him, to Yahya and hook and hook him. This comes from the same root as the word hikma
part of the meaning is incorporated. So this can refer to wisdom. But it can also it also refers to the ability to be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Ignore a bachelor the Allahu Anima tells us that a locum here that Allah gave and who come to him to yahia it refers to a family Torah that will fit fit the, the understanding of the Torah, so he didn't just read the Torah, he understood it. And he understood how to live his life in a manner that was pleasing to Allah. There's a beautiful story that is narrated by Abdullah bin Mubarak from Mama Rama hula that he says a sybian Babu Leah that the children said to Yahya
or rather a DA who sybian in a lab, the children that he tells us a story about Yeah, yeah, some of the children the other children, his peers, invited him to come and play with them. So come on, let's go play. Let's run around let's horse around my kids do yeah, was the child what was ob? He responds by saying Madeline na, na, ma de la bucolic now we haven't been created to run around and play in horserace. So, you as a person have such deep wisdom even from a very, very young age, all right.
So, what I think I will hook my Serbian we gave him that hukum which is wisdom, which is knowledge, which is the understanding, differentiating between right and wrong, which is such a great sense of maturity, about his religion, we gave it to him Serbian,
even though he was a child, for those who understand Arabic grammar, so begin is how it describes this condition. He was a child.
He was a child at this time, but he still had these qualities. And this is very unique. Why does Allah specifically mentioned this
Because typically, maturity and knowledge and wisdom and all these things, they usually come at a later age. Like we know what the prophets as soon as Allah was to give grant grant and profited at the age of 40. These are 40 because that's when that maturity would complete. That was that's when that knowledge and that wisdom would truly manifest itself would flourish would blossom within that person. And so they will be given a profit at that time. Well, am I bulevar? Or should the who was the one Tina, who hooked Manuela about Yusuf Ali Salam and even about musante salam, Allah tells us when am I believer I should the Who? When he finally reached that older age of maturity, that's when
we gave him knowledge and wisdom. But the already Yeah, is very unique because of the circumstances of his birth. But on top of that, there's something else unique about him and what is that, that he got those same gifts of knowledge and wisdom and understanding. So be young, even though he was a child, so he doesn't even mean a youngster doesn't even mean a teenager. It literally means a child.
Like a child, somebody under the age of 10. So even though he was such a small child, I like giving them such profound wisdom and knowledge and understanding.
And just a little note, something very interesting tattoo extract some benefit from that. A little bit detail about Yeah, yeah, first batata Rahim Allah says in a lamiaceae to be saphira Tijuana, Kabira mahlab humblebee Moroccan Katara Himalayan and narration he says, uh, yeah, it was such a man that he never disobeyed a law, not even in the least spit or not even in the larger sense. He never disobeyed a lot even in the least bit. And he never ever even made an evil intention of committing a sin with the opposite gender with a woman with giant says gannavaram Yeah.
subhana wa yahaya was a man of such absolute such quality, that the food of yahia was that he would literally eat like leaves. He wouldn't leave he would eat leaves off of trees, he would not indulge in the least bit and into any type of desires. What kinda lead them or if he had a majority on fabric, Tabitha toured and used to cry so much before Allah out of humility for forgiveness for the mercy of Allah, that literally in his cheeks, there had become scars from all the tears, cried peace of Christ so much that there were scars on his cheeks, from all the profuse tears that he used to shed before Allah subhanaw taala. And as a lesson as an extraction, Allah says he gave him that
hokum but first he told him hold on firmly to the book, hold on firmly to the book. And then Allah says, We gave him the hokum we gave him that wisdom and that knowledge and that understanding, but what was he first of all to do hold on to the book so it's as if his knowledge and his wisdom came from where he came from the book. That's why even though I bash I think a lot more I know myself mancora Parana, tabula and yatala for me, man, OTL Hc hochma Serbian. He says even in our oma the person that will be that will read the Koran the person that will be taught the Koran, and it's understanding even before they reach the age of maturity, even as a child, the people that we will
teach pour onto and they will read the Quran and understand the Quran even as children, they are the people that Allah will grant grant that same knowledge and that same wisdom to that same understanding to the Quran is the source of knowledge, a source of wisdom, and we need to learn to impart that to our children. And the sooner we introduce them to the book of Allah, the sooner they will start exhibiting these qualities of maturity and sensibility and knowledge and wisdom. May Allah give us all the ability to hold firmly on to the book of Allah. We'll go ahead and end here inshallah we'll continue with this lesson tomorrow. So behind Allah He will be handy he subhanak
aloha Moby Hambrick Chateau La ilaha illa Anta the stock felucca wanna tubo Lake