Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 298D Tafsir Al-Naba 31-40
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The Karava sign is used to signal women that they are attainers and need to protect themselves from evil behavior. Karava is also used to indicate women’s desire for more women to the image of the woman in their body. Representatives emphasize the importance of avoiding negative language, deeds, and giving gifts to receive permission to speak before Islam. The importance of preparing for important events, such as the Day of Judgment, is emphasized.
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After the mention of Elijah Hunnam and their outcome, now, the outcome of the motorcade is mentioned in a little muda Cana Mufasa in indeed, little motorcade for the people of the quad
for the people who protected themselves who are on guard,
people who were careful, who saved themselves, save themselves from what? From crossing the limits that Allah had set, save themselves from what from the evil of their own soul.
So those who are careful and cautious, who truly looked after themselves? And how is it that they looked after themselves by just eating good and sleeping while and having enough time for play and fun?
Who is it that truly looks after himself? The one who is preparing for his acquittal?
Because he's protecting himself, not just from cancer or diabetes, or weight gain,
or being
socially alone, from suffering from poverty? No.
He's protecting himself from eternal misery.
This is the one who truly takes care of themselves,
in the Lynmouth, the Queen, so those who had the Aqua, for them is Mufasa. There is my fast for them,
there is success for them, they will be in the place of success, they shall have ultimate success. Now my focus is the place of photos and photos is what to attain something.
So they shall be the attainers. They are those who will attain something who will get something. They're winners. They're successful. From an Zorzi her and a Now one other little janitor for God. First, the one who is saved from * and is admitted into paradise. Then he has gotten something
he has become successful in a little motor Cana Mufasa. It is for the people of Taqwa that Allah promises my father's so what is this place of my father's this MACOM of foes? It is Janna. The place where there's only success, there's only attainment, meaning there is no loss. There's absolutely no loss in paradise. So what kind of a place is this Mofaz where there's only gaining and gaining hada what that and now it is Heather gardens. What are now ABA and grapevines. Meaning Jana is a place where there are hedonic and are now her that is a plural of Hadith. What is her the garden? But what kind of a garden? Basically, have you guys used for a walled garden, walled garden? Now a walled
garden from the outside maybe doesn't really look that great. But when you're inside and you look at your property, your yard, even if it's very small,
when you look at the fence, how do you feel? This is mine?
Right? This is mine howdah, eco walled gardens, fenced gardens, what is it sure that it will give the people of Jannah a sense of complete ownership, complete control and freedom. Freedom also had a will or another and you see a walled garden. What does it mean? It's owned by somebody? Somebody's here to look after it. Somebody cares about it. And any other piece of land somewhere? What do you have weeds growing on it randomness garbage, maybe hada Ikawa. Nova are now Lord of the word arena. And what is
grapes or grape vine. And this is the fruit of Jannah special fruit of Demna that is mentioned over and over again in the Quran that this will be in paradise. And this is beloved to many people. It's refreshing. It's sweet. It's juicy hada echo what are now
that doesn't mean that there's only our nap. No, just one sample one example is given.
You see anytime you go to a garden, just being in a garden, a beautiful garden just brings you relief.
It's very comforting.
And good food with it. What ko arriba at throbber so firstly what is mentioned the food, the property and the food and now what is mentioned companionship. In Jana beautiful companionship also. Kawaii is a plural of the word Kariba and Kariba from the root letters calf rainbow carb. Carb is basically if you remember the if we'll do garbain That you have to wash your feet up to where garbain What are the car? Ankles garba from the same route, what is Karva? It's a building. All right. But why is it called karma because it is standing out when there was no structure around it. It was the first building. And even now when the Kaaba is surrounded with huge tall buildings. What
is it? That's the center of attention? What is it? Is it the clock tower? I mean, the clock tower nice, beautiful, impressive. But really, what is it that's the center of attention. It's that small black cube, isn't it? It's the Kaaba. So calm ankle, and cava, the building. So basically the word gives meaning of something that is prominent, something that is protruding out. And Kariba is used for a young, beautiful woman with a prominent chest.
Prominent *.
And this is a sign this is a part of a woman's beauty.
And if you think about it, this is the reason why women are instructed that when they go, then they shouldn't just be concerned about covering their hair. Right? Or covering the neck but also while you're leaving them behind Marina Allah, Allah, do you begin that they should take some of their female their head covering and put it where? on their chest? Why? Because this is where the beauty is. This is what makes a woman beautiful, attractive. So we must take care of covering this part also. And it's unfortunate that many times we'll wrap our hijab around, and here it is, you know going up and all justice, prominent. Sometimes even a niqab is put on but the chest is prominent.
It's left uncovered. So remember, it's not just to be covered with a shirt or with a sweater, or with an AR baya, it's to be covered with what with the female with the head covering. So make sure you pay attention to that. When you step outside, make sure you look in the mirror and check is my scarf covering my chest properly or not. This is part of wearing proper hijab. So anyway, this is a part of a woman's beauty. And Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this in the Quran, that how the women of Paradise will be beautiful in their bodies also. Now many times young women they develop negative body image. Right? And what's the reason? Low self esteem? What is the reason because of this reason
because they feel that they're very small. So Allah subhanaw taala gives to the people of taqwa.
What? Every single thing that they desire,
any, this is so amazing. Many people find this objectionable. Why is this mentioned in the Quran? Well, why do you care about it then?
Really, why should it not be mentioned?
This is something that matters to people. This is something that matters to every girl, every woman, she's concerned about it. This is part of what completes her body and makes her more beautiful, more attractive. And there is nothing to be shy about over here. Allah subhanaw taala is Hi ye. He has hired all right. We don't need to have more hire, we need to have the right hire which is to cover this right and not expose it here we are criticizing why is this mentioned in the Quran, but at the same time. In other contexts, this is highlighted so much.
Right? Or people will show it as much as possible. This is our hypocrisy. Really, this is our double standard. So kawaii. Allah subhanaw taala mentions this over here, because this is a part of human desire. This is something that gives woman confidence. And this is something that makes her beautiful and everything that a human being desires wishes for Allah subhanaw taala has granted that to him in Jannah. So even this Allah mentions ko arriba at Traba a trove is a plural of tear and tear was used for women
Then of equal age. So what does it mean that all people in Paradise will be of equal age? Same age.
So what does it mean that everyone will have useful beauty?
No one will feel lesser
compared to another on account of age, because sometimes people feel bad about themselves. You know, I'm growing older, to a certain age, up until a certain age people feel very happy to can't wait for their birthday. All right, but then what happens there comes a point where they're like, oh my god, I'm actually quite old. Alright, I want to stop growing. So co arriba Traba. Age deteriorates in this world, but in the hereafter in Jana? How will people be eternally young? When it comes to our bodies? We have many complexes. Why am I so short? Why is my skin like that? Why is my nose like that other people have never noticed the shape of your nose? When you you are, if such a huge
complex about the shape of your nose or the shape of your eyes or the shape of your brows or your height or whatever? What do we see here? In Jana Ko, arriba throbber complete, perfect beauty.
it's not youth, you know, young age in this world that makes a person beautiful. It's not even their beautiful body over here. That makes them beautiful, because this body will deteriorate this age will also deteriorate. What is it that matters? What is it that will bring eternal youth and eternal beauty? It is Taco because in that little Mata Kena Mufasa. It's for the MATA Qin that they will have this attainment and part of the success is this level of continuous endless perfect beauty also. So yes, while you look after your body and are concerned about it, good, but also take care of your Aqua look after that. Also.
Observe that also. Because true beauty, eternal beauty will be in Jannah. And in Jannah a person will not enter on account of their beautiful body. No, they will enter it on account of their Toccoa what cat send the her car and a full cup, cat son a cup that is the hub that's full. Remember, cats is used for a cup of wine.
And remember, wine is not your orange juice. It's fancy, it's expensive. Alright, so get sent the * car. And America is not empty. It's not an empty glass of wine. No, it's got drink in it. And the help that will help off the heck is that which is filled to the brim
rising up to the mouth. So this can refer to the froth or the you know how it's bubbling whatever. Cat Sandy halka but not such that it's overflowing and causing a mess and you know, get send the * off full to the brim. You see when you get your favorite drink. How much of it do you want in a cup?
How much full? Alright, you don't want your cup to be half empty. Get Sunday hardcore.
There's so much in Jana isn't there? But here, two things are mentioned in particular. And what are they firstly, beautiful companionship. And secondly, good food, isn't it beautiful companionship and good food. And this is basic human desire
to have good friends, good companionship, good partner and also good food. And many people cannot be happy until both of these needs are fulfilled or both of these desires are fulfilled. Now in this life for the attainment of Taqwa What do you have to do? You have to use these to enjoy these two but how?
How? Within Limits?
Sometimes I wonder
even when it comes to food, we are told you can eat this. You cannot eat this. I mean it's food.
You understand? It's just food. Other people eat it too. They will die. Why are these things haram on us like why? You know it's not like it's poison. It's not poison doesn't kill people. They eat it. But if you observe the Aqua if you want to make it a paradise, then there are some foods you will not eat some drinks you will not drink. Why?
This is
gusta life when it comes to even sexual relations even over there, there are limits.
And people wonder, why is this haram? Why is dating calm? Everybody does it? What's the big deal?
Right? What's the big deal? The thing is that these two desires, the desire to eat, and the desire for such relations. This is what, it's carnal. It's within us. It's something which is within our human biology. So, if you don't control it, if you don't put a limit on it, it's very, very easy to get distracted, very easy to lose control.
And really, even when it comes to eating halal, when we indulge in a Seraph, we eat extravagantly. Right? We eat this and then we drink that and then we have like a five course meal and we eat because it's all you can eat. Right buffet. So eat whatever you can one serving after another. What's the impact of that? Does it affect your mood? Does it? Does it affect your speech? Yeah. Does it affect your work your productivity? Yes, it affects your sleep, it affects your time when you wake up, it affects everything. So, in order to make it to Jannah you have to be careful about these two desires, the desire for food and drink and the desire for such relations you have to put a limit
and then what happens when a person observes the court in these matters, then Allah subhanaw taala will give him in Jana, whatever that He desires. Lie yes Morona fi her loved one, they will not hear in paradise any low.
Firstly, full enjoyment, and then on the other hand, nothing that will bother them. So much so that not even a sound that would bother them. Lanius Morona fee alone. Will that kid ever do things they'll never hear in Jana? What are those two things? Firstly, level and secondly, lying.
Notice it hasn't been said that they will not say low and they will not say lies. Because people of Jannah do not lie.
People of Jannah
do not indulge in uselessness
in the Quran, what do we learn in total Bacara
wala humara Valbonne Leu Moon Bhima canel yuck the boon they will have a painful punishment because they used to lie.
Lying leads to *. And honesty, as difficult as it is leads to paradise. So the people in Jannah they don't lie.
So if they don't lie, that means they don't even hear any lying.
No false statements. Lie yes Morona fie her loved one while I kick their butt. Now
what is low, low? You know about it, but just a reminder, because we fall we slip again and again. We know what Luvo is we know about total movement known for the UCLA helmet me known AlLadhina houfy Salatin cartoon well Latina humara in Malawi, Marathi alone, but then what is love will be exactly yeah, it's in my notes somewhere. All right. What is low, useless talk? Noise? Loose stock? Annoying words.
Basically, Mama Sheffy. He said, that level is that which a person does not intend meaning he doesn't mean it
doesn't actually mean it.
Are there things you say when you're angry?
That you don't actually mean them?
Has it ever happened? That you're angry and you say things and you tell the other person later? I didn't actually mean it. That's not what I meant. It just came out because I was angry. Or sometimes we feel so relaxed we're so chill that we end up saying things which are inappropriate.
So low is what your mama Schaeffer, he said it is that which one does not intend. And he said that all forms of love are wrong. So low. Remember, it's the sound of birds constantly chirping
because it annoys after a certain point. It's so loud that it doesn't let you focus on
what people are saying to you. So in Jannah, there is no level no noise pollution. Nothing annoying that is said nothing hurtful that is said.
So all forms of law who remember they're wrong, whether they are in anger, fighting, arguing, or haste. Because sometimes we say things when we're angry, we don't mean them. When we're arguing we say things we don't actually mean them. When we're hasty, we say things we don't actually mean them, but level is low, and it has to be avoided. So the successful are those who are not interested in level, they don't indulge in it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was not interested in low at all. He didn't talk excessively.
In a hadith, we learned that one Salah to the next, if a person avoids low in between them, then he will be amongst their ugly Yun
he will be amongst the really Yun who the one who keeps away from low from when to win from one Salah to the next. And you might think oh piece of cake, really.
I dare you to try it. And I want you to try it.
Force yourself that from logo to also no low. I'm not going to say anything that is useless. I'm not going to indulge in anything that is useless, which means that if I read something, it's actually beneficial. I'm not just scrolling quickly, quickly, quickly to see what other messages are half read most of them, right half, read all the tweets, whatever, half read all the, you know, messages that are there. Just because I have to get an update. You know, I'm so important. And these things are so important. I have to know, really
avoid low from one scholar to the next, which means that every movement of yours everything you read and everything you say and everything you do, everything you comment on is what? meaningful,
meaningful, which means that a conversation you're having with your spouse, a conversation you're having with your friend, a conversation you're having with your child, a conversation you're having on the phone, whatever it is, it is meaningful. Even an argument if you say something, it's meaningful,
meaning it has some benefit of being sad, not just that you're venting. You're just letting out your anger. You're just showing to the other how upset you are with them. No.
Lie. Yes. Morona fie her loved one. If we want to make it to Jana, we have to adopt the character of the people of Jana
Lovell, remember, it also includes things that are wrong, meaning saying things which are not correct. This includes backbiting. You know, sometimes we are talking to somebody and they inquire where's that person? What are they doing us wasting their life?
Is it really necessary to say that?
Is it really necessary?
This is a legal statement.
Once more other than doubled up to the one who said that a man was mentioned before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the people said, they give their comment. They said this man until he is fed, he doesn't eat. And until he is made to write he does not write. Meaning he won't take initiative to do anything. Even when it comes to eating you have to tell him and when it comes to getting onto the camel, you have to tell him you understand. And if you have to deal with a person who's like this, it gets annoying. So clearly, the people were annoyed with this person that he doesn't eat until he's fed and he doesn't ride until he is made to write the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, you have done libre.
You have done libre, what is libre backbiting? They said we have spoken the truth. And it's true.
That's exactly how he is. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is sufficient for a statement to be Liba that you mentioned your brother's fault that is in him. Meaning when you see a fault in your brother in your sister, it's there. But you mention it. That's labor. You deliver.
They have a fault, but you're mentioning it becomes what a sin for you.
And really, is it necessary for us to talk about the faults of other people real or imaginary? Is it really necessary? It's not and what is it that ruins our relationships or ruins destroys our happiness? What these kinds of conversations
Since negativity layer smartphone if he had loved one well I kid thereby.
Secondly kid they're lying. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not like lies at all. And in Hadith we learned that if someone was caught lying by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets attitude would change towards that person
who completely change until the person repented. Lying is a sign of hypocrisy. Even if a person prays or fasts or does Hajj or Umrah, give sadaqa lying is lying.
Low is low and lying is lying. Jana is free of level and it is free of lies.
It is free of anything that is annoying, that is hurtful, that is false. Now think about it. What blessings were mentioned of Jana, good food,
and good companionship. And of course, a good home also, I imagine you are in the most beautiful place.
You have the most beautiful food
and your family or your friends that you get along with. You're proud of your beautiful children. You're proud of your handsome husband, right? You're very happy about how he's dressed and how he's looking. And you're just happy about yourself. Also, everything is perfect. And then what happens?
Somebody at that table
lies, lies, and he know that they're lying. Will you be able to enjoy that meal?
Will you know?
Will you be able to enjoy that experience? No. Or if you're eating and somebody's phone is constantly ringing, constantly buzzing? Or there's noise somewhere else outside or inside loud music? Does that let you enjoy? No. in Jannah, there is nothing that will cause disturbance, not even a sound,
no noise and no hurtful, annoying speech. That I'm a little there's a nicer quarter, which is I love it so much. The men came to another man and said so and so say something about you. So the man replied, They said he shot the arrow. And he missed me. But so why you have to pick up this and stop me on with this, that he shot an arrow at me. It didn't reach me but you picked it up and struck me with it. This is also Allahu right. He said this and she said that and they did this and we're thinking of that, honestly, get a life. Really find something to do. And stop talking about other people and stop worrying about who's saying what and who's doing what, really get busy in something
value your time. If we want to make an agenda we must be productive, useful people, not people who are wasting their moments, their lives in love. And in Kitab
lay a smart owner fee her loved one well I can
Jezza and as reward mid robic from your Lord, you see Jezza is payment payment for what for work for some effort. Jezza amela big, all of this reward in Paradise is what it reward for what people of the court have done. You will get according to what you've done. But this has Mitrovic from your Lord, because no one can enter Jannah without Allah's permission,
right? A person can bring a whole lot of good deeds on the Day of Judgment. But If Allah doesn't accept them, that doesn't mean that he will enter Danna, no, he will only enter then, if Allah will accept his deeds if Allah who will be pleased with him. Does that Emile robic our thoughts on a generous gifts, our thought is a gift. And you see a gift is not taken.
It's not taken. You don't go somewhere and say, Okay, I'm here to get my gift.
No, you don't do that. And if you do that, you better learn not to do that. Alright. It's not polite. You don't go on asking people for gifts. And if you ask for a gift, and they give you something that's not a gift they're giving, they're giving something because they're being pressed to. That's not a gift. A gift is that which is given, meaning the other gives it to you
They want something good for you, which is why they give it Jana is what our thought. It's a gift that Allah will give to his
servants that he will be happy with.
How far
he saba.
I thought and he Saba who Salvan as in this has made do by himself, may do on account meaning after hisab of their deeds, in other words, they did something because of which they are being given Jana and this is why Jana is of different levels, isn't it? It's not just one Jana it's a different different levels, and each person will be granted a place in paradise according to his deeds. I thought and he saba. This expression also means abundant he saben as an abundant how it is said Al Thani, for 70 Meaning he gave me so abundantly that I said has it This is enough for me.
You know, like somebody's pouring food on your plate. Right? When do you say enough? Thank you. When do you say that? When your plate is full, isn't it? So I thought, hey Saba, meaning a generous, abundant gift that Allah will give to His servants and who is Allah? Little bit somehow worth you will have the Lord of the skies and the earth warmer by you know Houma, and whatever that is between them. He is the owner, the master, the creator, the nurturer, the provider, the Sustainer of everything about this summer wealth you will early when Melina Houma and who is he unlocked man, the Most Merciful. No one is more merciful than him. Blair yum Licona yet, la yum Licona they will not
possess Minho from him. Futaba any speech pathologists to address someone to direct one speech towards someone. So Liam Licona they, as in the creation, on the Day of Judgment, will not have the authority to do hilltop to Allah to address Allah. Meeting in that great gathering, no one will say I'd like to say something.
No one will say to Allah.
I have something to tell you. No way. No one will dare. No one will be able to speak before Allah to argue with him. No one can do that. And so at the shoot I have 45 Allah says without all whom you're Aluna Elena harsh you're in a minute though. Young Luna in Thorfinn coffee until a TA 108 Will hush it or swear to the ramen for lettuce Maru Illa Hamsa Yo Ma como Rohan Mala eager to suffer. The Day of Judgment is the day when the spirit and the angels shall stand? How suffer in rules? Who is a rule melodica it's understood it's the angels but who is a roar? It is the angel Jibreel Jibreel and the rest of the angels all of them will stand in roles in perfect discipline, no chaos. Even people
as we learn were od Lu Isla Rebecca suffer later Qalamoun they will not speak in Lamin evina Lucha Rama except for the one whom Allah man permits. The one whom the Most Merciful allows that okay, you may speak and secondly work on a sofa. And that individual must also say that which is celeb that which is correct, what is so odd that which hits the target. So what call us however, meaning he also says that which is correct. So we seen the previous idea that no one will dare to do hip hop to Allah, meaning no one can initiate any speech.
Then how will they speak? Only when Allah allows them?
You see sometimes in courts, sometimes in very important gatherings, important places. People start talking, right? When they're not supposed to talk, and they interrupt the judge. They interrupt people in authority, they create such noise and chaos. Right security has to be called in and that meeting is just stopped right there. Why? Because some people are so rowdy, they start talking. They create such a fuss to create such a noise. And so the person who has authority loses all their authority. Don't expect this on the Day of Judgment because law young Licona men who hate Baba, no one can dare to even utter a word
who will
Speak that day, Leia Takala Munna Illa min Elina la rama, only he will be able to speak who is firstly granted permission by Allah. And secondly, that individual must also say that which is correct, will call us however, these are two conditions. This includes even intercession, no one will be able to intercede except by Allah's permission manda ledee. Yes, Pharaoh in the who Allah be Edney into a QA 109 Allah says Yo Ma even Latin Pharaoh shefa 211 Elina Lucha Rahman one Liliana who cola.
No intercession except for who the one whom Allah permits and secondly your proves of His Word also.
In a hadith in Bukhari, we learn that on the Day of Judgment, people will proceed in groups, and they will fall on their knees, and every nation will follow their prophet and they will say also and so meaning you are a prophet, intercede for us, do something say something, talk to Allah,
who will,
which Prophet will, every prophet will refuse? Until people will arrive, they will come to who Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he will be given permission, to intercede to speak.
Then he can Yom will help. That is the day which is unhealthy. That is true.
Look at the description of this day it is unhealthy. Was Serato
wasa to help?
The hour is true. This day is true. The day that these people are asking about in mockery in disbelief. They doubt it. Allah says it is true from an Shah. So whoever wants it da LRB he can take to his Lord, my Abba, away of return. This data is coming. It's true, it's real. Whether you like it or you don't, whether you're ready or you don't, it's coming. But whoever wants they can take away of return. Adopt a way of return to his Lord. What does it mean by the SMA way of return? Meaning, in what way? In what manner? Would you like to meet Allah?
You are journeying towards him.
In naka de
la Rebecca Callahan from hula t, you are going to meet him, you are in your journey towards your Lord.
The question is, how are you going towards him? What are you taking on this journey? What are you doing to prepare for this most important meeting of your existence?
See, it's the most important meeting of your existence. Has it ever happened that all of your girls over here sitting? Most of you, many of you are married. Remember the day when you first met your spouse or when they were supposed to come see you.
Or you were supposed to see them?
Were you told to prepare for it for that meeting.
Where you are when you think about the time when you will first meet your spouse. It's an important meeting right? You want to look your very best. Which is why you will wear the most expensive dress that you can ever own. The most expensive jewelry that you can ever own. The most expensive makeup that you can afford, isn't it? Why? Just for those few hours when you will be dressed up like a bride how much goes into it? Life Savings. The girl is born and the mother storing gold for her.
She doesn't wear it but she's kept it in the locker giving the cat on it every year. My daughter will get married. She likes it. She can wear it. She doesn't like it out sell it and get something she likes to wear.
Right? You all understand this? Right? How you are told every day. You're gonna get married one day, learn to cook you're gonna get married one day look after yourself. Look after your health. You're gaining weight, go exercise. No, don't exercise. You'll have too many muscles. You know? Seriously, look after your hair. Why? Because you have to become a bride one day. And girls get irritated. Stop telling me Leave me. But we don't leave them. And everybody has some piece of advice to give to that young girl because one day she has to get married.
It matters so much right? That day is important, no doubt. But the most important day of your entire existence is the day that you meet a
Ah, what are you spending today for that meeting?
What are you doing today for that meeting? What are you preparing today for that meeting? Femen. SHA, whoever wants because it's about wanting, it's about desiring it, if it's important to you, if it matters to you, then prepare for that meeting. So in saying that this life is like, those bolt like things, airports, like where you stand, and it's just like moving, you can choose to stand in one spot, but still keep moving, or you can choose to move towards it with a purpose. Exactly. You know, the escalators that are flat, right? And you just stand on them and what happens? They will
they will, you don't have to walk. So this is how this life is. Even if you do nothing, you're still moving towards your destination. So prepare for your destination from Russia or Dakota eat or behave in and that'll now come. Allah says indeed we have warned you
and our Lord has spoken the truth when he has said this. Indeed we have more in view has Allah warned us as He warned us in unveil now calm I love him Kariba have a punishment that is near the hour is near little time is left compared to what has passed since the Earth was created. And everything that is on its way is near either them cartiva Yoma it is the day when young little model when a person will see he will look at Mt koderma tiada what is it that his hands have put forth
it is the day when a person will see what his hands have put forth meaning what he has done his deeds it's the day when your body your clothing, your house your resume it doesn't matter your portfolio it doesn't matter
what matters is your deeds were called carefully and the denier will say yeah later knee oh I wish
I wish that Contura I wish that I was dust I wish that I had never been made because man is made from mud right. So he will say I wish that I had remained mud never to become a human beings are yeah Layton econ two two robber or that I had turned to dust after death and never resurrected. But the fact is that Allah will resurrect everyone including you and I
he will call us to account we will see our deeds we will face our end
we will look at Malka D'Amato yada what we have done ourselves and this day is not far in the home your owner who bear either one Allahu areeba They think it is far it's actually very near and Allah is not unfair to His servants because he has until now come he has warned very clearly and very openly now the duty the responsibility is on who it's on us. What are we going to do let's listen to the recitation
a power
of one one
because all
T one
lion Likud I mean people
walk away
man walk on us all I'm learning
the father Isla beam
Buddy me
yo Mayo
to do
so what is it that matters then? MT dama t
what is it that I am putting forth for myself? Because that is what I will have to see. And its result is what I have to bear for eternity Subhanak Allah humo Behanding a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa Tobu they are Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.