Abdal Hakim Murad – Plan Your Ramadan Ramadan Live

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a series of recorded talks about Cambridge Muslim college's upcoming events. The topics include discussions on the importance of planting seeds for spiritual growth, a theme for the upcoming fall edition of their annual theme, and a series of short midday talks on Muslim culture. The purpose of these talks is to encourage students to reach out to their peers and ask questions.
AI: Transcript ©
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As salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah Alhamdulillah Ramadan live is

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back. Once again bringing Cambridge Muslim college to you

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with a series of talks from teachers around the world. Ramadan

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is a time for self improvement and growth and time for planting good

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seeds whose fruits we enjoy the sweetness of throughout the month,

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and in sha Allah throughout the rest of the year. In that spirit,

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our theme this year is sow a seed. We've given each week a theme to

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help your spiritual growth from seeding right through to

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harvesting and preserving

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on Mondays Dr. Sohail Hanif will be looking at the verses in which

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Allah references plants and greenery directly or as metaphors

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with verses on the Verdier.

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On Tuesdays, Dr. Rahman Harvey will expand on how the arrival of

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Islam completely reshaped a community divided by tribalism in

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his transcending the tribes.

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On Wednesdays, once again live from Australia, Dr. Samira MagMod

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will unpack why certain spaces uplift us spiritually more than

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others in architecture and the luminous ground.

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On Thursdays Dr. Ingrid Mattson will do a deep dive into two

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companions of the blessed Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam almond

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milk meaning our fish had been Abby Bakker and Amira and what

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meaning Ahmad ibn Al Kitab.

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And on Fridays, Dr. Amna Nawaz will reflect on the roots and

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branches of the Islamic tradition in weekly interviews with various

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scholars entitled a good treat.

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Complementing these evening enlightenment, short midday

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meditations from a host of teachers, and backed by popular

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demand, our new principal, Dr. Abdullah Rothman

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and finally, we'll be bringing our popular talks on notable Muslim

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leaders throughout history to our YouTube audience. We hope you join

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us again this Ramadan for the stimulating talks. As we root

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ourselves reach up and bask in the light of faith. Visit Cambridge

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Muslim college.ac.uk For the complete schedule in your timezone

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and sow a seed with us this Ramadan to help us train the next

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generation of Muslim thinkers. Donate today at Cambridge Muslim

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college.ac.uk was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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