Abdul Nasir Jangda – Bayyinah Institute Talk To Allah P1 2
![Abdul Nasir Jangda](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/abdul-nasir-jangda-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of understanding core concepts within Islam, including the use of "tanks" and the loss of political figures. They also touch on the struggles of people in their lives and the importance of forgiveness and mercy in achieving happiness. The transcript touches on the origins of Islam and how it has impacted people, including the loss of respect and cultural norms. The segment also touches on the man from a tribe who claimed to be a genius, but did not admit it.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah while Allah he was actually he as marine salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
I'm delighted to be here and see a lot of familiar faces from my last visit.
It handle I was in California this morning, there was a program yesterday in sunny Southern California hamdulillah. And so I remember yesterday when I, before we landed, I took a picture out of the window of the plane, and it was the ocean and the beach and mountains overlooking the beach in the ocean. I was like, Mashallah. And before we landed, today, I took a picture out the window and is all covered with snow, and I said,
know what to say. So, it's a little bit of a little bit of a moment of crisis. But what what still gave me you know, what, so made me feel good about landing here in Minnesota was that handle a lot of beautiful people, and a wonderful community I'll have here in Minnesota. It was a really memorable experience. Last time, I was here to teach meaningful prayer and really had a great time with the community Alhamdulillah
I'm also really sorry about the having to watch the video. I apologize. One of the most traumatic experiences of my life is walking in Walmart while the video was playing.
So sorry about y'all had to be subjected to that. But we came straight from the airport. So I didn't want to keep y'all waiting too long.
So the topic I wanted to talk about today is making dua
and that's a word that's an idea that's familiar to us as Muslims making dua. It's a core part of our Deen. It's a core part of our religion. So much so that the Prophet that Allah commands is in the Quran, Udo oni as
Allah commands us, he orders us and he commands us multiple times throughout the Quran. He says make dua to me, and I will answer you. The Prophet salallahu alaihe salam tells us
who la vida de la is worship. He says Do I in its essence, it is the essence of worship. Mahalo a bada hoo, la Bada, it is slavery, it is servitude, it is worship.
And so do is a very important core part of our religion.
one thing that is of great concern to me personally, and that is for us to really understand what some of these core concepts within our religion, what do they actually mean?
meaning for us to develop a very intimate understanding of these core concepts of our religion.
Something I joke around with something I joke around about with my students, is that, you know, we have this habit, the English speaking Muslim community, we have this habit, where we take an Islamic concept that has an Arabic name and Arabic word to it. And then we have like a very formal, oftentimes archaic translation of that concept, and we memorize the translation of it.
And so when we're asked, we think we know what it means. Let me give you all an example. Toba.
We all know what Toba is, right? core part core concept and value of our Dean in our religion. What does Toba mean? What's the translation of Toba? Somebody?
repentance, Mashallah. Fantastic. See, what you don't understand is that I'm from Texas. So the word repentance is about five letters too big for my vocabulary.
So I don't really know what repentance means.
So but what we say Toba means? repentance. What does repentance mean?
Toba? We have a winner.
Repentance means Toba. So Toba means repentance. Repentance means Toba, Tara.
Right? And that's kind of the approach that we take. Right? But it's very important for us to actually develop a solid, tangible idea, a real concept,
some an intimate understanding of what that means to me. So while I kind of did lead y'all on lead, even though the topic today isn't towba, but I gotta at least explain what that means. If I move right on, then somebody's gonna be like, Whoa, what does it mean? Right, so, Toba. I'm speaking from my personal perspective, what made sense for me about Toba? Because I looked it up in the Arabic language, it's arrojo electonic.
It basically is a U turn.
I told you as a U turn, when you make a U turn.
When you make a U turn, when you're going the wrong direction, when you're going the wrong direction you make a U turn is about you're supposed to make a right you made a left, you go down, the lady on your GPS starts freaking out on you.
Right? And so then inshallah Muslim sister inshallah and so
what do you do then you make a U turn then you come back around because I gotta start I gotta I'm going south, I need to be going north. And so you make a U turn that's, and that's what Toba means, at that now it became something tangible, something intimate, something real. And so it's very important that we develop that type of an understanding about these core concepts within our religion within Islam.
So getting back to the topic, do I?
What's the formal English translation that we've seen in books? And in May Allah forgive me even the class has that word, the name of the class has that word in it. That's I'll take responsibility for that. But what's the translation of do I everybody? supplication, two peas or one P. Right? You see what I'm getting at here. Again, it's a big word. It's a big fancy word. That a simple country bumpkin like myself from Texas. I have enough trouble spelling.
But do ask supplication. I still don't know what it means. So it's very important to develop a real, intimate, tangible idea of what is
what is
what does it mean.
in the Arabic language literally, linguistically, means to call out,
to call on,
to call on to call out to speak, to talk to address.
And so do I. Illallah.
To make dua to Allah, it means to talk to Allah, to speak to Allah, to call on Allah to call out to Allah.
And I wanted to share an example from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with y'all here today, that will help make this a reality. This this talking to a lot, it'll, it'll make it a reality.
the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, of course, at the age of 40, he received divine revelation. His life has changed the world has changed everything as we know it has changed. He starts the first three years of prophethood the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim preaches more quietly, privately, in closer personal circles.
And that core group of people around the prophets, a lot of them from friends and family are developed.
They're developed. Khadija zeytinburnu haritha idebenone be thought Abu Bakr, Siddiq, radi Allahu anhu, may Allah be pleased with all of them, that core circle is developed. And three years this continues.
After those first three years now, the message the prophets, a lot of these was commanded by a law to take the message public,
to take the mission public. And so now the mission, the message, the work, it goes public, and he's openly preaching in the community in the city of Mecca.
And that continues on for four years.
But naturally, because he's preaching openly and publicly, the response is, according to that,
that now, when people disagree, they begin to disagree openly and publicly.
And then they begin to mock and ridicule openly and publicly, they began to, they begin to slander
and accuse and spread rumors, publicly and openly. Then they began to confront, verbally become verbally abusive publicly and openly,
until they finally get to the point of physical violence, aggression, persecution, torture, openly and publicly. And that continues on for four years till it finally reaches a point
where the tension is palpable,
where the environment is combustible. Like tensions are so high, you're at the brink of just a total meltdown.
There already during this time, there are people who have been killed, the profits, a lot of them has been physically attacked. There have been multiple assassination plans and attempts,
things are really getting bad and out of hand.
And at that particular time,
there is the
Out casting the
the out casting the boycotting
the the the ostracizing of the profits a lot. He said I'm his family, his followers and anyone who's willing to support him. So three years of public private preaching, four years of public preaching, and now three years of boycott.
Three years of boycott, total boycott, where they're living outside of Makkah, they're forced to live outside of Makkah away from everyone else. No one is to deal with them do business with them publicly, privately, personally, professionally, interact with them nothing.
And you know what, uh, you know, what a tragedy of our times is a tragedy of our times is that, you know, when you even in the most thorough sera book, the most thorough zero book you could find the three years of boycott are covered in how many pages 234, maybe five.
Right, you'd be lucky if there were 10 pages
on the actual boycott, three years of boycott.
But I want you to try to understand and grasp the reality and the difficulty of that period, three years of being kicked out of your home, three years of living in exile, three years of not being able to do business or earn any money, or go and get food, get medications for the sick and the ill
three years of having to watch people die from disease, to have to witness babies dying from starvation and malnourishment. Three years of having to on a daily basis, Bury Your Dead,
three years to reality.
And there are some narrations which give us a little bit of insight. Where generations talk about that. People can recall people can remember hearing the babies crying at night, because they were going they were hungry. They were sick. They were ill.
Their narrations which talk about the voices, the sounds of mothers crying, that they after they've had to bury their babies
was a very difficult tragic time.
Very, very difficult.
So after the then the boycott ends, so it's 10 years, and I want you to try to grasp 10 years of extreme difficulty and sacrifice.
And then when that 10 year period ends,
the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is faced with
the greatest personal tragedy of his life.
His beloved wife, Khadija, radi Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased with her. She passes away.
His wife of 25 years, the mother of his children, his best friend,
his partner in life,
she passes away.
And literally a couple of months after Khadija passes away, the uncle of the prophets a lot of them Abu Talib dies.
And again, like I said, in my previous visits, I will call him wasn't just an uncle like a distant uncle, that you talk to once every couple of months. Now Abu Talib was the man who raised the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from the age of eight.
He loves his family, he means everything to him, he meant the world to him.
So he loses his wife and a couple of months later, he loses his uncle, his family
after all of this, and on top of that, what ends up happening, the opposition
to the message of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, they didn't say, hey, look, he's going through this great personal tragedy. Why don't we lay off for a while? Why don't we call a ceasefire, a truce, call a timeout for a little bit, let the guy recover. They said no, no, no, let's kick him while he's down.
And they intensified the pressure. And they began to mock him and ridicule him.
And they began to go after him even harder than before. There's a narration in the Sierra that talks about that whenever I thought it was still alive. Because I will tell you that personally, given the profits, a lot of these images protection
that to a certain extent, people were hands off.
But when Abu Talib passed away, there's a narration in the Sierra that talks about that you could you would see it like it became very common for like a Young Thug, in the streets of Makkah to walk up to the prophets a lot. He's 50 years old.
He's an elder he's 50 years old.
He's the grandson of a
Abdulmutallab, the great leader of the Arabs,
that it was very common for a Young Thug to walk up to the prophets, a lot of him in the streets of Makkah, and grab him by the collar by the shirt and rough him up, throw dirt on him, curse him out and walk away after a boo Polly passed away.
So things got even more intense. So imagine how difficult it must have been for the profits allowed.
At that point in time, the profits a lot of these I made a very, very extremely
difficult decision.
He decided to look outside of Makkah, he decided to turn his attention outside of Mecca.
And he looked at the next major city in Arabia after Mecca. You know, we as Muslims here today 1400 years later, when we think of the two main cities in Arabia, what do we think of Mecca and Medina because of Islam and Islamic history, but you have to understand 1400 years ago in Arabia, pre Islamic Lee Medina was yesterday, it was a small little farmers town.
The major city, aside from MCI in Arabia that time was actually thought if
it was the city of La if they were it was a after Quraysh The next most powerful populous tribes in Arabia, were housing and beef.
So how was the tribes have thought if they rivaled the numbers of Quraysh. They were known for their fighting ability and military power. It was a huge city. That was a major economic trading center and business center. So it was a very major location, the profits, a lot of them looked at thought if
and he said,
let me consider the opportunities in life.
And he loved his people. He cared about his people. This was very difficult for him personally. But he had he was left with no choice. So he looks at his and he says, Let me give it a try.
By is about 60 plus miles from Mecca. So at 6263 miles from Makkah,
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam set out towards life.
And he travelled by foot. Keep in mind, he's over the age of 50.
He's 50 plus years old, having gone through 10 years of non stop persecution, and sacrifices. He's just recently lost his wife and his uncle, his family.
And he has to travel by foot. And even that is explained why did he travel by foot
because he couldn't even afford transportation.
And it's the profits along the Salem and along with him. It's zeytinburnu haritha, the adopted son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, just the two of them.
It wasn't some big entourage.
It wasn't like some modern day leader traveling. It's very humbly the prophets a lot they said him traveling by foot. And along with him as just as assistant, his adopted sons a boo boo haritha that's just the two of them traveling by foot 60 plus miles.
And it says that it took them about four days of non stop walking
to finally reach thought if
and when the profits allotted to them got there, he decided to approach the leadership of thought if let me go and talk to the leadership
let me go through the proper channels let me afford them the respect that they deserve amongst their people.
But again, when we talk about the story of five how many pages is that covered in a pseudo book, two pages, three pages
the profits a lot of them stayed in thought for 10 days How long
10 days
it's real life.
He didn't just walk into a floating on top of a cloud
you know and and ascend above a mountain and say I am the messenger of God and I have arrived
it wasn't like that.
Walked into thought if you know very tired and exhausted, you know, just just fatigue and the the the wear and tear that travel has
and then he's an outsider.
So you have to find out where can I find the leaders? Okay, these and he found the three sons of the main chief of the of the tribe, the famous leader of that tribe, he went and scheduled an appointment with their three sons who were basically running the tribe. But then what ends up happening, when you want to go and meet the mayor, you go and you've talked to
A secretary, you schedule an appointment? Oh, he doesn't have time today. He doesn't have time tomorrow. Maybe I can schedule you for Thursday. Okay, what are you going to do, and then you show up and wait outside on Thursday, wait in line on Thursday. And then they tell you Sorry, something came up, you have to reschedule a few things. Come back tomorrow morning. And then you come back and you stand outside the office the next day, and you wait there from morning till evening, in the evening, they say sorry, we're out of time. You're gonna have to come back on Monday. He doesn't see anybody over the weekend. And then you come back on Monday. And then finally you get to walk through
the door. And then he says, You got five minutes ago.
And he's doing something else. While he says that he picks up his phone, he goes, You got five minutes,
is his real life
to 10 days.
And he went and finally got through the door through the door for a couple of minutes, which each of them to just talk to them. Who am I? Why am I Why am I here? What am I here to talk about.
And he was almost immediately, disrespectfully against the courtesy of the Arabs. He was dismissed and even mocked and ridiculed.
One of them said that really, God couldn't find anybody else.
He couldn't find anybody else to make a profit but you
another one said, You know, I don't even want to hear anything. You have to say I don't have time for this.
Another one tells the profits a lot. He said I'm he goes, I'm not interested in speaking to you.
Why? Because if you are a profit, then to oppose you is in trouble. And if you're not a profit, then I don't like talking to liars. So you know what, I'm fine. The way that my life is, I'm actually really comfortable. I just rather not add another complication to my life. Why don't you go Mind your own business? I mind my own business, everybody's happy. So go get out
the profits a lot. He said, what, what was he supposed to say?
But then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, let me stay for a couple of extra days, try to talk to just the folks in the community.
Just the folks in the community.
So the prophets, a lot of them went around talking, trying to talk to people in the community. And he was met with a similar response from even the common folks in the community of five.
Until finally, on the 10th, day, the morning of the 10th day, they came to the profits, a lot of the Sunday forum like a delegation the community did, they came to the profits, a lot of these women, they said, Oh, clergyman be Latina. You need to leave now.
We're done with you. We want you out.
So the prophets, a lot of them told they'd been hiding that let's pack up our stuff and head out.
So they pack up their stuff and they start leaving five.
quietly, he hasn't picked a single fight in 10 days. He hasn't insulted someone back who insulted him.
Not even once in 10 days, being called a liar to his face. Never once responded
in that fashion.
He hasn't, you know, made anyone uncomfortable. Like when somebody said I'm done talking to you, please go.
Okay, that's fine.
In 10 days, he hasn't messed with a single soul.
And as he's packing his bags, and he's leaving, he's leaving. He's exiting. You want to give somebody trouble you give them trouble maybe coming in. But when somebody is leaving,
they they gathered up like the just, you know, the teenagers in the street thugs and people like that they kind of gathered rounded them up, and they said, We want you to make things a little difficult for him on his way out.
You guys go be creative. I'm pretty sure you guys can think of something. Just make things a little difficult for him make it so that he'll think twice about coming back here.
So the narration says that they lined up in two rows, the road leading leaving thought if the highway of thought is that the Prophet Solari someone was going to be walking out.
They lined up on both sides of that freeway.
and wonder ation actually says that they actually sat down these people who lined up on both sides. They sat down on that road going out of life.
And then the narration says that when the prophets a lot of them reached the road,
got to the boundary of the city of Fife and he reached a road when he stepped out onto that road to leave thought if veneration explicitly says every single time you lifted a foot
they threw rocks at him. It was like synchronized
They had gathered rocks and stones, every time he lifted a foot, they threw a rock at him. And then when he put that foot back down, then they threw another rock at him. And then when he lifted his other foot, then they threw rocks at him. Then when he put that foot down, then they threw other rocks at him. And I want you to actually imagine that in the course of walking,
to be hit with rocks, every single second,
from all sides
to be pounded with rocks and stones.
One of the narrations actually says that explicitly mentioned that they were some of them were actually targeting his feet. Specifically, when they would throw the rocks they would throw them at his feet, to injure his feet so that he wouldn't even be able to walk out he would have to crawl on his way out.
They were trying to hurt him.
And what did the prophets alarmism do not once he stopped and he said a few people lost your mind. He didn't pick up a rock and throw it back. He didn't curse them out.
veneration actually says the prophets allies and started walking faster.
That look, this is a bad situation.
It's like somebody confronts you. And you just say,
Sorry, I don't want to take part in this. And you just try to get away from there as fast as you can. You try to end the conversation as fast as you can. That's the dignity of the prophets a lot. He started walking faster, they don't they've been harder. So let's go quick. Let's just get out of here. They want me they want is gone. Let's just get out of here. This is creating an unnecessary confrontation.
and started walking faster. And they kept throwing the rocks faster and faster.
And they've been hiding for who loved the profits along with him so much.
He loves him so much.
That he's literally the narration describes they've been hired with a freaked out.
He freaked out what's going on here, seeing the profits a lot he sort of getting pounded with rocks, he, he just couldn't even believe what he was seeing. So the agent says that he started shielding the profits a lot of the time with his own body catching the rocks on his own body
to protect him, but they were coming from all sides until one of the stray rocks, it ended up in a bigger rock. He hit him in the head so hard. He started bleeding from his head. And then the profits, a lot of them told him he said no, no, no, no, you're gonna get hurt really bad. Let's just go quickly. Don't worry about this, this is get out of here.
And this happened from the boundary of the city of thought if
all the way to a place
that is known by a couple of different names. Some narrations referred to it as God mythology.
And some books of history referred to it as an old man as well.
But the relevant fact is the important detail here is from the boundary of the city of thought if to this place. A liberal Cardinal man as in the distance between these two locations, is three miles.
Three miles.
They stoned him for three miles.
Can you imagine that?
How long would it take somebody to walk three miles especially with this level of interference and difficulty? maybe an hour.
That'd be making good time. 45 minutes an hour at the very least when you're getting stoned. You're not sprinting or running a marathon
45 minutes to an hour Can you imagine for 45 minutes to an hour getting hit with rocks multiple rocks from multiple sides every single second? Every single footstep for 45 minutes non stop straight.
Can you imagine how bruised and beaten somebody would be? How wounded and injured someone would be?
How emotionally traumatized someone would be
how angry someone would be
for to go through an experience like that.
And the narration describes that the prophets a lot he was bleeding from multiple places on his body as you can imagine.
There were open wounds.
And remember I told you in the narration I mentioned that they were specifically targeting his feet and the profits allowed me to wear leather sandals. His feet were literally torn up bleeding so profusely from his feet
that he had leather sandals generation actually says the loved one and now Lou
that his sandals had been soaked in blood to the point where they were completely red
leather. It's so exciting.
So much blood had soaked into the sandals that there are sandals that become completely red.
And you know how blood dries up and crosses up, it's hard to kind of scrape it off.
By the time the blood had dried and crusted,
it was so hard that when you finally removed the sandals, he had to rip them, pry them off of his feet, he had to peel them off of his feet.
This is what the prophets a lot of them went through.
But this is where we come to what we're here to talk about.
The narration describes that at that place three miles later,
when they finally stopped, they got tired, they got bored of throwing rocks
to where they said, Alright, let's head back into the city. Hopefully he's learned his lesson. And they stopped throwing rocks at the profits a lot of a sudden
the prophets a lot of them before even sitting down.
One of the narration describes still standing there.
He just turned his head up to the sky.
And he spoke to Allah.
He talked to Allah. He called on Allah. He called out to Allah. He made da
see this is da
and even the DA that he made is something that's been shared with us.
He said Allah, la escuela de Falco wa t
said Oh Allah, only to you.
am I standing here complaining of my weakness?
I'm not complaining about anything else but my own weakness and I'm only complaining to you about my weakness. My weakness working letter Haleh T and I'm complaining only to you or a lot of my lack of resources
while Ronnie Elena's and only to you Oh Allah, am I complaining of the lack of respect? I mean, not commanding enough respect in the eyes of people. Yeah, I mean, almost Merciful of all of those capable of showing any mercy
and then he says Antara boo Salafi Allah you are the Lord, the master, the creator, the provider, the protector, the guider, the Sustainer, the caretaker of those people who are weak, those people who are downtrodden, those people who have fallen.
Those people who have been wronged who have been oppressed, you are their caretaker. One therapy and you are my caretaker. I stand here in front of you a lot boo, bruised and beaten, bloodied and wounded.
You're my Lord. Oh Allah, you are my caretaker.
11 to kill me.
Who do you leave me to my Lord? Who have you left me to who have you entrusted or put in charge of me Illa buried in yet the joy harmony?
Have you left me? to someone who is devoid of any mercy, any compassion, yet the joy harmony, that that person would treat me badly would roughed me up like this? I mean, I do when my electro Omri arola. Have you left me to an enemy and put him in charge of me, given that enemy full control over me?
He says Oh Allah, even if that's the case, in lamea can be Cali Jada Boone fella.
He says our law.
Even if you've handed me over to somebody devoid of any mercy to roughed me up. Even if you've handed me over to an enemy and put him completely in charge of me. As long as you are not upset with me or a lot. I don't care about anything else.
I could have died on that road today. But as long as you're not angry with me, nothing else matters. That's all I care about. Later, and now alpha Tikka here Oh, Sara Lee.
The only thing that I need Oh Allah. Is your forgiveness, your mercy and your protection. That's more than enough for me. That's more than what I could ever ask for is your protection.
Our will be nudie What do you call it? A Shaka Zulu mat. I take refuge in the light the new the enlightenment of your face. Oh Allah. that removes and dispels the layers upon layers of darkness
was solid.
And it can correct all of the affairs of the dunya and the opposite of both worlds. And Yahoo laliga book as long as your anger never afflicts me
subjected to your anger
Oh Angela bs ha ha took or your displeasure or punishment, whatever come down upon me.
So I take protection with your law
from you ever being upset with me you ever being displeased with me you ever punishing me or being angry with me, Oh Allah, that's all I need, like ultra baja taraba at the end of the day, Oh Allah, everything is done for you. At the end of the day, everything is done for you until you are pleased.
Everything is an investment in order to achieve your pleasure. Well that hola La quwata illa avec. And there is no power to do good. There is no ability to avoid evil except through your permission, your mercy, and your blessing.
And he makes this dude standing right there literally drenched in soaked in blood.
with dozens of wounds all over his body.
He makes his way.
He goes in he sits down
jabril alehissalaam comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And he greets the prophets along these women. He says that what has happened with you. And then how you have responded to what happened to you
has shaken the heavens and the earth. All of us creation is baffled
by what has transpired here.
I have come with the angel that Allah has put in charge of the mountains. And he is at your disposal.
You give him the word you give him the signal.
And he will have these mountains crush the city of thought it was situated in a valley he will cause these mountains to collide and crush everything and everyone that is between these mountains to the point where nothing of these people will be left.
No one will even know that these people ever existed here.
This opportunity is presented to the prophets allottee Center.
This is where I need everyone to pay very close attention.
This is where I need everyone to pay very, very close attention because this is going to be one of the primary points that I'm trying to make here about Dumas
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
has just gone through a extremely traumatic experience.
He's been abused.
He's been he's been attacked.
He's been disrespected.
And he's been he's been he's been hurt and oppressed and persecuted.
At this point in time, if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have told the angel Yeah, crusties people, it would have been completely justified. Otherwise, that offer wouldn't have been made to him. It was completely justified.
For him to say yes, have these people annihilated?
But think about this factory profits, a lot of them just went through a very traumatic situation.
When any one of us goes through that type of a situation in that moment,
we might have went ahead and said, Yeah,
finish these people off.
But the prophets a lot ism is teaching us a lesson through his example. He's teaching us a lesson. What was the first thing he did before he even sat down before you would be presented with the opportunity to destroy these people in retribution in retaliation, before he could do Doom these people? What was the very first thing that the prophets Allah sent him did?
He made?
He made dua.
And again, what is
what was the simple way that I put it,
to talk to Allah?
The first thing he did in his moment of difficulty in crisis was he talked to Allah, He spoke to Allah.
And what that does is it provides it provides the spiritual nourishment, the emotional fortitude that a person needs to be able to do what is right, what is correct and what is better.
He's, I mean, again, like I said before, imagine how you know traumatized and angry and frustrated and disappointed somebody would feel in that situation, before you can act based off of those emotions. The first thing the prophets allowed us to do through his own example here in thought was he talked to a lot because when you talk to
A lot, then what ends up happening, you are washed over with peace, with tranquility, with serenity, the mercy, the love, the compassion, the blessing of Allah showers down upon you.
You get connected to Allah, instead of thinking about what happened to you in the evil of those people, you think about the grace and the mercy of Allah.
It changes your perspective. It connects you to Allah, which allows you to take a completely different course of action in that situation.
And the prophets loves him is teaching us every detail in the sila is relevant. One of the things I was telling one of my students yesterday, who was talking to me about like, you know, not having enough study of the car and things like that. I told him, we don't need to study the car. That's not the problem we have.
Yes, we need more study of the car. But the real tragedy of like the last three generations of the oma is that we don't, we don't just study this, you know, we need to be mining, the Sierra, the Sierra isn't just a book, The Sierra is a gold mine. It's a treasure chest. It's a gold mine.
The deeper you keep digging, the more you keep bringing out
so we have to see what the prophets Allah was teaching is here
that he made to our to Allah He connected to Allah. And because he connected to Allah, what response did that have upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam? What effect did that have? And then what response did he give? He tells the angel, he goes, No, no, no, no.
I have no ill will towards these people.
I have no ill will towards these people. No, no.
I hope that these people will come around and accept the message.
And even if these people don't, then I pray and I hope that from the generations that come from the offspring, from the progeny of these people, there will be there will be people who will arise who will embrace the deen and find guidance.
And Islamic history tells us
that literally a generation later.
Exactly one generation later
there arose great people from those same same tribes.
But Luther thief,
many, many great people.
One of them, that is very relevant to Islamic history.
There was a man. And actually in our day and age in our times, we would call him a boy.
But in those times they were they were men.
And those times a 15 year old was a was a man because he didn't play Call of Duty. All right.
some narrations, places ages youngest 1516. Some say the more popular version is 17.
But there are some versions of the story that history books that actually places age closer to 15, which is just mind blowing.
A 15 year old.
Seriously, like today, a 15 year old doesn't even know how to pick up his own socks.
But a 15 year old.
He puts an army together.
He travels 1000s of miles from Arabia
and brings Islam
to a whole race of people
that were plagued with idol worship
before this man came.
And it wasn't just like he wasn't just on a mission to conquer these people.
He impressed them with his generosity, with his kindness with his character. There are some, some some
there are some stories that talk about the travels of this young man. And the people that were with him that they came to the subcontinent, India, Pakistan, modern day India, Pakistan. For those who don't realize India, Pakistan didn't exist back then. All right. But modern day India and Pakistan, the subcontinent South Asia, he came to these regions, specifically the province in the area, that's called sin.
He came to this region, and these people were played with idol worship.
And there was a terrible caste system that was implemented.
And there's there's lots of different recollections of what people learn from them, what people saw from them, how much people admire them, they love them, they respected them, and they were attracted towards these people. But one of the very interesting things that just kind of caught my mind, just as caught my attention, really
It touched me was that they had this caste system.
And people of a lower caste could not sit, let alone marry amongst, they weren't even allowed to eat at the same table as people of a higher caste. And when these people, this great young man, this role model, this leader
and his people who are with him, when they would sit down to eat somebody of the lowest caste who were called literally untouchable. In America, untouchables is a good thing. We're not talking about that type of Untouchables. Are the young guys are like gangsters? No. All right. They weren't Oh, geez. All right. It's a it's a literal translation. But it literally meant like they were considered like filthy, they were considered like just diseased human beings. They were like a stain upon the earth, the lowest caste of people. Unfortunately, of course, this is not correct. This is a system of shit. But they were viewed as being a stain on the earth.
A wastage of space.
That one of them would be walking by hunched over head lowered, they had been beaten into into oppression.
And the Muslims would be sitting there, this great young man, 17 years old, he'd be sitting there with his people just eating food. And he would say, Hey, brother, where are you going? Have you had lunch? And he, you know, he wasn't even used to being spoken to. What he knew was when somebody talks to you, you just look the other way. So he's, you would get up and go, people wouldn't even make physical contact with them. Put an arm around him. It's like, it's okay.
It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Have you eaten anything?
And he would say no.
And say, Come on. And he would say no, no, no. Because if I come sit with you, somebody else is going to show up and crack me over the head.
He's like, No, no, no, I'll take care of you. I'm asking you to eat food with me. You roll with me now.
And he would call him up and tell him to eat. And then what would he do the same plate that he was eating out of, he would scoot it over and he'd say, Come on, and he would eat out of the same plate. He said, you thirsty, he would take his cup of water. And he would say here Have some water.
And then he would pour some water into that same glass and drink from that same glass.
And the man is sitting there thinking like who is this guy.
And literally, by the hundreds of 1000s.
People entered into Islam, people accepted Islam,
in Islam to foot too cold in that region, and continue to flourish from there
and became one of the major Islamic civilizations of Muslim history that we've seen in the in 1400 years of this woman.
And this man is 17 year old. His name is Mohammed bin al Qasim, a Sufi,
which means he was from Cardiff. He was born and raised in part if
he was born and raised in part, if
5060 years, 50 years after the prophets, a lot of them had been stoned in that same city.
And he had been bloodied and bruised and beaten.
And he had stood outside of that city a couple of miles outside of that city and made two out to Allah
and prayed for the guidance of these people. 50 years later, a young man is born inside of that same city, who then brings Islam to millions of people.
This was the effect of the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This was the investment that the prophets Allah, Allah made on that day of thought if that resulted into the guidance of millions of people, millions of people.
But one thing I want us to make be very, very pay close attention to be very mindful of
the profits a lot. He sort of made that investment. He taught us the process of doing something like that.
And he taught us that the process is what
that you turn to a light you talk to Allah,
you connect with Allah, you speak to a lot. What that does it provide you the perspective, it gives you the strength, it gives you the fortitude, the ability to be able to make the right decision.
And, you know,
I'll share another story with y'all. I came from really far away, so I feel like making the most of the opportunity. I know y'all took out precious time out of your Saturday afternoon. I know there's
So a lot of outdoor activities you could be doing here in Minneapolis. Mashallah.
But so since y'all took care of valuable Saturday afternoon as well, well, just to share a little bit more with y'all to kind of really drive home this point.
In the early days of market, this is one of my favorite stories in the early days of mcca. Or no, yeah, in the mid years of Mecca. In the meteors of Mecca, a man came from a tribe called dos.
He was actually a genius.
He was famous for being like an intellectual. He was considered a genius amongst his people. He was he was very eloquent. He was a poet. He was very well versed in history. He was very knowledgeable of whatever science was available at that time. He was just a genius. And he had the reputation of being a genius, a great intellectual of his people.
When he arrived in Makkah, he decided to visit Mecca, visit some friends and family go visit the GABA.
So he arrived in Mecca, he was such an important person that the Quraysh actually went outside of Makkah, the Quraysh went outside of Mecca to receive him to welcome him because he was a celebrity. He was a famous intellectual. So they go outside of Makkah to receive them, and they tell him, you know, we got a little bit of a situation in Mecca. There's a man, one of our own, his name is Muhammad. He claims to be a prophet, and there's some stuff going on. But we want you to know, we got under control, we're getting it. You know, we're dealing with our issues. But we wanted to make sure we let you know we weren't you don't listen to anything else to say.
Because he's got some type of magic going on. That he says he recites some things that he has, and when you resize them, then people's lives change.
And of course, these foolish people were talking about the Quran, the Kitab Allah, the Book of Allah, and they didn't realize that * light eema and Islam would enter into their hearts.
But so they tell him this, he says that they were so paranoid, and they were so insistent that he said, The next morning when I decided to go out towards the Kaaba, I took cotton Khrushchev, I took cotton, and I stuffed it into my ears.
So it's like walking around with your headphones on.
Basically an average american 14 year old. Alright, so he's walking around with his headphones on iPod in his walking around, oblivious, walking through oncoming traffic, you know? So he said, I had cotton stuffed in my ears. I'm just walking around doing my business. And I go to the cop, I go to the harem, and I go there and you know, I pay my respects. I do what I got to do. And then I see him.
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I see him. And I looked at him, and I said,
he doesn't look dangerous or anything.
He doesn't look like he's bewildered, or, you know, crazy, or something like that.
So, and then he goes, I kind of thought to myself, this is very interesting. He wasn't intellectual, right? He says, I thought to myself, he goes, you're the smartest guy, you know.
I'm saying,
like, he says, actually, in the narration, that's my summarization of it. He says, You're a poet, and you're very smart, and you're very educated. And you're well traveled, basically saying, like, Look, I'm the man. All right. I'm kind of I'm kind of a big deal, right? So he says, You know, I look, you're a super smart guy.
You'll be able to tell the difference between something real in some poetry or magic or Hocus Pocus or whatever is going on here. You'll you'll you'll know the difference. They're smart, dude.
So he goes, I decided to the cotton out of my ears, and I walked up to him.
But he was the prophets, a lot of humans performing Salah, and he was reciting the Quran.
And I walked up behind him, and I heard him reciting the Quran. And I couldn't hear everything that he was reading or saying.
But I heard enough for it to stop me dead in my tracks.
And I was like, Whoa,
this is the real deal.
So I just kind of backed off, I sat down.
When he finished and he left the home. I tell them, I followed him out. And he walked to his home, and I followed him to his house.
And you would think like you went in and knocked his door which is plausible, but very interestingly, his own recollection of the of the events, he actually says what I'd have to say, like I entered into his home.
Like, you know, when somebody opens the door before it closes, you stick your foot in,
and you kind of walk in like, Hey
so you can imagine
So the prophets allottee zone turned around and he's like, Can I help you? And he said, I have to hear what you what you were reading. Share with me.
Share with me.
So the prophets a lot of them recited the Quran to him.
And as soon as he was done reciting the Quran he said I shall Allah Allah Allah Allah wa karasuma. Um, so
he then spent a couple of days with the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, salaam learned whatever relevant details there were about Islam, very smart guys, a quick study
is a quick study. So in a couple of days, he picked up quite a bit.
And then the profits, a lot of them told him he said, Now you go back to your people go back to thought if
and, excuse me those that my stories like cross. So he said that you go back to your people, you go back to those, and you share with them what I've taught you what you've learned here.
So he says he goes back to those now this is where the story is kind of interesting. It's a little more side detail. You we learned this man's name is to fail to fail minnamurra dosi. To fail, we learn a little bit about his personality because he was an intellectual. You know, a lot of times like academics and intellectuals sometimes aren't the most like people savvy. You know, like they're not the
people he cared about his people. This was very difficult for him personally. But he had he was left with no choice. So he looks at that info and he says, Let me give it a try.
By is about 60 plus miles from Mecca. So that's 6263 miles from Makkah.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam set out towards Steiff.
And he travelled by foot. Keep in mind, he's over the age of 50.
He's 50 plus years old, having gone through 10 years of non stop persecution and sacrifices. He's just recently lost his wife and his uncle, his family.
And he has to travel by foot. And even that is explained why did he travel by foot
because he couldn't even afford transportation.
And it's the profits along the Salem and along with him. It's jw haritha, the adopted son of the prophets a lot he said him, just the two of them.
It wasn't some big entourage.
It wasn't like some modern day leader traveling. It's very humbly the prophets a lot. They said I'm traveling by foot. And along with him as just as assistant, his adopted sons a Duplo haritha. That's just the two of them traveling by foot 60 plus miles.
And it says that it took them about four days of non stop walking
to finally reach thought if
and when the profits allotted to them got there, he decided to approach to leadership have thought if let me go and talk to the leadership.
Let me go through the proper channels. Let me afford them the respect that they deserve amongst their people.
But again, when we talk about the story of five, how many pages is that covered in an acetal book, two pages, three pages.
The profits a lot of them stayed in thought for 10 days, how long
10 days
it's real life.
He didn't just walk into a floating on top of a cloud
you know and and ascend above a mountain and say I am the messenger of God and I have arrived.
It wasn't like that.
Walked into thought if you know very tired and exhausted, you know, just just fatigue and the the the wear and tear that travel has.
And then he's an outsider.
So you have to find out where can I find the leaders? Okay, these and he found the three sons of the main chief of the of the tribe, the famous leader of that tribe, he went and scheduled an appointment with their three sons who were basically running the tribe. But then what ends up happening when you want to go and meet the mayor, you go and you talk to the Secretary, you schedule an appointment. Oh, he doesn't have time today. He doesn't have time tomorrow. Maybe I can schedule you for Thursday. Okay, what are you gonna do? And then you show up and wait outside on Thursday, wait in line on Thursday. And then they tell you Sorry, something came up. You have to reschedule a
few things. Come back tomorrow morning. And then you come back and you stand outside the office the next day, and you wait there from morning till evening in the evening. They say sorry, we're out of time. You're gonna have to come back on Monday. He doesn't see anybody over the weekend. And then you come back on Monday and then finally you get to walk through the door. And then he says you got five minutes ago
and he's doing
Something else while he says that he picks up as he goes, You got five minutes
is his real life
to 10 days.
And he went and finally got through the door through the door for a couple of minutes, which each of them to just talk to them. Who am I? Why am I Why am I here? What am I here to talk about?
And he was almost immediately, disrespectfully against the courtesy of the Arabs. He was dismissed, and even mocked and ridiculed.
One of them said that, really, God couldn't find anybody else.
He couldn't find anybody else to make a profit but you
another one said, You know, I don't even want to hear anything. You have to say I don't have time for this.
Another one tells the prophets a lot. He said I'm he goes, I'm not interested in speaking to you.
Why? Because if you are a profit, then to oppose you, is invite trouble. And if you're not a profit, then I don't like talking to liars. So you know what, I'm fine. The way that my life is, I'm actually really comfortable. I just rather not add another complication to my life. Why don't you go Mind your own business? I mind my own business, everybody's happy. So go get out.
The profits all of a sudden, what? What was he supposed to say?
But then the profits a lot. He seldom said, let me stay for a couple of extra days, try to talk to just the folks in the community.
Just the folks in the community.
So the prophets, a lot of them went around talking, trying to talk to people in the community. And he was met with a similar response from even the common folks in the community of five.
Until finally, on the 10th day, the morning of the 10th day, they came to the profits a lot of the Sunday forum like a delegation the community did, they came to the profits, a lot of these women, they said, Oh, clergyman be Latina. You need to leave now.
We're done with you. We want you out.
So the prophets, a lot of them told they'd been hiding that let's pack up our stuff and head out.
So they pack up their stuff and they start leaving five.
quietly, he hasn't picked a single fight in 10 days. He hasn't insulted someone back who insulted him.
Not even once in 10 days, being called a liar to his face. Never once responded
in that fashion.
He hasn't, you know, made anyone uncomfortable. Like when somebody said I'm done talking to you, please go.
Okay, that's fine.
In 10 days, he hasn't messed with a single soul.
And as he's packing his bags, and he's leaving, he's leaving. He's exiting. You want to give somebody trouble you give them trouble maybe coming in. But when somebody is leaving,
they they gathered up like the just, you know, the teenagers in the street thugs and people like that they kind of gathered rounded them up, and they said, We want you to make things a little difficult for him on his way out.
You guys go be creative. I'm pretty sure you guys can think of something. Just make things a little difficult for him make it so that he'll think twice about coming back here.
So the narration says that they lined up in two rows. The road leading leaving thought if the highway out of thought is that the profits allottee someone was going to be walking out.
They lined up on both sides of that freeway.
and wonder ation actually says that they actually sat down these people who lined up on both sides. They sat down on that road going out of life.
And then the narration says that when the prophets a lot of them reached the road,
got to the boundary of the city of Fife and he reached a road when he stepped out onto the road to leave thought if veneration explicitly says every single time he lifted a foot
they threw rocks at him. It was like synchronized.
They had gathered rocks and stones. Every time he lifted a foot they threw a rock at him. And then when he put that foot back down, then they threw another rock at him. And then when he lifted his other foot, then they threw rocks at him. Then when he put that foot down, then they threw other rocks at him. And I want you to actually imagine that in the course of walking
to be hit with rocks every single second.
from all sides
to be pounded with rocks and stones.
One of the narrations actually says that explicitly
They mentioned that they were some of them were actually targeting his feet. Specifically, when they would throw the rocks, they would throw them at his feet, to injure his feet so that he wouldn't even be able to walk out he would have to crawl on his way out.
They were trying to hurt him.
And what did the prophets alarmism do not once he stopped and he said a few people lost your mind. He didn't pick up a rock and throw it back. He didn't curse them out.
veneration actually says the prophets allies and started walking faster.
That look, this is a bad situation.
It's like somebody confronts you. And you just say,
Sorry, I don't want to take part in this. And you just try to get away from there as fast as you can. You try to end the conversation as fast as you can. That's the dignity of the prophets a lot. He started walking faster, they don't they've been hiring. So let's go quick. Let's just get out of here. They want me they want as gone. Let's just get out of here. This is creating an unnecessary confrontation.
And sort of walking faster, and they kept throwing the rocks faster and faster.
And they've been hiding for who loved the profits along with him so much.
He loves him so much.
That he's literally the narration describes they've been hired with a freaked out.
He freaked out what's going on here, seeing the profits a lot he sort of getting pounded with rocks, he, he just couldn't even believe what he was seeing. So the agent says that he started shielding the profits a lot of the time with his own body catching the rocks on his own body
to protect him, but they were coming from all sides until one of the stray rocks, it ended up in a bigger rock. He hit him in the head. So are you sort of bleeding from his head? And then the profits, a lot of them told him he said, No, no, no, no, you're gonna get hurt really bad. Let's just go quickly. Don't worry about this, this is get out of here.
And this happened from the boundary of the city of thought if
all the way to a place
that is known by a couple of different names. Some narrations referred to it as God mythology.
And some books of history referred to it as an old man as well.
But the relevant fact is the important detail here is from the boundary of the city of thought if to this place, or mythology or continent, man as in the distance between these two locations. This three miles.
Three miles.
They stoned him for three miles.
Can you imagine that?
How long would it take somebody to walk three miles, especially with this level of interference and difficulty? maybe an hour.
That'd be making good time. 45 minutes an hour at the very least when you're getting stoned. You're not sprinting or running a marathon
45 minutes to an hour Can you imagine for 45 minutes to an hour getting hit with rocks multiple rocks from multiple sides every single second? Every single footstep for 45 minutes non stop straight.
Can you imagine how bruised and beaten somebody would be? How wounded and injured someone would be?
How emotionally traumatized someone would be
how angry someone would be
for to go through an experience like that.
And the narration describes that the prophets a lot he was bleeding from multiple places on his body as you can imagine.
There were open wounds.
And remember I told you in the narration I mentioned that they were specifically targeting his feet and the profits allowed me to wear leather sandals, his feet were literally torn up bleeding so profusely from his feet
that he had leather sandals generation actually says the loved one and now Lou
that his sandals had been soaked in blood to the point where they were completely red
leather it soaks things up.
So much blood had soaked into the sandals that their sandals have become completely red.
And you know how blood dries up and crosses up, it's hard to kind of scrape it off.
By the time the blood had dried and crusted.
It was so hard that when he finally removed the sandals, he had to rip them, pry them off of his feet. He had to peel them off of his feet.
This is what the profits a lot of them went through.
But this is where we come to what we're here to talk about
describe that at that place three miles later.
When they finally stopped, they got tired. They got bored of throwing rocks
to where they said, Alright, let's head back into the city. Hopefully he's learned his lesson. And they stopped throwing rocks at the profits a lot of a sudden
the profits a lot decent before even sitting down.
One of the narration describes still standing there.
He just turned his head up to the sky.
And he spoke to Allah.
He talked to Allah. He called on Allah. He called out to Allah, he made dua.
See, this is da.
And even the dua that he made is something that's been shared with us.
He said Allah, Elijah escudo, or faculty
said, Oh, Allah, only to you.
am I standing here complaining of my weakness?
I'm not complaining about anything else but my own weakness and I'm only complaining to you about my weakness, my weakness, working letter haloti and I'm complaining only to you or a lot of my lack of resources
while Ronnie Elena's and only to you, Oh Allah, am I complaining of the lack of respect? mean not commanding enough respect in the eyes of people? yahama Rahimi, almost Merciful of all of those capable of showing any mercy
and then he says hon masala,
Allah you are the Lord, the master, the creator, the provider, the protector, the guide or the Sustainer, the caretaker of those people who are weak, those people who are downtrodden, those people who have fallen.
Those people who have been wronged who have been oppressed, you are their caretaker. One therapy and you are my caretaker. I stand here in front of you a lot boo, bruised and beaten, bloodied and wounded.
You're my Lord. Oh Allah, you are my caretaker.
11 to kill me?
Who do you leave me to my Lord? Who have you left me to who have you entrusted or put in charge of me? Illa buried in yet the joy harmony?
Have you left me? to someone who is devoid of any mercy? Any compassion? Yet the job or money that that person would treat me badly would roughed me up like this? I mean, I do when my electronic armory arola have you left me to an enemy and put him in charge of me, given that enemy full control over me.
He says, Oh Allah, even if that's the case, in lamea can be Galaga bufala.
He says our law
even if you've handed me over to somebody devoid of any mercy to roughed me up, even if you've handed me over to an enemy and put him completely in charge of me, as long as you are not upset with me or a lot, I don't care about anything else.
I could have died on that road today. But as long as you're not angry with me, nothing else matters. That's all I care about. Later and the alpha ticker here. Oh, Sara Lee.
The only thing that I need Oh Allah. Is your forgiveness, your mercy and your protection. That's more than enough for me. That's more than what I could ever ask for is your protection.
Our will be nudie What do you call it? A Shaka Zulu mat? I take refuge in the light, the * the enlightenment of your face, Oh Allah that removes and dispels the layers upon layers of darkness
was solid.
And it can correct all of the affairs of the dounia and the author of both worlds a lot of other book as long as your anger never afflicts me
I'm never subjected to your anger
Oh Angela be a psychotic or your displeasure or punishment, whatever come down upon me.
So I take protection with your law.
From you ever being upset with me you ever being displeased with me? You ever punishing me? Or being angry with me? Oh Allah, that's all I need. Like ultra hetero. At the end of the day, Oh Allah, everything is done for you. At the end of the day, everything is done for you until you are pleased.
Everything is
An investment in order to achieve your pleasure, without hola La quwata illa avec. And there is no power to do good there is no ability to avoid evil except through your permission, your mercy and your blessing.
And he makes us do our standing right there literally drenched in soaked in blood.
with dozens of wounds all over his body.
He makes this law. He goes in, he sits down
jabril alehissalaam comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And he greets the prophets along the sermon, he says that what has happened with you, and then how you have responded to what happened to you
has shaken the heavens and the earth. All of us creation is baffled
by what has transpired here.
I have come with the angel that Allah has put in charge of the mountains. And he is at your disposal.
You give him the word you give him the signal.
And he will have these mountains crushed the city of La was is situated in a valley he will cause these mountains to collide and crush everything and everyone that is between these mountains to the point where nothing of these people will be left.
No one will even know that these people ever existed here.
It's opportunities presented to the prophets allottee Center.
This is where I need everyone to pay very close attention.
This is where I need everyone to pay very close attention. Because this is going to be one of the primary points that I'm trying to make here about da
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
has just gone through a extremely traumatic experience.
He's been abused.
He's been he's been attacked.
He's been disrespected.
And he's been he's been he's been hurt and oppressed and persecuted.
At this point in time, if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have told the angel Yeah, crusties people, it would have been completely justified. Otherwise, that offer wouldn't have been made to him. It was completely justified.
For him to say yes, have these people annihilated?
But think about this factory profits, a lot of them just went through a very traumatic situation.
When any one of us goes through that type of a situation in that moment,
we might have went ahead and said, Yeah,
finish these people off.
But the profits a lot ism is teaching us a lesson through his example. He's teaching us a lesson. What was the first thing he did before he even sat down before you would be presented with the opportunity to destroy these people in retribution in retaliation, before he could do Doom these people? What was the very first thing that the prophets Allah sent him did?
He made?
He made dua.
And again, what is
what was the simple way that I put it,
to talk to Allah?
The first thing he did in his moment of difficulty in crisis was he talked to Allah, He spoke to Allah.
And what that does is it provides it provides the spiritual nourishment, the emotional fortitude that a person needs to be able to do what is right, what is correct and what is better.
He's, I mean, again, like I said, before, imagine how you know, traumatized and angry and frustrated and disappointed somebody would feel in that situation, before you can act based off of those emotions. The first thing the prophets allowed us to do, through his own example here in thought was he talked to Allah because when you talk to Allah, then what ends up happening, you are washed over with peace, with tranquility, with serenity, the mercy, the love, the compassion, the blessing of Allah, showers down upon you.
You get connected to Allah. Instead of thinking about what happened to you in the evil of those people, you think about the grace and the mercy of Allah.
It changes your perspective. It connects you to a law, which allows you to take a completely different course of action in that situation.
And the prophets loves him is teaching us everything.
detail in the sila is relevant. One of the things I was telling one of my students yesterday who was talking to me about like, you know, not having enough study of the car and things like that. I told him, we don't need to study the car. That's not the problem we have.
Yes, we need more study of the car. But the real tragedy of like the last three generations of the oma is that we don't we need don't just study this, you know, we need to be mining, the Sierra, the Sierra isn't just a book, The Sierra is a gold mine. It's a treasure chest. It's a gold mine.
The deeper you keep digging, the more you keep bringing out
so we have to see what the prophets Allah is teaching is here.
That he made you out to Allah He connected to Allah. And because he connected to a lot, what response did that have upon the Prophet? sallallahu alayhi? Salaam? What effect did that have? And then what response did he give? He tells the angel, he goes, No, no, no, no.
I have no ill will towards these people.
I have no ill will towards these people. No, no.
I hope that these people will come around and accept the message.
And even if these people don't, then I pray. And I hope that from the generations that come from the offspring, from the progeny of these people, there will be there will be people who will arise who will embrace the deen and find guidance.
And Islamic history tells us
that literally a generation later.
Exactly one generation later
there arose great people from those same same tribes.
But who's a thief?
Many, many great people.
One of them, that is very relevant to Islamic history.
There was a man. And actually in our day and age in our times, we would call him a boy.
But in those times they were they were men.
And those times a 15 year old was a was a man because he didn't play Call of Duty. All right.
some narrations, places ages youngest 1516. Some say the more popular version is 17.
But there are some versions of the story that history books that actually places age closer to 15, which is just mind blowing.
A 15 year old.
Seriously, like today, a 15 year old doesn't even know how to pick up his own socks.
But a 15 year old.
He puts an army together.
He travels 1000s of miles from Arabia
and brings Islam
to a whole race of people
that were plagued with idol worship
before this man came.
And it wasn't just like he wasn't just on a mission to conquer these people.
He impressed them with his generosity, with his kindness with his character. There are some, some some
there are some stories that talk about the travels of this young man. And the people that were with him that they came to the subcontinent, India, Pakistan, modern day India, Pakistan. For those who don't realize India, Pakistan didn't exist back then. All right. But modern day India and Pakistan, the subcontinent, South Asia, he came to these regions, specifically the province in the area, that's called sin.
He came to this region, and these people were played with idol worship.
And there was a terrible caste system that was implemented.
And there's there's lots of different recollections of what people learn from them, what people saw from them, how much people admire them, they loved them, they respected them, and they were attracted towards these people. But one of the very interesting things that just kind of caught my mind, just as caught my attention, really, it touched me was that they had this caste system.
And people of a lower caste could not sit, let alone marry amongst. They weren't even allowed to eat at the same table as people of a higher caste. And when these people this great young man, this role model, this leader and his people who are with him, when they would sit down to eat somebody of the lowest caste who were called literally untouchable.
In America, untouchables is a good thing we're not talking about that type of Untouchables. Are the young guys are like gangsters? No. All right. They weren't Oh, geez. All right. It's a it's a literal translation. But it literally meant like they were considered like filthy. They were considered like just diseased human beings. They were like a stain upon the earth, the lowest caste of people. Unfortunately, of course, this is not correct. This is a system of shit. But they were viewed as being a stain on the earth.
A wastage of space.
That one of them would be walking by hunched over head lowered, they had been beaten into into oppression.
And the Muslims would be sitting there, this great young man, 17 years old, he'd be sitting there with his people just eating food. And he would say, Hey, brother, where are you going? Have you had lunch? And he, you know, he was even used to being spoken to what he knew was when somebody talks to you, you just look the other way. So he's, you would get up and go, people wouldn't even make physical contact with them. Put an arm around him. It's like, it's okay.
It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Have you eaten anything?
And he would say no.
And say, Come on. And he would say, No, no, no. Because if I come sit with you, somebody else is going to show up and crack me over the head.
He's like, No, no, no, I'll take care of you. I'm asking you to eat food with me. You roll with me now.
And he would call him up and tell him to eat. And then what would he do the same plague that he was eating out of, he would scoot it over and he'd say, Come on, and he would eat out of the same plate. He said, you thirsty, he would take his cup of water. And he would say here Have some water.
And then he would pour some water into that same glass and drink from that same glass.
And the man is sitting there thinking like who is this guy.
And literally, by the hundreds of 1000s.
People entered into Islam, people accepted Islam,
in Islam to foot too cold in that region, and continued to flourish from there
and became one of the major Islamic civilizations of Muslim history that we've seen in the in 1400 years of this ummah.
And this man, this 17 year old, his name is Mohammed bin al Qasim, a Sufi,
which means he was from Cardiff. He was born and raised in Paul, if
he was born and raised in thought, if
5060 years, 50 years after the profits, a lot of them have been stoned in that same city.
And he had been bloodied and bruised and beaten.
And he had stood outside of that city a couple of miles outside of that city and made out to Allah
and prayed for the guidance of these people. 50 years later, a young man is born inside of that same city, who then brings Islam to millions of people.
This was the effect of the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This was the investment that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made on that day of thought if that resulted into the guidance of millions of people, millions of people.
But one thing I want us to make be very, very pay close attention to be very mindful of
the profits a lot. He sort of made that investment. He taught us the process of doing something like that.
And he taught us that the process is what
that you turn to a light you talk to Allah,
you connect with Allah, you speak to Allah, what that does it provide you the perspective, it gives you the strength, it gives you the fortitude, the ability to be able to make the right decision.
And, you know,
I'll share another story with y'all. I came from really far away, so I feel like making the most of the opportunity. I know y'all took out precious time out of your Saturday afternoon. I know there's a lot of outdoor activities you could be doing here in Minneapolis. Mashallah.
But so since y'all took care of valuable Saturday afternoon as well, well, just to share a little bit more with y'all to kind of really drive home this point.
In the early days of market, this is one of my favorite stories in the early days of mcca. Or no, yeah, in the mid years of Mecca. In the meteors of Makkah, a man came from a tribe called dos.
He was actually a genius.
He was famous for being like
Intellectual. He was considered a genius amongst his people. He was he was very eloquent. He was a poet. He was very well versed in history. He was very knowledgeable of whatever science was available at that time. He was just a genius. And he had the reputation of being a genius, a great intellectual of his people.
When he arrived in Mecca, he decided to visit Mecca, visit some friends and family go visit the GABA.
So he arrived in Mecca, he was such an important person that the Quraysh actually went outside of Makkah. The Quraysh went outside of Mecca to receive him to welcome him because he was a celebrity. He was a famous intellectual. So they go outside of Makkah to receive them, and they tell him, you know, we got a little bit of a situation in Mecca. There's a man, one of our own, his name is Muhammad. He claims to be a prophet, and there's some stuff going on. But a, we want you to know, we got under control, we're getting it. You know, we're dealing with our issues. But we wanted to make sure we let you know we weren't you don't listen to anything else to say.
Because he's got some type of magic going on. That he says he recites some things that he has, and when you resize them, people's lives change.
And of course, these foolish people were talking about the Quran, the Kitab Allah, the Book of Allah, and they didn't realize that * light eema and Islam would enter into their hearts.
But so they tell him this, he says that they were so paranoid, and they were so insistent that he said, The next morning when I decided to go out towards the Kaaba, I took cotton Khrushchev, I took cotton, and I stuffed it into my ears.
So it's like walking around with your headphones on.
Basically an average american 14 year old. Alright, so he's walking around with his headphones on iPod in, he's walking around, oblivious, walking through oncoming traffic, you know? So he said, I had cotton stuffed in my ears. I'm just walking around doing my business. And I go to the cop, I go to the harem, and I go there and you know, I pay my respects. I do what I got to do. And then I see him.
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I see him. And I looked at him and I said,
he doesn't look dangerous or anything.
He doesn't look like he's bewildered, or, you know, crazy, or something like that.
So, and then he goes, I kind of thought to myself, this is very interesting. He wasn't intellectual, right? He says, I thought to myself, he goes, you're the smartest guy, you know.
I'm saying,
like, he says, actually, in the narration, that's my summarization of it. He says, You're a poet, and you're very smart, and you're very educated. And you're well traveled, basically saying, like, Look, I'm the man. All right. I'm kind of I'm kind of a big deal, right? So he says, You know, I look, you're a super smart guy.
You'll be able to tell the difference between something real, and some poetry or magic or Hocus Pocus or whatever is going on here. You'll you'll you'll know the difference. They're smart, dude.
So he goes, I decided I took the cotton out of my ears. And I walked up to him.
But he was the prophets, a lot of sin was performing Salah, and he was reciting the Quran.
And I walked up behind him, and I heard him reciting the Quran. And I couldn't hear everything that he was reading or saying.
But I heard enough for it to stop me dead in my tracks.
And I was like, Whoa,
this is the real deal.
So I just kind of backed off, I sat down.
When he finished, and he left the home. I tell them, I followed him out. And he walked to his home, and I followed him to his house.
And you would think like you went in and knocked his door which is plausible, but very interestingly, his own recollection of the of the events, he actually says what I'd have to say, like I entered into his home.
Like, you know, when somebody opens the door before it closes, you stick your foot in.
And you kind of walk in like, hey,
so you can imagine. So the prophets a lot of a sudden turned around and he's like, Can I help you? And he said, I have to hear what you what you were reading. Share with me.
Share with me.
So the prophets, a lot of them recited the Quran to him.
And as soon as he was done reciting the Quran, he said I shadow Allah Allah Allah, Allah wa shadow karasuma. Um, so
he then spent a couple of days with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, salaam learned whatever relevant details there were about Islam.
Very smart guy, he's a quick study
is a quick study. So in a couple of days he picked up quite a bit.
And then the profits a lot of them told him he said, Now you go back to your people go back to thought if
and excuse me those that my stories like cross. So he said that you go back to your people you go back to those and you share with them what I've taught you what you've learned here.
So he says he goes back to those now this is where the story is kind of interesting. It's a little more side detail. You we learned this man's aim is to fail to fail. minnamurra dosi to fail. We learn a little bit about his personality because he was an intellectual. You know, a lot of times like academics and intellectuals sometimes aren't the most like people savvy. You know, like, they're not the