Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 022 – Muhammad the Family Man & Renovation of the Kabah
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The Prophet sall Mazda is the main event and period of the Prophet's life, with major events and instances of his marriage and marriage being emphasized. prioritizing education for one's children and praying for their parents is emphasized, along with the use of rhetoric during busy times. The importance of finding pure wealth is emphasized, and the conversation touches on various narratives and topics related to the construction of the Kaaba. Speaker 1 discusses the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential for the virus to have a negative impact on the economy, but notes that the potential for infection is unclear. They also discuss the potential for treatments and treatments to be developed over the coming months.
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Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah
shala. Continuing on with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallaahu ani, he was sending a signal to Namibia.
In the last in the previous session we talked about the prophet or rather the last couple of sessions we've talked about the marriage of the prophets a lot of these alum to his beloved wife, Khadija radi Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased with her. And we talked about and discussed many different aspects of that marriage. What exactly happened, historically speaking, we talked about extracting some lessons in terms of why they married, how they married exactly what transpired in terms of that marriage. And then we also took a brief overview, a synopsis of the overall marriage of the life of the prophets, awesome to Khadija de la Han ha,
how long that marriage lasted. And exactly, you know, the children that were born from that marriage and some of what transpired overall, just as a brief overview, and of course, we'll be talking more about Khadija de la Mancha as we progress and as we move through the life in this era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because when we talk about the beginning of revelation in a few weeks, Khadija, the Allahu anhu played a very important role at the beginning of the way at the beginning of divine revelation. When we talk about some of the early sacrifices, the boycott and the Sherpa Vitaly will again talk about Khadija rhodiola 100 sacrifices will eventually talk about the passing
in the death of Khadija or the Aloha now, not only that, but when we move on even into the Medina and period whenever that may be, we'll also be talking about how, at different points in times during the Medina and period which is years and years, even so as much as a decade after the passing of Khadija, or the Allahu Allah, the prophet of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam continued to remember her and he continued to what we call an English honor her memory, where he remembered her and he would remember her very fondly, and he would speak about her and praise her years after she had passed away. But we'll talk about that when we come to that point. So we discussed how according to
the majority of narrations, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was 25 years old, at the time of his marriage to mean Khadija radi Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased with her.
The next 10 years of the prophets, Allah the sons life
are a period from the life of the process of a period in the cedaw, in which no major incidents are mentioned, there are no major incidents, events, occurrences, because you also have to understand that when, when you recount the life of a person, when you tell the life story, the biography of an individual, usually, the timeline of a biography is marked by major events and occurrences. So you don't literally document every single day that he woke up in the morning, and then he had breakfast, and then he went to work, and then he came home, then you took a nap, and then he ate evening, he ate dinner, and then you went to sleep, you don't document someone's life in that manner. Because
that is assumed. That's something that's assumed that's something that we generally know about. We will talk a little bit about what do we generally know about the life of the Prophet system, or mentioned in just a minute. But just I wanted to start off by, you know, kind of explaining that when you document someone's life, a biographical account, of someone of a person is marked by the timeline, when you look at it of someone's life, whose life has been documented, or been chronicled. It is done by marking the major events and occurrences and situations from the life of that person. And that basically forms a timeline. And those are the major things that you talk about, when we
talk about this particular phase of the life of the Prophet Salamis. And from the age of 25, to the age of 35. There are no major events, situations, occurrences, incidents, there's nothing major that occurred here.
But what that does is that tells us two things. There's even a lesson in that. The first thing I'd like to mention is what do we generally typically know about the prophets, a lot of them that what can we understand? Not just assume, but what can we draw as conclusions as to what was the tone of these 10 years, because these weren't just 10 years 25 to 35 is the prime of someone's life. So it's also kind of interesting that we don't have some major events, occurrences, situations circumstances during the prime of someone's life. But at the same time, what we also what we also have to take into account is while this is the prime of his life,
This is also the first 10 years of his marriage.
This is the first 10 years of his marriage. This is the first 10 years this is the 10 years in which he established a home and a family. He settled down, he built a marriage. He had majority of his children were born during this first 10 year period. So there's a lot of very interesting things. So based off of that, what we know generally speaking about the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Hey, to communicate openly, and he was the hero.
hydrocodone, hydrocodone lionni, that the best amongst you is the one who is the best amongst you to his family. So the best amongst you, the one that is the best person among people is the one who treats his family the best. What are the hadal, Haleakala knee, and the Prophet salani some says and I am the best to my family. When we look at some of the advice, the recommendations, the wisdom, the instruction, the guidance of the Prophet of Allah salatu salam, which we refer to as the Sunnah of the prompts are similar to Hadeeth. Right, the actual instruction and guidance from the prophet SAW Selim, when we look at that which was, which was after the Buddha after Prophet was much later on,
but it's still the prophets alumnus and making recommendations and giving advice. When we look at that when we read that when we listen to that, when we hear that, what we find is the profits a lot. He's emphasizing the family life, we see the profits a lot he's talking about, you know, sharing, quiet, private quality time with one spouse, we see the profits a lot. I'm talking about, literally, you know, intimately like how a couples when they share an intimate moment, the Prophet says I'm actually makes mention of, you know, feeding one's own wife with one owns with one's own hand intimately, right like intimately like sharing food. We see the prophets all seven talking about
eating together, we see the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam talking about even the physical intimacy, intimacy with one spouse, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is instructing Sahaba who are getting married, that even physical intimacy with one spouse should not be treated as a chore. It shouldn't be treated like going to the restroom where you just relieve your need. That the Prophet of Allah Allah tells us even physical intimacy with one spouse is not like relieving yourself in the restroom is not relieving yourself of a need, where you just go, you just get it done as soon as you can, and then you move about the rest of your business actually get back to something more
productive, but the Prophet of Allah ceylonese actually recommends to young Sahaba, who are getting married, to engage in more to basically to what when they engage in physical intimacy with their spouse, to engage wholeheartedly to put time into that to invest energy and time into that, basically what is referred to as and this is kind of an adult topic, and I realized that, but there's really no way else to mention this. But the prophet of Allah salatu salam talks about engaging in foreplay, when when approaching one spouse for physical intimacy,
that it shouldn't just be *, but rather the prophets, Allah ism recommends, very strongly very adamantly recommends to the Sahaba to engage in foreplay. So we see the Prophet of Allah salon ism, emphasizing the relationship with one spouse. We see the Prophet of Allah ceylonese and talking about that even if you are Mashallah religiously inclined and spiritually motivated, that the Prophet of Allah syllogism says that a Baba and worship doesn't necessarily have to be something that you have to depart yourself from your family from. But it's something that can actually be done as a family activity, where the Prophet of Allah salatu salam would wake up his own family members
in the night when you would offer the prayer in the night. The Prophet of Allah loves him even taught Muslims he taught us that when you wake up to pray in the night and you find your spouse asleep, then wake them up to pray with you. What I like a bit Salatu was Salam ala Alia, that not only should you pray, but you should tell your family to pray, the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam would offer the photo, the the obligatory prayers, the three kothamangalam that we just offered, he would come in, he would offer that in the masjid in congregation in jamala. But the two soon afterwards that we've raised the Prophet of Allah ciloxan would go back home and pray that with
his family,
he would go back home and he would offer that with his family he would pray that in the home in the house,
the prophet of Allah salon isn't recommended spending time with one's family. It was part of his own sinner that after Salaam to Lhasa after engaging in some of God in remembrance of Allah, the prophet of Allah celibacy would actually go and visit the homes of his wives after Salaam to Lhasa which is the daytime he wouldn't just wait till it was 10pm at night and then finally return home once everybody's already asleep and the wife is basically just waiting up so that you can get home so that you know she can give you some food.
or whatever it is. And everybody just passes out the process of when do that during the daytime during the daytime after us so he would go and he would check on his family How's everybody doing? How's everything going? How was your day? What's going on with you? What about you? You know what's going on with this What's going on? He would engage with his family during the actual daytime, the daylight hours. The Prophet of Allah salon isn't one of his son no was the A Lula was the after was the noon time nap, he would go home and he would take that nap at home. So you would actually it's like lunch break during your lunch break in the process and during his lunch break would actually go
home and spend that time with the family at home. These are all from the center of the process. And in fact, we have this documented from the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam during the Medina years.
Not just the Moroccan years, but even the Medina years. Meaning what?
during the muddiman years of profits, so someone's not just a profit not just ended up being not just our school. He's not just the Imam. He's not just a more
and the Muslims
in the watershed, but the Prophet of Allah Salaam ism, that he's not just the Imam and the teacher and the leader, and the the trainer, the spiritual trainer, but the Prophet says on top of everything is the head of state. He's running a government, he's running an entire Islamic state, in Al Madina, munawwara the blessing city of Medina. And in spite of all of that he's still look just look what I described. eating food at home with the family, going home and visiting the family in the afternoon time, going and praying in the cinema with the family, waking up in the middle of night and offering prayers with the family engaging in physical intimacy. Again, like I said, not
just like using the restroom, just not just relieving a need, but the profit of Alyssa lightsome actually treats it as quality, private, intimate time with his spouse to do that every single day while running an Islamic State and being in a being that will soon have a line being the Imam of his people. It's unbelievable. It's remarkable. But that only happens when it's a priority for you. When you prioritize it, the process of would engage in the education of his children himself. Again we have the account of the later years. By that time most of his children were grown up but that the speed that we after after Allah Subhana Allah hamdu Lillah Allahu Akbar that we offer in the morning
in the evening to suit to say that this via before going to sleep at night. Where did that come from? It's called that the speed of Fatima
at this V fall to me, that this be her Fatima it's that the speed that the process of taught to his own daughter Fatima has an Hussein they were taught the deen by their grandfather, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he taught them how to pray. Doku Tina's Allah Allah Medina human herdade Where did that come to us from is narrated by Hassan, the grandson of the promises. He says, My grandfather the Messenger of Allah Rasool Allah, may Allah May Allah sponsor showers Peace and blessings upon him. He's the one that taught me the coup de nada la mattina Femina date ate.
So the process of even taught the dean to his own family.
So that we see that the process of had a very strong emphasis on family life. So based on what we know about the Messenger of Allah syllogism, even later in his life,
you can just imagine how invested the prophet SAW sent him was into spending time with his family during the early years of his family life during the early years of his marriage. During the you know, the birth and the formative stages of his own children. He was there for them, you spending time with them. So the fact that there isn't a huge, like, there aren't many, many huge events and details that are mentioned in recent years, aside from the decree of Allah subhanaw taala that nothing major happened, but we can also we can read into it. And actually classical scholars of the Sierra do mentioned this fact that we can understand about that is that during this time, the
profitsystem was so heavily invested into his family life, that there wasn't a lot of time for him to be politically active or doing something major outside, but he was focused in between his family life and in between, of course, making a living and earning a living he continued doing business and that was basically the the majority the bulk of the time to which the process of dedicated his time. Now of course, once the share of the profits a lot SLM once the Dean was fully revealed there was rather being revealed. And as spiritual obligations were being revealed, then we were commanded and we were taught, and the prophets a lot was swept in Hezekiah was the ultimate exemplar was the best
example on how to implement spirituality within that framework, that how to pray five times a day and do this be indicative of a law and recitation of the Quran and contribute something to your community, along with family time and family obligations and being a responsible father and husband and earning a living a halaal living the profit of
Lots of lots of them says, guests will halali for the Florida to battle for
the Prophet of Allah salatu salam says
that earning a lawful income is an obligation after the spiritual main obligations, meaning, it's also an obligation upon the father and a husband to earn a lawful income. So the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam was primarily engaged in this during this early time of his life. And so, I told you two things, not only is that something that we can naturally understand, and we can draw from these 10 years 25 to 35. This time, this lifetime, this time from the life of the prophets is lovely to them, that he was very much preoccupied with his family, and doing the therapy and spending time and raising and building a home and a family.
But the second thing that we can also understand from this is that the Prophet of Allah ceylonese him, this was his primary engagement and activity. And oftentimes, you know, and this rhetoric, unfortunately, is very,
is very prevalent in our communities. This is something I've spoken about a number of times before, even here that we have some very unfortunate rhetoric. In our community, a lot of times that it's very prevalent in our community, where time spent with the family or time invested into one's own family is considered as downtime. It's considered as unproductive time, it's considered time that could have been, you know, better invested into something else. Now, that goes back and depends on the perspective of the individual, the priorities of the individual, if somebody is very materialistically, focused, like somebody is very focused on worldly success, I put that in
quotation marks, because that's a definition of a person of success. It's not the Islamic or Quranic definition of success, right. But when somebody is very focused on being successful, from a worldly perspective, then when somebody is working overtime, and working a side job and doing this and doing that, and enrolling into a graduate program, and doing all of this during the early years of a person's marriage, and when they're having kids and their kids are small, basically being an empty absentee husband or father, then that's considered somebody who's motivated somebody who's ambitious, versus that if there's another person, a friend, or a brother, or a cousin or somebody
else, who just basically works his nine to five to be able to put food on the table for his family, and be as responsible husband and father financially speaking, but then would much rather invest any and all extra time into his family, and spending time with one family and teaching his own children how to read and spending time with his own kids and his own wife, then that person is considered lazy, that's persons considered to be not very career oriented. Yeah, he's not because he's family oriented,
which is a much better investment of a person's time.
But then that same rhetoric also exists in amongst people who are more religiously inclined,
that if somebody you know, praise their for, comes to the masjid to pray Salah Benjamin, as much as they can, you know, preferably five times a day, but you know, practically speaking, if somebody is going to work during the daytime, so they come from fudger. And then they come back and mulgrave and maybe come for a shot, Laura Nasir, they're usually at work or something like that. They just pray their father either in the masjid, they come to Juma for the masjid. And you know, just a little here and there, maybe attend some type of a holiday or a class or a program on the weekend as a family. But outside of that any and all extra time that they have, they would much rather again
spend that at home, reset core on it with their children at home, you know, teach the into their own family at home, spend quality time as a family together, that if they're willing to do that, then once again, that person is considered not to be very community oriented.
Yeah, they're not because they're going once again, they're family oriented, which I would argue is actually being more community oriented. Because the community is just a network of healthy families. And when we have unhealthy families, and we have broken homes, in the community, that's a very unhealthy community. And that actually brings more problems back to the community. So it's actually more detrimental to to the community.
But such a person that's considered to be not very spiritually inclined, or not very, you know, active in the community and somebody who's not very involved or not very religiously motivated, and that's actually very, very incorrect, because that person is investing into the aka foo and foo, Sakuma and eco nado Save yourselves and your families from the fire of *. That's our first and foremost responsibility. I shared this with the students that I was teaching these two, that when I was reading to them, the ijazah the son of the Hadith, that I was teaching them, I pointed out something very interesting that for the first
generations, almost 20 generations through which Hadith came to us, you find the majority of the narrator's of these a hadith saying that my father, I heard this hadith from my father, I heard this hadith from my mother, I heard this hadith from my grandfather, I heard this hadith from my older brother, I heard this hadith from my uncle, you actually find more of that. And then you notice in the last five to seven generations, that stops happening,
where it's more of I heard this hadith from my teacher.
And whereas there's nothing wrong with of course, maybe if your father is not a scholar, you're eventually going to have to go on and learn Deen from someone else. But it's a very, very interesting observation that for the first so many 100 years, right for the majority of our history as an oma knowledge, so basically, these were scholars, but before they were passing their knowledge out, they were distributing their knowledge, they were giving their knowledge, teaching there and to random strangers, they were actually first and foremost teaching it to their own children, that the early the early generation of scholars, the classical scholars, their their main students, when they
would pass their primary students and their main students often used to be their own kids, their own children, their own grandchildren.
And so it was a very family oriented approach to Dean.
So we see that from the life of the process of them that one of the also this is a very fair and this is a very astute
observation, and in the wisdom of Jim that is extracted by the classical scholars about this time period, this life, this, this time, from the life of the Prophet of Allah, civilize him from the age of 25, to 35. That another reason why there aren't some major incidents or events to narrate, it's because the process of them was very heavily invested into his own family. And that's why what I said last week was the Prophet of Allah Salaam, is also often has Allah is the ultimate role model. But you know what the thing about being a role model is
if if I haven't experienced what you are going through, like So for instance, if somebody in medical school, somebody is becoming a doctor, I can't be a role model for him in terms of medicine, like I can't advise him in terms of his medical career. I can't, I have no credibility. I have no knowledge. I have no background, even if I tried to, that would actually be very foolish on my part, because I have no credibility. How am I supposed to tell him you know where to apply for residency or what type of programs or what's a specialized and I have no idea, I don't know anything about medicine, I would tell him to go and speak to another medical doctor. Right, so the Prophet of Allah
salon he sent him to be our role model in life, and to be our advisor and family. it necessitates it necessitates that the Prophet of Allah syllogism be the ultimate family man.
For him to be able to give us marriage advice, it necessitates that he'd be the best husband that ever walked the face of this earth. In order for him to tell us how to raise our kids. it necessitates that the Prophet of Allah ceylonese and be the best father of all time.
that he'd be the most amazing father that ever walked the face of this earth.
And that's exactly who the Messenger of Allah syllogism was. And I'll end this little, you know, rant, if you will, by by saying that by ending where I started Kaito Kaito calmly and he were unafraid to calmly Lee, that the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him said that the best amongst you is the one who is the best to his family. And I am the best amongst you to my family, I treat my family the best, I treat my family better than everybody else. And that's why the Messenger of Allah loves him was our role model. So from the age of 25, to 35, we don't have any major incidents or events or occurrences from the life of the prophets, I send them but even there,
there's even then there's a lesson, and there's some wisdom for us to extract. And that is basically what we just talked about.
So after having said that, we are basically fast forwarding to the Prophet of Allah salatu salam at the age of 35.
So now we're going to be talking about the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam at the age of 35. That is where a major event and an incident occurred with the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wasallam. This is of course, still pre Prophethood prina Buddha, but something very interesting.
If you remember in the earlier sessions on the Sierra, talking about before the birth of the prophets a lot, he said them and if you weren't able to attend or listen to those particular sessions, you can go back to the recording to the podcast, and particularly the sessions that are labeled as
the well of Zamzam and the army of the elephants. If you go back and you listen to that, one thing that we talked about that we
That was specifically pointed out that that comes from the classical text on the Sierra the life of the prophet SAW Selim, is that immediately very close in the years leading up to and even the months leading up to the birth of the Prophet of Allah Salafi some, some very very interesting things happened. The Well of Zamzam was rediscovered, and the scholars say that that was not a coincidence.
That is not a coincidence that the well of Zamzam was rediscovered shortly before the birth of the process, because it was assigned foretelling of the coming of the Prophet of Allah Salaam, to some of those kind of like the gates of Baraka and blessing being reopened upon humanity to welcome the birth of the Prophet of Allah salatu salam, in the months leading up to the birth of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the invasion by the army of the elephants abraha and his army of elephants occurred once and then they were dispatched. They were basically defeated, they were taken care of again, very miraculously, once again, not a coincidence. This occurred again as a major sign,
foretelling of the coming of the Prophet of Allah syllogism, that the doors of the Buttercup, the blessing and the miracles of Allah subhanho wa Taala, manifesting themselves on the face of this earth was being initiated, so that again to welcome the birth of the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him.
Similarly, we have some, a major incident taking place years ago in the years leading up to the beginning of divine revelation when,
again, as a welcoming and as a foretelling of the doors of divine revelation being reopened for the last and the final time upon humanity. And that that would be the revelation, divine inspiration and the revelation of the Quran, to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. So when the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam was about 35 years old, one of the major events that occurred in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was the
renovation of the Kaaba.
And in fact, from what we're going to discuss today, it wasn't just simply a renovation, but rather it was a complete reconstruction of the Kaaba, a complete reconstruction of the Baitullah. So there are a few different variations which give us different pieces of the puzzle. Some of the historians mentioned that overall, just due to you know, the time passing by that the GABA the beta law, and had been many, many, many, many years, possibly centuries, since the beta Lawson's Aqaba had been renovated or reconstructed in any way, shape or form. So the wear and tear had been very bad upon the beta law upon the Kaaba. And so overall, it was just starting to fall apart. Secondly, on top of
that, we have another narration mentioned by eminence Hawk, that
that what happened at that time was the GABA the Beatle I used to be very, like if you've ever visited the GABA or even if you've seen a picture, one of the very thing very first things you'll notice about the beta law, and I'm talking about the beta, the Kava Kava to sharifah itself, one of the very first things that you'll notice about it is it is very, very tall.
It's very, very tall. But back in those days, it was basically a third of the height that it is right now.
So the history or even less than that, actually. So the historians mentioned that it was about seven arm's length, six to seven arm lengths, or so that would basically be six to seven meters high. And that was the height of the beta law of the Kaaba. At that time, the time of the of the early years of the Prophet have lost a lot he sent him.
Now due to that, when you go to the beta law, one of the things that you notice is because it is so tall and it's so high that the door the Bob, the door of the GABA is also very, very high, it's elevated. But because the GABA itself was a lot shorter was was less than a third of the height that it is today. The door was also a lot lower. So the door was basically at grounds length. And what had happened because of that was unfortunately, the GABA one some of the books of history mentioned is that unfortunately very unfortunately did the Kaaba had been broken into
the Kaaba had been broken into, and because all of Arabia considered to be considered to be so sacred. They considered it to be so sacred, even though they were idol worshippers and idolatrous But nevertheless, they can still consider it to be very sacred. Nobody would dare ever violate the covenant this way nobody would break into it. And on top of that, in fact, it's also mentioned in the books of history, that the the
shikun whatever fund, whatever public fund that they had for the GABA, the Kaabah Fund, the whatever fund that they had, which was gold and silver, and some valuables, they actually used to go ahead and just keep it in the Kaaba. Because that was the safest place where you could put it because nobody would dare violate the GABA. They were much too scared, they respected a way too much to violate it. So they would keep the the the goods, the funds inside of there, the golden silver inside of there. So somebody had actually broken and broken into it, and stolen some of the funds of the Kaaba, some of the Golden silver that was stashed inside. So then you have a second reason.
Number one, it was becoming dilapidated. Number two, somebody actually broke into it and robbed it, looted it.
Number three, the books of history also mentioned that there were some floods in Macau at that time,
that they had some very, very torrid rains during in MCI. During that time, they had some very, very bad weather and muck had started to flood.
And because of that, as well, the walls of the cabinet become severely damaged, do dad basically received a lot of water damage to the point where it was leaking. And they were they were worrying about, you know, water leaking into the cabin and becoming flooded and just becoming, you know, destroyed over time. So with all these factors combined, they said, it's about time that we reconstructed the Kaaba, we got to fix it. And this wasn't just simple patchwork, because the walls had become so severely damaged, they realized that they basically had to reconstruct it, they would have to tear it down, and they would have to build it back up again.
But that was a problem. Because again, they considered it to be so sacred.
They were very nervous about doing so. And you also have to take into consideration the simple fact that these, these were not people who, whose belief system was based upon any type of, you know, theology or belief system, these were very superstitious idol worshipping people.
So they were very nervous about making any major changes to the Kaaba, even if it be for, you know, reconstructing it and solidifying the structure. They said, if we tear it down, what if we're punished by God, by the by the idols or by the gods? And what if bad things happen to us, and so they're very superstitious. So now they realize they got to do something about it. But nobody's willing to actually do something about it.
At this point in time, the inventions actually a few very, very interesting narrations.
One of one of the men of British who is actually a distant relative of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was basically the uncle, the maternal uncle of the father of the Prophet of Allah sala de Sena. So he was the brother of the prophets, Elisa Lam's grandmother, the processes, Jeddah, his grandmother from his father's side, this was his grandmother's brother. So he was the process of his great uncle.
He finally stood up. And they were having discussions and they'd been discussing this literally for days, but nobody would actually kind of get up and get started, because they were just so terrified. And they were scared to do anything that he finally stood up and he said, I'll be the very first one, I'm going to go ahead and get this started. And he basically went and one of the walls that was literally falling apart, he grabbed one of the stones, one of the rocks and moved it from its place.
Now, something very interesting two books of Sierra the books of history in these there are many of these narrations are actually authenticated.
It mentioned something very interesting that when he removed his, this, this, this stone from its place
it and he put it down on the ground, it basically the stone on its own, moved, literally flew back and lodged itself back into the place where it had been removed. And you can imagine, so now these Quraysh, the people of MK are all there, they're already nervous, are already very, very scared of approaching, you know, reconstructing the GABA. And one of them finally says, look, we're doing it for the good of the garbage itself. What's the problem? You know, this, this shouldn't really be a problem. And he goes, and he grabs
a stone from there. And the stone literally flies back into its spot and lodges back into its place. Now they're completely freaked out. Now, they're like, what do we do?
And so, what he says at that time is, he explained to them, and this might have just been his own personal philosophy. But he basically explained to them he says that
grace, listen, this is a sign from a lot. This is a sign from God, from the rub of this bait
that we need to approach the reconstruction of the Kaaba very carefully.
And it gives them a strategy says number one, we're not going to tear it all down all at once. We're going to, like almost reconstructed a piece at a time, we're going to take it down one wall at a time, and reconstruct it and then go take the other wall down and reconstruct and take the third wall down, etc. So we're going to do this bit by bit, piece by piece, to see more respectful. Number two, he says that this stone flying back into its place is assigned from a law for the simple fact that only pure can be put into this reconstruction of the Kaaba, because we've talked about and again, you can go back and listen to the earlier sessions. But what was the condition of the Arab,
specifically in Mecca, and specifically the place before the before the birth of the prophecies, I mean, even during that early years of the Prophet of Allah syllogism, what was kind of their conditioning, what was their state, that they were basically people who stole a lot, who were heavily involved in users, transactions, they were involved in interest in rebar, they were, you know, very heavily involved in different types of, you know, shamelessness, prostitution was a big business at that time, these to gamble a lot different things like this. So basically, a huge stream of their money and their income was coming from bad places, what we would refer to as hom income.
So he says to them at that time that we need to make sure we put pure wealth into this. So everybody needs to go back find good pure wealth that they can find, that doesn't have any effects or influences of interest, Riba, alcohol sales, usury, gambling, prostitution, stealing, none of this is involved, it's pure income, and gather as much as you can together and bring it and we're basically going to invest that into the combine into the Baitullah.
Now, one obvious lesson that comes from this, and this is very prominently mentioned by the scholars, that this was the ethics and the morals and the the the awareness of consciousness that the mushy Guna, maka had about what type of wealth to put into the beta line to the garba, into a house of God. And so we as the owner of the profits, a lot of this, I'm now having the complete Dean, and obviously realizing that these types of incomes or sources of income are obviously haram and impermissible, how careful should we be about the type of wealth that we put into the house of Allah, that we should be very careful of, we should be very particular. And we should make no
mistake that it has an effect on the overall Buttercup and blessing of our work, and of our community. That indirectly depends on the type of wealth that we invest into it.
And we have to be very careful that we don't create some type of a culture or mentality a mindset of, you know, like people who are involved in like,
people were involved in like money laundering, or they're involved in gambling or crime, or selling drugs or doing bad things I got, they usually try to have their money. Like, they need somebody to basically kind of legitimize their money. They look for somebody to kind of I wouldn't know this from personal experience, just clarifying that right? I've seen, I've watched TV just like everybody else. So but typically what you see or what we what we hear, what we've been told is that they basically look for somebody to be able to legitimize their money for them. That how their money can become legit can become legitimate. All right, so they don't get busted, they don't get caught, we
have to make sure that we don't turn Masjid and Islamic organizations into that type of a filter for people, at least in the minds of people. It doesn't work at that type of filter, if I sell alcohol, or if I steal money from people, or if I engage in a hot on business, then if I come and just donate that into the machine, it doesn't automatically now remove sin from me. It's not like some type of purification process. It doesn't work that way. But we have to make sure we don't enable that type of behavior in the community either. And so we don't want at the same time we're not we don't create a culture of where we investigate people. We're not the FBI. All right, we have to make sure we
don't become the Muslim FBI. We don't go around investigating people. But we just have to have education, you have to have awareness. And we cannot shy away from the fact that we're we have to emphasize to our community that earn a lawful form of income islamically speaking spiritually lawful form of income, and when you bring money to the masjid to the community, to South Africa to charity, then also bring the purest of your wealth.
Bring pure income, because this is a spiritual religious cause. The Moshe Kona maka had more sense than that.
idol worshipers had greater sense in that. So we have to be very conscious of that fact. So this is the strategy that it gives them we're going to do a bit by bit piece at a time
Number two, we're going to be very conscious and very careful about the type of money that we're going to bring here to basically invest in construct and renovate the Kaaba the vitola. So this is kind of the strategy strategy with which they approach it
just before so that I tackle little pizza time, what time of Santa Lucia
915 Okay, we'll go for about 10 more minutes inshallah. So, now they begin the process now, what do we what do they do? So the books of sealer, the books of has history actually mentioned that
the very first thing that they Well, first of all, obviously, a fight breaks out.
Before I actually even go there, some of the books of Sierra, some of the books of Sierra even mentioned that one of the other things that occurred in order to emphasize that these machines don't have to be very careful about the reconstruction of the Kaaba, and to only bring the purest of their wealth in reconstructing the Kaaba was that when they initially started kind of approaching it, to reconstruct it, that at that time, there was a well,
there was a well that was near the Kaaba, not the well of Zamzam. It's talked about, but another Well, that was near the Kaaba, that had been empty and kind of boarded up and abandoned well, for quite a long, long time. That a huge snake, like a serpent.
Like an anaconda type of looking thing, right, like a huge snake came bursting out of that, well, that boarded up that abandoned well. And it basically started circling around the Kaaba.
It started circling on the cover, and one of the narrations actually says that it was going up and down over the walls of the Kaaba. And there's even some of the books of history actually mentioned what it looked like, right had a black head and a white, or the underbelly of the snake was white, and the body of the snake was black.
And the head of the snake was really huge. And whenever anybody would try to even come close or come near it, it would actually lift its head up, and it would hiss at them, and it would open its mouth at that person. So it was scaring and frightening to people away.
And, again, when that basically happened, they that they took that as another sign as to we need to be careful. And we need to be cautious about how to approach the reconstruction of the GABA. And they basically eventually kind of made kind of a pact amongst themselves. And they announced it, like almost like announcing it to that snake, saying that we will only put pure wealth here and we'll be very careful. And we'll do it bit by bit, piece by piece, little by little and be very cautious and careful and respectful in reconstructing the Kaaba. And what happened at that time was they say that the snake basically receded away from there and just kind of disappeared out into the
wilderness. One other narration actually mentioned that a huge bird, like a condor type of looking bird flew in from the sky, snacks up that snake and then took it away. Well, Allahu taala, Allah, Allah knows best. But these are some of the accounts that are mentioned in the books of history. Nevertheless, they understood that they needed to be careful.
Alright, so that being said, Now a fight broke out. Obviously, you can assume what the fight was about. Right? The fight was who's going to do the reconstruction of the Kaaba. So each of the major families
they serve by new ID and benaki lab and Banu Hashim. And now they're all fighting.
And they're saying that we were going to do it, we're going to do we're going to do it, someone saw that some of the books of history actually mentioned that they started taking blood oaths. They started taking blood oath where what they would do is they would literally, like you know, cut themselves and go and you know, stamp their blood onto the gabaa. And they will take an oath saying that, as you know, we swear by this house, that we will be the ones who will reconstruct this he started taking blood oath. And they actually started to kind of affiliate like, ally with each other. So the two other tribes are getting together and saying, Okay, look, boo Hashem. They're the
big dogs. But no Hashem, they're the guys that are that are the real threat here. All right, we have to worry about them. So why don't we ally together and we'll defeat the Banu Hashim together, and then we'll get to reconstruct the Kaaba together. So it started getting that bad.
So what do we do? So it said that one of the least senior leaders of Mecca when he been leader,
he actually stood up and he said that we're all going to do this together. We're all going to do this together. And what he does is, he says that each tribe will be given a portion.
Each family, each family or each tribe
will be given a
portion of the GABA that they will reconstruct. And so, everybody that way has a share has a stake and there even is Hawk actually mentions that the door the side of the door of the Gobbo was given to bewafa, munaf and banasura and between the
s word and the Leukemia money that was given to bernama zoom and Acaba in, in some of the Kaaba operation, we're joined with them, the backside, the opposite side of the Kaaba from the door. So whenever it says GABA, it means that the wall of the Kaaba that has the door, the opposite side of that, so the other side that was given to the bunu, Juma and bunu. Sam, and then the, the the side of the hedgehog, the side of the hedgehog, which is basically where the Hatim is, if you ever visited the cowboy or even if you go and take a look online, you have that you have the Hatim that is originally Porsche part of the gabab. And it was left out of the construction. So that's why when
we do tell Off we go from around it. And that's why we're encouraged to try to go and pray there inside of the Hatim because if you pray inside of the Hatim it's like it says If you prayed inside of the Kaaba, so that portion of the Hatim was given to bunu I'd even cab All right, and these were their portions that were given to them. Now everybody's happy. Everybody's okay. Everybody's Alright. Okay, everybody's gonna get to take part in this. So it was just a compromise. All right.
But now they're back at square one.
Because whatever narration you would like to take from that, whether the stone flying back into its place, or a snake and a bird and all this stuff happening, they're freaked out.
So now that it's time to actually do something, they're all just kind of sitting around being like, Alright, Bismillah Go ahead, guys. You guys get started. They're like, don't you get started? You go ahead, please, please. Right. So they're all hope holding the door open for each other. Like, you go ahead, you go ahead. No, no, you go ahead, brother. You go ahead. Right. So now they're all martial law, very courteous a little while ago, they were like taking blood oaths, and I'm gonna kill you and I'm killing your family. And they're like, No, you first No, please do first. Right? Cuz they're all freaked out. So finally, we'll leave in the leader. He says, Well,
I'll start.
And he grabs an axe or a hammer and he goes up there and he gets started. He kind of breaks off a little chunk of the wall and starts to kind of tear it down and break it down. And he goes, he goes ahead and get started.
And he does a little bit because it's this literally happens in the evening all day long. They've been saying you go No, you go. No, you go. I gotta use a you use the restroom real quick. You got to get started. We'll be right back. Right. Oh, it's lunchtime. So what are we gonna do? We're gonna have lunch now. Right? So they've been making excuses all day long. And so finally evening time comes we'll even Molina so frustrated. So he gets up and he just get started. But he didn't get too much done before it's dark.
Now what they all say is they're like, Alright, let's see what happens tonight. Because if something bad happens him tonight, that means we shouldn't do it. So he's now the guinea pig, the test. You know, the the he's the he's the, he's the test product. So they decide, let's see what happens with him. morning time comes. And bright and early in the morning. The very first person who shows up for the reconstruction project is Walid Molina, he's fine, he's healthy. He says I had a great night's sleep got really good rest. I'm really excited to kind of, you know, resume with the reconstruction of the Kaaba, and everybody sees, okay, he's all good, nothing happened to him. So this must be
The rub of the bait must be pleased with this. So then they go ahead and get started. It also actually mentioned in a narration that when we were Lehman, Molina stands up. And he goes to kind of, you know, take the first part of that wall down. He says along my lateral along my inner line leader,
he says that you basically speaking to the rub of the bait, he says that we don't mean any offense, please don't be offended by what we're doing. We only want to do Hey, we only want to better this bait better the Kaaba, better the house of God. And so now they begin the reconstruction of the Kaaba. And you know, they, they proceed with the reconstruction, and it's all going very, very well. Now, here comes another very interesting thing. So when they kind of tear, you know, the, they're tearing the wall down and they get to the base of the wall.
They get to the base of the wall.
They basically hit with the books of Sierra and the books of Hadith mentioned as the assassin of Ibrahim Ali.
They reached the foundation that Ibrahim Ali Salam had laid the original foundation. And here there's a little bit of a side topic and aside
I'm going to save this basically for next week. But there's even a whole discussion and a whole little if you will like a topic about the overall history of the GABA. When was the foundation of the GABA originally laid? and by whom was it laid? Was it laid before Ibrahim Ali Salaam or not? And what about, you know, their narrations which talk about different prophets visiting the place of the Kaaba, and all of that leading up to the time of the prophets, a lot of them and then even kind of giving a brief history and account as to what happened in the first 100 years after the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam in the first century of Islam. What basically occurred with the GABA that
brought it to the place, and the general structure of where we see it today. I'm not talking about the outside area, the masjid al Haram, that of course, you know, it's updated every decade or so. That's different. Right? I'm talking about the GABA and GABA to sharifah. itself, the more about the square itself. All right, so talking about that. So what I'll do next week is inshallah I'll touch on that topic, where overall discussing the history of the Kaaba, when it was laid the foundation, how it went through different phases of construction. And in the first century of Islam, some major things happen with the GABA, which eventually concluded with it being in the form that we see it the
general basic form that we see. We see it in today. All right, but nevertheless, here, when they kind of started to tear down, they reached the base of the wall, they reach the size of Ibrahim,
the Risa Foundation, I was liberibacter him on a Salaam. And so some of the narrations, any mumble hottie talks about this as well, Mr. bayhealth. He speaks about this in a lot of detail. And of course, even as Hakan. The other historians speak about this in a lot of detail that they described that foundation, they described that assess, and they say that they were green colored rocks. Now whether they had become green over time, or whatever it was, but they were kind of greenish in color. All right, that they were green, greenish colored rocks, and that they were kind of Jagat, they were rough. And they were kind of jagged. And they were they were kind of pinned up against
each other. So they weren't straight rocks. So that tells you that's something very practical. As you can imagine, at the time of Ibrahim Ali Salaam, when he was laying the foundation of the GABA, he really couldn't actually go and buy a bunch of bricks, right? Couldn't couldn't put it into an order for a bunch of bricks. So the nap straight bricks lay down. So they were they were in the mountains. Nobody lived there, he didn't have a lot of tools. So they basically took whatever rocks and stones they could find and just kind of started piecing them and puzzling them together. So when they get there, these are all these jagged rocks that are kind of, you know, leaned up against each
other and supporting each other. And there were kind of greenish mold ish and color. And they were and they described them as
a snap. They were almost like teeth. Like imagine kind of like crooked, jagged teeth. That's what they were like.
And when they reached that they tried to kind of grab that with their hands, but they had been there for so long, that they really couldn't move them. They couldn't make them budge.
So they basically gave up on and they said you know what? This foundation seems really really solid. Seems like it's kind of like settled into the earth now. It's like a basically a part of the ground now. Why don't we Why are we messing with this? Why don't we just leave it leave it and we'll build from on top of it. solid foundation to mess with that.
One the narration says even as hoch mentions Izzy mambi happy mentions is that
a man came
kind of saying he brought like a big like some type of a tool like a big, you know, iron rod or something like that. And he says, I'm gonna fix this. Here. Let me show you how it's done. So he brings his big iron rod in in gems and in between two of the rocks and he tries to deny you do with a crowbar. So he jams it in there and he starts slamming on it trying to crack them out of place. And then the narration says that as soon as he does that, he starts like kind of trying to crack it into place. He said that the entire earth in Mecca shook
the entire earth like the ground the whole city of Makkah shock like it caused like a mini earthquake. It was like a warning sign
the back off, leave it be and as soon as the earth shook, Makkah shock literally. They all told him to like this and take it either guy does like a lot but no, just like a lot. Right? Thanks. But no, thanks. All right, we'll be okay. So they basically told him to back off and all of the Asian Americans, everybody that was there for the construction decided this and of course they identified with it but our family Sam, they knew they were conscious. They knew we brought him Elisa Ramos. So they said this must be the foundation laid by our great great, great, great grandfather, Ibraheem alehissalaam and so we should leave it be this the sacred This is
This is sacred. And this is something that obviously the rub of the bait does not want us to disturb, and we should leave it be. And they basically left that as it was and they started constructing and building. On top of that, we'll go ahead and we're going to stop here. Next week we'll continue on with the construction, the reconstruction of the garba. And we'll talk about what happened. There's, of course, that very famous, some people might already know the very famous story of the completion of the reconstruction of the GABA, that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
you know, was basically the centerpiece of he was, he was very instrumental in the final part of the reconstruction of the Kaaba, and we'll talk about all that inshallah next week, and then we'll also give the brief historical account of the beta law of the Kaaba in next week's session as well. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us the ability to practice everything we've said and heard. I mean, last month, I grant his true love for Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam