Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 294C Tafsir Al-Muddaththir 11-31

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The segment discusses the use of "ower" in the title of " Leave Me alone" to deal with someone who has the potential to be successful. The segment also touches on the controversy surrounding the leaders of Islam, including Alito, Muhammad, and the former president, Islamist candidate, and the former president, Islamist candidate, and the former president. The segment also discusses the use of "slack" in the context of hippo rewards and the importance of protecting people from extreme heat and burn. The segment also touches on the use of "slack" in the context of hippo rewards and the importance of protecting people from extreme heat and burn.], [The segment discusses the use of "ower" in the title of " Leave Me alone" to deal with someone who has the potential to be successful. The segment also touches on the controversy surrounding the former leaders of Islam, including Alito, Muhammad, and the former president, Islamist candidate, and the former president, Islam

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			Though ni, Allah says leave me again you see this expression coming? That leave me to deal with do
not interfere. You don't say anything you stay out of this. I'll deal with this. I'll handle this.
However I want, though ni woman Haluk. Two and the one whom I created where he there alone, meaning
leave me to punish the one whom I created alone. I'll deal with him. You don't worry about him. It's
not your problem, though knee woman Calacatta Wahida Wahid Wahid, what does it mean one alone, and
here where he can be understood in many ways. First of all, it can be understood as myself, meaning
I created alone, myself without any aid. I created him alone.
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			Secondly, it can also be interpreted as that I created him as a loan meaning when I created him, he
was alone. He didn't have any wealth. He didn't have any children. He didn't have any family. He
didn't have any followers or supporters. But he has now he has many people around him, which is why
he's deceived.
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			But actually, I created him alone without any aid, without any power. Thirdly, it can be also
understood as though me were hidden meaning Leave me alone, to deal with money, HELOC to, to deal
with the one whom I created. Who is this person? This person is the one who's mentioned we learned
earlier also, when he'd been Malayala, the man who was humiliated, badly humiliated.
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			You see, a Bula herb. He is mentioned by name in the Quran. When even Molina he's not mentioned by
name in the Quran, but he is mentioned twice and humiliated in those descriptions.
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			Earlier we learned about how Masha in being Amin manera little hail
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			Martha than a theme and then wrote to Lin BARDA, Delica zmanim Sana SEMO who are allel Khartoum.
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			We think Abuja was bad, right? Yes, he was bad but is Abuja who mentioned in the Quran, one
statement they said, We know where Abuja *, he said that before going to bother that, Oh Allah if
he is true, then send a punishment upon us. So it is at the Abuja Hall is the one who said that
statement. But look at how Walid bin Mahira is mentioned.
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			How he's humiliated in the Quran, Allah says, Let me deal with him. And you see this word Wahid will
lead when Molina used to describe himself with this word where he said that I'm unique. No one's
like me.
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			Unique no one is like me. We see that will even Molina held a very high rank and status amongst his
people of all the chiefs of Maga. And he was known as Rihanna, ticklish, Rihanna tokoloshe, meaning
the flower of the Quraysh. And he used to call himself where he ignored where he'd
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			where he'd Abel Wahid. What does that mean? The one the son of the one, meaning on the best, there
is no one like me. He was actually the paternal uncle of Abuja, who said he was even senior than
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			And Walid bin Molina had 10 sons, and that was like a big deal in Makkah. 10 sons, even today, if
you find out somebody's got 10 sons like Wow, 10 sons, alright, the number itself is big. But here
we have this guy who's got 10 sons, so you can imagine how proud he is. And he was a businessman. He
was a landowner, he had many gardens, outside of Makkah, a lot of property. And it is said that his
yearly income, annual income was 10 million dinar. Just to give you some idea, Abu Bakar Abdullah
Warren, who when he became the Khalifa, this has many years later, his income was 300, dinar,
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			300, as a Khalifa, and yes, Abu Bakar Abdullah Warren who would take very minimal amount, but still
you can imagine for Khalifa 300 dinar is the annual income and Walid the mullah his annual income
from his property and his business. How much is he making? 10 million. And because he had so much
money flowing in from everywhere, his 10 sons, you know, they wouldn't even go for business trips.
Why? Because they would hire other people to go. So his sons would never really have to travel to
different cities, be away for months and months because of business because of work. No, they were
just sitting at home and
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			Enjoying always with their father? Allah says though ni woman Haluk to Wahida word y'all Tula who
mela mum Duda I made for him Mellon wealth that is mum Dude that is extensive man dude mean doll
doll Magda mo do to extend I have made for him extensive wealth. This can refer to continuous flow
of money continuous income. This can also include his land, that how man dude, far and wide wherever
you will look you will find his property, or Bernina show who the and I made for him Bernina sons
shoes that are always present Florida Shahid, meaning those who are witness, meaning those who are
by his side, always in attendance. You see, I know of a lady Mila, have mercy in her and forgive
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			her, she's passed away. She had 10 sons, or 10 children, if I'm not mistaken. So either boys and
girls are all boys. 10 I remember the figure 10.
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			But she used to live alone,
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			alone. And she was so weak, so weak in her body, that, you know, her back was basically hunched. So
she was always like this, she could never stand up straight. 10 children, all doctors, lawyers, but
that lady lived alone in Canada. And every time my sister and I would go to visit her she'd be so
happy should go in her kitchen and try to get food for us. And we'll be like, No, aunty, just sit
down. You know, we came to be with you spend time with you. She would be so happy to see anybody in
her house. And this was so painful for her to know that I've got 10 children, but not even one is
with me.
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			This man will lead Ben Malia he didn't just have 10 sons, these 10 sons were were Shuda. They were
with him. They didn't have to travel. They loved him. They were obedient to Him. They were happy
with him. Because many times it happens that as children grow up, they have their own thinking
different from their parents. They can't get along with their dad, especially son and dad. They
can't get along. So the Son has moved away. He lives in a different country. He just doesn't get
along with his father. You've heard the stories, right? Dan sons and always by his side.
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			Well, what a huge blessing. Allah gave him this. And I remember one of his sons was who Khalid
IGNOU, a leader of the Allahu Anhu. So his sons were not ordinary guys. They were significant. I
mean, Khalid bin Walid wrote the Longhorn who what was he? amazing man. Right. He fought from the
side of the machine for a very long time and in the Battle of Earth, he's the one who turned their
defeat into victory, right?
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			So you can imagine what kind of a man will even Alito was, how much Allah had blessed him with a HUD
doula who term he and I have spread out for him. Lahu for him, them he the easing his livelihood.
Muhammad told them he meme had al Muhammad, cradled them heat is to prepare a cradle to prepare a
bed. Basically, it's to arrange everything for someone's comfort. Maha Shula who Tom Hida
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			I have provided him with everything to make his life comfortable. I've made his life so easy, given
him money, children, authority, everything. So my ultimate rule, then he desires and as either that
I should give him more. Look at his Audacity. I've given him so much. And yet he's greedy for more.
He's so greedy for power. He's so greedy for more money. He's so greedy for this world. Look at how
unthankful he is. Allah says color No way No more for him. Why? Because in now who indeed this man
can le a Tina. He has been towards our verses. I need that obstinate. He has been obstinate towards
our verses I need I know that renewal is to resist stubbornly meaning you get it, you know what it
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			is, you understand it, but you still reject it. This is renewed to stubbornly resist something, the
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			He knows our verses, he recognizes them that this is not the word of a human being this is divine
speech, yet he rejects it. So all of this anger for Waleed, why? Because of the fact that he
rejected Allah's verses, despite recognizing them. You see, well, even with lira, his status was
really great in his people. And on top of that, he was also the chief of balloon Masoom the bottom
of his own clan he was
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			They're chief. And in addition to his wealth and status, he was also their best port.
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			So now, basically he had everything. And in Arabia, if somebody knew Portree they were a good port.
They would be honored and respected and valued
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			stochastically. In his lecture, he said that when he been bullied, I was like the Shakespeare of
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			So what happened is that once the prophets of Allah who were he was sudden was reciting the Quran,
and will lead the new lira, he heard the Quran, and when he heard it, he was mesmerized. He stopped,
and he was deeply affected by the Quran. And as he was going away, he said something in praise of
the Quran. And the people of Makkah, some people they heard Walid bin Mahira, praising the Quran. So
what do you think happened? The news spread Walid bin Mala likes the Quran? He likes the speech that
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reciting. So what happened? A Buddha has heard about it. And
it has said that will lead Ben Molina he said that by Allah, I have heard the speech of Muhammad
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			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is neither from the speech of men nor of jinn, meaning no human
being could say this could come up with this. And no Jin even could say this. It's the top portion
of it is fertile and beautiful. It has a rhythm, and it surpasses everything I've heard, and nothing
can surpass it, meaning it's the best speech I've ever heard. This is not the word of a human being.
So basically, what even lead is saying this is a speech of who? Allah. So what happened to people
they panicked and their greatest fears. You know, they came alive, basically, if what even the
leader believes, then what's going to happen? Everybody's going to believe. So when Abuja heard
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			about this, he went to a Liberal leader and he said, your people have heard your praise of the
Quran, and they will not be satisfied with you until you say something against the Quran. So we'll
leave in the lead. I said, What do you want me to say? Meaning how could I say even one negative
thing about the Quran? You told me what to say? I'm out of ideas. So a Buddha has said, Call
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a madman say that he's much noon. Well, even Lila said, No way.
He's not a madman. We know what much noon is like and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not
imaginable. So Buddha Hall said, say that he's a fortune teller. Well, even Lila said, he's not a
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			fortune teller. He doesn't have that way of speech. He doesn't talk like fortune tellers, in fortune
tellers. They have a certain way of talking right? You've seen him cartoons in movies, how they talk
in a weird way. He said he's not a fortune teller. Everybody can see that. So Mujahid said call him
a magician. Again. Holy moly. I said he's not a magician. I would doubt that Okay, call them report
will even lead I said by Allah, I am the best poet and I am telling you, this is not the poetry of a
human being. So Buddha Hall said, You need to say something.
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			You must say something against the Quran.
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			So we'll lead them later I said, Okay, leave me for some time. Let me think about it. Now, the
reason why will even leader could not say anything bad about the Quran is because it made sense to
him. He recognized its truthfulness.
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			He saw its miracle. He knew it. But what happened? If he did not say anything negative about the
Quran? What would people say? Walid bin Molina has believed in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And if he's believed in Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, or even Lila is no longer a great man for us. So
basically, we'll leave him later would lose his authority, his power, his status, he may even lose
some of his business. There was a lot at risk here. So what was he greedy for? duniya which is why
Allah says some mail tomorrow and as Eid. I've given him so much, and look at how greedy he is. He
wants even more. He's not willing to give up even anything.
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			So what happened? Well, even mohila He stayed at home hiding from his people, because he was afraid
to come out before them. So in his house, he's thinking he's walking.
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			And he's walking, pacing back and forth. And he's thinking, reflecting, you know, frowning, as he's
thinking and then you know, as a person has deepened thought, they make different expressions,
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			And then he had an idea as to what he was going to say about the Quran about the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa salam. But before even he came out and said anything, Allah subhanaw taala revealed these
ayat, exposing Walid bin Malayala. Allah says Can
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			Uh, in the hall cannoli a Tina. I need some old hippo who Saluda. I will cover him with a difficult
increasing rising punishment or a hippo Raka is to force something on someone impose it on them, I
will impose on him. So rude. What is so rude, a steep hill. Notice how apt the punishment is. He
thought of himself as very high. And Allah says his punishment will be increasingly bad, it will
become worse increase with time intensify with time. Saru, it is at that sorrow there's also a hill,
a mountain in hellfire that people will be made to climb. So old hippo Sarada in the whole fat got
our cut Daraa What did he do in his house? Well, he'd been bullied or hiding from people thinking,
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			Allah says it no fat girl. Indeed, he thought, well, Adara and he assessed, but who drew doklady to
assess, estimate, evaluate something. So he thought and he evaluated the situation. He thought about
the Quran.
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			And he wondered as to how he would invalidate it. He was looking for some fault in it, something
that he could twist and misrepresent and basically satisfy people. Allah says for Cotulla K for
Kadar, may he be destroyed, how he assessed the Quran. What he came up with Cotulla literally means
he was killed, but this is a draw against someone that may he be destroyed, how he deliberated, is
this what he came up with? How could he say Butina K for cuddle, then again may be destroyed for how
he deliberated for what he thought about the Quran.
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			But you see, once you recognize the truth of something, and you're denying it, it's difficult to
deny it right? Because your heart is opposing you, your mind is telling you don't do this. Right? So
he's going back and forth in sight.
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			Allah says something other than he considered meaning as he's thinking of something evil to come up
with, to describe the Quran with again, he stopped and he considered he contemplated some MABA that
he found were Basara and He scowled are bizarre to frown This is used for the frown that appears in
the forehead of a person and Besa Besa, this is frowning face. When someone is deep and thought then
what happens? You're looking staring at something and then a frown and then as an evil eye, do you
know when I was reading this, the Grinch came to my mind.
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			And that evil face all those wrinkles appearing on the face?
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			Thumb Oh tilaka forgot Dobson Manawa Sumava saw an evil idea came to his mind and he found and He
scowled his entire face, scowling
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			thumb about I was stuck about. Then he turned back and he was arrogant for color. What did he say
after all this contemplation? He didn't say oh people, this is the truth. He said in her that Illa
Seaholm you thought he said this is not except magic. That is your cell. So basically, he called the
Quran, magic, your thumb from Hamza or Arthur? What does it mean to affect or, I thought is also to
transmit, to relate, which is why I thought of the people of the past of the Sahaba meaning their
statements what has been narrated about them. So hadith is used for that which the prophets Allah
who were to send them said right, and I thought is used for the statements of the companions. So say
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			when you thought of meaning magic that has been transmitted. So after prolonged thought and
consideration, will even Medela he came out, and he said, the best thing, the nearest thing to the
truth is that this is magic. This Quran is magic. That Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
learned some magic, by which he separates a man from his father, and from his brother, and from his
wife and from his children and from the rest of his family. This is Sahara new thought.
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			So what happened? People just took the statement of Waleed bin Molina and this is what they used to
describe the Quran with.
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			So what happened as the hijab would come into Makkah? The witch the king would go and warn them
there is a man I
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			He has some magic in his speech, which is such that if you hear it, it's going to break you away
from the rest of your family. It's going to cut you off. It's going to divide your people in her
that Illa Sirhan youth. And he went on, he said in Hannah Illa Cole Bashaud This is not accept the
Word of a human being. It's amazing how he's lying over here.
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			He knew he said himself, that I am the best poet. I know what magic is like, I know what sorcery is
like, this is not it. This is something else. But now just to please people just to save his face.
He's lying. And it happens. May Allah protect us but this happens with people that when the dunya is
what they become greedy for, they will lie
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			In Hether Illa Kowloon Bashar he said, Intro to Mahalaya 103 Allah says Allah Gardnerella more
unknown your coluna in nama your Lima who Bashar We know that these people say that a human being
teaches him. Allah says sir also Lee he suck off. I will drive him into soccer. I will make him
enter the fire of soccer. I will sleep sod lamea what does this mean to enter into fire to admit
something into fire? I will admit him into soccer look, Allah subhanaw taala seamless that I
personally I will put him into fire.
00:21:34 --> 00:21:49
			Sock sock crossing of raw is used for hot wind or extreme heat of the sun that burns the skin cells
Lee SubCom woman Adorama Sutton and what can make you know what is soccer?
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			What is soccer? You have no idea about it.
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			Learn to booty Wallah.
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			learn not to booty it let's remain to the tee. Apricot Baca is to remain survive. So it doesn't let
anything survive.
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			Meaning when it touches somebody, when it reaches somebody, it doesn't spare anything of them
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			while at all nor does it leave.
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			It doesn't leave anything.
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			Meaning nothing at all remains unburned in it.
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			And this is the reality of hellfire that when a person will burn in *. It will neither kill him
nor will it let him live. So person will continuously be between life and death.
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			Some Malaya moto fi while you're here, so not to look at it will not leave any life Walter nor will
it completely finish so that a person is dead. No, no life no death.
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			No surviving. No complete destruction.
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			Like too bulky well atado in certain Nyssa 56 Allah says Kolyma knowledge at Judo boom, but the
Nahum delusionary Raha Leah do colada Lavoie how to lil Bashar le waha scorching one that will be
March one that will blacken burn away lil Bashar the skin. Allah wa ha Lam wha ha Lucha is when,
because of fire or because of burning because of extreme thirst because of extreme heat. The skin
becomes extremely dry, withered, parched, blackened, this is Lewa so the fire will allow her to live
Bashar Bashar the skins of Bashar remember is used for the human skin because it's very different
from any other type of skin that animals may have. They have further they have feathers humans can
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			is very unique. Lavoie had to little brush off or lay her this artha Asha over it meaning the suck
up over this Hellfire are appointed 1919 Who 19 Angel guards
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			19 Angel guards
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			so there's no escape for those who are in it. Now the Mushrikeen when they heard this idea, what did
they do? They left their marked Abuja headset or people of Quraysh aren't done have you able to deal
with one angel? Say there's 19 Angels. There's 200 of us we can manage.
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			Another man who was known for his
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			Strong built his physique, his strength, he said, All people have Gresh you just deal with two, you
handle two of them, and I'll take care of 17 I can manage to defeat 17 Angels myself. Allah subhanaw
taala says we're Mirjana us harbor nadie Illa. Mala Iike. Do you realize what you're saying? We have
not made the keepers of the fire OS have over here not inmates, rather the guards, meaning those who
are appointed over the Fire Keepers of the fire. They are none but the angels. Yes, human guards,
maybe you can fight off. Maybe you can defeat but angels, jinn also maybe you can have some control,
you can beat them or something. But angels, you have no power against them.
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			Realize who these guards are this earth are short, these are angels. And how strong how powerful are
the angels? Very strong.
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			Very strong.
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			Imagine their strength can be understood by the fact that they go up to the skies and down every
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			Every day, and the distance is how much as we learned earlier 50,000 years Wilma Dona us have a
nerdy Illa Mala Iike woman generic data home Illa fitna and we have not made their number except a
fitna. Why did Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this number 19. Angels? Why? Why? What's the reason?
This is a test because some people they get distracted by these figures. They forget the message,
then they get distracted by the details. Well, imaginary data home Illa fitna turn Lilla Dena
Cafaro, for those who deny for them, it's a fitna, it's a trial because they go further in their
denial. But in this number, when Allah mentions these details, there is a benefit also, and what's
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			that benefit, Lea, stay Athena, so that he develops your clean, they strengthen in their certainty
in their conviction, who gets conviction Alladhina O'Toole kita those who are given the book, they
get conviction, what conviction that this is indeed the speech of Allah. Why does Allah subhanaw
taala mention some details in the Quran? About the people of the past or about the Day of Judgment?
Why why are those details given? Because when the People of the Book see those details, they come
across them they say, Okay, this is exactly what we have been told, or there's something similar
that we have been told. So it gives them your clean. Why is that? Alladhina amanu Imana Another
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			benefit is that those who believe they increase in their faith for a believer when he reads that
there is 19 Angels appointed over *. What does it mean? There is no running away. I better do
something now to save myself from that fire. What are your turban? Medina Otto kitab. Well me known
and that those who have been given the book, and those who believe they don't have any doubt then
with these details, what happens? Their doubts they go away?
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			What kind of doubts, meaning when they learn these details, then it makes the reality more real for
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			You know that there's hellfire, but when you learn the details of hellfire than what happens
Hellfire becomes a reality before you then it's not just somewhere in the back of your mind. Yeah,
there's * in the hereafter. Oh Allah protect me. No, it's like there's angels appointed over
Hellfire to guard *. Oh Allah protect me.
00:28:45 --> 00:29:34
			It makes it more real. Wali Hakuna Latina, fue, Colombia, him Mara, but the same detail what happens
because of it, those people in whose heart is a disease one can feed on and those who deny they say
mother or the love will be Heather masala. What did Allah intended by this example by this
description? What's the point? They object? They criticize? Kedah Lika you'll be Lola Khomeini Usha.
Thus does Allah send astray whomever he wills where he may Usher. And he guides whomsoever He wills,
same verse, and look at the length of this verse. A few words, but because of this verse, some
people they cry and other people, they go further in their misguidance woman AR la mod, you know,
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			the Rebecca Illa, who and Nanos, the Army's the soldiers of your Lord, except he himself, he knows
his armies, His angels, how many they are, what their strengths are warmer here in Lubbock rollin
Bashar and this is not but a reminder to humanity. What is the mention of the fire? Why does Allah
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			I mentioned Hellfire in the Quran, and its details. Why? Because it's a reminder.
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			This is something serious. This is real. Think about it. Climate change, it's real. But there are
people who are in denial of it. They call it a hoax. They just make fun of it. They'll go to big
conventions and big people, and they will mark on TV. They'll make fun, but it's a reality because
of which people's lives are being affected. Right. So those who believe in it, and those who know
it's serious, do they stop their work? No, they keep reminding they keep reminding. Hellfire is
real, no matter how much people deny it. It's still there. And Allah warns us of hellfire and we
need to take this warning to others also. Okay let's listen to the recitation of these verses Bismil
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			learn your Walkman you're walking see
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			a human that owns
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			the walk back at me with the
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			warm waters and Joe Wallah at
00:31:15 --> 00:31:20
			the SEC while the amicus has made that either an op
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			ed Elmo noisy on
00:31:33 --> 00:31:39
			I want you to see though me woman call out
00:31:41 --> 00:31:41
00:31:43 --> 00:31:46
			men do the woman in
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			water needs
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			as he need color
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			so people saw our own
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			the particular case I'm down to
00:32:15 --> 00:32:15
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			our best to
00:32:23 --> 00:32:25
			stick both football
00:32:31 --> 00:32:31
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			self cleaning some form one
00:32:42 --> 00:32:43
			love to be healthy one
00:32:45 --> 00:32:49
			how to lead as shown on this
00:32:50 --> 00:32:51
			one John
00:33:00 --> 00:33:10
			John now in in its Natalie levy unica holy estate Athena Lavina Oh tune kita
00:33:18 --> 00:33:22
			Lavina Oh took kita meno now
00:33:32 --> 00:33:35
			the law behind masala
00:33:37 --> 00:33:37
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			do me
00:33:46 --> 00:33:47
00:33:49 --> 00:33:49
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