Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail – The Prophetic Personality 11

Abdul Nasir Jangda

Seeing The Messenger pbuh in a Dream

Apr 24, 2017.

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The Shema in mohammedia is a series of workshops and online resources that focus on shaping spiritual inheritance and the Prophet sallam's shaping of the beast's shaping. The narratives of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam, the profit of the donkey, land, and the profit of the road are discussed, as well as the use of animals and clothing for clothing purposes. The segment also touches on the loss of profits from the Prophet sallama and the use of animals and clothing for profit. The segment concludes with a discussion of the spiritual inheritance of the Prophet sallama and its potential profit.

AI: Summary ©

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			salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Who does have the notch agenda and you're listening to
the column podcast. Before we get started with today's session, I wanted to share a really amazing
resource with you. A question that everyone has a problem that everybody deals with is, how do I
focus within my prayer? How do I enjoy my salon? Well, the answer to that question, the solution to
that problem is actually quite straightforward and simple. If we understand what we say within our
prayer, we'll be able to focus on it, internalize it, and actually get back to enjoying our
conversation with Allah subhanho wa Taala. We created a solution to make this possible. It's called
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			meaningful prayer. This is a course a curriculum, a seminar, a workshop that I taught in over 100
locations, all across this country, and even in other countries. 10s of 1000s of people have taken
this course. And it has really turned around transformed their relationship with Allah subhanho wa
Taala. Well, now in sha Allah, you can take the meaningful prayer course online, you can take it
according to your own schedule, at your own leisure, you can pace yourself, you can go back and
review some lessons multiple times, to really be able to internalize them, go to meaningful
prayer.com. To sign up, share this resource with others, so that we can get back to not only just
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			offering our prayers or performing our Salah, but we can go back to experiencing a conversation and
relationship with Allah.
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			Now to get on to today's session in sha Allah, we're going to be covering the Shema in mohammedia,
the prophetic personality, the following session was recorded at the Syrah intensive
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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah you Allah Allah, he was army edge marine
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			chala continuing with our study of the Shema in mohammedia, the prophetic personality
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			inshallah Today we're going to be starting with chapter number 55 Babu my geography me Rafi
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter about the inheritance of the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			Now, the word meat off obviously comes from the root of the word, what I thought or what he thought.
And what that basically refers to is
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			leaving something behind.
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			And the first thing that I'd like to clarify here, which many of the commentators on the Shema, in
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			many of the different scholars that have been hijacked by Judy and others, that they've commented
here is that there are two things that are mentioned. There are two things that are mentioned as the
inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the prophetic inheritance. The first thing
obviously, the sub the first and foremost subject matter that were obvious subject of discussion is
in terms of wealth, female color for human and man, that what material things the profits allottee,
some left behind. The second thing that is discussed, and this is something that the Quran mentions
as well yet Ethernet wiring to male jacoba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a very
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			famous Hadith where he talks about knowledge and guidance being the inheritance of prophets, which
we'll talk we'll talk more about a little bit later inshallah that's inheritance. So, if you will,
the more spiritual inheritance of the prophets allottee some, that is not the subject of the
discussion that is not the subject or the topic of this particular chapter. This chapter is not
discussing the spiritual inheritance of the prophets, a lot of them this is the chapter about the
material inheritance of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam So just to clarify that
as your mama Judy writes, what about Adam and Paula Amina Emily and who lamb you yet cor Phil Bobby
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			Shea and yet to Allah probably in this chapter does not address the spiritual inheritance of the
profits a lot SLM. So we'll start with the very first narration
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			and when suddenly for
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			no money and Kala Hadassah Hussain, Muhammad, Allah Hi, Donna Israel Ilana vs Hawk and I'm going to
bring in Hadith Haeju aidea.
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			La Husak veteran Carla mata masaka Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah salla Allahu Allahu
wa sallahu wa Jalla hasakah
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			the brother of God Allah The Allahu taala
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			who himself is a Sahabi honorable Hadith. He says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam did not leave anything material behind
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			except for his weapons.
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			His weapons or his weaponry to speak more generally,
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			his riders transportation, which was a donkey, and some land which he had made, so the car he had
donated it to charity. Now to talk about these items that are basically mentioned, the first thing
that's mentioned is the
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			weaponry of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So when it comes to the weaponry, this is making
reference to certain things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had. And some of the things
that are mentioned by the scholars are the prophets, a lot of them had a spear, a sword, a shield, a
helmet and some armor that this was something the prophets a lot he said, I'm left behind. The
second thing that's mentioned here is the ride or the transportation of the prophets, a lot of them
and it specifically makes reference to the donkey the prophets, a lot of them used to write this was
a white or a lighter color donkey, the prophets, a lot of them had named it doodle. And what said
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			about this particular donkey is that it actually lived on after the Prophet sallallahu sallam, until
the donkey actually became quite old. The Sahaba actually narrate about it, that it got so old that
the teeth of the donkey had fallen out.
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			And they used to the Sahaba used to take very good care of it. Because it was the transportation,
the donkey of the profits, a lot of the profits, a lot of them rode this animal the last couple of
years of his life. So what kind of huge rush luxury, that what they would do is they would they
would crush barley and they would actually feed it and it finally passed away at the place of
Jamboard which is outside of Medina. And it was buried there, Fiji bla bla it was buried there near
a mountain near the foot of a mountain at the place of the Ember.
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			The third thing that is mentioned is land. And the profits, a lot of them had some land that was in
his name that belonged to him. And more. So what it was was this was what's referred to as Malin
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			Basically, when there was a military campaign or expedition that did not involve any type of actual
fighting, the land that was recovered through it was referred to as Marlin fate. And the model fee
would basically be placed in the trust of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophets,
Allah vsam used to utilize this land for a few things. Number one, the prophets, a lot of them would
utilize maybe, let's say the crop that would grow from that land or maybe renting the land out to
someone. So the money that would be earned from that land, the profits, a lot of them used to use it
for the allowances of his homes and his families. And similarly, the profits, a lot of them also
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			used to utilize whatever would come from that land. For a lot of the financial assistance, the
profits, a lot of them would provide to the poor or to the needy within the community. And so
specifically, what parts of the land what lands are basically mentioned, under this category, there
was the land at the place of Fedak, there was also some land at the place of Wadi al Pura. There was
also some land at the place of labor. And then there was a fortress that used to belong to banana
deed. These were the pieces of land that were placed in the trust of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam as allama Kimani mentions, now but what one thing that is of note here, because the
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			narration kind of distinguishes the land from the other items, if you look at the narration, many of
the commentators of Hadith have commented on this particular narration, that there's something very
subtle here, and it's pointing us towards something. When it says sila who his armor when it talks
about the donkey, it says his donkey, but when it says the landed does not say of the who, because
it was not so much of a personal possession of the profits, a lot of them it was more so land, if
you will, because the profits a lot. He said when he was alive, He is the state, the profits a lot
ism is the state. And so it was more so land that belonged to the state, not so much the personal
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			belonging of a person. And that's why it clarifies Giada has sadaqa that the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam had set it aside for a very specific purpose. And that was financing the homes of the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, supporting the families of the prophets a lottery system, and
similarly also being a source of financial assistance for those who might require it within the
community. There is some extra commentary about maybe some other items that were left behind by the
prophets a lot he said them some of the scholars of Sita, even hijab mentions have said that there
were also some animals. There were some camels there were some sheep that had also belonged to the
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			prophets a lot he said, um, but the more
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			You know, I guess you can say research oriented scholars of the Hadith in the life of the prophets,
a lot of them have actually clarified. Those were once again, not personal possessions of the
prophets, a lot of them. Those were the animals of South Africa that used to graze on some of these
lands of soda. So they weren't once again, not personal possessions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam even say the nurse Rahim, Allahu taala, another scholar of the Sierra, who authored the
text oriental author. He also mentioned that the prophets a lot of them did also have some garments,
some articles of clothing, and he actually specifically mentioned the items. He says that the
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			Prophet sallallahu Sallam had two sheets to kind of garments, one that he would tie around his waist
and one that he would wear over. He also had an ease out the profits, a lot of them had a couple of
cloaks, he had a Khamis that was more so kind of stitched like a shirt.
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			And along with that the profits, a lot of them also had another couple of sheets or garments, and
then the profits, a lot of them also had some smaller pieces of cloth that he would tie around his
head as his mama as his turban. So, but that in its entirety, is what the profits are largely some
left behind.
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			And the scholars have, you know, commented on this particular
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			issue even cathedra hum Allahu taala. He summarizes his entire issue where he says for in the dunya
behind that Vidya cannot occur in the who, that material things were something that just had no
value to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam come out here in the law as they are in the sights
in the eyes of Allah. Were the prophets a lot of the some comments about the world being worth less
than the wing of a mosquito, Minh and yes, Allah ha Oh, yeah, true. Cahaba Dahomey rothen the
prophets a lot of time was never motivated to acquire and gather and collect material belongings and
possessions let alone leave them behind. And this was not only the son of the profits a lot of this
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			was also the son of all the other profits and this really shows the simplicity of the profits a lot
of his lifestyle in Alibaba terminal Eamonn. As a profits a lot ism teaches us simplicity is from
faith. And this really demonstrates to us because there was no one who lived a life more fulfilling
than the profits allowed him there was no one who had a better disposition and demeanor than the
profits a lot. And this is a profits a lot from practically demonstrating to us the richness of the
heart as is often talked about the next generation. Carlin Sonico Hadassah, Mohammed Al muthanna,
Bella Hadassah, Volleyed Kala Hadassah, Hamada Musa Mata and Mohammed amin, Salah Mata and Avi
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			Herrera, Terra de Allahu taala. And who Fallujah at Fatima to Isla de bachlin for Colette's mania de
suka. sakala Ali Baba de for college Molly la de su ob for call Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allahu
semiotica Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a pool. La new Russell can make our own while we're
lucky our own woman can Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam er o Lu, one fiocco Allah man, Ghana
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam unifocal Allah He
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			this particular narration that we're about to read.
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			And I want to preface it by saying, this is a very, very sensitive narration. And it's in regards to
a very sensitive issue.
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			And I don't want to draw anyone's attention to it, who might not already be aware of it. But at the
same time, some who might be somewhat aware of it, I do want to go ahead and address that. Just so
it doesn't seem like we're skirting the issue. But this narration, as I said before, it's about a
very sensitive issue. And it has a very sensitive tone to it. Number two, this narration and there
are some more other extended versions of this narration.
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			Very tragically, and unfortunately, were politicized. They were politicized. And they were, you
know, conversations were created around them, that actually do a great disservice to the legacy of
the prophets a lot. He said them and to the legacy of the remarkable companions of the prophets, a
lot of them and to the pristine legacy of the family of the prophets, a lot of them, it's a great
disservice to politicize these people and their pain in the aftermath in the loss of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So I'll translate now and then I'll explain.
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			A Boolean are the Allahu taala and who narrates that Fatima, the daughter of the prophets allottee.
So I'm the leader of all the women in paradise that are the Allahu taala and her she came to Abu
Bakr radi Allahu taala and who, and she said that who will inherit from you? She asked him a
question. When you pass away when you leave this world who will inherit from you?
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			He said, my family, my children.
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			So she then said that what is it what or why is it that I do not inherit from my father?
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			Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who said that I heard the messenger of Gods Allahu Allahu Salaam
saying we meaning the prophets as will a later narration clarify
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			and just to explain it here the the plural we because the profits allottee some says naganuma Asha
MBR. Another narration says we are the fraternity of profits. So he says we meaning the profits are
not inherited from like we do not pass on material inheritance.
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			Rather now we'll back out of the Allahu taala knew that was the statement of the promises of God no
ruffle that's it. Now from here is the statement of Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allahu, he says rather, I
Abubakar will continue to take care of everyone whom the profits a lot of them used to care for. And
I will continue to give allowance to whomsoever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to
grant in allowance to like I will spend upon the people the profits a lump sum you suspend upon.
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			And now what this is basically, as you can see here, Fatima, the Allahu taala on her. And it's very
important to understand, and this is something that we'll talk more about. But Fatima it's quite
possible, and it's quite legitimate to even say that no one felt the loss of the profits alarmism as
much as Fatima rhodiola hotel and he did. He's a prophet and the Messenger of God, that's a tragedy
for any believer. She is amongst the people in the company of the Prophet tells him which was a
tragedy for every companion.
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			But she's also the daughter of the prophets. allottee So she's the last surviving child of the
prophets allottee. So, her mother has already passed, all of her siblings have passed.
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			And all she has from that original family is the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
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			And so Fatima, the Allahu taala on her.
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			In this this has to be understood again very respectfully so no one misunderstands this.
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			That and I'll speak here very clearly that anyone who paints a picture of Fatima the Allahu taala,
and her being unreasonable
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			is committing a grave sin.
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			Fatima radi Allahu taala and her is deserving of our love and adoration and admiration. She is the
beloved daughter of the prophets, Allah sees him. She is the person about whom the prophets a lot of
them said men have the agony that someone who causes her pain or harm, he has caused me pain in
heart that this is who Fatima Fatima to Buddha to many Fatima is a part of me.
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			That's what the prophet sallallahu Sallam said. And so, but at the same time, we have to acknowledge
the fact and there are narrations to this effect, that Fatima the Allahu taala this was a very, very
difficult moment for her.
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			And as would be manifest, in fact, tomorrow the Allahu taala and her passing away six months after
the prophets Allah and Allah The Allahu taala I'm saying the Fatima the Allahu taala on how withdrew
after the passing of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
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			And so there are narrations about unnecessarily Allahu taala anhu mentioning the after we came back
from the burial of the prophets Allah audition, Fatima, the Allahu taala on her, actually admonished
me. She was so disturbed. She was so
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			she was grieving where she said a target and physical and that to Allah, Allah Rasool Allah sama
Terada, that do you were you okay with throwing dirt on the body of the prophets, a lot of them. So
this was the pain of Fatima, the Lakota Nana. And so scholars have mentioned and this is also very
legitimate and sometimes it doesn't occur to us, because now all this knowledge is documented. But
it's very plausible that Fatima the Allahu taala was legitimately not aware of the ruling
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			that the children of the prophets do not inherit from them.
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			And similarly, we also understand the grief of Fatima the Allahu taala Anka and this is why Abubakar
radi Allahu taala and who and again, this is the the the wisdom and the graciousness of Abu Bakr
radi Allahu taala on who that after informing her of the ruling, he did not just simply give her a
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			but rather Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala. And who basically what he's saying it's translated very
formally, it's just such as the nature of the text. But what he essentially said, he said, Don't
worry. I'll always look after you and I'll always take care of you.
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			Right, you were beloved to the prophets, a lot of you some of you are beloved to us. And you'll
always be looked after and you'll always be taken care of
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			the next generation.
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			Alan masani, who had that aha moment.
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			Alamosa, Colorado Santa yahia allenbury Boca sun, Colorado Santa Shobana Mariah
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			Carey. Angela bass hualian Jaya Ilan Omar radi Allahu taala on home, yester Simoni, yaku Asahi and
jacada and jacada. For color Amara de Allahu Allah Allahu Allah tala hauerwas Zubaydah. Abdur Rahman
even Alvin was Adam. And should you can be lucky as Samia tomb Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam a a fool kulu Malina bien sacaton a llama a Tama Illa Allah who, in Allah new Roku
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			will fill a hadith episode one.
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			I'll translate the narration, and then I'll explain
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			about the backstory. he narrates that abass and Ali, radi Allahu taala angama, the uncle of the
Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the son in law of the prophets a lot he sent him. They came to and of
course, Lee and about their relationship with one another is of course also uncle and nephew.
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			They both came to Amato, the Allahu taala. And who and they were differing, they had a
disagreements. Each one was saying to the other, that you did this and you did that.
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			Oh my god, Allahu taala. And who said to tala Ha. And Zubaydah and Abdurrahman Bina often said, that
I make a law, your witness, like basically in front of allies, with Allah as your witness, Did you
not hear the Messenger of God sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that all the material things left
behind by a prophet are charity, they are donated, except for what he had actually given to people,
what he had actually utilized.
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			And he goes on to say, and no one receives material inheritance from us the profits.
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			And then it says that there is a longer story behind this narration. So I'll take this opportunity
to share the story.
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			Basically, the story which is mentioned in the Sahara human body,
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			along with many other books of Hadith, mentions that
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he,
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			of course, the same lens that we were talking about manual fate, the lands of fidex and the other
territories that these were entrusted to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			after the passing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who
took responsibility for these lands?
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			And Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, and who continued to utilize the lands for what the prophet
sallallahu Sallam used to utilize them for, which was once again the allowances for the families of
the prophets a lot SLM along with utilizing whatever the lamb could provide for charity purposes as
well helping those that were in need, you know, in the community. After the passing of Abu Bakr radi
Allahu Allahu Allahu taala. Anu took over that responsibility of overseeing, maintaining and
managing those lands.
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			Amaro the Allahu taala and who then
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			served that responsibility for two years.
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			After two years
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			above bass and alera, the Allahu Allah anioma they came to Amara, the Allahu taala and who, as he
mentioned, to money, Pamela Delica were Kalamata Kumar wahida on Unruh Kumar, hidden.
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			Abbas in alira, the Allahu taala, who came to them and they said, Look, we are the family of the
prophets, a lot of them. This land is utilized to support the family of the prophets, a lot of them
along with the other charity purposes. And, but at the same time, there was also the dynamic of the
fact that the Muslim Empire was growing very rapidly at the time of Ramadan, the Allahu taala. And
so they said, allow us to take this responsibility off of your hands, we'll manage it, we'll take
care of it. And this is a bus, the uncle of the processor and the early rhodiola. Catalano, the one
and only. So, Amara, the Allahu taala. And they both came together and they said, we've, you know,
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			figured out how to manage this. And we'll be able to manage it together and I'm one of the lucky
children who said of course, I have nothing but trust in the both of you. And he basically gave them
custodianship guardianship over these lands.
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			And after some time, there was some dispute between the two of them. And this is where this
narration basically picks up. That after some time, they had a dispute, and the narration the longer
version of the narration actually matters.
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			Are Amara, the Allahu taala, who was sitting and someone came to inform whoever the assistant was,
came to inform our Marathi Allahu taala. And who that the Sahaba that are mentioned here, these are
Senior Companions, but has obeyed abderrahman been outside in view of paths that they are here to
see you.
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			And the Allahu taala, who said, of course, invite them in, and he was sitting with them and talking
with them. And while he was talking with them, that's when I boss and a leader of the Allahu talanoa
came in. Now, as far as the two of them kind of arguing, giving a difference of opinion is, of
course natural. But the narration even mentioned, someone said that they're kind of saying Antica,
and together, you did this and you did that their family, their family, uncle and nephew, you have
to remember that, right? We of course, have such love and such regard. For these individuals, we
adore them and admire them so much, and we should, but we can also forget the fact that they're
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			human beings and their family relationships. So they come in and they're arguing, and that's when a
lot of the Allahu taala who basically says, Okay, this works out such that all the Senior
Companions, all these Senior Companions are here. And so he makes them witnesses. And he basically
says that I make all of you witnessed and he goes through the whole history, look the profits a lot,
he managed these lands, and he did X, Y and Z. Then Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, who did so then,
then I basically served that position. And then I entrusted it to you. But I entrusted it to you,
because you gave me confidence of the fact you'd be able to work together and manage it, which
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			obviously is not the case anymore. So now I feel that I will have to basically
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			take over this responsibility again. And I will have to manage these lands again. But he also tells
them at the same time, that if you are able to reconcile amongst one another, if you can figure this
out, I'll leave it with you.
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			But if you can't, then I can't tell you. I'll have to take the lines back I'll have to be
responsible again. And even comments we'll see in the narration where he says for login Let it be in
the heat Sakuma sama will our de la casa de cada uno de la Liga takamasa Masato
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			he says that because I have no other decision
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			they have to be managed the way that they have to be managed the way the process of did the way
Abubakar did the way I did initially. If you can agree to do that, then it's fine. Otherwise he said
for in are just too much for for for Yamaha in a year. For me, for me at Fie Kumar. Ha. If you're
not able to do so then hand them over to me and I will manage them.
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			And then the narration mentions that a bass radi Allahu taala, who basically conceded
00:27:42 --> 00:28:08
			and I live at the Allahu taala and who was given the custodianship of these lions, he managed them.
And after the Allahu taala and who they were then managed by Hassan or the Allahu taala, and who,
after him, they were managed by Hussein or the Allahu taala. And who, after which they were managed
by Ali, who was the son of Hussein. And there was again a joint custodianship of Ali who was the son
of Hussein and his son who was the son of Hassan.
00:28:12 --> 00:28:13
			Yes, correct.
00:28:16 --> 00:28:16
00:28:19 --> 00:28:25
			did go back to that custodianship, the only thing was that it was not seen as being like someone's
personal property.
00:28:27 --> 00:29:15
			Correct? Exactly. The political argument basically exists about it being personal property versus
belonging to the state, and the family of the prophets, Allah decem, managing the property. So then
it was managed by Ali, who was the center of the Lakota, Anu and has an radi Allahu taala, who had a
son by the name of Hassan as well, after which he was managed by zaidan Hassan. After that it was
managed by obaidul leidner, Hassan. And then finally, eventually, it was taken over by the busted
rulers, the busted dynasty. And from that point on, it was basically always managed by whoever was
running the state of affairs. But one thing that did remain consistent was that it was always
00:29:15 --> 00:29:21
			utilized for basically charity and donation purposes. It was like the welfare fund of the people of
00:29:23 --> 00:29:41
			The Next Generation parliamo suddenly for Hadassah, Mohammed Al muthanna, kala Hadassah, safarnama,
Isa, and Osama tipnis, Aiden and Missouri on arowana Shatta radi Allahu taala Anna Anna Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam con la new Roku Matera naffaa who has a pattern
00:29:42 --> 00:29:59
			in this narration eyeshadow the Allahu taala and her she says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, we do not pass on we the prophets do not pass on anything material in terms of
inheritance, everything that we leave behind matakana
00:30:00 --> 00:30:20
			Everything that we leave behind, it is donated it is charity. And the scholars mentioned here that
this is really remarkable, because and again, this shows the honesty and the truthfulness of those
people. Because one of the people who would have inherited from the prophets a lot it's um, was it
Chateau de La Cucina.
00:30:21 --> 00:31:00
			But she's mentioning very clearly that everything that is left behind is to be donated. It is not
personally inherited. The Next Generation parlane masani for Hydra Mohammed una Burchard in
calahonda, Santa Monica dama de calidad de terre Sofia Anna and a BS in AD, Anil. Roger Anna B.
Herrera, radi Allahu taala and who I mean to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a con, la yuxi, Murata
Waterford, Waterford t de Nirmala sitharaman of fidi riots in LA to Casa Marathi de narmala German
Mathura to bother enough aka Timmy Sir, he will move to army leave for who has forgotten
00:31:01 --> 00:31:24
			in this narration of the hooded or the Allahu taala. And who says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said that what I leave behind in terms of material things the not in dyrham, meaning
money, what I leave behind in terms of material things is not distributed as inheritance. And in the
narration of Muslim.
00:31:25 --> 00:32:11
			He basically says it was just a different verbiage that it is not distributed as inheritance, what I
leave behind my talk to what I leave behind after the immediate allowances of my family have been
deducted. And, or rather the allowances of my family that have already been set aside. And the
payments that have to be made to people have been set aside. Everything else remains soda. So
basically what the profits a lot of the time is the excluding in this particular narration is when
the profits a lot of them passed away the years worth of allowance that he would set aside for each
of his households. That was already deposited, if you will, if you want to think about it in our
00:32:11 --> 00:32:26
			terms, that money has already been deposited into the family's accounts. So what what this narration
is clarifying is that you will not go into the accounts of the family and withdraw from there.
What's been set aside in their names is not when their name,
00:32:27 --> 00:33:08
			but rather the things that are still left in my immediate possession. Those things are distributed,
those things are given in charity are not distributed as inheritance. Some of the other commentators
on this particular narration that is the most immediate, literal translation of this narration, the
most practical application of this narration, some commentators of the narration have said that what
this narration is alluding to is that the lands that were left behind, were primarily meant to serve
two purposes. Number one, they were meant to continue to be the allowance for the homes of the
prophets, a lot of the some of the families of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And number two, they
00:33:08 --> 00:33:46
			would serve as the allowance for the workers of the profits allowed him and the workers of the
profits, a lot of them would be those who would manage the affairs of the state after the prophets,
a lot of them. But the reason why that particular interpretation is a bit of a reach was because
after the passing of the prophets allottee, some, there had to actually be some figuring out about
what they were going to do in that situation, where Abu Bakar in the Allahu taala animals
conversation is very, very famous in that regard. And they had a whole logical process, what are we
going to do? And he said, Well, I have to support my family and he said, well, we'll take something
00:33:46 --> 00:34:20
			from Bateson, Marlin, there was a lot of discussion about that that discussion never would have
happened because of this Hadith, they would have just known. So that interpretation does not make
sense. And scholars have rejected it rather more. So what the prophets allowed me to missing
anything that I've already deposited into specific accounts, meaning the family's accounts, or that
have been paid out to people who were working on something like the people who used to collect the
Zakat and things like that, then that set aside but my more immediate belongings are not passed on
as inheritance. Rather they are donated into charity.
00:34:22 --> 00:34:34
			called masani. foo had the funnel Hassan ali ali halaal calahonda sana bishoujo Omar allows me to
Monica Anderson, and Monica rose.
00:34:35 --> 00:34:40
			Colored how to Allah Omar radi Allahu taala and who further Allah Allah
00:34:41 --> 00:35:00
			wa Taala How was sad well jallianwala bass, radi Allahu taala an image marine justice Imani for
Paula Houma Omar and shadow Camilla DB in the heater como sama. achala. Muna Anna Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a con la new Roku matar Akina, who sada
00:35:00 --> 00:35:22
			carlu Allahumma Nam, Philadelphia chrisitan taweelah. So this is again referring to the same story
we talked about earlier, where it's a little bit of a different viewpoint, where this particular
Sahabi Malik owes. He says that I was visiting armero the Allahu taala anhu when abderrahman when
talhah inside.
00:35:23 --> 00:35:32
			In this narration, he does not mention Jabez. The other one mentioned that, but it's just a
viewpoint. It's a narrative. Maybe he just did not recall the name at that time.
00:35:33 --> 00:35:52
			And they were also visiting when Ali and Abbas radi Allahu Allah Anima came to see Amara de la
Catalano and they were having a disagreement on what are the Allahu taala? And who said to them,
that I make God your witness, the one by whose command alone the skies and the earth remain intact?
00:35:54 --> 00:36:29
			That Do you not know and he was asking this question not only to those companions, but he also asked
this question to our boss and a leader the Allahu taala Hanuman they also confirmed that Do you not
know that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, meaning have been the prophets a lot of
them say that I do not leave anything material behind an inheritance. What we leave behind it
meaning the profits is sadaqa is charity. And they all responded a lot of men and they said
absolutely with allies are witnessed that is true. And then again, it says we're Philadelphia
crisanta Willa, very long story behind the narration which we talked about earlier.
00:36:30 --> 00:36:48
			Garland masani 400 Mohammed Abu Bashar Kala had the Santa Monica nama de calidad de la sufian. And
asked him about Allah and zero rubbish an eyeshadow the Allahu taala on her college mataranka
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Medina Ron
00:36:49 --> 00:37:33
			Mata Karasu lai salada Medina I don't want to determine why la schatten volibear eden Kala washoku
Phil Abdi well Amati in this generation, our shadow the Allahu taala on her, she says that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not leave DNR or dyrham, which is basically material things
or money, the not as gold and silver, he did not leave any gold or silver behind, nor did he leave
behind any goats or sheep or camel. And the narrator says that I do not recall if I shut up the
Allahu taala. Anna also mentioned slaves, that he did not leave any type of slaves behind us
possession either. And there's another narration in Bahati in which it is confirmed, where I showed
00:37:33 --> 00:38:15
			the Allahu taala and that says the entirety of it confirmed. She says my tadokoro slice allows
somebody not on what I determined when I shot and while I bear even while I've done what I am
attending, so the profits, a lot of them did not leave behind as inheritance any of these things.
And rather, but the one little note that emammal by Judy Rahim Allahu taala mentioned here is that
however, the one thing the prophets, a lot of them did leave behind to give us appreciation is that
the profits a lot isn't left behind. Many, many, many muhuali many freed slaves cathedra men are
Takai the profits allottee some left behind many freed slaves, there were so many people who are
00:38:15 --> 00:38:35
			known as abou raffia monado, chalet salatu salam, and so many different people, men and women who
are known as monado salicylate ism, they were the people freed by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. So that is part of the example the prophets, a lot of them left behind. Now,
00:38:36 --> 00:39:17
			the thing I wanted to mention here, in conclusion, is that after talking about this particular
subject matter, and this is the entirety of the chapter, so we've talked about the material
inheritance of the prophets, a lot of them what is its reality and its ruling. Now in terms of the
spiritual inheritance, of course, there is a very famous narration the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
says, not in my eyes, you will ambia We are the fraternity of prophets. And we're in the Gambia lm
UID through de nada determine. And the prophets Do not leave behind golden silver material things as
inheritance that's not what they pass on. What in my world Roku.
00:39:18 --> 00:39:25
			Rather, what they leave behind what they pass on is the knowledge of the religion from an aka who we
have in warfare.
00:39:27 --> 00:39:56
			And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whosoever takes from that knowledge and
guidance that the prophets of love is some left behind, then that person has really truly benefited
greatly from the legacy of the prophets. A lot of that is a true legacy of the messengers of Allah.
Allah Allah wa sallam via another narration mentions that the scholars are the inheritors of the
profits for these very for this very reason. And of course I boyhood eight out of the Allahu taala
I'm in a very beautiful narration.
00:39:57 --> 00:40:00
			It's mentioned that and the humara
00:40:00 --> 00:40:24
			sukan Medina Tifa wakasa Allah, Abu huraira, the Allahu taala who was passing through one of the
marketplaces in Medina sometime after the passing of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he stopped
there and just looked around at everybody just so entrenched you know in just what they were doing
for Allah Allah soak he said oh people of the marketplace my artists. What are you still doing here?
00:40:25 --> 00:40:53
			balumama Dhaka bahuvida Why? What do you mean what are we still doing here? Kala Dhaka me rasasi la
sala de cinema you Sammy? He said the inheritance of the profits a lot of these images being
distributed. One Two Hakuna Matata Hakuna Fatah hoodoo Nana ceiba caminho and you're sitting here
busy, and you're not going there and getting something for yourself some keepsake of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam you're missing out. By the way. aina Who are they said okay, where do we go?
00:40:54 --> 00:40:57
			color film machinery. He said it's in the machine
00:40:59 --> 00:41:41
			for her juicy Ronnie lol machine so everyone ran off to the machine will walk off for about $1 who
Mata Raja Allahu taala stood there and waited in the marketplace for people to come back. For Carla
whom Malika when they came back, he said So what happened? Darling Yaba Herrera foccacia Tina
Machida for the HANA falana Rafi Shea and yolks. amo says Ah, Bora. We went to the machine and we
didn't see anything being distributed there for Carla Houma boo hora de la kujala. Amara agent Phil
machine if I hadn't, you didn't see anybody in the machine. falabella No, no, of course there were
people there right now. Oh man, you saloon our common era una Purana la comunidad de la coruna
00:41:41 --> 00:42:06
			halala. Well, Rama we saw people praying we saw people reading and setting the Quran. We saw people
who are learning about their religion for color lahoma Buddha radi Allahu taala and who we have come
for Dhaka, Morocco Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said What's wrong with you people? That
is the inheritance, that is the legacy of the Messenger of God Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
00:42:08 --> 00:42:10
			So inshallah with that
00:42:12 --> 00:42:13
			that concludes the chapter.