Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 293E Tafsir Al-Muzzammil 17-20
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The speakers discuss the importance of protecting oneself in the upcoming Day of Judgment and reciting the Quran for reward. They stress the need to fulfill promises and fulfillments, as well as praying for the Lord and not just knowing what to pray for. The importance of planning ahead and staying organized is emphasized, as small things can make a big impact. The speakers also discuss the negative impact of praying and not doing good deeds on one's life and the importance of knowing intentions behind action.
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Forgive me for that the goon then how can you guard yourselves that the own Taqwa is to guard oneself? Alright? So how will you guard yourselves? Meaning protect yourselves in Kfar tune? If you deny, meaning, if you live in denial of that messenger, then how will you save yourselves on Yeoman on a day? Which day, a day that your journal will Danner Sheba a day that will make children white haired.
The Day of Judgment is a day when even children will become white haired. Why does the person become white haired? How, what's the reason?
What's the reason? It's old age? It's old age. And old age doesn't leave anybody.
It doesn't spare people, please let the child be okay. He will go away and jump
when he came at the perfect time,
because children I mean, when you see a child, my shot, this baby was born during our course. And we've seen how this baby has grown. How he will come as a baby. And now mashallah he's running around. It seems like such a long time, doesn't it?
Five years, the Day of Judgment is 50,000 years. Allah is telling us here that if you deny today, then how will you save yourselves on that day, that day is so long, it is so difficult.
It is so heavy that even a child would turn gray haired, out of distress out of anguish because of the length of that day.
So what are you doing to protect yourselves on that day to save yourselves on that day? What are you preparing today for the Day of Judgment? What
you see when there's anything difficult that we're going through, you know, we comfort ourselves by saying that it's going to be over soon. So for example, Winter's coming, and we're afraid of the cold but we remind ourselves that it's okay. It's only a season. Within a few months, it'll be over. Exam seasons going to come soon. And you tell yourself before I know it, it'll be over. Every difficulty in this world comes to an end.
The Day of Judgment, its difficulty is such that it is very, very long.
For some, it will be for Infinity forever, never to end.
And for others very long, because the Day of Judgment itself is 50,000 years. For cave at that the goon in kuffaar tomb Yomi Jahlil wilderness Sheba How are you going to save yourself? Meaning Why are you denying wake up? A sama Oman fuck they don't be the word Shiva is a plural off a Shia cine Abba. And a Shia means greatness or whiteness of the hair, on account of old age, a summer or one family room be a summer or the sky, one fat lead on one that will break apart be because of it because of what because of the Day of Judgment.
Many days come and go. Important days very major serious, very significant days they come and go. But what happened the sunrises normally,
the sky doesn't break apart. But when the Day of Judgment will arrive, the sky will break because of it. gannawarra do whom have Rula. Allah says kind of what I do who his promise is ever MFI ruler, one to be carried out one to be fulfilled. This is Allah's promise, which will come to pass without doubt in the heavy heat and Kira. Indeed, this is a reminder, what is a reminder, these verses that talk about the day of judgment that talks about the Hereafter. This is a powerful reminder from an Shah, other than whoever wants he can take ILA or be to his Lord sebelah away, whoever wants meeting whoever wants success, whoever wants to be saved, whoever wants good for himself. Then what should
he do? He can it Taha Isla Robbie Sevilla. He has the choice. He
He can take away to his Lord, he can adopt a bath is a bill that will take him to his Lord. Take him to his Lord, meaning that will take him to his Lord's pleasure. What does this mean? That you are able to do something?
The choice is yours. Don't blame your circumstances. But look at yourself and see what is it that you can do? You don't when something is important to you, you find a way you make a way you make time for it. So, if the Day of Judgment is important to you, if that matters to you, then you will make away from Ancher at the other Isla de sebelah. Now, earlier in the Surah, we learned about the night prayer, that how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was instructed to perform prayer in the night and recite the Quran.
And we know that for the recitation of the Quran for every letter that a person recites there is reward. And for every moment that a person spends in remembering Allah than what happens, Allah subhanaw taala remembers him. The angels are recording that for him. Ajit is being preserved for him for every word of vicar, then in Gemina trees are being planted for a person saying Alhamdulillah fills the scale. What does it mean? Allah subhanaw taala has provided so many opportunities for us to increase in reward in the hereafter. But at the end of the day, the choice is whose it's ours? Are we going to get up and do something? Or are we going to sleep away? Are we going to make use of
the time that Allah has given us or are we just going to keep making excuses? Until when will we make excuses from in sha, Allah Allah Robbie, Sabina.
You know, we tell ourselves or tahajjud is not found, right? It's not mandatory. It's a choice. If you pray, it's really good. And if you don't pray, no harm. But then those who pray in the night and those who don't pray, are they the same?
Those who recite the Quran and those who don't? Are they the same? Those who disconnect with everything and connect with Allah? Are they the same as those who don't know? Bilal Radi Allahu Anhu we learn about him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there was not a time that he was made to enter Jannah in order to see things the Prophet sallallahu sallam was taken many times in order to witness different things. He said there was not a time except that I heard the footsteps of Bilal,
meaning every time he was taught something about Jana, by being taken over there, he was informed of Billa that Bilal has a place here. Why? And when the Prophet salallahu Salam asked below that, what is it because of what you're hopeful, what is that deed what you're doing, he didn't say, Oh, I'm very particular about my prayers. I performed the fault. Yeah, I make sure I do my fasts. I've completed all my fasts. I make sure I recite Quran every now and then, what is it that he was doing? What is the Seville that he had adopted as a way to his Lord, for his Lord's pleasure? What was it? Yes, that firstly, that every time he lost will do, he would make it. So the habit of staying in
wudu because you see, every time you do will do what happens, your sins fall off. And the second thing was that he said every time you performed will do he will perform to Dakar salah. We're in the Hurlock hubiera tune Illa Island ha Shireen.
So that is the way that with our older one one who had adopted from and shout at taka Isla Robbie Sevilla,
Imam Buhari, what did he say? That the book that he had gathered that he had put together, in which he had collected the most authentic hadith that he knew off? He had collected them in that book, he said that I have prepared this as a Hojo for myself.
This is what I have prepared for the day of judgment and what do we think? Yeah, yeah, I think I'm doing my prayers. Okay. I should be fine on the Day of Judgment. I wear their hijab I, you know, sometimes read the Quran. I'm doing a lot. Really, if we're honest with ourselves. Are we really doing something that will save us on the Day of Judgment? What are we preparing? What is it that we're doing for worldly things? What is enough? are three jackets ever enough? No, no.
I can always get another one. How much money is good enough in this world? 70k 80k No, no. If I can get six figure why not? One certification I can do I'll apply here I'll apply there.
because we are greedy for more, but when it comes to the hereafter, even the bare minimum we don't do properly. So what do we expect?
Yes, even a mambo hottie every time that he wrote a hadith in his collection. You know, as he was writing his book, he was recording a hadith. Before he recorded a hadith what would he do? In some nations we learned he performed also, in some nations we learned wudu but definitely Salah to raka Salah for every single Hadith. Imagine how many a hadith are there in body in the 1000s at least 5000 Something he prayed to knuffel How many times at least more than 5000 times. Imagine. This is why he had Baraka in his work that you mentioned Behati and an average Muslim even would know about it. From insha Allah Allah Robbie sebelah Allah subhanaw taala says, in not a burqa, indeed your
Lord er Allah mo he knows indeed your Lord knows and Naka Docomo that you are messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you stand in prayer. Your Lord knows that you stand in prayer. This is so beautiful. Allah subhanaw taala ordered his messenger to pray in the night and the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam was so obedient, that Allah says your Lord knows that you stand in prayer in the night. Allah knows that you have obeyed his command.
Allah subhana data has given us commands also.
What are we doing? In Rebecca Yar, Lomo and Nikka Docomo how long? I don't know that you stand in prayer, Adena almost close to less than men from SaLuSa ukulele solo, say, two thirds. Solos is what a third and solo say two thirds solo say lelee Two thirds of the night. So Adena main SaLuSa ukulele, what does it mean? Close to two thirds of the night.
Allah knows that you do that. When is for whom? And sometimes half of it with Palooza who, and at other times, a third of it.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did exactly as Allah had commanded him. The three choices that Allah gave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did them all, how obedient he was. Your Lord knows that you do this, what if I don't, and your Lord knows that also a group mean Alladhina mark of those who are with you, meaning of the believers, they also do this Subhan Allah, Allah knows that you or messenger pray in the night and he knows that a group of those who are with you also pray in the night, either almost two thirds or half of the night or a third of the night. Notice how it hasn't been said all the believers, but
a group of them
a group of them Allahumma Geralyn I mean home will law who you are dear to Leila wanna have and Allah determines the night and the day. But though you got the rota coded, to measure and determine something, Allah measures and determines the night and the day, meaning their length. So the night and the day are not always the same length. Sometimes the nights are long, sometimes they're short. Sometimes the days are long. Sometimes they're short meaning this is something that changes over the year at Allah's command and his decree. And because of that reason, it's difficult to remain consistent in the night prayer. Why? Because if the night is very long than praying, two thirds of
it would mean
standing for several hours, even a third of the night, these days would be many hours, a couple hours at least. Right? So Allah He determines the length of the night and the day. It is difficult. So I Lima, he knew a length or suhu that you will never be able to encompass it. What does it mean by this slot is to enumerate to keep record of something. And what is meant is that he knows that you are not capable of praying for two thirds or half or a third of the night every single night.
He knows that it's not humanly possible.
So then what should you do? Fuck Rocco, leave the night prayer completely because that's what we have done right? What does Allah say? fucka Oh, so read recite of the Quran in the night. How much matter yes Surah whatever that is easy, they just thought they are so useful is is mineral Quran of the Quran, meaning pray, recite as much Quran as you're able to in the night. So this is abrogating the ruling of praying a third half or two thirds of the night. So this means that you can pray less than a third of the night also, you can pray even less than a quarter of the night also, which is why it is okay to pray the Hudson, even 15 minutes before Fajr begins. You understand? Because from
these verses, it was evident that only half or only a little bit more or only a little bit less. But that would be difficult because sometimes the nights are very long. How would a person stand in prayer for like four or five, six hours in the night? Right? So for that reason, fucka Omata yester Amin Al Quran, this is abrogating the length of the family. The fixed length is being abrogated. So this means you can pray for five minutes you can pray for half an hour, you can pray for 45 minutes. And yes, you can pray for up to a third up to a half up to two thirds. Basically, the choice is yours. You understand? Folklore Oh Mata salmonella Quran. Now another ease Allah subhanaw taala is
giving Alima he knew and say Hakuna min Komaba that they will be among you those who are Marva Mirga plural of Marieb meaning Yes, sometimes some of you will get sick and because of that sickness, it will be difficult to even stand for five minutes in the night to even get up for the 100 Watt hour Corona and he knows that there will be others among you, who will be yelled at Buena fill earth who will be striking in the earth meaning traveling through the earth. Why? Yep, the Onam in fact, Linda seeking something of the bounty of Allah, meaning traveling for various purposes, for business for commerce, for learning, for different reasons, people will travel and you know that when you're
traveling, your whole schedule is upside down. Right? When you're traveling you get exhausted and even the things that you can regularly do you find difficult to do. So he knows that because of travel, some of you will not be able to print the HUD you
will Haruna and he knows that there will be others who will be you cotton on a visa bead Allah who will be out fighting in the way of Allah.
So then what to do, leave the 100 completely because you're traveling for like a week and you're so exhausted. So you're not going to pray that entire week and you know, when you come back home then you're exhausted from the travel and you know, then you have other things to do so. Six months go by and a year goes by and three years go by and you haven't prayed the Hajj at all giving yourself excuses after excuses. Allah says fuck ra Oh Mirtha Yes, sir Amin who? Yes you cannot pray every single night. However, for CRO Mata Yes, sir Amin who but read whatever is easy for you.
So the second time that this has come for Corona de estar Amin who, what is this abrogating praying the budget every single night remember the nourishing that before the doodles mandatory the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Companions prayed every single night for 12 months. And then this IO was revealed. So there's two things that have been made easy over here. The first ease is what is the first is the length of the 100. It can be however long or however short that you want whatever is easy.
The second facilitation is that you don't have to pray every single night. But you can pray whenever easy. And that doesn't mean that you abandon it completely. Folklore OMA Daya Solomon, who were our people salada and established the prayer because now Allah subhanaw taala has given this ease to you, meaning the hadith is not mandatory. But you know what? When it's not mandatory, you are losing out
on reward.
So if you're not able to do one good deed, for whatever reason, what is it that you're supposed to focus on something else, and it happens in life. Like for example, you have a good habit of praying at least once a week, let's say or at least two or three times a week. For example,
But then what happens you have guests over, or exams or motherhood, right? Or marriage or something. And then what happens because of that you are not able to pray in the night. And let's say two weeks go by three weeks go by those three weeks when you didn't pray at all the halogen.
What should you do? Focus on something else that you can do, but don't deprive yourself of Agile. Well, he will salata what atoms Zeca were acquitted Allah carbon Hasina established the prayer gives a CA and lend Allah a beautiful loan meaning spend in the way of Allah warmer to a dimly unfussy calm and wherever you send ahead for yourselves mean Hayden of any good meaning any good that you do, and you send it ahead in the hereafter for yourself, that you do who are in the law, you will find it with Allah. And if you find it with Allah,
then what do you expect from him? What do you expect your other to be?
Who are hyaluron it is best, what are Allama Adrar and greater in reward? What is best? What is best doing all of these good deeds? It's better to do all these good deeds then doing nothing.
What are Allama draw and greater in reward, meaning whatever good you do in this life, and you send it ahead for the hereafter that will bring you great reward was still futile law and seek forgiveness from Allah for what? Because no matter how much good you do, you could always do it better to seek forgiveness from Allah. In the love of a photo of Rahim Indeed, Allah is forgiving, and merciful. So what does this ayah teach us? What is this ayah teach us? Firstly, the fact that the hadoo does not just limited to Ramadan.
The halogen was not just something for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yes, it was obligatory on him. But that doesn't mean that we never have to pray the Hajj. Because Allah says fuck all. Mata Yes, sir. I mean, it's a command, which means you must do whatever that you're capable of.
Exactly. Yes, that plan intent?
Because you see, when you intend to do something,
when you plan to do something, do you get it done somehow?
You do, right?
And if you just keep waiting, oh, you know, whenever I get the time, whenever I get the opportunity, you know, like, you have those things sitting at home, which needs to be hung maybe on the wall. Right? And you're like, Yeah, whenever I get the time, you know, I'll get a hammer and nail from somewhere, and I'll fix it up, whenever and then what happens a year goes by and it's still sitting. Why? Because you never had five minutes to spare to grab the hammer and a nail and put it on the wall is it I'm sure you had many five minutes. Because Because it wasn't planned. But when you plan that this weekend, I have to get this done. Then what happens even at 11pm, you will do it.
So plan intend to bring the halogen into your life also, to bring Cleon will lay in your night also. And if you intend to do it, you make a firm intention. And you sleep with that firm intention, you will in sha Allah wake up. And if you're not able to wake up, you will at least get the reward. And if you plan one day you fail you plan again, you fail you plan again, you fail one day, one day, you can return. But you have to plan
for the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala throughout the surah that we are learning that they have judgment and in previous tours also. And first of all, I was thinking I was just listening to a lecture a few days before. And do we ever realize I mean, the scholar was saying in that lecture that do we ever realize that every data from human being is like 70 years, or 80, or maybe 100. And this short period of time, is the time that we could bargain for the trillions of years of our life later in Africa. And it could be otherwise to it could be treated of yours for a test for our actual life and could be just 70 or 80 or 100 years that we could get an AKA. So I mean, look at this mercy
of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he gave us such a short time for a test and then a lot of reward, but really no fears. And it's in our hands. How could we back in this life? Exactly. Secondly, about reading the strategy these days is very easy. If I'm in the school going children they could also plan to do it because the time has changed now and that nights alone.
Good. The thing is that the 100 Also I was reading this, that Allah subhanaw taala could not give ease to us, he could say that, okay, pray for the whole part of the night or the last part of the night, whatever. But he's so merciful, that he left it on our convenience and our ease that how can we just the only thing is that he demands that just pray, get up for me and pray for me. So that's the beauty of Allah subhanho wa taala, as mercy for us, is that his mercy that he's left it to us. And really, some nights you do have more time, more energy, you know, once you start reciting, you don't want to stop reciting. And other times you have you're tight on time, so you can recite only a
little bit, the choice is yours, I found that General madonn, I built a good habit of waking up like exactly at Fajr time. And so this Ramadan, what I started doing is that I would set my alarm five minutes earlier every time. So it's like you're already built in the habit of waking up at the right time. But if you give yourself five minutes earlier, you go make although and you find oh look, I have some extra time. And so I found that by doing that, I would increase the time that I would wake up just a little bit more each time. And if you just increased by five minutes, you know, it's such a small time, but it gives you enough time to freshen up so that when you go for pleasure, you enjoy
it even more, because you're already awake. And so it like something small like that, because you have to wake up for Fajr prayer. So you set that time and just make sure you increase the time just a little bit more. And this is for someone like who's studying and who stays up all night, you know, working or even wasting time. But like even then, like a small thing. Take baby steps, right? Start with just five minutes, 10 minutes, until yesterday, if you woke up at six o'clock in the morning, you'd have a good half an hour, 3540 minutes. Now you have to wake up at five o'clock, but it's okay. You can sleep a little early. Right? Wake up at five you have a good half an hour.
I was just thinking how people wake up for Boxing Day sale. They sleep they wake up so early on maybe they don't sleep. Why? Because they want the best deal. And if we want a best deal, and this is a love and believe if we love to pray, and we want a best deal, we will wake up. It's just a foreign believe. Yes. Very true. I mean, just in the last week before the time changed. I was waking the kids up around 715 Sometime like that, and it was still Fajr time. Right? I mean, otherwise you won't even think about waking up an eight year old 10 year old for Fudger you know this is so easy. The length of the day and night changes makes it so easy.
Then I decided to make tagit for tonight. So she said it was exciting to to touch it. She said okay when after school I went home and after home family said we are invited invitation so where everybody have to go, she said we have to go to the invitation. And when we came back, it was three o'clock in the morning. So she said how you expect me like I can pray into God and I come back in the morning here. She said that Alhamdulillah and handled I did not miss my fajr so at least I did my fajr but my life rotation like that. But that's it the you did intentional last month and I'll accept it. But don't give up. Try it for the it's not because this weekend. Yes. You have to do
family stuff too. But yeah, exactly. So seeing your life that which these in general, do you have more control over your schedule. So maybe on the weekend, you don't you're going with the family, you can't just walk out you can't drive back yourself, you're stuck. So maybe during the week you have more control over your schedule. So plan you know like you have your classes planned out. You have your schedule, right. So you make time for doctor's appointments, you make time for dentist appointment, you schedule it in no matter how busy you are, because these things need to be done. Just like that the 100 needs to be planned.
Don't just wait for that moment when in the middle of the night you'll just wake up and you'll just while he was getting for the Hojo then you'll pray and you'll cry and you will recite so much Quran you need to plan in the mill Armello Binney yet actions are by intentions meaning that they begin with the intention you have to intend your intention will lead to action
to plan it, schedule it
and inshallah you will be able to do it.
We also learn from this idea that we see that for example, or the long one who he said you have to own them in formula that those who are seeking the bounty of Allah and the reason is not given what bounty is this? Is it real. Is it hedge? What is it? It's just Allah Asphodel and this includes money also. Yep, the Horniman fugly law. So sometimes really because of your work. Because of your studies, it does become different
called to wake up for the Hadoop. But still What does Allah say for Corrado Mata? Salamina still schedule it in make time for a read whatever is possible. Okay let's listen to the recitation these verses
are mortal machinery do not worry Mila
that is working was being
the Bina all in one home Pauline
in Isla de
gallo wotja Hema
want to
leave your alma mater told Jo for more zhiban
zhiban Oh Cassie
Shah he didn't know that you can come
for also off either your own or was all of
who else
Mila forget you better the owner in go to
John who is done as she
felt will be
thrown in the heat and kill the
father of beanies
in Baku?
Medina Mount walawe Who you got the
better bow about a bubble our old math is
a wound somebody
bought in on Effie Sebby
while the masala
bond has an owner to the movie for
the long he
was still feeling long,