Navaid Aziz – Al Shamaail Al Muhammadiyyah #02
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The importance of physical features in Islam is discussed, including the use of the symbol "has been seen" in Arabic culture and the importance of finding the right person for a massage. acceptance is also emphasized, including the need for acceptance of personal and others' limitations. The segment highlights the complexities of the Prophet's teachings and their impact on society, highlighting the importance of acceptance in society, including the need for acceptance of acceptance of others' limitations.
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Mr manakamana Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Ali. He was a big man in my bed. My dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Welcome to class number two of a Shama il l mohammedia. On the second day of Ramadan now this fast in particular the second day has been a little bit more difficult for me I don't know why it's Pinilla. I feel dehydrated and Allah what what I can see comments today. So Priscilla why the Kama Sutra or have Allahu Barakatuh Welcome Welcome, welcome. Great to see you again. This other modan Continuing from last Ramadan so I was just mentioning this Ramadan is sorry this fast in
particularly number two is a bit more difficult. However, while they can sell out with Allahu Allah cattle, I do feel more dehydrated so please forgive me for that. So we're going to continue where we left off yesterday. And while why they come Salah what Allah He will not occur to Allah.
And we are now at Hadith number eight, and we're continuing with the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we're going to go into the seal of Prophet we're going to go into the seal of prophethood so in this Hadith, Al Hassan, the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking one of his relatives who was the step son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says I asked my maternal uncle hint, avian Abby Heller, who was skilled in describing features about the beautiful description of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I decided for him to describe some of his features to me, so I could cherish and hold on to them. He
said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was magnificent in himself, and was magnificent in the eyes of others. His blessing face shine like the light of the full moon on a moonlit night. He was taller than a man of average height, yet shorter than an extremely tall man. His blessitt head was large his blessitt here was wavy. If the hair on the front of his bassinet had departed easily, he would park it in the middle, and if it did not, he would leave it as it was. When he would leave his Blissett. Here it would fall past his ear lobes. His complexion was fair and luminous, his blessing forehead was wide, his blessing eyebrows were arched, thin, long and full,
perfectly shaped without connecting between them with a vein that anger would cause deposit. His blessing nose was prominent along with a thin tip and a slight curvature in the middle. It was aquiline a light rose from it. One who did not look close to the ITM would think that it was raised high and straight, with the tip of the of the nose slightly prominent. His blessing beard was full and dense, his cheeks were smooth, his mouth was wide, and between his blessitt front teeth was a slight space. A thin line of hair ran from this blessing chest to the navel. His blessitt neck was like that of an ivory statue as resplendent as silver. his physique was evenly proportioned. He was
well built and firm. His blesseth chest and stomach were even with each other. His blasted chest and shoulders were broad, and his blesseth joints were proportionately large. His busted limbs that were unclothed Shawn brightly, besides the thin line of hair that ran from his blessitt upper chest, his navel, neither his chest nor his stomach had here. His blessing arm, shoulder and upper chest however, had hair. He had long forearms and white palms, and full fleshed, sturdy hands and feet, is bludgeoned and blasted fingers and toes were long and well proportioned and he had a slight arch in the soles of his blessing feet. His blessitt feet were smooth, such that water could run off of them
if poured. When he walked, he would lift his blessitt feet with vigor and would lean forward slightly, and would read, I would tread lightly. He had a naturally long stride. And when walking, it was as if he was descending a height, when he would turn to look at someone or something, he would turn with his whole body, and he would lower his gaze, he would look at the ground more than he would look at the sky. Most of his looking was from the corner of his eye, he would have his companions walk in front of him, and would initiate greetings of peace with whomever he met. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So as you can see, this hadith is actually quite a long Hadith. And Al
Hassan, the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually inquiring about his description. So you can imagine that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't have any sons that remained alive. But al Hassan and Hussein were the closest thing that he did have two sons, and he treated them like his own children, and he loved them dearly. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, it was quite obvious that this left a void in the hearts and hasn't an end to her saying they were still young kids at that time.
And you can imagine as a young child, you're only going to remember so much, right? Your your memories aren't fully formed, you aren't fully cognizant of your surroundings. So as a young child, you're not going to remember that much. So Hudson over here, he's actually asking one of his distant relatives. Can you please describe what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was? And here he's describing him to him in such meticulous detail, awkward. Like for me, it's anomalous Pinilla. You know, my father Rahim Allah, Allahu Allahu taala. He passed away last year. And I often tried to envision him in my mind, just to remember some of the fond memories. And you notice that even over
time Subhanallah some of those memories just fade away. Like unless someone reminds you of them, you're not going to remind you that remember them. But Allah what is amazing how this individual, this Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is able to remember him in such meticulous detail. And I believe a lot of that stems from the love that the individual had for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it also stems from this divine presence and intervention by Allah subhanho wa Taala, where Allah subhanho wa Taala preserved in detail, who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was physically spiritually and in character. So I'm only going to highlight the
things from this hadith that we haven't spoken about already. As I mentioned, we've covered quite a few of these things already. So the first thing I want to talk about is the blessing face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that
the light was that of a full moon on a moonlit night. This description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looking like the brightness of the moon. Why is this important and significant, because when you look at the type of lights and you can compare the light of the moon and the light of the sun, when you look at the light of the sun, it is something that bothers the ice, right? It's also that you can go directly into it harms the ice to do so was the light of the moon is very calming, and is very serene, and it shows you know, true beauty and it emanates beauty around it. And that is why he was described like this light. Now this nor there is on the face of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam It was a lot of it, yes was his beauty. But the other part of it is how Allah subhanaw taala blesses the face of righteous individuals and Allah subhanho wa Taala places a light on their face that you can recognize their righteousness with and this is a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala. As always find a way to either he mentioned in the Quran that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhana wa Taala will turn certain faces white and they will radiate light. And we have other Hadith that talk about how those individuals that used to perform will do and you send message that to Allah subhanho wa Taala, there will be a light that will radiate from them. So this
is a lighter righteousness. Now if this is a light of righteousness, then there is no one who is more righteous than the prophets of Allah, why they were set up. And this is the type of light that was radiating. It wasn't a physical light that would light up a dark room. But it was a spiritual presence, that you could tell that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a righteous man that lived a very congruent life. his private life was just as good as his public life and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke the truth. So that is the type of light that it is referring to. Then this hadith specifically highlights the point that we made yesterday that he was taller than a man of
average height, yet shorter than an extremely tall man. So yes, he was an average height, but he was on the taller side of that spectrum. This Hadith also mentions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a wide forehead, so he had a big and wide forehead, and this is in proportion to the height of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, other scholars have derived many things from this, perhaps this is an indication of the intelligence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his level of intellect, or perhaps this is just a physical feature. Both interpretations are valid and accepted. Over here, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had bless it eyebrows that
were arched thin, long and full. So this is such a detailed description of his eyebrows sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the the point will highlight over here is that this had he specifically mentioned that his eyebrows sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't connect, whereas you'll find other ahaadeeth that talk about how the eyebrows of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did Connect, how do we reconcile between these Hadith the scholars mentioned that if you looked at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from a distance,
it would seem that his eyebrows would connect. But if you got closer to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you could see clearly that the eyebrows did not correct Connect. There's actually a very interesting verse of poetry that is attributed to eyeshadow, the loved one, and Allah knows best of its authenticity. But she says that if the observer lay her and her woman, and is a lighthouse, was the wife of allergies, and so the use of so they are high and her woman had seen the eyebrows of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they wouldn't have cut their hands they would have cut their hearts, meaning to show that the level of
Beauty that emanated from his face sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And then the this hadith mentions that there is a vein that used to come down between his eyebrows and when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would get angry that vain would post it. Later on in the book, there's the Hadith that mentions what used to cause anger to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam I think this is very, very important. Then when you look at his righteousness sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wouldn't get angry at matters of the dunya he would only get angry at matters of the accurate What does that mean? That if someone was defined of the laws of Allah subhanaw taala this would cause him pain and will cause them to become angry. But if someone you
know didn't do something pertain to this dunia, held back one of his financial rights or said something to him specifically, he was not one to hold a grudge or want to get angry add to that he only got angry at the violations pertaining to the earth era.
His busted nose was prominent and long with a thin tip and a slight curvature in the middle. So this shows the nose of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And we'll see in another Hadith that you know when they describe the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it wasn't too long and narrow, but it was more oval and circular. And the nose of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was directly proportionate to the the roundness of his face so that his nose didn't protrude, nor did it seem sunken in his face, whether it was the absolute perfect length, his blessing beard was full and dense. And this is a point of fact that we can highlight over here that what is the ruling
on keeping a beard for men, the ruling on keeping a beard for men and Allah subhanaw taala knows best is that it is something obligatory bourgie boring all you know, extraordinary circumstances where if one grows a beard they get under physical threat, or can be imprisoned or things of that nature. But barring those sort of circumstances, growing a beard for men actually is something that is mandatory. The sooner length and Allah subhanaw taala knows best it is to have it a fist full, but it is to be groomed and well maintained and to be a first fall. And the minimal length that the beard should be is anything that that hangs off of one's face. Anything that is considered a hanging
off of one's face is considered a beard, and the beard is from the jaw line all the way to the bottom so the sides don't count as the beard, the mustache doesn't count. The cheeks don't count as the beard, you're allowed to trimming those and that's not a problem at all. In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us the command to trim the mustaches and to grow the beard to trim the mustaches and to grow the beard. So men are required to do so. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. The beard of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was full and dense. Certain narrations mentioned that when you see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from behind, you could see the
outline of his beard, that is how full the beard of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was his cheeks were smooth, meaning that they were very soft, and then also that you wouldn't find hair on his cheeks. This can show the permissibility of removing the hair that you do grow on the cheeks, or this could show naturally that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't have hair on them. Because as we see in this narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and previous ones, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not have excessive amounts of hair, that besides the line of hair that you saw in his chest, that went down from his chest, his navel, you would not see
other hair on his body, besides slightly there that which was on his arms, and on his shoulders.
And then this hadith specifically mentions that his blesseth neck was like that of an ivory statue, meaning that it was more than it would radiate light from it, it would illuminate its presence. I mean, there was something that was very shiny, almost as if there was oil, you know, shining off of it. He was well built and firm and his blessing chest and stomach were even with each other. So as we mentioned yesterday, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in good physical shape, so much so that he was able to walk faster than some of the younger companions. And over here, his stomach did not protrude, and it was equally in line with his chest. And this shows us the importance of us
as believers, of taking care of our good health. You know, panela, I often think about one of my regrets in life. And I wish that was something that I'd paid attention to, in my younger years, and I wish someone had educated me about that in my younger years. But that education process was not there, that highlighting of good health was not there. And then as you get older, it becomes more difficult. So I pray that those of you that have young ones, speak to your young ones from a young age about the importance of physical activity and not eating excessive sugary foods, and things of that nature. May Allah subhana wa tada protect us and guide us and our children. And the people of
this oma Aloma, I mean,
and then it goes on to mention that
and his busted joints were proportionately large, his bless limbs that were unclothed shine brightly and this shows that there was
A natural shine that illuminated from him Salalah while he was setting up, and besides the thin hair that ran from his bursted chest, his navel, neither his chest nor stomach had here. So at the prophets of Allah who I knew cinema, as you mentioned was not excessively hairy. However his arms, shoulders and upper chest did have here. He had long forearms and wide palms. So the reach of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was long, and his blessing fingers and toes were long and well proportioned. And he had a slight arch on the soles of his feet. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't flat footed, and his feet were very smooth, so much so that if you were to pour water
off of them, you know, they would come right off. And it's to highlight the fact that one that he didn't have excessive hair on his feet. And number two, that, you know, living in the desert, one of the things that ends up happening is that your feet become very, very rough. And it's something that is inevitable, unless you're actively taking care of them. Yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had those naturally smooth feet. When he walked, he would lift his blistered feet with vigor, and would lean forward slightly, and would tread lightly, he had a naturally long stride. And when walking, it was as if he was descending a height, when he would turn to look at someone or
something, he would turn with his whole body, and he would lower his gaze. And this is something to highlight, the Prophet salallahu idea was seldom spent the vast majority of his time looking down. And this was a sign of humility, and humbleness. And this was also a sign that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was regularly really contemplating and reflecting, and that is what a person that is looking down, usually does. And there's also to show that he used to mind his own business and Allah who I knew set up, that he wouldn't just look around at people, his business and people's affairs, and things of that nature.
Most of his looking was from the corner of his blessing. I mean, that when he sallallahu ideacentre was looking down. He wouldn't look up unless he had to. So if he wanted to look out for his surroundings, he's looking from the corner of his eye. And this if you mentioned what we mentioned yesterday, we're talking about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't spy upon people see when they look at people, this is not what it's referring to. This is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is lowering his gaze, and he's navigating his surroundings. He's looking out to the corner of his eye, he's looking out the corner of his eye, he would have his companions walk in
front of him. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had his companions walk in front of him for several reasons. Reason number one is that we have authentic hadith that indicate the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the angels walked behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were there to protect him. And just like the angels were there to protect the prophets of Allah while he was set up. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to be there to protect his companions, so that he can look out for them and see what what is happening behind them and make sure that nothing happened to them from behind, and that is where a person is
most vulnerable from number two, is that them walking behind him, it would cause some sort of difficulty in them keeping up whereas if them are walking in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they are leading a pace that hopefully is faster than the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and he can slow down his pace, if there is a need to if there is a need to. So those are some of the wisdoms behind why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had his companions walk in front of him, and he is walking behind them. And the prophets of Allah Hi, there was Selim would initiate greetings of peace with whomever he met. Now, this is a very interesting fact that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam would initiate the greetings of salah and you can imagine,
you know, this is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, people should be coming up to him to initiate the Salaam, yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through his humility and through his good character shows us that the better person is the one that initiates the Salaam, to those that you know, and those that you don't know, and this should be for everyone. And I think this is something that needs to be revived in our times, that inshallah once you know, the massages are open again, and we're able to go about freely, you know, we shouldn't just be grilling the people that we know or the people that we considered or respected in the community, but our greeting
of peace should be for everyone. Number two, another thing that is mentioned in the in the books of explanation over here is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted people to incur reward wanted people are encouraged to not
so initiating the syllabus, not obligatory. initiating the Salaam is just a good deed it is a pseudonym was the hub act, whereas responding to the Salah actually is mandatory responding to the Salaam actually is mandatory. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam found a way that even those around him would incur good deeds by them responding to the seller, by them responding to the setup, when we know from other Hadith, that when you say Salaam Alaikum you get 10 good deeds. You said Santa Monica wahala you get 20
salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. You get 30. And we have some of the narrations from the companions, the like America and others that when someone would say said Mr. Eco, Mohammed Allahu wa barakaatuh, who to them, they would respond by saying, why they come as salam Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, who among fellow to who, and this edition, even though not from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it seems that it was something that was accepted as one of the actions of the Holy Father and it is something allowed to do if a person chooses to do so it is not obligatory to do so you can stick with why they come Salah Muhammad Allah wa barakato, but if you choose to add the
addition, one more filler to who then this is something that is allowed as well. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give that opportunity to the companions to incur that reward by responding to the seller. Now the next couple of Hadith they actually go by very quickly because they're short and they're reiterating what was already mentioned. So we're going to read through them. The next one number nine, I heard jab at him the son What are the say the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had
a mouth mushkil eyes and men whose heels I shoulda asked simec what is meant by the Lia mouth he meant he mentioned a ground mouth, meaning that his mouth was large, but also he also had a very eloquent tongue. And it asked to him what is meant by a skull eyes, and he said the space between his upper and lower eyelids were long. And I asked what is meant by men whose heels and he says a little flesh in the heels mean that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have excessive flesh on his feet. The next Hadith, I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a completely moonlit night. And he was wearing two red garments, I began to look at him, and then look
at the moon. And by Allah He was in my eyes, more beautiful than the moon. So here you have the companion on your love, I know. And you can imagine spider law, you have the presence of a full moon, and you have the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in front of you. And both of their beauties are competing with one another. Do you have to make a decision? Which one is more beautiful? And he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in my eyes was more beautiful.
The next Hadith a man asked Bharat was the face of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like a sword? No, he replied, rather, it was like a moon. And this is a very interesting idea. When you look at this example, what does it mean? Like was his face like a sword? Or was his face like the moon? And this is fine a lot. Interestingly, when you look at comparisons that people give, people often give comparisons with that which they're familiar with, and that which other people can relate with. So here, they knew about the sword they knew about the full moon. And that is how they're making this comparison. So when they're talking about the face of the Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, like a sword, they're talking about was it tall, long and slender? Or was it like the moon and this is a full moon, which was around and circular in nature. And the companion says that it was more circular in nature. And I believe this is an element of beauty itself that when you look at people with Round Faces, they'll generally have more welcoming faces. This is just a general observation. This is not a fact that I'm saying just a general observation, that the round face will have a generally more welcoming, smiling face, whereas the thinner sharper face will generally not be as welcoming and not seem as friendly, just a general observation. Then
the next headline number 12, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was fair complexion as a fashion from pure silver, His hair was wavy, and this is referring to the tone of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As we mentioned, that in certain seasons, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very fair complexion with hues of redness in them, and his face naturally. radiated illumination, right? Not light, I like illumination better, and just like silver. When you look at silver, you'll notice that it's always shining. And that is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was added number 13. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the profits
were presented to me and Moosa was of medium built, and it was as if he was one of the men of Shona, or sorry of Shinola. Then I saw he said, the son of Maryam and he said am and the closest person I have seen who bears a resemblance to him was Ottawa had been Massoud. Then I saw Ibrahim and he set up and the closest person I've seen who bears a resemblance to him is this companion of yours, meaning himself. Then I saw jabril and the closest person I've seen who, who bears a resemblance to jabril his death here and can be
so here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that the prophets were presented to him. And the scholars mentioned that this is something that possibly happened at Allah Silla or the Mirage when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had his
Essentially, from our data loggers, or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw them in a dream, and their real life figures, or what they look like in real life was actually shown to him. And he says that most other he said, he was like a man who was a medium belt, who was from Shinola, which were known for their strength and for being strong. And then he says, I saw he said, No Medea, and he the Pope. The person that I saw closest to him was Ottawa been Miss owed all over the mess. Oh, it was the chief of bife, although I've been Miss Earth was the chief of five. And he
was the word that I'm looking for. He interceded on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam later on with the Quraysh. And that was from his virtues as well. And then he mentioned that Abraham and he said, I'm the person that looked like him the most was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, what's interesting over here is why are these three prophets highlighted you have, most of a sudden you have a solicitor and then you have a blockchain by the seller. anyone in the audience want to take a guess as to why is it that these three profits are mentioned?
What is the wisdom behind this? And I can give you a small hint of that if you've studied that the CEO of surah Allah at the end, Allah subhana wa tada mentions, so hopefully Ibrahima, one more sir. And the reasoning behind it is similar. So Can anyone think of why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would highlight these three profits? I'll give you guys a quick couple of seconds to respond to this. Why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlight these three prophets Ibrahim Ali said I'm more Sally Salaam and you're a salahi's seller.
As you can imagine, it's probably tough to type on your phone. I mean, unless you're watching this on the computer and you have a keyboard in front of you. It might be easier to do what if you don't have it on your phone can be difficult so I didn't mean to make this hard. A lot of work but we have a response. Is it because the remote resemble the prophets of Allah while you're selling the most great, great, great attempt the healer jackal affair? Thank you so much for having me. So Allahu Allah Sena was from the lineage of Ibrahim that's by Shahab Ahmed, then we have Shanaze also saying that they are from the same lineage. And then basilar mentioning that they are the greatest
prophets, very good answers very, very good answers and Xochimilco to everyone for participating.
You'll notice that Ibrahim alayhis salam, everyone agreed upon him, everyone agreed upon him, meaning the Qureshi accepted Him. The Christians accepted Him and the Jewish people accepted him as well. So he is like the founding father of all prophets, and that's why he's known as above and beyond. And then a way that he is a unifying figure. And then also easily Saddam was the main prophet for the Christians, even though they deviated in that front and considered him the son of Allah subhanaw taala. harshly love
and Musashi Salaam is the main prophet for the Jews. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us the importance of finding unifying and common factors between people that you want to mention figures that people can relate to and people can understand. And also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us the importance of recognizing physical descriptions. So he's trying to explain to the companions who these people looked like that Yes, even though you may not have seen them, this is what they looked like and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is showing the importance of recognizing those physical features. So he says that most either he said, um, he
looked like the people from this tribe. And he mentioned that he salesianum looked like Anwar with muscle and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, resembled Ibrahim Ali Salah, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to mention jabril and as we know, jabril he has his original figure. And then the figure that jabril would take when he would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not wanting to scare the people away. So as you breathe his original figure, you know, you were talking about anywhere from 200 to 400, wings, a, a giant figure that would easily scare people away. Yet, when gibreel used to come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam interact with him in human form, he would take this shape and the figure of the here and Colby was one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was known for his beauty. And this also shows us that as people of Islam, we don't want to scare people away. We want to bring people in, and we want to make our presence welcoming to people as well. So this shows us the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlighting the physical appearance of previous prophets and even angels and how you should be able to recognize them. Then we move on to the next Hadith number 14. I heard a little fella say, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and there is no one remaining upon the face of the earth today, who has seen him besides me. I said to describe him to me, he said he was fear complexion and
Handsome countenance, moderating his qualities and feature features. So the companion over here His name is Muto failed on eBay filler at dosi armory, the washita dosi. Why is he a unique companion, because he was the last Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to die. He was the last Companion of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam to die, so he was the last one that remained alive and Subhana Allah that comes with a sadness that all of your companions, all your contemporaries, they have passed away the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has clearly passed away. But it also comes with a sense of pride and joy, on how you're the last of a living legacy
that can describe the Prophet sallallahu. I never said that, having seen him with your own busted eyes. And I think, you know, there's always that fine balance in Islam, between sadness and joy. And this narration mentions it over here that yes, he was the last one to remain alive. And neither none of his other companions were alive at that time. But he was at least blessed enough to have seen the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam himself, and he will to share that description with them. And he says that he was very complexion, and he was handsome, moderate in his qualities and features. And then the last narration we have for this chapter, and then we begin chapter number two is that the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a slight space between his two blessitt front teeth, when he would speak something.
He when he would speak something like a light would be seen emanating from between them. Over here, we highlight the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had a space between his teeth. And this was actually considered as a sign of beauty. in that culture, in Arab culture, having space between your teeth, and in some people actually, intentionally choosing space between their teeth, as a sign of beauty was something that was done. This was something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wasallam, naturally had, and that was a slight space. And then the narration also mentions that there was something like a light that used to emanate from him, meaning that
no, this can be taken literally in the sense that sometimes you would see some sort of, of light come out, and Allah knows best. This doesn't seem to be the case. or his words were like light, they were like, guidance in times of darkness. And this seems closer to the truth. You know, it is unfortunate that sometimes we have people excessively praise the prophets of Allah and your Salah. What does that mean? How can you excessively praise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you excessively praise the prophets of Allah while they were set up. When you attribute to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that which isn't true. So things like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam being created from light and not having a shadow. This is not true. In fact, we have the narration of Isola della Juana that it was dark one night and she couldn't find the prophets of Allah why and they were set up. So she had to reach out with her arms because she couldn't see him with her eyes. So this was not a physical light, but rather this was a light of guidance and his presence, bringing that form of guidance and, and spirituality. That is what it refers to. So this is something to highlight in this section over here. Now we move on to chapter number two, chapter number two, the Bible Matt Jaffe Hotham, in the Buddha what has been narrated concerning the seal of
prophethood. The seal of Prophet hood is referring to two things. Number one, the prophets of Allah while he was in and being the seal of all prophets himself, meaning that there are no profits after him. And then number two, on how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a mark on his back, that would highlight that he was a prophet from Allah subhana wa Tada. As you mentioned, the prophets of Allah why there was cinemas coming was foretold by Ibrahim Ali Salaam in the die that he made. It was foretold by Isa, he said, and when he said that there would come a man named Ahmed. So now how would they recognize this man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, through his teachings through his
character, but also through this symbol. And we see that this is particularly present in the hadith of Solomon, that is going to come forward. So there's not going to be much commentary on this section. And we're just going to read through it in sha Allah, altogether about seven a hadith as well.
So I heard cybermedia said say, My maternal aunt took me to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said, O Messenger of Allah, my nephew was suffering from pain. So he wiped his blessing hand on my head, and prayed to the ibw blessed then he performed wudu and I drive from the leftover ritual purification water. I stood behind his blessings back and gazed upon the seal of prophethood between his shoulders, and lo and behold, it was like a button of a bed canopy in size. So say before you said he's a
he's, he's narrating this. He said, I heard you say that my maternal aunt took me so when he has
A young child took him to the preferred Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was suffering from pain. The other narrations mentioned that side had heard hurt his leg, and he was having pain in his leg. And others mentioned that he was just sick and had a fever. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wiped his head and prayed. So the process of Christ his head, and he prayed for him. And this shows us how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a soft spot, that even for the young children, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray for them and used to caress their head. Now, as we know, we know that the orphan child, when you caress their head, it softens
your heart. And for every hair on their head, you have a sin that is forgiven and a good deal written down from you for you, according to some narrations, that the Prophet sallallahu IDEO said, I've been wanting to show love to all children, he used to caress the heads of the children to show that love, and he used to make dua for them. And here he made the that he be healed and cured. And we see that he eventually was healed and cured. Number two, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made Voodoo, and the water that was left over from it. So he drank from it to save drank from it. And this is something is important to highlight that yes, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam was bless it to the degree that that which he touched, became blessing. But this was something exclusive for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is not for people in our time, that when we make wudu, that people drink their water, water, or people use that with the water and wipe it over themselves. This is not from Islam at all. Now, how do we know this is something exclusive for the Prophet sallallahu it was set up that had there been any goodness in it aboubakar Allah, Allah would have done it. Amara de la Noida whether that and all the great companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have done it, yet they never did that
were they performed well though, and then gave the remnants of the router water for others to drink, or for them to use. And this is how we know this was exclusive for the prophets of Allah, why they were sent him. Then say it mentions that I stood behind him. And I saw between his blessings shoulders, the Seal of prophethood. And it was like a budget meaning it was small in size, like this. So it wasn't very, very large. And that was the seal of profit on that was on his back in between his shoulders. The power and the mentioning of between the shoulders is not an exact place. But rather This is just an approximation. In other narrations, we find that it was on his left
shoulder blade. So closer to the left side, closer to the left side. So we see that it was something small. Then in the next Hadith we have, I saw the seal of prophethood, between the blessing shoulders of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It was a more so that was slightly raised, reddish in color, and the size of a pigeons egg. So again, over here, it's a piece of flesh that is raised, it is reddish in color. And it is the size of a pigeons egg meaning very, very small. Then we have the next narration, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu I never send them say, and had a wish to kiss the seal of prophethood between his blessing shoulders that day, I could
have owing to the proximity to me say on the day of Saudi minimal, I'm passing the throne of a rough man shock for him the throne, the war of man, shock for him.
So the narrator of this hadith is a Roma, and she has a grandmother and she says I was so close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I could have kissed his shoulder blade at that time, due to how close he was to me. So the shoulder was exposed to the prophets of Allah and he was set up. And she saw between his two shoulders, the Seal of profit. And this was the day that saw them in either La Jolla, who I know, passed away side of him either was one of the leaders of the unsought he was a righteous man, he passed away around the age of 37 years old, in the Battle of hudec. Now the fact that the throne of Allah man shook, this shows us how happy that Allah subhanaw taala is and was to
meet Solomon wife, that Allah the throne of Allah, man shock, and the some of the scholars went even further and explaining this, that the angels that hold the throne became so happy and so overjoyed at the passing of Saddam and wife, that is why the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala shock. So that is a further explanation that is mentioned. And in my recollection, and in my reading, I have not seen this mentioned for anyone else, that the throne of Allah subhanaw taala shocked at the passing of someone else. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best Hadith number 19. When Allah rajala, who I know would describe the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would say, and between his
bursted shoulders was the seal of prophethood and he was the Seal of Prophets. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had this particular seal of prophethood. And he was the seal of profits, meaning that no profits came after him. And we spoke about this yesterday how he said, he said, I'm coming towards the end of time, this
is not the greatest because inside a salon will come as a follower of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hadith number 20 the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me, oh, Abu Zaid, come close to me and Rob by back. And so I rubbed his blessings back and my fingers touched the blessings seal. What is this seal? He replied, a collection of here. So one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was with Abu Zaid and the fact that he refers to him as Abu Zaid is a sign of love and respect that in Arabic culture, you don't refer to people by their first names, you rather refer to them as their cornea or that which they are most renowned by or a name that which
they love. That is how you refer to them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is showing that love and respect by referring to opposite with his cornea, and then he says, Come close to me and rub my back. Now why did the prophets of Allah while he was still them do this. So scholars have highlighted three points number one, that perhaps the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt something on his back that he wanted removed, or number two, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was feeling some sort of discomfort, and he was asking Abu Zaid to massage his back ends to rub his back. And we'll highlight a fixed point related to that. And point number three that Abizaid had
seen the seal of prophethood on the prophets of Allah why there was no mind was intrigued, but he was too shy to ask the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to see it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam naturally gave him that opportunity that if you want to look at it further, you know, you can come rub my back and you can see
the seal of prophethood. Now the fifth point I want to share with you is what is the ruling on getting a massage in Islam? Right, are we allowed to receive a massage? And the scholars when they comment on this Hadith, they said yes, with conditions that number one, it should be by the same gender. And then number two, the area of the hour should not be touched the area of the hour should not be touched. And as long as these two conditions are met, then it is permissible to receive a massage it is permissible to receive a massage. Based upon this hadith of Abu Zaid, based upon this hadith of Abu Zaid and I will say he actually touched the seal of the Prophet hood. And he said that
there was a small collection of hair that that could be felt there was a small collection of hair that could be felt, added number 21. And this is the main idea that I want to discuss with you guys in this chapter. And this is the hadith of Salman al Farsi that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived in Medina said man alafasy came bearing a tray of fresh dates and placed them before the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were upon he asked a man, what is this? And he said, man asked, it is a charity for you and your companions. He the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said remove it, for we do not consume charity. So he removed it and came the next
day with the legs of it, and placed it before the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ano was set up. whereupon he asked Selma, what is this? And Solomon replied, It is a gift for you. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to his companions, extend your hands. He Solomon later saw the seal of prophethood on his blessings back and immediately believed in him at that time, he was owned by some Jews. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam purchased him for a certain number of their homes, when the condition that with the condition that he plans that he planned to date palm trees for them, and that's still maintained to them until they produce fruit.
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam planted all the date palm trees except for one, which was planted by Omar. All of the day palm trees bore fruit the very same year, while the date palm of Omar did not bear any fruit. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked, What is the matter with this date palm tree, Alma replied, all messenger of Allah. I planted it, then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uprooted the tree, replanted it and it bore fruit within the year. Okay, so now let's
unpack everything that's in this hadith. Here we have semanal Farsi or the Allahu anhu coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a tree of dates saying that this is for you, and for your companions. So this shows us that people normally used to bring gifts for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and present it to him. Now from the diligence of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam is that he asked, What is this? Why are you presenting this to me? And here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and from what we know of other prophets, they are not allowed to accept charity. Why are they not allowed to accept charity? The scholars
mentioned that they are not allowed to scare a scab except charity, because charity is given from one that is considered a superior to one that is inferior and the need and then number two, there is pity that is shown to the one that is given to and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this was
Not allowed for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or the other prophets, or for the family or the prophets of Allah and they were set up. And thus they were not allowed to accept as a cat, or sadaqa. And this shows us the importance of verifying something that when you receive something, you have the right to verify what it is. And you also have the right to reject that if it's not suitable for you and not applicable for you, you have the right to reject it. So if someone is trying to give you a sadhaka, and they tell you that this is sort of a, you can tell them that, you know, jack calaca, thank you very much. But there are people that are much more in need that you can give this
other guy to, and it's perfectly fine for you to reject it.
Obviously, with good manners and a smile on your face and treating them respectfully. Number two, he comes back the next day. And he says that he and he pretty much brings the same thing. And he says that this is now a gift for you, what is the difference between a gift and a sadhaka. As I mentioned, the southerner has those two characteristics, and the gift also has characteristics the gift is given to one whom one that loves and how one wants to show honor and respect to. So this is the the gift that is given on behalf of cinema. So now I want you to understand something that before salmaan dolla dolla wydo meets the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was told that the
Prophet of Allah that is on this earth is going to have three characteristics. Number one, they will not accept sadaqa. Number two, they will accept a gift. And number three, they will be a seal of prophethood. So on day number two, both of them have been confirmed. The only thing that is left is the seal of prophet or is the seal of Prophet and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed some man to come and see the seal of prophet or to make sure that he was certain and that is once a man or the Allah who I know, ended up accepting Islam ended up accepting Islam. But Samantha Yama, who I know he was a slave. And this shows us that even the generosity of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, that someone that was a slave, the Prophet sallallahu earlier, some had no obligation to free them. But this shows us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was kind and generous. And even though there was no obligation, he knew that no one wants to live in slavery. So he told Samantha negotiate his contract to get out of slavery, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would honor it. So as a man, he made a contract with his owner at that time, that he would tender to the dates or times to the date palm trees, which are posted in 300. In other explanations, and then thereafter, he would pay some gold, and then he would be free. So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he wanted to show.
And actually, maybe this is not the right word that I want to use. It wasn't that he wanted to show what he wanted to expedite expedite the freeing of sun man. So normally, when you plant date, palm trees, they'll take several years to reap fruit, they'll take several years for the fruits to grow. Yet once a man made this contract, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam helped him and he planted all the trees except for one that Omar planted and all of the trees bore fruit in that first year, except for that one tree that Amara bore. And this is just so that the contract of semantically expedited and he wouldn't have to wait several years, so that the fruit rapes and only then can sell
man purchases freedom.
And then this one tree that was still not bearing fruit, the process of what happened. And it was Amara della who I know that had planted this tree. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, uploaded the tree and planted a new one. And that tree also bore fruit in that year. And this is considered from the miracles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's something that normally wouldn't happen. It happened in the case of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And this happened so that the freeing of salmon or the Allahu anhu, could be excavated. And this shows us the variance in righteousness that Amara della Han who is a mirror, not many in his Khalifa, he is the
the novel from the noblest of companions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet, even someone like him, was not given this miracle, it was something that was exclusive for the Prophet sallallahu it was sent up. So to understand that the prophet SAW Allah why they were sent up, had this rank, even above the noblest of the companions, the legs of a worker and Omar rhodiola, who is home as a marine.
Now, in the last point that I mentioned over here in relation to this Hadith, it's a question that is asked a lot, you know, where does Islam stand on slavery? And what I can highlight over here is that there's a lecture by Sheikh Omar Suleiman, that talks about the concept of slavery in Islam. And then there's also a paper by Shehata, Maharaj, which I would highly recommend reading as well. It's on his own website, and I believe on the appeal as well. And then last but not least, Dr. Jonathan Brown has come out with a book on slavery in this lab. So those are some great resources that talk about the concept of slavery in Islam, and the role that Islam played in gradually
abolishing slavery. So those are some great reasons
For resources for us, that are interested in in, in apologetics to look into, we will want to the second to last Hadith, I believe, yes, Hadith number 22. I asked Abu Sado to be about the seal of prophethood of the Messenger of Allah meaning the seal of Prophet and he replied, It was slightly raised more so flesh on his blessitt, upper back, and then Hadeeth number 23. And this is the Hadith we will be concluding with today.
I came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while while he was with some of his companions, I went to behind him like this. And the Prophet sallallahu I lived in realized what I wanted. So he removed his cloak from his blessing black, and I saw the place between his blesses shoulders on which was the seal. It was like a clenched fist around which were some beauty marks. It was as if it were a round and raised a piece of flesh. I went back around until I faced him and said, May Allah forgive you or messenger of Allah? He replied, and may He forgive you to? The group asked, Did the Messenger of Allah really ask forgiveness on your behalf? I replied, Yes. And for you
to then he Abdullah bin Soto just recited the verse Surah 47, verse 19, and seek forgiveness for your them and for the wrong actions of the believing men and believing women. And this is a
you know, a beautiful Hadith to conclude on span Allah, because it shows us the the level of nurturing children we're giving were given at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Abdullah in the South jesolo de la who I know was a young boy, when this incident happened, you can imagine 7010 years old. There is a Holocaust, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abdullah and his friends. They're just wandering around in circles. And they weren't reprimanded. They weren't rebuked. But when they would get behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they would pause. And that is because there was gossip going on, amongst the young boys, that the Prophet
salallahu alaihe salam has the seal of Prophet on the back, that is miraculous in nature, right? And observing the soldiers, he wanted to see what this seal of prophethood was. So you can imagine that as this gathering is going on, and these kids are running around, they're not being reprimanded. And at the same time, when a buildup of soldiers stops at the back of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu it if someone knows what he wants, he knows that he wants to see the seal of the prophethood and rather than just telling him shoo, you know, go away, we're having a holiday or we're having a gathering. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed him when he
wanted to see which was the seal of the prophet or so he lowered his The, the, the upper garment, so that the living soldiers could see it. And after I'm delivered, so just sees it, and he says that it is raised, and there was some beauty marks around it. He comes to the front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he says to me, Allah forgive you. Now, why would a young boy,
aged seven to 10 years old, tell the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? May Allah forgive you? Some could assume that you know what, the Seal of Prophet who didn't live up to the expectations of this young boy and he said, May Allah forgive you that, you know, it was exaggerated to such a degree and it was very underwhelming. That could be a possible reason. But imagine and remember, either these are young kids from the time of the prophets of Allah while they were set up, they knew the code or they knew the level of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And they knew the respect and character of the Prophet salallahu idea was set up, that when you made the offer the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you knew at the very least, that he would make do the same or even better than it. So when he said to me, Allah forgive you.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and May Allah forgive you too.
And for me, that just boggles my mind that a young kid at the age of seven to 10 years old, how could he understand the value of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam making dua for him, May Allah forgive you. Like how would you find them that how do you understand that other than the fact that you raised and the generation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the companions are the alojado and their gatherings in their blessitt
presences. That's all I can say, Pamela. And then then, as Abdullah surges of the Allahu anhu is narrating this narration.
People are astonished and shocked. They're like did the Messenger of Allah make the law for you? Because they knew what a such a such a big thing was that if the Messenger of Allah do out for you, you know, it's coming true. You know what's going to happen, then Allah will forgive you. And other than the savages, again, we see his maturity that as he grows older, we see this intelligence inside of him. Then as people are coveting this from him that you know, Subhana Allah, the Messenger of Allah do have for you, you know, how can I have that have delivered the soldiers he reminds
The people of the of the verse in the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala says, was still fairly them big well meaning I mean that, that seek forgiveness for your sin and for your them. And for the believing men and believing women mean that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sought forgiveness for all believers side forgiveness for all believers. Now, that for me is just remarkable in terms of emotional intelligence that is built upon this young child, that he knew how to get the dough out of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then as he grew older, I narrates this narration. He knows how to make sure that people aren't left out. He knows how to make
sure that people aren't left out. Now what I want to conclude with is why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make this the first? Why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make it stay far when Allah subhanaw taala mentioned at the beginning of salto Rome, that all of the sins of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have been forgiven, the past of them and the future of them. And this ties us into a discussion that the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala were saved from major sins, and they were saved from doing sins that were done intentionally. What they were not saved from was human mistake and human error. And that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave
because they were saved from the first two categories. So the only thing that is left is human mistake and human error. And that is what Allah subhanaw taala forgave. So now when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in some narrations is seeking forgiveness 100 times a day, or 70 times a day or more than that, why is he seeking forgiveness? Some of the scholars mentioned that this is to degree lead by example for the oma that you almost should continuously be making so far. And thus the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to instill it in the oma. But there is a greater reason that even Kodama and Emmanuel ghazali and others mentioned and that is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was making this the first and not for sins, but for missed opportunities. So for missed opportunities of goodness, that he could have done, that he missed out on he seeking forgiveness, or if there was anything disliked, that isn't taught on, but he happens to fall into that he's seeking forgiveness for that as well. And then also just the blessings and rewards that come with seeking forgiveness like protection. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is making a stick far for that protection as well. And this is what I wanted to conclude on that when we look at the study of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Yes, we're just concluding the
physical description. But the physical description and the inner person go hand in hand. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his beauty was in the combination of his beautiful soul and his beautiful presence and being along with his beautiful physical creation. So when we talk about the beauty of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one cannot be separated from the other and they have to be taken hand in hand. And this chapter in particular, when we look at the fact that how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dealt with young kids, particularly those that were sick, particularly those that were playing in the masjid, and running around, we see the the true beauty
of his character, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, something that we should all be striving to internalize. And also taking the lesson from the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in continuously making is the far every opportunity that we get.
inshallah, in next week's class on Tuesday, we'll be getting into the description of the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that too will be a relatively quick chapter in sha Allah, and we will continue from there. Now Allah subhanaw taala allow us to internalize the beautiful characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now let's pan out the other beautifiers with his character, may Allah subhana wa tada place his guidance
in US and around us and make us of those that are raised upon his guidance in the hereafter Allah Homa mean, or sallallahu Sallam Oh, by the calendar, Vienna Mohammed Wyler earlier he was so happy he remained. Thank you channel if you guys have any questions today, I can actually answer your questions. And I'll scroll back through to see who gives the labs and those that I didn't get a chance to respond to and respond to their salaams
so who do we have here? Priscilla Heba. Noel shehnaaz Ramsey, I'm not sure if you're still there, but while you can sell our home to LA who bought a car to
Sam Wiley coma Salama, Allahu wa barakato solok while they can Salam rahmatullah wa barakato Zarina why they come Salah rahmatullah wa barakato.
nother you just got the book, what Yaki masala Jazakallah here for getting the book in Charlotte's a benefit to you and to all those that you share.
This knowledge with lovina widecombe Salah automata Allahu wa barakato that he does alone while he can Salah hunter Allah who would like to. It's so nice to see so many familiar names from last year lavaca I'm glad that you guys are alive in Allah subhanaw taala keep you safe and make this month a means of getting closer to him and our sins forgiven and our good deeds raised alarm I mean
and then who else did I miss?
Okay, those are just answers to the questions
well, er calm no problem
what IAQ no problem. My pleasure delivery northmen Okay, so it doesn't seem like there any questions, so we'll conclude with that inshallah Docomo for attending. inshallah we will continue on Tuesday at 7pm MST time, which is Mountain Standard Time, Edmonton and Calgary. And then also it's 9pm New York, Montreal, Toronto insha Allah subhanho wa Taala behind the Casa de la la land as the go to Lake wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.