Abdal Hakim Murad – Learning to Love Ramadan Moments 4

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes Jesus as the only person within the physical body that can see the outside, and the holy month ofusually starting with the prayer of the Divine Love for the heart and becoming a recognized form of love. The importance of love in the spiritual world is discussed, including the holy Bible and its teachings, as well as the natural and spiritual nature of Islam. The segment also touches on the holy month and its potential to purify hearts and make people aware of the beauty of the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala acromial NBR even more serene Sayidina Muhammad

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in what other early he was softcopy age nine.

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In this month at this time of year, certain things become

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clearer. The human heart usually as a muddy, malfunctioning,

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neglected, withered organism, even though it's, as the Hadith says

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the key to the well being of all other parts of us, in the field,

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Jessa de la mandala, either solo hat sallahu Jessa dokolo. What is

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Fs at that festival just had to call low Allah, wa he'll call but

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truly in the body there is a piece of flesh which when it's sound,

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rest of us is sound. And when it's corrupt, the rest is corrupt. And

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it is the heart.

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This heart which has to do with consciousness, the eye the

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isn't necessarily an enigma.

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It's easier to see outside than to see within their divine horizons

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outside but within

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and because we are outward looking, and our jewelry, her

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limbs and our senses are for experiencing the outside world.

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What is within is usually beyond our Ken

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that applies even to our physical organs. There is the liver, I have

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a spleen, kidneys, stomach, they're doing their job. I usually

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don't give thanks for them, but they're there. Miracles of divine

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technology, doing their job year after year, decade after decade

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and only start grumbling. When usually, through my own abuse,

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they start to malfunction but I can't see them.

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They're within.

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But that's just the superficial within the real within is that is

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the consciousness to what I am the neffs the self and that is an

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enigma, Neff spear more a murder. The self is a riddle.

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But Allah subhanaw taala has created the self and the heart

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which is somehow the place where the self is centered.

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To be an organ of perception,

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we perceive things, we learn things by heart, the heart

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experiences, emotions and turbulences, intuition as the

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heart can even see, through dreams aspects of another world.

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The heart is clearly essential to what makes us many Adam, not

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creatures of mud and clay, and dirt but angelic creatures to whom

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the very angels can bow down. It's because of this eyeness This self

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this transcendence within that we are worth anything at all.

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So we'd like to know what's going on there.

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the Companions asked the Holy Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam

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about the roar

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and he has to say, Allah tells him

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Holy Roman, Amory, Robbie, Momo Tito minute I met de la kalila.

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The spirit is of the divine command or the divine affair,

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God's business and of knowledge you've been given that little so

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this most important part of us the thing that we really are is the

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thing we understand least. And most of our mistakes, if not all

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of them as human beings is because we're not really focused and not

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really spiritually active, other bits of us impulses, half digested

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memories, the longing for status, those other things pull us this

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way and this is Kadare mud, that, that pollutes the surface of what

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should be a pure lake, a mirror that reflects the light of heaven.

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And that's our state

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that we have been in this month given the opportunity to calm down

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a bit. This as a retreat we are self isolating, even in normal

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times. There's a little bit of RT curve in every Ramadan, we

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withhold our hands and therefore the heart is withheld from some

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dunya pleasures and distractions.

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Sophie that is Shayateen The devils are chained

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in the shaytani Yejide Fubini. Adam a major dem for the Yoko

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Mejuri he Bill jewel, the Holy Prophet says the shaytaan flows in

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the son of Adam, along with a blood so narrow these arteries

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with hunger

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that tends to break us. Arrogance is less. We have less energy for

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stupid playing around, we become more serious

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is slightly broken, therefore more realistic and real human beings

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and at this time the heart can start to function.

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Now Allah subhanaw taala has said that he has enabled the

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descendants of man of Adam Kolomna Benny Adam

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and also has said that at the higher degree of what we are, he

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loves us.

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This is in the Hadith and the word

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Allah is Allah Abdullah yet ACARA boo Allah been the Westphalia

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Hatha or Heba

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my slave to sound, Hadith, Hadith, Godsey

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draws nearer to me, with optional acts until I love him.

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God can love us for all of the mess that we represent. All of the

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missed opportunities, all of the inattentive moments, all of the

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waste, like a machine that's never really used for the right purpose

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or properly tuned or properly lubricated. It's kind of abused.

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What a waste

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is like having a Formula One car and using it to pull a plow or

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something. That's not what we're for. We abuse ourselves.

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And, but Allah subhanaw taala has said that there is this love, and

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he has said

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the name of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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now this has to be a particular quality of the armor of Islam.

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Each armor has a particular fragrance a particular wavelength,

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a particular modality of being alive in the Spirit.

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And this is indicated a number of Hadith were the founders of those

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almost are named.

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Sinha, Ibrahim alayhis. Salam is Holly Lulu Sedna Musa is Kaleem

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Allah say Nisa is ro Hola, Sedna North is Najee, Allah, etc. Center

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is named in the Hadith as

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Habibollah God's beloved

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and there is a particular dimension to the inner life of

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Islam, the heart life of Islam that is that pertains to love. And

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in the month of Ramadan, we start to taste this. At least we taste

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the love of the forms.

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The Divine Love for the forms of Islam which are prophetically

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gifted and which are beautiful. The fast is a beautiful thing. The

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prayer is a beautiful thing. There's a cat the Hajj, majestic

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and also beautiful. Allah loves those actions.

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And we learn to love them as well.

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And the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were joined at

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Quora to I NiFi Salette the delight of my eyes has been set in

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prayer, to the extent that we progress and the ego stuff dies

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down, put back in its box kicked away, and we become real and

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in this prophetic way.

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We really start to love the forms of Islam. And we love the prayer

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to alert Audra to it for solat that's a measure of our iman used

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to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam retina yo Bilal, give us rest with

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it. Oh, Bilal inviting him to give the Athan. It is the prayer that

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allows us to relax, to detox to be at ease, to be in a state of

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equilibrium, the inward reality of what the outward form of the

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prayer enact.

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So this quality of merhaba of love is fundamental to our religion.

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And it is evinced by the Holy Quran its insistence again and

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again that we look at the wonders of the Earth around us. This

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difficulty in the Wii hockey summer where it will all work

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dilla Filoli won the heartland, yet in the old Al Bab way the

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heavens and the earth have created a succession of night and day

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signs for people of understanding of lobe, Insight heart.

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And this seeing them as signs means love. You see the Divine

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Creator and His genius. He is workmanship in everything you

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can't help but love it. Who doesn't love beauty? Love is the

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recognition of beauty and perfection. So we have to love

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creation. We have to love the FT level LC nautical L one e COMM The

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diversity of your tongues and of your colors. The FT left the

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diversity of creation is beloved. So we're to be lovers of God's

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lovers of others, in whom are not just the outward FSOC sonori him

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Tina Phil FLP Rafi unfussy him Pattaya Debian Allah home and the

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whole Huck we shall show them are signs on the horizon and in

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themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth

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within themselves in our inner eFax seeing the miraculous,

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unique, irreplaceable love ability of others,

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to see others with the idol Marhaba. That's, that's the

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miracle. And that is the gift of Eman not just seeing other people

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as fellow citizens with rights and responsibilities in a kind of

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dull, cold liberal social contract, but loving them

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as showerhead witnesses to the Divine creative power revering

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them, not because they are meat computers that will come to an

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end, and will malfunction sooner or later. But because they

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continue to draw the CALB because it is to them, the ancestor that

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the angels bowed, so this is the religion preeminently of muhabba

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and the Quran is endlessly inviting us to remember God but

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also to think about the beauty in the world. And in the month of

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Ramadan. As we look out of the window and we see the clouds go by

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and as we hear the birdsong we see the beauty of everything. We

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remember that he is indeed Habib Ullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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who Shetty has been brought in this form, which is a form of

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Well, Edina m&r I shed dog by Leila Quran says those who have a

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man have more, greater, stronger, more magnificent love for Allah.

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So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to purify our hearts in this fasting

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month, to give us the inner as well as the outward bodily reality

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of the fast to purify the hearts so that we start to see the light

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that is in God's creation, to love, the beauty that is in God's

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creation and in each other, to make us people have terraeum of

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mutual mercy, or people who are a light for the world to follow the

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one who is also to Allah Santa's an excellent example. And to be an

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example, for all nations as a true or mutton What are taught, so that

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we may be shahada Island this witnesses to mankind in a time of

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fear and division, and darkness and confusion and pestilence. An

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armor that is a witness to something better. The armor of

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love of marhaba the armor of Habibollah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam Baraka law of equal width Acaba, Lhasa, Macomb well as other

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if Tara comb was salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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