Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 247B Tafsir Al-Mumin 56-60
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The speakers discuss the dispute between supposedly " pest apocalyptic" and " pest apocalyptic" signs of Islam, as well as the concept of pride and arrogance in Islam. They also discuss the use of "rowdy one" to mean someone who reaches something from the age of puberty and the importance of pride in achieving greatness. The speakers also touch on the use of "arrogance" and the importance of finding a steady burn in life. They emphasize the need to express one's neediness before Islam and finding a steady burn is important.
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In the Levina, indeed those people who you Jad the Luna, they dispute fee a Atilla he, concerning the Ayat of Allah, the signs of Allah, the verses of Allah. And how do they dispute or rather On what basis do they dispute, be lady without soupon in any authority, any proof, a Tao home, it came to them, meaning without any Sovann having come to them. So in other words, they dispute with the Ayat of Allah, without any Sultan Sovann as an any authority, they have no authority, they are not in a position to dispute with the verses of Allah, they have no foundation, no basis, no logic, no proof, and also no justification. You see, for a person to discuss a certain matter, they must be
worthy of being able to discuss that particular matter, for a person to challenge a particular decision, they have to be of a certain status. But here we see that these people, they have no authority whatsoever, they are in no position whatsoever to challenge and dispute the verses of Allah. So in other words, they are doing it on the basis of pride and arrogance. They're doing it on the basis of ignorance. Now, repeatedly we see this, disputing with the verses of Allah, this theme being repeated in the Surah over and over again. What is G dal? Dal is basically to dispute to argue concerning a matter. What is the purpose of arguing concerning something? What is the objective?
What is the thinking the psychology behind it, it's out of resistance, that you don't want to accept something so you refuse it? But if you say no, outright, that's not acceptable. So you have to find fault in that which you are refusing to accept. And in finding fault, you are basically disputing about it. The verses of Allah are such that they must be accepted. We are taught we'll call you Samira. Now, what Alterna say that we have heard and we shall obey. The attitude of a believer is that when he hears the verses of Allah, He surrenders, he accepts he obeys. So the verses of Allah the right of the verses of Allah is that they must be accepted, they must be believed in and that
they must be surrendered to. But there are some people who instead of believing they deny, instead of accepting the dispute, and how do they dispute by finding fault in the verses of Allah, and they do that without any proof without any argument, meaning they have no solid basis on which they are arguing with the verses of Allah. So Allah says that in not fee so duty him in their chests in their Cubone except greatness, meaning the reason why they dispute concerning the verses of Allah is because in their hearts is kibble, kibble, calf bow raw greatness, bigness, meaning the bigness of something, the largeness of something. All right. And here kibra means arrogance or pride. And of
course, this greatness is false pride. They're not actually great, but they consider themselves to be great. And remember that the definition of pride of arrogance is batata will help wantonness that when a person considers himself to be too superior, so he doesn't accept the truth, and he considered himself to be too superior so He belittles people. He thinks himself as higher than other people. So in their chests is pride, meaning they are full of arrogance. This is why they dispute concerning the signs of Allah. And this arrogance, this kibble which they're full off is such that man not home there be barely Lee at all once who reach it. Bally Lee is actually Ballina plural of
the word ballif. And who is barely one who attains or one who reaches something from this is the word balance also used for a person who's reached the age of puberty, right. Why? Because by allele, he has reached puberty. You understand? So Mel won't be Bally Lee. They are never going to reach it. They're never going to attain it. What does it mean by this, they're never going to attain it. It is what? validly he, he is referring to, first of all, defeating the Ayat of Allah. They're never going to be able to refute the verses of Allah. They can try all they want, they can dispute and fuss all they want. They can find whatever fault they want, but they will not
never be able to defeat the verses of Allah.
Never they will never be successful in this endeavor. Secondly, Maham be barely Lee he, he is referring to this kibbutz. This greatness they assume of themselves is such that they can never attain and satisfy. In other words, the greatness they assume of themselves is never going to actualize.
It's never going to actualize. They refuse the verses of Allah thinking that they're superior, will they actually become superior? Will they actually attain greatness in this world in this life? Never. Look at how a Buddha * thought so highly of himself, a Buddha have thought so highly of himself. But what happened to all of these arrogant people? Did they really attain that greatness? No. What they suffered in this life was total humiliation. Look at frown. Look at how full he was have pride in himself. Did he really attain that greatness in this world even? No,
he didn't. So Mao, hom be barely Lee. Allah says, first started Billa So seek refuge in Allah, against what against their evil against their envy, inner who indeed he is, who he alone is a severe the All Hearing Elbasy the old seeing
we see in this idea. This is a continuation of the previous theme where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been comforted because remember, it's a mucky surah. And in the previous verses Musa alayhis salam is example was given that how Musa alayhis salam he had to face the arrogance of Iran and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was facing the arrogance of a Luma core of the people of Makkah. And it was the desire for superiority within Fatone as well as the people of Makkah that led them to blind rejection of the truth.
In truth, firstly, let I have 26 We learned that the Mushrikeen would say we'll call Alladhina Cafaro. Lettuce, Murali huddle Quran, Waldo de la la comme taglib Boone, they will say don't listen to the Quran. Instead, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is reciting the Quran be so loud, make so much noise, so that you prevail. You prevail, remember, for our own also had this fear that Musa will change your religion? Right? So it was this greed for superiority? This greed for greatness. We see this problem existing within the people of Makkah also, that many of them actually were envious of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know that the Arab society at the time of the
prophets on a lot of somebody was tribal. Right? A tribe was important compared to others because of certain great men within that tribe or certain things that happened in their history, certain accomplishments, and within the tribe, also, sub tribes or clans. Even they have their own superiorities. All right, so one would boast over the other. All right, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was from the bundle Hashem the bundle Hashem they enjoyed many privileges in Makkah. You know, yes, they were wealthy. Yes, they were merchants. But in addition to that the bundle Hashem were also those who serve the pilgrims. All right, in fact, Hashem one of the
ancestors of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was given this title because he would break pieces of bread. All right, and make this huge stew or food with it prepare food for the pilgrims, who would come so this was a great honor in that society that you have the right to serve the pilgrims. So it was something that they would boast about. Now what happened at some people belonging to other clans, they said, You know what bundle Hashem have this, they have this, they have this, they have this.
Now they got prophethood. Also, no way. We're not going to accept it. Muhammad salallahu Salam is from the bundle Hashem. If he is a prophet, and we accept His prophet hood, that means that bundle Hashem gets a privilege that no one else enjoys, then we are really accepting their superiority. And you know what, we're not going to accept it. So they rejected the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Not because they didn't see it. It was out of pure arrogance. This was out of pure arrogance. So this arrogance is being criticized over here. Allah says in fucile duty Illa Kebon Maham be validly this greatness they assume of themselves is never going to actualize. Why because
those who are arrogant are brought down. Those who are arrogant are brought down by Allah. And we see this how much chicane they failed miserably in their efforts to defeat the verses of Allah look at fit our own his efforts to suppress the truth and elevate falsehood. These efforts never materialized. They never
became successful intro to Toba 32 also Allah says you read dune a YouTuber you will know Allah he be a FWAA he came, they desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths were yet Billa who Illa au Tim Mandurah who, and Allah refuses except to fulfill his light to perfect his light one oh kedi healthcare if you don't, even if the deniers dislike it, meaning no matter how much they dislike, the religion of Allah becoming superior, their dislike is never going to stop the religion of Allah. No, this is something that Allah will ensure happens. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is advised first there is Billa seek refuge in Allah. Why? Because of their evil, because of their
envy, their pride in the who who was severely bullied Indeed, He is the hearing and the seeing the hope of summer wetty surely the creation of the skies will or the end of the earth, the creation of the skies and the earth it is Akobo it is greater mean hoping NASA than the creation of people.
It is as if we are being asked that On what basis do you assume greatness of yourself?
How and why do you think highly of yourself? On what basis do you consider yourself to be superior? That you can reject the verses of Allah? You have the audacity to dispute with the vs of Allah, instead of accepting you criticize, instead of surrendering you challenge? Why and How could you do that? Have you seen yourself? Compare yourself with the skies on the earth? How massive are the skies and the earth which are all to the creation of Allah and look at you? Look at you. Allah says the creation of the skies and the earth is far greater than the creation of all people. While our kin Athan NASCI La Jolla on a moon but most of the people do not know. So what's the lesson over
here, that if a person were to reflect briefly even on how Allah has created the skies and the earth, in their vastness and their magnitude, then all his arrogance would go away. All of his false pride would fizzle away, because it really doesn't befit the small human being to walk arrogantly on this planet. Arrogance is something that simply does not benefit us. It just does not benefit us, especially arrogance towards Allah, arrogance towards his commands towards us versus it's something that is just not acceptable. It's foolish, to act proudly.
Wama and not yes, the way he is equal alarma the blind, those who are blind and the word Arma is used for one who is not able to see while asleep, and the one who sees meaning. The blind person and the seeing person are not the same.
There are different
and here the blind refers to the one who is arrogant, the one who is heedless, the one who is ignorant, because arrogance, blinds a person.
He doesn't even see himself anymore, he becomes so blind to his own reality, he starts to think so highly of himself whereas in reality so small.
So arrogance blinds a person it makes him heedless, blind to the signs, the obvious signs, the obvious truth, ignorant, ignorant to the greatest facts, realities of life. This is what arrogance does to a person it blinds him well between the seeing person who is the one who can see the one who can see his own reality. So he is humble. The one who can see the signs of Allah, so he accepts them, the one who is aware, cognizant, so the one who is blind and the one who can see they're not equal. Similarly, Allah says when Medina Amanu and those who believe what AMILO Solly had and they also do righteous deeds, they are not equal to well al musi and nor the one who does evil musi from
the root letter scene while Hamza Su is evil, Surya evil musi is one who does evil.
So, the blind and the seeing are not the same and Alladhina amanu Armello Sally hottie Wallen musi nor are they the same, nor are they the same, they are not equal by Leland, little Ma, very little data karoun You all remember how very little Do you remember that karoun From the Docker? And what is the Docker to reflect? To take a lesson to read
Remember to bear in mind? Because you see, there are many things that we come across. Okay, many things that we come across. But do we remember everything? No. Can we recall everything that we come across? No. Why is it that we can recall later?
Something that we thought about something that we reflected over something that we paid attention to? This is the code that you pay attention to something you give thought to it. You're not just reading but you're also understanding you're analyzing you're reflecting and when you will reflect then you will be able to keep it within your mind and then you will be able to recall it. So Alina mata karoun. How very little is it that you remember, it's as if we are being taught that your reflections are very few. So in other words are people reflect more, reflect more? Don't you see the difference between the blind and the scene? Don't you see the difference between opposites? Well,
there is a huge difference between one who believes in Allah and His commands, and the one who rejects there is a huge difference. In Solitude i a 24. We are taught methadone for the clinical Arma while Asami Well, BCD was severe. The example of the two groups is like that off the blind
and the deaf and on the other hand, the seeing and hearing these are two groups Hollier Stoian pneumophila are they equal in example? No, F aleteia karoun And will you not take a lesson? Allah says in Masada indeed the our lead to atone surely coming. It is surely arriving it's on its way. It's definitely going to happen. Attia is one that is coming from the word utter yet T to come. A ta he came. So Attia is that which is coming. That which is coming meaning it's on its way
it's on its way in Assata Lottie atone, lovely Buffy had there is no doubt in it, eating, it's a certain event that is definitely going to occur, what is the Day of Judgment, it is a hacker, it is that which is going to become hacked meaning that which is definitely going to occur when I cannot act on Ness, but majority of the people lie to me, no, they do not believe why is this mentioned over here that the Day of Judgment is coming? The hereafter is coming, the hour is coming? That what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Because many times there is a delay in believing in accepting and surrendering the commands of Allah. So it is as if we're being asked what are you
waiting for? The hour is on its way. Your death is fast approaching. But most of the people do not know. They do not know meaning they do not believe as in they do not affirm it's coming. Why? Because they only believe in what is apparent. They only worry about what they see. And that is the dunya welcome the Boo bissa they deny the Hour. They don't believe in it. Instead they're deceived by the law here. We'll call her a book home. And your Lord has said, Oh, the Rooney call upon me. Make dua to me. Not that a servant should turn away from Allah. Not that a servant should start disputing and arguing about the verses of Allah. Well, why is this like that? And why is that like
this? No, Allah has said oh the Rooney this is what we should do call upon Allah. Worship Him not be arrogant towards him, or the Rooney or the Rooney from Da and what is the Amin to supplicate? basically do is to call out to someone to invite someone. All right. And from this, you call out to someone when you have some request. Right? So Dora is used for supplication. But remember that the word dua is not just used for supplication? It's also used for a mother worship. So there are two meanings of the Rooney. What are those two meanings? What's the first one?
What's the first one call upon me as it make dua to me ask me. You have a need, asked me.
And when is it that we don't have a need?
We're always needy, right? That's our reality. We're always needy all the time.
Which is why it's amazing. We ask people around us for so many things. Or we asked ourselves, how can I fulfill this need of mine? Alright, so Allah says, Oh, the Rooney call upon me, as in Saloni asked me and the second meaning is
What's the second meaning?
Worship Me, worship Allah wa Hey Dooney as in worship only Allah. So we'll call on a book como de Rooney and what will happen when you will call upon Allah and when you will worship him, a study will come, Allah says as the Gibler comb, I will respond to you as the gem from Joab Jean Woba
meaning I will always respond to you. And of course, Allah responds in different ways. Because in the Levina indeed those people who yes duck be Runa they are too arrogant, and Reba Dotty from my worship, they feel too proud to worship Allah. Then what is the fate of such people say adieu who Luna they shall enter Johanna Hellfire deaf hearing as one's contemptible. That hit in Florida of the word death hit from the root letters dal ha Ra, the hole and the hole we have done this word earlier also, it means to be small, like less smaller, compared to the other this is the hood, but not just small as in small size but humiliated meaning without much worth disgraced and deserving of
hatred deserving of dislike worthy of dislike, contemptible, despicable. This is what the hood is.
Sadhu Luna Johanna muda hearing such people will be admitted into *, how while they will be debased, humiliated,
worthy of hate worthy of contempt, not deserving any pity, any mercy. Why? Because they brought this upon themselves. They displayed arrogance. So they will be humiliated. Like we learn that some people will be raised on the Day of Judgment, like ants, ants, ants, what do they represent small size right? They're so small that sometimes you don't even notice them. This is how the arrogant will be resurrected saya the whole Luna Johanna Medaka 18 What do we see in this? ayah we have been commanded to worship Allah. We have been commanded to ask him
and if we don't ask him, it is as if we are being arrogant.
If we don't ask Allah if a person does not ask Allah, then he is displaying arrogance. You see, worshipping Allah is honorable. And refusing to worship Him is pride.
False greatness which will bring disgrace to a person. In this sutra, we have been learning about the theme of seeking forgiveness from Allah. All right, seeking forgiveness from Allah is humility, and seeking forgiveness as a form of worship and refusing to seek forgiveness is what it is arrogance. So one way of life is off servitude to Allah. Whether that is in the form of asking Allah or it is in the form of worshiping Allah, or it is in the form of seeking his refuge or seeking forgiveness. This is one way of life of servitude to Allah. And the other way of life is of arrogance towards Allah. And that is Dollfie. ayatullah refusing to seek forgiveness, right?
Likewise, not asking Allah not worshiping Him, refusing to ask Allah is arrogance. How is it arrogance because refusing to ask Allah is basically refusing his favor. Allah says that he is laughing at them. Allah says that he is Cognito Allah says over here that older Rooney asked, did you block them I will give you
I will give you and when a person says no, I'm not going to ask you. This is like refusing Allah's generous offer. And refusing someone's generous offer. Then what is it other than pride isn't a pride. It's like somebody's offering you a gift. Right? They say, I bought this for you. Please accept it. Right? They brought you a gift so nicely. And you said no, no, I don't want it.
I'm not going to take it. I'm not going to take it. Right. You refuse to accept it. Now, if you're in that position where you are giving the gift, and that gift is rejected. Do you feel hurt? Do you feel hurt? Why do you feel hurt? Because you just got rejected? Isn't it? You feel that the other embarrassed you
They humiliated you by not accepting your gift.
Rejecting someone's offer is showing pride to them is being arrogant towards them. When Allah says, call upon me and I will give you and we say, No, I'm not going to ask you Allah. I'm going to ask my dad, well, I'm going to ask my friend or I'm going to look into my wallet, or I'm going to go figure out a way myself. Right? Refusing to ask Allah is refusing to accept his offer. And that is problematic. That is arrogance. And for such arrogance is disgrace and humiliation. You see people they do not like being asked, and we think that if people don't like being asked, Allah does not like being asked. No, Allah loves to be asked. He says, Oh, the Rooney asked me,
asked me, it's amazing when people will tell you, can I help you with something, and you ask them for something. And instead of helping you, they just direct you to what you can do. You're like, you just offered me help. And now you're not even helping me. This is how people are, that even when they offer some help, it's fake. It's with a lot of weakness. It's not genuine. It's just like, you know, you have to kind of show niceness to the other person. Right? Like to be a good host. You have to say some things even if you don't mean them. To be a good friend, you have to say some things even if you don't mean them. But Allah subhanaw taala when he says, Oh, the only he means it. When
he says call upon Me he means it which is why he says a study bloco when a servant calls upon Allah, then Allah happily turns to him. Once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in a DUA, who will read mother, there are is Reba.
Dora is worship supplication is worship, which means that if a person is not supplicating, to Allah, then is he worshiping Allah?
You understand?
Throughout our sunnah even what are we doing?
What are we doing? We're asking Allah. For instance, when we're reciting Surah Fatiha, we praise and glorify Allah. And then what do we say ate dinner, sit off and was talking that's asking Allah isn't it in record in sujood What do we say? Different doors and in them are supplications between the two sides does we sit and we say about Bill fiddly or Bill fiddly, right? Even Salah is supplication. So the essence of worship, every act of worship is what it is dua, it is asking ALLAH and then the Prophet salallahu Salam recited this dua, and this is why the person who does not make dua deserves Allah's Anger.
The person who does not make dua deserves Allah's Anger.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mullum Yes, Allah, young loved barley, the person who does not ask Allah, that Allah gets angry with him.
That why do you not ask me?
Because the servant is refusing Allah's generous offers. Because the servant is thinking himself as self sufficient. He's thinking that he is not in need of Allah, whereas he is in need of Allah, because our reality is that we are needy, and Allah, what is his reality that He is the giver, independent of need? So ask and take.
I know many women, when they can't pray, they get very sad and stuff. And like, personally, I was very sad to but then I realized that prayer is just, you know, dua, so during those days, I just strive to make even more than one. Honestly, I'm more satisfied and closer to Allah in those days. Yeah, this is true that many times we think that just because I can't faster, I can't go for HUD, your icon, give sadaqa you know, I have been deprived. Remember, a group of Sahaba they came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they said that such and such people have gotten ahead of us. Right, because we pray, they pray, we fast, they're fast, right? But they have money which we don't have,
and they give charity that we don't give.
So then what do we do? We've been left behind. And what is it that the prophets Allah said and taught them to do?
allow another form of worship, right? asking Allah making dua to Allah because Dora is a form of worship. It is indeed the essence of worship. So we'll call her a boo como de Rooney, as
steady blocking, your Lord has said call upon me and I will answer you. This statement a steady blocking, what does it mean? That every single door is accepted,
there is no door
that goes waste, that is not heard. Door are when it is dua. It is accepted because Allah says a steady Blackcomb. This is the proof of that.
In a hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No Muslim makes the
unless he is someone who has cut off his relatives, meaning that's a different case, someone who's cut off from his relatives, he's a different case. But someone who's not cut off from his relatives, He's maintaining the ties of kinship. Then, when he makes dua, he is given one of three things. Either his supplication is answered quickly, he made the offer money, he got it, he made the offer a new car, he got it made the offer a new phone, got it, make the art to get into a certain program gotten right. Make dua for anything, he got it immediately quickly, all right, or it is stored up for him in the next world. Because DA is worship and worship is rewarded. So it is stored up in the
next world or an evil equal to it is averted from him, meaning something dangerous that was coming his way is averted from him because of that ah so his dua became a means of protection. All right. So, somebody who heard the Prophet sallallahu Sallam saying this, in that gathering, they said, then many supplications will be made.
Right that if every die is answered, one of the three things is guaranteed then you know what will ask a lot. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah has more to give, no matter how much you ask. Allah has even more than that to give you
so then Allah has treasures and gifts are not limited. What's Limited is our asking him this is the problem. We don't ask him enough. This hadith is an other one will flood of Imam Buhari. So all the Rooney STG block can call upon Allah how with determination because a dua always works a dua is meant to be answered.
Well, the only STG blocker it is meant to be responded to. This is similar to how if there is a kitchen knife, all right, it's meant to cut correct, a kitchen knife is meant to cut, this is the purpose of the knife. So likewise, a dua is meant to be answered. When you ask Allah Allah is a Sameer he is but even more deep. So it definitely dua is going to be answered. Now sometimes it happens that a person is making dua and he finds that dua is not being answered, then you know what, this is similar to how a person may be using a knife. But the apple is not getting cut? Why? Is there a problem with the knife? No, the problem is in the methodology, all right, how the knife is
being used, that perhaps the person is using not the sharp end of the knife, but the other end of the knife in order to cut because that woman is too busy talking because she's not really looking at the apple and she's going around why isn't it cutting? Why isn't it cutting?
And then she sees she's holding the knife the wrong way.
You understand? So the problem is in the methodology. So if a person is making dua, but he's making gar without any determination, without any appeal, he's thinking, You know what, yeah, fine, I'll give it a try, but I don't think it's going to work,
then he's not using the oil properly.
The problem is not with the concept of draw the problem is in the way this person is using DRAW. Another reason is that there is some sin that is not allowing the draw to be accepted. That is coming between the euro and its acceptance. And there are certain sins that prevent the US from being accepted. So for example, in the Hadith that I mentioned to earlier, one sin was cutting the ties of
relationships. Right, but the Arthur Rackham. Likewise, a color haram consuming that which is unlawful. This is also something that prevents the US from being accepted. And thirdly, it's possible that the DA is not correct.
That the DUA the person is making is just not correct.
Now, you might wonder how do I know what is the correct URL and what is not a correct do i is basically your wish, whatever you want, right? You know, like a person could say that. I want that right now.
Right now there should be rain.
Well, you know what, you don't dictate what goes on in this universe. You understand? That's Allah's wish. Yes, Allah can do anything.
Allah can do anything. But if the objective of making this drive is to test Allah's abilities, then you know what this law is not right.
You understand that there is not right because you're using the odd to test Allah's abilities Who are you to test Allah's abilities? Dua is for the purpose of asking Allah to fulfill your need, because you are not able to fulfill it yourself. You need him. It's meant to demonstrate neediness, not arrogance. So the use of DA is incorrect. Likewise, if a person is making dua against someone, and they're not deserving of that, that is also incorrect use of Dong. Like for example, if there's a heavy snowstorm and you have to go somewhere, you have to drive somewhere far and you're worried and you're driving alone or you're walking alone. So you make dua to Allah Allah, Allah. Allah Maha
Lena wala Elena. All right. Do I like that? And that is correct. This is out of neediness. But if you're saying, You know what,
oh life, you're really there.
Then I want this to happen right now.
Well, no, that's not going to happen. And when it doesn't happen, then don't go on denying Allah's existence, because there is not for the purpose of proving to you that God exists. Right? So anyway, what kind of a bukuvu the Rooney as the Gibler? Come? Allah always answers prayers. The problem is that we don't ask him enough.
You think about it, when everything we have is from Allah. And we have it even though we never asked Allah.
When he gives without us asking,
then what can he give you? When you will ask him
when he is so merciful to you, that he gives you without even you asking than you think he will refuse to give you when you ask him.
You understand my point here?
Did you ask Allah to get you into a particular school into a particular program? Perhaps not? Did you make dua Oh ALLAH teach me how to write? Probably not. Did you ask Allah Oh, Allah caused me to be born on this day at that time? No, you didn't?
Did you ask Allah to give you a certain height? No, you didn't? Did you ask Allah to give you certain parents? No, you didn't. I mean, even the food that we eat the water, we use so many blessings, every single moment of our existence. We are using Allah's gifts. Did we ask him for those gifts? No, we didn't. He gave them to us without even us asking them.
This is how merciful he is. This is how generous he is. So you think if you ask him, he won't give you of course he will give you and those who think that they are not in need of asking Allah. They think that God doesn't really work. I'd rather do something else than waste my time making dua, then this is arrogance.
This is arrogance. This is a big problem. And sadly, this problem exists within us that when we are in a difficult situation, and our mom says Make dua make us the Hara. Were like, I'll do it. But seriously, we say such things. Yeah, of course I will. Yeah, you know what, I have been making dua.
But tell me something else.
You know, this question, tell me something else.
Or saying that door doesn't really work. This is not believing in door and not believing in door is a problem?
Did you want to say something?
You ask a friend or structure up or something? Learning from another means instead of asking your mother, she's the one who got it to you. So I feel like I was the Ponto was the one who gave us that thing or that situation? And instead of asking Him for help the grantor of that situation, you're asking someone else. It's like, you know, it's foolish that you know if you are financially dependent on your parents, for example, and they fulfill every need of yours. Right? And when you want to purchase something, instead of asking your parents you go around, begging people, asking your friends or your aunts and your uncles and your grandparents can have $20 Can I have $5? Can I
have $50? Can I have this? Isn't that foolish? If your parents find out you're in big trouble.
What do you think of us that you are going and begging others? Have we died that you have forgotten us? Have we gone bankrupt? Have we deprived you of something that you are not asking us and you're asking others? What have we not given you and provided you before that you were disappointed of us and you instead asked
others isn't this foolish?
And that is what we do when we refuse to ask Allah.
Many people, you know, they say that Allah is not poor and what is in our heart, Allah knows entirely why we need to make dua. And it's sometimes it's out of arrogance, and sometimes it's out of negligence. Yes, this is also a problem that exists. Allah already knows what I need. So I don't need to make dua. No, you still need to make dua, you need to express your neediness before Allah as long ago, so I wanted to buy a house, and I didn't have money. And I used to make dua to Allah, Allah give me money from your means. I don't want to take from bank. I don't want to go into mortgage. So please give me and I people used to say how is it possible? It's not possible at all? I
say No, Allah can give he has a lot of money. Why not? He can. He has everything. And I used to make the sincere dua And Alhamdulillah got a house now, without any mortgage, and 100 100. Allah made it possible. Like, it's not like I cannot even think how it became possible. Yes, exactly. And this is not a very rare story. This is something that I've heard numerous times from numerous people, that it's amazing how people's needs get fulfilled, from where they cannot even expect, because they asked Allah and Allah provided them.
You said that making dua against someone unjustly will not be accepted. And there's many like times in this that we see in this era that prophesies are made against certain disbelievers. And I mean, just generally we hear of people making dua against people all the time. So when is it okay to make the war against them if someone has been oppressed? All right, if someone has been oppressed, like you, you quoted the example of the Prophet salallahu Salam, we see that there were so many people who wronged the Prophet salallahu Salam and the sahaba. Right, killed the companions of the prophets on the lives and without any just cause. So in that situation, yes, the Prophet salallahu Salam did
pray against them. All right, and that is justified. If you are a victim of abuse.
If you are a victim of oppression, then yes, you ask Allah to give you success over your oppressors. And sometimes that is by weakening the oppressors, and only Allah can weaken them.
Right? Like, for instance, certain enemies of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they were stricken with drought, they were stricken with poverty, because that is what humbled people. Right? So what's the lesson over here?
Whatever your need, ask him. And if you don't ask him and you think you're self sufficient, then that is a problem. And if you doubt the power of the oil, then that is also a problem. And there's a threat over here in Alladhina. You're stuck Verona on arriba, Dottie, sadhu, Luna Johanna Murdock,
you see, when is that day? Or that situation or that time when we're not needy of something?
Aren't we always needy of something?
Always whether it is happiness or it is some feeling of satisfaction, getting some work done some project and some assignment done getting somewhere.
Anything we're always needy, and yes, it is normal or rather, it is correct to adopt means in order to fulfill our needs, but one of the first means that we must adopt for the fulfillment of our needs is Dora.
It is Dora. Let's listen to the recitation.
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