Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 099C Tafsir Al-Anfal 24-25
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The importance of communicating with God via the messenger or God speaking is emphasized, along with the importance of following orders of Islam and its affiliates. The speakers emphasize the need to respond with obedience and follow positive actions. The importance of the church's actions and actions of God is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding fear and procrastination in pursuing opportunities and learning from the Prophet's teachings to encourage others to pursue their beliefs. The challenges of living in difficult environments and the need for parents to toughen up their children are also discussed.
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Allah says here are you here Lavina Amanu. All you have believed is the Ji boo, respond. Lin Lehi to Allah while it was soul and to the messenger, either Darko when he calls you, meaning when the messenger calls you, Lima to that which you he come, it gives you life,
respond to Allah and His Messenger, meaning respond with obedience. When Allah is telling you about something, when he's calling you to something, when his messenger is instructing you with something, then what should you do? Just sit there and not lift a finger. Your ear should not receive anything, your mind should not understand anything? No, it's the GMO respond, show that you have some kind of life who doesn't respond. Either a person who's deaf or someone who's dead, someone who's deaf, because they haven't heard. So obviously they cannot respond. If you want to communicate with them, you have to communicate with them in a way that they will be able to receive what you're saying to
them. And who else cannot respond. The one who is dead, because no matter what you say in front of them, they don't hear it. And even if they do, they cannot respond because they don't have that ability anymore. So it's the G boo show that you're alive. Show that you still have life in yourself and respond is to God Allah he will rasool and especially respond when either the Archon Lima, you Hegel, when he calls you, who calls you, the messenger calls you because even the Command of Allah, who will give that to you, who will tell you about that? The Messenger of Allah. So when the messenger is telling you to do something, then respond. And notice what has been said over here,
when the messenger calls you to that which gives you life Lima, you're here can you hear is Ron? Hi at? What does it mean by this? Respond to that which gives you life? You see everything that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam delivered to us? What is that life giving? The Quran has been called rule, Soul spirit. Why? Because the Quran is as essential for us, just as rule is to our bodies. Can a body survive without a ruler? Can a body survive without it? Oh, no. It could be healthy. It could be young, perfectly fine. No problems, no illness, but if the rule leaves than the body is useless, it is nothing it cannot move. It cannot live just like that. The Quran, the
commands of Allah subhanaw taala? What are they to us life? They are what bring meaning to our lives. The teachings of the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger. They are what make our lives purposeful? Because essentially, what are they calling us to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. And it is the worship of Allah for which we were created. That is the purpose of our lives. So when we're fulfilling that purpose, what does it mean? Then we have life, then we are living. And if we're not fulfilling that purpose, then we are as good as dead.
Think about it. If there's a telephone, okay, and it hasn't been charged, but it works perfectly fine. It just hasn't been charged.
Then it is as useless as what as what a piece of plastic. Right? Because you can have it in your bag. But if you cannot even turn it on and take a picture.
If you cannot even turn it on and make a phone call. If you cannot even turn it on and send a text message. What uses it? It's useless, right? When will it be useless when it will have life? What is the life of that phone? Battery? Power? Right? So just like that, what is it that makes us alive? What is it that makes our lives useful? purposeful, meaningful? What is it? It's what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded? Without it, our lives are dead.
Allah says either the Arkham Lima Yoshi come and also when a person will respond to the call of the messenger, then he will be able to live the life of eternity where in general
because if a person ends up in hellfire, yes, he's staying there forever. But what do we learn in the Quran? So Mala you're moved to via while you're here. Then in hellfire he will be not Allah
If not dead, meaning he's not living a life that is called a life. And he's not dead either. He's in that extreme agony forever between life and death, extreme agony. So even if a person is conscious, would you call that life? For example, if a person is in extreme pain at the hospital, suffering from chemo and the effects of chemo, not for one day, not for one month, but for years and years, but they're living is that life. They can't talk. They can't wear nice clothes. They can't go out and enjoy with their family. They can't go shopping. They find it difficult even to watch television because their eyes hurt, their head hurts. So is that life? Would you call that a life? No. What is
life, a life in which you are happy? So when is it that a person can live that when he responds to Allah and His Messenger, then he'll be able to go to the home where he can live for eternity.
In the Quran, we learn that the hereafter that is halen that is the real life, that is what you should be striving for. And where is that in Jannah so respond to Allah and His Messenger, either the Arkham Lima, your Heycome and this is why no matter what command it is, that comes from Allah and His messenger, we should respond. Because ultimately it will lead us where to eternal life in the home of the Hereafter. And we see that once the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam he called a companion. He called him and that companion was praying Salah. So what happened? That's a hobby. He didn't respond because he was praying Salah What did he do? He ended his prayer. And then he went to
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he said, You called me I was praying Salah, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, haven't you heard the statement of Allah? That is the god Allah, He will Rasul either Darko Lima, you hate them.
You should have responded to me because I was calling you to that which would give you life. But if you think about it, the companion was praying. And the messengers of Allah, Saddam was essentially saying that you should have broken your prayer and responded to me immediately. What does that mean? Because that was voluntary prayer. It was not mandatory prayer, which one was it? Voluntary. So even if a person is performing a voluntary good deed, and the Command of Allah and His Messenger calm, what is more important? What is more important, the Command of Allah and His Messenger, because that is obligatory on you right now. And when you have a choice between obligatory and voluntary than
what is that you have to go for? That which is obligatory either.com Lima, you Heycome and then the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he taught him something about the Quran, he taught him something about sort of the Fatiha he gave him some knowledge. And that was what may you hear that which gives you life. So no matter what command it is, any instruction, remember, if it comes from Allah and His Messenger, it will eventually let you have a life. You'd like people to go get a life have a life already. So what is it that will get you a life? What is it that will make you living, responding to the commands of Allah and His messenger?
And remember that the context of this ayah the surah is what the Battle of which battle was it. By the end, the Battle of blood was the first major encounter between the Muslims and the machete kin. And first one means that there will be many more,
many more in the future. Like for example, when you have your first test and you find out oh, you'll be having lots of tests No. Do desperate Jews. So then you're like, Okay, 60 tests. Wow, that's a lot. One assignment for Jews. Wow. 30 assignments, that's a lot. So first one means there are many more to come. And remember that this battle was not an easy battle. Allah subhanaw taala helped the believers, but still, it was very difficult. And perhaps brought some hesitation in the hearts of the believers that this is what we're going to have to do from now onwards. I mean, until now, we were just focused on Prayer and Charity. Now, we also have to pick up our weapons and go to
Battlefield and risk our lives. You can imagine that fear, like if somebody tells you to do something that you find very difficult. Like for example, if you are told go and cook, and you don't like to do that you're afraid of even going into the kitchen.
The first time you do it, what do you think? Oh, so this is how it's gonna be like for the rest of my life. Like for example, the girl gets married and then she has to cook and she's like, Oh my god, this is too difficult.
This is how it's going to be.
And you wonder what is going to happen to me you're afraid about the future. So Allah subhanaw taala comforts the believers, don't worry, don't worry, if Allah and His messenger are calling you to something, even if it's something very difficult. Remember, eventually, it's going to give you a good life to live in this dunya and definitely in the afterlife. It is that which will give you life because without it, you are dead. And remember that when a person dies in the way of Allah, then what does he get eternal life even before the Day of Judgment he's enjoying, like we learned earlier until the earlier one that don't say about the people who die in the way of Allah that they are dead
Bella here in the lobby him use a comb, fairy haina Bhima Tang Allahu they're happy rejoicing, enjoying all the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala is giving them in the life of Brazil. So, either the accompli Mahican any command that comes from Allah and His messenger, what does it do? It gives a person life. Why no more and no and Allaha that indeed Allah, your Hulu, he intervenes, banal money between the person were called Biggie and his heart were under who and that indeed he la he to him to Sharon, you will be gathered. No, all believers, that Allah intervenes between who a person and his heart, you who know from the root letters, how well Lam Halia, who is to come in the
middle to come in between to interfere, how will is also used for obstruction? Because it comes in the middle, and it prevents you from doing what you want to do. So what is mentioned here that realize that Allah can easily interfere between a person and his heart, meaning between the heart and the person is who Allah's decision is who Allah subhanaw taala whose power? What does it mean by this? between a person and his heart?
Where's the intention? When you want to do something? Whether good or bad? Where's that intention? In the heart? Okay. Now, you will have an idea in your heart the intention to do something. All right. How is that intention going to translate? Were either in your actions, or in your words, all right. So your words, your actions, what are they? You, so allow the person what is the person referring to the actions that a person does the words that a person says, so between what you want to do, and the reality of those actions is who? Allah subhanaw taala. Meaning, when a person makes the intention to do something, then he is given some time to follow that through to put that idea,
into practice, to bring that intention to reality. Like, for example, you make up your mind, I'm gonna give sadaqa All right, so what happens Allah subhanaw taala gives you the ability, he gives you the chance. But what happens is that if a person does not avail that chance, does not follow through soon, then what happens? Allah subhanaw taala has the full power to come in the middle. And sometimes what happens, your mind changes, your intention changes, or the circumstances change. And now you no longer have that chance, that ability to perform that good deed. So for example, in the morning, you make up your mind the first thing I'm going to do when I go to the masjid, I'm going to
put some sadaqa All right, so what happens, you get to the masjid. And you're like, you know what, I can't be bothered right now. I'll give it at the end of the class. Just giving you an example. You're like, I'll give it at the end of the class, then what happens? By the time the class ends, you've changed your mind, because you're hungry, and you smell that pizza. And you know that you have to go and cook lunch at home. So you're like, you know what, I'm just gonna buy all that pizza and I'm gonna take it home. Your intention changed, circumstances changed the intention that you made, you were not able to act upon it. Why? Because you delayed you deferred. So what do we learn
over here? What do we learn here? That when Allah subhanaw taala gives us the ability to hear something good. And on hearing that good thing, the intention to perform something good, you know, it grows in our heart, then what should we do? Act in May?
directly follow through instantly. Because if you will delay and procrastinate, then you don't know, Allah subhanaw taala might take that tofield away from you, he might never give you the chance to do that good thing ever again. And circumstances might change. And even if you want to do it, you might not be able to do it. Take the example of a test. You say, Okay, I'm going to take the test, I'm going to sit and I'm going to rise I'm going to study, and then the morning off, you're like, No, I can't be bothered. I'll do it later. And then what happens? Next week, you find out you have one retest to make, and there's another test coming up. And then you're like, How can I do two tests?
You know what, I'll defer this one. And now you have this retest that's lingering on for how long, two months. And then because of that, you've developed a bad habit. Because if you can skip a test once you can skip it again, and you can skip it again. So you have so many tests to make up at the end that you're like, forget it, I'm not going to take this certificate. And then you're like, I'm so far behind. I might as well skip the classes, I might as well drop out and become a listener.
You see what happens?
This is why it's so important that as soon as we listen to something good, Allah gave us the ability to have that intention to do that good. What should we do? Do it immediately. Do it immediately. Because you know very well that if you delay, you won't be able to do it ever again. Your heart is soft, you have the desire to act, when do you think you're going to have that feeling ever again, it's going to be so difficult. The state of the heart, it changes. I remember when I went for ombre. This was after I studied the Quran, I went for umbra. And, you know, like when you go there, and you see everybody covering up. And what happens is that you also naturally you start covering yourself
up like many times it happens with women, they go there and they start wearing hijab, right? Or men, they grow their beards, and they never shaved them off afterwards, right? So I had been thinking in my mind to start covering my face, you know, like, the ideas is brewing in your head, and you're like, Yeah, I'll do it when I become this. And yeah, I'll do it when this happens. So this is exactly what I was doing. But when I was there at Aurora, there were so many men, and I don't know why you feel over there that all the men are staring at you.
Has it ever happened with you. But anyway, I felt like that a lot that all the men are staring at me. So I felt uncomfortable. So I took the side of my hijab, and I would just, you know, cover slightly. So anyway, I did this throughout the trip. And when I get to the airport to leave, I'm like, Yeah, I should just uncover my face now. And I was like, Really, you're going to do that? You've been covering your face this whole time. And now you're going to take it off? What are you doing? You think you're going to be able to do it again, this whole experience that you had you were actually able to do it. And now you're going to stop if you stop now, when when in the future? Are
you ever going to be in this state that you will have the confidence to do it, I'm like It's now or never. And I remember
literally putting it on taking it off, putting it on taking it off putting it on taking it off, because I was afraid. Obviously you have those fears. You know exactly what I must have been experiencing at that time. But I told myself, it's now or never. It's either now or I'll never be able to do it. And this is just one example. There are many things in life where you feel like that, that it's going to be either now or I'm never going to be able to do it again. So what is necessary, you beg Allah Allah you give me the strength, the Allah you please make me do it. I want to do it, you make me do it. And if you seek help from him, and you have that burning desire to do it, Allah
subhanaw taala will give you the strength and the courage to do it. I remember at that time, I felt as though everybody was staring at me. And now I feel as if nobody's looking at me. That fear it leaves your mind. You have that calm, right? You have that comfort with what you're doing. But anyway, the reason why I mentioned this to you was that when Allah subhanaw taala puts a thought in your heart you want to do something good and just do it. Because what Allah mu and Allah your horn urbane and Mon II what can be a small example. You finish your fault Salah Muslim for instance. And then you're doing your earth god, your light sunnah or no sunnah, sunnah, or Nelson.
And then you're like, Oh, let me check what's going on here. And where's my phone? I didn't check my phone for so long. Where's my phone? You know what you have to do before you even look at your phone. Get up and say Allahu Akbar. Just get up and say Allahu Akbar, because when you'll say Allahu Akbar, then you will perform your sooner but if you dilly dally and waste your time and go here and there, let me go do this and come back. You're not coming back. You're not coming back.
So anything goes
heard anything, any act of obedience, whatever it is, just do it. Just do it. Don't wait, don't procrastinate. Because Anila who would have been an MO Ewok? I'll be and remember that if you don't obey Him, can you run away from him? Can you know because we're unknown later, Sharon? How long will you avoid obeying Allah? subhanaw taala How much will you defer? How much will you procrastinate? You think you're going to live here forever? One day the Angel of Death is going to come and take you away. So before that day comes do something already
and get a life Ulema you he'll come he'll give you life really get a life because what is that life without Bara without obedience to Allah subhanaw taala
so get up obey, respond, before things change. What Taku and feared fit Nathan a trial lead to see banana, learn not to see banana it will definitely reach a Lavina those people run among those who did join those who did wrong men come among you ha certain exclusively, what Allah mu and know that Allah has should either record that indeed Allah is Severe in penalty respond already take that leap, go forward, obey respond to Allah and his messenger get a life already because otherwise what will happen fitnah otherwise there will be a fitna such circumstances will happen, that the situation will deteriorate to such a bad state that every single person will be affected by it. It
will take and it's for all people, those who obey and those who disobey those who respond and those who don't respond. So obey before this happens. What is this fitna referring to? What is this trial referring to this fitna is basically referring to great tribulations, great trials, difficult times, hard times. And this takes form in many different ways, whether it is in the form of political turmoil, or family instability, or financial crisis, whatever it may be, at a small level at a greater level. This is what that fitnah is referring to trials and tribulations, difficulty upon difficulty. Because you see, the thing is that when there are people present within a society, who
are actively voicing the truth, who are creating reforms, then what will happen, Allah subhanaw taala will show mercy towards them. Because as long as people are seeking forgiveness, as we will learn today, and as long as people are striving to improve, Allah subhanaw taala will show mercy to them. But when this stops in a society, and nobody is speaking out the truth, nobody is responding to Allah and his messenger than what will happen such trials and tribulations that will affect everybody, those who are living their private, righteous lives, and also those who are living their public sinful lives, it will affect everyone. Because think about it, if there's political turmoil,
is it only those people who go out on the streets and demonstrate are they the only ones who are affected? No, everyone's lives are shaken up. everyone's lives are affected. It's not just the criminals. It's not just people who are, you know, who believe in certain things, who do certain things who get affected? Everyone gets affected? If there's an earthquake, then is it only the people who don't press Allah who are affected? Who gets affected? Children, little children, babies, infants, toddlers, all people, right? We hear these things all the time. And we wonder what's happening? What sin did those children commit? What sin did these elderly people commit that they
were in such great trial and tribulation? Why? Because we see that at a general level as a whole, what is the state of the Ummah, what is the state of the Muslims, that we learn about what Allah and His Messenger want us to do? But we become deaf to it. We don't respond. And as a result, what has happened, because of our disobedience, there is facade everywhere. And it is not just the disobedient people who are being affected by it. Everyone is affected by In fact, the people who are somewhat more obedient to Allah subhanaw taala. They're more affected by that fitna. Their lives are even more difficult. Why?
because if they want to eat only halal, then they can't find a job. Right? If they want to earn only Halal education, then they can't find any Halal loan. Right, we see that despite the level of religiosity of religious commitment we see everyone is affected by fitna. Why is that? So? Because the state of humanity at large the state of the OMA at large is what? We know what online is messenger one, but we don't respond. So Allah says over here, what dako fitna, and you better obey, you better respond, do something already, before such trials happen, such tribulations occur that will not just affect the sinful among you exclusively. No, it will affect everybody. Notice the word
Halsall causes from the root letters ha So outside exclusively, and know that indeed Allah is Severe in penalty. So this fitna, this tribulation is also a form of what punishment, because think about how many wrong things are happening, and what are we doing about it? What are the Muslims doing about it? In our own houses, we see sin being committed. But we hear and we pretend like we're deaf, as if we don't know, in our own houses, music is blasting, literally, there's haram scenes coming on large TV screens, but it has a we don't know it is wrong to see such things. It says the we don't know it is wrong to hear such sounds. We have become deaf to Allah and His messenger. So why do we
think that our prayers will be answered? Why do we think that Allah subhanaw taala will be merciful towards us? I remember recently I was traveling. And this lady, she said, You know, it's become so bad, that now Allah doesn't even listen to our prayers. She said, I don't know what's wrong with Allah. He doesn't even listen to our prayers. Now. Rosabella. I was shocked to hear that. I said, How much is it that we listened to him? How much is it that we listen to him? And then she's like, Yeah, but you know, our typical excuses that we come up with, as if we have a license to disobey God, we have a license to know yet disobey.
So remember, any problems that we're facing any problems, there are a direct result of what our disobedience. And remember, if something wrong is happening in your house, in your family, and you don't stop it, then remember that one day, it'll affect you. One day, its consequences will affect you as well. This is just like the example that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave other people who are traveling in a ship, those who are in the lower level, and those on the upper level, the people on the lower level, they asked the ones on the upper level for some water for some food, but they say no, we're not going to give you anything to the people on the lower level, what do they say,
we'll just drill a hole in the ship, so that we can get water.
So if they do it, then what will happen? Everyone's going to drown. So what is necessary that they should be stopped, and they should be helped, right? But when there are people around us who are needy, of guidance, who need to be told what is right and what is wrong, who need to be stopped. But we live as though we are deaf, and we are blind as if we don't know it's their business, not my problem, then what's going to happen, inevitably, we are also going to get affected, we are also going to get affected. Think about it. If there's a person in the family who is engaging in crime. The wife knows, the children know, but they don't do anything about it. So the day he gets caught,
the day he's in trouble using the family is not going to suffer. Are they going to suffer? Of course they will. Or they going to be prosecuted as well, perhaps that you knew will all this time but you never reported you never stop this crime from happening. So you see how a criminal cannot be isolated from the rest of the people. If the criminal is in your life, remember, his crime will affect you. You can never say that somebody's sin is their problem.
It's also your problem. This is why the Scholars decide that this is what it means is that don't let evil thrive in the society. Don't let sin thrive in the society, whether it is in your house, or it is on the street. If there is wrong evil that is happening. Speak up against it, do something to stop it. Because if you don't stop it, what's going to happen? It's going to affect you. It's definitely going to affect you.
For example, if you teach your children from a very young age, we don't listen to music. We don't dress like this
We speak only good words, you shelter them, you protect them in your house. And you don't care about what's happening in the rest of the world. You don't care about the state of the Ummah, you don't care about the other Muslim kids, you don't worry about them at all. You're just concerned about your child to you shelter him in your house, like many women do. But then what happens? When they grow up? They go to college, they go to university, they meet people outside, then where does their faith go?
Where do all of their good manners go? All those good values that parents drove to instill in those children? Where did they go? They disappear. Why? Because whatever you taught them, it was washed off by what one movie, it was washed off by what one lecture, one exposure, everything gone. So this is why is necessary, that while we are concerned about keeping away from sin ourselves, we are also concerned about others. When we worry about children, we only worry about our children, my children, but the fact is that all the children are your children. They deserve compassion from you.
So what the COVID nuttin led to sleep and Alladhina Lala momen come casa, y la mu. And Allah has had either a call and know that indeed Allah is Severe and penalty. What guru and remember if anthem Colleen on when you were few. The Muslims were hesitant, going forwards again in the future, dealing with them wish to keep facing them in battle again and again. They were afraid, because obviously but there was quite a difficult experience. So Allah subhanaw taala reminds them of their past. Why are you afraid of going forward in the way of Allah? Why are you afraid of responding to Allah and His messenger? Why are you hesitant to obey Allah and His messenger? Remember, remember when you
were few mustard are fauna, ones who were oppressed and made weak fill early in the land. This is referring to Makkah basically, remember the time before hijra, when you were so few oppressed and weak in your own homes in the land of Makkah. And what happened? The harpoon you were afraid, and that yet a hot offer? Come? He will abduct you, who will abduct you Anessa the people. You had the hot lava Comis from call golfer. Hot for What does hot for me to quickly grab snacks something and take it away. Like for example a bird
like a seagull, for instance, thumbs and snatches something from your hand and flies away. I remember once we were traveling and we had a lot of extra food, and somebody just threw a piece and a bird Seagull came and took it. You can imagine what happened. There was a swarm of seagulls, okay, everywhere. So anyway, we started feeding them all the food that we I was it was quite fascinating. And it was amazing that some of us we barely through the food out we barely tossed it in the air and the birds just came in, snatched it away. This is what cassava is. So you are afraid that somebody will just come and abduct you. Just come and pick you up and kill you pick your family up and finish
them off. Destroy your property. This is how insecure you were. This is how threatened you were. You were living such insecure lives, the horror fauna, and yet the hub of a common Ness. This is how you were living in Makkah, because remember in Mecca every day, the Muslims were afraid the machine they had all the power, all the strength, they would just raise up their weapons and go kill somebody who would say anything to them. Nobody would. You were so afraid for your lives. And then what happened for Ella calm, then he sheltered you meaning Allah subhanaw taala gave you a home in Medina. Can you imagine a person who is not secure in his hometown, and he migrate somewhere else? And he says
they're no threat, no fear. He is living a comfortable, peaceful life for our welcome, what a yadda come and he strengthened up nicely with his help. He gave you his help. And that is how you became strong was a honeycomb and he provided you multiple you bet of the good things good foods that I look up the Quran so that you are grateful because remember that in Makkah, nothing grew. And Medina was home off debt pumps. All right. So he provided you with good things good food, fresh food. And Allah subhanaw taala gave you this home security piece in your lives, food that is readily available. Why? So that you just sit at your homes and do nothing? No light I look on the Quran so
that you are grateful. Think about it. Allah subhanaw taala has
given us so many blessings, right?
We can wake up in the morning we can go to sleep at night in peace. We don't have that fear that perhaps at night, you know, some bomb might fall in my house might disappear into ashes. Me and my family might be dead tomorrow. I don't know if I'm going to live until the end of the day. We don't live in this kind of fear. We have fears, but not such fear. We are living in peace. When Allah subhanaw taala has given us this blessing of peace and security. Why? Why has he given it to us? Why does Allah subhanaw taala bestow blessings on his servants so that they are grateful? So what is gratitude? Hear that we say, Yeah, you know, I'm too busy. I have this TV show to watch for two
hours. So that's why I cannot do anything right now. Is that gratitude?
Is that gratitude? No. What is gratitude that Allah has given you these blessings, now use them and obey Allah even more. Now come out in the way of Allah. Go and serve the religion of Allah, because you got all these blessings, because of the deen of Allah. Think about the time when you were begging Allah subhanaw taala to help you be successful in your studies, in your career, in your work, Allah subhanaw taala granted you success, and now you're turning your back on Allah. He gave you everything you have. And now you're saying you're too busy to do anything for the dean. Now you were saying you have a family to take care of who gave you that husband? And who gave you those
children. And today you're making your husband and excuse. Today, you're making your house and excuse today you're making your children and excuse your school as excuse because it is these things that really become an excuse for us and we allow ourselves to stay behind. I can't pray because my children are too young. I can't go for this Quran class, because I have my work because I have my studies. Who gave you all those blessings? He's the one who gave everything to you. And you don't have time for him. He gave you these best things that you're grateful. What height of ingratitude Are you displaying that's listen to the recitation
Or you
know, study more Morley
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I want you to ask yourself a question. What's my goal in life? What do I want to be? Five years from now? 10 years from now?
Many of us, we think that in life. I should have a family. I should have a house. I should have a source of income. I should have good health.
Right? Are these are things on our list? Yes, in whatever way or form. They're always in our list. They're always a part of our goals.
The thing is that all of these things are what they are means. If you have a family, that's supposed to be a means for you. If you have money, a reliable source of income, whether it's a career or what, what is that a means? If you have a home where you can go and rest and live at peace. What is that? A means? Allah subhanaw taala did not give us our lives so that we strive to have these means No, Allah subhanaw taala gave us our lives provided us with these means so that we respond
into Him and His messenger and get the life of the hereafter
get the life of the hereafter. And how do we do that? By following the religion by living their religion, by serving their religion by defending their religion, learning it, passing it on conveying it, living it. But unfortunately, what is our state that we're just caught up in these worldly goals in these means? My goal is 10 years from now, I should be saddled with a family, two kids house, this is what I dream about
is that so perhaps every one of us things like that. I'm not saying you shouldn't think about having a family. That's something that's part of life. I'm not saying you shouldn't be concerned about a reliable source of income. That's a major thing in your life that is necessary. You shouldn't have a good education, you shouldn't have all of these things, but they're what it means. They're not the end goal. Your Life shouldn't stop when you have two kids, your life shouldn't stop when you finally have a reliable source of income. Your Life shouldn't stop when your health is in good state. When Allah subhanaw taala brings you to that point, where you have all these means available to you, then
what does it mean? You should is the Jeevan Allahu Allah Rasool respond even more to Allah and His Messenger, because that would be gratitude for all of these blessings. And if we just sit with these blessings, and do nothing, enjoying our children, watching them grow, just talking about what's going on in their lives and what's going on in our lives, then that is what
that is, what a waste of a life and resources that Allah subhanaw taala has given to you. Enjoy the children, enjoy the family, enjoy the money, but there should be a greater goal in our lives. And what is that, obeying Allah and His Messenger commitment with the religion of Allah. And that is what was expected from the companions of the Prophet saw the longest. This idea is amazing. Allah gave you peace, He gave you good food he gave you home, so that you're grateful. Now show gratitude. Now show gratitude to Allah by serving the deed. And that's exactly what the companions did. They didn't just make their homes and mansions in Medina. They didn't just work on their fields. They
didn't just have families. They had all of that. But in addition to that, they were people who went to the masjid. They were people who learn from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. They were people who spent their time learning the Hadith, learning the Quran, they were people who went far and wide to teach people their religion. They were people who went out in the way of Allah. Why? Because they were grateful. This is why we see that when the Prophet salatu salam passed away, very few companions stayed in Medina, very few companions. Where did they all go, that they all die? No, they were all out and about serving the religion, teaching people the religion, freeing the humanity.
But unfortunately, we are just chasing the dunya. And that is what we're happy with. If we have it, we're happy. If we don't have it, we think we're so unlucky. were deprived, Allah is upset with us. This is what we think we think success is with the things of this world. And failure is not having the things of this world. This is our criteria. But the criteria near Allah subhanaw taala is very different.
Anything you'd like to say?
It's been so drilled into us by society that, you know, this is your life. This is everyone you know, you go through middle school, high school university, so that you can get a job. And then while you're at work, you you know, meet someone, start a family, keep working, watch your children go and then pension plans, retirement, and that's where you get to enjoy yourself. And, you know, go travel and do things. Even a small child could tell you that, you know, what do you want to do with your life, I want to get a job, I want to do some work. But it's always you know, towards material things. We never think, you know, maybe I want to teach Quran when I grow up, maybe I want to work,
you know, just for volunteering, maybe social work, help people that's never even a little child's gold because it's been so drilled into us that we have to work for our own success. And unfortunately, there's something very common within Muslim families. You're going to become a doctor, you're going to become an engineer. It's either Doctor engineer,
a son of an eagle, just an example is keep coming to my mind. You know, there is a system the students who go to university they would have known that at the last year of universities, the big companies, they come to the universities, and they just hire the students for the law.
Last year of their studies, and they pay for their tuition for just one year, but in return, they have to serve that company for maybe next five years, or six years or seven, whatever the policy of the company is, right? So can you imagine just by giving you one year's tuitions and expenses, they wanted you to obey all the policies of their company for next five years. And here we are talking about Allah subhanaw taala, who gave us live and from the beginning till the end, he is have been providing us providing us, and we still don't want to respond, whatever his rules and policies are. So this is something we shouldn't think about.
Somebody promises us a little bit of benefits, a little bit of favors, and we just go for it. Allah subhanaw taala has promised us much more, He's given us everything we have. And yet we don't want to respond.
Slowly. I went to school in a convent, and I learned a lot about the nuns, you know, like, they used to just have a few belongings. And anytime they were asked to be transferred from one Institute to another institute, they would say that we are here to serve God, you know, I mean, we could take so many lessons, they didn't have any materialism, I don't know now how it is, but when I was growing up, I used to see them. They used to not dress you know, the you know, the uniform how it is. And anytime the there were certain families in India, they were so poor. They had like less than 12 kids at that time. And each family they said, okay, so and so Child of Mine is for the convent. And that
child would be trained when he will be brought up, you know, in a way that he knows that he's going to go and serve God, this is what they would bring the kids up. And they would put the kid in there. And this is what most families did in one particular community that I know. And this is all over the world. Have you seen the way they serve their religion?
It's mind blowing. Sometimes you see people who are young people who you see at the malls or at universities, you see them walking around with Bibles, calling people I remember once two guys, they came over to our house and young boys University going and they said that, after a lot of conversation anyway, I asked them that. Do you do this all the time? They're like, No, you know, I'm one missionary for two years. So I don't go home. I'm from the States somewhere. So right now I'm stationed here, and we have our programs and you know, we go on our missions and this is basically their life. Imagine how much they're sacrificing how much they are controlling their desires.
Allah subhanaw taala does not demand that much from us. Not that much sacrifice either. Our deen is useful. It is easy, it is practical, but yet we are stingy. We are stingy. And who was at loss? We are at loss. Because we are depriving ourselves from what Hyatt and we are inviting the fitna the difficulties the tribulations on ourselves by taking the matter of a dean lightly. Some sometimes I think, you know, they're not even on the correct of either. Yeah, I mean, they're yet but yet they're so committed to it. They never miss an opportunity. I was in a train in Montreal, and this man he kept observing us and he must have thought I'm Arab because of MATA. When he got off the
train. He said, can I give you something and I was wondering what he had a jacket. And in the jacket in the inside, there were pockets. And he actually took out the literature in Arabic and give it to me. So just think about and we don't even carry something in English. To give somebody where we can barely do our assignments. How can we write things about the religion to tell people? How can we, if writing an answer is so difficult for us? How can we produce any material to do Dawa? We dream a lot but we don't do much.
These days. I'm home some days during the week. And in the morning many times that happened and somebody comes and rings the bell minus 20 Outside. Rain, snow, ice, slippery, windy, cold, doesn't matter. they'll come
and they'll say we just have something for you. They'll just give it and walk away. Every single day. I see this neighbor across my street. She lives alone all by herself an elderly lady, every single day to 30. These two ladies come visit her house doctor for a couple of minutes. And they go to the next door and the next door next door every single day.
And it's not young women, not a young girl. It's an older lady and a younger lady. But two women
who are walking in the cold. We say it's too cold can't go to class today.
We're sitting in a nice warm class, we're actually so hot that we're falling asleep.
Salam Alaikum. As a parent, we fail even our children because, as he said, We just aim when they're young, we just aim, how they're going to be like a doctor or this or that material things. When Allah told us three things that comes with us when we die is like our Jesus and what Seneca we did, and we just chat. We don't aim them when they are Yeah. And it will be like, you're going to be scholar or this or convey the religion so they can be yes. The only role models they see or what firefighters and policemen. And that's good. That's good, because these are important roles. But there are also other people out there.
But only if we listen to them and we take the children to do such people, then they will be inspired by them, right?
So many come. I come from a country of 90% Muslims until today, when you talk about people being scholars, people look at you like what's wrong with you. Why would you ever want to go for that? And even if you go back and you've learned the deen and you're trying to explain that to people, everybody looks at you like what's wrong with you? Why did you go out to the West and come back dressed like this? Talking this type of language? What's wrong with you? I think we need to drill back into our brains that the deen of Allah will lead us to success, we need to do it at every level. Yes.
When you were saying our deen is easy, but we don't want to serve the simple requests of Allah. I just read recently that in a village in Thailand, they have a festival every year. And a few very religious people in the village are chosen. And what they're expected to do at the village is to have at the festival sorry is to have their bodies pierced with like knives and swords and like metal poles and things. But the amazing thing is that, like you can imagine how painful must be to have a pole shoved through your head, but they're not afraid. And they're surprisingly little blood flow when it happens. Because for 10 days before they starve themselves and they all they do is just
pray for 10 days straight. And because they're so convinced that their whatever Lord they're praying to is with them. And they have so much trust on their God, like they're able to do something so hard. And we can't do something easy, like just pray five times a day or fast for one month or
we've become so used to comfort that we don't like difficulty at all. We don't want to face any kind of inconvenience.
If our sleep is quite short, we don't like that. If our body temperature is not right, or the temperature around us is not right. We don't like that we complain too much.
We need to toughen up a little. And we need to give the same kind of training to our children also because life is not easy. If you want to survive in this difficult world. Life is difficult. You better toughen up. And as a believer, it's even more difficult