Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 295C Tafsir Al-Qiyamah 16-40
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The speakers discuss the importance of reciting the Quran for better learning, emphasizing the need for attention and clarification in order to ensure accuracy. They stress the importance of learning and finding ways to make decisions quickly, as it is crucial to remember words and phrases that are said in the title. The segment also touches on the meaning behind words like "slack" and "slacky," and describes the use of fleshes and words to describe emotions and moments. The transcript ends with a discussion of the concept of separation and the importance of fear in resolving emotions.
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See, sometimes people's own family or their own friends will testify against them, isn't it? Or sometimes their own personal emails, their documents, their transactions will be used as proof against them. Their own words that they have said, will be used against them. Isn't that so embarrassing that he's guilty, he's clearly guilty that his family's speaking against him, his personal transactions, his emails show that he is guilty of this.
I imagine on the Day of Judgment, our own body will not be loyal to us. When you're doing sin when you're disobeying Allah. Remember, no one's your friend, really no one because even shaitan who has insisted that we do something wrong? Even shaitan is going to abandon his friends on the Day of Judgment. Now, a very important lesson is thought led to Henrik Beeghly cernak. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told do not move, left to Herrick do not move, be with it, meaning the Quran as you're listening to it, don't move at that time li Sana aka your tongue.
Meaning when you're listening to the Quran, when Gibreel is reciting the Quran to you, conveying it to you, at that time, do not move your tongue. And why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam move his tongue Lita or Jollibee in order to hasten it in order to rush it?
Rush meaning to quickly recite it so that he would not forget. We all know that. The Quran was conveyed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in parts, right? And Gibreel would bring the Quran to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said could not read or write. So it was not brought in a written form. How was it transmitted orally, so God would recite it to him. Now, even our best will be lower on who he said that when the Quran was revealed to the prophets of Allah who said this was towards the beginning, he would start repeating the words off where he rapidly as Gibreel was reciting. So Gibreel is still reciting. And the Prophet
Sallallahu radiocentre, would also start repeating, and very fast, why would he do that? Out of fear that he might forget some part of it, though there's something very natural, when you know that you can write something down, and you know that you don't have any access to that information. The only way you can retain it is by keeping it in your memory. But then you're listening to it. Right? It's entered your short term memory, what do you have to do rehearse? Right, as you rehearse, then what happens? It enters your long term memory. So the prophets of Allah already was sent him he would be afraid that he would forget the Quran. So he would start repeating. But the thing is that when you
start repeating, you're basically panicking, you're stressing out, right? And if you're stressed, as you're learning, it's going to impede your learning, that's going to make your learning more difficult. So he's told that do not move your tongue as the Quran is being recited into the FAHA io 114. This is also mentioned well Taradale will Quran human cobbly and Nucala Eleiko. While you wait for the wahi to be complete, wait for Gibreel to finish reciting, then you recite what can we learn from this, that when you're learning something, whatever it may be, what is essential is that you give it your full attention.
You focus you give it your attention. If you give a due attention, you will be able to remember it. But if you're distracted by what by even the fear that you might forget,
and you start moving your tongue you start repeating. Now as you're repeating you will miss out on the words that are said later, isn't it? Because either you were saying something or you were listening, you can't multitask here? Correct. So a very important lesson is taught over here that when you are listening to the Quran, in order to learn then pay attention and do not rush.
What either Cody Al Quran no faster Marula who, but the fear of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam was also genuine. Right? It happens with us we hear something once
and then after two minutes even we can't recall it, isn't it? So this was a genuine fear. So Allah subhanaw taala comforts the messenger that in there Elena Jamara, who, indeed it is our responsibility to collect it to collect it. Were in your heart in your mind, so that you don't forget any part of it. And it's also
Our responsibility we'll call the honor who, and it's Quran. Quran, not as in the name, but in the literal sense. It's recitation. It's our responsibility to collect it in your heart. And it's our responsibility to ensure it's correct recitation.
Meaning that if you do make a mistake in recitation afterwards, then you will be corrected. You understand? If you do make a mistake in your recitation later you will be corrected.
And really, you can try your best to memorize something, but you can only keep it in your memory if Allah subhanaw taala gives it to you. So here we learned that Allah Himself took the responsibility to preserve the Quran, in the prophets heart also. In total Allah is six Allah says sunnah Carioca finance answer, we will read to you you will not forget in my Masha Allah except that ALLAH wills
for either called out now who so when we have recited it, of course, this is through Gibreel. Feta beer Khurana then you follow its recitation, meaning once Gibreel has completed his recitation, then you follow it with your recitation, meaning wait for the teacher to complete then you repeat many times it happens that the teacher is still reciting. And the students, they also start reciting at the same time know when the teacher is reciting Listen, when they're done, then you repeat for either Quran now offered to be or Khurana, but the bureau Khurana can also be understood as then follow its recitation as an implemented.
So again, and again, what is being emphasized here, do not compromise on the listening. Because listening is a first step of learning.
And if you mess up over there, then what's going to happen later you won't be able to recall some my inner Elena Diana, who then it is upon us
to make its ban. What is ban clarification. It's our responsibility to ensure the clarification of the Quran, the clarification of the Quran, meaning up on your tongue, firstly, so that you recited correctly. And also it's clarification meaning the meaning of it. It's our responsibility to ensure that you understand its meaning. Look at Allah's generosity here, he doesn't just promise the messenger SallAllahu wasallam that you will remember the words, but that you will also be taught about its meaning, trust Allah, He will give you what do we learn from here, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not just given the words of the Quran, but also the understanding of
the Quran, the meaning, what it means how it is to be implemented into the Mahalaya 44. Allah says, Well, I'm Xena ileka They call it to Bayona leanness, Emmanuel Zilla in the prophets of Allah who it is that his job was to clarify the Quran to people to explain it to show how it is to be implemented. So Allah takes that responsibility that in gnarly Nervana we will make it clear to you and that is what happened. Gibreel will come and also teach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as to how he should implement the Quran? Can Allah says no bundle to hipbone Elijah Allah. The thing is that you love the immediate.
You see the Yama such a powerful beginning, right? The Day of Judgment has been mentioned. And then in the middle, an important lesson is taught and what is that lesson? Don't rush. Don't rush with what with the Quran.
You see, this is a problem that we all suffer from.
We will take our time sipping our tea.
But when it comes to prayer, quickly, quickly quickly, isn't it? We will take our time reading people's tweets. But when it comes to the Quran, quickly do the lesson. Isn't it?
How often we do this, that we have time for so many worldly things for when it comes to doing something that Allah subhanaw taala likes, we start rushing there. We do Val to hipbone and Ardila. The problem is that you love the immediate What is this Ardila one that comes quickly but also goes quickly. It's the world. That's what we love. Because the thing is that when you love something, you will give it time. You will necessarily give it time you will you will make time for it. So this is the real issue. Balto hipbone alloggi
What are the Ronell are Hera and you leave the hereafter meaning you neglect it. And really so many times when we're making decisions, what do we have before us? What is it that we're thinking about? The immediate, isn't it? And what is it that we're forgetting we're ignoring that which will come later?
Right? Like, for example, if a person is unwell, serious illness, and then they find, you know, doctor does the diagnosis gives them medication, but then you find out there's an issue with the medication. It's not okay. It's not halal. Many times what will people do? I'm suffering, I need it. I'll just take it. Well, ask your doctor. Is there another option? Ask research find out. But what happens over there we become hasty, because we love the Agila. We don't want to suffer for even a moment. So we'll compromise in our acapella just because we want to enjoy right now. I know of a sister who has serious illness, so much so that the diagnosis has been so difficult even till now
the doctor doesn't know. You know, they're just trying to figure out by prescribing one medication and then changing it and then changing it. So just the other day, they called me and she said that there's a particular medication that the doctor has given her, and she wants to give her that certain medication because of a reason. But it comes in a capsule.
Right? And that capsule, the outer part is made of gelatin. So she said, I asked the doctor, is there a vegan option? Like any other alternative? She stayed at the pharmacy for so long? They couldn't find it. Right? However, she didn't take the medication right away. She waited.
And she contacted different people to find out if she could just with dry hands, open up the capsule and just get the powder out and consume that. Right because the capsule is just a carrier, right? So yeah, one of the she have told her that as long as you do it with dry hands to ensure that nothing of it gets on your hand. Right? The powder is dry, the capsule is dry. And you know things only transfer when they're wet. This is a very important principle in Fick when it comes to the Hara. Right? That impurity only transfers with moisture. So this is dry, so you can have it. This is not the first time by the way. She's asked me about some medication. She's asked me many times, and I
was thinking how many people would just say, Oh, well just take it what's the big deal? Well, it's these little little things that matter right? They matter and so often we will make these decisions hastily. Why? Because the hipbone and Arjuna what are the Ronell Allah? Allah says would you who Yama even now little, do you realize what the Day of Judgment is? It is the day when some faces will be now little, they will be radiant. They will be glowing, they will be happy, fresh. Now there are known Bhadra Nakba, what does it mean? It's not dry is basically the beauty of something. Basically when the color of something is just too beautiful, because the color whether it's freshness, whether
it is glow, so this is not bra, so would you are we Yoma even now.
It is the day when some faces will be radiant, happy, glowing, delighted with goodness. Into taba. 30 it Allah says would you Well, my even most FIRA ba HCA to mustard Shira, remember that? The glow of the face? The happiness on the face of a person is connected with what? What the state of their heart? Isn't it? If you're happy inside, that happiness will just come out, which is why real smiles can be distinguished from fake ones. Right? So the happiness of the face that's visible on the face is directly connected with the heart. And the heart is affected by what? What goes in through its windows, what goes in through the eyes and through the ears. So if you see something beautiful, and
it makes you happy, that happiness will come wear on your face. If you hear something beautiful, and it makes you happy in your heart that joy will come wear on your face. And if you hear something offensive and it hurts your feelings, you can pretend to smile and say Oh, it's okay. I don't mind but it shows on your face.
So would you will might even now little why? Because of what will go in from their ears and their eyes. What they will see what they will witness on that day.
And what is it that they will witness whose presence is it that they will find themselves in
Isla of Bihar, now,
in our Bihar towards their Lord, now we are looking on some faces will be glowing, radiating happiness. Why? Because they will finally see their Lord.
They will finally see Allah
they will finally be with him in our Bihar now Lila
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you would make girl was a Luca love that and nobody Isla what he
was Shoka Isla Li Ka ik I ask you for the delight of gazing your face.
This is true delight. Isla or Bihar now lira
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you will certainly see your Lord.
And another Hadith we learn that once the companions were sitting with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was nighttime there was a full moon. And he said, Do you have any difficulty in seeing the moon? They said no.
They said you will have no difficulty in seeing your Lord on the Day of Judgment. As long as you guard the two prayers, which to prayers Fajr and also ILA are behind alira What would you warn and other faces Yoma even that day, they will be Bersih
contorted vessel. Remember, the Maraba were Bessel Alba is the found that on the forehead and Basara is basically a scowling face. When it's not just that the forehead is frowning, the whole face is contorted. This is bass era. What would you we may hear them bass era, some people they will be so worried, so horrified, so afraid that their whole faces will be wrinkled up? And so with Alba 40 Allah says what would you mean Yama, even Alejandra Bella. That'll help will help by Tara.
Why? Because of the severity and the intensity of that day, as Allah says for K for that Dakota in cafardo, yo man, yo Giroud will Danner Shiva, Tulu, they will think they will expect a you find her be her why will these faces be so worried? Because they will know that something will be done with them. And what is it that will be done with them? Fair Pyrrha a back breaking calamity. Falco Falkor fror fikar is used for the spine fikar is the spine the backbone so fac era is that which crushes the spine that which breaks the spine. The window I knew for Isla behalf Kira they will be certain that they're going to be destroyed. That they're going to be punished. That they will be screened
from their Lord color in the home or rugby him Yo Ma even llama Jubu they will not be allowed to even see Allah they will request the angel that you intercede for us but no. In the Homer Allah beam Yama even lemahieu Boone Kola but look at these people they dare to deny. Well, how much can you deny? What all can you deny? Have you thought about this? That either Bella what when it has reached meaning the soul has reached a therapy, the collarbones the Rocky is the plural of the word that Akua and turquoise used for the collarbone. Basically the bone that is right under the neck. You see it sometimes sticking out also. One is on the right of a person the other on the left. This is a
either Bella hottie Taraki meaning when the soul has reached the collarbone. This is at the time of death that as a person is dying and the limbs become lifeless. They become cold and hard. They no longer move. They become stiff, but a person is still kind of breathing and that breath is stuck in his neck in his upper chest, either below or karate. So just a few more breaths maybe and the soul is out than a person is dead. What Kayla, but it is sad at that time, mana rock, who is the doctor Where is the doctor who will cure him. All pain is used for a person who does look here. What is Rukia to read something and blow on
person why in order to cure them so rockin is also used for a doctor. So at a time when a person is taking his last few breaths, others around him, what do they say, man walk? Who's going to save him? Do something to save him, they're desperate to save him.
But if Allah does not will, then can he survive? Is there anyone who can revive him cure him? No, while one night and the person who is struggling to breathe, whose entire body has become cold and stiff, and now there is just a few breaths left, he knows a novel fear
that certainly it is the time of separation fear so the dying person knows that it is a time for frock foul cough, the time for parting, leaving this world leaving his family and his children and his property while tougher to circle visa, and this is the time when ilta fats it gets tangled with or it gets twisted with intertwined with joined with what a circle the leg with what BISAC with the other leg.
What does this mean? That now one leg is attached to the other leg. There is no more life left in the legs.
The same legs that he had control over. Now he cannot move them. Now they're finished.
Now he cannot run away, while the fattest circle be Selke Isla Rob Baker Yoma even ill Messiah.
You may have seen that when people die. What happens is that the moment of death it's like as if their body is jerked like it's shaken.
And you may have seen how you know the leg. Literally it kind of jumps up and falls down one leg while tougher to Sakura Selke in our Rebecca Yama edenal myself to your Lord that day will be the procession. Masako, Senia cough Siaka is to drive and Masak is the being driven away. So on that day, is the time of procession being taken to who to Allah your Lord.
Now a person cannot use his legs and run away.
It is said an MO to Cat soon. Death is like a cup. What could alumnus Shari boo and all people will drink from it.
There is not a person who will be spared of death will Abreu Bab and the grave is a door. We'll call Lunas dahulu and all people are going to enter through that door. Death is certain Folau Sadako allow salah but Oh no. What if a person has such at the time of his death that he neither believed nor did he pray
for now sadaqa but he did not set the call meaning he did not do the steak. He did not believe he did not accept what our Salah nor did he pray when I can cut the baba Wallah. But instead in his life he denied and he turned away when he was told when he was warned he rejected he refused and turned away fulfilling his wishes. So mother haba Isla Lee tomato, and then he went to his family. How yet I'm up for swaggering meme Boy Yeah, it is to walk in the muck. The motto is to walk fast. And Malaya is used for when a person is riding a camel. And this word is used for when a person walks arrogantly. Have you ever sat on a camel? When you sit on a camel the camel is walking your
body is basically shaken you feel the right step and the left one and the right and the left your whole body is shaken. This is the atomic thought that when a person walks in such a way that you feel you see taking one step and then another step and then another gangster walk. Get them a ball. He walked so arrogantly in self admiration and self conceit, even though he was rejecting the truth.
Hola Hola. CAFA Hola. If a person dies in this way, neither having believed nor having prayed. Allah says hola hola. Kapha Hola. Water you and whoa. Hola.
A big whale What does whale mean destruction
a big water you for Allah it's not enough more water you saw Aloka even that's not enough more water you for Ola and more water you and less destruction. What were you thinking? I asked I will insane Oh, Allah asks does man think and you troca Sudha that he will be left neglected. Sudha seen the idea when something is without any purpose. The word is also used for camels that are randomly walking here and there. Because it's not being made to work for a certain cause. So it's just random, going here going there, trespassing, or Yutaka, so that this is what man thinks. Does he think that he will not be held accountable, that he has no responsibilities? He has no obligations,
he will not be questioned that he has just been left in this garden of pleasures to do as he pleases. No. This is not true. What's the proof? Allow me I cannot forget and where did he come from? Was he not once a not for a sperm drop me money in Yumna. A sperm drop for money. That is you know that is emitted. Meme pneumonia
literally is to shed wasn't he? Once upon a time just a sperm, a drop that is emitted deposited in the womb. So McCanna Allah cotton, and then he became an airlock after the Nakba, a Klingon clot for Hello Kapha so, then Allah created him and for somewhere he proportioned him for gyla Min who and then he made from Him meaning some people he made meaning mankind he has made as a XO Jane estimates which ones Aleko the male will answer and the female meaning son, he makes us male and others he makes as female. Elisa Lika is that one not because they're in definitely capable. I love your yell Mota to give life to the dead once the One who created an entire human being. From what where did
the journey begin from the stage of a note for one sperm cell? How tiny
who made it who made it girl, the one who created you can recreate you when you're dead.
So, you have not been created in vain, you will be resurrected, you will be held accountable, Whether you believe or you do not. So the intelligent one is he who accepts this reality and prepares for it because death is certain sooner or later this time will come upon you when I when we will be taking our last final breaths
when no doctor can help no one can do anything to save us. We will be taken to our Lord Masak we will be taken that journey is inevitable prepare for it recitation
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Isla de Bourgh Hola. Hola. Kapha Hola.
Hola. Hola. Cebu
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Subhanak Allahumma behenic eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa to buoy lake as salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh