Abdal Hakim Murad – One Ummah

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The importance of abstaining from one's inner spirituality and purifying the whole human body is discussed, including the holy month and the cultural centered around it. G comeback is a common practice among Muslims, but it is difficult to understand. embracing people who have been sitting around in the mosque before marking or bad things is crucial, and not embracing people who have been sitting around in the mosque before Mark or bad things is appropriate. embracing the Laila to God, not pride and pride in Islam, and not overindulging always is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Cambridge Muslim college training the next generation of Muslim

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat

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wa salam O Allah acromial Anbiya YOLO serene Sadie no Mohammed in

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Walla early he was Safi at Moraine about.

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One of the things that are most stressed by the scholars during

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the month of Ramadan is that Ramadan is not just about

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abstaining, food, drink, physical desire, smoking and the rest. But

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it is also about abstaining from the inner vices to abstain

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outwardly. without there being a natural falling away from the

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inward passions is to have misunderstood and misapplied the

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whole principle of fasting which is to purify the entire human

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system, not just the physical metabolism.

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So manlam Jada

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AlkaViva. Well, Cole azul, Felisa Lila he had at one V and the other

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are the Allahu wa Sharapova who, whoever does not renounce lying

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and bearing false witness, Allah has no need of his renouncing food

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and drink.

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The Holy Prophet Ali's letters have been constantly emphasized is

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that Ramadan is to be a time of real detachment from the fiery

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lower self, from the knifes Amara from the false illusory sense,

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which is unfortunately that part of us which is most stressed by a

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modernity in this endless fool's errand looking for selfhood and

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individuality. It's a kind of missed a cobweb. It's not really

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there, but it's full of fire and passion and it's dangerous.

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So Ramadan is a spiritual school. It is a month long retreat. It is

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a time when we engage in this inward jihad. It butthole how're

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Bisou Fillmore Jaya Hedda. slaughter your desires with the

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swords of war Tjahaja inward jihad, ride the stallion of your

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will into the battlefield of desire until bloodstains it up to

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the fetlocks all of this language, we find because this energy has

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this Jihad Akbar is fundamental to what this particular form of our

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Iboga is about it is a spiritual school.

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So we find

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the famous Hadith in which was bingeable or de la who

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is writing behind the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he

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says uracil Allah, Allahu Akbar, there'll be manner all

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the calendrical omocha Yom was, well Helya kupuna Sophie Nari Ala

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Moana theory him ill Hassan Ido LC naughty him.

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So Murad says, Are we going to be taken to account just for the

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words that we say?

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And he says

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you misbegotten one or more hours it's a strong reproach are people

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thrown down upon their for locks in * for anything other than

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what their tongues have reaped?

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The tongue is

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Collie lon Jurmala its weight is little but its potential for

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spreading harm is immense. And we are told in Ramadan particularly

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to watch out for it. One of the early Muslims used to say the Sani

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Sabol on in RSL Tuhoe akal

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tongue is like a wild beast if I let it go it goes and eat

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And the teeth are to the the tongues the bars of the tongues

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cage and at this time of Ramadan, Morocco Baba and watching what the

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ego does with the tongue is particularly important.

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In another Hadith

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one of the Sahaba asked the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam

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the Rasul Allah, Allah barony Anil Islami be Amarin Le s Allahu Ahad

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and Bartok tell me about something in Islam that will be enough for

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me so I don't need ever to ask anybody else about it again call

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call and then to be learned from a stalking. So it's a general

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questions it gives them the general totalizing answer that you

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pellon say I believe in Allah and then go straight be an upright

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Called the What's more, firmer at 30? What should I be aware of?

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For Oh,

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might be God He eagerly Sunny.

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So he said his bit is not going to speak again but he points with his

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hand to his tongue. What should I be aware of the Holy Prophet has

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the tongue Watch out?

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honorable hottub radula, who and once passed by Abu Bakr, Siddiq

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radula, who was sitting there kind of holding his tongue, strange,

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literally holding his tongue. And he said, What are you doing? I'm

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your minion. And he said her that I would rather kneel my worried.

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It is this that has gotten into difficult places.

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And this is abundant and evident and all human experience shows

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that if there is suffering, it's probably because of what somebody

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has done. Somebody's reveal somebody's secret. Somebody has

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engaged in slander about somebody, somebody has engaged in gossip or

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loose talk, backbiting, libel, slander, the thing that our

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culture Hello magazine, the tabloids is just full of the we're

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all eating the flesh of our dead brothers.

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This is an age in which so much money is made out of gossip,

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celebrity gossip, poor to gossip, we exchange amongst ourselves and

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this is in Islam, a very grave thing that we defend the honor of

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other Muslims. And we retain the principle of hospitals and we give

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them the benefit of the doubt. If an adverse Radi Allahu Ana says,

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even if you smell alcohol on your brother's beard, you should assume

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that somebody has spilt it though. Don't assume that that person is

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guilty of a sin. Always find some excuse. ATMs will order the Africa

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and Muslim find an excuse for your brother Muslim.

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Now, one of the most grave consequences of this

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loose talk is when people start to engage in religious criticism of

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each other. And this we should definitely avoid during this

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fasting month. Because after all, what do we know? We ordinary

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Muslims who are not scholars, what do we know?

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The Hadith? There's about a million of them.

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They're difficult to understand, how are we going to know for sure

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who's right and who's wrong. Even though all of that have never

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agreed on many things as to what is right and what is wrong when

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they have their different interpretations. Particularly in

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the early period of Islam, we find such an enormous breadth of

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That becomes a little bit narrower as the years go by, but ours is a

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religion of FTF and therefore, a religion in which we acknowledge

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that these things are difficult to understand. And who are we to say

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Imam Malik is right Imam Shafi is wrong. This is haram bedarra All

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of this stop this neerabup

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Imam Malik used to say in the hair they'll mera la semana de NiFi

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shake. This ego based argumentativeness about religion

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has nothing to do with religion.

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And a hadith says never was a people destroyed Isla Otto Jeddah.

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Whenever people have destroyed it's because they're given this

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egotistic argumentativeness Finding pleasure in poking holes

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in other people's argument to scholars this scholar is that all

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of this nonsense because who are we? To point accusing fingers at

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the great ones of the past who've memorized hundreds of 1000s of

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Hadith and performed more a better in a year than will perform in our

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lifetime? What does it mean? It's just ego? We feel less

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insecure about our own weaknesses when we think I'm better than him.

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I'm 100 Alas, baloney. I'm better than Imam Al Ghazali. I know I

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know. I know. I am cheerful Islam, the self, the sovereign will. The

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ego prevails and becomes Cadell Co dot and the Grand Mufti.

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This is obviously the destruction of religion. And in the month of

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Ramadan, in particular, when we are feeling a little bit broken,

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and when there's less energy for all of these ego things, we should

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be seeing those vices for what they are and be disgusted by them.

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What do we know? How strong are we? How long will we live? What's

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the point of spending so much of our time pointing out the faults

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of others. If it's something extreme and outrageous and

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destructive to the Ummah, then of course, the OMA is agreed that

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those things are outrageous, but most of the FTF issues in

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religion, these are issues on which the Allamah have a mutual

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respect and one of the signs of the decadence of the almost that

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mutual respect is going

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the divergence between the brothers and the deobandis for

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instance, to the great good

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Leave so many Hindu nationalists and others who wish ill to this

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ummah, is based on issues that the great honor of the past would have

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regarded as legitimate areas of equity laugh, but you can see on

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all sides, the the fiery egos and the sense of self righteousness,

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and the passionate desire to defend a school tradition and an

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inherited narrative blinds people to the reality of what is going on

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in Ramadan in particular, let's leave that aside. Let's leave that

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disputatious SNESs with our shoes outside the masjid. And when we

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come in, to worship, and when we begin the fast, and when we say no

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way to CRM and the fast begins, that really means that we fast

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from these sins of the tongue. Erfurt listen

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so that at the end of the month, we benefit from the end of the

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month, the last 10 days.

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And the ease with which the fast presents itself in those 10 days,

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a very extraordinary transformation, almost a metabolic

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change almost a different species. So that when the month is over, we

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miss so much of it and we feel that the lights have been turned

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out we're in a kind of gray, neutral, meaningless space. The

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believer is nostalgic for Ramadan. Everybody feels this, that as we

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move up to the Laila to God.

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As we ponder, wrote util, Hillel and the joy of the aid, and

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experience that is for families and friends and for the

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reconciling of the Ummah, that togetherness should not be a

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hypocritical togetherness. We should not be embracing people who

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would have been sitting around in the mosque before mark or bad

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mouthing because we don't agree with that we'll we think there

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shakes upon Delilah, or something like that this is not a good thing

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to do in the month of Ramadan.

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arguments about right and wrong in Islam are further all of that in a

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particular context. But they're not for us to gossip about when we

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know nothing at all. Only the ego only the shaytaan takes pleasure

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in that. And Ramadan is not the appropriate time.

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So in this fasting month, let's try and keep that wild beast

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locked up where it belongs. Let us consider before we say anything at

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all, what we are saying why we are saying it? Is it to impress

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somebody, is it to impress ourselves, is it because we wish

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to feel superior to somebody? Is it because we wish to feel that we

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are better than a whole bunch of Muslim scholars. What is the

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reason? When we look at it honestly,

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we will see that it is an ugly thing and unworthy of this great

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and dignified and holy month, when we should be hearing the angels

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and our voices should be like the angels and we should be listening

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only to Quran and only to good things, and shutting out all of

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the pollution that comes out of the minds of the mouths of human

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beings, there should be a time of purity, and a time of turning and

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a time of repentance, not a time of pride and superiority.

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So at this time in these blessed days, as the month winds down, and

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as the sand moves out of the hourglass, and we face the aid and

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we face a return to what we take to be normality, let it be a time

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of contrition a time of Tober time in which we recognize that we need

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less. We need less talk. We need less food, we need less drink, we

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need less sleep. We overindulge always and this is spiritually as

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well as physically bad for us. And also the armor is terribly torn

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and divided. The OMO which is the pride of the resourceful Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam and for all of which he will intercede is wounded

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and besmirched by these divisions that are now tearing Muslims apart

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in so many places. Ramadan should be the time when we fix that it

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should be the laboratory of the soul it should be a psychology

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clinic where we try and look within ourselves to see what we do

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that contributes either to the unity or the disunity of the OMA

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either to the joy or the rage of Islamic enemies because I disunity

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always pleases our enemies it doesn't please Allah subhanaw

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taala doesn't please the angels doesn't please the Allah mat and

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the ALI app. So let this be a time where embraces on the eighth our

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and were the singularity of the OMA in the AI badda on the day of

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aid is an inner as well as an outward reality. Because these are

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difficult times we are weak. We should not be adding to that

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weakness by unnecessarily an ugly and egotistic faction of fashion,

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running each other down to May Allah subhanaw taala return to

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this ummah, the US

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A tea, which is what the Holy Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam

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prayed for me will be reunited Amma shahada, alumnus witnesses to

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and for and against mankind so that we may insha Allah be worthy

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of the intercession of the Holy Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam

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truly, inwardly, as well as just formally and outwardly members of

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his Alma Amin neuropil alimenta Kabbalah la cm Anna waka Yamuna.

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Oroku Anna was sujood Anna, Tara we Hannah, we're either gonna

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attack Burana, we're at the nakina in sha Allah, where are they? Who

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are they now on an old material Muhammadiyah will say it will only

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will fit he will Baraka t what to Haiti will water insha Allah may

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Allah accept this and accept your aid and accept your fasting and

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insha Allah make this a time of spiritual breakthrough in sha

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Allah for you and for all of us and for our friends, neighbors

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family and the whole on the internet Allah Baraka lofi calm wa

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salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Cambridge Muslim College, training the next generation of Muslim

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