Abdul Nasir Jangda – Romance Vs Violence Webinar With Yaser Birjas

Abdul Nasir Jangda
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The hosts of a food webinar discuss the use of spouses and the Prophet's use of them, emphasizing caution and privacy practices in relationships. They stress the need for emotional maturity and commitment in marriage, along with protecting one's rights and privacy. The speakers also touch on domestic violence and the challenges of avoiding marriage, while offering advice on addressing these issues and recommending education on taboo and cultural acceptance. They urge parents to educate their children about taboo and acknowledge the negative consequences of not being aware of it.

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			So I wanted to come up with a letter, but I got to. I'd like to welcome all the brothers and sisters
who are joining us for this webinar program. Today we have a very special program that's been
organized for you.
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			We have to shift to chefs to speakers on the topic that we are going to split today, which is
romance is violence. Our first chef is going to be chef Yasser Burgess, and he's going to discuss
the importance of the prophetic way of treating our spouses.
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			And Our second speaker, inshallah, who will be a mom of the Nasir, and his topic of discussion is
going to be how to maintain a healthy home. After our two speakers have given their presentations,
we will have a chance for questions and answers, which the brothers sisters can participate in by
sending an email to I'll give you the email address, in case you have any questions you'd like to
send email address is QA
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			at more n o u r dash d v.org.uk.
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			There's also the ability to I think add some questions as we're going on the program. So it does
have any questions please do send us the emails and inshallah we will try to cover those
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			Bose speakers roughly we'll talk for 30 minutes in Sharla within 30 to 45 minutes and inshallah We
will begin with our first speaker, Chef yourself but just I'll just give you a brief introduction to
the chef, Chef he also adjusts as he as you are known as a well respected scholar Asha he is invited
got very active in Islamic community and he's involved with many Institute's is also involved in a
more grip and Mashallah he's been very active in the dialogue. And he has studied martial law in
many industries and I think we all know a lot about the show.
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			We'll stop start with his topic inshallah, which will be the prophetic way of treating spouses and
inshallah, as we know, as Muslims. The best example for us is the Noble Messenger, Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi. Salam, and the way that we deal with our families in the way that we do our whole
lives. We refer to him some of blockiness on and this will be a very important topic that the ship
will address, and we like to invite the chef to to begin talking.
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			salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. 100 a lot of delight. I mean, sallAllahu wasallam, a lot
of Vina Mohammed Ali Iwasaki will sell me the Sleeman kathira, from my bad. Whenever we talk about
the subject of domestic violence, there is no doubt the main, the main target here would be the
husband, and then in his treatment to his to his wife. Although unfortunately, in our time, there's
also a rise in the numbers of opposite as well, attacks and harassment from the wife towards the
husband. But it's a mutual thing. I want to make this very clear from the beginning, that when we
talk about domestic violence, it is something becoming very, very important. It's very serious
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			matter right now. And it's mutual from the husband, towards the wife from the wife or the husband.
But of course,
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			checking the statistics and knowing the reality on the ground, very large, it's mostly the man who
becomes more physical, more aggressive when it comes to dealing with his spouse and his wife. This
is very, very crucial subject and very, very important. And I want to make sure that every brother
and sister, they know that they are part of this issue, not just as victims, it could also be the
one who's who's initiating that, that the violence whether they know it or not. And I would like to
make it a shallow data, very clear from the beginning that we all part of this problem, whether by
being participant in this or knowing about it and not saying anything, or just you know, trying to
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			ignore it and live in fear of denial. It's on the rise in the Muslim community, as well as in the
non Muslim community. Unfortunately, the lifestyle, the stress people they go through and so on,
they have so many excuses, that lead them to think or justify how they treat their spouse to Paula
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to us as rock metal in Ireland. And that's what a
large religion say. Whenever we talk to people about taken or sort of like the role model in
marriage, it's very hard for many people to relate to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in that sense,
because they think he was the Messenger of Allah. And his life was very unique and was very special
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			as well at a different level. So when they think of Allah, his body was Allah. They always think of
him as a great messenger of Allah. We don't really relate to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam as being a
great husband, a great family man. It seems that this is something we're going to have to figure it
out on our own. We can kind of
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			try to figure it out on our own without really know seeing how Rasulullah Hassan can be the role
model for us in this but looking into the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam will see ample
evidence, great amount of evidences, a hadith and stories of other prophets Allah Allah, Allah and
His life at home. You know Allah subhana wa tada said about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam
put in them and above all, Mohammed call in and say I am and you
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			human being. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before he became a messenger, he was a human being,
not just any human being, because some people might say, Yeah, I agree he was a human being, but he
was a super human, he was able to control all you know the situations of life and so on. But Allah
azza wa jal immediately responds to that by saying, myth lucam which means just like you, you have a
tourist visa violation. So the Messenger of Allah was a human, and we can definitely relate to
Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. on that level, he said Salatu was Salam. O eurocon. Cairo community,
Allah, the best among you are, those are the best of their families. And then he said, Well, Anna,
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			Kira, camillia, Holly, and I am the best to my family. That is the that's an amazing statement. It's
honor, it's a universal statement that even I remember reading this hadith translated into English
language as the cover on a cover of a book on feminism written by a Westerner or female actually out
of row that I was proposing some books in the public library here in Texas. And I was surprised and
shocked when I checked that book and the outer female out there who's non Muslim, she had that on,
on the on the inside cover of the book. And it says, the best among you I wrote was the best of
their families. And then I am the best of my family. Then she she said, Prophet of Islam, Muhammad
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			prophet of Islam, I was so honored, I was so proud that even Westerners are recognizing the value of
the Prophet sallallahu sunbrite to family life, being a role model Salawat law, he was lmra. So he
is Salatu was the number one metal in Ireland. And he said, and we hear that almost every Friday on
the hotbar huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle, Mohammed and sallallahu wasallam and the best
guidance is the goddess of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam money. So what do we know about the
guidance of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in relationship to the family life, when we say the
profit or loss and family life, I'm assuming most people will think that his life was perfect,
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			perfect, in a sense that he never had to suffer. You know, the jealousy many people they complain
about, he never had to deal with his wife raising her voice, you know, against his, perhaps a
prophet solace. I've never had to deal with women complaining, or what make men keep complaining and
saying they keep nagging and whining and so on. You mean, many of us, they think the prophets of
Allah, Allah, he had this amazing life, which indeed, he had an amazing life sallallahu wasallam
family life, but they think that he never had to deal with these things. But just having a quick
look, and books of Hadith Sahih Bukhari and Muslim and other collections of Hadith, you will see how
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			natural and how normal the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, like any other
husband, any other man and any other household. He had to deal with all these things. He had to do
with all these things, as I deal with marriage counseling, and people that come to me and discuss,
you know, things that goes through in the marital life. And if a man let's say he pronounced the
word divorce, for instance, and I asked him, Why did you do that for their immediate reaction, and
the immediate response to that becomes very defensive. And they say, the man would say, because she
made me do that she forced me she provoked me. So they always blame someone else said she provoked
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			me. She did that because of what she had done, and so on. So we never on our mistakes, and we never
take responsibility for our actions. And when we talk, when you look into the life of the Prophet
sallallahu, wasallam, he had to deal with jealousy. He had to deal with women, you know, raising
their voices, he had to deal with the woman, speaking you know too much or even demanding too much
from him. sallallahu wasallam, in what you call today, nagging or even whining, he had to deal with
all of that sallallahu wasallam, but never ever, in this era of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, not
the Messenger of Allah, He would never violent, he was he never, he never chastised or discipline
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			his wife, or his family, sallAllahu wasallam, using force reason, had never thought about the laws
and have done that at all. As a matter of fact, we shall see that his life was extremely, very
normal life. And he dealt in a very, very professional way with his wife sallallahu wasallam. He was
very considerate, and he indeed was a man and he proved to the world so a lot a lot was said on
Monday that he could handle this, the stress that every man would see in his house, he would handle
that with with a lot of grace, and a lot of mercy, passion, and compassion. That's how was the life
of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. And in these few few minutes, inshallah, I would like to share
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			with you some of the examples, some of these things that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had to deal
with in his house, things happen in the household of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and I would like
to share this with you been aligning as diligent, number one, number one, which is something many
men they complain about as part of their problem dealing with their wives. Number one is jealousy.
Same thing. Now, most women also complain when they become sometimes they turn, you know, violent
and they have this tantrum and they start throwing things and so on. It's mainly because of jealousy
for many for many reasons. I'm not going to go through the reasons why men get jealous
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			Women get jealous because they're very obvious. There's so many reasons why people they get jealous
for whether this is right or wrong. That's not the point. But they do get jealous. They do get
jealous and because of that jealousy, they might justify turning, you know, violent or turning nasty
and start acting and completely unprofessional and out of character. So, some of these occasions
what sort of law is the law said on one he wanted to when he wanted to propose to him sell a model
the law after the death of her husband, ex husband, when her husband when her late husband died, she
hid the profits of the last time he proposed to her and she said Yasuda law says I have I have
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			issued I cannot say no, but I have three things that I want you to be aware of. And one of the three
things that she mentioned, said she had a lot of children, because she was a single mother. She was
a single mother, and she was afraid that you know, her children might be an obstacle and the
relationship and the prophets of Allah 70 gave her from the beginning. He gave her Salatu lower
soleimani the answer that pleases her. He said your children will be like my children, which means
they're just like my children. Don't worry about that means I'll take care of them. You don't have
to worry about anything else. The second thing once you complain to them, sort of like sallallahu
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			alayhi wa sallam, when she complained to the civilize the lesson that she is jealous woman says, I
cannot stand it and oh co wives, I cannot do that. And the prophets, Allah told her I'll make glad
for you that Allah subhanho wa Taala is that jealousy? He didn't say to cancel that jealousy he
didn't say that he will delete and he will completely eradicate that jealousy from her heart.
Because you know, this is something natural, it's as a matter of fact, it's an instinct of survival
in any relationship. That is the defense mechanism so that they can protect the relationship they
can protect their loved ones, but if it's over it becomes an overdone that's when it becomes
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			problematic in the relationship to show some examples when things go out of hand a little bit you
know, out of hand. I should have the lowdown on she said that she wasn't very good cook. But also
Allah has a lot to learn one day he came to the house with a guest and then he asked if there's
anything to serve the guest I shake it and she admits she wasn't that good cook so but she wanted Of
course to serve the guests something that she would make at home so she said I'll do something right
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			as she was working on something to serve the guests the prophets of Allah Salaam he sent to the
other households to see if they have anything ready to send it to the house of course little lies a
lot seminar Isha. Now imagine that I showed the level on how she has a guest in her house without
utilized a lot. It was a lamp. And that guest is going to be served food coming from another way,
someone who also did that foods, that was kind of too much for her. So as she as she said, that
helps I mean, Sophia rhodiola. I mean, so often have some the daughter of America, she was a better
cook. So she sent something to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and the man the servant was coming
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			through the door to present that little sort of lies that Allah said, I'm sure she heard, she
overheard the footsteps. She jumped on that servant, and she heard the servant work on the arms,
basically, to drop that food or that basically, that that plate, and she broke the plate, and the
food was spilt on the ground, something that can be collected afterwards. But she was very jealous
that she did that. Now I'm saying today in the 21st century, if someone's wife does this thing in
front of him, and his guests would know about it, what would be the end of this relationship? How
would it look like afterwards? Definitely, many people they feel that there are many men who feel
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			offended, their ego will be hurt, they feel embarrassed, they feel, you know,
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			eventually that many things will go through their minds because of an incident like that. However,
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, how did he react to that he react in a very normal and very natural
way. He bent down so a lot of us in collecting the food. And one piece of that data was that was
broken. And he was smiling. He was smiling, which means he was laughing in the standard of the
smiles of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He was laughing at that incident with the guest. And he
just tell them a lot of omocha which means what can I do she just she got jealous. And he was
eventually he was defeating that feeling, that feeling of jealousy, what some sort of human and he
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			took it friendly. So I want to live with that. I want to recognize that this is natural. I cannot
stop this. It's not going to I will never be able to complete it did not delete that or eradicate
those feelings. So he dealt with it naturally sallallahu alayhi wasallam men and women that need
sometimes to take it you know things easier. They don't have to take things in like a an attack on
their ego or under the internet or the reason or there's other style or whatever. It just something
natural. So sometimes we have to accept a little a little bit level of sense of humor with one
another even if it came through jealousy or from a jealous nature take it easy and Allah subhana wa
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			tada will make it easier for you on you as well. There are more actually in regard to the way the
prophets of Allah Selim he dealt with jealousy. One of these ways of being neutral Salawat the law
he was at amaray such in the case when
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			When when the women of the Prophet salaallah Selim complain about it sort of the law that they sent
Fatima, his own daughter to go and try to intercede for them that this is not fair. And when Fatima
did what she did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he confessed his love to Ayesha to Fatima, he said,
Yeah, you have an idea. Don't you love what I love? My dear daughter? Don't you love what I love?
She said, Absolutely not. He said then just love her pointing to Ayesha. He said love her. So
faulty. My she just went back and told him I can't do that anymore. That's it well done. Xena was
not satisfied with this with this answer. So she went and she start kind of having a confrontation
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			with Russia, and the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now many men would like to
enter to interfere and just, you know, basically slip in the middle and try to mediate the situation
for the prophets of Allah Salah, he just let it go, meaning let them deal with it on their own. As
long as there is no violence going on, he just let it go. So what the law said amaray shall when she
heard that enough, kind of confronting her in that fashion. She looked at Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam as if she's telling him what to do, stop her or just let me do it. Then the Prophet gave her
a gesture that she's yours deal with it. And I shouldn't be allowed on how she dealt with her. And
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			she answered the Xena back until China was defeated. She was defeated verbally basically, when the
argument she was defeated. And when the conversation came to a stop, I said she looked at the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam to see what his reaction would be now, she said I found the Prophet salla.
Seven he was smiling, which means he was laughing. And then he said that he just said, had he been
to Ibiza, she is the daughter of her father, which means Oh burqa is I know that she can she can do
it, she can handle that on her own. Again, the prophet salah and remain neutral, he let them deal
with it. And that is something I want many of all the husbands and all the sisters and the spouses
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			there, out there. Whenever something happens between a mother and a wife, between the daughter in
law and sister in law and all these kind of reactions, you need to take it easy, don't take it very
personal. Don't get offended by that. Don't let your ego get involved. Let them deal with these
things on their own slowly and gradually in the law. And things will eat as as long as you as they
don't cross many lines, such as being abusive verbally or even speaking in a language and stuff like
that will becomes backbiting and so on, you can still tolerate a level of jealousy schelotto would
happen between, you know, different women and the relationship. Also, the man or woman should also
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			tolerate part of that jealousy because that's natural for him. As long as it doesn't, he doesn't
cross many lines should be treated excuse me shallow that take that easily in the last village. So
that's one area from the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the issue of jealousy. The other
one, men complain so much about their wives, you know that they raise their voices meaning a man
feels offended when his wife raises her voice as he speaks with her. She's raising her voice. Now
it's very natural for women to do that. Because how they feel they feel safe with their husbands.
They feel safe doing that with their husband because they know he is the husband, he should
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			tolerate. He should accept me he should you know be okay. Basically they feel safe with him. That's
why they act you know themselves when they raise their voices. And that's what the how the profits
or loss I'm dealt with these things. I showed the law one time she was coming she was speaking with
the profits or loss elements. You seen that she was raising her voice against his voice sallallahu
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			that Abu Bakr Siddiq, her father, who was in them as he overheard that conversation, and here he
realized that she was raising her voice. So he dashed into the house of a prophet sallallahu
wasallam chasing Alisha and trying to stop her and just basically this disciplinary that his
daughter says you just you do that are sort of law is the law. It was Allah. And he was about
basically to grab his daughter, now, Ayesha, who was just few seconds ago, raising your voice
against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. She turned around and she shows up hiding behind her
husband Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam she started hiding behind her husband when she was kind of
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			raising her voice again. So you could say harassing him basically. And then trying to seek shelter
and protection. refuel them, then Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he's taught our crews to do and he told him Yeah, it's okay. You just basically it's okay,
I'll leave it for me. Until over crested the trickle down and then he left. Then the Prophet turned
to his wife Aisha and he was telling her Okay, you see I helped you. I mean, I was there for you you
know that you're gonna need me eventually. And eventually that that kind of Pinnacle moment they won
they were upset with each other. She starts smiling a lot and the prophet SAW smiling also and
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			laughing Oh because of the came back. Now we enter is kind of excited that saying listen, if you the
way you guys do, you may be part of that that that word that you had before. I want to be part of
this piece right now.
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			They will just kind of moving on to the next next step or next basically episode in that, in that in
that life Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam one time, he was surrounded by his women. And they were kind
of speed demanding so much they heard about treasures coming from the, from all behind the east
coast of the Arabian Peninsula. And they thought they could get some more to you know, they want
some more money in this case, that's a lot of treasure content. So what do we have some more the
other sort of law, and they kept, you know, surrounding him and the purpose saying, This is not my
money, I cannot give you more. It's, I cannot I can do that. So they kept raising their voices until
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			honorable photographer, they allowed that and who overheard that, recognizing that his daughter was
there as well, among the among the ladies who are doing that sort of pseudo law, his solo solo. So
he came in as well. When he sought permission. He came in the women, they suddenly and instantly,
they turned quiet. I went, Oh, when I'm not here, so that he was kind of surprised. It's just like
saying, Look at you. Yeah, I do want to emphasize when such an enemy is against your own cells,
you're doing that to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. And now when I come and you all became you
became quiet. So Souder, the Allahu anhu, he took the initiative and she answered back saying
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			Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he's very nice, basically, he's very kind, meaning he can he can take
it, he can accept that. But we know that you're harsh. We can't you basically cannot handle that.
Now, somehow, men, they have different qualities, and a sort of law, his sort of lifestyle, and he
had the best quality, and even Ahmad himself later on his life, he had that incident when his wife
was raising your voice and, you know, in front of him, and one man who came one day to try to
complain about his own families on his own wife. But when he heard the wife of Omar raising their
voice, he just left we went back, almost saw him leaving says come over here. What did you want to
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			do? And the man who told him Well, I honestly nothing in particular, but I wanted to complain to but
my wife, but then when I see you dealing with that, I don't know you can help me right now. You told
me I had I said, Listen, these are the women who take care of you. at home. They burn themselves
while they're cooking for you. They take care of your clothes, they do everything for you in the
household, they deserve. They deserve that you be patient with them. So he learned from the madrasa
from the School of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, how to handle his spouse and never be violent with
them. Are they allowed to Anwar other things in regard to the issue that happens in the household of
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			a civilized civilization and like in any other household, having high demands, women, they always
like to improve their style, they like to improve their life, they would like to improve things
around the house as well, even though they have everything or a man would say you have everything
but still women, they say we need to have things. We need to change this, we need to change that.
That's exactly what the prophet salla Sam had to do. They used to demand these things. Just like in
the store I mentioned earlier, they surrounded the profit sort of loss and keep demanding, you're a
sort of love. We heard pressure coming from Bahrain, can we have this can we have that I want this I
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			want that. Even Fatima, his own daughter, she came through a sort of law looking for him, he wasn't
there at home. And she said Jada sort of lie, I heard that there's some, you know, some servants or
slaves being brought to Medina, if you could send me one, I want someone to help me out in the
house. And in response to that the prophets of Allah said I went to her house, and he taught her and
I live in I'd be taught to make the decree when they go to sleep, that is to say to panela 33 times
Alhamdulillah 33 times Allahu Akbar 34 times that this he told them, this will be better for you
than having a servant around the house. So the prophets of Allah said and he knows that they they
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			have a high demand, they always ask for these things, but he never went violence for the light. It
was at some point at some point and I have to admit, at some point, the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
when he kind of felt that this is getting too much, he practiced something. Many women they hate
really, in the relationship, and that's what they call silent treatment. He did the silent treatment
or boycotting his wife salatu wa salam RA, in what is known in the Quran as Allah, Allah subhanho wa
Taala mentioned
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			the practice of La Isla and sola tillbaka when levina Luna Melissa m, Garbo salvati Ayesha and those
men who practice at ILA, which means pronounce ILA, and in this case, like saying boycotting their
wives, the man who says this, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna reach you for for a month or so. The
prophet SAW some did that at some point. And he had them in hoonah shahara. He, he was practicing
this for an entire month salatu wa he was at MIT. And he was boycotting his wife for an entire
month. What did he go he left him even physically, he went out salatu salam and he he spent that
month in, in the loft, which is an outdoor room above the house of eyeshadow violante Lana, that has
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			to always leads to the message. Be that was Gordon was guarding that stairway for a solar light
solar cell and at the beginning, when the news spread all over Medina that the Prophet divorced his
wife. So omata was one of those people who panicked, oh my god, this is my wife. It is my daughter,
how are they allowed on her? So he wants to have some help. So I was crying. She was crying and she
was weeping. Basically. He told me what happened to divorce you. She said, No. I said, I don't know.
What is it? I don't know. He just he
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			Just left and we just heard the news like everybody else. Eventually, the hotter we went looking for
a sort of live sort of lifestyle and he sought permission three times over was not given permission
for him to come in. Finally, he let him come in. That means a profit was very upset. Men, sometimes
they get upset things happen in the house and on the house, they get upset, and that's normal. We're
not saying that you cannot get upset. But that doesn't mean to become verbally abusive, or
emotionally abusive or physically abusive Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, when he got upset with them,
he just took that moment basically taking a break. And going out for an entire month right now
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			provided that he was taking care of the families making sure that they'd been well maintained. They
were taken care of very well, but he stayed away from them for an entire month. So like a hedgerow
boycott, a form of discipline eventually. And SubhanAllah. After an entire month, you can imagine
after an entire month, a man comes back to his wife and his family.
00:25:55 --> 00:26:34
			Our our men today will expect that the wife will say I'm sorry, I apologize. I didn't mean that and
so on. But the store in Bukhari Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam after 29 days, and that's a lunar
month, for lunar month, eventually, he came down sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he started with
the house of I shall the Allahu Allah you expect the wife to be very welcoming. But the story says
that I shall be allowed around her The moment she saw the Prophet coming in, she told him while the
month is not over yet, I know in some, in some books of some people, they said this is basically
because I she was concerned for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he might break his, you know, his
00:26:34 --> 00:26:57
			vow and his promise to Allah and to stay away for a month and so on. But that is a kind of like the
righteous mind, that people they have about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in that sense. But he was
dealing with a husband and wife, the wife was very upset as well. Women they don't like they start
at minimum from their husbands. So when the Prophet came back, and it only after 29 days, she told
him the math is not over yet, which means if you're still upset, why don't you say one more day
there is one more day left.
00:26:59 --> 00:27:42
			by the prophets, Allah says again, he took it very friendly, insensitive human. And he told her
salatu salam basically says the month can be like this, and he showed his hands 123 that's 29 days.
And then one, two, and 330 days. So basically, it's telling her this month was 29 days, as it is
today. Just keep quiet. Today, perhaps if a man if a man hears that statement from his wife, when
she tells him well, the month isn't over yet. He will just turn around say okay, so I'm wanting to
live again. But Rasulullah sallallahu didn't do that. That was enough. At least he sent me a message
that message was sent and the law we know what's going on. Alright. Allah subhanho wa Taala took
00:27:42 --> 00:28:05
			care of that for him in the eye they were revealed, given the women of the Prophet solace and the
choice to live with Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam at that standard that he was providing for them out
of the one, he can divorce them and he can give them whatever they want of the treasures of this
dunya inshallah, to Allah and of course, they all prefer Allah subhanho wa Taala and the messenger
for the Messenger of Allah as a little sort of lies and Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
00:28:06 --> 00:28:10
			Sometimes you know in the household of the prophets of Allah certain things would happen such as
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			crimes you know, the lie the wives they like when I asked you to the young men and women and the
process of getting married a woman what she's looking for she looking for a man who, who likes
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			the sense of humor, and she wants she's basically I want a guy who's like this sense of humor, he
likes to joke because she she doesn't like this kind of stressful lifestyle, she wants someone who
enjoy a laugh as well, because she might be funny she might you know, enjoy the life as well and so
on. It is true that some guys sometimes they live too serious life and they think that you know that
they joke with their wives, their wife, they're going to take advantage of that. There is no need to
stress yourself out. She's just like anybody else you would like to also have a lot in her life. I
don't know it's it's normal thing. So I showed the loan to Nana, she she was very actually smart.
00:28:58 --> 00:29:08
			She's very intelligent, and she loved a sense of humor as well. And she liked to make these pranks
and jokes practical jokes on the Prophet sallallahu wasallam one of these practical jokes when the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah
00:29:10 --> 00:29:52
			when he ate when he came, and he ate some honey from the house of house Ah, no narration says the
house of Xena he ate some honey. And when he came to the house of Ayesha Ayesha, she says that smell
of the honey. And now if the property hated anything, he hated people to sense a bad smell from him.
So she told him what is this smell? He goes, nothing. I just ate honey from the house of house. She
goes no no that smells like odd foot. foot is a desert shrub or flower that has a kind of very
strong strong smell. But appropriately insisted it will just honey I had in the house of hafsa or
the olana. So then she said maybe perhaps the bees then they just got the nectar from the nectar
00:29:52 --> 00:29:59
			from that tree or from that flower when the Prophet left after because they used to go around to
check on the households.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:37
			And on his wife solo salon, I say she immediately she went to the house of soda and the house of
Sofia. And she told her Sorolla, his lesson is going to come to you. And you're going to tell him
that you smell something from him. He will say, Honey, you tell him our foot. She gave him the whole
scenario. Then some Halloween when he came to the house of Xena, of the house of of Sofia. And he
approached her, she said the same thing. And I was surprised Allah that wow, that's she also
sensitive me just wrong. But everyone in the house of soda soda as she was narrating the story,
which is the funny part in that story is Pamela. She does the moment I saw the properties in common
00:30:37 --> 00:31:04
			and barely he was coming through the door. She immediately she said, because she although she feared
that it shall be allowed Anna, she had that kind of strong influence on her. She said, What is this
smell? Right? Right, and he was coming through the door. Now that's when the property was also
padlets must be very, very strong. Now when that when the Prophet came back again to help sir to eat
honey again. He then he said, Thank you very much. I don't want that. I shall and so that when they
use that I read the story after the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
00:31:05 --> 00:31:40
			Why not when people weren't laughing at it, so that she said God will allow him up at home now now
yesterday, we deprived like saying poorer sort of life for less than we deprive them from what he
likes. But I actually would respond to soda by saying, just keep quiet, but just go to school with
me just keep quiet. Sometimes. I mean, I know some people might say but is that couldn't we consider
that a lie is this is something I need to liberate to happen in the household of the Prophet
sallallahu wasallam well, believe it or not, it happened. And if it was, if it was wrong, Allah
subhanho wa Taala Yes, Allah azza wa jal, he mentioned that in the Quran that he shouldn't be
00:31:40 --> 00:31:58
			depriving himself or stopping or making it harder for him to eat the honey because of that, but
Allah Subhana Allah did not did not. Yeah, and you make it harder for the for his wife to enjoy a
laugh or making a joke like this. Another example, when hafsa when Isha and soda were
00:31:59 --> 00:32:07
			together and the process Allison was with them in the house of Ayesha. I, she she bought some food.
And I mentioned earlier, she was not a very good cook. That's what you said.
00:32:08 --> 00:32:43
			So the food has a very strong, it was a little bit greasy. For Saudi Ilana. So when when when I
should start eating the profits, or some start eating soda was sitting there doing nothing. The
prophets of Allah said at the eye, she looked at her and she said, Why aren't you eating?
cauliflower? I don't like it. Imagine that you're telling your wife or someone else that you know
you're visiting somebody for food. And then you don't eat that food, telling them I don't like your
food. That's basic like rubbing it in her face. And I she sold soda. She goes, What do you eat, or
I'm gonna smear this in your face. I'm gonna take some put in your face. Basically. Soda, of course,
00:32:43 --> 00:33:19
			you said you're on there. That's the purpose Allison was was present. So I say she took some of
that. And she smeared the face of Saudi with it. Now, so that was kind of taken by surprise. She was
shocked that she did that. And she they're doing this rasulillah is so awesome was in the middle in
between. and he had his knee basically blocking the way so he put it down. And he just did with his
head, just to soda to pay back so so that she grabbed some. And she also smeared the face of Ayesha
with that. And the profitsystem was smiling and laughing at it. They were laughing they were
enjoying the time. This is what they call it today. Food Fight. I know some people also they're
00:33:19 --> 00:33:51
			going to say How could you say that? wasting the food when people are starving in such and such
places and people don't have food? This answer. We're not saying here to throw you know, burriana
dishes and all that stuff. We're saying something that's very simple, very gentle like this. And the
Prophet said, Listen, enjoy the life with them as well. And the heritage authentic, its authentic
and said Buhari as well. So these are these are stories from the life of the prophets, Allah said
and he was never offended, because of that. sallallahu alayhi wasallam there are so many other
examples from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And finally, I would like to
00:33:51 --> 00:34:03
			conclude with this one, which is one of the things most men hate basically, or perhaps they hate the
most. And that is the silent treatment from their wives, men, they practice silently,
00:34:04 --> 00:34:17
			which women hate. But it's always the women who try to come and say I'm sorry, I apologize. You
know, I didn't mean it, they try to please them and they do everything possible for the man just to
again be satisfied. Even though the man might be wrong
00:34:18 --> 00:34:25
			with the man might be wrong. But still, they would, they would do their job their part. And they
00:34:27 --> 00:34:41
			move one step forward for them, so that they come up close to the to their husband. So and sometimes
that would be really by preparing the bed for them by preparing basically a romantic night for them
just for the month of it to get you know, satisfied and happy with it.
00:34:42 --> 00:34:59
			However, when the man get when the woman gets upset, in many cases, unfortunately, the man doesn't
take that step to approach his wife basically, was the word that can make things so easy for him and
for his wife. And that is the word I'm sorry. Hello brothers and sisters. I know
00:35:00 --> 00:35:02
			And it's specifically I would like to just assisted with that.
00:35:03 --> 00:35:05
			If, eventually, if
00:35:07 --> 00:35:47
			any, if there is anything so difficult for a man to pronounce or say that towards, and that's
saying, I love you. Number two saying I'm sorry. It's a man thing. I don't know why they do that.
It's an ego thing for them. But if it's, it's the most difficult to pronounce, it's the word I love
you. And second, it's the word, I am sorry. How I love you, they don't want to say that because they
think if they say I love you, women, they keep using that against them. If you love me, then you
shouldn't have done that, if you love me should say this, you should do that and so forth. So better
not not doing it at all, eventually, liberal not doing it at all, then you know, get in trouble
00:35:47 --> 00:36:04
			because I said it once or twice. I would say for men, you need to say it because even the Prophet
sallallahu sallam, he actually pronounced this word publicly about his love to I shall not be
allowed to Anna, even in front of his daughter Fatima, like in the store that I mentioned earlier.
The second thing, the word I'm sorry, the word, I'm sorry.
00:36:05 --> 00:36:44
			And when we say I'm sorry, it's basically admitting that you made a mistake. And men, they hate to
say I messed up. Because for them it just like it escalates to many levels, such as I know, I must
stop. I know, that means I'm incompetent. And I'm not good for anything. And this and that they saw
just so scared of this feelings. So they become very protective. And they rather not to say I'm
sorry to just eventually let it go. So sometimes they wait until the wife does get over it and just
move on with their lives. But during that time, the wife perhaps she is going to be practicing the
silent treatment. How are you going to handle this? Did the watch the prophet SAW lesson practice
00:36:44 --> 00:36:46
			that practice the
00:36:47 --> 00:37:22
			the silent treatment would help sell alive sell him the answer yesterday. As a matter of fact,
that's what somehow led even at some point to mojado. But an abuse of the law said I'm him also
trying to use the silent treatment against his wife, even even honorable hapa when he heard that he
went straight to his daughter hafsa. It says Yamuna, I heard that you guys you don't speak to the
Prophet sallallahu wasallam when he's at home, when he's around like this, and you're getting upset,
you cannot make a show out of it. Is that true? She said, Yes, of course we do that she's done a lot
of algebra Julio McCool. Sometimes we get upset with him the entire day, which means from the
00:37:22 --> 00:37:57
			morning all the way until the evening, so we all was upset with him. And when he heard that he was
appalled by that accurate statement. And it also helps us as you know, you're my dear daughter,
listen, you said you are not like Arusha. Which means I am sure she has a very special place in his
heart for a lot of us and that she might do that and get away with it. You might not be able to get
away with that. Eventually, finally, it led to the ILA, which is the professor some boy parent, his
wife's and also the, the he did the silent treatment with them for an entire month in this in this
case, but my point here is that women did that with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He would go
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			into the house and they wouldn't speak with him. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam eventually, if he
doesn't, if he doesn't, if you don't speak with him, What is he going to do? He cannot any force him
to accept even when he was trying to please I shall be allowed that I'm an ogre Casa de creme to
intervene and try to help out with that. He was kind of still rasulillah his house and he was never
violent. It was never abusive salvato ceremony, it was never offended personally that his ego was
not hurt because of that. It's natural. They are also human beings. And just like you feel hurt,
they will feel hurt as well. And sometimes, of course, the silent treatment. And that's the point
00:38:35 --> 00:39:11
			that it extends all the way until the evening. And when the evening comes, the guy who wants to
reconcile with his wife, and he tries to kind of force on her to get over over it. specifically
trying to act you know, funny without even saying the word I'm sorry. Although if you say the word
I'm sorry, just honey just ends everything. Yes, he's going to start speaking, because she's
frustrated. Suddenly she feels she feels excited that now suddenly you're you're going to be
listening to me she start bringing all the issues out. Not that she's trying to throw a tantrum on
him as much as she is now feeling safe to talk. And the man when a woman talk like this, you need to
00:39:11 --> 00:39:23
			be patient, and just listen, because that's all what they need someone to listen to them, not
necessarily someone to fight with them. It's part of the issue again, when a man tries to force his
wife into bed.
00:39:24 --> 00:39:59
			it escalates the situation. That's when it escalates the situation. Is the man have the right even
to force his wife into bed? Well, the answer to this is no. This is something now nowadays they call
it marital *. It's basically the man physically forcing his wife into the bed not emotionally,
like she responding with resentment. Now, physically, sometimes a man will do that. Well our sort of
law is a law set up in the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah in the Hadith. He
mentioned that if a woman does not, you know respond to the call of her husband when he calls her to
bed, Alma
00:40:00 --> 00:40:36
			Anwar means she is going to be under the influence perceiver effect of the angels of the angels
being you know, cursing God. Yes, I know that many women want to hear that, how did they get skirt,
which is, of course, indeed, they need to get scared because of that statement. However, that is
also in their defense, this hadith is in their defense, that means that a man has no right to turn
physical forcefully, to take it to take this half of his right. And from that sense, he has no right
to do that. So again, Allah subhanaw taala, the purpose of Samson, that the angels will take care of
that for you. And a man has no right to force his wife in that sense. And even if he does it, how
00:40:36 --> 00:41:10
			can this even support and reconcile How can this even help them out and establishing peace and
establishing harmony in their household? So I talk right now, I mentioned to you a few of the
examples that happened in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he had to handle and deal
with just like in any other household, because women get jealous. His women, there is their voices
is women, they have had the high demands and they need some maybe higher maintenance sometimes. And
over the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets of Allah said them they will there was
complaint they would do sometimes they would be what do you call it today nagging eventually, they
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			will have some they will joke with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on he would have some
pranks, you know and have some fun, what are sort of like, sort of what the law was at MIT, and I
probably would tolerate all of this the Messenger of Allah, he would tolerate all of that. So
eventually, as you can see, he held that and handled in a nice way. And he was he what he did, he
showed that mercy, that passion and compassion sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rasul Allah he was sent
as a rock metal, I mean, he was sent as a rock man, I mean mercy to mankind. And the best example is
the example of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. So May Allah azza wa jal give us a tofield to follow
00:41:48 --> 00:42:24
			His guidance and follow his path and follow his example May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us among
those who listen to the speech and follow the rest of it. I know that you have done also become an
anointed as soon as shallow to Allah, to talk about harmony in the life of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Allah, so until he arrived in sha Allah, I will take questions with Mila on the
topic that I discussed and then Allah until he comes and join us inshallah, he will be continuing
the topic on bringing harmony to the household, from the again, how to bring harmony Schollander
into your household, hopefully when Allah implemented example, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
00:42:24 --> 00:42:26
			sallam, and now I can take your questions in sharp.
00:42:29 --> 00:42:29
00:42:30 --> 00:42:31
			it comes down with a lot of
00:42:32 --> 00:42:39
			presentation oshana is very beneficial. We just have some questions that will just take what are
waiting for?
00:42:42 --> 00:43:03
			One question that's come through, is that if the example that you're given off the profits or loss
is sort of great national and he never was violent, or never physically hurt his women, and how is
it that Muslims today get this idea that it's acceptable to to hit women? And does this idea come
from Islam? Or is it a consequence of living exercises unconscious? Which done?
00:43:04 --> 00:43:45
			Yeah, of course, definitely. Definitely. Everybody usually tries to cite the ayah from Surah Nisa,
that last panel has given men the authority to discipline their wives if they show any sign of
rebellion, which is in the shoes as it was mentioned, and in the in the ayah. And it goes into
three, these three basically, number one is, first of all, to admonish the adults admonish them and
remind them number two, to boycott them in bed. And number three to in this case, as the ISS reborn
what reborn, which means, in this case, physically, basically, this supplement. So PAMA, this ayah
was used as a justification for all these men throughout the history as justification for men, you
00:43:45 --> 00:43:52
			know, beating their wives. The word beating is the English word, unfortunately, which is a poor
really, translation for the word watery bohan in this case.
00:43:53 --> 00:44:35
			So eventually, it was used for justification. However, I personally don't know any man, when he uses
physical discipline against his wife, he would be citing this ayah as an evidence at the moment.
Instead, they use that later on. Which means once if, if a man wants to turn physical, it's not
because he's Muslim. It's because a man is gonna turn physical. Now, is that a man thing? I'm not
gonna say that. But it does happen. Now here in America, we live in America, every single city has
10s of shelters for battered women. And if you look and check these, these women, the vast majority
there is never there isn't even a comparison between how many Muslim women and the shelter's versus
00:44:35 --> 00:44:59
			the non Muslim women in these shelters. So when they do that, they do it just because men
Unfortunately, they think they think that they can use force to shorten the whole, you know, crisis.
And you can see that even the military, you know, men they think in the military mindset, instead of
having diplomatic negotiation, rather go to force and adventure and move on with their lives, even
in the story of Belkin.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:29
			In the state of Southern man, when he sent her the letter, and well please she came to her to her
Council and she asked them how should we respond to that? What did they tell her? Because in Okinawa
we're very strong people we haven't automated If you want, we can go and find them why negotiating
with them? So Carla, men, they think in that fashion most of the time, so when a woman starts
complaining, a man turns defensive, when he turns defensive, and he cannot handle the conversation,
because women are very articulate, they can present their case in a very, very
00:45:30 --> 00:46:09
			amazing way Cipolla even while crying, even if you couldn't handle the stress, he turns physical,
turn and physical was never the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he himself who received this
ayah who gave us this ayah he never practiced that sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even I shall not be
allowed to run and she said the Prophet never did hand on any woman or servant, solo to law he was
Solomonic The only time we remember and we know now the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He perhaps he had
his hand when I showed you last time when he pushed her one time, because she was over jealous when
he went at night from his room from her. He went to the, to the grave, graveyard to the cemetery at
00:46:09 --> 00:46:46
			night and he made that for the deceased over there on the wave and Ayesha, she went after him. And
when she came back when the paper was coming back, she went ahead of him trying to go back home when
the prophet SAW her she was still catching her breath in the house. He got very upset with her. So
what's wrong with you while you have fallen? Man, she just told him I was a little bit I was a bit
jealous, so I just wanted to know where you're going. And the prophet SAW lesson he pushed her.
That's what it is. What is what is and he just pushed her on her chest while they're low on how hard
it is. So Buhari, he says, Is it and what do you think I'm not gonna be unjust unfair to you? Mr.
00:46:46 --> 00:47:06
			Holloman? Why do you do that yourself? Basically, that's the only time I know the process I've ever
done that it wasn't beating. It wasn't that he raised his hand from above down, has never been like
this at all. So those will justify that using the ayah they're using the wrong justification
seriously, because it's better that you look into the sin of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who
received his eye on how to implement that will altana
00:47:10 --> 00:47:25
			is doing for Shackleton Nasr, it'll ask another question to you don't mind. This question isn't
recording. By the way, if you have any questions for me, I'd love that you asked me all the
questions that came to my talk. So that in shallow Tana
00:47:26 --> 00:47:55
			when he comes in he takes his turn you have all these questions towards the end of his speech. Good.
Okay, so the question that we have here is what advice do you have for the opposite situation for
example, men who get abused or men who have issues in their in their family life inshallah, maybe
for the women are not acting. So what advice do you have for for those mentor abused or mistreated?
So the men are the ones who are abuse victims of being physically or emotionally, the victims of
00:47:56 --> 00:48:35
			their of their wife's abuse, right? emotionally? Physically? Yes. Yeah. Well, so panelized,
surprisingly, you'll get to the end, surprisingly, I was actually, I gave a hotbar a couple of years
ago, and one measured one big mess on the subject of domestic abuse as well. And it seems that I was
kind of turning too much, you know, towards the the norm, the norm and domestic abuse, which is the
man being the one who initiates the the aggressor in this case. So after we finished the hook by a
gentleman came to me and he told me, he says, you know, you mentioned an amazing thing, that handler
in regard to domestic abuse, and how dangerous that is all important and serious the matter is,
00:48:35 --> 00:49:17
			however Limited is my store. And he told me that he was the victim of the domestic abuse from his
wife, and unfortunately, he said, his wife, every time they get into some argument, she immediately
escalates the argument, you know, and start raising your voice. And eventually she becomes physical,
she start throwing things on hand breaking things. And in order to even to escalate the situation,
she uses her own hands, and she scratches her face on her hands. Eventually she to that level, that
she scratches her face and her hands. So that if if they call 911, immediately, he will be the one
in trouble. Immediately they will be in trouble here in the in the United States. I don't know about
00:49:17 --> 00:49:51
			the law in the UK, and the United States whenever there's a call for domestic abuse, there has to be
an arrest. Someone has to spend the night at least basically away in Miss in prison in jail for
protection, of course and sometimes because you know, until the investigation is over, and he said
that every time she does that I freak out because eventually if I call I'm going to be in trouble.
They're not going to believe my story because usually the man that gets in trouble so I really
realized that it's to that level on turns on I've heard so many different stories that women they
start getting to becoming more aggressive. And after asking some of these ladies and some of these
00:49:51 --> 00:49:59
			any women and even the men on why they turn so physical, their husbands and sons panela A lot has to
do with personalities and sometimes the man
00:50:00 --> 00:50:05
			He is motivated in the relationship by fear. And when the man is motivated by fear,
00:50:06 --> 00:50:43
			eventually, he is not gonna he's not going to do the best thing. He's not going to do that, I think.
So that's why she gets more aggressive sometimes. And she basically doesn't see how she can manage
up enough for that. So keep that in mind. I would like to say that keep that in mind. The other
thing sometimes women when they take these kind of courses, on domestic abuse and so on, they know
their rights and the law. They sometimes misuse that law. So be careful. You don't want to mess up
your family you don't want really to take it to more than it what it really is supposed to be so
just take it easy inshallah Allah tried to handle the situation in a better way. As for the man, if,
00:50:44 --> 00:51:06
			if the woman is the one who's turning any physical, they are my men concern right now is safety. If
there become there is a safety issue, then you definitely need to stay away from each other for some
time. And if not, then you seriously after that needs to go through marriage counseling, marriage
counseling, which most men don't like really don't like it. But
00:51:07 --> 00:51:16
			the Prophet salallahu Allah I know dementia that and so often is that as well, which is a battle How
can I Minelli Well, how can I mean earlier if they start turning you know now
00:51:18 --> 00:51:46
			in a demist in a in a kind of abusive relationship that leads to divorce almost, then they need to
have some negotiation mediation, about to have commonality, someone from their side, someone from
the other side, and they can negotiate on their behalf if they could not communicate with each
other. Well, lo Dada, no. Okay, the next question we have is the issue of verbal abuse, Sir, how can
somebody with a spouse or a partner who is consistently abusing them or consistently swearing or
being verbally abusive to
00:51:49 --> 00:52:30
			you know, a lot of hanada says under foreign infallibility? Pray the lady VENA Cobain Adela can holy
and hammy. Allah subhana wa Tada. infallibility acid which means you you respond without his best
acid, that which is better for the lady vena cava, Anna Hamada, perhaps with whom you have enmity
and hostility with each other, can hold on honey, they become your best friend. Now the meaning of
that or best ally, this is between strangers, this is between strangers. Imagine if this is between
a husband and wife, Allah subhanho wa Taala says afterwards immediately in the same context, he
says, one I will call her a Latina, Saba means not everybody can handle that, you know, it's
00:52:30 --> 00:53:06
			difficult. Allah says in the Quran, this is like, it's just like impossible mission. For some
people. This is very hard and very difficult to achieve. One, I will have a Latina sabara, no one
can handle that, except those who persevere in patience, when we will have a lot of housing. And no
one truly can hold on to such, you know, attitude and such practice in law who have done it and
except for those who have been given a great deal of goodness, and the greatest deal of goodness, in
this case will be patience. That's what the prophet sallallahu wasallam said, and I had it on my
daughter had an alpha on her arm and a sub what never, anyone had never had any, any better than
00:53:06 --> 00:53:32
			nerim or blesses more than being patient. So sometimes patients pay off, and they are very well and
shallow data. So try as much as possible, as much as hard to be patient or respond without which is
best. Even if they don't respond to you in a loving way, you need to respond no more and most loving
way, hopefully inshallah, with Allah, they come back to their senses. If not, then definitely you
have to do marriage counseling or work on it. The other thing I would like to mention in this
regard, is that
00:53:33 --> 00:54:11
			in the book, love and respect to the two most essential qualities a husband and wife are looking for
in the relationship, women, they look for love and love and know in a meaning in a way that is
meaningful to them, not to their husbands, man, they also look for respect, when in a way that is
meaningful to the husband not meaningful to the wife. So they want to be respected in a way that
they believe is a show of respect. The problem is that most men, they tried to show love to the
wives in a way that is meaningful to himself, not to her. And the wife, she tries to show respect to
the husband in a way that is meaningful to her, not to him, that's when they mess up the whole
00:54:11 --> 00:54:50
			situation. You need to show love and respect in a way that is meaningful to your spouse, not to
yourself as a result of not showing that love to wife, the wife should start now escalating
disrespectful behavior against her husband. And as a result of this now escalation, the husband is
going to escalate his non loving behavior towards his wife. And this becomes like a vicious cycle
keep running around and around and around. And as a matter of fact, it becomes like a spiral start
from a very simple problem and becomes a very huge issue. So how to handle this issue, stop it one
of them need to practice intervention. And that intervention is just you know what, stop there,
00:54:50 --> 00:54:59
			break that cycle, vicious cycle of conflict and an aklavik the way Allah subhanho wa Taala says is
that bility US and US
00:55:00 --> 00:55:35
			And which is best, and even a ton of divorce Allah subhanaw taala says at the time of divorce, even
attempted divorce, he says, Well, since I will follow avena Do not forget about all followed by
NACA, which means the goodness that you had with each other. Don't forget about that, even if it's
going to lead to divorce, however, then hamdulillah you're still going to be in good terms and
you're going to move on, you know, maybe for more more years to come live in together. You have to
try your best inshallah to Allah and if things don't go well, then you need to go to marriage
Casitas. If you go to marriage counseling, I know usually men don't accept that. But do your best in
00:55:35 --> 00:55:38
			sha Allah, may Allah make it easy for you? Hold on.
00:55:39 --> 00:55:51
			Okay, we'll take one last question, inshallah. The question that we have is what does someone do
when their partner their spouse, prevents them from visiting friends or going outside from the home
or seeing their family?
00:55:53 --> 00:56:31
			You know, that's actually it's a sign of insecurity. It's a sign of insecurity on the part of the
man. He doesn't want his wife to go to his to her to see her friends doesn't want her to go to her
family. And if you truly look at the situation, why he is exactly turning in that fashion, why is he
acting in that way? It's an insecurity on his part, because he lives this uncertainty that if she
goes to her friends, she's basically is she is she just doesn't like to be with me. He doesn't love
to be around with me. I'm not interesting to her, that she wants to hang out with her friends, I
might not provide for her this emotional, you know, satisfaction. Because when it comes to men, most
00:56:31 --> 00:57:08
			of their emotional satisfaction is to have their wives happy and pleased with them. That's why the
process awesome, says the reason one of the biggest reasons why why a lot of men, women actually end
up going nuts a lot and Johanna, yet for the last year. That means they deny the virtues of their
husbands. But yeah, women, they say men, they need to earn that which I agree with them, they need
to earn that as well. But what a man he is this, he feels that he is not being emotionally satisfied
in the relationship. He turns in that fashion against his wife as well. So if she is trying to find
her emotional gratification and happiness, by hanging out with her friends, with her family, he
00:57:08 --> 00:57:49
			start turning right now unfortunately, more rigid. No, you're not going to go there. No, you're not
going to go there. So as a response to that, why exactly. We need to what, how should we hold the
and have the or solve this issue? My recommendation when I do actually, any therapy sessions for
couples, is to try to kill the source of uncertainty for the man. And also for the woman as well try
to kill the source of uncertainty why a man is acting this way. Because of all it all goes back to
uncertainty is uncertain about why is she doing that. And if she's not happy with me, and so and so.
So he tried to act in that fashion, being unhappy, being uncertain about that, or the result of
00:57:49 --> 00:58:27
			these gatherings and so on, maybe he thinks they're going to feed her some talks, some conversation,
some either, that's going to also hurt the relationship. So that now uncertainty breeds anxiety. And
anxiety breeds fear. And that fear breeds anger, which what's usually husband and wife deal with at
the end of that whole cycle that that hierarchy. So when they tried to solve the problem, he only
tried to solve the problem of him of her being upset, or she tries just to please Him. So he's not
angry or upset, but they never go to the core of the problem. And that is the issue of uncertainty.
So serve otherwise, my recommendation, you need to know what exactly makes the husband secure. What
00:58:27 --> 00:59:03
			does make him really seriously, you know, uncertain about what he needs to understand, you know,
these friends, if you have an issue with this bill, why don't you invite these friends at home over
here. So you can shell out and you see the quality of these people who they are and so on. And if he
insists on doing that, that's definitely not the right of the man to do that. I know, we know that
the half of the husband is that the he needs to be obeyed, and so on. But that is true, that he
needs to be obeyed. However, that doesn't mean the man needs to be unfair or being oppressive, just
a matter of becoming control free. That's not fair as well. For the woman, men they need to
00:59:03 --> 00:59:16
			understand if Allah has given them the authority, he also gave them responsibility. They need to be
responsible to make the wives happy, as much as also having the authority to you know to be obeyed,
and being taken care of as well. A lot of time
00:59:18 --> 00:59:37
			and lots of thank Jeff for his presentation. Just to remind the viewers his topic of discussion was
the prophetic way of treating your spouse under low present we've all benefited a lot from the
examples that he's given us and we'd like to thank the show very much for normal time to come out
and he's very busy schedule and you should speak to him again soon inshallah.
00:59:40 --> 01:00:00
			inshallah, when you move on to the NASA right now, he will give you the beautiful tips inshallah,
how to bring harmony to your household and to the family life, that malankara Solomonic one with a
lava. Just want to go to our second speaker inshallah, who is Mr. Nasir. I'll just give you a brief
summary of Mr. De Nasir. He is the founder and the director.
01:00:00 --> 01:00:23
			The economy Institute martial law is also very well known in the Islamic community for his work in
Islamic Tao and Islamic work is conducted. And he's also involved in the Aveda Institute inshallah.
So we would like to pass over to a chef and his topic of discussion will be how to maintain a
healthy home. And again, there'll be a chance for questions and answers at the end. So now move on
01:00:28 --> 01:00:47
			the lower salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was happy as marine salaam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakatu. Just want to greet everyone and appreciate you He is here for the beautiful
presentation. And he really touched on the important and key aspects of the marital relationship and
how to,
01:00:48 --> 01:00:50
			you know, treat one another as spouses.
01:00:52 --> 01:01:39
			I wanted to start off by acknowledging and addressing the issue that *, this organization martial
law that they are focusing on, this is a real issue and a real problem in our communities. One of
the primary issues that we have today in the Muslim community is when we have serious issues where
we have serious problems, but we fail to address them appropriately. Or we don't under understand or
appreciate the severity of the problem itself. There are countless statistics and numbers and
surveys that are coming out, and that are being updated literally on a daily basis, about the
frequency, the common, how common it has become, for spouses to suffer through domestic violence.
01:01:39 --> 01:02:17
			One of the questions that, if you ask her took right here at the end of his talk, was also about men
suffering through maybe emotional or physical violence within the relationship. And so definitely,
this is something that's happening across the board, and domestic violence. And of course, as your
counselor mentioned, that the primary victims of domestic violence tend to be women, or at least the
statistics they show is that there are more women suffering through domestic violence, but there are
definitely husbands as well suffering through domestic violence, either emotionally or physically.
And then this, what this further does is it it, it creates a bigger problem, because we have a
01:02:17 --> 01:02:57
			generation of children who grow up in abusive homes, who are either directly abused or witness
abuse, and then go on to go on and basically perpetrate that same exact behavior within their own
personal relationships. And so it's something that is destroying the foundation of family in and of
itself. And, you know, something that history teaches us. And the Quran, you know, emphasizes this
the life of the prophets a lot, it's um, it's a testament to this fact that family is the foundation
of society. It is, it is the foundation of civilization as we know it. And if you look through the
volumes of human history, whenever family was uprooted, or the institution of family fell apart,
01:02:58 --> 01:03:11
			those civilizations and those societies came crashing down. That was the beginning of the end. And
we're dealing with some very, very serious family issues today. And so this is definitely one of the
key issues that needs to be addressed. And,
01:03:13 --> 01:03:54
			again, I can't thank the organizers enough and folks who work in this in this organization, full
time, and we're committed with this cause because I still meet people till today, I remember I was
in one part of the United States and I met a young brother, who came to talk to me about his work,
he basically started a project addressing domestic violence. And he grew up in a very abusive home,
he witnessed his mother being abused for a very long time, he and his siblings were abused by their
father as well. And he grew up in such a traumatic experience that he decided to he got therapy, he
got help. And he wanted to make sure that he was able to help other people who might be suffering
01:03:54 --> 01:03:55
			through the same problem.
01:03:56 --> 01:03:57
			And he told me that
01:03:59 --> 01:04:40
			multiple times, more often than not, when he would try to go and address this topic, or try to bring
some awareness of this to the Muslim community, within our massagin and Islamic centers, and, you
know, conferences, and Islamic programs, he was turned away more often than he was welcomed. So he
was turned away more often than he was welcomed in, which is very, extremely tragic. If you think
about it, it is us denying a very, very real issue. And we have to understand the profit of a loss
allottee some told us about the importance of hearing and understanding and helping those who are
oppressed, that their plight needs to be heard and needs to be addressed. And it is something that
01:04:40 --> 01:04:46
			needs to be taken care of. And so, we really have to
01:04:47 --> 01:04:48
			understand the severity
01:04:50 --> 01:04:59
			of this issue. And we also have to understand that religiously, the obligation that we have upon us
as a community Alhamdulilah if you're not struggling with this even in your own home or your own
01:05:00 --> 01:05:24
			Thank Allah subhanaw taala, but then also realize that we are accountable as a community before our
last panel wattana for the countless people in our community that might be going through this, and
that we have failed to basically help them. And so it's a very serious issue. So I just wanted to
address the importance of the issue and thank the organizers and nor as an organization for really,
you know, going out of their way to address this topic and issue.
01:05:25 --> 01:05:31
			The issue itself today, the topic I have is how to maintain happiness, or how to maintain harmony
within the home.
01:05:32 --> 01:06:11
			She has her talk touched on a number of the key issues that are very, very helpful in this regard
that need to be taken into consideration needs to be understood, I wanted to take my talk in a
specific direction. When we talk about the spousal relationship, we have to understand the
foundation of this possible relationship, what it is and what it requires to be sustained. There are
four things that I'd like to point out, there are four areas of concern for areas of work, four
types of maturity or responsibility that need to be practiced that need to be understood, in order
for us to have healthy marriages, those who are not married, they need to understand these are four
01:06:11 --> 01:06:53
			areas where they have to pay a lot of attention. And number two, is that those who are already
married, these are constant areas of concern where we have to continue to pay attention, and we have
to continue to work on the issue. Number one is physical maturity, which obviously, you know, goes
without saying that it's very important. But I'd like to touch on that. What do I mean by that some
physical responsibility, of course, not being abusive, not being violent, is one of those issues, at
the same time being healthy. You know, a lot of times there are a number of health related issues,
whether it be obesity, or it'd be just bad health or a lack of sleep, or a lack of, you know, rest,
01:06:53 --> 01:07:03
			not a proper diet, whatever the case may be, that can sometimes create health issues that can create
fatigue, that can create, excuse me, that can also create,
01:07:04 --> 01:07:45
			you know, exhaustion, fatigue, frustration, all these other issues can, you know, be created as a
result of somebody not taking care of themselves physically. So having a proper diet, exercising
regularly, being healthy, getting enough sleep, making sure that you are well rested, all of that is
extremely, vitally important, it is very important, it is necessary, it is vital. So that physical
responsibility needs to be there. Otherwise, you're compounding an issue. And it goes without
saying, and again, I don't want to talk talk about this too much, because there's other points I'd
like to make. But when we when we fail to take care of ourselves physically, when we fail to take
01:07:45 --> 01:08:22
			care of ourselves physically, we a lot of times can also lack in the area of being able to go out
with each other, do activities with one another, spend time with each other, especially in this
possible relationship. physical intimacy is very important. It is absolutely necessary. She also was
talking about the whole issue about, you know, marital * and different issues like that. Well, we
also have to understand that what can create problems long, you know, term issues within the
relationship is when there is not enough physical intimacy between the spouses, and a lack of
physical health can be a problem in regards to that. So we definitely have to take care of that we
01:08:22 --> 01:09:01
			have to work on that. The second area of maturity or the second area of responsibility that needs to
be taken seriously, is financial, maturity and financial responsibility. And what does that mean?
What that basically referred to as a couple of things? Number one, is that, yes, you know, when we
talk about it from a fic, from a technical perspective, the responsibility to provide for the family
is that of the husbands, the husband, the father must provide for the family must provide for his
wife and his kids. That is his responsibility. Now, again, there are difficult economic times, if
both the both the spouses are going to work together to pay the bills, that's completely fine.
01:09:01 --> 01:09:37
			That's a mutual agreement that they're coming to. But if there is a husband, who is not working, who
is being lazy, who is not doing his job, who is being irresponsible, in regards to taking care of
his family, then that is going to create problems, that is going to lead to some very, very serious
issues. And so whether somebody likes to or not, no matter, you might have been raised with a golden
spoon in your mouth by your parents, it does not matter. When you take on marriage, you take on a
family, you take on the responsibility to provide for your family, and it needs to be understood
accordingly. At the same time, the second issue in terms of financial responsibility and financial
01:09:37 --> 01:10:00
			maturity is understanding how to spend the money that comes into the house as well. How are we
budgeting our money? How are we spending our money, financial, you know, issues are the leading
cause of divorce in the United States of America. I understand the organization is based out of the
UK, but at the same time, I mean, I'm more familiar with the statistics here in America. So that's
what I'll talk about, but I'm pretty sure it's comparable.
01:10:00 --> 01:10:04
			That the leading cause of divorce in the United States of America is,
01:10:06 --> 01:10:33
			is finding our financial issues. And so what ends up happening, money is not being spent properly.
They're going into debt. They're in over their heads, that leads to frustration and anger and
confusion and fear and apprehension. I apologize. My, my kids just came back from school. So they
might be causing a little bit of disruption. But inshallah it's about family, right? So it shouldn't
be too much of a problem.
01:10:34 --> 01:10:37
			So, and that's them playing with their toys.
01:10:38 --> 01:10:41
			So what I was saying was, it's gonna be a little difficult Excuse me.
01:10:43 --> 01:10:43
01:10:44 --> 01:10:45
01:10:47 --> 01:10:49
			Maria, come in, baby.
01:10:51 --> 01:10:52
			So I'm gonna go.
01:10:53 --> 01:10:54
			Okay, I was
01:10:55 --> 01:11:36
			giving a lecture. Okay by me. Can you guys go play downstairs and I'll be right down. All right.
Okay, don't make noise here. Okay. Oh, you mean? All right. You made this for me does echolocate on
Thank you very much. All right, now let me give the lecture Okay, baby, sit down, right, don't make
any noise. So, apologize. So what I was saying was that it is financial responsibility, financial
maturity. So when when the money is not being spent properly, when when the finances are not being
handled properly. And now people are in debt people are in over their heads, that leads to the
anger, the frustration, the confusion, the apprehension, all the different issues. And what that
01:11:36 --> 01:12:13
			ends up doing is that ends up providing that ends up creating more problems. And and before you know
it, they're the spouses, the husband and the wife are fighting each other, they're blaming each
other, they're at each other's throats. And I'm not justifying domestic violence. But we have to
understand everything has everything, you know it, it has a cause and effect. And this definitely
does contribute to the issue and the problem. So whether we're talking about divorce or marital, you
know, bickering and fights, or we are talking about a serious issue, like domestic violence,
eventually, these are serious concerns that are at the root of it. So we need financial
01:12:13 --> 01:12:43
			responsibility and financial maturity, those who are responsible for earning for the family,
primarily the husband, father, need to take their job very seriously. And you know, that might
require sacrifices, you might have to work a job that is below, you know, your qualifications, you
might have to get a second job, or whatever the case may be, but I have to understand my
responsibility towards my family. Secondly, you know, a lot of times we get into the discussion,
I'll tell you something, as a student, and a teacher of fifth.
01:12:44 --> 01:13:21
			Fifth is very important. And we need to know our fifth fickle family and all of these different
issues. But it also becomes a problem when husband and wife are spitting at one another. You know,
your money is my money, and my money is my money and your money is this money and our money and my
money. It creates a huge problem. It creates a huge catastrophe. We need to understand that if we
are families, and we're living together and working together as families, we need to be making
financial decisions together as families. And we need to understand that when it comes to budgeting,
when it comes to spending money, allocating money, those decisions need to be made as a family that
01:13:21 --> 01:13:26
			is not to usurp the position of the husband, or the father, guys.
01:13:28 --> 01:13:31
			Don't Don't make noise. All right, to make sure you want to sit with him.
01:13:32 --> 01:13:33
			Okay, marry him, you come sit with me.
01:13:36 --> 01:14:17
			He comes in with me. All right. Don't fight with my show. Okay. So when it comes to spending money,
allocating money and and dealing with money, these decisions need to be made together as a family,
the husband and wife need to sit down together and figure out this is not to usurp the husband's
position as the mirror of the household or the family. Absolutely not. He's still responsible and in
the decision making capacity, but nobody has more authority. And nobody was in a position to be in
authority more than Mohammed the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the Quran tells us that
Allah subhanaw taala commanded the prophets a lot of them to make Shula will shout with whom fill
01:14:17 --> 01:14:53
			our Shabbat, the Allahu taala. And he actually says about the prophets, a lot of the temple motto at
adsterra, Matura, termin, Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi Salaam. I never saw anyone making more
shooter than the prophets a lot. He said, whether it was a community or it was the family or it was
the household, whatever, whatever the case was, the profits a lot of the same was always making sure
consultation and working as a group together. And so we're going to have to learn to make these
decisions, especially financial decisions together as a family. And you know, a lot of times there's
a talk, there's a lot of talk in our community today about, you know, Islamic financing and buying,
01:14:53 --> 01:15:00
			you know, how long mortgages and all these other issues. But what's more important than that and the
education that we need in our community.
01:15:00 --> 01:15:33
			In regards to that is how to budget and how to handle our finances properly. A lot of times people
are not very properly educated, they come from homes where there was a ton of debt, then they go to
college and they get into more debt, then they get credit cards and they get more debt. And then
they get married and they go into more debt, and they have kids and they have even more debt. And
before you know they're buried in debt, and then the only option teams is to blame one another to
fight with each other. So it's very important that we need financial education, how to manage our
finances properly, and pay off our debts properly in the Muslim community, actually, from Calum
01:15:33 --> 01:15:36
			Institute, which was mentioned in the introduction here to my talk.
01:15:37 --> 01:16:19
			behalf of Gollum Institute, a couple of students of mine, who have received extensive training from
organizations who have been providing, you know, debt management education, like how to get out of
debt and how to manage your finances properly, they've gone through extensive training and
disregard. And what they've done is they've been able to put together a project that we, they've
launched an E book, it's a free book that people can download, I believe it's like 3040 pages long,
it's free, and you can go to debt free Muslims, that is debt, free Muslims, the EBT, debt free
muslims.com. And you can actually download the ebook for free, because we're trying to get this
01:16:19 --> 01:16:59
			education out there. We need to educate folks on debt and finances, even within the Muslim
community, because the Muslim community is not immune, Muslim families are not immune to these
issues. And the same issues are now affecting us as families and as a community as Muslims. And so
the second thing that I was talking about was financial maturity and responsibility. The third issue
that I'd like to talk about is emotional responsibility and emotional maturity. And that, of course,
is very, very important. And that needs to be understood, you know, a psychologist or a therapist
would be a lot better qualified than myself to actually talk on these issues. And I'm pretty sure
01:16:59 --> 01:17:37
			newer as an organization, is inshallah making that available to the community. But emotional
maturity and emotional responsibility is extremely important. And I'd like to just give you a little
bit of a snippet of what I mean, you know, again, I'm going to speak from the American, the western
perspective that in American culture and American society, from the western perspective, people are
very independent and very individual, like, we we pride ourselves on our on our individuality,
individuality, independence is very important. And we grow up as individuals, and we grow up wanting
to be independent. And then when two people get married, two adults get married, you have two
01:17:37 --> 01:17:55
			completely independent, very unique individuals whose lives and worlds are now merging together, and
they're basically going to become one. When that ends up happening. There's a huge accommodation
that has to be made. One of the primary things that I've been talking about, in my travels around
the United States,
01:17:56 --> 01:18:32
			is, you know, a lot of times in the Muslim community, there's this culture of getting married young.
And that's very important. We do need people to get married young, because part of the negative
culture that came with a lot of, you know, the older generation, from different parts of the Muslim
world was waiting till somebody was 30 to get married. And that's not healthy. So we do need to get
married early. But at the same time, when I started to come across was very young Muslims, not
understanding the significance of marriage and the commitment of marriage and the emotional
sacrifices and responsibilities that have to be made in marriage. There are huge sacrifices and
01:18:32 --> 01:19:13
			accommodations and compromises emotionally that have to be made in marriage. Let's say for myself,
I'm, I'm an individual, I'm single, let's just say for instance, I'm not married, for example, I
live my life on my own, I have my own schedule, I have my own things that I do what I eat, when I
sleep, what I do with my free time, how I spend my money, how I earn my money, I do everything
myself, I make all my decisions myself, I have no one to answer to I don't deal with anybody else. I
am an individual, I am an I am independent. When I get married now, my life is merging with another
human being. And we are both at school have to go into make a lot of compromises. We're both going
01:19:13 --> 01:19:50
			to have to make a lot of adjustments in that regard. And we're both going to have to learn to meet
in the middle. You know, very beautifully the the profits a lot of them used to make for a newlywed
couple was barakallahu laka laka laka wajima, Bina Kumar and me unite between the two of you the
prophets a lot, he showed me that ninja do it he was including that subtlety, that nuance that you
have to meet in the middle. If you are meant to become a couple of a family, a home, you're going to
have to learn to meet in the middle, you're going to have to join hands in the middle, not pull each
other onto each other side. Because that's not going to last very long. That's not going to be
01:19:50 --> 01:20:00
			successful. And so that's what we end up at what we have happening right now. We either have couples
who each one is pulling the other one in a different direction or one person
01:20:00 --> 01:20:37
			sacrificing and the other person is not compromising. And one person gets burned out and one person
gets enabled. And eventually you end up with a problem on your hands. One person is oppressed, and
the other is the oppressor. And that's a huge problem. So we have to learn to meet in the middle. So
emotional maturity, and responsibility is very important. And I'd like to talk about that just a
second, more sacrifices are going to have to be made, yes, sacrifices, sacrifices are going to have
to be made, you know, chefs are very appropriately talked about how individuals need to be able to
maintain their individuality, that, you know, a wife, so has her family and her friends. And that is
01:20:37 --> 01:21:17
			absolutely true. And her husband has family, as his family as his friends and as his activities, his
likes and dislikes. And that's absolutely true. But still, sacrifices are going to have to be made.
And we're not willing to make those sacrifices. You know, I'll give you an example. One that ends up
coming to, is brought to my desk quite often. And that is a couple gets married. The wife was
extremely sociable, very outgoing, she would go out with her friends four or five times a week, she
gets married, and she expects to keep that up. You know, again, I'm not sure you know what planet
you're coming from. But if you have dinner fight, if you're married, and you have dinner five times
01:21:17 --> 01:22:00
			a week with somebody else, aside from your family, your spouse, your husband, that's not going to
work. On the other hand, another issue I see or that I deal with a lot is that this good brother
does good sister, they get married, the brother was very active, you know, again, socially, you
know, Monday night is, you know, basketball night, that's when I go play basketball with the guys
Wednesday night. You know, we, we, you know, go we play soccer, we play football. You know, Friday
night, I go out for dinner with the guys. Sunday we watch, I'll tell you something, and y'all have
the counterpart of this in the UK, in America, especially here in Texas, where I'm from football,
01:22:01 --> 01:22:44
			and I'm not talking about your football, we call your football, soccer. I'm talking about the real
football, American football. And so football is a huge thing. It's a big part of the culture, much
like soccer is for you guys in the UK. What ends up happening in America here in the United States
is American football on Sundays, a minimum of three games are shown on TV, each game is about three
hours long. So that's about nine hours with some time in between. And so that's 10 hours, that if
somebody expects to just sit in front of a television, watch a football game for 10 hours, you know,
on and if they work five, six days a week, you're only day offices on day, and I got to watch
01:22:44 --> 01:23:17
			football for 10 hours on Sunday, you're going to have problems in your marriage, you are going to
have problems as a family, you can write it down. And so sacrifices are going to have to be made,
compromises are going to have to be made. And that's very, very important. It'd be fantastic. You
know, the wife accommodates the husband says, you know, this Sunday, why don't you watch the game
the next Sunday without having to the wife having to ask, the husband says, You know what, don't
worry about the game. I'll just check the scores afterwards. Let's Let's go out for a day. Let's
just go out for a day. Let's go to the park, let's go to the zoo, let's go for a picnic, let's go
01:23:17 --> 01:23:35
			eat out somewhere. Let's go do something, as a family as a couple. That's extremely important. So
those sacrifices and compromises are going to have to be made emotionally we're going to have to
learn to grow up, you know if brothers you know maybe if you play video games, you know,
01:23:36 --> 01:23:47
			you know FIFA, you play FIFA every night for two hours. When you get back from work and it helps me
you know, release tension. It helps me de stress. Well, congratulations.
01:23:49 --> 01:24:00
			I'm very happy for you that you know, FIFA helps you de stress. But you have to understand your
wife, someone waiting at home for you all day long. So you have to accommodate. The fourth area of
maturity that I'd like to talk about is
01:24:01 --> 01:24:42
			spiritual maturity, spiritual maturity, spiritual responsibility. And I'm gonna cut to the chase
here we're gonna wrap things up so that we can take a lot of questions, according to what the admin
is telling me that we have a ton of questions Mashallah spiritual responsibility, maturity is very
important. Allah subhana wa Tada, I'm going to give you some homework, everyone who's watching and
listening, I'm gonna give you a little bit of homework. I want you to go and look up I am number
238. I am number 238. From sort of tillbaka Allah, Allah says Happy to Allah salatu wa Salatu was ta
wakulla carnitine. He tells us to protect and watch and take care of our prayers. What's fascinating
01:24:42 --> 01:25:00
			about that, is that that it occurs in the middle of a passage about divorce. So the question that
the most you don't ask here is why would a las panatela bring up give up taking care of prayers? In
the middle of a passage about divorce? What's the relevance what's the connection? Well, the
relevance and the connection is that a lot
01:25:00 --> 01:25:41
			pinata is reminding us that maybe I'm having troubles in my personal relationships. Maybe I'm
struggling in my marriage in my family, because I'm struggling in my relationship with the law. I
gotta get my relationship with the law back on track. I'm gonna go Hata radi Allahu anhu said men
can Alyssa Lattimore, Dr. Anthony Arabia odr somebody who will be irresponsible, irresponsible about
Salah prayer will even be will be even more irresponsible about everything else from a later fee.
Later on, there'll be a fair kuno fee Hello lady, somebody who can be good to his Lord, his master
to his Rob Allah. Why would you ever expect a person to be good to somebody else, anybody else. So
01:25:41 --> 01:25:43
			we got to get our relationship with the law back on track.
01:25:45 --> 01:26:25
			I don't want to drag this on too long, I want to be able to ask questions, because that's where
we're going to realize a lot of the real issues. The last note that I do have to say I feel
obligated to mention one last thing. And that is the in law issue. The in laws are a huge problem.
In in marital problems, they're a huge issue that comes up in terms of marriages and, and the
happiness or the harmony or the lack thereof, within the home and in the family. The in law issue is
a huge problem. And it's something that needs to be addressed very, very responsibly. Again, I'm
going to give you a little bit of a homework,
01:26:26 --> 01:27:08
			you can actually go on YouTube. And on YouTube, there's a lecture that I gave, it was part of the
Ramadan tissue series. Um, Chef Yasser actually talked about the idea, he kind of referenced it very
quickly. The title of the lecture is inlaw interference. It's called inlaw interference. And it's
about probably about a 20 minute lecture, where it'll give you 30 minute lecture give you a little
bit more detail. Definitely do check that out. But what I will mention is one thing, yes, parents
have a mate and parents have huge rights over their children. And those rights do not go away, do
not disappear after marriage. Absolutely not. But at the same time, see, we have to understand this
01:27:08 --> 01:27:53
			is because of our lack of understanding of the nature of shitty, shabby outfit, Islam, the deen of
Islam is a comprehensive religion. It's the sum of the parts. You can take one IO lotta llama off,
don't even say off to them. That's it. I can't I can't disagree. I can not obliged to my parents
request. That's it. It's binding. No, no, no, the Quran is a complete Kitab from Allah. Then we have
the son of the prophets, Allah and everything works together. Align His messengers, a lot he sent
him have also talked about the rights of one's family and once wife and children those who are under
my care, he has also talked about them a lot in his messengers, a lot of him I've also talked about
01:27:53 --> 01:28:00
			loom and oppression and usurping people's rights. Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran also says
01:28:02 --> 01:28:02
01:28:03 --> 01:28:44
			coo coo wamena Bill crustacea alila, whenever allowing for sicko invalidating will occur have been
that stand for truth and justice and stand as witnesses before God before a law, even if you have to
stand against yourself or your parents or your relatives. That's an ayah from the Quran in surah,
Nisa. So we have to understand the full scope of things. Yes, I will not disrespect my parents, I
will not neglect my parents. But if my parents are asking me demanding me that I abuse and neglect
my wife and my children, I will respectfully say, I love you, I respect you, I will do anything for
you. But you're abusing and violating somebody else's rights. And I can't be a part of that.
01:28:45 --> 01:28:58
			Similarly, I love my wife, I love my kids. But if my wife and my kids start to demand for me that I
neglect and throw away and abuse my parents, I will say I love you, I sacrifice for you, I will do
anything for you.
01:28:59 --> 01:29:39
			But at the same time, I can't take part, I can be a part of you asking me to violate somebody else's
rights. That balance needs to be there. It is extremely important. And so that's one very important
note that I did want to touch on. And I did want to talk about before we just ended the brief
session. Again, I'll end with, you know, commending the organization telling everyone to support the
organization. * project Sakina, which we have here in the United States. These are amazing
projects that are addressing domestic violence within the Muslim community support these projects.
It is our responsibility. You know, she's asked her was asked that question about the ayah about
01:29:39 --> 01:29:41
			hitting of the wife.
01:29:42 --> 01:29:56
			Again, remember, Shetty AI works. It's it's the sum of all the parts. It's all the pieces have to
combine. There was a habia who came to the profits a lot he sent him and asked him about a marriage
proposal. What do you say this person is responding to me?
01:29:57 --> 01:30:00
			This person is proposing to me how
01:30:00 --> 01:30:07
			How should I respond? The Prophet of Allah, Allah told her that he has a bad temper, don't marry
01:30:08 --> 01:30:46
			The profit or loss of a loved one a person who's a better one he than the prophets a lot, he sent
him. The prophets, a lot of them is selling the Sahaba don't marry them. And because he has a bad
temper, is a heavy hand. He's has a bad temper. I've seen him a few times he gets very aggressive
very quickly. Don't marry him. It's not good for you. That's Muhammad Rasul ocelots. I'm saying that
the Prophet of Allah Salah Leeson was told about somebody who used to beat his wife, the prophets, a
lot of them said he is the worst from amongst us. There's a narration about the prophets, a legend
that says, He sallallahu alayhi salam in his entire life, never struck a woman nor a child. He never
01:30:46 --> 01:31:12
			struck a woman or a child. That's the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and that needs to be
understood in the Tafseer in the context of the ayah. That's how Islam that's how Dean, that's how
the knowledge in Islam works. I want to thank everyone for listening, just like Malala played on,
and I believe I'm gonna throw it back over to our admin and organizers, the moderator, and they're
going to present some questions in shower.
01:31:20 --> 01:31:46
			There's a hashtag for your presentation is very beneficial, we will now move on to be the questions
that we have coming in. The first question that we have is what advice do you give for us, the
people in society who can actually try and address some of these issues, as individuals and as
community leaders and as people in the society? Maybe who don't experience the issue of domestic
violence or these problems? How can we get involved?
01:31:47 --> 01:32:27
			Very good. It all begins with knowledge, your knowledge is power, it all begins with knowledge and
awareness. We have to educate ourselves. Trust me, there are websites like news website, go there,
check it out, read the website, find the information, attend the programs, listen in on to these
webinars, educate yourself, there are tons of statistics, and there's tons of information that's out
there about how serious of an issue it is. So number one, educate yourself. Number two, and also
educate yourself as prevention, you know, inshallah, you're a very good person, and you would never
abuse a family member. But at the same time, none of us are immune, none of us are angels, you know,
01:32:27 --> 01:33:05
			so educate yourself as prevention as well. And then educate yourself to know what the seriousness
and the severity of the issue is. Number two, get involved, get involved, you know, the famous quote
that, you know, all that evil needs is for good people to stand aside and do nothing. All that evil
needs to prevail is for good people saying this, I didn't do nothing. That's exactly the plight of
the Muslim community right now. We just stand by, and things continue to happen. And as long as it's
not a, it's not affecting me, in my personal life, I can't be bothered by it, I could care less
stuff that a lot. This was not the attitude of the prophets a lot. He said, Oh, I need to get
01:33:05 --> 01:33:40
			involved, get involved, help out, volunteer, contribute your money, spread awareness, you know, help
them set up the booths at the table, you might be any Mom, you might be a leader in the community,
you might have influence, you might be a big donor at your budget. Well, it's about time to be
through some of that wait around for a good cause and a good reason. And that is, you know, I know
of this organization, they do fantastic work in terms of educating people about domestic violence. I
want them to come and make a presentation here on Friday night at our machine, I want them to set up
a table in a booth and pass out their pamphlets and information. Because you never know, you know,
01:33:40 --> 01:34:16
			what might happen. Not only does the community learn about the issue, and more people will help and
support and more people will be aware of the issue so that they never fall into it. There might be
somebody there very quietly, who didn't know where to go to. They didn't know where to turn to, they
didn't know who to talk to. And very quietly, they walk by and they pick up the pamphlet from the
table and hide it in their pocket, stash it in their purse, and just quietly go home, and then the
privacy somewhere in the dark little corner. Now they go go into the restroom. And then they open up
that pamphlet, and they're reading and they're looking through and they realize there's help for me.
01:34:16 --> 01:34:22
			somebody cares about me, somebody who's worried about me. So definitely get involved.
01:34:26 --> 01:34:45
			The next question you have is about the actions of violence that some men take towards their
partners. And the claim is that men are naturally more aggressive, naturally, they're more physical.
And that anger again, gave physical bodies anyway that they they know how to deal with a situation.
So how would you kind of respond to that?
01:34:46 --> 01:35:00
			So I try to, I promise myself, that I'm going to restrain myself and not say the first thing that
comes to mind. But you know, sometimes it's just a time to be honest.
01:35:01 --> 01:35:04
			That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard my entire life.
01:35:06 --> 01:35:08
			I don't even understand what that means.
01:35:09 --> 01:35:50
			are men more physical by nature? I guess. Yeah, you could say that to maybe some extent. But we're
talking about in terms of physical capacity. Men can lift more weight. men could maybe run faster.
That's, that's fine. But that has nothing to do with violence. It has nothing to do with violence,
and also the Lucky's Pilates and do you know how strong our celestial bodies and how gifted he was?
Physically? There's I was just sharing this story with somebody in the senior class A few weeks ago
with my students. I was telling them that the famous story of Rihanna the wrestler and MCI he was
Qureshi strongest man, he was you all Arabian wrestling champion, the prophets a lot of them picked
01:35:50 --> 01:36:16
			them up and body slammed him, like pick them up and body slammed him on his back three times. And
now so how strong is the profits a lot he said on and on the other hand, compared that to the fact
that the Sahaba are saying the profits a lot of them never, ever, ever as a documented fact he never
ever struck, never hit a woman, nor did he ever hit a child. So the two have nothing to do with each
other. Allah knows best.
01:36:18 --> 01:36:50
			Okay, just Okay, we've got a great question that's come through, I'm just going to just gonna read
it out for the, for the benefit of our audience inshallah. And I hope you can come in afterwards.
Okay. The question is, does someone know you can do for others of us in arranged marriage, and my
husband was very abusive. It starts off that way. But it gradually got worse, and I ended up in
hospital. I thought to myself, if I'm patient, Allah will reward me. It did, however, get out of
hand one day, and I fought back for the first time, hits him over the head with a lamp and left
01:36:51 --> 01:37:04
			handed After three years of asking for a divorce, I'm finally free. My question is blood or spirit,
and he said he would never forgive me. I asked a lot. I asked forgiveness from Omar, but his
argument is valid on the Day of Judgment.
01:37:07 --> 01:37:29
			So hello, um, so everyone can understand the gravity of the sister situation? And of course, you
know, we're we're getting a question. And we're, we're, we can only address a question that we're
receiving Allah knows best, about, you know, the other, you know, the other side of the story, but
addressing the question that we've received,
01:37:30 --> 01:37:44
			if that is the case, and the reality, you know, a lot of times when we hear this type of a story, I
wanted to comment on this. Definitely, you know, it's easy for me to say this, because I'm not in a
situation where I'm being abused.
01:37:45 --> 01:38:20
			I'm being taken advantage of. So it's easy for me to say, but a lot of times when we hear, you know,
somebody being so terribly abused that this, this, this dear sister of ours ended up in the
hospital. And then when we hear in the story that later on, you know, she hit him back in this
night, we you, it's a natural reaction, want to go? Yeah, like you're watching a movie like
something good happen. That's not a good thing. You know, we as a community should have been able to
step in and protect our sister from that situation to begin with. But addressing the situation at
hand, sister, you did strike him back, you said, you know, blood was drawn? He says he won't forgive
01:38:20 --> 01:38:52
			you. You know, I really would, I would ask Allah subhana wa Taala for forgiveness. But at the end of
the day, I really wouldn't let it bother me too much. You were being abused? What else were you
supposed to do? Your you know, the family members probably stood by and watched his to community
then step in and do anything, nobody did anything for you? What were you supposed to do? And so I
really wouldn't let that way too heavy on my conscious, you have your relationship with a love, you
know, fix your relationship with Allah. And I really wouldn't worry about this issue too much Allah
knows best.
01:38:55 --> 01:39:16
			Take another question. And this one, again, is a very important question. The the question that's
been raised is if a husband and wife commits fornication before marriage, when they were younger, or
maybe ignorant about Islam, and then afterwards, they repented to all our sponsor, Allah, is it
necessary to tell that their future spouse or their current partner about the sense that they're
01:39:17 --> 01:39:54
			So this is a very complicated issue. It requires a little bit more of a detailed response. I'm going
to just give you a couple of basic points with the disclaimer that it requires a more detailed
response. So if somebody doesn't understand or doesn't agree with something, understand that it
requires more detail. But here's the issue, someone's past or what transpired with a person what
they did before they got married, has nothing to do with the person that they're marrying. Now,
disclosing all of your sins and telling them about everything that you did before, is not a
requirement and it is not necessary for marriage. It is not necessary, it is not a requirement for
01:39:54 --> 01:39:59
			marriage. However, there are two things I'd like to bring to your attention number one
01:40:01 --> 01:40:08
			I'm just going to use you know, two people as an example, if brother Khalid is marrying
01:40:09 --> 01:40:50
			sister, Zane up, brother Khalid is men marrying sisters ain't up, brother Khalid, or sisters ain't
up for that matter. One of them had a relationship before marriage. And you know, they committed
fornication and they had a full on physical relationship before they got married. Now, they don't
have to tell one another about what they did before marriage is not a requirement. However, there
are two things that need to be kept in mind. Number one, let's just say brother Khalid had a very
public affair. You know, he was in college, he wasn't that religious. He wasn't that God conscious.
He was, you know, going out with a girl going out with her very publicly. He had pictures up on
01:40:50 --> 01:41:26
			Facebook, he used to take her out to the restaurants, he would go to the park and the picnic with
her. Everybody saw him holding your hand, going out with her. Everybody knew boyfriend, girlfriend,
everybody knew. A couple of years later, brother Khalid has an awakening in his life. You, you know
reestablishes his relationship with a law betters his relationship with the Lord develop stuck, why
he says no, that's wrong, he breaks it off, he steps away from that a little wild lie A little while
later, he finds out about sisters ain't up. And now they're talking and getting ready to get
married. Brother Holly doesn't have to tell sisters enough about all of his sins that he committed
01:41:26 --> 01:41:59
			before marriage. But what brother Khalid is going to have to keep in mind is that if he was going
around very publicly in the area and sisters ain't up is from the same neighborhood, the same
community, the same area, she's going to possibly end up hearing about it. But what will end up
happening, they get married, he doesn't say anything about it, she doesn't ask anything about it.
three months, six months, eight months, a year later into the marriage into the wedding, somebody's
going to go to the sisters, or sisters a sister or mother or aunt or cousin and say, Hey, you know
her husband, man, you know, he had some serious business going on with this other girl and they used
01:41:59 --> 01:42:37
			to go out everywhere together, and they were living together and sleeping together, etc, etc, etc.
that word is gonna get through, get back two sisters ain't up. She's hearing it from a third party,
she's naturally going to become suspicious of the husband. And now we're gonna have a huge crisis in
that marriage. If you were in that situation where it was just public, it was blatant, you're better
off putting it on the table and saying, look, I was a different person back then. I was a different
person back then. And I had this relationship, but that's not me anymore. And you know me, you're
more than welcome to take a look complete look at my life inside out. That's not me. If you can
01:42:37 --> 01:43:02
			believe that. You can be okay with that and not hold that against me, then let's talk. But if you
have a problem with that, we're better off going our own ways. Now, instead of six months later,
ending up in a counselor in the mom's office and then negotiating a divorce. Everyone's going to get
hurt. Let's just figure this out right now. The second scenario that I'd like to mention with some
people might find appalling, but we really shouldn't. It's it's the unfortunate unfortunate reality
in our communities today.
01:43:03 --> 01:43:12
			If somebody was very promiscuous, somebody had, you know, a few different flings. They slept around
a little bit before they got married.
01:43:13 --> 01:43:49
			They need to make sure that they get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. They need to get
tested for STDs. They need to do it. And if there is something there, then they need to be open
about that with any marriage prospect. They need to be open about that. And if there's nothing
there, then I'm from the love but they need to get tested for STDs. It is not an option anymore. I
don't care how disgusting or how embarrassing or whatever you think it is. If you've had a
premarital relationship, get tested. It is very, very important. I dealt with a case not too long
ago, sister comes and sits down. Her you can tell from her face, her world was destroyed at falling
01:43:49 --> 01:44:28
			apart. She starts telling me that she got married to a guy decent guy. He must have had some
premarital relationships. He really didn't take it seriously. He didn't look into it. He didn't get
tested. They got married. She went in for some other physicals and tests and blood tests and other
stuff like that. Doctor calls her in very seriously one day sits her down and says you are HIV
positive. You have AIDS who are HIV positive. Her world was destroyed. She said how can that be?
I've never used needles have premarital relationships, nothing. She talks to her husband about it.
She forces her husband to get tested. He's HIV positive and then he says yeah, I had a few
01:44:28 --> 01:44:41
			relationships. I had a few one nightstands before I you know, Islam before I got married, etc. But
then that was negligence. That was irresponsibility. So that needs to be taken seriously. And then
I'll add a third point.
01:44:42 --> 01:44:54
			If your fiance or the person you're getting married to or you're considering for marriage, or your
husband and your wife at this point was open about you look, I did have premarital relationships,
and this is what what happened and now it's over.
01:44:55 --> 01:45:00
			Do and you chose to marry them because they told you they've made Toba. They've repented
01:45:00 --> 01:45:30
			They're different personnel, and you chose to marry them. Don't you dare ever bring it up again, I
don't care what the fights about I don't care what's going on. Just because you're kind of backed up
into a corner, you know, you did something you shouldn't have done to and your spouse sat down your
husband, your wife sat down and said, Listen, this isn't right. Why did you do that? We shouldn't be
doing that. We made a decision not to spend money here to do this. And you feel backed into a corner
and you need a quick when you want to take a jab. You say, Oh, yeah, why don't you just go sleep
around some more with some people? At least I never slept around with anyone. That's, that's,
01:45:30 --> 01:45:37
			that's, that's absolutely not right. So make sure you don't do that if you do go forward with such a
relationship, and aloneness.
01:45:40 --> 01:46:00
			Okay, the next question we have is that we're taught that life is a test, are we failing our test?
And are we being impatient? If we choose to leave an abusive relationship? are we sending our
children for meeting the father for this reason? Would it be held accountable for not helping us
through His anger management or the issues? It begs us to stay in this relationship?
01:46:02 --> 01:46:28
			So very, very good question. So Hon, Allah? That's That's an excellent question. And I'm going to
preface the question by saying that my answer will be incomplete. Because I do not have a full
consideration of the psychological and emotional impact, we would need a counselor or psychologist
to give the other the human the emotional side of it, the psychological side of it. Because this is
a really, really deep question.
01:46:30 --> 01:46:32
			So from the Islamic perspective,
01:46:33 --> 01:46:40
			you know, life is a test. Absolutely. It's full of test. Absolutely. We're rewarded for our test.
01:46:41 --> 01:46:42
			But Lu,
01:46:43 --> 01:46:45
			violence, oppression
01:46:46 --> 01:47:25
			is something that is not we're not supposed to put ourselves through that. You know, while life is a
test of profits, a lot of them also told commanded the Sahaba. I'm going to narrow satellites a
little bit to that we, in the Jammie IV mounted to me the the profits, a lot of them reported to
have said the Sahaba say rather, excuse me, MSM No, Malik says that Amara rasulillah is a lot of
assembly today. We, the prophets, a lot of them commanded us to take medication, he told us we had
to take medication, we're not supposed to intentionally put ourselves through hardship. There's no
there's nothing admirable about that. So if you are in a, you are being abused, and you are in an
01:47:25 --> 01:48:02
			oppressive relationship, you decide to step away from that leave that relationship, there's nothing
wrong that you did, you did not chicken out, you did not have a lack of flour. tawakkol That's
nonsense. And anyone who tries to religiously guilt trip you is wrong. They are wrong, and they are
being irresponsible and they are abusing the deen of Islam, that is not allowed, that is not
permissible. So absolutely find your way out of that relationship. You know, maybe if that person
can get help makes a promise. But see, that's on that person, you don't have to help that person get
better, you step away, you step out from that you call the authorities, you start getting counseling
01:48:02 --> 01:48:36
			and therapy, you contact you know, some, whether it be the mom or your family or an attorney, or
whatever the case may be, and you start let your intentions very well known. I'm filing for divorce,
I'm getting out of this relationship, I needed a lot of hoopla I'm out. And if the abusive spouse
comes forward and says I realize the error of my ways I am going to better myself and get help, then
that's fine. If you decide that you want to see how this goes. You can wait it out. But that is on
that person to go and get help to get better that is their job, their responsibility, their problem.
01:48:37 --> 01:48:43
			The third question during was, are Is it a sin to stop the children from seeing the father?
01:48:45 --> 01:49:21
			This is a really, really tricky issue. Because you're what I would advise in this situation is if
there's like substance abuse, physical violence, violence and abuse, then I think there are serious
concerns about the children interacting with such a person. Because that person and some people are
going to argue you can't take islamically you can't take the father's right. No, no, no, nobody's
taking the father's right away. The father took his own right away. If he's doing drugs, if he's
drinking alcohol, if he's beating people up in the house, he's taking his own right away to his own
children. We have to understand that. Number two,
01:49:22 --> 01:49:59
			if it's, you know, what the what I would actually advise is, if you feel the relationship with
somebody emotionally abusive, I'm not minimizing your suffering and your situation. But what I would
advise is you said, sit down with a third neutral party, maybe sit down a counselor, sit down a
family member sit down any Mom, I would sit down with a third party neutral party and present the
entire scenario to them, and then basically say, what do you what would you recommend a
recommendation, what would you recommend in terms of my children, interacting with their father who
has done
01:50:00 --> 01:50:38
			XY and Z. And then just so that you know that you're being honest in this situation, and you're
maybe not wrongfully keeping the children away from their parents, from the Father because maybe the
child wants to wants to get to know the Father. But again, if it's very serious, where it's like,
physical violence and substance abuse and alcohol abuse and those types of things, kids don't need
to be around people like that. Kids should not be around people like that. I'll give you a
statistic, I'll end this answer with this statistic. The University of Columbia columbia university
in the United States, very prestigious, they have a research center called the Center for Substance
01:50:38 --> 01:50:44
			abuse and addiction, the Center for Substance abuse and addiction, CSI csaa,
01:50:45 --> 01:50:57
			they published a research where they said that children that grow up in a home or children who grow
up in an environment who witness not even both, even one of their parents,
01:50:59 --> 01:51:12
			you know, committing substance or alcohol abuse with an addiction, are 50% more likely to develop an
addiction later on in life. So it has a very, very bad effect on our kids. So we have to be careful
01:51:14 --> 01:51:31
			Okay, the next question you have, again, is a very important question is the issue of a child in a
relationship. So if a child actually witnesses, their parents being physically abused, or I see
something occurring, and how should the child themselves deal with that situation? What do you want
him to do?
01:51:33 --> 01:52:09
			In this kind of goes back to the issue that, you know, was talked about in the earlier session as
well. We need to get past the apprehensiveness that hesitation, the taboo that we have in our
community, about therapy and counseling, we need to get past that we need to understand it to human
reality. You know, lies telling the Prophet somebody, someone not Alamo and NACA equals a double
cup, in my opinion, we know that your heart, your chest becomes tight, you hurt, we know that it
hurts you what these people say. So emotional pain and human suffering is a human reality. I would
advise, I would recommend that if somebody grew up in an abusive home and witnessed domestic
01:52:09 --> 01:52:25
			violence, and it's had a bad effect on them. It definitely does. If they've witnessed it, I strongly
recommend that they go in, they get some type of therapy and counseling, and work out these types of
issues, because it will catch up to you sooner or later. So definitely go and get some help is what
I would recommend.
01:52:36 --> 01:52:55
			Okay, just Okay, we've got to take two more questions and shut up before we end the session. I'm
just going to go through the next one, which is the issue of romance and affection, being regarded
as a taboo amongst the Muslim community. And surely the issue is that this should be part of our
lives, especially in in a matter of time.
01:52:58 --> 01:53:00
			So what's, what's the question again,
01:53:01 --> 01:53:14
			the issue of romance in a marriage, and then within a massive home, why this is such a big topic or
why there's a so to discuss these issues or to behave in a kind of romantic way or to discuss these
kind of
01:53:15 --> 01:53:18
			relationship between husband and wife within the Muslim community. Why is this such a?
01:53:21 --> 01:53:32
			So? So the question is why this has become such a taboo issue and why it's so problematic or
difficult to address or talk about in the Muslim community?
01:53:33 --> 01:53:39
			That's a very, very good question. That's a very good question. I,
01:53:40 --> 01:54:28
			I don't know if I have any one answer as to why it's become a problem. I, I can think of a couple of
things that have contributed to it. I do think that a lot of Muslims, like for instance, myself, you
know, I was born and raised here in the United States, I grew up here in Texas. But my parents came
here from Pakistan. So what ends up happening is that, you know, a lot of folks in the Muslim
community, even in western countries, might be coming from another culture, where romance and you
know, marital relationships and things like that are just a little bit more, you know, hush hush, or
quiet or taboo, and that ends up, we end up translating that culture into the Islamic answer. on
01:54:28 --> 01:55:00
			that issue, we end up you know, understanding that to be the Islamic ruling in regards to the
matter. And, and so we confuse cultural with religion, and that becomes part of the problem. The
other issue that I think also contributes to this is when we don't understand you know, I'm going to
say something very openly and again, I hope I don't offend anyone, but there's a lack of knowledge
in our community. We like to think of ourselves as very enlightened, very educated. You know,
there's all this information is readily available online websites and classes and
01:55:00 --> 01:55:39
			seminars and YouTube and this and that and all of this stuff is there. Fantastic and great. There's
still a huge lack of knowledge, basic knowledge about our Deen within the community. And what ends
up happening is that when we decide to try to be more religious and pious and righteous, because we
don't really know what that means, or what that we don't understand that properly, we end up
creating a false notion, a false sense of piety. So not you know, hugging your wife or kissing your
wife is is piety. It's it's Zoo hood it's God consciousness it's ridiculous is what it is. And and
this ends up becoming part of the problem the profit NOBODY'S MORE pious like to talk about the
01:55:39 --> 01:56:14
			process himself and the most of our, our limo come I am the most knowledgeable amongst you. And
Russell has allowed him when he shall be a loved one has asked, What's the first thing he did when
he came home, she said he kisses me when he came home. The profits a lot he sent me a check answer
probably told the stories, racing his wives, you know, talking about his wives, expressing his love
for his wife, in public, all of these things. These were an expression of love. This was romance,
the prophets, a lot of them didn't see this conflicting with spirituality or religion in any way,
shape, or form. The profit or loss, a lot of them told us about the alarm, quantum physical intimacy
01:56:14 --> 01:56:37
			with one spouse is an act of reward, you get reward like a job, like you do for a bad day you get
other when you engage in physical relations and physical intimacy with your spouse. So I think these
two issues culture and religion, the confusion, the blurring the line between the two, and number
two, just a lack of knowledge altogether. So when somebody feels like they need to get more
religious, they feel okay, the way to get more religious is now
01:56:38 --> 01:56:47
			you know, just become distant emotionally or physically. And that, that that is actually contrary to
the religion itself.
01:56:49 --> 01:57:25
			Okay, it is often in addition to one last question, which is the issue of a sister, for example, is
in a situation where not only is her husband abusive towards her, but also the the children in the
relationship themselves are also being abusive or disrespectful, mistreating the sister, then Where
can she tend to, to kind of get any help and work and sisters in the sense that that's, that's very
difficult. I mean, again, I hadn't, I don't know what else to say. But it's very, very sad, and is
exactly what I was talking about when parents behave abusively, then the children will pick up that
same exact behavior. So it's an epidemic, it's a crisis.
01:57:27 --> 01:57:32
			As far as where the sister can turn, and you know, where she can get some help and where she can go.
01:57:33 --> 01:57:40
			You know, I would just advise her and suggest her to go and get some help and assistance. You know,
I'm going to say one thing again.
01:57:41 --> 01:58:17
			If you have an organization like project taking, or *, especially the organization that's been
hosting this webinar, may Allah bless and reward them. If you have access to an organization like
*, go to them and get some help. But if you are somebody who's being abused, you are a victim,
and you don't have access to a Muslim organization that's discussing domestic violence, or that's
helping victims of domestic violence, then you know what, that's fine. I mean, just, you know, we
have that whole taboo issue, you can't go to the kofod you can go to non Muslims. What are you doing
Muslims are behaving like kofod? What are you doing Muslims are behaving worse than kofod? I mean,
01:58:17 --> 01:58:54
			is this our right for for a husband and for the kids to be beating their mother and their wife at
home? I mean, this is this is terrible. So we before we get all high and mighty on some sister who
is being beaten to death at home, about how dare she go to the kuffaar, right, like, what about us,
we're behaving like a bunch of kofod. So we need to take that into consideration. So I would tell my
dear sisters, you're going to anybody that can help you and our moderator is saying that inshallah
he will mention specifically how you can get some help and where you can go to get some help in sha
01:58:56 --> 01:59:23
			Okay, just looking at Shakira, that's it thank you very much for your presentation and your advice
has been very beneficial for all of us. And we hope that our listeners can really benefit from this
and and inshallah take some take some lessons from this going forward. Bartok, our frequent pleasure
was all mine And again, it's it's very humbling and it's very rewarding to be able to help at any
level with such a worthy cause to come alongside on please remember me and my family near us. But
salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.