Jumuah Khutbah on February 17, 2017
Abdul Nasir Jangda – Prophetic Vision For Our Community

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The speakers emphasize the need for a vision to overcome challenges and create a community that can deal with them. They stress the importance of living in a damsque and spreading greetings of peace and peace to everyone, particularly those who have not experienced Islam. They also discuss the importance of establishing safety and security for everyone, particularly those with little or no food.
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah here at Avi mercy fatty semiautomatic ammunition, Jellybean Paddy. raffia executory moutarde emilija legal berghahn for him Ishmael. Amy was Elaine Mika silver fraud. Jamie lisanna Jessie la MeTV yummylicious
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Yeah, you are Latina, Amano, choco la haka. tokachi. watamu tuna Illa, Anta masimo
over the previous year and a half,
particularly the last few months, and even more. So during the last few weeks, our community has been dealing with a lot.
And our community has felt extremely overwhelmed. Not only simply due to the continuing circumstances that have gone on all over the world, and even here in this country, but due to the escalation, in instability, chaos, hatred, enmity, and all the different things that are playing out out of governmental and political scale. It's left our community very upset and very confused and very feeling very destabilized.
We have been talking about this. And undoubtedly, there have been conversations here. I have no doubt about that over the last few weeks in the last few months about what's been happening.
I wanted to take a slightly different approach here today on Friday, where I do want to talk about exactly what's going on right now. But instead of the hook TVA, here today, serving as just simply a venting session about what's going on, and how it upsets us. Because we have had plenty of opportunities to do that. Here on Friday, and so many different gatherings and our personal gatherings in our homes online. We've been engaging in a lot of that venting of our frustrations and rightfully so. But today, here on this Friday, I did want to talk about exactly what's going on right now. But I did not want to address it in the way in the manner in the fashion of it just
simply being a venting session. You can go after the Juma prayers over you can go online and you can open it up. And you can find out exactly what the latest news is. What I wanted to talk about here today is how do we exactly proceed forward? What do we do going forward from here? Knowing that, and this is the thought this is the idea that I want to communicate very clearly here today, knowing very well that this is not the first time that this type of behavior is going on that this type of instability and chaos is being created, and nor will it be collapsed. And that should not make us lose hope at all. That is just the reality of the world that we live in. If we're looking for
stability, if we're looking for an absolute absence of any type of instability and chaos, that is called paradise,
that is called the life of eternity that is the hereafter.
But if we live in this dunya in this world, we have to understand what the parameters what the operating rules of this dunya are. And that is informed to us by the one who created this world. What a yamano who have been in us that God has informed us Allah has stated clearly under
deniable within the Quran
that these are the days that we turn up and down that we, that we make people go through that these are the nature of the days that we live in. That there are highs and lows and ups and downs, good times and bad times. moments that make you laugh in moments that make you cry.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the most beloved of God's creation, the one who did everything exactly as it was supposed to be done.
Even he had moments where there were where there was adversity, and there were struggles.
The province of monism, suffered loss of family members, the profits of money, Salah, watched his companions being killed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, consoled and tried to bring his community through and carry them through famine and starvation and hunger.
They dealt with attacks from their enemies, repeatedly and constantly, there were ups and downs. And so that's the nature and the reality of this life that we live in. But what's going to be very, very important, and what's going to be a test of our mettle. And what we ultimately will be gauged, gauged by what we'll be judged upon, was, did we have a vision? Or did we have a strategy, and these difficult moments in these difficult days, they emphasize to us, they highlight to us the need the necessity of having a vision as a community.
And in fact, I would go as far as saying that these types of moments that we find ourselves in right now, also show us and expose us for our lack of vision.
And exposes our lack of vision.
Because we fall into the mundane, the daily routine, we start to fall into this mindless routine,
where we just go through the motions, and what happens is somebody comes and rocks the boat. And we're all panicking and freaking out. And we have no idea what we're doing or where we're supposed to go from here. It exposes our lack of vision. But that's okay, we're in this together. And so we're going to find our way out of this together. And so what I wanted to talk about here is what is the vision of a community, particularly a community that is dealing with challenges, knows that it will deal with challenges, but also believes that they can overcome those challenges, because they have the truth on their side? So what is that vision? So I I'd like to take all of us back 1400 plus
years, to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where let me lay out what the landscape is. Let me lay out what their situation is so that we exactly understand. We inevitably are dealing right now with a lot of difficulty and we're dealing with some very nefarious people who have a very evil agenda, undoubtedly, but let's not also ignore the fact let's also not forget and overlook the fact that we are gathered here together hundreds of people in a beautiful, magnificent structure clearly designated and announced and proclaimed as a mustard as a house of Allah subhanaw taala. And we're gathered here together, praying together, safe and sound, publicly and proudly. We
do enjoy this blessing. Now let's go back to that moment in the life of the prophets, a lot of Muslims are being massacred Muslims are being murdered, Muslims are being dragged through the streets and killed in broad daylight. Majority of the Muslim community at that time, the Moroccan community does not even live in Mecca anymore. They live as refugees in East Africa, about 100 of them live in as refugees in East Africa. That's their reality. The Muslims that do remain in Mecca, are now fleeing Makkah leaving Mugu migration and migrating to a small farm town to the north of mcca. That they used to call yesterday about that time, but we would come to know it as Medina.
But at that point in time, they didn't know that it was going to be the glorious Medina that we know of it today. But at that time, they were going to some small little farm town to the North America and unknown place, leaving behind their home, leaving behind their families, many instances, leaving behind their wealth and their property leaving everything behind.
And they're leaving and they have to leave. With those who would migrate from Mecca to Medina, they would leave in the middle of the night, because if they left in daylight, they'd be grabbed, they'd be kept, they'd be caught, and oftentimes they'd be tortured.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he himself is waiting for the opportune time in the moment and the permission from Allah to make the migration.
When jabril Ali Salaam comes to him, and he says you have to migrate tonight. Your house is currently surrounded by dozens of people who have gathered around here to assassinate you to murder you tonight.
And so we have to get
I'm Tom. He's, he's being like did an assassination attempt is underway. Those are the circumstances that he leaves marketing. And even when they leave makup bounty hunters come after them hunting them down him in Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala. No, they hide in a cave for three days and three nights.
And then even while they're migrating, there's people who are chasing after them coming after them hunting them down, bounty hunters for money.
These are the arduous circumstances under which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrives in the city of Medina. And he stands there in Medina, looking out at the gathering of his companions, many of them torn and tattered. Some of them are injured and sick. They don't have anything to eat, they don't have a place to stay are live. They don't have any family. Now, they don't have any friends or supporters. They don't have a tribe that they belong to anymore.
Just this ragtag group of people who have gathered from far and wide, because they believe in something, and they know that it's the truth. And they have all the convictions that you could ever ask for. And they've committed themselves to it. And they're gathered here together, sitting in front of the profits allottee salon. And the question once again, facing them was how do we proceed forward? It is what it is what's happened has happened. We are where we are. But where do we go from here? We all know where we're at. But where do we go from here? What is the vision and the profits of Madison The very first thing that he did when he arrived in the city of Medina was a prophet
somebody who gathered everyone in Medina together the Muslims that came from Mecca, the Muslims that were now resident there in the city of Medina, the locals who had become Muslim. He also called to that same public address that gathering the Arabs, the local Arabs, who had not accepted Islam, yet they used to still worship idols. He also called to the public gathering, the Jewish tribes that lived in and around the city of Medina. All of these people, he gathered them all together, and he stood before them and what he laid out before them on that day was his vision for that community. The vision and the strategy of that community. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
Yeah, you harness
all humanity, all mankind, addressing everyone Generally, the Muslim and anonymous the idol worship are individually everyone who's there in that community. Yeah, yohannes
the very first step of his vision and his strategy
of Salah.
Now, I'd like to explain just each of these for a couple of minutes. I'm sure Salaam means if you translate it literally it means to spread peace.
And this means something very specific to Muslims. When you hear Salaam we think of the greeting of a ceremony. And it definitely that's a part of it. Spread the greetings of peace in the community. greet one another, the province allotting some todos, Salima Alana rostova manlam tarrif se greets the one whom you know and the one that you do not know. In fact, the prophets a lot he told us one of the signs of the Day of Judgment one of the signs of the corruption of people prior to the arrival of the our is that people will greet those who they know and they will not greet those who do they know they don't have any previous interaction with like people can come to jumada machine
walk right by a dozen different Muslim Brothers not say Salaam to anyone because why they see their buddy standing at the other end of the hallway.
That that's problematic. So spreading the greetings of peace. The prophets a lot emphasize that. However, there's a beautiful narration the prophets Allah tells us who teach up Giovanni and canon, the prophets, Allah tells us that he was given a gift by God. He was given the ability to be able to speak at multiple layers at the same time. He spoke very comprehensively. When he said one thing it was saying eight things. You just have to pay attention. And that's why we spent 1400 years mining and digging in an earth and an earthing, gems and treasures, precious tidbits of wisdom from the statements of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The same hobbies have been studied for 1400 years,
and we still continue to find and see and experience the wisdom, the wisdom of the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So I'm sure Salam while it does mean spread the greetings of peace within the community say Assalamu alaykum to one another. It also means spread.
greetings of peace at a societal level, like talk to people greet people be pleasant when with people when you walk around.
People should not have the impression when they see Muslims, particularly if they are able to identify that this is a Muslim I'm looking at, maybe they're seeing somebody coming back from Japan, they're wearing a goofy or they're wearing the fold. Or, you know, especially in the case of sisters, very noticeable. So people should not be under the impression when they see Muslims when they come across Muslims, that they are either angry, or they're aloof, or they're indifferent, or they're isolated.
Because that does not build a connection. That doesn't, that does not create a community that is not a healthy society, where people can just walk right by each other without even noticing that there's a human being that I just walked by.
That is bizarre, that is strange.
And that is part of, you know, a more sociological level that is part of the Metropolitan cosmopolitan lifestyle that we have adapted to, in kind of modern day America. That is part of the problem with it. That is also psychologically speaking, that is also part of the problem with how connected and tethered we constantly are to the interwebs. And to the internet.
That we're always attached,
indifferent, aloof, impervious to what's going on around us. But spread the greetings among in the society as well.
It's a it's a way that you disarm people. If you walk up to someone and someone's apprehensive, and you say, Hello, good morning, how do you how are you, you disarm people, that is how you let them know that I am not a source of a threat to you.
I mean, you no harm, I have no grudge with you.
And then a third level, even at a more profound level, the spreading of peace, linguistically speaking is not even about readings, it's just establish peace, safety, tranquility, serenity, in society, create a peaceful environment, where each and every single person is guaranteed safety and security. That is a human right.
And we have to be advocates, we have to be, we have to further that cause we have to be invested into the cause of establishing safety and security, peace for all of humanity.
The second part of division of the profits allottee set up for the community. He said after a moment upon
translated literally, it means feed, food,
feed food. Now obviously, we need to translate that better share food.
But now there's a little bit of a misconception here. Many translators, when they come across the phrase of utter a more time, they have said feed the hungry. That's not only what it's saying it is saying that but that's not it. That's not exclude it's not exclusive to just the hungry, the poor, the homeless, it's not exclusive to them, it means share your food. And this has two levels of implementation. Number one, yes, the more the more urgent one feed those who have nothing to eat, feed the hungry in your societies feed the hungry in your communities.
And this is something that we talk about quite often, every single time we attend, or we are present at a fundraiser for relief efforts or relief organizations. We hear this all the time. But we need to stop just simply hearing it and we need to listen to it.
We need to listen to it, we need to think about it, we need to internalize it, you have to understand how fundamentally inhumane it is.
For me to have so much food that I don't know what to do with for me to have so much food in my home, that food can actually go bad before I even opened it where I throw it away.
And within walking distance of me there is a person who is going to sleep hungry that night.
That is inhumane.
And our inability to understand that and comprehend that and stop talking about it. But to do something about it is just astounding. It's baffling. It's the peak of like human indifference and cognitive dissonance, where we can believe in something like the Koran, where we can claim to follow someone like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who never, never went to sleep for if he knew that there was a hungry person within his within his grasp within his reach. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so many narrations for the Marathi Allahu taala Hannah is beloved
His baby girl, she brings him bread
and he eats the bread and then he says well let when they have enough CBD he swears by alone We're lucky enough CBD
is the first morsel of food Your father has eaten after three days.
Three days
worth of profits. A lot of them says that myself in Billund. We spent 30 days consecutively a month straight. Where the only thing that we had to eat was a small pouch of dates that belong to us to hide in his clothes.
Like he used to hide it in his pocket. Why would he hide it in his pocket? Because he knew if the profits allowed him saw that he had some data on him, he would give it away to people, he'd feed people.
Look at Allah. Allah unchained in the law, who the Hadith the Buhari says, whenever the prophets Allah was ever asked about something he always gave it. If he had it, he gave it so much so that he mentioned that even if he did not have it, he would go and borrow something from someone and have to pay them back later, he would incur a debt just so that somebody would not remain hungry.
That's what he was. There's this beautiful narration I was just reading I was looking at that. It's a hadith of Bokhari. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have a shawl. One particular winter season, it was very, very cold, he didn't have a shawl.
Because he had probably given away the previous one. Someone came a visitor came from somewhere and brought a shawl as a gift for the profits, a lot of them think of a coat
and the profits of monies and put it on and the Sahaba It was very beautiful on him is beautiful, some more extended durations comment by saying that the shawl was black.
And it was striking because the hair of the prophets a lot of a sudden, which was a little bit longer, and his beard was thick, and it was jet black, his hair and his beard. And when he put on that shot, they said it took your breath away, he was so beautiful,
some Sahaba in those moments, they say we would look at him and we'd look at the moon and look at him and look at the moon and look at him. And we realize he in fact was more beautiful than the full moon.
So he put on the shawl and he was just breathtakingly beautiful, handsome.
And he put that shoreline in we're very happy to see that he had a show. And a man came and he sat down and he said O Messenger of Allah, I don't have a show.
And so the prophets a lot of them immediately took off the show that he had just put on any folded up and he gave it to the man here, this is for you. And some of the Sahaba say that we went to him and we reprimanded him.
This was not good what you did. This was not right. What you did. You ask the prophets a lot. He said that you need a shawl, you knew he was going to take off his own shawl and give it to you. It's not right. You shouldn't have done that. And he responded by saying that I didn't do it for any other personal agenda or reason I did it so that the profits a lot of them had one does show and I would like for this to be my shroud. I would like for this to be my coffin, and they bury me in the shawl when I die. Because it's a shell of the profits. I
had the the Bukhari and the narration mentions that shortly thereafter, not too many days later, we found out that he died and in fact that shawl was his shroud and he was buried in it
that but the My point was that was the generosity of the soul in the spirit of the process of them. So yes, after a water I'm share food the first level of it, we have to alleviate the hunger within our communities.
The homelessness we have to relieve the homeless within our communities. And then the second layer of that is even beyond that. sharing food means eat together break bread together the profits a lot he sent me Mama Timothy mentions in the Shema in the profits a lot he said never ever ate by himself. He was not even once in his entire life seen eating by himself. Never. He always shared his food with somebody. He'd go and find somebody if he had to.
But he always shared his food with someone the profits a lot. He's on top the saga food for two is enough for for and food for four is enough for eight.
So always enough, share your food, sit together, eat together, break bread together, it builds fellowship, it builds community, it builds camaraderie, brotherhood and sisterhood. That's why they say a family that eats together at least once a day stays together. And same thing goes for a community we can again keep up with the empty lip service, the rhetoric about war we're Muslim in Islam, we're all brothers and sisters. Yet we treat somebody like we treat each other like total strangers.
But in spite of that, if we start
If eating together sitting together inviting each other into our homes, one another into each other's homes, we would actually start to become that family that, that that draws people to Islam to begin with the family that we saw in Medina at the time with the process in the third lesson, the prophets a lot of the third part of his vision, we'll see Lu
celular hub, which means join, maintain strengthen family relationships. Now he brings it in the level closer you we have to take care of our homes,
our marriages, how we raised our children, how we care for our parents and elders,
how we interact with our siblings
and all the rest of the family members as well.
That it should be a model for people
where people are drawn to it. And ultimately remember a community will only be as healthy as the homes are, as the families are.
We can dress up whatever we want on the outside of the community. We can have the best websites and the fanciest graphics and the greatest, you know PR campaign and marketing campaign on demand.
But if our homes and our families are shattered and broken
we have nothing to offer to anyone.
Someone who does not have cannot give to someone else as the Arabic expression the the Arabic proverb goes fast into Shayla your cliche, someone who doesn't have anything can't offer you anything. We have to have something to offer to people.
And the fourth part of the vision of the prophets a lot he said
was, was so Lubin alienness Rania, and pray at night while people are asleep.
build a relationship with Allah have a meaningful, solid, fruitful, powerful, intimate, personal, individual relationship with Allah. Talk to God every day. Yes, we have structures for that the five times daily prayer, the recitation of the Quran, but I'm talking about it right now more philosophically. We have to be connected to Allah subhanaw taala.
If I'm not, then all of this is for not doesn't mean anything. Because then what am i leading people to? What am I calling people to? Where am I going on my own journey? If I'm not going to allow for federal law, for a mentor, a boon for unnatural?
Like that's why Allah tells us rush to Allah, where else are you going? What are you so confused about? You have one goal, one destination, and that is a law.
So every day five times a day, make sure that you have that relationship with the law, stand up make extra time, like it says the customs says at night while people are asleep, you invest into your relationship with the law.
So solidify the individual
peace in the society, stability within a community.
Happiness within the home,
and meaning and purpose individually. That is the vision of the profits allottee system. And when we follow that vision when we get on board with that vision of the prophets a lot ism that he laid out for us more than 1400 years ago, what will be the outcome of that? Does the full agenda be salam, the prophets Allah assumes that all of you will enter into paradise safe and sound. Now keep in mind, where did the conversation start? He was talking to the Muslim he was talking to the pagan the idol worshiper, he was talking to the Jew, he was talking to the entire community, the entire society. Yeah, you had nice old people. They were not believers. But he's saying if we, the
believers, implement this vision, the strategy as a community, we adopt this vision. It will end with everyone entering Islam and everyone going to paradise and receiving the pleasure from Allah subhanaw taala.
That is our vision as a community. We have to get back on board with that. We have to internalize that. And we have to start implementing and practicing that these moments that we find ourselves in right now. They are undoubtedly I do not want to minimize people's worry, and people's anxiety and people's pain and suffering. Absolutely. No. I understand. And I recognize and I share in that as well. I feel that as well. But the point that I'm trying to communicate today is while we have recognized what the problem is, we also have to have this vision. We have to know who we are what we're dealing with and where we're going from here. And this will ultimately be our salvation
barakallahu li walakum filipiniana Robyn whenever any way to ethical hacking sobre la honey welcome Melissa elimu. See me for sofiero inna, who will have